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Season 3 Discussion


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That beat down was extremely difficult to watch. I hope that kid learns to shut his mouth. I can't imagine how hard it must be for the guys not to jump in.

8 hours in medical for that?! Wow. I mean, I'm sure the budget isn't too generous for medical in jail but that seemed like a nightmare. Imagine being really sick or injured and having to sit there for hours. Ugh. 

Don was never going to be a good fit for this show. It was only a matter of time before he got his ass marched off to what is sure to be the SHU. Dude seems like a hot head on a good day so of course he's going to boil over in that kind of circumstance. I'm sure plenty of people who are normally cool headed lose their shit in there. And he clearly picked the wrong guard to mouth off to.

I thought jails/prisons shut off the water before a sweep so nothing could be flushed. At the end of last week's ep the women were flushing contraband and I was wondering how they could do that. No wonder they didn't find much. 

Edited by Squirrely
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8 hours ago, Squirrely said:

That beat down was extremely difficult to watch. I hope that kid learns to shut his mouth. I can't imagine how hard it must be for the guys not to jump in.

8 hours in medical for that?! Wow. I mean, I'm sure the budget isn't too generous for medical in jail but that seemed like a nightmare. Imagine being really sick or injured and having to sit there for hours. Ugh. 

Don was never going to be a good fit for this show. It was only a matter of time before he got his ass marched off to what is sure to be the SHU. Dude seems like a hot head on a good day so of course he's going to boil over in that kind of circumstance. I'm sure plenty of people who are normally cool headed lose their shit in there. And he clearly picked the wrong guard to mouth off to.

I thought jails/prisons shut off the water before a sweep so nothing could be flushed. At the end of last week's ep the women were flushing contraband and I was wondering how they could do that. No wonder they didn't find much. 

I agree with everything you said. The bearings in this show always make me feel physically ill because it's not actors and I just feel horrible watching it. 

While 8 hours is horrible, it's not a whole lot longer than waiting in regular emergency rooms. We were in an emergency room for over 6 hours- not being seen, just moved from one location to another- after my daughter was in a car accident. Granted, she was not bleeding or anything and this was a trauma center that people are medflight sent to, so they always do the worst cases first. 

I thought I had posted something about Don earlier. But I must've forgot to hit "submit". I don't know what he's doing. I think he created his own program in his head and he's participating in that...

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, Squirrely said:


8 hours in medical for that?! Wow. I mean, I'm sure the budget isn't too generous for medical in jail but that seemed like a nightmare. Imagine being really sick or injured and having to sit there for hours. Ugh. 

Welcome to every emergency room in the United States. I've seen people screaming in pain in the ER waiting room for hours. It's first come first served and even then, I feel like the doctors hang out and do nothing just to make people crazy. The only way you get right in is if you're taken by ambulance. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, Squirrely. But for those who don't know, don't go to the ER for the sniffles. You pretty much piss off everybody in the waiting room.

I don't feel bad for Pretty Boy. Did he really think the jail medical would be any better than what we deal with on the outside? However, I do think they sit around and do nothing on purpose. They could have seen all those patients in a couple hours max. 

Did I hear Jessica right? Did she say, "These aren't my caliber of people"? 

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Yeah, you guys are definitely right in the ER comparison! I spent many a phlebotomy shift stationed in the local ER so I should have known better... I think it's the crushing sympathy I felt for someone stick on a metal bench for that long with literally nothing to do but wonder what crazy inmate would walk in next that made me react. No supervision at all, no TV, etc. But it is definitely the least of the issues.

I just started watching last weeks episode and seeing Don locked in his cell made me laugh like crazy.  Then his stupid mouth gets him locked right back in because apparently the guard knew what he was saying.   I just cant stand that guy.  I dont give a shit what he's saying, he's an asshole. 

I usually like Jon but I didnt care for his comment about him choosing to be there and the other inmates didnt choose to be there.  Uh, yeah, they kinda did. If you choose to commit a crime, you're choosing to go to jail. 

The guards are really stupid. If they always hear a lot of toilets flushing when they raid the dorms, the smart thing to do would be to shut off the water to that section before you go in there. 

Edited because I didnt see @Squirrely said the same thing about shutting off the water. 

Edited by Maharincess
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Woooow!  I wonder what they're going to do about Michelle.  For some reason when I first saw her, I thought she had the look of somebody who knew her way around a pill or two but wow!  I can't believe she was buying and snorting pills on camera. I wonder if she's going to face a real charge. 

I'm a little suspicious of the two Jon Thomas thing. I don't know about jails but I know in prison everything is done by the inmate number. Its crazy that they gave his (narcotic?) pain medicine to the other Jon.  They have to know there are two inmates with the same name so they should be double checking their numbers, especially when it comes to medication. 

  • Love 4
On 4/17/2017 at 7:14 PM, tvsoothesthespirit said:

Why are they serving breakfast at 2:00 AM? Did I hear that correctly?

When I worked at the prison they were eating lunch around 10 a.m. and dinner around 3:00 p.m  I think the logistics of getting everyone fed factors into it.


I was blown away by Michelle too.   If Mauri wanted to leave she could have told them she wanted to talk about it in private like she did with the letters.

Who was Michelle talking to on the phone who said "you're not going to leave early are you?!".  It was a female voice but I dont remember them saying who it was.  What a shitty thing to say.  I can't believe that she snorted those pills on camera, you'd think if she was going to do it, she would have at least tried to hide it.  I'm also wondering what kind of opiate they got that allowed so many of them to snort it, how many did they get and what kind were they? They had to have had something really strong or they had a lot of it. She had no reaction to snorting them either, she knew exactly what to do and it didnt affect her at all. Usually when people snort something for the first time, they cough and sputter and feel like they're going to vomit.  I doubt this was Michelle's first time at the rodeo. 

I'm happy they moved asshole Don. I hope he pisses the bloods off and they tell him they know what he's saying as they kick his ass. I also hope he sees how ridiculous he sounds when he says "you know what I'm saying" after EVERY DAMN SENTENCE and stops saying it.  Doubtful though, he probably thinks he sounds cool. He sure does think he's something special doesn't he?  Like my grandma would have said, "he's not cool, he's warm piss in a Dixie cup". I have no clue what that means but it fits this situation. 

I wish this thread got more action. 

  • Love 9

Why is it that these folks who are low level Law Enforcement make the Absolute Worst faux inmates?

S3 Maurii is a complete fraidy cat with no street sense,  S1 Tami(ugh), with all her sweatshirt slouching and Raaaginnng DRAAAHMMMAAA,  and that Uberpantywaist Jeff mall cop aka the biggest p*ssy ever from S2 , they are Terrible at blending!

Edited by Nancypants
Bad salad
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Nancypants said:

Why is it that these folks who are low level Law Enforcement.

S3 Maurii is a complete fraidy cat with no street sense,  S1 Tami(ugh), with all her sweatshirt slouching and Raaaginnng DRAAAHMMMAAA,  and that Uberpantywaist Jeff mall cop aka the biggest p*say ever from S2 make the ABSOLUTE WORST participants?

I agree completely except I prefer to call people like Jeff balls instead of pussy. The former is a tiny, sensitive thing that can barely take a tap without bringing its host to his knees.  The latter meanwhile can take a beating, a pounding and anything else thrown at it.  

So yeah, to me Jeff is balls. 

  • Love 5

That whole drill with the zip tie mess really pissed me off. You're so incompetent that you can't even properly restrain inmates, and then you're going to childishly retaliate and make it so their blood can't circulate. Ugh, and to be exposing them to each others' blood like that?! That is fucking terrifying. And downright criminal! 

And then the CO has to play Billy Badass and come in and try to rile them up. Aside from the one comment from the one inmate, they behaved really well considering at least half half their hands free. Poor dudes were just so happy to see something other than grey walls. 

Mauri might just annoy me the most. She was a CO (was she reallly?) in maximum security and yet she knows nothing! "They're accusing me of things so I better hide under my pillow and look extra guilty." Michelle was covering it splendidly, but she's clearly taking it too far now with the pills. What is she thinking?

Blondie marine guy bugged me at first but I kind of admired how he handled the whole marine thing. Sure, he probably should have let it go, but I can't say I would be able to in his shoes. These people are so freaking bored. They need some fresh air and sunshine. 

  • Love 7
On 4/28/2017 at 11:15 PM, PoshSprinkles said:

I know!!! I don't think A&E did a good job advertising this season as they did the first two. I only knew about it because I stream A&E and have to watch the commercials and saw it advertised once or twice. About as often as Billy the Exterminator. 

I decided to watch it on a weekend and then decided to record it... and then it stopped recording and I couldn't figure out why... they changed the name! Might be a reason why people aren't finding it.  I think i twas 60 days in and then they made a big deal about "60 days in is now 60 days atlanta" but then after a couple episodes they went back to listing it just as '60 days in'

I get soooo confused with the guys pod.  Especially when the one guys brother got moved into the pod with his brother.  I was like wasn't he already in that pod???? But I think I was getting Jon Thomas and the white guy with the blonde hair in the other pod confused with each other.  To me it seems like they should all be together and my brain isn't computing that they are split into two groups. 

Well I'm late to this small, intimate party but I binge watched nearly all episodes so far. I don't understand a lot about these folks and I definitely do NOT k ow what Don's sayin'. With his giant head, you'd think his brain would be big enough to  know not to say that at the end of each sentence... And not to mouth off to the COs.

Mauri Mauri Mauri... first she writes things down and gets upset, then the rumor mill is going about 60 Days and she gets upset. Such a nervous girl for being a CO.  I find her to be the most annoying one if the bunch. She just can't get it together.  

Those are my quick notes for the day. I have one more episode till I'm caught up. Maybe I'll have more thoughts later! 

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

Well I'm late to this small, intimate party but I binge watched nearly all episodes so far. I don't understand a lot about these folks and I definitely do NOT k ow what Don's sayin'. With his giant head, you'd think his brain would be big enough to  know not to say that at the end of each sentence... And not to mouth off to the COs.

There was an experiment conducted in 1971 at Stanford University to explore the psychology of authority. Student volunteers were randomly divided into two groups: guards and inmates. The experiment was originally planned to continue for 14 days, but it had to be ended after only 6 days because of the effects it had over the participants. The guards became highly controlling while the prisoners became highly defiant and rebellious.

The experiment, known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, may explain the behavior of the participants in 60 Days In. During the 60 days, the show's participants will take on the psychology of a true prisoner, especially when the guards assert authority over them. It would appear Don may be more susceptible to the psychological effects of being in prison; plus, the guard is acting like a ass which probably increases the effects over Don.

BTW, the results of the Sanford Prison Experiment were so bad, it cannot be repeated because it is now considered unethical due to the psychological harm done to the participants. Apparently, TLC has no ethics board to direct them. They'll do anything for a buck regardless of the harm.

Given what we know about the psychology of this situation, it's actually surprising the 60 Days In participants don't act out more than they do.

  • Love 3

Calvin treats the fellow inmates like he treats his students. He is generous and encouraging, but in there, they aren't looking for a mentor, they found a target.

I am so tired of all of these fake fights. They spend so long strutting around and making threats, and then they just pull each other's hair or slap at each other. It makes it so obvious how staged everything is.

Complexity, your post was brilliant and informative. But I am still hoping Don gets squished under someone's boot.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I don't know for sure but if I had to guess I'd say Nate is the one who stays. He actually seems to like it in there. 

Did they ever say how Nate got that cut on his forehead? 

Nate got it playing basketball,is what I'm thinking too.  It was someone on his own team.   Have y'all noticed that in some of his interviews it's more noticeable than others?   

  • Love 1

Woohoo, we made it two pages!

It's got to be Nate who stays. Or possibly Matt, on real marijuana charges! What are these people thinking this year? But hey, the COs don't give a shit. Soooo many things smell like weed. It's not distinctive at all, so need to investigate or anything. ;)

I'm so tired of hearing Mauri cry about being bullied. I'm not in support of bullies or into victim blaming at all, but this is JAIL, not a Montessori classroom. Buck up, woman! 

  • Love 5

Does anyone know anything about those tablets for $20 a month? Is that wifi, Facebook, Kik, etc? Or more like an e-book reader that you pay for data usage to make phone calls? And they don't get a charger, but they give it to someone to charge?
Finale already! Next week is a 2-hour show.  This season either went really fast, or was just that even-keeled without Robert's Private Vacation or Miryiam's Perpetual Observation Popcorn.

22 hours ago, Squirrely said:

I'm so tired of hearing Mauri cry about being bullied. I'm not in support of bullies or into victim blaming at all, but this is JAIL, not a Montessori classroom. Buck up, woman! 

Just watched the latest episode. Totally in agreement with this. Ok I'm about to be totally snarky. Mauri' friend "Chocolate"-she wants to get her GED by the time she's 40 or 50. It might just be me but I thought she looked over 40 years old already. Maybe it's just years of hard living...

I don't think we saw much of Don this episode. I was fine with that, y'know what I'm sayin'? 

  • Love 4
On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 7:10 PM, Squirrely said:

Woohoo, we made it two pages!

I really like this show and prefer to record several to watch at one time (because they kind of string out the "cliffhangers" and I want to know NOW.)  But it does make me self-conscious about posting in an "all-episodes" thread--no one wants to hear thoughts about something that happened three weeks ago, right?

Anyway, I think there are more viewers than the thread implies.

Just as a general observation, this season is a big improvement over Clark County, with that bunch and Sheriff Scotty.  Too bad any film crew in any prison system for the rest of time will create a sense of paranoia and accusations that someone's a ratfink.

  • Love 4
On 5/7/2017 at 0:09 PM, candall said:

I really like this show and prefer to record several to watch at one time (because they kind of string out the "cliffhangers" and I want to know NOW.)  But it does make me self-conscious about posting in an "all-episodes" thread--no one wants to hear thoughts about something that happened three weeks ago, right?

Anyway, I think there are more viewers than the thread implies.

I say share away! No-one around me watches the show so I like three chance to talk about it

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The sleep schedule alone would be hell. Last go around the women partied all night long and here they play strip poker. Way too many females to a cell. I just can't believe Michelle snorted who knows what. I get super cranky with no alone time and no sleep so I'm not even sure I could pass up anything to make me pass out. Luckily I'm not an inmate and can at least have a benzo and a full peace pipe.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

The sleep schedule alone would be hell. Last go around the women partied all night long and here they play strip poker. Way too many females to a cell. I just can't believe Michelle snorted who knows what. I get super cranky with no alone time and no sleep so I'm not even sure I could pass up anything to make me pass out. Luckily I'm not an inmate and can at least have a benzo and a full peace pipe.

Plus being woke up for count.   I think that lights go out at 9 but they're up for count at 11.  I would pissed off all the time.

Does Michelle's bio say she had a drug history?

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, August79 said:

Plus being woke up for count.   I think that lights go out at 9 but they're up for count at 11.  I would pissed off all the time.

Does Michelle's bio say she had a drug history?

I didn't read her bio but I would have to say yes she does. I have never seen anybody snort something for the first time and not cough and gag on it. She sucked that pill up her nose like she'd done it before.  She has the "look" of somebody who knows their way around a pill bottle in my opinion. 

I'm very curious to see how they handle the drug use by Michelle and Matt.  They can't just ignore their show participants doing that can they? 

I think her daughter showed a lot of anxiety about drugs being in the jail.  Like maybe she didn't want her to relapse.


Can they really pursue something against them? I'm sure both are going say that they were worried about blowing their cover.   Matt was almost gleeful about it though "Smoking weed in a jail cell.   Check that off the bucket list!" 

  • Love 1

This is my first time posting on this forum, but I'm a TV junkie, always reading forums on here and can never comment. So I finally caved and made an account. 

A few of my thoughts, Idk when they eat lunch or dinner but it seems like the jail just feeds them every 8 hours.  That would make lunch at 10 and dinner and 6pm. But who wakes up out of a dead sleep ready to eat or wants to eat at 2nd ya know? But then if you don't get up and eat you'll be starving by lunchtime. Jails don't feed inmates enough as it is.

I'm glad they moved Calvin. He's pretty stupid to think that the gang members are actually his friends. It's so obvious to everyone but him that they're just using him for everything he has. But then inmate Jon Thomas on the new block starts using him too. He's too soft for jail. He's basically a doormat for everyone. He needs to learn the word NO.

I don't think there will be any repercussions to Michelle or Matt doing drugs on camera. If they got caught after the fact then they would go to the SHU. The only way they would catch real charges is if they get caught in possession of something. It's a totally different world in jail, so I think I would have done the same thing. Being bored, tired, probably hungry and cold, and miserable you start to think differently. At that point anything starts sounding like a good idea. I'm sure the inmate mentality is rubbing off on all of them, causing them to behave differently then they normally would. It's true what they say about we become our environment. It's hard to say if Michelle did drugs at one time or not but I agree her daughter seemed anxious about it. She even said something like, it's hard enough knowing it's around, but to actually see it going on is even harder. Or something along those lines. And Michelle does kinda look like someone who's done it before, but I don't like judging based on looks.

Mauri....ugh. She's doing a great job at doing exactly what she shouldn't. Lay in bed, don't leave the cell for days, pace back and forth looking stressed out- she's done everything to look guilty except say HEY IT'S ME!! At least Michelle has tried to blend back in and alleviate suspicions. And look, she did that and the other women lost interest and quiy talking about her. Her methods are questionable but at least she's not panicking and running for the door like Mauri. I'll be surprised if she finishes her 60 days. I think it's safe to assume she's not the one who stays another 60. She was a CO really? I just can't see it. Even the inmates said it doesn't look like she committed a crime. Her demeanor and everything is way off. She sucks at blending in. She better snort a pill or something lol j/k

I can't believe how absent the COs are. How do they not know all these fights are going on!? Other jails the COs would swarm in and lock everyone down the second a fight broke out and take the participants to the hole. These guards really are a pathetic excuse for correction officers. They're not protecting anybody which is their job and they're not paying attention to what's going on. But they want to walk around and talk tough. Power drunk a-holes. And the zip tie thing was uncalled for too. And the pill issue in the women's unit! Seriously? It's not hard to see they're not taking the pills and clearly the nurse doesn't care at all. She should be checking their mouths after she sees them swallow it. All the drugs in their is nothing but incompetence on the jails part. I hope at the very least this season brings these issues to light and these employees are reprimanded, trained better, and these issues are fixed. There's just no excuse for this.

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Does anyone else get annoyed listening g to Don talk?  He says "know what I'm saying?" after everything he says.  It drives me nuts!  I know what you're saying because you just said if.  The only thing that will make it interesting is if you make a drinking game out of it.  Take a drink every time he says it, and you'll likely be drunk before the show is over.

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