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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Alex is telling Raven that Dominique does not like Raven and Matt.

And Raven just brought up the whole I have nothing left in this world but my word.  Part of me wants Dominique to stay just because she might go after Raven and Matt.

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Alex really wants Mark to say he's ok with going up as a pawn.  He will not say he's ok with it.  All he'll say is that she's gotta do what she's gotta do as HOH.  She even tried to sell it as a way for him to have a clean conscience because if he's on the block he won't have to vote Dom out.  He's not going for it.  Mark is now asking her why she's pushing this so hard. 

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Alex contradicts herself too much. I think it's because she starts out trying to lie and not reveal all her cards but by mid convo she just randomly decides to tell the truth and reveal her cards. It's embarrassing, but hilarious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Matt: "I don't know what to think. I literally am clueless."

No shit. 

That is his standard line.  He isn't clueless.  Strategy move, most likely.  He wants to stay under the radar as long as he can. 

Alex and her sweeping statements staring with EVERYONE_____.  Fill it in.   She doesn't know shit. 

Edited by wings707
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Isn't this coercion ?? Can't you vote for whoever the f you want?  Jason wonders why Paul is pushing for Mark. Mark doesn't know that it is Paul  pushing for him but Jason does.

Wake up HG.  Your hamster wheel is being spun by a cage mate.

Edited by missyb
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Now Mark is bringing up the possibility of putting Raven up instead of him.  Alex is concerned about that because she says Ramses and Kevin don't like Raven.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Now Mark is bringing up the possibility of putting Raven up instead of him.  Alex is concerned about that because she says Ramses and Kevin don't like Raven.

Ramses/Kevin for HoH next week!

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Well if Jason doesn't use it, I'm almost inclined to want Jessica to be voted out just because maybe it will be a wake up call to Alex.  That is assuming Alex can keep herself alive in the game if that does happen.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, that's weird. I'm guessing maybe they just accidentally pushed the button. We have fish now so they're probably telling the HGs it was an accident.

If they fast forward this whole weekend, it's gonna get dull really fast by Sunday night, Monday at the latest. Is there some American holiday this weekend?

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Paul will barge into HOH and very sneakily ask, if someone is in there with Alex, did you want to talk to me now ?? Implying, he was sent for.

Jason meets briefly with Mark in HOH and tells him he is not going to use the veto. Kudos to Jason for not capitulating to the co-HOH Paul. Besides Dom, he is the only one that give Apul even a slightly side eye glance.

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On the bright side, Jason not using it means Paul doesn't get his way.

3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

If they fast forward this whole weekend, it's gonna get dull really fast by Sunday night, Monday at the latest. Is there some American holiday this weekend?

Not that I know of. I could kinda understand them pushing up the veto comp because of the battle back, but there's no need to push up the ceremony. But I still think the HOH lockdown was an accident. Feeds are still on fish though so I don't know.

ETA: Also, right before the HOH lockdown Christmas was called to DR. Weird.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I love a messy game week as much as the next person but damn it, I need Jessica off the block for my own peace of mind. I need my villains reunited so they can take out Paul because that would make me extremely happy. Raven can be a casualty of war along the way.

Besides, I did a quick Google search after I wondered about holidays in the States. Gastroparesis Awareness Month is in August. She needs to be gone before then. We thought she was bad now? Oof, August could be particularly painful to listen to. 

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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It irritates the hell outta me that Paul just barges into the HOH room without knocking.

And Alex just lets him, whereas when Josh did it she told him to knock next time. 

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4 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

And Alex just lets him, whereas when Josh did it she told him to knock next time. 

Well, sure. The Power of FRIENDSHIP supersedes all. 

ETA: DUH! It's probably Have Nots. (for the feeds being down, I mean)

Edited by Callaphera
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Kevin and Jason were talking.  Jason told him that he told Mark he wouldn't use the veto.  Kevin cautioned him against not pulling Jessica off and said he wanted to go find Alex to talk to her.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Kevin and Jason were talking.  Jason told him that he told Mark he wouldn't use the veto.  Kevin cautioned him against not pulling Jessica off and said he wanted to go find Alex to talk to her.

I appreciate the fun this is causing but Jason would be in a much better position in the future if he just says "I'm going to/not going to use it" and stick with it. 

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The more Paul, Kevin, and fucking Whistlenut obsess about Alex not wanting the veto used, the more I hope she sticks to her guns.

They are going to mansplain it to her.

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48 minutes ago, zorak said:

Well if Jason doesn't use it, I'm almost inclined to want Jessica to be voted out just because maybe it will be a wake up call to Alex.  That is assuming Alex can keep herself alive in the game if that does happen.

A wake up call for her is worth nothing to us.  Getting Dom out is.  She is my BEC.  Her leaving, shifts 'hate' in the house to a new target.  And Jessica is going to be an active part of the game play.  

Dom had to go into the kitchen for the HN reveal.  She stood with her arms crossed apart from the others with a sour look, not saying one word then disappears.  How childish.  

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4 minutes ago, dovpm30 said:

Josh got the have not key and picked the purple box which contained the 2 week have not extension 

So Paul is the only one to pick the right box so far. He's so "lucky."

Edited by peachmangosteen
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14 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Well there's only been two tries so far so........

There has been three. Paul, Jason, and Josh. Jason and Josh both got the have not extension and Paul got the no have not pass for the week

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Raven said her foot was throbbing last night.  Christmas said, "Like a heart?".  Raven said yes.  Christmas said, "Now it's like you have a 3rd heart!".  I wish these people would not encourage and indulge the Raven ridiculousness.

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11 minutes ago, dovpm30 said:

There has been three. Paul, Jason, and Josh. Jason and Josh both got the have not extension and Paul got the no have not pass for the week

Maybe not significant but the free pass token has been in the orange box each of the three weeks. Both Josh and Jason went for the purple. 

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

Raven said her foot was throbbing last night.  Christmas said, "Like a heart?".  Raven said yes.  Christmas said, "Now it's like you have a 3rd heart!".  I wish these people would not encourage and indulge the Raven ridiculousness.

Did you hear Christmas say this or read it.  I have a hunch She was being  facetious.  Chrismas is a smart cookie. 

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Just now, wings707 said:

Did you hear Christmas say this or read it.  I have a hunch She was being  facetious.  Chrismas is a smart cookie. 

I saw her say it.  Obviously she was joking but to me it plays into Raven's stupid "I have 2 hearts" crap.

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Elena is telling Jessica that part of her didn't want to win the most recent HOH because she knew everyone would want Elena to put Jess up and she wouldn't have wanted to put Jess up.  Elena is also telling her how much Alex dislikes Jess.  Now she's asking if there's any information that Jess might have about Cody and the things he said.

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Gosh I am soooo far behind but I think;  Alex is HOH,  she put Dom and Jessica on the block.  Jason won POV and has no idea what to do with it.

Well just ask Paul.  He's pretty much running this show.  lol

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2 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I'm surprised with all these Hinky Votes getting thrown around no one suspects a Sabetour, Team America or even an Americas Player? 

Well last night when Dominique pulled in Jason to talk one on one the subject of Ramses came up.  Jason was speculating that maybe Ramses was a plant put in the game by Production.

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25 minutes ago, zorak said:

I saw her say it.  Obviously she was joking but to me it plays into Raven's stupid "I have 2 hearts" crap.

This is good.  Egg her on.  The more she talks about her imminent death the sooner they will vote her out.  I would not put it past Christmas to be doing exactly that.  You know she had to be appalled when Raven carried on about her foot. 

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