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Rinna: Time to go?

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Rinna is known for coining such pearls of wisdom as "Own your shit" and assessing HWs as suffering from Munchausen syndrome and drug relapses, and accusing others of enabling drug addicts. She stalked, maligned, harassed, and assaulted a recovering addict, gaslit most members of the show, fanned the flames of a rather boring non-starter (pantygate), and last night she took an especially harassing tone when— after deflecting from her own confessed drug use and falsely accusing another HW of relapsing to the point of being "near death"— she implied that a HWs husband was unfaithful and randomly asked her if they did cocaine while her infant children slept upstairs during a dinner party.

In the 61 episodes Rinna has been a full-time cast member, she's contributed to the show by hosting such elaborate group events as...hm, the bbq in her backyard where Harry did all the cooking?

Is it time for Rinna to go?

Let's take a look back at some of her memorable moments on RHOBH: 

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  • Love 9

Here is the thing though...Rinna was RIGHT about Yoyo and the Munchausen amd she was RIGHT about Kim not being sober. What pissed me off about her was that she did not go balls to the walls about it and instead backtracked. Hell, go thru and read back all the threads....majority here said the same things she did and  we are just watching the situation and not in it in real life like Rinna was. Kim WAS NOT SOBER and continually lied about it and then when called out on it went after Rinna and Eileen and called Eileen a beast and insinuated shit about HarryHamlin.

As far as YoYo, Rinna just said outloud on camera exactly what us as viewers and every single one of the HW were thinking.  And again, I think she was absolutely right.

  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, Cupcake04 said:

Here is the thing though...Rinna was RIGHT about Yoyo and the Munchausen amd she was RIGHT about Kim not being sober. What pissed me off about her was that she did not go balls to the walls about it and instead backtracked. Hell, go thru and read back all the threads....majority here said the same things she did and  we are just watching the situation and not in it in real life like Rinna was. Kim WAS NOT SOBER and continually lied about it and then when called out on it went after Rinna and Eileen and called Eileen a beast and insinuated shit about HarryHamlin.

As far as YoYo, Rinna just said outloud on camera exactly what us as viewers and every single one of the HW were thinking.  And again, I think she was absolutely right.

Yes, Rinna was correct about Kim but she lost the high ground when she threatened Kim via text. She then continued to trash talk her in interviews and on SM despite saying she was sorry and would stop talking about/attacking her at the reunion.

She also had a point about Yolanda but she lost the high ground there when she allowed Eileen to turn her and use her against LisaV instead of exposing Eileen's friend, Yolanda.

This season, she went after Kim and Kyle despite many promises to keep her mouth shut and did so to a stranger (a stranger to herself and Kyle/Kim) on camera even though she had no current info on Kim's current sobriety status or how Kyle was dealing with Kim. She got called out on it and tried to blame Eden instead but no one believed Rinna so she had to fess up. Now she is trying to put Dorit in the hot seat to take the heat off of herself.

IMO, Lisa self sabotages because she can't keep her stories/lies straight and she craves the camera more than Kim craved alcohol.

  • Love 12

I don't think Rinna should go. Just like I don't think Brandi should have been let go. I think if Rinna goes this show would be boring unless they bring someone new to vilify. 

The Beverly Hill franchise needs a villain. This show always has one character for majority of this cast to hate. Everyone else gets along (except Dorit and Erika and I don't want to see them argue every episode) so Rinna should stay where she is. 

& Rinna was NOT correct about Yo at all. She may have been right about Kim but she was not right about the Munchausen thing. 

  • Love 2

Lisa is basically the reality housewife version of the character she played on Melrose place. She was so awful there, she shit-stirred and messed everything up. I was always okay with Rinna, I even liked her at first, but after thinking about it a bit, maybe it is time for her to go. She´s been right about a number of the accusations she´s made, but all this hostility and craziness is difficult to watch after a while. She doesn´t really balance it well. There are a lot more negatives than positives. But I´m not sure if she´s at the "getting fired" stage yet. Brandi overstayed by more than one season, I think Lisa Rinna could have one season in her still, but I wouldn´t mind her going.

And call it what you will, Yolanda was full of lies about her "Lyme", she was 100% faking it and deserved everything she got. The Munchausen thing was funny, especially when she tried to say it. Lisa Rinna should have taken credit for it because it was her finest hour.

  • Love 7

I hope it really wasn't Munchausen's.  Lyme disease is a horrible enough disease, it should not be exaggerated or lied about.  A tick borne disease (anaplasmosis) killed my father.   It only took 3 weeks and it was an extremely painful  and awful way to go.  The thought of anyone misrepresenting any illness they have is sickening to me.  Hopefully Yolanda is at least grateful that she is functioning, upright and basically coherent.

18 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, Rinna was correct about Kim but she lost the high ground when she threatened Kim via text. She then continued to trash talk her in interviews and on SM despite saying she was sorry and would stop talking about/attacking her at the reunion.

She also had a point about Yolanda but she lost the high ground there when she allowed Eileen to turn her and use her against LisaV instead of exposing Eileen's friend, Yolanda.

This season, she went after Kim and Kyle despite many promises to keep her mouth shut and did so to a stranger (a stranger to herself and Kyle/Kim) on camera even though she had no current info on Kim's current sobriety status or how Kyle was dealing with Kim. She got called out on it and tried to blame Eden instead but no one believed Rinna so she had to fess up. Now she is trying to put Dorit in the hot seat to take the heat off of herself.

IMO, Lisa self sabotages because she can't keep her stories/lies straight and she craves the camera more than Kim craved alcohol.

YES!!!!  All of this!

  • Love 2

Yes, I think it's time for Rinna to go. She did her shit causing schtick, like Glanville, but it's tired now. Her THs are unbearable. The wacky music the show plays over her "dumbassery of the week" is unbearable. She's not cute, she's not funny, she's a brown noser, she's not owning anything, her concern for others is fake.  I can find not a single redeeming quality in her, and I am a viewer who generally loves a train wreck of a housewife for her entertainment value. Having said that, I find none in Lisa Rinna. Please, please leave the show.

  • Love 10
On 3/22/2017 at 5:13 PM, Cupcake04 said:

Here is the thing though...Rinna was RIGHT about Yoyo and the Munchausen amd she was RIGHT about Kim not being sober. What pissed me off about her was that she did not go balls to the walls about it and instead backtracked. Hell, go thru and read back all the threads....majority here said the same things she did and  we are just watching the situation and not in it in real life like Rinna was. Kim WAS NOT SOBER and continually lied about it and then when called out on it went after Rinna and Eileen and called Eileen a beast and insinuated shit about HarryHamlin.

As far as YoYo, Rinna just said outloud on camera exactly what us as viewers and every single one of the HW were thinking.  And again, I think she was absolutely right.

This is my problem with Rinna. Part of me always wants to defend her because I do think she is right about a lot of things - I think she totally had LVP's manipulative number, she was right that Yolanda used her illness as a manipulation (not saying Yolanda had Munchausen's per se, but she definitely milked her sickness for all it was worth), Kim is an entitled addict who seems to have never been fully sober, and Dorit did go around planting passive-aggressive seeds about other people. But Rinna goes about it all wrong. She makes a mess of everything. And she takes things too far. It's like the combination of her need for attention, her unresolved rage and her impulsive nature just renders her a complete lunatic, and the baby definitely gets thrown out with the bath water.

On 3/23/2017 at 3:19 AM, AndySmith said:

Depends on the shit stirrer...Tamra has been on for 10 years, Kenya for 5...

But Tamra is a master at it. I don't know how this woman gets away with it time and time again. She knows when to go for it and she knows when to dial it back. She knows how to mask it as something altruistic. Just when Tamra seems poised to be bounced off the show, she spearheads this Redeemed Christian storyline - and still manages to stealthily stir the shit. I mean, just the fact that she won the trust and friendship of Shannon Beador of all people, one of the recipients of her most vile behavior, is an act of unreal resilience. This is why I can never deal with Shannon's moral righteousness when it comes to Vicki - when you befriend the woman who tried to paint you as a delusional alcoholic on national TV, it's hard to take you seriously when you're aghast at another cast member's behavior. Anyhow, Lisa Rinna needs to learn something from Tamra - because Tamra has a shit-stirring savvy far beyond the reach of showboat Rinna.

At the end of the day, I'd prefer Rinna off the show mostly because I don't ever believe we see the real her. Like Brandi, Rinna's brand of insanity feels too contrived for the sake of performance. Someone like Taylor was great because, though she was horrible, it at least felt like I was getting the "real" Taylor so to speak. Same with Season 1 Camille. It's kind of why I like to love to hate Dorit as well. But with Rinna, it just all seems artificial.

  • Love 4

I had seen a few episodes here and there of BH but I came to watch regularly when Eileen and Lisa R can on because I'm a Days fan. At first I was Lisa R's side because Kim wasn't sober and I believe Yolanda was playing up the Lyme disease.

Then my husband upgraded to the commerical free hulu and I watched the first 4 seasons. I have to say season 1 was incredible without the Brandi or Lisa R bringing up drama. Season 1 of course I was hooked to see behind the scenes of Camille's divorce but it really felt like a peak behind their lives with the non stop parties, look at their lives , families and businesses. It seemed more real then staged.

As the seasons went on the parties and activities seemed more faked. It is like a quota , each housewife must have a 1 on 1 outing with very other housewife and have 2-3 activities or parties.

I think if Lisa R stays, I would the show to focus on her business (maybe I'm odd but I like seeing behind the scenes at QVC), and more about her family. Lisa is never going to host as many parties as LVP or Kyle but that is okay, show her life which is her business and family. If Lisa R's is just going to be another Brandi, she can go. It is hard for me to say that since I started watching for her. I would rather see Camille or Adrianne back.

  • Love 1
On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 9:15 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

This is my problem with Rinna. Part of me always wants to defend her because I do think she is right about a lot of things - I think she totally had LVP's manipulative number, she was right that Yolanda used her illness as a manipulation (not saying Yolanda had Munchausen's per se, but she definitely milked her sickness for all it was worth), Kim is an entitled addict who seems to have never been fully sober, and Dorit did go around planting passive-aggressive seeds about other people. But Rinna goes about it all wrong. She makes a mess of everything. And she takes things too far. It's like the combination of her need for attention, her unresolved rage and her impulsive nature just renders her a complete lunatic, and the baby definitely gets thrown out with the bath water.

But Tamra is a master at it. I don't know how this woman gets away with it time and time again. She knows when to go for it and she knows when to dial it back. She knows how to mask it as something altruistic. Just when Tamra seems poised to be bounced off the show, she spearheads this Redeemed Christian storyline - and still manages to stealthily stir the shit. I mean, just the fact that she won the trust and friendship of Shannon Beador of all people, one of the recipients of her most vile behavior, is an act of unreal resilience. This is why I can never deal with Shannon's moral righteousness when it comes to Vicki - when you befriend the woman who tried to paint you as a delusional alcoholic on national TV, it's hard to take you seriously when you're aghast at another cast member's behavior. Anyhow, Lisa Rinna needs to learn something from Tamra - because Tamra has a shit-stirring savvy far beyond the reach of showboat Rinna.

At the end of the day, I'd prefer Rinna off the show mostly because I don't ever believe we see the real her. Like Brandi, Rinna's brand of insanity feels too contrived for the sake of performance. Someone like Taylor was great because, though she was horrible, it at least felt like I was getting the "real" Taylor so to speak. Same with Season 1 Camille. It's kind of why I like to love to hate Dorit as well. But with Rinna, it just all seems artificial.

See here is where RInna is an epic fail-LVP's manipulation was brought out seasons before she came aboard and LVP was smart enough to never manipulate Rinna.  Rinna just has such an acute almost paralyzing case of diarrhea of the mouth that veterans like LVP and Kyle knew to step away. The fact Rinna keeps talking doesn't make the others complicit.

It was no secret that Yolanda didn't want to do Season 6 and it retrospect-should not have.  I do believe the Bravo folks thought they could camp on to the careers of her daughter and did bet on the Debbie Downer, pull my teeth, implants end my marriage.  After the first epic fail of a Yolanda, a friend the producers stumbled on Erika Jayne and we are now saddled with her.

As far as Kim, that was a gift that fell in Rinna's lap and she has taken it too far.  Eileen has bailed on bash Kim, and Eden was a total wash out.  Rinna and Rinna alone is solely responsible for Kim clogging up the airwaves. 

I don't find Tamra stealth I find her cast mates idiotic.  She will never be loyal to anyone but Evolution Media/Bravo.  After about Season 5 when she would betray someone, collectively they should have caught on.

I don't think there is a real Rinna.  All I see with Lisa Rinna is a very jealous not terribly creative person who is determined to bring the show down or get a spin-off on her terms.  Her family is a bore.  Including the dog, whose most interesting contribution was taking a crap on TV.

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