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Alaskan Bush People - General Discussion

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While I've no idea where exactly their land is, nor what sort of spread they now have I do know that (parts of) Colorado are exploding population and building-wise. The first time I was in Denver was about 45 years ago. At that time there were around 1 million people in the area. Now there are 5 million and counting. Housing is at a premium, the roads and infer-structure are stressed, building is everywhere.  I know this because my son was hired by a company fresh out of college about 7-8 years ago and has been living and working there since; I've been out to visit a few times and we talk weekly. Sadly, they also have a large homeless problem.

Be all that as it may, the Brown's purchase could have potential for a decent profit should they end up selling or developing it down the road--and not in their destructive, BS usual manner. It might--and I stress might--actually be a smart move.

Just saying.

10 hours ago, clod said:

everyone-in-one-room     B&B?

(extreme) theme park?

Oh My God!  That's it!  That's the end game!   They "develop" the land mostly on Disco's dime, they drag the show on for one or two more years while they get "established" in their new territory.....................then they open it up to tourists!  Can you see the advertisements aimed at the people who still think this is real?  The same people who can't wait to send the family DVD's and books and "help" them?  

 Come Stay in a Rustic Hand Built Lodge      (Translation:  Hang out in cabins built by professionals while we watched)

Come Ranch with a REAL Survivor Family     (Translation: We can identify three different flowers and know the difference between a bear and a deer, everything else comes from Safeway)

Learn Extreme Hunting from Experts           (Translation: We can show you six ways to put mud on your face and arms while somersaulting through the woods)

See the Wilderness First Hand and Survive of the Grid      (Translation: We planted bushes so you can't see the highway from the house and our stock of canned peaches from Costco is good for a week)

The Brown Family Bed and Breakfast - it's the most "extreme" vacation you'll ever take    (women 19-30 get a 50% discount, additional 25% discount for taking Bear on a date)

  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Oh My God!  That's it!  That's the end game!   They "develop" the land mostly on Disco's dime, they drag the show on for one or two more years while they get "established" in their new territory.....................then they open it up to tourists! 

I've been to Hoonah, Alaska (near "Browntown") twice on cruise ships, and I thought it would be a great "shore excursion" if one of the locals (maybe Kenny from the dump) would take people out to the "set" . . . I honestly would have gone!

The mayor (who owned the property) probably made more money from TLC than he thought he might make from tourists.  And TLC may have forbidden it.  But it would have been a hoot.  Maybe now that the Browns (and the TLC money) are gone, someone up there will start running a tour.  I'll be back there next August, so I'll let you guys know.

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On 2/3/2018 at 7:49 AM, Beden said:

Thank you Reality.

I'm also--what word do I want here?--sobered and impressed by the turn this site has taken. From out and out gleeful snark (well deserved, of course) to varying levels of outrage, anger and disgust by what now appears to be a cheap and shameless scam for ratings. There are lines which should never be crossed, no matter how much money may be involved, how many job offers you may generate. I've had (friendly) debates with friends about how I firmly and maybe naively believe that ethics and morals matter, whether in our day to day lives, politics, religion, friendship or anything else. Beyond laws, they are the guidelines which keep us civil and humane.

I say good for us!

I agree with you whole post.  We all like to snark but the cancer scam was way too much.  I am a fan of not jinxing oneself.

On 6/15/2018 at 8:34 AM, Beden said:

Just...sigh. I'm not in Facebook (despised their nonexistent privacy policy maybe 10 years ago and refused to join, despite the pleadings and mocking of various friends) so have no access there and, frankly, can't be bothered with searching the other cult fan groups.  Well look who mocking now.  I too hate FB.

But, having said that--do we have an airdate? Having downgraded my cable account to save $, I may not be able to get them anymore so have to rely on my snark friends for updates.

See below:

I was one of the first people to get cable back in 1981 in the Detroit area.  It was $7.95 a month and I would always have parties so others could watch it.  Fast forward to 2016 and I was literally sick of the $175 bill (wifi included) and was given notice that it would jump to $225 for wifi and basic cable.  After complaining to my nephews/son I was told that only old people or those who live in an isolated area pay for cable.  I found out that I could keep wifi for $45 a month and no fees.  I wrestled with it, I did.  I finally called the company to come out and remove my cable.  The tech said he gets free cable for being an employee and doesn't take it.  When he was done he told me I had a "smart" tv.  This shocked me for I got it fee with mattresses like 13 years ago.  He then showed me to go on my remote, find tools and then search the air.  OMFG!  Many channels are now free.  I get more channels now then when I paid for them.  They can no longer block me from HD channels.  I refused to pay for HD because my Xbox has HD cables.  My smart tv is also picking up dishes in the area.  I live by a police station/jail, two hospitals, two schools and the public library.  While you still have cable and you can search the air, I would give it a try.  I was gobsmacked.

@realityobserver - got my fingers crossed for you.

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Just an FYI about scheduling - on my cable guide and on Disco's website there are supposed to be Four shows airing in the next week.  All say they're Season 8 and ALL of these say New both on the cable guide and on Discovery's site.............. but they're all out of whack.

The listings are Wednesday 8/15, Season 8, Episode FOUR (Three freaking hours long!)  Saturday 8/18; my cable guide has no episode number for this but Disco says it's Episode Eight (neither says which season and again it's three hours long).  Then two shows on Sunday 8/19 but they're listed as, 8pm Episode TWO and 9pm Episode ONE   

My guess is the Wednesday airing is either a repeat or a "our story so far" show because the descriptions mention Alaska, being three hours long I'm thinking the Saturday episode is a repeat of Wednesday's although maybe with added footage, they like to do that then call it new.  Then Sunday is the true new shows but why they list the episodes in reverse order is anyone's guess.

Anyway if anyone else out there is planning to sit through their shtick or, like me, record it to have the relief of FF when needed, just note the schedule and episode numbering is apparently as crazy as the family!

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3 hours ago, KHenry14 said:

I can't imagine sitting through 3 straight hours of these buffoons.    

Ah, now, three hours of air time actually sounds about right as there MAY BE 15  minutes of new stuff. As @sigmaforce86 suggested, the FF button is our friend (though you may need new batteries after a week of "NEW" Alaskan Bush Clowns)

I don't even plan to record the initial airing, since they're bound to rerun them several times. I'll wait to record them until I hear/read the recaps.

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Looking forward to writing a scathing but honest review of the next few shows... I am sure it will be interesting to watch how they squirm out of the total scams they have been laying on the public the last few years...

Curious to see who shows up for filming and who doesn't, what magical escapades they will be involved in, what laughable episodes will they try to pull. After the Ami disaster from last season, I am sure they will try anything to keep the fans and the un-fans watching for at least another season, another hour, another minute...

Why hasn't Wal Mart picked up on the merchandising aspect of these clowns, T-shirts, hats, sunglasses ? Wal Mart made a bundle off of the idiots from Duck Dynasty, are they scared that the fans would not buy a Brown's beach towel ? Who wouldn't want a Brown family coffee mug ?

More or less

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, realityobserver said:

idiots from Duck Dynasty,

The difference being that the duck dynasty clan developed and marketed real outdoor/camping/hunting products that a lot of people bought and used and put together a real company with accountants and tax filings, made millions of dollars and all that before they went on TV. Their show came across as them having fun, pocketing checks, laughing at the producers and letting it go when they got bored with it.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, realityobserver said:

Why hasn't Wal Mart picked up on the merchandising aspect of these clowns, T-shirts, hats, sunglasses ? Wal Mart made a bundle off of the idiots from Duck Dynasty, are they scared that the fans would not buy a Brown's beach towel ? Who wouldn't want a Brown family coffee mug ?

I don't know RO, but the first one to print a tee shirt of Bear landing head first from a top an 80' pine tree, has me as a customer!

Edited by wanton87
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3 hours ago, DoctorK said:

The difference being that the duck dynasty clan developed and marketed real outdoor/camping/hunting products that a lot of people bought and used and put together a real company with accountants and tax filings, made millions of dollars and all that before they went on TV. Their show came across as them having fun, pocketing checks, laughing at the producers and letting it go when they got bored with it.

That is true, they did manufacture duck calls and other essential hunting gear. What I was referring to was the Wal Mart invasion of 'everything' Duck Dynasty, the shirts, the sunglasses, the cups etc etc, after the show aired. Why not ABP shirts and stuff ?

I honestly was interested in the DD show when it was first advertised (same as ABP), to see a true representation of a family who made it big by selling hunting gear, and to see how these products were thought up, designed and made. All I saw was a bunch of scripted scenes that were obviously fake, with the characters straight out of a cartoon book. I realize that it was a huge hit with the TV audience (my wife actually enjoyed the show), with a huge fan base. I was one of the few who thought the whole concept was pretty lame. I saw it as the backwoods, redneck, poor old boy, uneducated (yes I am aware of their college degrees), back slapping, good ole boys trying to teach America how real people should live and act, you know, just like them... No thanks... If I wanted to be like Uncle Si, or the dimwits who work in the 'shop', that would be pretty embarrassing... What I saw was a bunch of very wealthy individuals, acting like a bunch of amateur actors, reading from a script, that was written by a bunch of people sitting in a room thinking up the next 'situation' the boys could get caught up in. Honestly, if I had that kind of wealth, I would refrain from acting like a jerk on national TV. Obviously, they didn't seem to mind....

Just another 'Reality Show' that was anything but real.  

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2 hours ago, realityobserver said:

Just another 'Reality Show' that was anything but real.  

I agree that both shows are/were pretty shoddy television. I didn't particularly like DD and I only hate watch ABP to follow the snark here and over at Railing Kill. However, I found the DD folks sort of likeable (but not entertaining), having made real accomplishments, and made a lot of money legitimately. ABP on the other hand, they are a bunch of lying dishonest grifters whose only entertainment value is to despise them for their repellent life style, unashamed 24/7 dishonesty and flat out criminality. Plus ABP just insults our intelligence with the inconsistencies, contradictions and simply completely made up little dramas. Thank goodness for snark, it keeps me laughing.

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I'm pretty sure Duck Dynasty was a lot more popular (at least for awhile there) than Alaskan Bush People.

I'm a little irritated with either Discovery or my cable company.  There are at least five episodes of ABP listed as "new" in the coming week.  I know that can't be right.

I think the actual new show is on Sunday the 19th, I'm guessing it's probably the one at 9:00?

On 8/13/2018 at 8:15 AM, thebigboot said:

Yesterday I went to the memorial of a dear friend who 8 months after being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer passed away. It makes me hate them even more.

I can relate. That’s approximately the same length of time that my father lasted following his stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. Previously, I just thought of the Brown family as a bunch of grifters looking to turn a quick buck, but I pretty much viewed them as harmless up until this point. But this is a new low for reality TV.

Had they chose a less lethal form of cancer to go with, they might very well have pulled this con off. But as anyone that knows anything about lung cancer can testify, the prognosis is almost always very poor, and that’s being optimistic...

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25 minutes ago, rmontro said:

Did they ever actually say on the show that Ami had stage four cancer?  Or was that just what was being reported in the media?  I can't recall if there was an episode where they said that or not.

You may have a point - I actually don't remember it... back before I stopped watching I spent so much time fast forwarding I may well have missed it. Really, though, the Klown family bumbled their way throughout the years from one phoney disaster to the next - the Man burned their homestead forcing them to rebuild - bad neighbors firing shots in the night - bears - sinking boats - fish for dental work - prison time at the Juneau fancy hotel - Matt's rehab - Billy and Amy health scares - etc etc etc. 

Really, when I stop and think about it, the amount of time the Klowns actually spent in the Bush is pretty minimal. No reason to change the name now, they already spent a couple seasons with only a passing nod to Alaska, what with a season of Billy and his blackouts (where he ends up driving a large RV around the west coast freeways) and then Amy and her treatments (full disclosure - I skipped that whole season).

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5 hours ago, rmontro said:

Did they ever actually say on the show that Ami had stage four cancer?

Good question RMONTRO. I read it somewhere, but I can’t remember where. And to be honest, I missed the entire last season. I can tell you this though. Generally when lung cancer is discovered, it’s almost always late stage, like stage 3 or 4. That’s why it’s such a lethal form of cancer, because by the time that the symptoms manifest themselves, it’s almost always too late.

Edited by wanton87
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6 hours ago, SRTouch said:

they already spent a couple seasons with only a passing nod to Alaska, what with a season of Billy and his blackouts (where he ends up driving a large RV around the west coast freeways)

Lol, I forgot about that.  Back when the show was more entertaining just because it was so ridiculous.  Not really funny if there was any truth to any of that because Billy could have ended up killing people.

Anyway, I looked up the recaps on Railing Kill's site, and according to that there was a crawl on the bottom of the screen which said that Ami was diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer on episode five last season.

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they are in the mobile home.   :)  

I saw some poles on the trailer.   where was their "luggage"? the tools, gas, chainsaws, food, clothes, and sleeping bags?   that vehicle did not look crammed full of gear.

where did that bulldozer come from?   the lumber for the porch?  

I suppose the lumber for the tent floor could have been on the trailer under the poles.

why didn't they use some pine trees for poles?   I saw a lot of chainsawing, but no useful results.

nice fire, considering the firewood was not dried.

apparently, pines can grow there.   good luck with that orchard.

what's the name of that town?   how far away is it?

did the preview show "someone" jumping up and down on a 10-inch tree while holding a running chainsaw?

looked like something pushed the snow away from their parking/living area.  it was piled up around the area.

think they will show their junk pile?

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Still working my way through E1, (Called a "New" episode but basically..........flashbacks, flashbacks, extra peek, flashbacks, extended footage, flashbacks) but have to pause to say, can not believe they revisited Matt's head injury and still claim it happened at Browntown, can not believe they repeatedly want us to believe the "we're so remote it takes so much time to get to town" but they also still want us to believe they found him because someone near Hoonah heard the explosion.

So just to remind I refer you to this photo (also on page 4 of this forum) of Matt being treated near the home with a bloody bandaged head wound and Matt being removed from the home on a stretcher with a miraculously healed head and magically missing bloody bandage.  Look Disco, if you're going to fictionalize and dramatize the family (and we all know Matt blew himself up in his own kitchen in his own apartment!) at least your editors can try to make it look real and consistent.   And if you've been caught out in the lie once before maybe suck it up and leave that out in the future - or are you not even trying to pretend these clowns are "real" anymore?



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Something about Ami this episode that tells me she’s as big a scammer as her hubby is. She may actually be the  brains behind the family. I’m betting she can be a real bitch when things don’t go her way. 

Did Gabe have a mouthful of braces?

How did the cat die?

Did that daughter actually ask for a FORK to brush the dog?

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, iwasish said:

Something about Ami this episode that tells me she’s as big a scammer as her hubby is. She may actually be the  brains behind the family. I’m betting she can be a real bitch when things don’t go her way. 

Did Gabe have a mouthful of braces?

How did the cat die?

Did that daughter actually ask for a FORK to brush the dog?



17 hours ago, clod said:

they are in the mobile home.   :)  

I saw some poles on the trailer.   where was their "luggage"? the tools, gas, chainsaws, food, clothes, and sleeping bags?   that vehicle did not look crammed full of gear.

where did that bulldozer come from?   the lumber for the porch?  

I suppose the lumber for the tent floor could have been on the trailer under the poles.

why didn't they use some pine trees for poles?   I saw a lot of chainsawing, but no useful results.

nice fire, considering the firewood was not dried.

apparently, pines can grow there.   good luck with that orchard.

what's the name of that town?   how far away is it?

did the preview show "someone" jumping up and down on a 10-inch tree while holding a running chainsaw?

looked like something pushed the snow away from their parking/living area.  it was piled up around the area.

think they will show their junk pile?

So many questions we all have.

Here's mine:  Why would anyone NOT bring a camping coffee pot?  How the hell would the thin plastic cup and "percolator" not melt?  Why would this be easier then bringing the very tool to make coffee.  Matt should meet the ladies of Born Behind Bars.  They wrap up coffee grounds in toilet paper and then swallow it and call it a coffee shot.  Let's make this happen.

You just know that Bam is soooo over this shit show.  He was exasperated.  I would rather be on a boat in the lower part of the lower 48 too.

Now I have to jump down the rabbit hole and find where people are "Praising the Lord" for their prayers worked and buy everything on the episode like Snowbird eating snow.

19 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I was half paying attention:  I thought they said they were in Washington and then someone said Colorado.  Whoever gave those cats back and then one died should be shot.

Yes I am quoting myself.  Where are they?  Who had the brilliant idea of bringing the cats back and then a cat died?  I NEED ANSWERS.

Edited by jumper sage
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Whatever you think of the Browns, or the show, at least this was a real episode instead of a glorified clip show, like all of last season was.

Ami has new teeth, and Gabe has braces.  Looks like they decided to get some dental care in California.  Except Bird, she really must be afraid of the dentist.  Maybe Ami's health scare was really just getting her three teeth pulled out and some dentures installed.

I was thinking that trailer that they brought in for Ami is probably nicer than anything they're going to end up building there.

When Gabe sat down in the teepee, he didn't look all that happy.  Was he thinking "Damn, I wish I was back in the hotel or back in California watching TV"?  Nice to see Gabe out of his self enforced funk.  Between Gabe getting all isolated last season, and Bam leaving for love, and Noah wanting to go be a sheriff, it had looked like the band was going to fall apart.  Nice to see that for now, at least, they've realized they're not going to make more money doing something else.  So they might as well go all in on this ABP thing while they still can.

Regarding the fake footage of Matt being evacuated out of Browntown, I don't know why they made it as graphic as it was, considering it was fake blood anyway.  Just wasn't necessary.  I loved Matt's explanation though:  "I was up against three bears, and I didn't have enough ammo".  Yeah, right.

Realityobserver, in regard to your recap:  It looks like those copies of One Wave at a Time are coming down in price from what they used to be.  Must be a sign that people are tiring of the Bush people.

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1 hour ago, rmontro said:

It looks like those copies of One Wave at a Time are coming down in price from what they used to be.  Must be a sign that people are tiring of the Bush people.

After I wrote the recap, I actually looked up the book to see if I had got the title correct. I also saw that the book was selling way below the cost from last year or so. Strange...

1 hour ago, rmontro said:

at least this was a real episode instead of a glorified clip show, like all of last season was.

Yes, thank the almighty for the producers finally seeing the merits of having a show without the constant 'remember this crazy crap' written into it.

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one of the other sites mentioned the leather pants.    haha.   I noticed them but forgot when I was making my list of things.   :)


if they arrived when the snow was melting, it will probably be months before they can deer hunt.  and where is the river/lake where they can fish?     food will be a challenge.    let's see how that is addressed.  

let me make a prediction:   instead of wind power, they will  "make"  their own solar panels and batteries.   


cynical, cynical me.   could those marks on the tree be faked?

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I was away so I didn't catch much of the episode.  And I refuse to actually record this stupid thing.

So I take it that Ami is well enough to travel after (supposedly) getting over Stage 3 cancer?  Especially having to travel over those crappy roads?  And they are now in Washington instead of Colorado?  Well, at least there should be plenty of Starbucks nearby.  ;)

Poor 'Bird.  Billy can spend 6 figures on land deals but still not enough $$ apparently to fix her teeth.   And I didn't catch it, but apparently one of her cats was accidentally ran over.  Probably by some poor unpaid Discovery intern.

I was surprised to see Bam Bam.  I thought he was pretty much over the show.  Then again, maybe those paychecks help.  I see No-UH will be back too.  Maybe he can whip up a super-duper wind turbine again.  Which of course will break when the idiots try to set it up once again as well.

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8 hours ago, brgjoe said:

I was surprised to see Bam Bam.  I thought he was pretty much over the show.  Then again, maybe those paychecks help. 

If his wife/SO is still part of the production team, they'd BOTH get paychecks for Bam's return to the fold . . . if Billy hasn't mandated that all payments come to him and are parceled out according to how he decides to do so.

Maybe that's why Gabe looks so morose.  On Billy's list of his 7 kids in order of his favorites (just counting the ones on this show), Gabe is number 8. 

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Yet you would think that Gabe would be #1, since he’s the only one that seems to be capable of doing any actual real work, and thus the most useful to Billy. Someone mentioned that Noah is involved in law enforcement, but I can’t imagine that he would be very useful in such a line of work. Then again, I can’t imagine that he’d be very useful for much of anything. Bam and Matt are too busy battling each other for the top spot of alpha son, to get much of anything done. And Bear; well, there’s still Bear. Too easily distracted to get much of anything accomplished (“Look, there’s a butterfly. I think I’ll go scale that 50’ tree to get a closer look!").

Of the children, the only one’s that seem to be relatively normal are Bam, Gabe, and Rain. These 3 might have a shot at a decent life beyond their reality TV lives. Matt has a screw loose, as does Bear (obviously). Snowbird appears to be a bit touched, but is probably the least screwed up of the screwed up kids, so perhaps there’s some hope there.

Someone needs to put these kids in touch with Paul Peterson of A Minor Consideration. Perhaps some constructive advice from these folks can prevent them from ending up like Anissa Jones or Rusty Hamer, down the road…

Edited by wanton87
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On 8/20/2018 at 9:59 AM, iwasish said:

Something about Ami this episode that tells me she’s as big a scammer as her hubby is. She may actually be the  brains behind the family.

That's a funny thought, Ami as the evil mastermind behind the familly.  

"All right, here's what we're going to do.  We're moving to Alaska and applying for distribution money, even though we're not eligible.  Billy, Bam, if things go south, you're taking the fall."

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I read somewhere online that they’ve been staying in a nice waterfront lodge (Lodge at Palmer Lake) in the nearest town (Omak?)whilst filming...so, yeah, the latest incarnation of Browntown is just like the last one, except with teepees and a trailer instead of a cabin, various tents and a treehouse.

It has also been mentioned that they are about as popular with the locals as they were before...

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I just watched the show last night and even with a lot of FF, it was a chore. The level of BS is suffocating. I have two questions, maybe because I have not followed the show as closely as a true devotee would:

1. Was I hallucinating or did one of the idiot brothers really proudly show off his ingenious invention of a top hat with a bug zapper that pops out of the top? Hope he had a long extension cord.

2. Suddenly they have always had cats all around their hovels their entire lives? I don't remember seeing them in any of their "wilderness" habitats, and the life expectancy of a domesticated cat in an environment with bears, wolves, wild cats, etc. would be about 12 hours (if they were good at hiding).

ETA: Just noticed that Railing Kill has their first episode write up of the season up on their site, yippee!

Edited by DoctorK
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40 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

I just watched the show last night and even with a lot of FF, it was a chore. The level of BS is suffocating. I have two questions, maybe because I have not followed the show as closely as a true devotee would:

1. Was I hallucinating or did one of the idiot brothers really proudly show off his ingenious invention of a top hat with a bug zapper that pops out of the top? Hope he had a long extension cord.

Ah, must be Noah. (Ok, I DID record hours and hours of NEW episodes... but still undecided whether I'll watch any of them before deletion.


2. Suddenly they have always had cats all around their hovels their entire lives? I don't remember seeing them in any of their "wilderness" habitats, and the life expectancy of a domesticated cat in an environment with bears, wolves, wild cats, etc. would be about 12 hours (if they were good at hiding).

What!?! you must have missed the episode of Bird doing her Dr Doolittle impression... wandering around the bush meowing to call for her missing kitty. As I remember, she even translated some of her meows for us. (As a long time cat owner, I know that your best chance of getting a cat to come running is to shake their favorite noise making toy or shake a food/treat bag. 99.9% of the time, if I call a sleeping cat the best I can hope for is a cocked back ear and one eye opening before they go back to ignoring me.)

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, kicotan said:

I read somewhere online that they’ve been staying in a nice waterfront lodge (Lodge at Palmer Lake) in the nearest town (Omak?)whilst filming...so, yeah, the latest incarnation of Browntown is just like the last one, except with teepees and a trailer instead of a cabin, various tents and a treehouse.

If Billy really did buy that land (as it appears he did), I have to think they are really going to live there at some point or other - even if it is in a modern house tucked away in a corner somewhere that we never see.  I can't believe that Billy would have bought that land just they could film there and save Discovery some money.

On 8/12/2018 at 12:31 AM, realityobserver said:

Looking forward to writing a scathing but honest review of the next few shows

You don't even have to embellish - there is no way you could improve, best word I can come up with, on this shit.

Today is Thursday the 23rd and I see a "new" episode on tonight...............................damn it!

Update:  Nope, not new.

Edited by jumper sage
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On 8/21/2018 at 6:18 PM, realityobserver said:

"I'm gonna pretend to have cancer, CRY DAMNIT !!!"


Billy:  "B-but honey, don't you think that might be in poor taste?"

Ami:  "SHUT UP!  I'm the brains around here!  START CRYING!"


22 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Today is Thursday the 23rd and I see a "new" episode on tonight...............................damn it!

Update:  Nope, not new.

That drives me crazy. I don't understand how Discovery marks those as new.  I suppose maybe they're newly edited together.  It seems like they would hurt the ratings for the actual new episodes though, the way they cry wolf all the time.

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2 hours ago, rmontro said:

That drives me crazy. I don't understand how Discovery marks those as new.  I suppose maybe they're newly edited together.  It seems like they would hurt the ratings for the actual new episodes though, the way they cry wolf all the time.

They have to trick us into gaining "views" for this stupid show.

3 hours ago, rmontro said:

That drives me crazy. I don't undersand how Discovery marks those as new.  I suppose maybe they're newly edited together.  It seems like they would hurt the ratings for the actual new episodes though, the way they cry wolf all the time.

What happened here - started to watch a "new" episode - was disgusted with same old retread - deleted 5 other episodes marked as new - then removed Bush Klowns from my DVR schedule

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17 hours ago, SRTouch said:

What happened here - started to watch a "new" episode - was disgusted with same old retread - deleted 5 other episodes marked as new - then removed Bush Klowns from my DVR schedule

Yowtch.  Can't say they don't have it coming.  For what it's worth, the only real new episodes that I'm aware of are aired on Sunday nights.

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