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‘Good Omens’ Season 2 News

Jon Hamm will reprise the role of Archangel Gabriel.

Doon Mackichan will reprise the role as Angel Michael.

Gloria Obianyo will reprise the role as Uriel.

New angels include Liz Carr as Saraqael and Quelin Sepulveda as Muriel.

Shelley Conn plays a “key character from Hell.”

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On 1/18/2022 at 12:57 PM, JustHereForFood said:

I am not familiar with this Youtuber, but I came accross this video and quite enjoyed it. Basically, it sums up why it's a good adaptation.


I watch his videos all the time. His review on the 50 Shades of Gray books are really good and hilarious. He does a separate one for each book about the abuse going on in the books.

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Derek Jacobi, Mark Gatiss Return for ‘Good Omens’ Season 2, Siân Phillips Cast

Derek Jacobi will reprise his role as Metatron.

Mark Gatiss, Steve Pemberton, Reece Shearsmith and Niamh Walsh return.

Tim Downie, Pete Firman, Andi Osho, and Alex Norton return in new roles.

Dame Siân Phillips joins the cast.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Frances McDormand will not be returning.

Edited by AnimeMania
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15 hours ago, Anduin said:

"Frances McDormand"

Good. The narrator worked in the book, but I thought she was way overdone in the show.

I liked that it had a narrator, but did not understand why it should be God. It felt like they just wanted to joke around with God being a woman, even though it makes no sense if they are going with Christianity as the "correct" religion.

But it doesn't seem to be a definitive decision:


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54 minutes ago, JustHereForFood said:

I liked that it had a narrator, but did not understand why it should be God. It felt like they just wanted to joke around with God being a woman, even though it makes no sense if they are going with Christianity as the "correct" religion.

But it doesn't seem to be a definitive decision:

I just found her overused. Sometimes a little goes a long way.

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I just binged this and I loved it. The only problem I had was with the actress playing Anathema. She was supposed to be American but I don’t know what the hell kind of accent she was using there! 
so happy there is going to be a season two and maybe three. Does anyone know when season two airs? 

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4 hours ago, chediavolo said:

Does anyone know when season two airs? 

They finished filming, but are still editing it and Neil recently repeated that we are still quite far from getting a trailer. General speculation is sometime in 2023 but nothing specific yet.

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4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:


I can't wait!

Also, I see they are not being very subtle, with the wings forming a heart on the poster. I hope there won't be much queerbaiting in the second season. The first one IMO managed to land the you-can-interpret-it-as-you-wish approach just right, thus leaving everyone happy, which is not an easy task. But I can't see how they can repeat that again, without falling into queerbaiting territory, so I kind of hope they (writers) will just pick whether they portray their relationship as platonic or romantic and stick with one interpretation.

Or maybe they can repeat it successfully, I guess we will see. If any show can pull that off, it's this one.

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4 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

I can't wait!

Also, I see they are not being very subtle, with the wings forming a heart on the poster. I hope there won't be much queerbaiting in the second season. The first one IMO managed to land the you-can-interpret-it-as-you-wish approach just right, thus leaving everyone happy, which is not an easy task. But I can't see how they can repeat that again, without falling into queerbaiting territory, so I kind of hope they (writers) will just pick whether they portray their relationship as platonic or romantic and stick with one interpretation.

Or maybe they can repeat it successfully, I guess we will see. If any show can pull that off, it's this one.

I think it most of that was the actor's work and chemistry and it would be refreshing to see them lean into it more instead of actively baiting like the Sherlock team did post Reichenbach. It can be romantic without getting sexual and as going with the times immortal beings it doesn't need to stick with that gentlemen/Frodo/Sam way of understanding.

I saw MS asked about the queer fan fiction in an interview and he was very sweet about it. Freeman and Cumberbatch always sounded mildly annoyed, but maybe that was because they didn't like each other that much.

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6 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

I can't wait!

Also, I see they are not being very subtle, with the wings forming a heart on the poster. I hope there won't be much queerbaiting in the second season. The first one IMO managed to land the you-can-interpret-it-as-you-wish approach just right, thus leaving everyone happy, which is not an easy task. But I can't see how they can repeat that again, without falling into queerbaiting territory, so I kind of hope they (writers) will just pick whether they portray their relationship as platonic or romantic and stick with one interpretation.

Or maybe they can repeat it successfully, I guess we will see. If any show can pull that off, it's this one.

There was no queerbaiting in season one. It was very explicitly told as a love story between two entities who do not have human gender or sexuality. Just because the central characters don't kiss doesn't make it queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when two characters are presented as straight yet behave in just enough of a queer manner to make viewers think there might be a chance they might actually be queer - the show/film would never dream of actually going there, but it keeps teasing the possibility because it wants to keep that audience. In Good Omens the central characters are explicitly presented as queer, there is no baiting. They don't have to kiss to be queer! And it cannot by definition be queerbaiting if the characters are actually, explicitly queer!

Edited by Llywela
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I can't wait!

On 10/8/2022 at 12:33 AM, Llywela said:

There was no queerbaiting in season one. It was very explicitly told as a love story between two entities who do not have human gender or sexuality. Just because the central characters don't kiss doesn't make it queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when two characters are presented as straight yet behave in just enough of a queer manner to make viewers think there might be a chance they might actually be queer - the show/film would never dream of actually going there, but it keeps teasing the possibility because it wants to keep that audience. In Good Omens the central characters are explicitly presented as queer, there is no baiting. They don't have to kiss to be queer! And it cannot by definition be queerbaiting if the characters are actually, explicitly queer!

Their my favorite part along with how much they love each other.

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On 10/8/2022 at 8:33 AM, Llywela said:

There was no queerbaiting in season one. It was very explicitly told as a love story between two entities who do not have human gender or sexuality. Just because the central characters don't kiss doesn't make it queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when two characters are presented as straight yet behave in just enough of a queer manner to make viewers think there might be a chance they might actually be queer - the show/film would never dream of actually going there, but it keeps teasing the possibility because it wants to keep that audience. In Good Omens the central characters are explicitly presented as queer, there is no baiting. They don't have to kiss to be queer! And it cannot by definition be queerbaiting if the characters are actually, explicitly queer!

I said it was done well in season 1. But there is still enough people who don't share this interpretation and think they are "just" friends (in quotation marks, because I don't think that friendship has any less value than romantic relationship and usually prefer stories that are centered on friendships) and act like fans are just making stuff up and are crazy for shipping. It would be nice if, in case your description is indeed how writers see it, if they made it more clear in season 2. I agree there doesn't need to be any physical evidence, but it could be clearly stated in words - I mean in the series itself, I know that Neil said somewhere on internet that that is how he wrote it, but not everyone reads interviews or tweets and not everyone counts such information as canon.

Without it, it's not a huge stretch to assume that the lack of commitment is because they (I mean creators of the series) just don't want to alienate potential viewers who would be against it, which is basically the reason behind queerbaiting. Of course, one could say that Good Omens probably doesn't have many fans like that, so I guess that is a reason to be hopeful.

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16 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

in case your description is indeed how writers see it

My description is 100% how the writers see it. I took that description directly from Neil Gaiman, co-author of the original novel, writer and showrunner of the show, who has talked about it at length in various places.

Sure, not everyone reads interviews and the like. And no matter what the intention of any writer, each individual audience member is always going to draw their own conclusions and have their own interpretation. I trust Neil to remain true to the characters, which is all that really matters. They aren't human. They don't have human gender or sexuality. They aren't likely to indulge in the kind of relationship humans might want them to indulge in, because that wouldn't be true to who and what they are, but nothing about their characters or their relationship is queerbaiting. I expect that to remain as true in season two as it was in season one.

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You want to see painfully obvious and painful queer baiting with angels and humans, just watch Supernatural season 4 and 5. And angels and demons in season 8 (or 9?), I think it was where viewers were hit over the head with some implied affair between Naomi and Crowley.

I don't think I saw any of that in this show. Close friendship, absolutely.

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I mean, Aziraphale and Crowley started season one unable to even admit that they were friends and ended the season having a romantic dinner together. That should be a pretty satisfying character arc by anyone's standard.

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On 10/8/2022 at 12:46 AM, Aulty said:

Freeman and Cumberbatch always sounded mildly annoyed, but maybe that was because they didn't like each other that much.

Wait. What? Really?  

Good Omens was my favorite romantic story the year it came out.  More couply stuff in GO2 and 3?  Yes, please! 

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That's nice and all, but it seems to be missing a release date. I know it's not your fault, you just share these things. But really, what's the point of Prime getting us all hyped up if they won't tell us when to expect the thing in question?

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On 4/29/2023 at 6:10 PM, Anduin said:

That's nice and all, but it seems to be missing a release date. I know it's not your fault, you just share these things. But really, what's the point of Prime getting us all hyped up if they won't tell us when to expect the thing in question?

To torture us.

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I just finished season 1 over the weekend and strongly enjoyed it. It's been a while since I enjoyed a TV show so much. It reminded me of the original "Charmed" and "Dead Like Me" a little bit.

The only two things I didn't like at all were that the antichrist was only a kid (would have preferred an adult character for that) and the whole witch hunter subplot. I guess they had to tie the prophetic witch to the present day somehow, but I hated her descendants and the original witch hunters and their descendants.

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Good Omens – An Ineffable Game
Welcome to Tadfield! The forces of prophecy, Heaven, and Hell have assembled to start Armageddon. The angels and demons are preparing for battle and only a ragtag group of valiant interlopers can stop it. That’s where you come in. In this game, you will find several different dice and card games themed around the confrontations that took place in the final chapter (for now) of the Good Omens story. Many of the games feature a mix of dice and cards. Why cards? Because cards feature in the series and in the ethos of Good Omens. This whole existence thing is like one big game to those who pull the strings…
Players will be tasked with stopping the Apocalypse over the course of seven different battle games.  The battles are a cooperative effort where players call upon both evil and good characters from the show to help them defeat the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Fight Heaven, Vanquish Hell, and prevent Armageddon.   

The game is for two to four players.
Playing Time: 15-30 min per Battle
PRE-ORDER: $25.00     
Game Nerdz has it for $17.47
Expected Release Date: June 5, 2023
Renegade Game Studios

Edited by AnimeMania
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