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Well, I watched last night, as everything I normally enjoy wasn't on.  I love Elliott Gould and Linda Lavin and would rather the program only star them.  They were the only spark in this drudgery.  

And I do not live in NYC, but is it normal to know where your doorman lives? My limited knowledge from years of Law & Order lead me to think this is odd, unless the doorman is also the superintendent.

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I really don't understand the purpose of the little Asian boy in the lobby. He just sits there all day, every day? They needs someone else besides Nick to insult Josh? Where are this kid's parents, and why doesn't he have anything better to do than sit around in the lobby all the time?

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After Harry and Judy visit Josh on the set of his new movie, he is horrified when the director, Walter Michaelson, casts them in background roles in Josh's most important scene. Also, Nick tries to teach Andrew how to dance.





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I realize this show generates a lot of hate & scorn, not just here but it seems like every comment I read anywhere seems to think it's awful. I don't know what it is but I enjoy it every time it's on. I know it's not groundbreaking tv, maybe the writing isn't great, etc. but still, maybe it reminds me of the type of sitcom that I grew up on. And Elliott Gould plays befuddled and hen-pecked better than most. Yes, Albert Tsai is rather shoe-horned into the plot-- everyone raved about him in Trophy Wife, I thought he was just OK. I've already accepted that the show won't last beyond this season, so I'll enjoy it while it's still on.

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When this show first started I was indifferent but now I would be disappointed if it didn't get another season. Or two. Or three. It's charming, cute, funny, the cast has great chemistry and it's just nice mindless fun. It's the type of show that people need to forget the horrors of the world for a little bit. I hope to see a season 2.

The Bell Boy, who I've been indifferent about until now, was hilarious. I liked his sister and I'm sad to see her go. And I laughed at Andrew running in happy he got the plot just to realize he lost out to Josh, lol.

ETA: It's also a billion times better than "Kevin Can Wait." I still don't' understand how that show got a second season.

Edited by jewel21
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On 11/28/2017 at 10:29 PM, TheInnerClown said:

Having watched Mark and Brooke for years on Royal Pains it just seemed wrong watching them make out during this episode. 

But, boy, is she pretty.  I did miss her fantastic clothes and accessories!

Why didn't Josh just sleep upside-down in his mother's bed?

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Harry and Judy were just over the top obnoxious in this one. It wasn't funny. Who shows up where their kid is working and makes an ass out of themselves like that? Andrew trying to dance was mildly amusing but the humor was marred by the nonsense with the parents horning in on Josh's movie and making a nuisance of themselves. 

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Josh and Nick coach their friend Luke on how to amicably break up with his girlfriend, so that it won't jeopardize Josh's spot in her coveted spin class. Also, Judy and Harry invite their rivals Dick and Lenore over to play bridge.

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I loved watching Andrew learn to dance, haha. Nick teaching him was highly amusing. I'm warming up to Nick more and more with each episode. He's hilarious. And Andrew 'scrubbing in' while dancing was kind of hot, heh.

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Yes, the parents were tone-deaf about their inappropriate behavior.  Still, there were funny moments -- Gould and Lavin make it work.  The only really off note for me was Josh.  He's just such a sourpuss about everything.  Even though he's right, I can't root for him.

I keep comparing this show to Everybody Loves Raymond.  The difference seems to be that this is Everybody Loves Robert but Feuerstein doesn't make me laugh the way Brad Garrett did.  Plus, Raymond had Debra, the kids, friends, work, etc. to fill out the plots.  I don't know how the writers would have written episodes centered around Robert with Raymond and Debra (Andrew and Eve) always in the background.

Long story short:  The concept of the show needs a major re-working to put Andrew and Eve in front and Josh in back.  That's not going to happen since this is Feuerstein's show.  My second idea is for Josh to get started on a serious dating relationship with an actress with whom he has chemistry so that there can be more interesting plots.  I think we also need a set or two outside of the apartments.  They are very claustrophobic.

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The problem is that the parents meddling in the lives of their children only really works in the apartment setting because of the close living arrangements. When the parents go out of their way to show up where the kids are working and start interfering with their jobs, that's too much. It's stretching the believability factor when they're that inconsiderate and unaware - it isn't cute or funny anymore. It's one thing to have  your girlfriend over at your place and your mom or dad walk in. It's another to be at work and have one or both show up and start talking to your boss and getting you in trouble - or even potentially causing you to lose your job. What's funny about that?

Edited by iMonrey
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The bit with Andrew "dancing like no one is watching" was gold!  Nick may not be able to unsee it, but I rewound it three times!  Amazing!  David Walton is definitely the best thing about this show, and Matt Murray as Nick comes in second.

That's all I've got.  The parts with the parents on the set and the pretentious director were just stupid, so the less said about that, the better.

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Lesser actors would likely make me turn this off but Lavin and Gould especially are priceless. And I noticed again that if she’s drinking something—coffee in this episode—there’s a quiet little lipstick stain on the rim of the cup. Genius. 

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Well it was fun seeing Monica and Ross's parents together again, wasn't it? And I only just realized their mom was named "Judy" on Friends and now Elliot Gould is the husband of another Judy on 9JKL. This episode worked much better than the last one because the parents weren't being as obnoxious with their children and were in the right for thinking their friends were cheating at cards. Plus I actually found Nick funny for the first time, when he was improvising how that dude's girlfriend would react to a break-up.

Edited by iMonrey
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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well it was fun seeing Monica and Ross's parents together again, wasn't it? And I only just realized their mom was named "Judy" on Friends and now Elliot Gould is the husband of another Judy on 9JKL. This episode worked much better than the last one because the parents weren't being as obnoxious with their children and were in the right for thinking their friends were cheating at cards. Plus I actually found Nick funny for the first time, when he was improvising how that dude's girlfriend would react to a break-up.

Yes, it was. I didn't realize, at first, that it was Christina Pickles - she looks so much different- but her voice gave her away. Elliot Gould, to me, looks exactly the same as he always has, just older, but she looks like she's had some work done or something. Just different to me.


I always find Nick amusing, but maybe people find him annoying ? I don't know, it just seems like he always gives a lot to the little bit he's given to work with.


I've said it before & I'll say it again-- I really like this show and I'll be a little bummed when they cancel it ( which I'm betting they will).

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After Josh hits it off with Lauren, Judy's friend Myra's daughter, they have an epiphany about the nature of their meeting, and it all circles back to their mothers' meddling. Also, Eve and Andrew are weary of letting Harry babysit Wyatt, so they rope in Nick to babysit both of them.

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I thought Nick's role-playing of the girlfriend was on the stereotypical side, but I like the character. However, the entire family seems to be a little too friendly with the doorman. 

I thought this episode was pretty good. The father character is a little too dumb for me (and I've never really been a fan of Elliot Gould), but I like how he refers to  Judy as "Mommy" when he's talking about her to the boys. My brothers and I still refer to "Mommy" and "Daddy" when we're talking about our (long-dead) parents.

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Someone mentioned it on another thread, but they really need to come up with story lines for Josh that don't revolve around his dating life. There was one episode where we saw him actually acting, which is supposed to be his profession.

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26 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I think Eve and Andrew were "leary" not "weary" of letting Harry babysit.

Leery. Or wary. But not leary or weary.

26 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I think Eve and Andrew were "leary" not "weary" of letting Harry babysit.

Leery. Or wary. But not leary or weary.

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Someone mentioned it on another thread, but they really need to come up with story lines for Josh that don't revolve around his dating life. 

Maybe Lauren will become his regular girlfriend. I've liked Andrea Anders ever since Joey and Better Off Ted. 

It's strange we didn't see Lauren's mother Myra until the very last scene and then only briefly, since she and Judy were working together to get their kids together. 

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After Harry scales back to a four day work week, Josh suggests he take an acting class on Fridays to avoid spending the day together, however Josh gets frustrated when Harry refuses to break character at home. Also, after Judy is called back to her doctor's office for another test, she's convinced she is dying and spills secrets she doesn't want to take to her grave.


After Harry scales back to a four day work week, Josh suggests he take an acting class on Fridays to avoid spending the day together, however Josh gets frustrated when Harry refuses to break character at home. Also, after Judy is called back to her doctor's office for another test, she's convinced she is dying and spills secrets she doesn't want to take to her grave.

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Nick is my favorite character.  I loved his timing on the "Oh.  Got it." line after Andrew told him he wasn't there to actually fix the plumbing, but really to babysit the babysitter.  Not to mention his immediate "That's why I keep wine at the desk" when Judy came to the lobby for commiseration.  That actor is owning that part.  Hopefully he can parlay it into more lines and more $$$.

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Nick has quickly become my favourite character as well. Which is funny because I wasn't feeling him too much in the pilot. Andrew is my second fav with Josh being my least favourite.

Anyway, this episode amused me, especially with Harry being rolled up like a burrito on the couch, heh. That was a great visual. I hope they're paying Nick for all he's doing for this family.

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I really enjoyed this episode. I think my favorite exchange was in the very beginning, when Josh and Andrew are comparing photos. Josh makes a crack about him being so tall, and all Andrew does is stand up straighter. Mark Feuerstein barely reaches David Walton's shoulder.

I don't like that they're making Harry into a moron who can't even be trusted to watch his grandson for a few hours.

Edited by SmithW6079
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Judy, convinced she was dying, highly amused me. Especially the scene where she and the doorman were googling her symptoms, heh.

I also liked her being nice to Eve and giving her a matching plate and two hugs.

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Judy is determined to help Josh win back the attention of Parry, his former stalker, when his feelings are hurt that she is now fixated on an up-and-coming actor. Also, Andrew and Eve try to connect intellectually over reading the same book.

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The book they were reading was insanely thick. No way would I pick it up, lol. They could have tried for another book but ultimately, I think they're both busy professionals who just want to watch bad TV and chill in their off-time. I can't really blame them for that.

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6 hours ago, jewel21 said:

Noooooooooo! I really liked this show and was hoping it would get another season. Boo. 

I liked it too. It got off to a slow start, but then it seemed to hit its stride. The last episode was kind of a season/series finale: Josh gets a new role on Broadway, realizes he's over his ex-wife, and that he's glad to be home with his crazy family. 

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1 hour ago, SmithW6079 said:

I liked it too. It got off to a slow start, but then it seemed to hit its stride. The last episode was kind of a season/series finale: Josh gets a new role on Broadway, realizes he's over his ex-wife, and that he's glad to be home with his crazy family. 

It definitely got off to a slow start, I agree. But then it came together and I found it funny and charming. I didn`t realize the final episode was the final episode at the time. I thought they were just taking a break and would be back with more. Darn. 

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I was expecting this to get cancelled and only came here to see if I was right.  I didn't last past 4 episodes and even that was painful.  I still can't believe it ever got made into a series with a pilot that bad.  Sounds to me like someone had connections and was calling in a favor.  I don't think I would have changed my mind even if the later episodes got a little better.  It probably wouldn't have been enough.

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