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Season 13 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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The only issue with using the S12 finale cliffhanger to get rid of JJ and Garcia is that while JJ was in one of the sideswiped cars, Garcia was not. So it wouldn't be so easy to write "they both died in the crash" when Garcia wouldn't have been involved in that crash.

I do feel for both, though. Maybe Garcia hasn't been the greatest of characters but JJ has improved by leaps and bounds this season. I also feel that Kirsten Vangsness and A.J. Cook should have parity at least with Matthew Gray Gubler, seeing as how both have been on the show just as long. Also, the amount of times Garcia's computer does all the work for the BAU means that Vangness is more than worthy of a raise anyway.

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1 hour ago, Danielg342 said:

The only issue with using the S12 finale cliffhanger to get rid of JJ and Garcia is that while JJ was in one of the sideswiped cars, Garcia was not. So it wouldn't be so easy to write "they both died in the crash" when Garcia wouldn't have been involved in that crash.

I do feel for both, though. Maybe Garcia hasn't been the greatest of characters but JJ has improved by leaps and bounds this season. I also feel that Kirsten Vangsness and A.J. Cook should have parity at least with Matthew Gray Gubler, seeing as how both have been on the show just as long. Also, the amount of times Garcia's computer does all the work for the BAU means that Vangness is more than worthy of a raise anyway.

So how would they write Garcia out? 

Penelope could be written out by her choosing to leave, because she can't take the job anymore. 

I do think AJ and Kirsten should be making Matthew money, because I don't see anybody else in the cast making the same amount of money as Joe. It is ridiculous if CBS isn't willing to pay them equal money as Matthew after all this time.

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These comments about MGG have reminded me of something which happened a couple of months ago. My son comes into the kitchen and says "I've just seen CM, and Reid is not going to be there for the next episode!! Well, I can't tell you, I'm not watching it " (and he hasn't). 

So nice to share some things with your children!!

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I agree I'm less interested in watching the show (and won't watch the episodes again) without Reid, but maybe TPTB will take a clue from their ability this past season to film Reid's scenes in a group, apparently at one time or on a slightly different schedule, and intersperse or parse some Reid into these episodes where MGG won't be available for the regular shoot.

::does that make sense?::

Edited to add, I know that MGG will be missing because he has asked for this as part of his compensation, possibly in lieu of some extra money, so if this works for him and keeps him on the show, I'll deal with it just fine.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 4
15 hours ago, normasm said:

I agree I'm less interested in watching the show (and won't watch the episodes again) without Reid, but maybe TPTB will take a clue from their ability this past season to film Reid's scenes in a group, apparently at one time or on a slightly different schedule, and intersperse or parse some Reid into these episodes where MGG won't be available for the regular shoot.

::does that make sense?::

Edited to add, I know that MGG will be missing because he has asked for this as part of his compensation, possibly in lieu of some extra money, so if this works for him and keeps him on the show, I'll deal with it just fine.

I wont be watching any Reidless episodes....they are not worth the efforts :)

Just curious how do you know that he will be absent for that time? I was seriously hoping we would get more good quality Reid this season.


I will be watching each and every episode regardless of which characters may or may not be in any particular episode.  If my favorite isn't there, I'm fine with that.  I'm a fan of the show first.  The episodes are still entertaining to me even if there is a character is missing.

Edited by CrimeFan12
Bad spelling
  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, CrimeFan12 said:

I will be watching each and every episode regardless of which characters may or may not be in any particular episode.  If my favorite isn't there, I'm fine with that.  I'm a fan of the show first.  The episodes are still entertaining to me even if there is a character is missing.

I agree. While Reid is my favorite and my heart, (I mean look at my mug!) during Matthew's contracted breaks I'll keep watching throughout. I have a deep love for the show and that's not about to die because someone wants to go and do other things. Excited about the upcoming season!


  • Love 2

It used to be that I, too, could say 'I'm a fan of the show'.  But it doesn't keep my attention any longer, and some of the characters (looking at you, PG) have begun to grate, rather than intrigue or charm.  Maybe I tire too easily, or maybe the characters and writing haven't kept up.  Don't know.  I just know that I'm a character-driven viewer now.  The point was driven home to me during the prison arc.  Reid was in each episode, but his scenes were separate from those of the team.  I watched each episode through, but can only remember the Reid scenes.  If the rest had engaged me, I'd remember the whole thing, as I do with the episodes of early seasons.  That's not something deliberate or purposeful.  It's a behavioral response to a stimulus.  For me, the stimulus has degraded over time.

  • Love 6

Um. Posted this hours ago, but of course no one shared it. Damon's heartfelt facebook statement:

"I need to get this out because it's going to become more public soon and I want to put it out there so I can continue the process of moving on.
On Thursday, I was informed that I was being released from my current job on Criminal Minds. It took us all by surprise, cast, production, etc. as production starts back up in about a month, and I was told I'd be back for the 13th season and planned my worklife and personal life accordingly. It was a business decision, nothing to do with my performance, etc. Business move.
I don't think it's ever easy to lose your job. Period. In the moment, there's nothing truly consoling for me about "Something better is coming". Oftentimes, that is true. But it negates the power, importance, uniqueness, specialness of the individual opportunity. I prefer to think and say "something DIFFERENT is coming."
Before Criminal Minds, I had the good fortune to have been a series regular on four television shows. To folks outside the business, that means a main cast member, which is a huge thing to actors. It's a different pay scale, resume builder, etc. None of these shows made it past a first season. They were all cancelled in fact. Most of them deserved to have longer lives, but it wasn't in the cards. Some of you know the pain of losing jobs like this, most don't, most want to, most won't, I get that. It is all our personal experience.
Criminal Minds was supposed to be a safe space for awhile, if there is ever such a thing in this whirlwind business. I knew it wouldn't last forever but it was "stability" for a moment in a well-oiled machine close to home, with lovely people and environment close to home. My life needed that right now, even if my deepest artistic soul and being needs more, because, certainly I have more to say, as many of us do. But learning and the consistency of "taking reps" at a job like this is really important, and often a luxury. It's practice. Consistent practice. And I really did look forward to doing that with this particular team more than half a season. There's so much to learn and grow in, and when you can do it around good people and energy , that's the bee's knees. 
A lot of actors will never see a series regular job on a tv show, I get that, let alone five. I count my blessings, believe me, and it is important that this is known, but there is a special kind of pain and disappointment in losing opportunities like this. These jobs do NOT grow on trees. They are hard to get, and hard to survive. They have their own pressures and challenges. 22 episodes on a network tv show in today's (or any days) market is a BIG thing. It a big job. A lottery of sorts.
And love was in the room. That always makes the blow harder.
And while not the hardest jobs on earth, or even most relevant to the worlds happenings at times, they are not easy. But they are special in our line of work as we build careers. Each one is lucrative in a different way, and that's not just monetarily. The building of relationships, a work family, continuity...all important.
In today's game, and maybe yesterday's too, the "hit" is the thing. And the truth is I haven't had that yet. I've longed for that. The HIT. Nothing has stuck. And the sticking is never guaranteed. So you just keep tracking your course, developing, and making your mark best you can. You can find examples all around...people who are fabulous actors who've never had a series regular that finally get one and the show is a colossal hit, to people who jump in one iconic hit for seven years, to seven years on another iconic hit, to people who have to do ten network shows before something sticks, to people who never land these types of roles roles, etc. Its a wild business. And a wild ride. And nothing is ever guaranteed. There are shockers and detours and potholes all the time.
And I consider myself very fortunate to have had the opportunities I've had, even when hungry for more. Believe me, this is not a "woe is me/feel bad for me" writing. I count my blessings. If you know me, then you know that. If you don't know me well, then learn that about me. 
The world is not ending, but a part of mine IS. And this is just me grieving. And that's allowed and necessary. And, perhaps, it's preempting the question that I will occasionally get asked..."how are you doing?" 
This is a tough business at its many levels. And it takes its toll.
It's all perspective.
All that glitters ain't gold.
But treasures seen and unseen, abound.
A big thank you to the lovely folks at Criminal Minds. Cast. Crew. And I thank CBS for welcoming me to the family for a time. I will never forget the kindness of that crew, and the generosity, fun, and love that filled the walls of Quixote studios. And thank you to those of you who supported me on the show. Many of you don't know what I went through behind the scenes being a "replacement" for a beloved character on a show that has a storied and deep history, and twitter can be a mean place, racially, otherwise. I learned a lot about people's ignorance and cruelty.
So, as a courtesy, I ask for no more "keep your chin up's" or "something better's coming", or "you always land on your feet" or "you're better than that show anyway" (which I disagree with) or "you're always working", or "does this mean you'll conduct more now", or "things could be worse",etc. I appreciate the sentiment, and I thank you, and at my core, I know it to be true. But oftentimes, for me, it actually neglects the pain of mourning the loss, even though well-intended. So thank you. Truly.
Like I said above...it's not that something BETTER is coming, it's that something DIFFERENT is.
One day and moment at a time.
In truth, you may or may not hear from me for awhile. I may have to step back, re-root. Connect anew. A way I never have before. I've already been farther away these days, that may deepen.
I certainly do know that when doors close, windows open. I've soared on the wings of that phrase for quite a time now. 
Yes. Doors close and windows open, but sometimes....you just gotta get out of the house.
Build a NEW one.
And I have no idea where that will be next, and it may be where none of us expect. 
There are deeper whispers.
And that is the truest, most revealing beauty of this whole thing.
I close with some amended words from one of my favorite moments in Shakespeare...Macbeth, Act 4, scene 3 when Macduff finds out his family has been killed and Malcolm is trying to comfort him. I always hear this when I suffer a loss of some kind.
Merciful heaven!
What, man! ne'er pull your hat upon your brows;
Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break...
Be comforted:
Let's make us medicines of our great revenge,
To cure this deadly grief.....
Dispute it like a man.
I shall do so;
But I must also feel it as a man."

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Willowy said:

On Thursday, I was informed that I was being released from my current job on Criminal Minds. It took us all by surprise, cast, production, etc. as production starts back up in about a month, and I was told I'd be back for the 13th season and planned my worklife and personal life accordingly. It was a business decision, nothing to do with my performance, etc. Business move.
I don't think it's ever easy to lose your job. Period. In the moment, there's nothing truly consoling for me about "Something better is coming". Oftentimes, that is true. But it negates the power, importance, uniqueness, specialness of the individual opportunity. I prefer to think and say "something DIFFERENT is coming."

It is very sad :-(

I never really warmed to Walker or Lewis. But I never want anyone losing their job without any of their fault. I really feel bad for him.

I hope they don't bring anyone new to replace him, that would be just worse.

  • Love 2

Do we have any idea why? 

I mean, if they are going to reduce the team (we've said a lot of times along the season that there were too many people in it) it's their decision to make. Although I think they haven't given him enough time to get settled in the team, he's been there for half a season. I was just starting to feel that he was a part of the show. 

 But if they are changing him for another new person,then I don't understand anything at all. 

And in any case I don't like it that he's losing his job, he seems so upset about it. 

Finally, I'll say that I like the way he writes, I'll read his statement again, I'm sure I missed a few things, but I really liked his writing, I wish Ihadn't discovered it in such a sad situation for him. 

"creative changes"

I leave it to you to interpret that. I think they noticed that as much as they liked him, he really wasn't meshing, for instance, as fast as Luke did. Poor dude was brought in at a really bad time. 

It bugs me that today many of those that were "Walker needs to go, the team's too big!" "Last hired first fired!", etc... are now fawning all over him on twitter like he's some kind of sacrificial lamb. 

I’m glad that the contracts issue has been resolved and we won’t have another season of cast shakeups. This year will have more stability to it and the writers won’t have to scramble to change scripts up due to cast departures. 

As to Damon Gupton’s departure.  I liked the character and would have liked to see more of him, but at the same time I didn’t think they needed him.  The cast was fine the way it was, but I feel like it was a knee jerk reaction of the studios to have a cast that had more women than men so they added him to make it even.  If the cut was due to budgetary, creative reasons or whatever the studios may be calling it, he did seem to be the obvious choice.  He was only there for fifteen episodes and hadn’t developed a strong fan base yet like the other characters so he was expendable.

I feel bad that he was let go.  No one likes to get fired from a job from they love.  Unfortunately that is the nature of the business.  In my thirty plus years of tv viewing I seen it happen on many a show and it will continue.  I also feel bad for all the crap he had to endure from people on social media who thought he was the ‘replacement’ for Hotch.  It was the same crap that Jennifer Love Hewitt got before we even saw an episode she was in and what the rest of the cast and crew had to endure all season. Social media allows people to be nasty and it’s a shame that people behave that way. 

I also feel that his firing was a part of the contract renewals, that they could use his salary to pay for the increases.  I think if one or both ladies walked away, Gupton would have still been a member of the cast.  If both had walked, they probably would have to hire another actress to fill the empty slot.  If only one left, they probably would have left the cast the way it was with four men and three women. 

I don’t want them to kill him.  I’m hoping they will have him back for the first episode since it is a continuation of the season final.  Then they can do whatever they want with him and leave it open to seeing him again in another episode.  The character doesn’t deserve death. 

Finally I would like to wish Damon the best of luck and hope to see him on my screen soon.  I do hope I made sense. :-D

  • Love 1

CrimeFan, I usually agree with you on most things, however I'm seeing this around and feel I need to point out how reductive towards the women it is to assume that they had to let a lower-ranked brand new cast member go to pay their salary increase. One thing has nothing to do with the other, and was confirmed as much by Kirsten:



I'm confident Damon would say the same is true, though I don't try to speak for him. The women are worth a raise, and the studio budgets for that. Sure, they try to get them to take as little as possible, but when there's pushback from the actor, usually something equitable can be worked out. 

Also, I'm hearing rumor that there WILL be a new agent joining the BAU, which further leads me to believe Damon's dismissal was for another reason that we are just not privy to.

No problem, Willowy.  The ladies are well worth the raises and deserved equal parity with their male co-stars.  I'm tickled pink that they got it.  Maybe I should have said could be part of it.  A lot of times I'm not good at getting out what I'm thinking.  I was just trying to say it could have played a part in it.  Who knows what goes on in the studio's minds.  I hope I'm completely wrong about it and one doesn't have anything to do with the other because you are right about it being reductive.

If they are insistent on having a eight member team, they should have kept him.

  • Love 2

I have a question.  Does anyone know how the salary negotiations work?  Would KV and AJC be privy to what MGG makes or do they go on trust that they were making approximately the same with this new deal?  

I am glad that they are in line with male counterparts.  But doesn't other things separate salaries including previous work and in the case of CM, would the fact that JM and MGG directing and KV writing put them at a higher salary than AJC anyway?  Could another female come on board with less CM experience but heavier show biz credits and make more than PB, KV or AJC?

Just curious as to how it works.

Good questions. With regard to what you mentioned about more experience and extra duties? Yes, and yes. But I think the directing and writing are treated like bonuses for that episode only, if I'm not mistaken. 

Also, as someone mentioned, Q score is huge when it comes to negotiating. Last I heard Matthew had the highest Q rating of the cast. 

Are they privy to each other's salaries? I think so. Can anyone confirm?

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