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Hot Bench - General Discussion

Meredith Quill

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Maybe things will change, but I'm only a couple of minutes in and I'm wondering if there's something else going on because the judges really seem to hate the retired police officers.  The guy who is suing was expecting a $1400 dollar ring and a plaque that he'd been promised for most of his 25 years of service.  It's not much to show for putting your life on the line for a quarter of a century, but he was expecting it, and suddenly he's told the association he'd paid dues to for years has decided to stop giving out a gold/diamond ring and give a plain silver ring.


I've had family members who paid into funds for longer than that and suddenly have someone decide they don't deserve what they were promised, and these relatives were working in manufacturing, construction, public transportation, etc.  So I'm on board with the guy who wanted what he was promised.


I can only wonder if there was more to the case than what was shown on TV.

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This is now my favorite court show, I think.  There's decent variety. 


The case today/yesterday about the tenants (allegedly) leaving shrimp in the vents gave me a flashback.  I was in property management, someone shoved shrimp through our mail slot one evening to get back at us for evicting them.  At the time I thought it was pretty creative, didn't realize it was a thing others do too, apparently.  Angry tenants are fun.

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Today's episode was the Creepy Craigslist Landlord who got thrown out when the Judge told him not to say another word and he says "Word." Who does that? 12 year olds?



"I have three successful vocations."  Yeah, if you consider deli clerk a "vocation".  "I'm soon going to be buying a second home for my parents to live in."  How are you going to do that, if you can't afford your first house without taking in roommates?


The guy was beyond creepy, insisting on his female roommates only having a see-through shower curtain liner?  Taking showers in their shower with the door open and the see-through liner?  Creeping into their bedrooms?  Ick.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
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"I have three successful vocations."  Yeah, if you consider deli clerk a "vocation".  "I'm soon going to be buying a second home for my parents to live in."  How are you going to do that, if you can't afford your first house without taking in roommates?


The guy was beyond creepy, insisting on his female roommates only having a see-through shower curtain liner?  Taking showers in their shower with the door open and the see-through liner?  Creeping into their bedrooms?  Ick.

He was truly heinous...yikes!

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Yeah, by far that is the creepiest, scummiest litigant ever seen on a court TV show IMO. Over on People's Court, Judge MM will often say there are litigants she wants to get out of her court room and go take a shower after. This guy made me want to take a shower and scrub until there was no water left. *ewww*


It's probably too much to hope that people will see this and no longer rent from him. More likely he'll be getting arrested instead. 

Today's episode was the Creepy Craigslist Landlord who got thrown out when the Judge told him not to say another word and he says "Word." Who does that? 12 year olds?


Sonia used to be the Bailiff for Judge Joe Brown where she was invariably "Madam Sonia." I bet she has some stories to tell.

Dude has serial killer written all over him. I don't know how any of his tenants even lasted one night. I'd have been terrified to go to sleep in that house.
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The whole bank of them pissed me off in the hypnotherapy case.  First they giggled at the horreur of a pagan priestess, and then Bakman went all "I won't give anybody anything because I'm prejudiced against hypnotherapy".  Do your freaking job.  He also criticized the plaintiff because she dared to point out that she had a contract.  "You're not a gym or UCLA."  So what?  She had a contract.  Or do contracts only apply when you aren't prejudiced against the subject matter?

The whole bank of them pissed me off in the hypnotherapy case.  First they giggled at the horreur of a pagan priestess, and then Bakman went all "I won't give anybody anything because I'm prejudiced against hypnotherapy".  Do your freaking job.  He also criticized the plaintiff because she dared to point out that she had a contract.  "You're not a gym or UCLA."  So what?  She had a contract.  Or do contracts only apply when you aren't prejudiced against the subject matter?

Bakman is an ass. He's easily my least favorite of the three. I haven't seen this one yet, but I caught the preview last night and had a feeling it would go down that way. I always tell people to take out the name of the group they're disparaging and replace it with a more mainstream group and see if it sounds horrible. So instead of saying he's prejudiced against hypnotherapy, change it to he's prejudiced against blacks, or Jews, or Mormons, etc.


In yesterday's episode he seemed to dismiss the idea that a man could be the victim of domestic violence.When the defendant yesterday said she "let" her boyfriend see his brother, it set off all kinds of red flags. The dude just looked demoralized. And Bakman didn't seem to have any sympathy for him.

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In yesterday's episode he seemed to dismiss the idea that a man could be the victim of domestic violence.When the defendant yesterday said she "let" her boyfriend see his brother, it set off all kinds of red flags. The dude just looked demoralized. And Bakman didn't seem to have any sympathy for him.

I agree completely.  Plaintiff was was all smirky and I had no trouble visualizing her running roughshod all over that poor guy.  Just like any other abuser, she found herself someone with low self esteem and possibly a wit bit slow, then treated him like dirt.  Using the word "let" said it all to me.

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That dance performance was....odd. I agree the dance teacher should have been paid, but why in the world didn't the defendants protest the routine before the recital? It's sad that the girl got laughed at, but they still owe the money. if what we saw was the result of a year of practice, dancing is clearly not her thing. Maybe she can sing instead.

The case of the PTSD suffering veteran was strange too. If he's so worried about the cat getting out, why let the cat out of the apartment in the first place? I don't blame the defendant for being afraid. I'm a woman who also lives alone, and if someone were angrily banging on my door at 10 pm I'd be scared too.

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The case of the PTSD suffering veteran was strange too. If he's so worried about the cat getting out, why let the cat out of the apartment in the first place? I don't blame the defendant for being afraid. I'm a woman who also lives alone, and if someone were angrily banging on my door at 10 pm I'd be scared too.

That guy had some real issues that no cat is going to help. His arguments were simply ludicrous...

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I'm thoroughly confused and outraged with the judges who were prejudiced from the get-go because the woman was growing marijuana with a license.  How DARE she do something legal?  They started off from the very beginning asking her "what business were you running from your home?"  And she repeatedly TRIED to tell them she wasn't growing it for sale but for her own personal use, but they talked over her.  Judges need to quit putting their personal prejudices in their demeanor and follow, oh, I don't know, THE LAW!

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Watched the episode about the man who loaned a childhood friend money. The defendant had all sorts of terrible things happen to her -- eviction,  hubby mistreating her, had to get a friend committed -- but smiled through it all.  What was that smiling defendent on and how can I get some?

Edited by ElleMo
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This is now my favorite court show.  I like how they aren't particularly witty, so it's always a bit of suspense when they go off on someone.  Will they remember the words?  When they don't, how will they try to recover?


It's like the judges aren't that much smarter than the litigants, which is an interesting twist.

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We had a sad cas today. A woman and her daughter are murdered by the woman's boyfriend. The deceased woman's ex sues for the balance owed on the sale of a horse. Bakman is his usual charming self, implying that the father will abscond with the money if it's awarded. The nasty defendants decide that now is as good a time as any to throw shade on the deceased and her ex husband while the surviving child is standing right there. Just vile.

I did a little digging and found a news story written shortly after the murders. So freaking sad.


Edited by teebax

We had a sad cas today. A woman and her daughter are murdered by the woman's boyfriend. The deceased woman's ex sues for the balance owed on the sale of a horse. Bakman is his usual charming self, implying that the father will abscond with the money if it's awarded. The nasty defendants decide that now is as good a time as any to throw shade on the deceased and her ex husband while the surviving child is standing right there. Just vile.

I did a little digging and found a news story written shortly after the murders. So freaking sad.


I am so glad they awarded the full amount. I was stabby when I was watching this episode because it did sound like they might award only partial amount.  I don't understand why they even considered for a second deducting $200 from the total owed.  Does no one understand how banks work in the modern age??  I have an account at the same bank as these despicable women --Bank of America. You know how I get a canceled check?  I go online and print it out. Takes 5 minutes;  10 if my connection is slow that day  If I happened to be computer illiterate, I am sure that I could go to a branch and the teller can print that out for me.  The one woman mentioned "microfiche" so you know that she never even spoke to anyone at the bank; nothing is stored on microfiche any more..  I don't know how none of the three judges picked that up.  


If I was such good friends with a woman that these people said they were and she and her daughter were tragically killed, I would give the surviving child the entire amount.  Even if I didn't owe it to them because who needs to argue that out.


WTF Judge Bakman.  With no reason to, he verbally attacks the father, imply he will use the money for himself, but was willing to deduct $200 from the money owed because these shady women said they wrote a check.

Edited by ElleMo
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I think that's just Bakman's role on the show, he's sometimes has to make it seem like there's tension.  That's what I choose to believe, anyway, when he does stuff like that, or, say, question whether a guy could have been a domestic abuse victim.


I liked the recent one where he told the woman she was feigning crocodile tears.  He's such a card.

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Woo hoo hoo today's case was incredible!!! Good ol' Pastor Sprinkles (?) I think actually called Judge Acker the n-word!!!

Ug, they are the worst kind of "Christians"...but then I'm an atheist so I see these kinds of religious folks a little differently.

Eta: I'm leaving his name as Sprinkles...he's not earned any respect from me...

Edited by Eliza422
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Woo hoo hoo today's case was incredible!!! Good ol' Pastor Sprinkles (?) I think actually called Judge Acker the n-word!!!

Ug, they are the worst kind of "Christians"...but then I'm an atheist so I see these kinds of religious folks a little differently.

You and me both, pal.

It's Otis Pringle, and she showed his ass in court. I thought Acker was going to come off the bench and slit his throat!

Freaking charlatans. I'm not saying they're all hypocrites, but that's the kind of stuff that turned me off organized religion. How many members of his congregation do you think have jewelry and homes like his? Like the Bible says, his chances of getting into heaven are worse than that of a camel passing through the eye of a needle.

It made for great television, but I'd washed we had a chance to hear them deliberate.

The plaintiff was so funny in the hallterview. She said she didn't know it was going to go down like that. There's no way she'd have collected five grand if that asshole had an ounce of composure in the courtroom. The only n-word in there was him. He showed exactly who he his. Unfortunately, his sheeple will continue to rain money on him, anyway. And he knows it.

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Wow, what a case on today's new show! Poor innocent little shopper at the Vape store falsely accused (so she said) of shoplifting a vape battery by the evil store owner so she is suing the store owner about it. However, for once the store owner had high quality security camera footage, from multiple cameras, clearly showing her holding the battery, turning her back (switch to overhead camera) then putting the battery into her purse; this was after she made a big deal that she was wearing clothes with no pockets so she couldn't possibly have hidden the battery. More details, all carefully documented by the store owner. Absolutely a Judge Judy quality nuclear smackdown by the judges. My only quibble is that the term pathological liar was thrown around when it was clear to me that the plaintiff was a PROFESSIONAL liar and thief, who planned the whole thing and uses her little daughter to be a loud distraction while doing the stealing.

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The defendant in yesterday's sugar daddy case was pretty, until she opened her mouth. I doubt she'll take Judge Acker's words to heart, but I'm glad Acker took the time to give her that advice.

I'm so tired of these women who've decided the only way to obtain anything they want is through a man. Go back to school, get your education squared away, and buy your own designer clothing. I can't imagine being beholden to anyone in order to take care of my business.

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I'm thoroughly confused and outraged with the judges who were prejudiced from the get-go because the woman was growing marijuana with a license.  How DARE she do something legal?  They started off from the very beginning asking her "what business were you running from your home?"  And she repeatedly TRIED to tell them she wasn't growing it for sale but for her own personal use, but they talked over her.  Judges need to quit putting their personal prejudices in their demeanor and follow, oh, I don't know, THE LAW!


In the judges defense, I think that they had this attitude because growing weed is federally illegal.  Even people who grow for personal use in California have been arrested and convicted under federal laws I believe.  


So, yes, they may have allowed their personal bias to influence their performance on the show.  But they were still following the federal law. 

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