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S06.E19: Live Top 10 Performance Show 2014.04.28

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All in all, sort of a disappointing night.  A lot of these singers are actually super talented but I was left a little bored by some of the song choices.  Let's get into it.


Kat: B.  Now that I've heard her just sit there and sing I'm not sure I'm a fan of Kat's voice.  She's a good singer, but I find her voice a little thin and without the theatrics of Rock I was left a little bored.  Still, she's decent.  Just not my cup of tea.


Tess: C.  Aw, I'm sad for Tess.  I like her, but she is just too pagenty, her voice is too generic and there just isn't anything special about her.  She did a fine job.  She wasn't off key or anything, but I was left uninspired.  I do like that she's a fighter, though.  I find myself rooting for her because she's always had to pick herself up from the bottom, but it's her time to go.


Audra: B-.  More belty notes?  How boring.  She's got a lovely voice, truly, but she is so bland.  She did a great job with the song but I find myself rooting for her less and less.  I don't want to listen to notes when I listen to music, I want to hear passion and emotion and I just don't get that from Audra.  It's a shame because she's a real talent.


Josh: B+.  Was it just me or was the background music completely overpowering him?  I've actually noticed this problem a couple of times but it was the most evident here.  I could barely hear him!  I think this was an awful choice of song from Usher.  Last week Josh seemed modern and fresh and this week he just seemed so dated.  The song doesn't have enough elements in it for it to be an interesting performance.  Still, Blake was right when he said that Josh's live performances sound like recordings - he's that good.  I love the passion I hear in Josh's voice and I hear it every time he sings.  Shitty song, but Josh still impresses me.


Christina: A.  I'm completely surprised be her.  I've been annoyed by Christina for some time now.  I find her performances fake, I find her big notes shouty and unneccesary and, generally, I find her generic.  So color me surprised when I found myself enjoying her performance!  I think this dialed back way of singing really showcased the tones in her voice that I didn't know were there.  She still got her shouty note in there, but it felt right so I'm not hating.


Jake: D.  Jake, what the hell!  You were in my top 3 before the lives but I have been so unimpressed with you.  Your low notes used to be full and warm and lovely, and now you're ghosting them and they're pitchy.  Boo!  Boo I say!  I still like Jake and I'd like to see him get another shot, but give him something interesting!  The song was boring and the performance was boring.


Bria: F.  Girl.


Delvin: A-. Delvin has got a lovely, full voice that is incredibly rich, but I think it needs a little more grit.  That being said, finally, a performance!  While everybody else jsut stood there and sang or trotted around slowly, Delvin really got into it!  I've always loved how he interacts with the audience - it really draws me in.  Great energy, great song choice.  It really raised my estimation of Delvin.


Kristen: B-.  I love Kristen.  When she sings and performs and even when she speaks to the camera I find her so honest.  I am very attracted to her genuine her energy is, which puts her miles ahead of people like Audra and Sissaundra.  I love the tone of Kristen's voice, but this was a pretty bad song choice.  It didn't showcase her lovely voice in any way.  I really hope she survives this week because I think she's awesome.


Sissaundra: A.  Oh, Sissaundra.  How I wish I could like you.  I don't know what it is but her personality just seems like a facade to me.  Unfortunately for me, that means I can't enjoy her performances as much as I should.  That being said, what a voice.  Blake is a genius.  This was the perfect song at the perfect time for Sissaundra.  I was getting really sick of all of her belty songs and vocal acrobatics.  Sissaundra is a chronic oversinger, but she really dialed it back with this performance and had a lot of fun with it.  She's GOT to stop with the epic notes though.  We know you can do it and as great as they are they're becoming repetitive.



10) Bria

9) Jake

8) Tess

7) Audra

6) Kat

5) Kristen

4) Josh

3) Delvin

2) Sissaundra

1) Christina

I'm not a Voice watcher, but saw the last 2 performance shows because I happened to see- and really liked-Josh. If I hadn't watched previously, I certainly wouldn't have been impressed with him after tonight's performance. Usher is acting so gloomy that I'm guessing he was told to throw some roadblocks in front of Josh, lest he derail the Grimmie Train.


Grimmie herself was good. Delvin was great.


Jake is horrifying, first time I've seen/heard him- why is he here? He makes Scotty McCreery sound like Johnny Cash.


Sisaundra is very skillful, but watching her reminded me of how older people at weddings and such, dance in this very self conscious, 'Hey look kids, Mom can still shake her groove thang' way. Which is weird, because she's younger than I am; must be the white hair?


I had to change the channel for 'Bria', who made a noise that just...eh, I couldn't handle it.


All the other females were just kind of there- OK, but I won't remember them.

The Blake/Adam thing is getting old and weird.  I really hope Adam had a prop phone number and they rehersed that bit beforehand.


I'm shocked that Blake didn't give Sisaundra a Tina Turner song. Maybe next week? I think she's here to stay, my cashier in BJs tonight was talking about her.


Favorite tonight was Delvin, then Josh.  The rest can just go away.  Of course Grimmie might Cassaaddee this season, but I'm hoping she comes in 4th or lower.  Bria left her prop and her pitch backstage.  That was horrid.  Kristin's mike worked, so good for her, but I can't hear 'Let Her Go' without comparing to Cole Vosbury's version last year - which is still one of my favorite Voice songs ever.


Was Jake trying to swallow the mike?  If I'm allowed to be snarky, he's like the 'Singer for a Day' make a wish kid. And if you're going to sing George Strait, then be able to sing.  Audra did the best she could with a Reba song, but the girl needs closed captioning for me to understand her mumbling before screeching.

  • Love 1

Glad I am not the only one who can't understand a word Audra is singing. She and Jake both mumble like crazy, but at least Jake used to enunciate during the battle rounds.


My grades for tonight:

Kristen - A - I thought this song fit her like a glove. I love the tone of her voice. Just absolutely love it.

Christina - A - I finally get why she is the frontrunner. That was just about a perfect performance.


Delvin -B+ - First time I have enjoyed him. It was great until that self-indulgent bit at the end but that was mostly Adam's doing.

Sisaundra - B - She can sing but when she's over singing a Steve Perry song, it's a problem.

Tess B - - This was not the week to sing this song. Not a chance in hell that she doesn't go home. But, she sounded great.


Kat - C - She was fine. I think the tears were a bit much and the guitar player was freaking me out, but she did a decent job on the song.

Josh - C-  - This is literally the 2nd worst song to be sung on The Voice after "Leaving on an Jet Plane". The coaches were very, very nice to not rip Usher for that song choice. And he sang it really badly. He is much better than that.


Jake  - D - I love Jake but this was really mumbly to me tonight.

Audra - D - The combination of her not enunciating and her complete lack of charisma might make her one of my least favorite contestants ever.

Bria - F - Damn, that was bad. Just all around bad. She hit some really rank notes and all the judges knew it. She really should go home after tonight and last week, but she'll get the twitter save unfortunately.


Should be bottom 3 - Bria, Audra, Josh with Audra and Bria going home.

Will be bottom 3 - Kristen, Bria and Tess with Kristen and Tess going home.

Bo-ring. And almost universally awful.


I think my husband hit it on the head with Sisaundra; he said she has a great voice but the stage presence of a backup dancer.


I was already thoroughly sick of Blake and the Blake/Adam interactions, but this was just a bridge too far. The show would be much improved if they got rid of Blake and Adam for a while.


I wasn't able to watch the episode so I just watched the videos on YouTube. Here are my ratings:


Grimmie: A. Reluctantly. I really don't like her - I think she's affected and immature, I don't really think she's much better of a singer than most of the other contestants, and her fake 'rock star' movements are grating. But that arrangement of Drake was GENIUS and if she had anything to do with it, hats off to her. I watched the video three times. 


Delvin: A-. That was really fun. I like his confidence and energy - he seems like the performer who is the most excited about engaging with the audience. The song itself seemed kind of dumb and not a great vehicle for showing off his voice, but I loved watching it.


Kristen: B+. Not a good showcase of her voice... and it would have been more affecting if she had toned it down a little bit. It's supposed to be mournful, not belted. But she was great and I love the fact that an out lesbian singer is singing 'Let Her Go' on national TV. Go Kristen!


Sisaundra: B.  Yes, she was great and she can sing everything and I really like her as a person but this song is soooo dated and boring to me. Imagine if Sisaundra had done Drake instead of Christina Grimmie. Now that would have been amazing. 


Josh: B-. Wow, there's something that Josh can sing that isn't good. I really like him but couldn't make it more than a minute into the performance.


Tess: C+. I hope she stays clear of the bottom 3 this week but this song was boring and I felt like she blended in with the backup music. It needed more attitude (the song is basically telling someone off) but she seemed focused on hitting the notes. 


Audra, Jake, Kat: C. I liked bits of all of their performances but I felt like this was the night where all three showed big weak places. Jake has peaked and sounds like he wants to go home. Audra's wailing is old now. And Kat needs to scream and yell to be fun.


Bria: D. So I was already bound to dislike it because I hate Avril. But... This was just a horrid rendition of an already-mediocre song. It will be interesting to see if her fan base carries her through. 


If I had my way, these two would go home: Audra and Bria


But I predict these three will be at the bottom: Tess, Kat and Audra with Audra getting the save

Edited by treebyleaf

I'm in complete agreement with other posters that this episode was rather dull. Also that TPTB are trying to engineer a desired outcome (not really clear what that is, as I still think they'd rather have a winner come from Team Usher vs. Team Adam). Song choices were awful for most of the stronger performers (Sisaundra, Josh, Delvin) tonight. And nothing I feel I want to download or vote for. (I am the opposite of invested at this point.)


Top 5


As I write this, Christina is at #6 (and Rixton, the completely boring band that opened the show is #7 and WTF was that about, why are they flogging a song by a band that has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE ON THE SHOW?) 


Kristen did fine, but as dbell1 pointed out above, Cole Vosbury killed with that song just last season...She's at #33.


It's killing me a little to see what they're doing with Josh. One week you're flying high with a Sam Smith so-hot-it's-burning-up-iTunes song, the next week you're stuck singing a so-so Kenny Loggins number that was first recorded over 30 years ago. It's at #52 as this is written. (Oddly, just one spot ahead of Jake Worthington's mangled performance.)


Sisaundra: Wow, really? Journey? I'm not really surprised, because the show does not want Sissaundra to win. But that song choice was pretty blatant. (#87)


Delvin: I like this guy. He's got a great voice. But that song... no. Currently #101.


Bottom 5:


Audra: Hmmm... I didn't see that coming, but after tonight, I'll go on record as saying that she will be the last one standing on Team Blake. Currently #42.


Tess: Tess may have actually goosed Paramore's sales of "Ain't It Fun?" (Clearly it didn't help her, as her version sits at #190 as I write this.)


Jake: This makes me very, very sad. Sad because he was adorable on the taped shows. On the live shows he's been wretched. Crazily enough, he's at #53


Kat: I really couldn't bring myself to listen or watch her version of a song that's been done better by Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac and the Dixie Chicks. So I'll take everyone's word for it that it was meh and scratch my head that her version is sitting at #48 right now.


Bria: Bria is why they invented fast forward (thank you, DVR gods!) In the battle of the Shrieky McShriekersons (Kat vs. Bria vs. Christina), it's time for this one to go home. Currently at #157 on iTunes.


My guess for B3 

Tess, Bria, and Delvin (it should be Jake but the power of the Team Blake voters appears to be strong). Twitter probably saves Delvin.


Not sure what was up with that stunt around Blake tweeting Adam's phone number. My guess is that they wanted to push Twitter traffic both nights. Whatever.

  • Love 1



As I write this, Christina is at #6 (and Rixton, the completely boring band that opened the show is #7 and WTF was that about, why are they flogging a song by a band that has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE ON THE SHOW?) 



This season is so mundane, so full of forgettable people that perhaps people thought Rixton was a contestant?


Bria needs to go, badly.  There have been contestants on this show that I don't like, but I've never actively rooted for someone to do bad until Bria.  Then she had to be all crying face and make me feel bad. 


Even after the Drake song I still don't see what the deal is with Grimmie.  Her only redeeming quality is she looks like Blossom/Amy Farrah Fowler, but I'm sure that won't help her with the audience she is trying to reach. 

  • Love 1

I will admit that the judges are absolutely brilliant with NOT saying the negatives in some of those performances, but simply dancing around the positives.  Except for Adam.  He actually went there.  Blake always does the "I want to hear what her/his coach has to say" instead of giving his real opinion.  It always happens around this part of the competition.


Nothing can take away my Kristen & Josh love though.  They are still the only 2 singers in the competition I would actually pay to see & hear live. 

  • Love 1
Bria left her prop and her pitch backstage.




First of all, I am all set with these Rixton people. Secondly, the Blake/Adam phone debacle was ridiculous and annoying. I am guessing it was just a stunt to drive Twitter traffic. Moving on…


Most performances weren’t very memorable for me. Some things that stood out:


Josh: I feel like the song choice for Josh was similar to what Cee Lo did to Nicholas a couple seasons ago…dogging the guy with the soulful voice with dated tunes. Hopefully this was just a one-time misstep and he’ll be back on track next week.


Kristen: Every time Shakira comments on her performance she says awkward things, one week it was about Kristen not being comfortable with her looks, this week it was about her representing the minority of the country. It is odd and reminds me when Usher kept pushing the Michelle Chamuel/ugly duckling storyline two seasons ago. Just stop, Shakira.


I am ready for Jake, Audra, Tess and Bria to go. I have a feeling Jake and Bria will be kept around way too long. Was it Adam’s criticism that made Bria cry or did she know she sucked?

I will admit that the judges are absolutely brilliant with NOT saying the negatives in some of those performances, but simply dancing around the positives.  Except for Adam.  He actually went there.  Blake always does the "I want to hear what her/his coach has to say" instead of giving his real opinion.  It always happens around this part of the competition.


Nothing can take away my Kristen & Josh love though.  They are still the only 2 singers in the competition I would actually pay to see & hear live. 

He did go there with Bria in a very nice way.  I can't help think that it was strategy though, since others deserved the some honest feedback also.  None of the others were young girls that might get the same votes as Grimmie/Blossom, and strategy wise it was brilliant for Adam to call her out.

Kat - She did the Fleetwood Mac song justice, although a close mimic of Stevie Nicks voice.  It's a brave choice to do a song like that.


Audra - Wow!  Beautiful.


Jake - What the hell, man?  He changed the melody a little bit on the George Strait song and I just didn't like it.  In fact, it took me a moment or two to figure out which song it was.  If you are going to do George Strait...then DO George Strait!  Don't do what you just did, dude.


Christine Grimme - I like this girl more and more every week.  She has a very unique tone to her voice. 


Josh - I love Josh Kaufman and I love that Kenny Loggins song.  BUT... the band way overpowered him.  I could barely hear him during critical parts of the song.  I wanted to love it... but that kind of ruined it for me.  I wonder if it's just a TV thing with sound mixing or if it sounds the same live?


Bria - I have yet to hear anyone do a good version of one of Avril Lavigne's songs.  Poor Bria.  She tanked tonight. :(


Tess - Beautiful gal but utterly forgettable as a performer.  She should have done a ballad.  I swear, with her it's all about song choice.


Delvin - The end was really cool.  Good energy.


Sassaundra - She is The Voice.  But not my cup of tea.  Weird?


Kristin - I LOVE her voice!  "Let Her Go" is overplayed here but she managed to breath new life into it.


Picks for the bottom 3:





Jake & Tess will go home.  Delivin will be saved.

Edited by MissScarlett

This season is so mundane, so full of forgettable people that perhaps people thought Rixton was a contestant?


Bria needs to go, badly.  There have been contestants on this show that I don't like, but I've never actively rooted for someone to do bad until Bria.  Then she had to be all crying face and make me feel bad. 


Even after the Drake song I still don't see what the deal is with Grimmie.  Her only redeeming quality is she looks like Blossom/Amy Farrah Fowler, but I'm sure that won't help her with the audience she is trying to reach. 

Re Bria: You mean not even Raelynn from season 2. =p


I'll have to catch up on Hulu or YouTube, but judging by the comments here, I didn't miss much. This season is turning into a bummer. I was so excited, especially after the first season with Usher and Shakira. I guess a thin talent pool really put a damper on my enjoyment.

Re Bria: You mean not even Raelynn from season 2. =p


I'll have to catch up on Hulu or YouTube, but judging by the comments here, I didn't miss much. This season is turning into a bummer. I was so excited, especially after the first season with Usher and Shakira. I guess a thin talent pool really put a damper on my enjoyment.


I've noticed that with the talent.  Do you think it's because they do this twice a year?  I would be happy if they sheared it down to once a year.  I think sometimes we (the audience) needs a break to catch our breath and get excited again.


Nothing can take away my Kristen & Josh love though.  They are still the only 2 singers in the competition I would actually pay to see & hear live.


I already have tickets to The Voice tour with Tessanne, Jacquie, Will and Dia + the top 3 from this season. I am hoping that top 3 will be Josh, Kristen and Christina. That would be an interesting combination. I am slightly terrified that we'll end up with Audra, Christina and Bria though.

At the commercial, right after Audra did her performance, I went to YouTube and watched Reba's official version of "You Lie"....(Yes, complete with 1990 poofy hair, shoulder pads & mom jeans!)  :)  I've always been a huge fan of RM.


Even with her pretty voice, the mumbling and lack of maturity really showed.  I really do feel that artists have to tap into the reality of the lyrics to sell the song to me. Seriously, it's about a woman lying in bed with the dude she knows is cheating on her.  I just didn't buy that from Audra, as I don't think at her age, she's that woman. Not that she has to go through every trial & tribulation known to mankind, but I prefer to believe the situations they sing about COULD be realistic.  Just my preference. 


With Kristen, I totally bought into her performance of "Let Her Go".  I don't care much for the song, but it made sense to me. 

Bria needs to go, badly.  There have been contestants on this show that I don't like, but I've never actively rooted for someone to do bad until Bria.  Then she had to be all crying face and make me feel bad.


Pfft. I didn't feel bad.  She can cry all she wants - I want her gone.


I found myself liking Delvin a lot last night and I couldn't really have given two hoots about him before.  He had a fun performance.  Which means he'll probably be voted off the island tonight.


Grimmie was alright.  I keep wanting to clip her bangs back, though. The comb over look bugs me.


Even with her pretty voice, the mumbling and lack of maturity really showed.  I really do feel that artists have to tap into the reality of the lyrics to sell the song to me. Seriously, it's about a woman lying in bed with the dude she knows is cheating on her.  I just didn't buy that from Audra, as I don't think at her age, she's that woman. Not that she has to go through every trial & tribulation known to mankind, but I prefer to believe the situations they sing about COULD be realistic.  Just my preference.


That's what the song was about? I would never have guessed it from Audra's performance. Of course, I couldn't understand one word she was singing which made it more difficult. She's very pageanty.

Maybe it's my advanced age (pushing 40), but I really enjoyed Josh's "This Is It". I've always liked that song. It reminds me of being a kid. Just like "Oh, Sherry", which I also loved last night.

Audra is too mannered. I think her vocal affectations get in the way of her storytelling. Reba's "You Lie" is amazing and Audra's was an inarticulate mess.

I thought Delvin was a real snoozer last night. I'm feeling a shock boot, with sobbing (awful, awful, braying) Bria safe.

Edited by Swedish Chef

I've noticed that with the talent.  Do you think it's because they do this twice a year?  I would be happy if they sheared it down to once a year.  I think sometimes we (the audience) needs a break to catch our breath and get excited again.

Definitely the reason. It's causing the talent to thin out or these are contestants that spilled over from the rejection pile from previous seasons.

Edited by Lily Adler
  • Love 1

I'm thrilled my top 3 favorites are in the top 39 on Itunes!  My favorites from last night are Audra, Kristen and Kat.   I agreed with the judges when they said Audra was one of the best performances they had ever seen.


I wanted to support Jake, but he just isn't ready.  Too bad, too. He's a nice guy, but he's not nailing the vocals.  It must be nerves.


I thought Kristin did great and I thought Kat's performance was her best yet.  


I'm not a Grimmie fan, but it looks like she may win this season.  She seems to have a strong fan base.


I wanted to like Sisaundra too, but I just don't.  She has a great voice, but her style is just not for me.

I also wanted Jake to go far, but I think he may have hit his "wall."  I think his fan base (and the grandmas who think he's "cute") will keep him for another week, but if something amazing doesn't happen for him soon, he won't go too much further.


Please let Bria and Tess go home.  Although it WILL be a shame to take another artist from both Shakira and Usher,  those two deserve to get the boot.


I was pleasantly surprised by Grimmie and Delvin last night.  I didn't think either of them had those performances in them.  My favorites (Kristen and Josh) were cursed by bad song choices, but Sisaundra knocked it out of the park.

Like many, I thought it was an underwhelming night, but I'm not quite in agreement with the consensus on all the performers.

Sissaundra & Grimmie had the best vocals I thought, though the affectations towards the end on Grimmie's started to bug. Song choice for Sissaundra was one of those that just sounds karaoke no matter what. Even the original sounds like karaoke. It's just that kind of song.

I thought Audra actually sounded pretty good, though I was bored by her song and fast forwarded over most of it, so maybe it got worse.

Delvin has impressive range and technique, but Adam needs to give him the advice Blake gave Sissaundra....back off the vibrato. It makes everything he sings sound churchy. His pitch is generally spot on, but I can't buy him on anything but gospel or gospelish soul/r&b right now. Didn't sell that blues song at all.

Kristen is my fav, but that song was meh for her. Didn't really suit her voice/style. Hope she is safe.

Kat was OK. She should stick to rock. She's a decent rock singer, but not an impressive overall singer. Key shoulda been about a half step higher so she could hit the low notes better.

Losing interest in Josh. My hatred of little guys in hats is overtaking my initial appreciation of his voice/skill. Song was boring and dated and just didn't suit him.

I didn't hate Bria like y'all seem to. Not my favorite, but it wasn't terrible or at least not significantly more terrible than Avril.

Tess was utterly forgettable.

Jake is the biggest disappointment of the season for me. I liked him in the auditions and he seems so darn nice, but his pitch has been all kinda of terrible both weeks and his songs bore me. Kinda wish Blake kept the other chubby guy instead.


1. Grimmie

2. Sissaundra

3. Kristen

4. Audra

5. Delvin

6. Kat

7. Josh

8. Bria

9. Tess

10. Jake

Blake's legion of country voters may keep Jake safe. I think Tess is a goner, not sure between Delvin, Josh, Bria & Kat.

I also thought Delvin's performance was very good.  When Usher commented that Delvin really brought that gospel sound to his performance, I agreed, and thought it added dimension and emotion to the song.


Poor Jake.  He seems to have lost something.  He just doesn't seem invested somehow.  I thought he would go far, but now it just seems to be slipping away from him.


It's too bad Sisaundra didn't decide to be a rocker a long time ago.

Sisaundra is very skillful, but watching her reminded me of how older people at weddings and such, dance in this very self conscious, 'Hey look kids, Mom can still shake her groove thang' way. Which is weird, because she's younger than I am; must be the white hair?


Ha! This cracked me up because that's just the way Sisaundra comes off to me, like sometimes she's trying so hard to keep up with the young'uns and show them she's still got it.  I do think she should just be herself, more natural and get rid of the stupid hair color. 


Kristen: Every time Shakira comments on her performance she says awkward things, one week it was about Kristen not being comfortable with her looks, this week it was about her representing the minority of the country. It is odd and reminds me when Usher kept pushing the Michelle Chamuel/ugly duckling storyline two seasons ago. Just stop, Shakira.


I cringed when Shakira said that to Kristen.  I think Shakira rambles on after she runs out of constructive things to say, and then she says something stupid like that.  I wish she'd stop, too.

I'm trying to catch up - I loved Kristen tonight.  I liked her version of Let Her Go better than Cole's last season, and I really liked his.  Part of it is that it's a great song, but part of it is that she doesn't oversing.  She just gives a sweet, sincere, beautiful vocal.  She's my favorite right now, displacing Josh.


Josh gave his worst performance.  I thought Audra's was her best.


Odd to read how many liked Delvin.  He doesn't do it for me.  Neither does Sisaundra.  I thought Blake's song choice for Sisaundra was really weird: it emphasized the loud bit which is my least favorite type of singing.


Christina again was really good until she stood up and got loud.  I wish she would sit, sing, and play - and never get loud.  I would actually really enjoy her voice, then.


I don't remember the rest very well.  They can all go home.  Go, Kristen!  Oh, and boo to Shakira for bringing up other factors than Kristen's voice.  You could see that Kristen wanted to be appreciated as a singer first, and Shakira messed up there..

Kat: It was smart for Adam to finally give her a song that gave her some room to breathe. I have been waiting and waiting to hear what makes her voice special and I feel like we've only gotten glimpses of it before now. That's not to say it was perfect but at least I heard "Kat" for the first time. There were issues with the low notes. I wanted a prettier version of Landslide and this assaulted my ears a little.


Tess: I think it sounded good. I don't know the song so it's harder to judge her. I think she did get a little lost when the music really kicked in. I want to say the chorus but this song is weird. Anyway, she started off well and then couldn't really fight through the instruments. Which is weird for a pop singer. Which is why she needed a different song or a different arrangement. Which is something Shakira should have taken care of.


Audra: She still has that problem where she drops out. I think it's a combination of notes that aren't well supported by her breath and an issue with low notes. They either go flat or almost disappear completely. That said, I still like the yodel/twang. I didn't think she really brought the emotional connection.


Josh: I hate his whisper-singing. I hate it. I really don't get the appeal of Josh. When he's not whisper singing it just sound sharp and unpleasant (not sharp as in sharp and flat but like these aggressively closed off notes that just assault my ears). There was a slightly growly bit and some falsetto that I liked but with Josh I have to try really hard to get through a performance.


Christina: Immediately, lol at them telling her it's important we can see your eyes and then bathing her in red light so she's backlit and you can't see her face. Great job, guys. But it started off pretty well. It was perfectly fine until she started screaming. For some reason she's convinced that the screaming sounds better than it does. Without it she's actually a perfectly pleasant singer.

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