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Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion

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On 11/7/2017 at 3:44 PM, realityobserver said:

Can't find 'Railing Kill' website any longer... had it bookmarked and now it is a '3D Tour Map' page... WTF...


And that house will be worth about $25,000 when the Brown family leaves....

What, that much? After Noah "repairs" and the mechanicals, and rewires and puts in new plumbing, and Bear uses a chainsaw to remodel... I can just hear them going work on the house like on those house flip shows, "we'll take out this wall, open up this room" Roar, roar, CRASH! "BEAR! That was a load bearing wall!"

Edited by SRTouch
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Sticking this here for now since there's no thread for Season 6 (or 7 or 8 or whatever they're on it seems to keep changing); and I'm not even sure this is really part of a new season even though it's listed as episode 1.

 New episode Dec 15th at 10pm.  Not a lot of description on the Disco site but other news outlets saying it's a Christmas special that'll include an update on Ami.  We'll see if that's true or if it's 40 min of flashbacks to the bush and 5 min of updates in California or Colorado or wherever they are now.


Edited by sigmaforce86
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On 12/7/2017 at 10:32 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

New episode Dec 15th at 10pm.  Not a lot of description on the Disco site but other news outlets saying it's a Christmas special that'll include an update on Ami.  We'll see if that's true or if it's 40 min of flashbacks to the bush and 5 min of updates in California or Colorado or wherever they are now.

My guess would be door #1--40 minutes of flashbacks and filler, 15+ minutes of ads and maybe 5 or less of new footage.

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My DVR says 'new' episode on Friday 15th, I've been suckered before... haha

But it also says the X-mas (in July) episode (which is probably from last year) is showing a few days later, and then another Brown Xmas after that...

There were two X-mas episodes so far if I recall, one where the friends from down south came to visit and another were the kids (adults ??) made the god awful gifts for each other... and maybe even an earlier one where they went looking for the perfect Christmas tree, I think they made a big freakin deal out of it where Bear climbed the tree, and then Gabe cut it down... Of course all the X-mas episodes were filmed in the summer, (no snow, running around in t shirts), so they could get out of Alaska before the winter hit and they would have all died from exposure and extreme stupidity...

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, realityobserver said:

Christmas Special 2017 recap


Nice recap.  In defense of Ami "not having a clue what is going on", I would probaby be surprised too if someone sprang Christmas on me in the middle of September.  

Also surprising that we didn't really get any kind of medical update, considering the rumors have been all bad news.  Maybe they wanted to keep it light for Christmas, but Ami did appear to be in a lot better spirits than she was last season.

There was actually more new footage to this than I expected.  BUT, I want to say this:  The Browns no longer live in Browntown, or even in Alaska.  There is NO reason to ever see another clip of them in Alaska ever again in a "new" show.  STOP it with the flashbacks already, no one wants to see them.  If you can't come up with good new footage, get better scriptwriters.  Rant off.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, rmontro said:

There is NO reason to ever see another clip of them in Alaska ever again in a "new" show.  STOP it with the flashbacks already, no one wants to see them. 

Well put... the last half dozen shows have been a 'look back' at the good ole times or whatever they want to call them... I imagine they show them so they can still call the show Alaska Bush People...

4 hours ago, realityobserver said:

Well put... the last half dozen shows have been a 'look back' at the good ole times or whatever they want to call them... I imagine they show them so they can still call the show Alaska Bush People...

They can call them the Alaskan Fish People for all I care, as long as they quit showing those stupid flashbacks.

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On 8/17/2017 at 4:00 PM, SRTouch said:

Yep, as I remember all the adults (except Bear(?) for some reason) were facing felony charges. My guess is the producers brought in some lawyers who pled it all down to misdemeanors for Billy and Bam. Always wondered why Bam was singled out as the only one of the "kids" who was convicted. Did he have the cleanest of the records of the kids? Maybe he had the dirtiest... or simply drew the short straw. We know about Matt's Dui/hit and run at Wal-Mart, and I seem to remember various Field and Game violations and tickets for other "kids". As I remember, both Billy and Ami have records, according to some of the "hater" sites ("hater" sites, according to the true blue "lover" fans). Hard to say, as the State of Alaska and the DA treated the whole thing as just another case. Officials didn't really have much to say, while the Browns and producers treated it as a vast conspiracy. A noble sacrifice by Billy and Bam to accept a plea and serve time (at the fancy hotel) to protect the family, even though they were totally innocent. One of the results of the conviction is that the "lover" fans tired of being told Billy and Bam had publicly admitted committing fraud, and stopped popping up to argue their innocence. Always thought it too bad that the sentence kept the community service out of the lime light - would have been nice to see Billy walking along a highway picking up trash. Course, as it turns out, I have no idea what their community service entailed, but I can hope it involved Billy actually working.

Alaska wanted ALL of the adults to serve time over this, but the agreement was that only Billy and Bam would go to jail and plead guilty in exchange for not sending any of the others to jail. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, seniorpatriot said:

Alaska wanted ALL of the adults to serve time over this, but the agreement was that only Billy and Bam would go to jail and plead guilty in exchange for not sending any of the others to jail. 

The plea bargain was that Billy and Bam would plead guilty to fraud, in exchange for which all charges would be dropped against the rest of the family.  No one knew at the time that the plea bargain was made whether there would have been actual jail time.  And it ended up with no one "going to jail."  Billy and Bam spent 30 days with ankle monitors, staying at an extended-stay hotel in Anchorage with the family.  

On 1/1/2018 at 9:01 AM, seniorpatriot said:

Alaska wanted ALL of the adults to serve time over this, but the agreement was that only Billy and Bam would go to jail and plead guilty in exchange for not sending any of the others to jail. 

I seem to remember that Matt was not charged as he did not receive the payout.  So he was not part of it and Rain was too young, so any money to her would have been thru her parents.  So it could have been that Billy and Bam were the logical ones as a couple of them would have been minors.

If I remember right, Matt was living out of state and did not apply for the tax money. Both girls were minors at the time and were not charged. Everyone else was charged with the Theft.  Billy and Bam were the only two who pled guilty and were sentenced to "jail". All charges against everyone else was dismissed. Any news on how Ami is doing ?

22 hours ago, thebigboot said:

She’s cancer free


yeah, apparently from deaths doorstep to full recovery. Excuse me for still being a bit sceptic.

Wow. This is a new low, even for the Brown’s.  Anyone that knows anything about this terrible disease, understands that stage 4 lung cancer doesn’t just simply “go away,” treatment or not (My own father being no exception).

While I enjoy snarking on this show as much as the next person, my overall opinion of the Brown’s prior to this was that they were probably still a decent and close knit family. I certainly can’t say that anymore ☹

Edited by wanton87
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8 hours ago, wanton87 said:

Wow. This is a new low, even for the Brown’s.  Anyone that knows anything about this terrible disease, understands that stage 4 lung cancer doesn’t just simply “go away,” treatment or not (My own father being no exception).



I suspected this story line was exaggerated all along, but I am still somewhat shocked.  I don't know whether to think Ami got a lung cancer diagnosis and they embellished the details to make it as serious as possible (stage 4) or if the whole diagnosis was made up. Either way, they must think the viewers are stupid. I will not watch them again. A cancer diagnosis is devastating and we were all concerned for Ami and wanting updates praying for the family, etc.  For anyone who has had cancer themselves or sat at the bedside of a loved one with the disease, it is heartbreaking. The Browns are evil.

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On 1/20/2018 at 9:32 PM, whydoiwatch said:

I suspected this story line was exaggerated all along, but I am still somewhat shocked.  I don't know whether to think Ami got a lung cancer diagnosis and they embellished the details to make it as serious as possible (stage 4) or if the whole diagnosis was made up. Either way, they must think the viewers are stupid. 

"There's a sucker born every minute and you can never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"

PT Barnum

The Brown's have been running various scams since they left their various wombs. If the woman was really sick, she has/had my genuine sympathy, as did her family. If not...fuck'em.

If this indeed is true (about that cancer diagnosis either being phony or at least heavily embellished), then it is a new low for sure.  Not only for the Browns (which admittedly, I wouldn't put much past them even before this), but also for the Discovery Channel.  Because they went right along with this scam. 

They were equally complicit as the Browns were in this.  I will definitely re-arrange my viewing habits now.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, brgjoe said:

If this indeed is true (about that cancer diagnosis either being phony or at least heavily embellished), then it is a new low for sure.  Not only for the Browns (which admittedly, I wouldn't put much past them even before this), but also for the Discovery Channel.  Because they went right along with this scam. 

They were equally complicit as the Browns were in this.  I will definitely re-arrange my viewing habits now.

Ah, yes.... the Discovery Channel. I can remember the early days when it was The Discovery Channel, with an emphasis on educational programming. Then, to increase rating, the science became questionable... eventually turning into poorly scripted "reality" programming that bears little resemblance to reality.... and I'm not just talking the Brown Clowns.... or for that matter Discovery... I'm having trouble coming up with any of the cable/satellite channels that are even close to their early selves, and unfortunately I'm talking bowing to the ratings gods.

As the cable networks scramble desperately for viewers who have migrated to Netflix and Hulu and Amazon, the shows that are presented become more and more off the edge. Do you want to see southern trash making moonshine and acting completely goofy, watch 'Moonshiners'... You want to see a father and son search the world for gold in the most unbelievable situations, watch 'Gold Rush'... Need a fix to watch naked people running around afraid, watch 'Naked and Afraid'...

And of course the top of the heap of garbage is the insane antics of the ABP and their dying, but now fully recovered, mommy... pure bullcrap, and it actually makes you wonder what is next. Noah becomes the sheriff of Montrose, Iowa ?   Rain becomes a singing celebrity ?   Cupcake saves Lassie ? Billy tells the truth while working a real job ?  Anything is now possible for this fantasy world of the Browns....

And of course we still have the question of why in the world they hang onto this ridiculous title of the show...   They are no longer in Alaska, they aren't anywhere near the bush, and calling them people is like calling Bear fundamentally sane....


"G" for Grifters?


On 1/28/2018 at 12:57 PM, NEGirl said:

I saw last week about Ami being fully recovered and I was shocked. I have never heard of anyone, including a BIL and Aunt, recover from stage 4 cancer. So, I assume Disco and the browns sunk to a new low. 

They say she was down to 77 lbs.  And while Ami did not look well, I have to say we never saw her looking truly skeletal, like a lot of people become before death.

That aside, I don't know what to say.  I'm basically left speechless by this turn of events.

  • Love 1

The bottom line is we’ve railed against them for years for their scams and lies. This takes it to a whole different level.

Throughout the entire cancer saga we’ve all had our suspicions. Now we’ve practically had it confirmed this was nothing but another scam and excuse to move. 

What gets me the most is I have no doubt the entire family was in on this. Look at all the photos the kids were posting. Your mother is supposedly on death’s door but none of them could stop galavanting around and spend time with her.

Discovery has done some shady things in the past but this is just way too far. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, rmontro said:

Maybe she had cancer of some type, but there's no way I believe she had stage four lung cancer. 

Exaggerating some sort of medical problem into something far worse than it really is sounds right up Billy's alley, unfortunately.  

Back when they were giving the "diagnosis," the doctor said, "This could be cancer or some type of lung infection."  These folks are such shysters and con artists that I immediately assumed it was an infection . . . which would be cured.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, rmontro said:

Maybe she had cancer of some type, but there's no way I believe she had stage four lung cancer.

Exactly rmontro. Unfortunately, I have some experience with this dreadful disease, since this is what my father had. And to say that the prognosis for stage 4 lung cancer is very poor, is probably the understatement of the year.

What little respect that I had left for this family has probably dropped down into the negative digits, if that’s possible ☹

Edited by wanton87
  • Love 7
12 hours ago, rmontro said:

Maybe she had cancer of some type, but there's no way I believe she had stage four lung cancer. 

I believe all of them have some sort of cancer of the truth, mixed in with an infection of the morality, along with a diseased based reality....

The only one on that show with any sort of believability is Mr Cupcake, and 'he' is most probably a 'she'....


  • Love 4
On 1/29/2018 at 11:09 PM, rmontro said:

"G" for Grifters?


They say she was down to 77 lbs.  And while Ami did not look well, I have to say we never saw her looking truly skeletal, like a lot of people become before death.

That aside, I don't know what to say.  I'm basically left speechless by this turn of events.

It all depends on treatment. When my mom passed away from lung cancer that had spread to her brain, she had actually put on quite a bit of weight from the steroids. 

4 hours ago, wanton87 said:

Exactly rmontro. Unfortunately, I have some experience with this dreadful disease, since this is what my father had. And to say that the prognosis for stage 4 lung cancer is very poor, is probably the understatement of the year.

What little respect that I had left for this family has probably dropped down into the negative digits, if that’s possible ☹


I, too, have experience, since my mother passed from lung cancer that eventually spread to her brain. She had lost weight and was thin and pale before and during treatment. She was declared cancer-free after a lung operation and one round of chemo. She started regaining the weight she lost and appeared to bounce back - until it reappeared in her brain. Once that happened, she was never free again, even after two brain surgeries and two rounds of radiation.

Edited by Gothish520
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58 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

I, too, have experience, since my mother passed from lung cancer that eventually spread to her brain.

Same here. I didn’t learn until later that his happens in roughly 50% of all cases. The oncologist had declared the treatments as “working.” And in a certain sense I suppose you could say that they were, since the tumors were shrinking. But it was killing my father just the same. Once it went to his brain, the end was near, and he only lasted a few more months.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, wanton87 said:

Same here. I didn’t learn until later that his happens in roughly 50% of all cases. The oncologist had declared the treatments as “working.” And in a certain sense I suppose you could say that they were, since the tumors were shrinking. But it was killing my father just the same. Once it went to his brain, the end was near, and he only lasted a few more months.

So sorry for your loss. It's just horrible to watch a loved one go through that. Not only the nightmare of having cancer, but the treatments and drugs that take such a physical and mental toll. 

I can't say that the Browns are or are not lying. But just based on my family experience, it's possible that Ami's treatment has put her into remission.

Edited by Gothish520
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Another reason to put a check in the fake category:

We all know Brown town was fake, proven multiple times. Again, your mother has cancer and is in such bad shape so yes, go back to Alaska to fake dismantle a fake town because your contract was up. Makes a whole lot of sense. Though I guess it’s more reasonable then your mother is on her death bed so let’s go party.

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54 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

So sorry for your loss. It's just horrible to watch a loved one go through that. Not only the nightmare of having cancer, but the treatments and drugs that take such a physical and mental toll. 

Thank you, I appreciate it. And of course, my sympathies to you as well.

I’m usually quite the cut up, and don’t take these boards so seriously under normal circumstances. But something like this to me sort of feels like a slap in the face to those such as ourselves that have actually gone through this tragic experience.

I tell ya what though. If they do get a new season, it’s going to be no holds barred on these jokers from now on! ?

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, wanton87 said:

Thank you, I appreciate it. And of course, my sympathies to you as well.

I’m usually quite the cut up, and don’t take these boards so seriously under normal circumstances. But something like this to me sort of feels like a slap in the face to those such as ourselves that have actually gone through this tragic experience.

I tell ya what though. If they do get a new season, it’s going to be no holds barred on these jokers from now on! ?

Thank you as well, and if it is determined that they have perpetrated a lie regarding this, I will be right there with you!

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The above posts--both heart breaking and heart felt--show the difference between reality and reality TV.  Like most people, I've lost friends and family to various forms of cancer and it's a nightmare, both (obviously) for the victim and for the ones forced to deal and cope with the day to day and eventually often tragic resolution. And, equally horrible is the aftermath, dealing with the loss, the often enormous bills which keep coming and the forever empty place at the table, beside you in the car and the hole at the family parties which is never quite filled.

To, in even the slightest way, to turn genuine tragedy into just another con is despicable.

As I've said before; if the woman was really sick, she has my genuine sympathy. If this is simply another shill for ratings and a paycheck...fuck 'em. Big time.

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