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S13.E05: When It Rains, It Pours (Part 1)

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Rob still acting a fool, with the fake baby's coming call.

The famous white porcupine birthday cake makes yet another appearance.

Kim makes an appearance at a Kanye concert and is shocked that fans want to get pics and video of her. Stay backstage or in a private booth if you want to be incognito.

He walks off stage after 3 songs and she can't sleep the rest of the night? I say she knew he was in a downward spiral for sometime and wasn't all that shocked  when he went off. Upset yes, but I think she was waiting for that shoe to.drop.

Khloe... just tell Caitlyn you don't want a relationship.with her. Seems like most of the family has cut her off, so stop pussyfooting around it.

  • Love 3

Katy Perry: “Everything is a lesson” Me: STFU you stupid bitch

A Kardashian aunt/uncle own the Staples Center?

Caitlyn; “Is it because I transitioned?” Nooooo, I’m sure that had absolutely nothing to do with it. How can Caitlyn be so dense that she really doesn’t understand?

For someone who was bitching because Kim was in her business last week, Khloe sure doesn’t have a problem with sticking her nose in Kourtney’s business, & telling someone else to get off their phone? Seriously?

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, GaT said:

A Kardashian aunt/uncle own the Staples Center?

No,  I think she was referring to close family friends the Azoff's. Irving Azoff owns MSG Entertainment.

They just covered the entire busy month of November in this episode. From Kendall's birthday, Kris's, the Scott&Kourt Mexico trip, Dream, plus Kanye's psych hospitalization. 

I feel like Cait & Khloe have the same conversation when they want to trot out a Caitlyn plot. Which I think they just did to not have to address that much the Kanye situation. 

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5 hours ago, GaT said:

Caitlyn; “Is it because I transitioned?” Nooooo, I’m sure that had absolutely nothing to do with it. How can Caitlyn be so dense that she really doesn’t understand?

This is the thing I find (well, one of the things) that annoys me the most about Caityn.  It couldn't possibly be because she trashed their mother, is as obnoxious as she could be....no...it must be because she transitioned.

Khloe is an adult.  If she wants a relationship with Caitlyn, she'll have one.  If she doesn't, she won't.    Caitlyn  (boo hoo no one calls me in Malibu) wants to maintain her ties with the Kardashians for her own benefit, the publicity it gets her and the designers dropping their freebies at her feet.   She seemed perfectly fine to cut her other family off when she married Kris.  

I think Khloe and the rest of the family are very well aware of that.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

This is the thing I find (well, one of the things) that annoys me the most about Caityn.  It couldn't possibly be because she trashed their mother, is as obnoxious as she could be....no...it must be because she transitioned.

Khloe is an adult.  If she wants a relationship with Caitlyn, she'll have one.  If she doesn't, she won't.    Caitlyn  (boo hoo no one calls me in Malibu) wants to maintain her ties with the Kardashians for her own benefit, the publicity it gets her and the designers dropping their freebies at her feet.   She seemed perfectly fine to cut her other family off when she married Kris.  

I think Khloe and the rest of the family are very well aware of that.

Months go by and no one calls??

I think Brody and Brandon said that years went by  without a call, and they were 8,9 10 + years old. So quit yer bitching Caitlyn.

And seriously, how does Khloe sit there and not bust out laughing, at Caitlyn's denseness? 

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Does anyone else feel like they are recovering from a stroke watching all of this time jumping with Rob/Chyna/Dream?  We watched (literally) this baby be born 4 months ago, and at the time, Dream was already a month old.  Now we're sitting through it again with a different spin because the baby special was a hurried up slapped together mess. 

The Khloe/Cait sit down had to be scripted.  This took place in November, and Caitlyn acts like she's been frozen out of the family for months when we all saw pics of her at at least one of King Cairo's birthday parties in mid October.  Doubtful she was shut out of the post-robbery theatrics family bonding, Kim (likely numerous) birthday celebrations, etc.

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2 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

The Khloe/Cait sit down had to be scripted.  This took place in November, and Caitlyn acts like she's been frozen out of the family for months when we all saw pics of her at at least one of King Cairo's birthday parties in mid October. 

Yes, she was also with Kim post-robbery and was at Thanksgiving. They use the word "call" which is probably true, but it doesn't mean they don't interact. The family is big on group texting. 

Edited by Artsda
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13 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Yes, she was also with Kim post-robbery and was at Thanksgiving. They use the word "call" which is probably true, but it doesn't mean they don't interact. The family is big on group texting. 

I think she gets invited to the typical family functions, there's no way they will just cut her off totally, it wouldn't look good publicly. But I don't think they  call regularly, or stop by or have much  to do with her otherwise. And Kris is fine with that, despite her remarks otherwise.  I think Kendall and Kylie keep whatever relationship they have with her, apart from the show and probably apart from the rest of the family.

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45 minutes ago, iwasish said:
1 hour ago, Artsda said:


I think she gets invited to the typical family functions, there's no way they will just cut her off totally, it wouldn't look good publicly. But I don't think they  call regularly, or stop by or have much  to do with her otherwise.

Unless the family is filming they all don't interact with each other at all. 

  • Love 3

She's upset at the way her mom was treated by Caitlyn during the transition and isn't going to quickly get over it

Maybe I missed something between "About Bruce", the Diane Sawyer interview, and the Vanity fair article, but what exactly did Caitlyn say or do to Kris that this kids are pissed about, still?  Of all the things Caitlyn could have said in her massive post-transition 2015 media coverage, I thought she was fairly reserved.  Imagine all of the family secrets she could have spilled!  What I keep coming back to was that Caitlyn sort of implied that Kris knew Cait was transgendered from day 1, which could create the public perception that Kris is not 100% heterosexual (the horror) and heaven forbid the aging family matriarch should ever be viewed as anything other than the stunningly gorgeous exceptionally fertile bombshell men conquer foreign lands for, and that Kris sees herself as.  That Caitlyn transitioned so publicly - I mean - what choice did she have?  For years if not decades, Kris knew this was going to eventually happen.  Don't put your family out into the public domain if you have a huge secret to keep.  Kris wants to control everything and everyone and that is impossible, and she can't accept that, so she sends her minions to remind Caitlyn exactly who is in charge, here, and makes sure this is all on film, so we know as well.  I'm glad that Pepsi ad was a disaster.

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I can't even deal with Cait's complaining about losing touch with the kids. I never get the sense that she genuinely wants a close bond with them. It feels more like she wants to preen and show off her wonderful life as a woman, and appear trendy and cool through her association with the Ks. Cait spent years as Bruce being excluded and mocked, and now she's still not part of the inner circle in the way that she wants. That must sting a bit. I don't feel sorry for her, though, because she walked away from her own children to devote her life to the Kardashians, and she still seems to favor fame and publicity over being a parent.

Saint is absolutely precious. I hope someone gives that boy lots of attention and cuddles. It felt awkward and abrupt when Kim got up and walked away, leaving Saint by himself in the highchair. Guess Kim's five minutes of parenting were over and it was the nanny's turn again.

Kourtney and Scott have no story other than their relationship. It's beyond stale, especially since in the present day we have Kourtney being papped with younger men.

This season has been so light on Kylie. I don't know what to do without her monotonous interjections of "yeah" and "that's cute."

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9 minutes ago, Linny said:

Kourtney and Scott have no story other than their relationship. It's beyond stale, especially since in the present day we have Kourtney being papped with younger men.

I found a flattened mummified squirrel in my backyard a few weeks ago that had more life in it than this love story.  Kourtney being papped with the youngins is hilarious.  Is she the chaperone for a much more fun date these guys are about to go on? Can you imagine what a boring date she must be?  What is she capable of talking about other than her kids, her sisters, and organic soy milk?

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

I found a flattened mummified squirrel in my backyard a few weeks ago that had more life in it than this love story.  Kourtney being papped with the youngins is hilarious.  Is she the chaperone for a much more fun date these guys are about to go on? Can you imagine what a boring date she must be?  What is she capable of talking about other than her kids, her sisters, and organic soy milk?

And yet Kim and Khloe are dying for every bit of a thrill they can get out of it. Are their own relationships that boring? Kim is having all these procedures in a "desperate" attempt to have a third baby and where is her husband? Jonathan and Khloe get treated to an up close and personal look at her poor snatch and  he's no where to be seen. At least her doctor had the sense to look embarrassed to be doing an exam on camera.

I don't get that exam anyway. It was her uterus they operated on not her vag, I don't think you need an internal exam to see if a hole in your uterus has been closed up. But of course any camera time Kim can get for her nether regions!!!

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I don't get that exam anyway. It was her uterus they operated on not her vag, I don't think you need an internal exam to see if a hole in your uterus has been closed up. But of course any camera time Kim can get for her nether regions!!!

She could have had laparoscopy, which is a less invasive way of examining the uterus, but she still would have needed surgical incisions and a vaginal exam would not have yielded any decent access to fully examine the uterus.  But even if she'd had a full blown hysterectomy, her catheter would have been removed before she left the hospital.  I can't think of a reason she'd be dragging that around at home for a week post-op unless there's something more serious going on, or was faked for the usual attention whoring. 

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I can't think of a reason she'd be dragging that around at home for a week post-op unless there's something more serious going on, or was faked for the usual attention whoring. 

Wouldn't be the first or last time they faked something. I thought the Asian doctor was the one who was going to do the surgery, he seems to enjoy his time in the spot light more than the old guy, who seemed kind of uncomfortable digging around in Kim's crotch while cameras rolled.

Having a catheter in for a good ten days seems excessive, also you can get a raging bladder infection with one. Especially if your lolling around at home with no pants on and inspecting things with a hand mirror and hands that who knows when you last washed them.

Who leaves a bag full of urine where a toddler can find it and open it?


Good timing though, that camera just a happened to be rolling when Kim gets a call that hubby has been taken to the psych ward.  Kourtney's expression listening to that convo  was the same one she has when deciding what kind of FroYo /toppings she's going to select.  

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5 hours ago, Ina123 said:

Ya know, given the circumstances, I think they need time to mourn the loss of Bruce. I thought Khloe came within inches of saying, "I miss Bruce."

To me, this is the biggest problem Caitlyn has, she thinks she's the same person & can't understand why anybody in the family would have a problem with her transitioning. Bruce was a father to them, Caitlyn isn't the same thing, & for the older kids, this is the 2nd father they've lost. 

3 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Maybe I missed something between "About Bruce", the Diane Sawyer interview, and the Vanity fair article, but what exactly did Caitlyn say or do to Kris that this kids are pissed about, still?  


  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, GaT said:

To me, this is the biggest problem Caitlyn has, she thinks she's the same person & can't understand why anybody in the family would have a problem with her transitioning. Bruce was a father to them, Caitlyn isn't the same thing, & for the older kids, this is the 2nd father they've lost. 


Quote from Kim:


Later Kim went to confront Caitlyn about the article: “You said, ‘Kris mistreated me.’ It sounded like she beat the shit out of you. You got the fame, but you’re losing your family. It’s your time, but you don’t have to bash us on your way up.”

There's a huge leap from a partner claiming "mistreatment" to "beating the shit" out of someone.  Kim escalated this to level 1000.   Caitlyn had the fame long before these idiots were even born.  Caitlyn IS the same person, always has been, but now with the glam squad hanging out slightly off-camera, she feels empowered to be the asshole she always was, free of Kris' direction.  I loved her on CHiPs, and Silver Spoons. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Quote from Kim:

There's a huge leap from a partner claiming "mistreatment" to "beating the shit" out of someone.  Kim escalated this to level 1000.   Caitlyn had the fame long before these idiots were even born.  Caitlyn IS the same person, always has been, but now with the glam squad hanging out slightly off-camera, she feels empowered to be the asshole she always was, free of Kris' direction.  I loved her on CHiPs, and Silver Spoons. 

I thought Kim went over the top too.  Kris was a veteran of a hard fought and nasty divorce (from Rob Sr) and IMO, Caitlyn's comments , while in someway thoughtless and insensitive, were nowhere near vicious or all that hurtful. They just conflicted with Kris's desire to pretend that everything is as perfect as it appears in all those pictures taken to memorialize every occasion.  I do think the younger girls could have been hurt more deeply by the "distraction"  remark, but I don't think he said it in the context that Kim read it.  But then, the whole family (except Kris) has pretty much admitted that they knew at least of the cross dressing and had known for a long time. So they weren't entirely blindsided.


I see that Caitlyn has supposedly undergone reassignment surgery. It seems to have taken place earlier this year. I wonder if the Kardashians were aware of it happening. Shocking that Khloe wasn't there to ask all those personal questions that everyone else wants to ask but doesn't.


And pray tell, what is up with Khloe's friend? Is she in love with Khloe? Why is she crying about their "estrangment" yet again? Is it because Khloe is spending too much time with Tristan and she feels left out? Is she a lesbian or bi and attracted to Khloe?

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Linny said:

I can't even deal with Cait's complaining about losing touch with the kids. I never get the sense that she genuinely wants a close bond with them. It feels more like she wants to preen and show off her wonderful life as a woman, and appear trendy and cool through her association with the Ks. Cait spent years as Bruce being excluded and mocked, and now she's still not part of the inner circle in the way that she wants. That must sting a bit. I don't feel sorry for her, though, because she walked away from her own children to devote her life to the Kardashians, and she still seems to favor fame and publicity over being a parent.

Bold is mine.  My sense is that Caitlyn does not want to be Caitlyn Jenner, she wants to be Caitlyn Kardashian....and I think she initially thought she was going to be - what fun shopping with Kim, going to the ladies room with Kris, comparing designer handbags with Khloe.

(And if the K's got that upset over the Vanity Fair article, they must be on pins and needles waiting for the book to come out..and the second Diane Sawyer interview).

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 8
16 hours ago, iwasish said:

 I do think the younger girls could have been hurt more deeply by the "distraction"  remark, but I don't think he said it in the context that Kim read it. 

I forgot about that comment.  Caitlyn did explain herself a little more (although it wasn't an actual apology and I believe this was a conversation with Kim and not the two kids she referred to as distractions).  I got the impression Kris was less upset for her daughters and more offended by the perception that she may have coaxed Caitlyn into having kids she didn't want in an attempt to keep her in the closet another 18 years.

According to NY Magazine's recap, the scene where Kim tells Kourtney that Kanye lost his voice after a concert and had added another 20 tour dates was filmed in February, 3 months after his breakdown.  They're trying to spin this like poor Kanye the workaholic just wore himself out.

Edited by TheVoicesToldMeTo
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I do feel for Khloe. I remember the About Bruce special and Khloe at first was all excited, she bought shoes for Caitlyin and was interested in the situation and then like a few days later, Cait was like "So it's going to happen.. soon" and he wouldn't give them like a date or a time frame and Khloe was hurt and confused because and understandably be, she wasn't being given time to mourn. And she has said that again in this episode. And Caitlyin did do it all wrong; I don't know if it's because all of these things fell into her lap because she was announcing her transition, but the show and the interviews and the VF cover, etc. The kids really weren't given time to mourn.

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I do feel for Khloe. I remember the About Bruce special and Khloe at first was all excited, she bought shoes for Caitlyin and was interested in the situation and then like a few days later, Cait was like "So it's going to happen.. soon" and he wouldn't give them like a date or a time frame and Khloe was hurt and confused because and understandably be, she wasn't being given time to mourn. And she has said that again in this episode. And Caitlyin did do it all wrong; I don't know if it's because all of these things fell into her lap because she was announcing her transition, but the show and the interviews and the VF cover, etc. The kids really weren't given time to mourn.

Well lets give some of that blame to Kris. These are her children that she loves sooooo much and with every single one she has exploited aspects of their lives for the almighty dollar. She ( and Caitlyn shares the blame) has repeatedly put the show and money above all other things in their lives. And uses the excuse of their work ethic and making a solid future for them and their families. There hasn't been one part of any of their lives that she hasn't said is off limits to cameras. As Khloe said, their lives move so fast they don't have time to  spend on "things", it's deal with it and move on. They had to live with the secret about Caitlyn for much longer than the viewers even knew about it and had to "not talk about it" (probably so as not to spoil the raitngs and the $$$) They were expected to put a happy face on it and act as if it were no big deal that daddy is now a girl. Sorry but that isn't normal and the VAST majority of people who have that situation in their family, need time and sometimes a LOT of  it, to deal. If it happened in my family, I don't think I'd be out merrily shopping for shoes for my father and discussing how they can turn his dick into a clit.  (Sorry to be crude).

So yes Caitlyn fucked up big time in how she went about transitioning, but Kris made it all about her, and forced her children to rally around her,  putting their own issues about the situation on the back burner. If there was ever a time to take a hiatus for a year or two, it was then. But instead they continue to showcase Rob's mental issues, Lamar's drug overdose, Scott's  drinking, Kim recuperating from a robbery and Kanye's mental breakdown. Kris (with Caitlyn's complicity) has turned her children into employees  and their lives into a job. And wait till they start on the next generation.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Well lets give some of that blame to Kris. These are her children that she loves sooooo much and with every single one she has exploited aspects of their lives for the almighty dollar. She ( and Caitlyn shares the blame) has repeatedly put the show and money above all other things in their lives. And uses the excuse of their work ethic and making a solid future for them and their families. There hasn't been one part of any of their lives that she hasn't said is off limits to cameras. As Khloe said, their lives move so fast they don't have time to  spend on "things", it's deal with it and move on. They had to live with the secret about Caitlyn for much longer than the viewers even knew about it and had to "not talk about it" (probably so as not to spoil the raitngs and the $$$) They were expected to put a happy face on it and act as if it were no big deal that daddy is now a girl. Sorry but that isn't normal and the VAST majority of people who have that situation in their family, need time and sometimes a LOT of  it, to deal. If it happened in my family, I don't think I'd be out merrily shopping for shoes for my father and discussing how they can turn his dick into a clit.  (Sorry to be crude).

So yes Caitlyn fucked up big time in how she went about transitioning, but Kris made it all about her, and forced her children to rally around her,  putting their own issues about the situation on the back burner. If there was ever a time to take a hiatus for a year or two, it was then. But instead they continue to showcase Rob's mental issues, Lamar's drug overdose, Scott's  drinking, Kim recuperating from a robbery and Kanye's mental breakdown. Kris (with Caitlyn's complicity) has turned her children into employees  and their lives into a job. And wait till they start on the next generation.

This is true. I also hate that now that Caitlyin exists and Bruce does not, there is so much talk of Robert Senior. Listen I get that they miss their dad and that's understandable but in the early seasons they did talk about it but lately they seem to be doing it to make a point. And I still remember the snow trip and how some of the rooms had pictures of when the older girls were kids and their dad. And Kendall and Kylie were on this trip and I remember thinking it must be awkward for them. 

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

This is true. I also hate that now that Caitlyin exists and Bruce does not, there is so much talk of Robert Senior. Listen I get that they miss their dad and that's understandable but in the early seasons they did talk about it but lately they seem to be doing it to make a point. And I still remember the snow trip and how some of the rooms had pictures of when the older girls were kids and their dad. And Kendall and Kylie were on this trip and I remember thinking it must be awkward for them. 

They made a point of saying that they were showing the Jenner girls how the Kardashians vacationed.

Funny too that the previous vacations that Kris and Caitlyn took all the kids on, there were arguments,about how Kris and Kim.wanted.to just shop and get pampered, yet apparently on these "Kardashian" vacations with Rob Sr, they went skiing and snowboarding.

Rewriting history to favor Kris"s agenda.

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I don't feel sorry for Caitlyn at all.  Because it's all about her ego and wanting to be in the spotlight.

When she first  "came out", she dominated the news cycle. She was highly sought after for interviews, appearances.  Good or bad, people were talking Caitlyn this, Caitlyn that.  She was ego tripping and drunk with power when she first came face to face with Kris.  Then she was given her own show.

Then all the hoopla died down.  The show got cancelled because of poor ratings.  She got backlash for being an elitist.  Caitlyn was no longer the flavor of the month.

I think people realized that once the curiosity around her transition wore off, Caitlyn (like Bruce) is a pretty boring person.

Edited by escape
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Personally I do think both Kris and Caitlyin handled the situation wrong and I don't feel sorry for either of them. I think Cait got incredibly caught up in all the press and the accolades that her transition brought on and I think kris handled it wrong by each time she chooses to freeze Caitlyin out of certain things or rewrite the history. It's a conscious choice Kris keeps making. They are both wrong and I don't feel sorry for either. Both play the victim any chance they get. Like I said I do feel for Khloe though because she is kind of right. She lost her real father quite quickly and then she lost the other man who raised her and she didn't get much of a warning for that either. I think out of the older girls she was the closest to Bruce. So I completely get what she is trying to convey. 

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Other than the transition (like that wasn't enough) I'm sure after 20+ years of marriage these two had a lot of other issues, especially with the flip flop of breadwinning roles and the TV show and everything that came with it.  But that is all really for Kris and Caitlyn to hash out and it's a really bad idea for the kids to get involved.  Even though they lived with the fallout, it wasn't their marriage and they clearly are only listening to one side of the story.  Like, I'm sorry that Khloe had to go through everything she went through with Lamar - but - she picked him.  She married him after knowing him a whole month, and I'm sure she had her fingers in her ears singing lalala while people were trying to advise her to get out or not go through with it in the first place.  Of all of the relationships these people have had in the past 10 years, that one was the most eFF'ed up, and here she is all high and mighty $hit's either black or white with Caitlyn and Kris.  Does she need as much time to mourn "Bruce" as she did divorcing Lamar?  I don't think Caitlyn will live that long.

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My takeaways from this episode:

Kourtney is never going to let Scott back in, no matter what he does.  He's made lots of mistakes, but he does seem to be trying very hard to get back in her good graces.  I actually felt a moment's empathy for him when he said that Kourtney was the love of his life.  But I think Kourtney is very much enjoying having Scott as her panting lapdog.  Perhaps eventually he'll realize that he created three beautiful babies with an actual ice queen, and he will move on.  And when he does, Kourtney will cry, "See?  I knew all along that he'd leave."  Kourtney seems annoyed by him but she's the one who keeps letting him back in, just so she can send him on his way again.  Scott might as well install a revolving door on Kourtney's front porch.

Caitlyn has this horrible tone to her voice that I don't remember Bruce having...she comes across as extremely judgmental and defensive every time she speaks.  When she was talking to Kris about Khloe, her voice had an edge as sharp as a razor's.  No wonder her family doesn't want to spend time with her.

Rob is a child.  He sounded like a moron, pranking his mom at her birthday dinner.  But Kris was acting like a drunken fool at Kendall's party so I guess they cancel each other out.

The bathing suit Khloe was wearing when Scott stopped over just made me laugh.  She is so inappropriate, the word "inappropriate" doesn't even apply anymore.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

My takeaways from this episode:

Kourtney is never going to let Scott back in, no matter what he does.  He's made lots of mistakes, but he does seem to be trying very hard to get back in her good graces.  I actually felt a moment's empathy for him when he said that Kourtney was the love of his life.  But I think Kourtney is very much enjoying having Scott as her panting lapdog.  Perhaps eventually he'll realize that he created three beautiful babies with an actual ice queen, and he will move on.  And when he does, Kourtney will cry, "See?  I knew all along that he'd leave."  Kourtney seems annoyed by him but she's the one who keeps letting him back in, just so she can send him on his way again.  Scott might as well install a revolving door on Kourtney's front porch.

Caitlyn has this horrible tone to her voice that I don't remember Bruce having...she comes across as extremely judgmental and defensive every time she speaks.  When she was talking to Kris about Khloe, her voice had an edge as sharp as a razor's.  No wonder her family doesn't want to spend time with her.

Rob is a child.  He sounded like a moron, pranking his mom at her birthday dinner.  But Kris was acting like a drunken fool at Kendall's party so I guess they cancel each other out.

The bathing suit Khloe was wearing when Scott stopped over just made me laugh.  She is so inappropriate, the word "inappropriate" doesn't even apply anymore.

And her interest in whether or not he got sexually excited when he kissed Kourtney is downright disgusting. I felt sorry for him, because I think he truly does love Kourtney.  Khloe was almost mocking him . Then she started in on the whole thing again when Kourtney was there and it put Scott on the spot and he got embarrassed and stalked off. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

And her interest in whether or not he got sexually excited when he kissed Kourtney is downright disgusting.

I saw an old episode from the season after Kourtney had their 3rd kid, she was trying to sidle up on Scott's house flipping biz, and Khloe was trying to play couples counselor with him by suggesting he step up his oral sex game.  Even Scott was cringing in embarrassment. 

What grown ass woman would be cool with her siblings all butting in on her relationships like that?  They all act like Kourtney is a 12 year old in her first puppy love crush and they have to facilitate every interaction she has with Scott.  Does anyone think Khloe would have appreciated that much meddling in her marriage to Lamar?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

And her interest in whether or not he got sexually excited when he kissed Kourtney is downright disgusting. I felt sorry for him, because I think he truly does love Kourtney.  Khloe was almost mocking him . Then she started in on the whole thing again when Kourtney was there and it put Scott on the spot and he got embarrassed and stalked off. 

After ten years with this clan and on this show, Scott knows exactly what to expect when the cameras are rolling. Nothing is off limits. If he had the ability to be embarrassed, he would decline to participate in filming. It’s his choice. He could always have a relationship with Kourtney and the kids in real life if he wanted to – that is if “real life” even exists for anyone in this crew.

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