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I think Missy is bluffing as well, but hope she & Chris both leave.

Brianne is better off without Chris, & better off not in this mess of a show.

Ashley Lauren is a little 'off'... seems to like drama so maybe that's her draw to Tom.

Why are Naya & Danny still in the house? They're married supposedly, so they should have to leave.

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

Why are Naya & Danny still in the house? They're married supposedly, so they should have to leave.

They mentioned during the last potential engagement ceremony that married couples would remain in the house for a certain period getting some sort of marriage counseling. I wondered why at first too.

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6 minutes ago, Palomar said:

They mentioned during the last potential engagement ceremony that married couples would remain in the house for a certain period getting some sort of marriage counseling. I wondered why at first too.

Thanks for explaining. I'm sure they're getting invaluable counseling there (eye roll).

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The flaw I see with this show is that as the original cast members leave we are left with new people that we are not invested in and do not know as well. I also do not think its a good idea to have the married couples stay in the house. They should leave or move to a different house.

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Finally got to watch the show.  What the heck is going on??

Melissa & Chris:  Melissa decides to leave the house and take her sperm donor with her.  My guess is 1) she didn't want to be seen bullying - er, convincing - Chris to her way of thinking on any "deal breakers" with the cameras rolling or 2) with new ladies coming in, she didn't want to risk losing her grip on Chris, who WILL BE HER HUSBAND.  Chris, you're a douche-bag, but no one deserves to be run over the way you will be.

Tom & Ashley L:  They reconnected for about 2 minutes before they remembered why they separated.  Give it up, guys!

Jimmy & Kelly Jo:  The big moment to propose arrives . . .and Jimmy freezes.  After a brief "bump" in the road (where Ashley K tries to make a move), he decides KJ is the "one" and surprises everyone by proposing to her pool side.  Oddly, this inspires Tom to start wondering if he still has a shot with Kelly Jo.

Newbies Scott & Tracy:  Scott & Tracy go from "Nice to meet you" to the bedroom in record time.  We know as much about them as they probably know about each other - which is not much!  They are already jumping into the trial marriage phase.

Darren & Isabella:  Definitely not happening.  I'm not sure why Isabella is even here since she just wants to "be free!"

Uncoupled are newbies Ashley K, who "just wants to find her person" (which apparently is another way of saying "stir up s***"), and Kevin, who seems gay to me.  Ashley K may have another chance with Tom now that he has broken up with Ashley L again, but I think she may pass on that "opportunity" after all the drama.

Married couple Danny & Naya appear to be in the house only for talking heads.  I agree that the married couples should either leave or move to a different house.  Make room for some new contestants! 

I still don't get the mechanics of bringing in new people and evicting people.  The experts have indicated that only people who are really committed to getting married should be there--yet the newbies are always the ones who get voted out.  What about these "couples" who have been loitering about for weeks now?  It's time to fish or cut bait!

Edited by Real4real
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So is Kelly-Jo just drunk all the time?  Her talking heads have droopy eyes all the time and even sometimes she is slurring.

Okay I will say it.  I see why almost all of these people are single at their ages.  They are all so imature, dramatic and jealous about every stupid thing.

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19 hours ago, Real4real said:

I still don't get the mechanics of bringing in new people and evicting people.  The experts have indicated that only people who are really committed to getting married should be there--yet the newbies are always the ones who get voted out.  What about these "couples" who have been loitering about for weeks now?  It's time to fish or cut bait!

That is why this premise does not work.  They are pretty much forcing people to get engaged AND get married or be sent home.  Even the Bachelor/Bachelorette have time on their own to figure out whether they want to get married during their "engagement" after the show and of course most of the time it doesn't work out.  I hope that Danny and Naya's marriage works out in the real world, but so far its been like someone finding their soul mate in prison. They have not been together in the real world yet.

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On 8/17/2017 at 11:33 AM, Palomar said:

That is why this premise does not work.  They are pretty much forcing people to get engaged AND get married or be sent home.  Even the Bachelor/Bachelorette have time on their own to figure out whether they want to get married during their "engagement" after the show and of course most of the time it doesn't work out.  I hope that Danny and Naya's marriage works out in the real world, but so far its been like someone finding their soul mate in prison. They have not been together in the real world yet.

I can't seem to work up much sympathy for these yahoos since they WILLINGLY signed up.  Didn't someone say that these folks were rejects from Married at First Sight?  Sounds like they are up for a rushed/non existence courtship--all for that fabulous 15 minutes of fame, oh, and the real chance that they will find TRUE LOVE on reality TV!

Edited by Real4real
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On 8/16/2017 at 8:10 PM, fountain said:

So is Kelly-Jo just drunk all the time?  Her talking heads have droopy eyes all the time and even sometimes she is slurring.


Seriously!  Is she on qualudes?!  That would get old so fast.

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So, what's happening now?? 

Jimmy & Kelly Jo:  This week, it's the "Jimmy Jo Show" as Jimmy and KJ prepare for their wedding.  Everything seems to go smoothly--family seems supportive, KJ looks very pretty.  Hope it works out for those crazy kids!

Tom & Ashley Lauren:  Strangely enough, the wedding excitement causes Tom to realize he needs to decide between continuing with Ashley L or taking a chance with . . .wait for it . . . Kelly Jo!  Yes, Kelly Jo, who is currently trying on wedding dresses for her upcoming marriage to another man!  How about checking that ego at the door, Tom!  He appears to be waiting for his big moment during the wedding ("Speak now . . ."), but comes to his senses and decides to "let Kelly Jo have her special day."  What does THAT mean?  He still thinks he has a shot?  What a loser!  Anyway, at the moment he makes that decision, he also decides that he does not want to continue with Ashley L (finally!!).  Meanwhile, Ashley L is deciding that Tom really IS the right guy for her.  *sigh*  We end the episode with Tom moving out of the room while they argue about who gets to stay in the house.  I vote for neither!!

Darren & Isabella:  Since there is nothing else to do, they are hanging out with each other.  They half-heartedly agree to enter a trial marriage.  Darren leans in for a kiss and Isabella turns her face away.  Yeah, that's happening (snerk)!

Tracy & Scott:  We still know next to nothing about them, but they appear to be on the fast track for the next wedding.

Still uncoupled:  Ashley K--she is anxious for some fresh meat - er, men - to come into the house.  And Kevin, who was nowhere to be seen this episode.  To be honest, I couldn't even remember his name--not a good sign.

Next week, apparently the  house gets to vote on whether Tom or Ashley L has to leave.  Again, I don't understand how they are evicting and bringing in new people.  I thought two people, a guy and a girl, were evicted each week if there is no engagement--why is it just Tom OR Ashley L.  It should be BOTH!   They have had their shot.  I'm ready for them to be gone!

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On 8/16/2017 at 8:10 PM, fountain said:

So is Kelly-Jo just drunk all the time?  Her talking heads have droopy eyes all the time and even sometimes she is slurring.

I think Kelly Jo has a rather "hang-dog" demeanor over all.  Droopy eyes, droopy mouth, slightly whiney way of speaking.  Alcohol probably doesn't help!

I have a harder time with Ashley Lauren.  This episode, I think all the women had their hair and makeup done for the wedding, so she looked better, but most of the time she looks like a mess.  Does she even have a hair brush?  Her make up is slathered on, making her look very oily.  And why does she go for the neon lipsticks?  Not a good look on her.

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Scott strikes me as older than 34.

Ashley Lauren seems 'off' somehow.  She & Tom both need to go.

Can't stand that Naya & whatever the guy's name she married are still there. Maybe they should go back into the real world & try to coexist together.

Kelly Jo looks medicated.

The screaming on this show is maddening.

Why am I still watching this shit show... I do a lot of FF'ing to barely tolerate it.

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This show is so stupid, but it has sucked me in at this point. Tom and Ashley Lauren were horrible with one another. Horrible. Tom has an enormous ego. He's not such a catch. We need some fresh people to mix it up a bit. The newbies haven't clicked with me. Even though Missy is an anti-vaxxer and that makes her dead to me, it was fun to watch her trap a man.

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Now that we are heading into the final stretch, apparently all the rules are thrown out!

The episode starts the day before the next ring ceremony with the introduction of two new singles:  Grad student Elizabeth, and self proclaimed nerd, Eric.  An afternoon of game/craft activities ensue where they are supposed to see if they can make a connection with any of the other singles.

In the meantime, Tracy & Scott go to visit her family to get their blessing on this madness!

At the ring ceremony, it gets really crazy!  Two new singles are brought into the mix:  Pharmaceutical sales rep (but more importantly, former professional cheerleader!) Michelle, and mortgage banker Mike.  The experts have declared that either Tom or Ashley L must leave the house and a brutal eviction vote kicks a weepy Ashley out.  The experts then declare that everyone must be in an exploratory marriage to continue in the house, so they ask each single who they would like to continue with.  Unsurprisingly, ALL the guys want to try with the cheerleader.  A bit of a surprise, ALL the girls want to try with Tom (totally don't get the attraction!).  Tom and cheerleader Michelle are the only "match."  The experts ask if anyone has a second choice (yeah, that feels good), and Mike, who has literally spoken to no one yet, asks Ashley K to join him and she accepts.  Eric, Kevin, and Elizabeth are evicted.  (Eric could always try to track down Ashley L outside the house since that is who he said he felt a connection with just before she was eliminated!  Thanks, experts . . .thanks!)

Darren & Isabella:  Continuing to muddle along.  After seeing Isabella "trigger" on a completely innocent statement from Darren, I think Isabella needs some professional counseling and Darren is worried about having to "walk on eggshells" all the time.  Not a good foundation for a lasting relationship.

Next week:  Tracy & Scott go to see his family to get their blessing.  Tom & Michelle go to Vegas for a friend's wedding (will they be inspired to visit a Wedding Chapel??)  We've seen nothing of Mike & Ashley K, so hopefully, they'll get a little screen time next week.  Then the final ring ceremony!

I'm with Jackjill89--how does anyone find dopey Tom hot??

Hope this all made sense!!

P.S. Did anyone else pause on the letter that cheerleader Michelle was writing for her future husband?  "I promise to be nice to you even if I'm hangry."  Is that a cross between "hungry" and "angry"??

Edited by Real4real
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I found this thread late, but yay!! I am not the only one watching The Worst Show Ever!! 

The only comment I have been yelling at my tv all season so far, I can now share with you: Why are girls falling all over themselves to be with Fathead Tom???? 


I don't get it. The Hitler Youth haircut is not helping that unfortunate face. He has zero personality. I don't get it.


P.S. I lied. I yelled one more thing at my tv: Please someone, take the awful, unflattering frosted eyeshadow away from Kelly Jo!!!!!!

Edited by PityFree
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When you think about it, this is the worst dating show EVER.....especially with this last episode with the new singles.  OK, even though you just arrived, pair up in a trial marriage or you are outta here!  Then, you have one week to decide whether to get married or not.  It is insane (which is why I watch of course).  Who would be desperate enough to put themselves in that position?  People, you can expand your dating pool....at least OFF TV. 

I do hope the 2 couples that married make it somehow  Still, real life is a bit different when you leave "the house".

I don't get the girls liking Tom either.  He definitely is looking for perfection and seems controlling as hell.

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Tracy & Scott - it's very important for her to get her brother's blessing, & of course, he wants the best for her. So, of course, he & her parents (& they only through video chat) are more than happy to approve of this brand new relationship -through reality TV- becoming a 'lifelong' union.

Yeah, okay then I think Tracy needs a new family.

I was bummed because Tom was allowed to stay - they BOTH should have been kicked out. But maybe they thought Ashley had stalker potential & sent her somewhere to 'get over' him while he continues the show. Oh well.

Edited by gonecrackers
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Most of these people have issues pages deep.  I don't mind Tracy and Scott, they both seem pretty drama free.  I have been married a long time.  We didn't marry right away (about 2 years after we started dating) but I knew after dating about 2 months that husband was someone I could be married to.  It is wasn't really about how I was treated or anything really specific but I just kind of felt that this person I could enjoy conversing with for years to come.  So I think a couple of people on this show could maybe have an early connection.

My parents got engaged after 3 months of dating.

I am not sure what people see in Tom, he seems too much drama for me.  I like Scott, he would be most my type and then maybe Darren as I enjoy going to bed early to watch a movie instead of partying and he seems that type.

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I am surprised Scott did not propose to Tracy, I am glad that Darren did not propose to Isabella, they do not seem right for each other and as for Tom and that new girl, Tom just can not get over Ashley and I am glad that even if Tom proposed to the new girl, she would have said no, she deserves better 

Edited by DVDFreaker
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Tom wants to be part of a "power couple" whatever the heck that means to him. I think he wants a really beautiful wife his friends would be jealous of. He's such a tool. He needs someone really dim and pretty who will just say yes to him all the time. Glad Michelle walked away.

I love that both Darren and Scott didn't propose. They weren't ready. That was smart. When Scott's parents were iffy on the whole thing I knew he wouldn't do it.

Can't wait to see Missy HE WILL BE MY HUSBAND next week. She's such a train wreck.

Worst dating show ever. Can't wait for the reunion :)

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We have finally reached the final engagement ceremony!!  My drink word was "journey"--big mistake!

Mike & Ashley K:  What a surprise (not), Ashley K is not feeling it with a man she just met a week ago, so there is no engagement.

Scott & Tracy:  This one was a surprise!  All signs seemed to be pointing to them getting engaged until they meet with Scott's mom & dad and then everything comes to a screeching halt!  Scott's mom declares that "you are not in love, you've just met", so suddenly Scott decides "I'm not in love, I just met her"!  So Scott's a Mama's Boy--anyone else notice that Tracy looks and sounds exactly like his mom!  Scott loses major points with me when they film him admitting to one of his pals that he decided days ago that he would not propose, but obviously continued to sleep with and lead on Tracy.  What a putz.

It was interesting to hear Tracy give a little glimpse into their time in the house--it sounds like they have daily sessions with the "experts" on relationship building so it's not all hot tubs and margaritas!  

Darren & Isabella:  Isabella is a nut and I was starting to get worried that Darren was going to overlook that glaring fact because he wants to be married so much, but thankfully, he was not blinded by "love" and realized a life with her would be agonizing.   On a shallow note: Isabella, throw away that dress that you wore to the engagement ceremony--it is hideous on you!

Tom & MIchelle:  Thank you jackjill89 for nailing Tom's definition of "power couple" (a beautiful wife his friends will be jealous of)!  Tom shows Michelle off at the Vegas wedding while Michelle frets that Tom is not over Ashley L.  At the ring ceremony, Tom is working up to proposing and somehow manages to work Ashley L into the conversation.  Michelle is gazing starry eyed at him until then and then everything quickly goes south.  Tom realizes something is wrong and backs off proposing.  He wonders why things never seem to work out for him and in a moment of clarity, thinks maybe HE is the problem.  He has managed to make four women feel "like garbage" (in Ashley L's words) in the few weeks they've been in the house--Kelly Jo, Ashley L, Ashley K, and now Michelle.  Tom, you're a monumental loser.  Michelle, you dodged a bullet!

Next week:  It's a reunion special with ALL the contestants on hand!  I am curious to see if any of the couples have survived in the real world!!  

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Isabella was a piece of work.   I am so glad Darren didn't propose.  He dodged a bullet.  She just strikes me as the type of person who is always looking for a fight. 


 I thought it was really lame of the producers to make the men stand up and pretend like they were going to propose and then not propose. (You know it was the producers' idea!)


 This was the world's stupidest show and the only reason I'm going to watch the reunion show is because I don't think there's anything else on at that time.  I wonder how soon they'll roll out season two -- starring all the people they brought into the house during season one.

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Michelle is so cute and seemed to be fun, I am shocked that Tom did not jump to marry her.  But, he is commitment-phobe, so there is that...  

Darren was so smart to not propose -- Isabella was not really into him being Black.  It would not have worked in The Real World, so good for him for seeing through her thirst.

I could not see the attraction between Tracy and Scott.  Scott is just not attractive and Tracy is very bland.  THEN, we see Scott's Mom -- Tracy Sr.,-- and it All Makes Sense.  Tracy is anxious to get remarried and Scott see's his Mom, literally, in Tracy. I was SHOCKED that Scott's Mom put the kibosh on it all.  After all, they KNEW he was going on this show to Get Married...right? He brings some a Perfectly Reasonable Looking and Acting Gal and they put a STOP to it. I was 80% sure that he would Man Up and Pick Tracy because he is an Adult and Made The Decision to Go On This Show to Find a Wife....but he buckled to his parents.  Wow.  I was as shocked as Tracy.  I found it sad in reading the dubbing at the "End of Show Hugging" that she was in denial saying that they were going to See How Things Worked after the show and he was telling someone that he was Done With Her and would not marry her.  He's about as nice as I always thought he was.  He latched on to Tracy when he first got there and sped into the Trial Marriage and led her on big time....there are some very good reasons he is not married at 38 (although he looked much older).

Can't wait to see what Missy is up to next week.  

Did anyone else think that Ashley K. looks like a blonde Isla Fisher?  Maybe just me....

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5 hours ago, Eme said:

Michelle is so cute and seemed to be fun, I am shocked that Tom did not jump to marry her.  But, he is commitment-phobe, so there is that...  

Darren was so smart to not propose -- Isabella was not really into him being Black.  It would not have worked in The Real World, so good for him for seeing through her thirst.

I could not see the attraction between Tracy and Scott.  Scott is just not attractive and Tracy is very bland.  THEN, we see Scott's Mom -- Tracy Sr.,-- and it All Makes Sense.  Tracy is anxious to get remarried and Scott see's his Mom, literally, in Tracy. I was SHOCKED that Scott's Mom put the kibosh on it all.  After all, they KNEW he was going on this show to Get Married...right? He brings some a Perfectly Reasonable Looking and Acting Gal and they put a STOP to it. I was 80% sure that he would Man Up and Pick Tracy because he is an Adult and Made The Decision to Go On This Show to Find a Wife....but he buckled to his parents.  Wow.  I was as shocked as Tracy.  I found it sad in reading the dubbing at the "End of Show Hugging" that she was in denial saying that they were going to See How Things Worked after the show and he was telling someone that he was Done With Her and would not marry her.  He's about as nice as I always thought he was.  He latched on to Tracy when he first got there and sped into the Trial Marriage and led her on big time....there are some very good reasons he is not married at 38 (although he looked much older).

Can't wait to see what Missy is up to next week.  

Did anyone else think that Ashley K. looks like a blonde Isla Fisher?  Maybe just me....

Just to correct you, Scott is 34 and I do agree he looks much older, I thought he is 40 and was surprised to see he is 34 

I wonder if Spouse House is going to be renewed for a 2nd season, Spouse House is a mess honestly and I would not be surprised if it is not renewed...

Edited by DVDFreaker
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Because it can't be said enough, Tom is a major tool/douchebag. He should have married Ashley Lauren who is also a tool. They deserve each other and they could have filled their house with little douchebag tools.

Edited by Mr. Minor
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At the end of the episode (or maybe something else I was watching?) they had a casting notice so my guess is this trainwreck will be back!

Am I the only one that was horrified by that facial hair Tom had going on? is he trying for a pornstache look? Word of advice -- just say no! I also (didn't) love how after he didn't propose, he was trying to get Michelle to "admit" that she would say yes if he got back up and proposed. Egomaniac much? You didn't propose so you don't get to know "what if". jackass. 

Also glad none of the remaining couples got engaged/married. None of them were ready and I don't think any of them will survive in the real world. 

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I stand corrected, Scott is 34 not 38....although he looks like he could be nearing 50.....Must be all that beard shadow...and the pudgy face.  Hoping Tracy figured things out and is not with him now.  Looking forward to the Tell All...

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I thought it was insane that the two married couples were peer pressuring the other couples into getting married. Yes, reality show marriages are known for their depth and longevity. Eye roll. Do we think they are really legally married? Doubt it.

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Dear Producers,

   Here is my wish list for the Reunion Special:

1)  For any or ALL of the following to announce they are pregnant:  Missy (please oh please!), Tracy, Ashley Lauren

2)  For Tom to tell Kelly Jo he made a mistake letting her go and ask her if he still has a chance with her, then it would be great if all the guys put a beat down on Tom.

3)  For Scott to cry on national television and tell everyone his mommy made him break up with his girlfriend.

4)  For a couple to form outside the house (maybe Darren and the cute grad student, Elizabeth, who never had a chance).

5)  For someone to call out Tom and Ashley Lauren for robbing them of their opportunity to find reality TV love.

And I know this is probably not even remotely possible, but

6)  For Ashley Lauren to comb her crazy hair (I've decided the mess on the outside of her head mirrors the mess that is on the inside).

Thanks ever so much!


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What the hey was Isabella wearing last night? That was one ugly outfit. 

Ashley Lauren always looks dirty. Her hair/weave looks filthy and knotted. She wears way too much makeup. 

Tom has a neck now, but not for long. That lump head had better lock down a wife before he gets any uglier.

This show was sooooooo bad. Did I really watch the whole season, or was it just a bad dream??????

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All I know is that I hope they took those honeymoons pretty quickly after filming.  I suspect the destination resort is pretty much flattened after Irma.

Edited by b2H
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I thought that Missy would be pregnant by now...or at least married.  Wasn't that part of her manifesto?

I didn't catch it, are Tom and Michelle still dating? She deserves better if so.  I'll bet if she would have come sooner on the show, she would have left with someone....she is the most normal.

Totally shocked Scott and Tracy are still dating when he has made it pretty clear he won't be proposing anytime soon.  Ditto Darrin and Isabella.  Guys, maybe time to move on to the next dating show.

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This was my favorite show of the summer!  And I still hate Chris and his pink, unshaved face with the fire of a thousand suns.  I don't think Michelle wants to date Tom any more, unfortunately we didn't get to see his further humiliation.  I was glad Ashley L got asked out by that other guy just out of spite for Tom.  I suspect he told Michelle that things weren't that serious between Ashley and him, and she was pissed when Ashley mentioned that they had been having sex.  As for Danny and Naya, I was not part of the America that "fell in love with them" and make no predictions for their future, but right now they are "so happy" and everything is "so easy" - that is how you should feel 2-3 months into a relationship!  The fact that Tom and Ashley "worked so hard" to me just makes them idiots - they each wanted to be with the person they thought was the "hottest in the room" so they worked really hard to keep it that way.  Who wants to marry someone who was "hard work" in week 2 of the relationship?  They don't get easier with time!

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It seemed to me like the reunion was filmed immediately following the end of the show, before any of them had actually left the Spouse House and wherever the rejects were stashed (aside from maybe Chris and Missy, who mentioned moving in together).  Poor Tracy and Michelle hadn't had any time to process or get perspective on anything.  Scott a.k.a. Quagmire shed no light whatsoever on the reason for his surprising lack of interest in Tracy. Darrin and Isabella still seemed stuck in their politically correct purgatory.  No time at all seemed to have passed.

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I thought it was super weird how Tracy was basically willing to sit there with a big smile on her face talking about how much she loved Scott while he sat there stone-faced repeating how he had no clue how he felt about her or if he would ever have feelings for her. 

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