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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Y'all. I mean, the tutu makes it fucking art.


You know what? I can't blame Mark for freaking on Josh. I think Mark took the bait, but Josh is not the victim in any way. He wanted to get hit. Look at that flinch, especially after stating how much of a tough guy he was and how much of a pussy Mark is. After Josh told Mark that he was going to torment him and keep banging the pans, I might have snapped too. I would have walked away because I am not confrontational, but even I'm ready to hit the manchild. 

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

I totally agree and she just may. 

I mean, she'd have to win it first, but yeah, it really does make a lot of sense for her to cut ties with Cody and keep the hex for herself next week. He's not winning this thing. 

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2 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Jessica should hope to win veto and pull herself off the block. Leave Cody up and let him get voted out again. Then she can save herself with the Hex next week if she doesn't win HOH. Fuck that guy, he's not worth it.

From your lips to God's bathtub!

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5 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Paul is telling Jessica some home truths about Cody being bad for her overall game. I just wish he wasn't so damn repetitive.

I wish he wasn't so condescending. Cody was right about Paul treating the other HGs like they're his dogs. 

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

Cody: "I hate to break it to Jess but I am this way in the real world.  I am passionate."

This relationship was crumbling before tonight!  It is done.  I find it amusing that he calls anger, passion.  

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1 minute ago, Ceeg said:

I wish he wasn't so condescending. Cody was right about Paul treating the other HGs like they're his dogs. 

No, I am sure he treats his dogs very well.  He treats the HGs like people of lesser intelligence, like grocery baggers.  He is not mean, he just has to explain the job everyday because they forget. 

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Cody has mental issues-without a doubt. Paul brought up mental health exams and questioned why Cody was cast. And I do, too.

I disagree about Paul treating the others "like dogs." I think that's a tad simplistic and dismissive. Yes, he can be condescending and irritating but they're adults responsible for their own game.

Edited by TimWil
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Jess just lost her boyfriend and found out the house hates her:

Elena: am i going home this week?

Jess:  you arent even on the block!!


Lolol way to make this all about you Elena lolol

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Just now, Christi said:

Jess just lost her boyfriend and found out the house hates her:

Elena: am i going home this week?

Jess:  you arent even on the block!!


Lolol way to make this all about you Elena lolol

Oh my god. lol.

Apparently Mark was smiling at Cody and Jess after Paul put them on the block. This guy is so fucking dumb.

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Just now, Cutty said:

Oh my god. lol.

Apparently Mark was smiling at Cody and Jess after Paul put them on the block. This guy is so fucking dumb.

Oh very much so.  Any one who stoops to Josh's level says a lot.  

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Oh, we're back to everyone kissing Paul's ass while he talks about how awesome he is. Goodnight, everyone!

Paul acting like he's going to do something to Cody. Bitch, please! You're scared shitless of men, asshole. You'll only go at a woman because you're a weak piece of shit.

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Just now, Michichick said:

Cody talked briefly to Kevin and said he will probably tell Jessica not to use the Hex this week and just let him get voted out because he's ruining her game.

She better not listen to him! Cody must stay to continue to get under Paul's skin.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

She better not listen to him! Cody must stay to continue to get under Paul's skin.

I do hate to see Paul get what he wants, but I've now gotten sick of Cody. I don't know what to wish for!

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All I want, literally all I want, is for Paul to get fucked over. I don't care who does it really. But Cody really gets to him and it's makes me truly happy.

1 minute ago, CrazyDog said:

Josh seriously needs to go, someone's going to punch him at some point.

I wish.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Paul thinks Josh's pan banging antics are going to get him America's favorite player. I think not. I sure hope not. I feel so uncomfortable watching him. Going on about Jess/Cody being bullies(?) while he's doing this? 

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

They let Evel get away with a whole lot more than this during his original season. 

Yep. Despicable back then, too!

1 minute ago, Cutty said:

I won't be shocked if Cody snaps at Josh. He seems like he wants to leave anyway.

I would be a bit surprised, because it would screw over Jess. He's gone into martyrdom a bit now. 

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I'd really like to see someone punch Josh out. Man, I wish he was entertaining, but he just isn't for me.

I can't stand him, and it seems like production is letting him do this shit, while Mark has been in DR far longer than he was. 

Can we get Justin back? He was way more entertaining than his emotional manchild. 

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Raven is lying to Elena about how the vote went down.  She says Paul came to her 10 minutes before the live show and told her and she wanted to know why.  I hope Elena isn't buying her bullshit.

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Mark is out of the DR.  Josh is baiting him with more of the pots and pans routine.  Mark is not taking the bait.  At least not yet.  Mark went up to HOH.

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