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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, missyb said:

Why do you think this ? In Jess's mind Paul agreed ro put Alex on the block for her. Did Jess  overhear  or was told something ?

Humm maybe I read it wrong.  I thought Paul and Jess were discussing her not using the hex this week and she wanted him to insure her two weeks with no being put up on the block and also she wanted Alex on the block.  He said yes to her but no to Alex?

LOL Mark and Kevin were talking about if either of them would come back for another season.  Kevin said 'hell no'.  I think Kevin is about...done!

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1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

Humm maybe I read it wrong.  I thought Paul and Jess were discussing her not using the hex this week and she wanted him to insure her two weeks with no being put up on the block and also she wanted Alex on the block.  He said yes to her but no to Alex?

Jeanne, he agreed she would try and make that happen but could not guarantee it. He told his minions Alex would be a pawn but not go home. Told Alex this too.

And now Alex knows that Jessica is really after her.

Edited by missyb
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So, Paul used the veto on Jason. Jess and Cody are still on the block. I hope she never says a word about it. Come Thursday night, Jess stands up and says, I have to ask myself, what would Marcellus do this time ?? Use the damn Hex. Eviction night halted.

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13 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Frankly, my dear, I don't think Matt gives a damn - not about the clothes, anyway.  ;)

Matt really doesn't. He was proudly announcing to the house - Raven style, no less (meaning he never shut up about it) - that even though she threw coffee on his blue shirt, he was happily wearing it hours later because he just doesn't care. 

Why do I have a feeling this guy rents a basement suite that has no windows, rarely cleans, and wears the same sweats day in and day out when he doesn't have to go to work? It's a weird image to pair with the same guy who spends forty minutes every morning taking the nail clippers to his beard.

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Jess will use the hex.  Now my wish is for Jess to win HOH, Cody would be good, too.   Jess needs more time in the house to expose Paul to more than just Elena.  

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Why do I have a feeling this guy rents a basement suite that has no windows, rarely cleans, and wears the same sweats day in and day out when he doesn't have to go to work? It's a weird image to pair with the same guy who spends forty minutes every morning taking the nail clippers to his beard.

Considering the fact that the dirty dishes drive him crazy, you'd think dirty clothes on his skin would do the same.

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8 minutes ago, missyb said:

So, Paul used the veto on Jason. Jess and Cody are still on the block. I hope she never says a word about it. Come Thursday night, Jess stands up and says, I have to ask myself, what would Marcellus do this time ?? Use the damn Hex. Eviction night halted.

Well now she'll have to use the hex.  Darn I wanted Cody gone and Jessica safe for another week. 

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4 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Well now she'll have to use the hex.  Darn I wanted Cody gone and Jessica safe for another week. 

She will need Cody's vote if she can open some eyes in the house.  She wants Alex out.  Paul does not.  Paul being adamant about this may help to open some eyes, if Jess can get others to see what is going on.  Elena may be able to talk to Christmas.  I have hope, silly though that may be. 

I am also putting some faith in the DR to help open some eyes, as well.  Well worded questions can do wonders.  

Edited by wings707
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Jessica was just talking to Cody saying that they'll have three opportunities for safety next week (HOH comp, Temptation comp, veto comp). Sounds like she is certainly going to use the hex. She'd be a complete idiot not to since she's still on the block. I wouldn't trust the others to send Cody home instead of her.

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I think I need some brain bleach.  Based on Jessica's comments to Cody a few minutes ago it sounds like Cody and Jessica were having sex last night and Matt and Raven were in the room having sex at the same time.  Cody said he didn't notice because he was focused on other things at the time.  Jessica said that Matt and Raven started after and finished first. 

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1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Jessica was just talking to Cody saying that they'll have three opportunities for safety next week (HOH comp, Temptation comp, veto comp). Sounds like she is certainly going to use the hex. She'd be a complete idiot not to since she's still on the block. I wouldn't trust the others to send Cody home instead of her.

If she trusts any of them and doesn't use the hex then she deserves to be sent home.  I'm still getting over last week!

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46 minutes ago, Lisin said:

He also uses nail clippers to trim his mustache and side burns... so there's that. It's weird. 

They aren't allowed to have scissors during the week so nail clippers are his only hope for stray hairs. 

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Jessica is talking about Jason's veto speech.  She's convinced that Paul put Jason up to it.  She thinks Paul's behind it since she made it clear to Paul that she didn't want him saying anything to Cody and he agreed so he thought he'd find a way around it by getting Jason to make jabs at Cody.  She plans on calling Paul out about it.  Cody said they are all just trying to get a reaction.  She wants to make sure he knows that she's not a moron and saw exactly what he was trying to do.

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Jess would bet a kidney that Jason said what he did bc Paul told him to. Jess' not okay w/ it.  Cody thinks they're just looking for reactions.  

Apparently Jason did do Paul's bidding despite his posturing to Kevin that he wouldn't because he doesn't care.   You are stupid, Jason.   

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If Jessica wins the next HOH she plans to put up Alex and Raven, with the intention of Alex coming off the block so she can backdoor Paul.  She did say that this all depends on Paul not winning the temptation challenge. 

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Jessica tells Cody that she'd nominate Alex and Raven, Alex would come down, then Paul is the replacement. #BB19

This is nuts!!  She thinks people will vote to keep Raven??!!  She does NOT have a handle on this at all.  Alex and Paul on the block is what you want.  

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1 hour ago, Machiabelly said:

I have no interest in going to war or shooting any animals. And yet I am a male.

But I don't technically know you... And you aren't being accused of being a psycho because of those things either. 

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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Alex goes in this scenario. Paul vs. Raven or Paul vs. Matt (BIG MAYBE) are the only scenarios where he has a chance of going home. 

There is no scenario I see him going home, especially against Raven, Alex or Matt.   At least put Alex up there so she goes.  Who cares if Matt or Raven go?  Sure it reduces his numbers but are not key and slated to go anyway. 

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I think Paul would stay in any of those scenarios, but that would be okay if one of his minions went out the door (preferably Alex or Raven).

Just caught the end of a Raven/ Jess argument but didn't get what it was about,

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Whatever happened Jessica felt it looked shady.  Now Raven is talking to Cody and Jessica trying to tell her that nothing shady was going on with her, Kevin, and Jason. 

Cody asked Raven why Raven wants him out.  She said the whole house wants him out and if she goes against that, she'll have a huge target on her back. 

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Oh Jess, you have the wrong target.  NO one likes Raven.  Everyone wants her gone!  You are giving them a gift if you put her up against Paul or anyone, for that matter.  It would be a 10-0 with some happy dances. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Raven's need to hug and kiss everyone on the cheek is disgusting. Fuck off, Raven. Get out of their personal space.

I agree, it's annoying. It's not everyone else's job to make her feel better by giving into her hug.

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Just an aside, but I think people make too much of the ratings slip of this show. BB ratings have been going down for years, but that's only because overall TV ratings have been going down for years. The BB drop is well within the percentages (and, most importantly, it dominates the night pretty much every night of the week - it has been the #1 show every night this season). Since the ratings go down every year, tough, I think it lends to people thinking that the current season has something to do with it, which I don't think it really does. People who watch BB will continue to watch BB, ya know? 

Once the drama leaves, people will drop BB, just wait,!!

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WTF... Kevin just walks in with shaving cream all over his face. 

Something about Raven is crying and she wasn't talking about her (jessica)

Edited by gunderda
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Just now, F. M. said:

Paul told her to cry! Stupid girl...

Yes but now she's got the stutter sob going and there was a sympathetic smile while someone passed her a box of tissue and this is the best day ever in Raven land! The only way it could get better is if she got diagnosed with a third terminal disease!

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cody tells jason that when he sees this stuff later, he's going to regret not teaming up with Cody

Now alex is sent in to get Jason out.  She says "hey can I talk to you" and leaves.

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Jason says on the outside world he's the coolest guy in his circle.  Everyone does what he does.  He doesn't like being in here being named the idiot. 

Will be interesting to see if Jason goes and spills all this to Alex or Paul.  Kinda sounds like he does want to team up with Cody. 

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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

Now Paul is telling Jason to go find Cody and Jess and ask them why Raven is crying (she's not).

Why does no one notice that this fucker uses others to speak his words?  Don't they think it's weird?  Can just one person say - go do it yourself, Paul?  No, they bend over and say, "thank you Sir, may I have another".  I hate them.  I hate him. 

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3 minutes ago, gunderda said:

WTF... Kevin just walks in with shaving cream all over his face. 

Something about Raven is crying and she wasn't talking about her (jessica)

Raven will tell this tale for at least two weeks, non stop!

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