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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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28 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Christmas is always like that -- when people point out to her that she is being unreasonable, she gets incredibly snotty and condescending. For instance when she screamed at Mark for talking to Cody, Mark simply said "that's what grown-ups do" and Christmas faced with this truth tea snotted "That's not MY definition of grown-up, honey-boo-boo." She reacted the same way when Kevin said to her he was just asking her to go outside and wasn't telling her to take a swim. Now it's with Josh she acts this way.  Of course she'd never talk to Paul this way -- he's Big Brother royalty. Sickening.

And she did it to matt too! Back when they were wanting to push Cody to quit. Matt was the voice of reason and Christmas got sooooo psycho angry at him 

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Paul says if Josh stretches it out he's going to put Josh in a choke hold.

Paul to Josh:  "Stop touching my clothes!"

Is it too wrong to hope that maybe this will lead to an actual fist fight between Paul and Josh that will lead to both of them being ejected from the game?

Paul put on Josh's jeans.  Josh started screaming that Paul was stretching them out.  LOL.  Then Josh went into the rose room to start touching more of Paul's clothes.  Paul threatened to twist his arm.

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Production keeps allowing these hyena-sheep to break the rules. But when it comes to the victims of the house (Mark, Kevin), they get punished for just breathing.

Ok, not really. But Jason, Matt, Christmas, Paul, Alex, and Josh have all disrespected production when they're told not to do anything. The lack of severe punishment allows them to continue their antics because they're not getting in any trouble.

I say do an instant House Switch. Everyone in Jury is now playing the game and everyone in the House is now the Jury. 

Or just, you know, bring back Have Nots and put them all on it. 

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Just now, zorak said:

Now Josh has been called to the DR.  Before they called him, Paul went up to him and told him they had to stop fucking around because they're getting pissed at them.

Part of me hopes that they don't stop, just to see Production finally snap, like they should have done weeks ago.

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Just now, gunderda said:

Kevin telling Paul that Christmas asked everyone except him if he wanted a sandwich. He says it's not right. People will see that on tv. 

Was it Christmas or Raven?  I saw Raven go into the rose room and ask Josh if he wanted a sandwich.

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Paul surprisingly is not repeating it to Christmas. 

Just now, zorak said:

Was it Christmas or Raven?  I saw Raven go into the rose room and ask Josh if he wanted a sandwich.

Maybe it was both. I heard Christmas yell at Josh's and Alex. Kevin might have said "they asked everyone except me"

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Christmas told Alex in the storage room that she was offering Josh and Alex but that she didn't offer Raven.  I think she was talking about the food she's making.  She said Raven assumed Christmas's offer included her.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Christmas told Alex in the storage room that she was offering Josh and Alex but that she didn't offer Raven.  I think she was talking about the food she's making.  She said Raven assumed Christmas's offer included her.

Ok this is something I really don't understand. I've never seen any other cast be so mean about food. Like ... why?

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1 hour ago, Michichick said:

@Callaphera, how is Duke doing? I've spent more time this weekend worrying about your kitty than about BB. Priorities!

That's so sweet of you to ask. We had to take Duke back to the emergency vet hospital this morning and have him admitted because he had a full obstruction. Hopefully, they think we caught it soon enough and the update I just got sounded good (the catheter is in place, he's producing good amounts of urine, and he now hates the nurse that took his temperature). No stones in the bladder, we'll find out about his kidneys tomorrow, and hopefully he can come home in 24-48 hours. He already hates his new prescription diet, so you know, the future's looking good. Now we just have to finish bandaging our own wounds. Turns out Duke is a biter and a scratcher. 

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Kevin says he didn't say Christmas's name and that he wasn't talking about her.  Now Paul and Raven are talking about the sandwich thing.  Raven can't believe Kevin's pissed she didn't offer him a sandwich.  She asks if she should call him out.  Paul says if she wants to. 

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Kevin telling xmas that he doesn't eat those sandwiches lol 

You would think Kevin would get a clue about Christmas going at him about it. Like who told her? Uhhh the only person you bitched about it to. He's not your friend Kevin!!!

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Raven talking about the sandwich thing in the kitchen.  Christmas says she doesn't care, that it's between Raven and Kevin.  She says she just wanted to make sure Kevin wasn't talking shit about her.

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Ohh guess Kevin was talking about raven. 

He told Christmas he wasn't talking about her. He was talking about raven. Christmas says she was only making them for her, Alex and josh- no one else. Thy have settled their argument 

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Now Raven asks Kevin if he was talking about her.  He says no.  She asks if he's sure.  He says he wasn't talking about anyone.  Raven says she doesn't want him to be mad that she didn't offer him a sandwich.  She says she cooks for everyone every day.

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Just now, gunderda said:

Now Kevin telling raven he wasn't talking about anyone. Raven says "ok I just don't want you to be mad because I didn't ask if you want a sandwich. I literally cook for everyone everyday." 

Torture should be against the rules of the game. They might all be traumatized by pork chops for the rest of their lives. 

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

That's so sweet of you to ask. We had to take Duke back to the emergency vet hospital this morning and have him admitted because he had a full obstruction. Hopefully, they think we caught it soon enough and the update I just got sounded good (the catheter is in place, he's producing good amounts of urine, and he now hates the nurse that took his temperature). No stones in the bladder, we'll find out about his kidneys tomorrow, and hopefully he can come home in 24-48 hours. He already hates his new prescription diet, so you know, the future's looking good. Now we just have to finish bandaging our own wounds. Turns out Duke is a biter and a scratcher. 

Oh Duke, please be a good boy and eat your prescription food. I'm glad you caught it in time; those obstructions are especially scary for a boy cat. My kitty started on prescription food a month ago. I had to ease her into it and I think she's finally adjusted. I hope the same for Duke.

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If that's Raven's version of calling Kevin out, I'm kind of disappointed.  Not that I think Kevin deserves it.  It's just that I was hoping that Raven was going to get all trashy and loud like she did during the big blow up at Jessica.

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I don't think Xmas should have played Big Brother period after her broken foot. Not because she's a bitch and psycho but her mental state (two consecutive breakups including a broken engagement, a past drug addiction, a broken foot that would require more pain killers and little in the way of physical therapy) just put her in a very bad place all summer. The rage she's showing is not normal. It's not an Alex meangirl bitchiness. I think she's really in a very dark place right now.

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9 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

That's so sweet of you to ask. We had to take Duke back to the emergency vet hospital this morning and have him admitted because he had a full obstruction. Hopefully, they think we caught it soon enough and the update I just got sounded good (the catheter is in place, he's producing good amounts of urine, and he now hates the nurse that took his temperature). No stones in the bladder, we'll find out about his kidneys tomorrow, and hopefully he can come home in 24-48 hours. He already hates his new prescription diet, so you know, the future's looking good. Now we just have to finish bandaging our own wounds. Turns out Duke is a biter and a scratcher. 

I went through that with one of my cats probably 6-8 years ago. :(. The worst!!! He was in the hospital for a week. Then came home and a week later got blocked again. But now he's 14 and hasn't had a problem since :)  but I still get paranoid occasionally. I took him off the diet a few years ago. 

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I don't really watch the feed regularly, so can someone explain this to me?  Does Kevin make ever make food or cook or anything?  From reading here, I just get the impression that he expects everyone to make him food.  And, if he's a stay-at-home father, why can't he make a sandwich?  Or a number of other things?  What did his kids eat?

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Torture should be against the rules of the game. They might all be traumatized by pork chops for the rest of their lives. 

I'm not sure she's even cooked since matt left??

Just now, MrHufflepuff said:

I don't really watch the feed regularly, so can someone explain this to me?  Does Kevin make ever make food or cook or anything?  From reading here, I just get the impression that he expects everyone to make him food.  And, if he's a stay-at-home father, why can't he make a sandwich?  Or a number of other things?  What did his kids eat?

They do a lot of group meals. But they do leave him out a lot. At the beginning of the season raven and Christmas made him food a lot and now they just don't. Being off have not I'm not even sure what he eats! 

I don't think raven got a sandwich lol 

I think Christmas just made two for her and Alex 

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1 minute ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I don't really watch the feed regularly, so can someone explain this to me?  Does Kevin make ever make food or cook or anything?  From reading here, I just get the impression that he expects everyone to make him food.  And, if he's a stay-at-home father, why can't he make a sandwich?  Or a number of other things?  What did his kids eat?

According to Alex and others, that is what Kevin expects.  That's why Alex was so adamant about them not making slop for him when he was a Have Not.  She said if they forced him to make it for himself he couldn't use the excuse that he didn't know how to do it any more.

Christmas:  "This place makes me mean." 

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Josh says Alex is going to grill him about this vote to evict Jason.  Paul says it will be fine and for Josh to just not escalate the situation if Alex confronts him.  Paul says the only thing Josh should say to her is that he's sorry.  Who does Paul think he's kidding?  Josh doesn't have the self control to not rage back if Alex starts raging at him.

Paul says that Alex will not take a shot at Josh or Christmas (even though they will be voting to evict Jason) because she doesn't see them as a threat.  He says Alex will take a shot at Paul.  Christmas is in there now and asks why they voted to evict Matt over Raven.

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This picture pretty much tells the story about Josh's position in his final 3 group.

Paul vs Josh.png

Alex says she doesn't know how Kevin doesn't see the writing on the walls.  She says Kevin thinks he's 100% safe.  Oh Alex.  I can't wait for your blindside.

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Paul asks how pissed Jessica is.  Josh says Jessica is hating life right now.  Paul asks how pissed Megan is.  My guess would be not at all.  Megan got the hell out fast and avoided this bunch of assholes.

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Jason says he tried to join the military like 6 times.  Kevin wants to know how that's possible because he thought they take anybody.  First he says he wanted to be a Navy Seal but they told him he was too tall.  Then he said he went to an Air Force recruiters office and sat in the waiting room for 3 hours and nobody from the AF said a word to him so he walked out.  Then he was talking about some recruiting office in a mall or something and it didn't happen because the mall was closing.

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