Trini May 23, 2017 Share May 23, 2017 What do want to happen (or NOT happen) in Season 4 of The Flash? (Speculation goes elsewhere.) Link to comment
ruby24 May 23, 2017 Share May 23, 2017 The lighthearted, fun tone of Season 1 back. A big bad who's unknown to the characters until at least the last 6-8 episodes of the season. Before that we can just do adventures of the week, and fun, character stuff. The WestAllen wedding. I think they ought to copy straight from the comics for it actually, which had it so that a villain impersonated Barry and tried to marry Iris before real Barry could get there. 6 Link to comment
Trini May 23, 2017 Author Share May 23, 2017 I have all sorts of things on my wishlist, but things aren't going to change much unless there's changes behind the scenes. Can we get Zack Stentz back as a full time, hands on producer/writer? Link to comment
sarthaz May 23, 2017 Share May 23, 2017 The only way to save Iris in the Season 3 finale is a bargain with the SpeedForce that removes all meta capabilities from everyone on all Earths. Team Flash still fights crime, but they're forced to use CSI techniques and good detective work, and Season 4 focuses heavily on personal relationships between the characters. Except Wally -- he's boring AF -- so he goes to college in Alaska. Link to comment
SodaforceMaster May 23, 2017 Share May 23, 2017 I want Barry to stop wussing out at every failure. A confident hero would go on even in the face of devastation. 1 Link to comment
johntfs May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 5 hours ago, sarthaz said: The only way to save Iris in the Season 3 finale is a bargain with the SpeedForce that removes all meta capabilities from everyone on all Earths. Team Flash still fights crime, but they're forced to use CSI techniques and good detective work, and Season 4 focuses heavily on personal relationships between the characters. Except Wally -- he's boring AF -- so he goes to college in Alaska. So instead of The Flash you want to watch CSI: Central City? I like Wally and I want him to stay part of the family. I definitely want to see more Iris as her own person doing her own stuff. A few episodes where we focus more completely on other characters like Cisco or Iris with Barry more in the background would be nice. Hey, Joe's a cop. Do an episode like Law and Order with a metahuman focusing on Joe and Cecile. 4 Link to comment
sarthaz May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 10 minutes ago, johntfs said: So instead of The Flash you want to watch CSI: Central City? I like Wally and I want him to stay part of the family. I definitely want to see more Iris as her own person doing her own stuff. A few episodes where we focus more completely on other characters like Cisco or Iris with Barry more in the background would be nice. Hey, Joe's a cop. Do an episode like Law and Order with a metahuman focusing on Joe and Cecile. So you want to watch Law & Order: Central City? :) Link to comment
johntfs May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 6 minutes ago, sarthaz said: So you want to watch Law & Order: Central City? :) I want to watch maybe one episode of it, but not a whole season. Given what happened in tonight's episode, I'd like to see them go ballsy as fuck and make Wally into the Flash, dropping the Kid part of Kid Flash completely. Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 I only have one wish... that the Show & its writers somehow re-find whatever it was that made season 1 so magical. Most of the last two seasons were more of a chore to keep up with than something to be looked forward to. 1 Link to comment
Grace19 May 24, 2017 Share May 24, 2017 Iris as a reporter through out the season, not just one episode. Barry using his skill as a CSI throughout the season. Joe as a cop and to be happy with Cecil. Wally as kid flash and as an engineering student Cisco and gypsy being badass Harry to stick around. Bring back the Barry we saw in episode 21, we want fun Barry back. And please let westallen be happy and no stupid love triangle. Westallen wedding. NO SPEEDSTER VILLAINS! 5 Link to comment
johntfs May 25, 2017 Share May 25, 2017 (edited) Gypsy's okay as a character, but I'd be fine if she bit it chasing some dimensional fugitive (maybe Abra Kadabra?) See right now we'll have Flash and Kid Flash, Cisco and Gypsy and then Not-Quite-So Killer Frost. So of five metas, two each have the same powers. Hell, at this point Barry needs to hit the Vanishing Point to rescue Snart so he can join the team and have a double threefer. Instead of Gypsy, I'd like to see them bring back Britne Olford as Peek-A-Boo. How about letting Iris be an actual investigative reporter? Maybe she could even crossover to Arrow a couple of times. Julian was once Alchemy. He probably picked up a pretty big trove of esoteric knowledge about Weird Stuff. Maybe he could be more the magic/paranormal guy instead of just the CSI dude who's hot for the cold chick. And while we're at it, how about instead of the meta of the week time traveler of the season, we bring in other stuff. Aliens have been established as real. So has magic. And super-tech power suits and the like. Throw a little variety in there. As for the inevitable Harrison Wells, how about doing something like bring in the original Harrison Wells' twin brother, Garrison Wells? Instead of making him evil or cranky or flakey, have him be a coolly pragmatic hard-nosed businessperson who wants Star Labs to be a money-making operation instead of just a science playroom for crime-fighters. Edited May 25, 2017 by johntfs 1 Link to comment
RedVitC May 25, 2017 Share May 25, 2017 (edited) A few: -I'd love to see Iris start an investigation that eventually leads to her exposing the main villain for the season. -WestAllen wedding -WestAllen cuteness (but I'm not going to lie, I really like the dramatic moments too) -More of Barry at work/more cases that require the team to work with/around the CCPD so that it grounds everything in the 'real' world -Iris and Caitlin interacting/friendship -Bart Allen showing up Edited May 25, 2017 by RedVitC 7 Link to comment
ruby24 May 25, 2017 Share May 25, 2017 I'd like Iris to become a TV reporter. I feel like if she was, the show would find that more visually interesting and want to incorporate it more on that basis as well- there's a lot of times where they're watching newscasts on the show. She could interview The Flash, it could start rumors because he's flirty with her, etc. There's a LOT they could do with that. 5 Link to comment
bettername2come May 26, 2017 Share May 26, 2017 -Iris reports! -Cisco stepping up more now that he's the most experienced superhero in the city. And have people know who Vibe is. -Iris and Cisco get closer over the summer with Caitlin and Barry's absence. -Barry doesn't screw anything up because I'm tired of him screwing up, but even tireder of screwed up people calling him out for his screwups. -More Tracy. I enjoy liking Anne Dudek. -Let the women do stuff in the crossover! Iris and Kara reporting on something, Caitlin and Kara freezing stuff together. It could be interesting. 22 hours ago, RedVitC said: -Bart Allen showing up Why did I suddenly imagine the Waverider pulling up to Westallen just after they get Barry out of the Speed Force and Professor Stein jumping out yelling "It's your kids, Barry! Something's gotta be done about your kids!" 7 Link to comment
legaleagle53 May 27, 2017 Share May 27, 2017 3 hours ago, doram said: Barry using his brain. The guy's supposed to have invented Gideon. Gideon is 22nd-Century technology. How could Barry have invented her? 3 hours ago, doram said: Sort out the ethics/morality of this show. It's one thing to hold the good guys to a higher standard - but pleading for mercy for a serial-killing gorilla; or actively trying to prevent a mad man from being destroyed by his own hubris --- that's just ludicrous. I'm not expecting Barry to go Arrow and start murdering people. But Good does not equal Nice and it certainly does not equal Stupid. Considering that Oliver has been in possession of the idiot ball all season, it's interesting that you mention him in the same breath as "Good does not equal...Stupid." Link to comment
RedVitC May 27, 2017 Share May 27, 2017 5 hours ago, bettername2come said: Why did I suddenly imagine the Waverider pulling up to Westallen just after they get Barry out of the Speed Force and Professor Stein jumping out yelling "It's your kids, Barry! Something's gotta be done about your kids!" Lol, end of Season 4! I have wondered if if they ever do bring Bart Allen on, and he proves a successful character that they'll have him transfer to legends, since he can't really stay on Flash beyond an arc/maybe season. 1 Link to comment
legaleagle53 May 27, 2017 Share May 27, 2017 1 hour ago, doram said: Are you asking if Barry invented Gideon or how Barry invented Gideon? Who said anything about Oliver? 1. I'm asking HOW Barry invented Gideon if he did indeed invent her. 2. You did when you said that you didn't want Barry to "go all Arrow and start murdering people." To whom else could you possibly have been referring as "Arrow" if not Oliver Queen? Link to comment
johntfs May 27, 2017 Share May 27, 2017 1 hour ago, legaleagle53 said: 2. You did when you said that you didn't want Barry to "go all Arrow and start murdering people." To whom else could you possibly have been referring as "Arrow" if not Oliver Queen? Pretty much everyone on Team Arrow barring Curtis and Felicity have killed the shit out of a lot of people. Link to comment
RedVitC May 27, 2017 Share May 27, 2017 8 hours ago, legaleagle53 said: Gideon is 22nd-Century technology. How could Barry have invented her? I think it was 1.21 where Barry talked to Gideon and asked her not to reveal that they were in the vault to Harrison Wells/Thawne and she said she ok. And when he wondered why she would help him, she said it was because he created her. I'm not sure how/when he does it. Apparently speedsters age slower, but I'm not sure if that's also true on the show. 1 Link to comment
Jediknight May 27, 2017 Share May 27, 2017 - The Rogues as the main villains. They'll bring the fun, and it will be a nice change to see the main villains just be a group of criminals, not speedsters. - Wonder Woman showing up. We got the reference to Cheetah this season, so it would be awesome if Diana showed up and teamed with Barry. 10 hours ago, johntfs said: Pretty much everyone on Team Arrow barring Curtis and Felicity have killed the shit out of a lot of people. Well, Felicity did redirect that nuclear weapon to Havenrock, killing the shit out of a lot of people. Link to comment
bettername2come May 27, 2017 Share May 27, 2017 Iris and Barry get to see Hamilton. 7 Link to comment
Jediknight May 28, 2017 Share May 28, 2017 2 hours ago, bettername2come said: Iris and Barry get to see Hamilton. Those tickets have to be fake, nobody would give away Hamilton tickets for free. 1 Link to comment
johntfs May 28, 2017 Share May 28, 2017 8 hours ago, Jediknight said: - The Rogues as the main villains. They'll bring the fun, and it will be a nice change to see the main villains just be a group of criminals, not speedsters. - Wonder Woman showing up. We got the reference to Cheetah this season, so it would be awesome if Diana showed up and teamed with Barry. Well, Felicity did redirect that nuclear weapon to Havenrock, killing the shit out of a lot of people. Well, there you go then. Link to comment
Trini May 28, 2017 Author Share May 28, 2017 A few shallow wishes: • Costume upgrade for the Flash. It's been 3 seasons; it's time! • New hair stylist for Candice. She's had about 4 hairstyles in 3 seasons? • Please let Carlos grow some facial hair! 2 Link to comment
RedVitC May 28, 2017 Share May 28, 2017 Since this is the wishlist thread. If they did bring in Bart, who would you like to see cast? Link to comment
Trini May 29, 2017 Author Share May 29, 2017 The villains-of-the-week were really weak this season. I say they bring back some previous villains -- maybe with upgraded powers, and the ones that can't necessarily be beat with speed. (I'd love to see Prism/Rainbow Raider, Peekaboo, Mist, or either of the Tricksters return.) Yearly reminder that we need to see Iris have some relationships outside of Team Flash. Bring back Linda Park! And CCPN (a set we only saw twice this season), and a couple of recurring co-workers, maybe. More Cisco/Iris and more Cisco/Wally scenes. Speaking of Wally, they need to remember he's an engineering student. I want Iris to go to Earth-2 next season; and meet her doppelganger. I'd love to see Earth-2 WestAllen again, anyway. And even though he's dead, I'd like to see Reverb again, just to see Carlos play evil one more time. Speaking of; I also want to see Evil!Iris. 4 Link to comment
Trini June 3, 2017 Author Share June 3, 2017 Maybe there's hope after the explosion, etc. at STAR Labs in the finale, but I'd like to see less of those group meetings at STAR Labs with the whole Team. I know it's a main set/location, and it's an easy way to share info with everyone, but it isn't always necessary to have everyone in the same place, at the same time. They need to make better use of CCPD, and Barry's job as a CSI. ... And of course, Iris' job as a journalist/investigator. Also, like they teased in the Season 2 premiere, Cisco should be working with CCPD to help them with metahuman threats. It'd be one way to get him out of the lab more. I want Barry and Iris to have a relaxing honeymoon (on Earth-2 if possible). I'm not counting on the wedding day being drama-free, but the wedding better happen in Season 4! They've teased the Flash descendants, it'd be cool if one of them actually shows up. Oh, and I want Vibe to get a Jitters drink named after him. ? Link to comment
johntfs June 3, 2017 Share June 3, 2017 (edited) I want H.R. to get a Jitters drink named after him. I'd prefer Flash descendants come in Season Five or later(or not all as I'm not a fan of the "Hi, I'm your future son/daughter/grandchild/etc." It was stupid on Charmed(as were most things because Charmed) and it'd be stupid here). Honestly, I'm kind of sick of time travel bullshit. I'd rather have some extra-dimensional bullshit for a change. Some occult/magical bullshit would be awesome, too. Especially if it meant we could get Matt Ryan reprising his role as John Constantine. Edited June 3, 2017 by johntfs 3 Link to comment
wingster55 June 3, 2017 Share June 3, 2017 Linda Park. 1 Link to comment
DavidJSnyder June 4, 2017 Share June 4, 2017 I'd like them to introduce the Elongated Man and Sue. I'd cast Paul F Tompkins and Paget Brewster. 1 Link to comment
Jediknight June 4, 2017 Share June 4, 2017 On 6/2/2017 at 7:06 PM, Trini said: I want Barry and Iris to have a relaxing honeymoon (on Earth-2 if possible). I'm not counting on the wedding day being drama-free, but the wedding better happen in Season 4! They should honeymoon in Atlantis. 1 Link to comment
BaggythePanther June 4, 2017 Share June 4, 2017 On 5/25/2017 at 5:46 PM, RedVitC said: -Bart Allen showing up On 5/26/2017 at 4:43 PM, bettername2come said: Why did I suddenly imagine the Waverider pulling up to Westallen just after they get Barry out of the Speed Force and Professor Stein jumping out yelling "It's your kids, Barry! Something's gotta be done about your kids!" I feel like Bart Allen is going to show up on LOT first because these producers have a way with pissing fans off. There's been some talk about this on other threads but I'd like it if the Westallen wedding was the reason for the fall's big crossover episode. The wedding would be a reason for major characters from all four shows to get together. Then when Barry & Iris are about to get married all hell breaks loose and the remaining episodes of the crossover deal with the characters fighting the big threat. I like @ruby24's suggestion that a villain replace Barry at the altar. Then after everything is settled Barry & Iris decide it'd be better to have a smaller ceremony and get married in the Christmas episode. 1 Link to comment
BkWurm1 June 11, 2017 Share June 11, 2017 On 5/24/2017 at 4:13 AM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said: I only have one wish... that the Show & its writers somehow re-find whatever it was that made season 1 so magical. Most of the last two seasons were more of a chore to keep up with than something to be looked forward to. I think the answer was joy. Barry found real joy and happiness in helping and in becoming this hero. And the same could be said of the rest of the team. After all the awfulness of the explosion, here they had something purely good they could invest in. It was fun because Barry loved what he was doing and it just made you happy to watch him be happy. But for the last two years, the show hasn't let Barry simply be happy, not without all sorts of crap hanging over his head. I can't see the show being able to start in a purely joyous place when the season starts, but it could pull off bittersweet joy. Wally does have that joy and wonder as he's still discovering what he can do. Cisco as well. And Iris could tap into a mentality of "what would Barry want for us" so she could be doing her best to find moments of joy, even if it's mostly something hard fought for and fleeting (meaning you could show her continued sorrow in a private moment but let her put on a good face for her friends and family) Likely Barry gets to come home by the start of the season so even if they started sad and morose with him gone, once he comes home, the show COULD use that to relaunch some joy filled episodes. 4 Link to comment
Trini August 6, 2017 Author Share August 6, 2017 With rumors of a wedding happening sooner rather than later, I say again, Linda Park needs to come back -- in general, but especially for the wedding. (And maybe tease a romance with her and Wally?) I also wish that they do not have Caitlin as Iris' maid of honor or bridesmaid; it's just rude after she was complicit in the plan to murder Iris last season. 3 Link to comment
wingster55 August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 Caitlin better beg more than she's ever begged before for Iris forgiveness. Link to comment
johntfs August 14, 2017 Share August 14, 2017 On 8/6/2017 at 2:28 AM, Trini said: I also wish that they do not have Caitlin as Iris' maid of honor or bridesmaid; it's just rude after she was complicit in the plan to murder Iris last season. Of course prior to that she also used her cold powers to keep Iris from rotting to death. Honestly for me the "helped try to kill" stuff is less important than the simple fact that Iris and Caitlin never seemed all that close. Link to comment
Trini August 20, 2017 Author Share August 20, 2017 Longshot, but I hope the show occasionally remembers that Barry and Iris have a pet turtle. :) 3 Link to comment
bettername2come August 23, 2017 Share August 23, 2017 On 8/14/2017 at 4:22 AM, johntfs said: Honestly for me the "helped try to kill" stuff is less important than the simple fact that Iris and Caitlin never seemed all that close. I agree, although pickings are slim. Then again, it would make more sense than having Iris as Caitlin's maid of honor in season 1 when they'd had like three one on one scenes together. I'd be fine with Linda coming back to be maid of honor, since theoretically they could be interacting offscreen. 1 Link to comment
Trini September 10, 2017 Author Share September 10, 2017 Not too worried since the wardrobe department* has always been good to Candice/Iris, but I'm going to need them to really come through with Iris' wedding dress. Something not typical or boring; something that shows off her curves. *(I was looking over the wedding dresses in the DC/CW shows so far, and I liked Caitlin's (season 1 finale) the best, since it wasn't one of those flooffy princess dresses) Link to comment
Karlophe September 11, 2017 Share September 11, 2017 Oooh, I'll join. For me, it would have to be Kara's Mxyzptlk'd Vera Wang. It was stunning, most of all because it was stunning on her. My jaw dropped even knowing full well it was a throwaway joke, and not being much affected by things like that in general. That's impressive. It's also why Caitlin's gown worked so well for her. Pick the gown to suit the girl, and it'll beautiful. That said, I can't see anything tightly stitched and overstructured for Iris, either. She has such a lovely figure I feel something more simple and elegant would bring out her beauty best. More silk than tulle, clean lines, long and flowy. Perhaps a tasteful slit, since she falls on the petite side. The possibilities! 1 Link to comment
Outbreak September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 (edited) Something that always bothers me about The Flash is that he always seems to be heavily outmatched by the main villain every season. It seems like when other speedsters come around for example. Their way more adept to how it all works. Zoom was a beast and had his speed as long as Barry, so why was he so much more powerful and all-knowing about things? Could it be because he had no ties and therefore more time to perfect his craft? Whereas Barry is constantly doing the whole CSI / Social life thing? Now, a few things I'd like to see 1) A super evil child villain. 2) A plot like season 1 where the main villain (Eobard Thawne) has a super genius master plan that doesn't make sense until the end. And the villain always seems to outsmart Team Flash. Always good for giving chills. 3) I feel like Cisco should be more powerful than he is. Yet again another villain with the same powers seems to have it all figured out compared to our "Heroes". 4) If more speedsters hopefully we get to see more Jay Garrick. 5) I miss Eddie Thawne, He was one of my favorite characters, if you can bring back wells over 9000 times find a way to get Eddie back please! 6) Should be some kind of character who sticks around, makes people love him for a couple seasons, then ends up being a villain and escapes leaving a void in our minds as to what will happen with this whole plot twist. (not wells please. I like good wells lol..) 7) More of an overall explanation of things. I have a lot of unanswered questions. For example I've always wondered, at the end of season 1 when Eobard Thawne is in that little pod thing about to go back to the future, before Barry comes back and smashes the pod, Jay Garrick's Helmet comes through the portal and Thawne says "That, is my Que to go.." Does this mean that Eobard Thawne already knows about Zoom or Garrick?... Or both??. In season 2 when Barry goes back to Season 1 basically, to get the thumb drive from Wells (Thawne) which holds the plans for getting faster, Thawne says "We're not the only two out there you know." So it tells me he knows something more but you never really know, unless I've missed something, or something has yet to come.. If I had to choose 1 of the 7 I'd say #5. Eddie Thawne was an amazing character and brought me some kind of an emotion to the show that I can't explain. I just really liked the guy in the show. Edited September 18, 2017 by Outbreak Added more. Link to comment
Outbreak September 18, 2017 Share September 18, 2017 Oh and it'd be funny if a speedster grabbed someone, ran up a building throwing them at super speed when they reached the top, and launched them into space.. Good way to get rid of a villain right there. Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt September 20, 2017 Share September 20, 2017 On 5/26/2017 at 9:41 PM, legaleagle53 said: Gideon is 22nd-Century technology. How could Barry have invented her? Barry can time travel so he could have gotten inspiration from the 22nd Century (or hell, the 32nd or whenever) to create Gideon. He also has a number of futuristic villains coming to the 21st century (Thawne and Abra Kadabra come to mind), so he could potentially reverse-engineer some of their tech to create Gideon. Gideon told Barry that he created it. Taking it at face value might be rough -- after all, how did Thawne come into possession of it, and why was it working for him? Link to comment
benteen September 20, 2017 Share September 20, 2017 Main thing I want is for the threat not to be the result of Barry's selfishness and stupidity. I don't consider an entire season of Barry putting out a fire he deliberately started to be heroic. Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 September 21, 2017 Share September 21, 2017 Now that we've got some info about the season before its starts in 3 weeks, I just hope that the actual final product lives up to the promoted hype. I've seen similar types of things promised - IE, 'lighter tone', 'going back to roots', etc - and it ended up just being a slightly different iteration to the past few years' worth of a show (that were not upgrades to its formerly best seasons). Can't help but hope that since they're going with someone other than an evil speedster as the season's main villain, it will change (in a good way) almost by default. 1 Link to comment
Trini September 26, 2017 Author Share September 26, 2017 On 9/20/2017 at 9:26 PM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said: Can't help but hope that since they're going with someone other than an evil speedster as the season's main villain, it will change (in a good way) almost by default. The show is going into its 4th season; it's at the point where something (relatively) major has to change in order to keep the show fresh - or at least interesting. So the villain for the season gives me some hope. Link to comment
Trini November 24, 2017 Author Share November 24, 2017 Iris has shot someone once each season so far; let's make it four for four. ? 2 Link to comment
Trini December 12, 2017 Author Share December 12, 2017 (edited) The motivational speech Amunet gave Caitlin in 3.09 made me think: what exactly was the relationship between them before, and how did they get to know each other, and work together, with Killer Frost? I want to see a flashback episode that answers some of these questions of what happened in the months that Barry was gone. And not just for Caitlin; they could show how the West family was dealing Barry's absence and their new roles on Team Flash; Cisco secretly working on getting Barry out and working on the new suit; show DeVoe's plans and manipulations; and maybe even show what Barry was experiencing in the speed force. There's usually a couple of filler episodes in the back end of the season anyway, they could use this idea for one of them. Edited December 12, 2017 by Trini to clarify 1 Link to comment
Trini May 21, 2018 Author Share May 21, 2018 So if Barry can have Snart, and Caitlin can have Amunet, can Iris have Marlize as her criminal frenemy? I think they have good dynamic that can mined going forward. 2 Link to comment
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