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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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God, Jason really doesn't do well in fights. 

Although, it's just hypocritical for Raven to be yelling like this when she's been part of the plans to blindside plenty of people. So...heh, I guess you know how it feels now, Raven.


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Matt being pissed about anything cracks me up. Like you have done nothing, shut up lol.

If I was Jason I would really not continue to let Matt and Raven believe that no one else knew about this. I would definitely throw everyone under the bus.

Matt calling Matt a bitch. Girl! Matt is embarrassing himself so much lmao.

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these 3 while raven and matt are yelling at jason.

matt calls jason a pussy for hiding in the storage room for 15 min



Screen Shot 2017-08-28 at 2.13.18 PM.png

matt says he doesn't care about the decision that jason made, he's more offended that he went and hid from raven for 15 min.

matt says he's ready to go home. 


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I'm at work and can't watch :( I'll have to flashback to these delights later.

Seriously, why won't they vote out Raven? She's fired up, she sucks slightly less in comps...she's a great F2 goat, but so is half this cast.

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Matt really is kinda horrible. Raven is embarrassing herself less than him lol.

ETA: A part of me loves this, but the other part is suffering so much second-hand embarrassment it's hard to watch.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Now we're talkin'!  This is going to be fun...   More, please, feedsters!  I want to vicariously taste the delicious, delicious tears...


<<rubs hands gleefully>>

Edited by HurricaneVal
finish my thought.
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Wow. Matt's first fight he participates in...and he's actually making ok points. He's more pissed off about Jason being a bitch than him keeping them up on the block.

God; Matt's voice keeps getting higher and higher and I'm more amused by his attempts now than impressed.

Jason really is lying through his teeth and Raven's kind of calling him out.

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Matt sounds like a thirteen year old girl when he fights. So high up in his register. It's hilarious. I'm dying over here whenever he starts yelling.

You can sum up Raven's part in this fight with one line: "Are you kiddin' me?" She's only said it about 48 times by my count.

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I'm really laughing hard at Matt right now.


He's HILARIOUS in a fight. He's not scary in any way. Raven's scarier in a fight than Matt, and Raven's not really that scary to begin with. Maybe don't have a smile lingering on your face while you're yelling, Matt. Also maybe stop saying "Don't be a bitch" in every sentence.

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Raven is full of shit.  Tells Jason that if he had put them both up and said, I want one of you gone, perfect.  I would have been find with that, it is a game.   Oh please!  

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

good for kevin to stay with jason while everyone hides. 

paul is pulling matt and raven outside

This is where someone should follow the outside and not let Paul be the "good guy" but of course they won't. 

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Matt is honestly showing himself to such a sexist dick in this fight. It's kind of astonishing.

1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Jason just needs to say everyone knew. And then just stand there silently and let Matt and Raven yell all they want.


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1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Jason just needs to say everyone knew. And then just stand there silently and let Matt and Raven yell all they want.

I agree.  He is not handling this well, at all.  

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3 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Jason just needs to say everyone knew. And then just stand there silently and let Matt and Raven yell all they want.

Blow up everyone's game!!! He won't, but he should! 

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Just now, gunderda said:

jason "on what planet do you think you live on when the people i spend my time with are more expendable than you?"


That was his one shining moment. 

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Jason's a coward; technically, Raven is right. He shouldn't have kept telling Raven that he was pulling her off. I mean, it is a game still, but Raven has the right to be pissed right now. Jason just needs to say "It's a game. It's done" and then walk away. 

God, Jason, just say that everyone else wanted Kevin up. Don't protect your allies!

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Raven and Matt are mad enough to spill BUT they think Paul was blindsided.   Jason or Alex have to do some spilling.  I doubt they will, still up Paul's ass. 

I don't see Kevin in the kitchen.  

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Poor Kevin; he's in the kitchen, having to listen to Jason say that he aggravates him and Alex saying that he's her biggest target and that she hates him.

ETA: Oh wait, never mind; Kevin went outside a while ago.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Matt: "I volunteered to be a pawn."
Callaphera: "Pawns go home, dumb ass. Big Brother rule #1."

ETA: HA! HAHAHAHAHA at Matt getting all thug on Jason's ass. "Homie."

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Did Jason surprise everyone with this not using the Veto thing? Did the "house" really not know? Or was it just Matt and Raven?

Just Matt and Raven

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