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S13.E34: 5 Finalists Perform

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Exactly.  It's one thing to act confident, but she acts like she's some kind of huge star and it's actually kind of pitiful.  Also, I'd like to add to ari333's  list of Jena words:  "maaaaay" instead of "meeeee."


Hee, Ohwell THIS.


"Stope mockin a full oot-tah MAAAY..... Vie-ler-RYE." Pass me HelloPatti's neck pencil.


Jess looked hot in that red dress. When she stood after the sitting singing, I was all, (as the kids say) "if that were me I'd so step on my own dress when standing up and do a header into the judges table. "


Why is it no one notices in the judgery that JENA7Q!#$ doesn't have a lower register to speak of? Are they not allowed to notice or comment on it? Holy Mother. I also loathe JENA's$#7Q patented HMU move of which she is so very fond. (Here's My Underarm.) Stop it.




(hands up - for those who require a translator)


My computer is going wonky and eating my posts.

Edited by ari333
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I like Sam too, and as you pointed out, he doesn't need to have great performance skills to record an album.  He's young and inexperienced, yet has come a long way just since he's been on Idol, so I feel certain he could learn how to be more comfortable on stage.


I think the Idols Tour this summer will do him a world of good.  He can work out a stage presence without the pressure of being judged.


I happen to really like Caleb and Jessica, but here's my take on them: Caleb is very smarmy and arrogant and Jessica has little emotion and seems socially clueless and rude. But those traits seem innate to them and I don't think they are trying to put on a "cool" persona, and I think they are exactly the same off-camera.  Whereas Jena...I have no idea what her personality is because I feel that every.single.movement and word is carefully thought out to show the world the act she wants to be (and thinks will make her successful).  Personally, I'll take cold, arrogant and real over cute, wild and fake any day.


I'm remembering that Jena asked Caleb to her prom. Can you even imagine? I certainly hope none of the other kids plan to dance, because those two ain't giving up an inch of floor space.

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Boom, there it is, Arii33 :)


Hee, Mrs.M The karma gods are getting me for my rants by wonking my laptop, eating my posts, and making me retype.


Here's one that will send me to hell for sure. JENA's$#7Q! face reminds me of that kid on Frasier who played Frasier's son. I wish I had a screen shot. I'm not saying she looks like a male. I just mean they could be siblings in a different time. Oh never mind;  I just can't stop myself. :)


I really liked the Whitesnake song. There. I said it. And Alex's voice  was gorgeous with that woman on Say Something. That's how you do a ballad, Caleb.


I'm remembering that Jena asked Caleb to her prom. Can you even imagine? I certainly hope none of the other kids plan to dance, because those two ain't giving up an inch of floor space.  


True that. Do 23 year old men really go to proms?

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Should be very interesting tonight.  I think it is Sam and Jessica in bottom 2.  I will say one thing though, when one of the Alex/Sam go, the other will more than likely inherit a lot of those voters, and may result in a surprise offing of someone like Jena or Caleb.  I wonder how strong Jessica's fanbase is to be honest. If she goes tonight and next week it is Sam going, then I really think the backlash will be an outing of the Caleb/Jena duo.  Honestly pretty much by now, anyone with any salt is going to get a deal if one is in the cards for them.  Alex has established what he can do and doesn't need the win.  Caleb, win or no win, is going to be some front cover or imitator and that's about it.  Jena will have a pop hit and then fall like Ashley Simpson did.  Sam is a true winner because he now has had a great life experience and money for school.  

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I also thought of The Monkees when I saw the title "Valerie."

I learned all I know about the other "Valerie" by watching Naya Rivera sing it on "Glee". Go on Itunes and listen to the sample of it in a quicker tempo and you'll get what the judges meant. And Naya blew it out of the friggin WATER! That's why it's hard to listen to JENA! NOT GINA! singing it also Michaelina Buble style. 


I don't see Caleb as arrogant. When I saw those old pictures of him, he seems to be the same kind of kid he has been his whole life-the one that liked the attention (I had a kid like that, used to do a little dance behind her older sister while I was talking to the sister, would make faces while I was talking to her - just had to be the center of attention). I see him as a bit of a pain in the a$$ but at least he has some talent to make up for it. I'm semi-afraid it's going to catch up to him like it did with Chris Daughtry (I can still see Chris' face in my mind when he got tossed on Idol all those years ago). 


HONDS UP! Pencils at the ready! It's going to be an interesting show tonight!

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HONDS UP! Pencils at the ready! It's going to be an interesting show tonight!


HelloPatti I "bleeeve" you mean HONDS OPP! (The trick is you have to totally commit to the marbles.) :)


 Pencil at the ready with a big ole' side of Pepto - enough for everyone. I'm a share-er like that.


I saw a gif somewhere of JLo doing the stankface standing dance with the little circle hand gestures during Whitesnake. I wanted to say, " sit your happy ass down," but Keith was geeking it up pretty cute, so I let it go.


And if I hear about those effing glow stix one more time.... well, pass the pencil - PTP, for short.

Edited by ari333
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I think when Jena$#! makes it huge after AI as the number one superstar of the universe she should drop the confusing Jena part entirely & just go the Prince route. ‰ 's heah! Honds opp!

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Oh, Holy mother! You nailed it. NAILED. IT. There it is, replete with HMU (Here's My Underarm) gestures. "HERE WE GO!!" Oh gag me. If JENA#$7Q starts doing that kicky thing I will throw things.


Of course, there is a difference--when Hayley Williams sings, even when she's jumping around, you don't need subtitles to hear the lyrics.

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I think when Jena$#! makes it huge after AI as the number one superstar of the universe she should drop the confusing Jena part entirely & just go the Prince route. ‰ 's heah! Honds opp!


OMG I spit my Fresca. Yes, I drink it. It's delicious. I can hear it now; "The artist formerly known as JENA#$7Q! has flopped after Idol and has joined a cult in a random mountainous area."


I love Keith's jawline so that's the only thing stopping me from mocking his chicken head chair dance.



Edited by ari333
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Jehna's "Cahm on every-bide-dy!" is second only to "Every-bide-dy OPP!"


When I try to read this phonetically, I hear it in my head in Dr. Nick's voice (from "The Simpsons).

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I thought Jessica was the only one who was good on both performances.  Alex and Caleb were each quite good on their second, but pretty bad on their first.  Jena and Sam were not all that good on either.  Since I have liked many of Jena’s previous performances (even if she does strike me as a much less talented version of Christina Grimmie from The Voice), I hope its Sam's turn to go.  But it will probably be Jessica.


Where I will give AI some credit is that they’ve really improved their song selection this season.  We’re not getting nearly as many of the usual tired old played out golden oldies or generic Top 40 pop tunes that we’ve already heard done to death (and often better) on these shows.  Meanwhile The Voice seems to headed in the opposite direction.


Before last night, I had never ever heard of Ariana Whatshername or that other guy Ryan was talking to. In fact, in both cases I thought it was some random person from the audience.




Whatever else you may say about Ariana Grande, she does have an incredible voice.  She takes me back to a time when pop stars could actually sing.  No autotune necessary for this girl.




What was that?  Whatever happened to Haley Williams?  Oh for the good old days...



Edited to add that I'm not sure why the YouTube videos got imbedded in this post.  I guess I'm still not familiar with how PTV works.  I hope it's not a problem.

Edited by viajero
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I find the idea that 'Murica picked these songs or that these contestants chose some of these off a list highly dubious.

Alex: only person who was good on both songs. Say Something was a better showcase for his voice, though this song has been done to death on competition shows which diminished my enjoyment of it a bit.

Jessica: sounded pretty good on the choruses of her first song, but the verses were flat. Maybe should have raised the key a bit. Her second song is my favorite performance of the season and probably the only thing I'd consider downloading from this year so far. Perfect song choice for her, though that opening pose may be the most awkward opening pose on Idol ever.

Caleb: first song was ROUGH. Pitch all over the place. Felt kinda phoned in. Sang it like he knows what a truly shitty song it is. Second song....did his thing. I don't like Whitesnake so I was kinda bored. His voice sounded ragged like he was either sick or maybe blew it out a bit practicing that Whitesnake song.

Sam: first song was OK, but boring. Second song had some major pitch problems, though he recovered a bit towards the end of it. Needs to lose the damn hipster douchebag hats.

Jena: I'm not a Jena hater, but this was her worst night. First song was mediocre, second was a hot mess. I'll never understand the fascination with Valerie on these shows. Few people can pull it off. Jena a'int one of em.

Trio: meh....boys had weird hang dog expression for someone signing about the best day of their life

Duo: their voices blend well, but it was kinda awkward even before seacrest made it worse

Hoping Sam will go home, but prepared for it to be Jessica

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OMG I spit my Fresca. Yes, I drink it. It's delicious. I can hear it now; "The artist formerly known as JENA#$7Q! has flopped after Idol and has joined a cult in a random mountainous area."

I love Keith's jawline so that's the only thing stopping me from mocking his chicken head chair dance.

I loves me some Fresca! My mom & aunt used to hide it from us kiddos when we were young. You mentioned cult & now I'm picturing Marble Mouth as the song leader for whatever cult Joe is leading over on The Following. "Pwas Owe!"

I like Keith & I make fun of him all the time. Join the party. It's fun! When he jumped up during Caleb McScreamy's song I laughed out loud. And then JLo joined him in their faux concert love fest & I lost it. Was Jen biting her lip at one point? Feel the music Papi!

Edited by ramble
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I'm not sure why the YouTube videos got imbedded in this post.  I guess I'm still not familiar with how PTV works.  I hope it's not a problem.

Not a problem. It's not only allowed here, but they've made it simple to do. They even explain how in this tutorial.

Edited by riley702
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Here's one that will send me to hell for sure. JENA's$#7Q! face reminds me of that kid on Frasier who played Frasier's son.



Her 3/4 profile reminds me of Richard Nixon.  HONDS OPP!!!!  Were she not such a clueless self-absorbed twit, maybe I wouldn't bust on her so hard.  Well, yeah, guess I would cuz I've hated her affectations since jump, and she's only gotten worse.  And the poor thing has a resting bitchface.  She needs to spend more time in front of the mirror working on THAT instead of perfecting her HMU move.


This is the hardest-to-look at group since ever.  Jessica is the only one without an unfortunate mug/uncomfortable teeth and jaw, but she appears pumped full of botox and slathered in pancake makeup to the point she looks like she's about 45.  

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Wow, Caleb sucked HARD on that Aerosmith.  I mean it was just awful (and he KNEW it too--props to him at least for knowing it).  It was the judges who balked at saying it.


Of course also to his credit is that he also never would have willingly picked that song, knowing of course it was totally wrong for his voice. I wish he'd just said that, but clearly (like the judges) he was afraid of offending Ameriker by being even slightly critical of them.

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I think Jena is pretty. I also think Caleb is cute but I guess there's probably mixed opinions about his looks. Jessica is pretty but she always has so much eye makeup on. I'd like to know what she really looks like without all the eyeliner. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference eye makeup makes. Sam was cute too, just had too many/too big teeth. Even though Alex is not conventionally attractive, clearly Jillian Jensen sees something in him. He looks decent with makeup on. I could personally care less what someone looks like as long as they sing well.

What I don't get is that if Caleb hated the Aerosmith song so much then why didn't he choose something else? Unless the lists were really short and the other songs were even somehow worse than that.

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Maybe it was the only ballad in the list? He had to do a ballad sooner or later, just to show he could. (Unfortunately, what he showed is that he couldn't. It wasn't a train wreck, but it sure wasn't good.)

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What I don't get is that if Caleb hated the Aerosmith song so much then why didn't he choose something else? Unless the lists were really short and the other songs were even somehow worse than that.


I'm sure it boiled down to only three or four choices at most, and the others may have been even worse matches for his voice/style (although it's hard to imagine anything worse, given how bad that was).

BTW: What the hell was up with that super-awkward Arianna Grande appearance (in Sam's intro)?  It was like they randomly dragged her off the street.  

Edited by Kromm
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I'm sure it boiled down to only three or four choices at most, and the others may have been even worse matches for his voice/style (although it's hard to imagine anything worse, given how bad that was).

BTW: What the hell was up with that super-awkward Arianna Grande appearance (in Sam's intro)?  It was like they randomly dragged her off the street.  

They asked the contestants who their celebrity crushes were and Sam said his was Ariana. They also brought in Zooey Deschanel because supposedly she is Alex's crush. I really think they just brought in a few people because they have something new to promote (Zooey is the star of FOX's New Girl, Ariana just put out a new single, and Austin Mahone has a new album coming out) It was a promo opportunity more than anything.

Maybe they also thought younger stars like Ariana and Austin would draw in the tweens. Or they thought if Ariana was there it would make Sam show some emotion for once in his song? LOL

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I thought Jessica had two good performances; I still think she has a difficult time connecting with the lyrics/showing an emotional connection and for me, that makes her performances difficult to watch.  The vacant, dead eye stare couple with the emotional content of the song is quite jarring to me.  That being said, if I close my eyes, she sounded wonderful.

OakGoblinFly, I have the same issue with Jessica's delivery.  Even when she sounds fantastic (I really enjoy her tone), her face is essentially dead.  I'm more expressive than that with a face full of novacaine.  It's terribly distracting and I'm surprised HCJ has stopped pointing it out after she sings.  

The most surprising thing to me is that she is a steadily working musician.  I expect more with that kind of stage experience.


Absolutely loved Alex and am eagerly awaiting adding any music he  releases into my collection.

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The Kelly Clarkson song Jessica will be singing exudes energy--I'm curious as to how she is going to pull it off--she definitely won't be able to just stand there behind the mic and sing the words.  That just won't do the song (and herself) justice--she's going to have to show more exuberance tonight!

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BTW: What the hell was up with that super-awkward Arianna Grande appearance (in Sam's intro)?  It was like they randomly dragged her off the street.  



That explains the missing pants.

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