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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, gunderda said:

veto ceremony time!!!!!  this could be exciting.

Yes! And I'm actually home to watch the aftermath happen. I bet you it could be very underwhelming...but maybe it'll truly be explosive. Too bad it'll be Maven solely pissed at Jason, while others squirm their way out of the destruction zone. I'd love to see Maven equally pissed at people like Paul and Alex. 

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Maven will be furious and everyone else will say they had NO idea Jason would do that.  

I would love to hear Josh tell them this option was discussed by everyone and some wanted Kevin as a back door others did not.  

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Just now, Sandycat said:

Oh boy! I hope the aftermath is good! I've been looking forward to this all weekend!

i do hope someone spills the beans.

I'm not getting my hopes up, because I've been disappointed all season, but I will be watching and reading the aftermath in case anything interesting happens. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I'm not getting my hopes up, because I've been disappointed all season, but I will be watching and reading the aftermath in case anything interesting happens. 

I'm sure you are right, but I'm just hoping for something to happen.

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5 minutes ago, Sandycat said:

Oh boy! I hope the aftermath is good! I've been looking forward to this all weekend!

i do hope someone spills the beans.

What beans are there to spill? 

I am looking forward to new emotions coming from Matt and Raven.  Sometimes we have to appreciate the small things.  

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14 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Maven will be furious and everyone else will say they had NO idea Jason would do that.  

I would love to hear Josh tell them this option was discussed by everyone and some wanted Kevin as a back door others did not.  

how soon till they start calling him cody behind his back?!

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6 minutes ago, wings707 said:

What beans are there to spill? 

Good question. Jason is on his own. Pitiful Paul/Angry Alex/Christmas bells and Meatball are all pretending they don't know about not BD Kevin. Poor Jason

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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:

When the feeds come back this conversation will be in full swing. 

Hmmm. So, what do you think we'll come back to on the feeds? All of them yelling in the kitchen? Jason hiding away with Alex/Kevin while Paul is with Maven, trying to calm them down? Maven hiding away and pouting while everyone's in the kitchen, chatting normally? 

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10 minutes ago, wings707 said:

What beans are there to spill? 

I am looking forward to new emotions coming from Matt and Raven.  Sometimes we have to appreciate the small things.  

That this wasn't just Jason's plan but everyone knew he wasn't backdooring Kevin like they were led to believe was,the house plan. Maybe? I just want some beans to be spilled! LOL

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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Hmmm. So, what do you think we'll come back to on the feeds? All of them yelling in the kitchen? Jason hiding away with Alex/Kevin while Paul is with Maven, trying to calm them down? Maven hiding away and pouting while everyone's in the kitchen, chatting normally? 

Maven in bed, whining.

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On 8/27/2017 at 3:52 AM, SiobhanJW said:

Listening to Alex and the stupidity she spits out like this: 

And this: 


Oh and let's not forget this gem: 

This actually physically hurts my soul. She is so unbelievably ridiculous and naive. 

For me, it is the opposite....it would be better than sex to see the look on her face (think Dustin's eviction) when she gets kicked out the muhfuckin' door, and that goes for the Whistle No-Nuts too!!

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1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

One word......SEX.  Matt seems to be a pretty one dimensional person . Make that two dimensional - sex and cereal .

I've been thinking about sending Matt a box of cereal when he gets evicted. It would only cost a few dollars and he would think he had a bunch of fans who love him. *PUKE*

I remember one other instance a few years ago where one group of people actually believed that another group were perfectly fine with allowing them to win.

It's a zero-sum game - if one person wins then another person can't win. It is mind-boggling to think that anyone actually believes that someone is perfectly happy to lose so that you can win.


20 minutes ago, Hello Lady said:

Maven in bed, whining.

Maybe. But maybe Paul will just mist her into thinking it's all part of the plan and it is Kevin who will be going home. Paul is just that excellent at playing this game. He can do it.

Paul. Paul. He's our man. If Paul can't do it, no one can!   *PUKE*

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raven is crying and running her mouth

christmas kinda looks like she was crying? 

paul jason and alex are trying to figure out damage control.  paul is going to tell raven and matt that alex and jason are fighting.  and that kevin got into jason's head.


now raven comes in "are you kidding me jason!?!?!" 

paul pulls her out.  raven yells "just be honest!" 

jason says it's way worst than he thought it would be. 


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Matt bragging about not having to eat slop...because I think he knows he's going so why not break the rules?

Matt seems so chill for still being on the block against Raven. Man, he just doesn't give a shit.

Well, even if Jason feels bad, it's too late to change his mind. Noms are locked in.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

Matt bragging about not having to eat slop...because I think he knows he's going so why not break the rules?

Matt seems so chill for still being on the block against Raven. Man, he just doesn't give a shit.

Well, even if Jason feels bad, it's too late to change his mind. Noms are locked in.

I love how he says he's going to eat all week and he doesn't care and Raven is like "True"- she doesn't care at all that Matt is willing to give up his game for her (not like he has much game). I hope they flip it on them and Raven gets evicted- which is actually the smarter move. 

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On 8/27/2017 at 1:48 PM, simplyme said:

And now that I've been such a ray of hope and sunshine, gifting you with visions of an Alex win, I'm going to see myself out. Quickly.


Not quick enough!  (Throws size 11 1/2 WW shoe at the back of Simplyme's head!!)

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Matt bragging about not having to eat slop...because I think he knows he's going so why not break the rules?

Matt seems so chill for still being on the block against Raven. Man, he just doesn't give a shit.

Well, even if Jason feels bad, it's too late to change his mind. Noms are locked in.

Of course Matt doesn't give a shit.   He just wanted to make jury.  It takes too much energy to win.  

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Jason says Matt and Raven didnt say one word to him since he's been HOH. He initiated the convo with Raven this morning so after that he knew in his gut it was the right decision. 

Edited by gunderda
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Raven is calling Jason shady for not telling her that he was leaving it the same.  He should have just said that kevin was on his side. 

Dude... do you not see them walking every.single.day!?!?

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2 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Gosh I hope they decide to vote out Raven instead of Matt just because she's so obnoxious and assumes she's staying.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh yes please!  I would love that!!!

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Jason says Matt and Raven did say one word to him since he's been HOH. He initiated the convo with Raven this morning so after that he knew in his gut it was the right decision. 

Seriously, why didn't they feel like they even needed to talk to him before noms or veto? So complacent, so willing to let Paul do the talking. I wish they'd find out that EVERYONE knew noms were staying the same.

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Jason is listening at the back door lol

Raven says if it's kevin and jason in the end, then she's voting for kevin. 

Just now, LGGirl said:

I sure hope Raven blows up all their games, especially Paul's.   

Not going to happen because Paul is acting like matt and raven's best friend now. 

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