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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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Thanks guys. I am feeling better, just not up to full strength yet.

7 out.  I love how Lorelai was already wearing the earrings when he gave her the necklace. 

Time to pick our winner!

Favorite Scenes Involving Gifts

9.  Lorelai gives Emily a DVD player so she can have something to do while Richard is away on business trips.  "I picked up Singin’ in the Rain, Funny Girl, Easter Parade, An American in Paris, and as an added bonus, the new classic dance series – Urban Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Footloose, and Flashdance. Trust me, you’re gonna be cutting up your sweatshirts all weekend."  (Dear Emily and Richard)

38.  Lorelai gives Luke the blue hat after he drives her to the hospital to see Richard.  "What’s this for?" "Just thank you, Christmas, whatever." "Christmas isn’t for two weeks." "Do we really have to do this again?" (Forgiveness & Stuff)

9 for the win. 

While I adore Luke and Lorelai together, and was especially excited to see the start of their romantic relationship; I've always been more touched by the non-romantic relationships on this show. The family dynamics and friendships. Lorelai always had such a strained relationship with her mother. It made me sad. They would take 2 steps forward, but 5 steps back. I feel like Lorelai often tried to paint the strain as being mostly her parents' fault. But I saw a lot of ways in which she made things worse or could have made things better. 

I absolutely love this moment between them. It's actually one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. Lorelai was really selfless - to think of how lonely Emily must get when Richard travels, and to try to set her up with a way to enjoy all of her old favorites. I just found it so incredibly touching, and very out of character for Lorelai - when it comes to her mother. 

  • Love 2

Our winner! Waffle very happy.

Favorite Scenes Involving Gifts

Lorelai gives Emily a DVD player so she can have something to do while Richard is away on business trips.  "I picked up Singin’ in the Rain, Funny Girl, Easter Parade, An American in Paris, and as an added bonus, the new classic dance series – Urban Cowboy, Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Footloose, and Flashdance. Trust me, you’re gonna be cutting up your sweatshirts all weekend."  (Dear Emily and Richard)

So, I had a couple of fun ideas for our next game the other night -- scenes where someone is cooking; or scenes where someone comments on someone's appearance (their features, what they're wearing, etc).  Which would ya'll rather do first?

  • Love 1

Okay let's do that one first then!  I'll start us off with a couple.

Favorite scenes where a character comments on someone's appearance and/or clothing

1.  Paris comes over to have Rory help her decide what to wear for her date with Tristan. She ends up borrowing Lorelai's clothes. "You look great. And I wouldn’t tell you you did if you didn’t." "Ok, well if you think it looks ok." "I believe the word ‘amazing’ was used." (The Third Lorelai)

2.  Lorelai helps Rory pack for Spring Break.  "Aha! Bathing suit. Now we just have to find the wimple that goes with it."  (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

3.  Richard and Emily make sure everything is ready for Rory's birthday party. Emily warns Richard about turning the party into an excuse to talk business. "If I ever heard you keep your shop talk down to five minutes, I'd drop dead." "Emily." "In fact I could drop dead and you wouldn't stop talking business. You'd just step right over my body to get to the speakerphone." "Emily." "What?" "You look very nice tonight." (Rory's Birthday Parties)

The Bracebridge Dinner-“Your dress needs to be ironed (or pressed, I forget which)”. “Thanks, Mom.”

Emily comments that Lorelei has the word Juicy on her pants-Rory’s Dance?

Emily calls Lorelei for help dressing for her date-Emily Says Hello

Logan has picked out a dress for Rory for the Life and Death Brigade event-You Jump, I Jump Jack

Emily reinforces what the dress code is for Friday night dinner-Bon Voyage

Lorelai is trying on her come and get it dress for her back together date with Luke

Luke sees Lorelai in her wedding dress. "You look perfect

Lorelai's jeans are really working for her

Lorelai comments on Luke's tie for Liz's wedding

Lorelai helps Sookie get ready for the date with Jackson

Lorelai is helping Luke with the new clothes and he says she is trying to GQ him up

Rory's eyes are symetrical

Michel has "happy hair" when they are heading to Luke's 

Michel calls Luke a lumberjack/mountain man when Luke is helping at the Dragonfly fixing things

Emily comments on Luke's jacket "simple cloth"

Miss Celine doesn't want Lorelai's Diana Durbins to pop out and Luke looks like Eli Wallach. They will look nice on the Christmas card. Revival.

Favorite scenes where a character comments on someone's appearance and/or clothing

1.  Paris comes over to have Rory help her decide what to wear for her date with Tristan. She ends up borrowing Lorelai's clothes. "You look great. And I wouldn’t tell you you did if you didn’t." "Ok, well if you think it looks ok." "I believe the word ‘amazing’ was used." (The Third Lorelai)

2.  Lorelai helps Rory pack for Spring Break.  "Aha! Bathing suit. Now we just have to find the wimple that goes with it."  (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

3.  Richard and Emily make sure everything is ready for Rory's birthday party. Emily warns Richard about turning the party into an excuse to talk business. "If I ever heard you keep your shop talk down to five minutes, I'd drop dead." "Emily." "In fact I could drop dead and you wouldn't stop talking business. You'd just step right over my body to get to the speakerphone." "Emily." "What?" "You look very nice tonight." (Rory's Birthday Parties)

4.  The elder Gilmores come to the Bracebridge Dinner.  "Lorelai, this is just beautiful. It's like something out of Architectural Digest. You should be very proud." "Thanks, Dad." "Your dress needs pressing." "Thanks, Mom." (Bracebridge Dinner)

5.  Emily stops by the crap shack unexpectedly to cancel Richard's launch party.  "You have the word 'juicy' on your rear end." "Uh, well, if I had known you were coming over, I would have changed." "Into what, a brassiere with the word 'tasty' on it?" (An Affair to Remember)

6.  Emily calls Lorelai for help picking out something to wear for her date.  "It's horrible. Simon will be here in twenty minutes, and I have nothing to wear." "Just tell him you're obsessed with Butterfield 8 and go like that." (Emily Says Hello)

7.  Logan leaves a ball gown in Rory's tent for the LaDB event.  "I got your 'event integrity' right here, mister." "Yep. I got an eye for dress sizes. We go this way." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

8.  Lorelai offers to continue discussion of expanding the Inn over FND.  "Don't be late and don't wear jeans." "When have I ever worn jeans to dinner?" "Well I don’t know, it could very well be Rory who enforces the dress code. I’m just saying I don't think that jeans are appropriate." "Fine, spandex and a tube top it is." (Bon Voyage)

9. Jess sees Luke trying on his wedding suit.  "Wow, where's Right Said Fred when you need him?" "Guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don't know what the hell to do with it." "It's a pocket square. Do the math."  (The Revival, Fall)

10.  Rory and Lorelai, separately, get ready for the baptism.  "Which dress goes better with a baby?"  (Always a Godmother, Never a God)

11.  Lorelai is surprised at how well Luke 'cleans up' for a meeting with the bank.  "Behold the healing powers of a bath."  (The Pilot)

12.  Lorelai spots Rory in her Donna Reed outfit.  "Well, okay, you're sixteen. You have a whole house to yourself for the evening. I expect that you're going to have your boyfriend over. But what is with the apron?" "It's a long story." "Did it involve a sharp blow to the head?" (That Damn Donna Reed)

I'll work on some more after a while.  I've got an appointment later and I'm getting worn out, need to rest for a bit.

Time to start voting! Voting against three.

Favorite scenes where a character comments on someone's appearance and/or clothing

1.  Paris comes over to have Rory help her decide what to wear for her date with Tristan. She ends up borrowing Lorelai's clothes. "You look great. And I wouldn’t tell you you did if you didn’t." "Ok, well if you think it looks ok." "I believe the word ‘amazing’ was used." (The Third Lorelai)

2.  Lorelai helps Rory pack for Spring Break.  "Aha! Bathing suit. Now we just have to find the wimple that goes with it."  (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

3.  Richard and Emily make sure everything is ready for Rory's birthday party. Emily warns Richard about turning the party into an excuse to talk business. "If I ever heard you keep your shop talk down to five minutes, I'd drop dead." "Emily." "In fact I could drop dead and you wouldn't stop talking business. You'd just step right over my body to get to the speakerphone." "Emily." "What?" "You look very nice tonight." (Rory's Birthday Parties)

4.  The elder Gilmores come to the Bracebridge Dinner.  "Lorelai, this is just beautiful. It's like something out of Architectural Digest. You should be very proud." "Thanks, Dad." "Your dress needs pressing." "Thanks, Mom." (Bracebridge Dinner)

5.  Emily stops by the crap shack unexpectedly to cancel Richard's launch party.  "You have the word 'juicy' on your rear end." "Uh, well, if I had known you were coming over, I would have changed." "Into what, a brassiere with the word 'tasty' on it?" (An Affair to Remember)

6.  Emily calls Lorelai for help picking out something to wear for her date.  "It's horrible. Simon will be here in twenty minutes, and I have nothing to wear." "Just tell him you're obsessed with Butterfield 8 and go like that." (Emily Says Hello)

7.  Logan leaves a ball gown in Rory's tent for the LaDB event.  "I got your 'event integrity' right here, mister." "Yep. I got an eye for dress sizes. We go this way." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

8.  Lorelai offers to continue discussion of expanding the Inn over FND.  "Don't be late and don't wear jeans." "When have I ever worn jeans to dinner?" "Well I don’t know, it could very well be Rory who enforces the dress code. I’m just saying I don't think that jeans are appropriate." "Fine, spandex and a tube top it is." (Bon Voyage)

9. Jess sees Luke trying on his wedding suit.  "Wow, where's Right Said Fred when you need him?" "Guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don't know what the hell to do with it." "It's a pocket square. Do the math."  (The Revival, Fall)

10.  Rory and Lorelai, separately, get ready for the baptism.  "Which dress goes better with a baby?"  (Always a Godmother, Never a God)

11.  Lorelai is surprised at how well Luke 'cleans up' for a meeting with the bank.  "Behold the healing powers of a bath."  (The Pilot)

12.  Lorelai spots Rory in her Donna Reed outfit.  "Well, okay, you're sixteen. You have a whole house to yourself for the evening. I expect that you're going to have your boyfriend over. But what is with the apron?" "It's a long story." "Did it involve a sharp blow to the head?" (That Damn Donna Reed)

13.  Lorelai is figuring out what to wear for her first back-together-date with Luke.  "Well?" "It’s too sparkly." "It’s not too sparkly." "I look like a chandelier." "What shoes are you wearing?" "The pink pumps." "I like those." "Are they a little too ‘Come and get it’?" "Don’t you want him to come and get it?" "Uh, yes, but I want it to be his idea to come and get it. It’s not the same if the shoes tell him to ‘Come and get it’." "I really, really want to stop saying ‘Come and get it’." (Pulp Friction)

14.  Lorelai comes downstairs in her not-wedding dress.  "Well?" "It's...you're perfect." "Really? Have you seen the back? I think the train's a little weird, and I can take it back if you don't think..." "It's perfect." "Are you sure? Okay. It's not bad luck if it's under five minutes." (The Perfect Dress)

15.  Luke gestures for Lorelai to come over to the counter so they can talk about their first date.  "Those jeans are really working for you." "Yeah?" "They're working for me, too." "You're flirting with me." "Something like that."  (Written in the Stars)

16.  Lorelai meets up with Luke before Liz's wedding.  "Greetings, my lord. Your lady hath arrived to be escorted forthwith." "That's pretty good. I didn't know you spoke Renaissance." "Oh, yeah. I'm quite fluent in Renaissance. You look nice. I'm loving the tie." "Thanks. You look beautiful." "Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend."  (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

17.  Lorelai helps Sookie get ready for her first date with Jackson.  "Tonight is a good thing. Whether you find out that you’re madly in love you or you’re not meant for each other, it’s still a good thing. And I’ll be right there. And have I done a gorgeous job on your face or what?"  (Double Date)

18.  Lorelai buys Luke some clothes after she picks out something for Rachel's birthday.  "Come on Luke, just try something on. How about this sweater?" "No!" "Okay, how about the pants? Pretty pants!" "I'm not trying anything on." "Hey, it's not like the lumberjack look will ever go out, it won't. But just once wouldn't it be nice not to be dressed like an extra from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers?" "Take it back." "Come on. Just the jacket. Just once, be too sexy for your shirt and do a little dance on the catwalk." "Get away from me you mental patient!" (P.S. I Lo...)

19.  Rachel compliments Lorelai. Luke is uncomfortable.  "Do you wear contacts?" "Me? No." "G-d, you've got amazing eyes. Doesn't she?" "Oh, yeah. Sure, I guess. . . I mean, they're, you know, placed good. . . . symmetrical. I'm gonna get some more coffee."  (Emily in Wonderland)

20.  Emily walks Luke and Lorelai out after FND.  "Oh, no! Some workman has left his filthy truck in our clean driveway! Richard must have sent for him." "Oh, that's mine, actually." "Oh. Well, it's nice. Rustic. I like the color." "Thank you." "And I like this coat of yours, there's something nice about simple cloth."  (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

21.  Miss Celine helps Lorelai and Luke get ready for their wedding.  "Lorelai, I need to finish pinning that dress. I don't want you to lean over and have your Deanna Durbins tumble out in front of the clergy." "Just one minute, Miss Celine." "Lucas! You are next. And we need to make sure that suit hugs only the things that need hugging. Kirk Douglas taught me that. That and the hora." "My suit's fine, Miss Celine." "You know, from here, you look a little like Mr. Eli Wallach. I met him on the set of Baby Doll. He was all about the method. He would say, 'Don't you look at me. I've got to save my erotic energy for Carroll. Yeah, if that's what Kazan wants, that's what Kazan will get.' I was very desirable back then. Ask Kazan." "How old is this woman?" "You've chosen well, Lorelai. He'll look wonderful on the Christmas card." (Revival, Fall)

22.  TJ is very excited about his tights for the Renaissance wedding.  "These tights, I'm telling you -- the best. I'm happy, my boys are happy, and they don't ride up.  Hey...still dry. Thanks, buddy." "You dried his armpits?" "I don't want to talk about it." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

23.  Liz tells Luke she's getting married.  "Oh, wait till you see this wedding. Oh, my G-d. It's unbelievable. I'm wearing a white dress..." "That is unbelievable!" "Oh, stop it. It's about a zillion years old with flowing sleeves. I'm like Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot. Seriously, I love myself in this dress."  (Luke Can See Her Face)

24.  Paris talks Rory into running with her for Student Council President/Vice-President.  "They hate me, okay?" "Who hates you?" "Everyone. Everyone in the whole school hates me. Oh, yeah, they think I’m the best for the job, but they don’t want to go to the mall with me so they won’t vote for me and that means I’m going to lose." "Well, how is my running with you gonna change anything?" "Because people think you’re nice. You’re quiet, you say excuse me, you look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning. People don’t fear you." "Hey, I haven’t been dressed by a bird since I was two."  (I Can't Get Started)

25.  Lorelai doesn't get up in time to pick up her clothes from the dry cleaner before taking Rory to her first day at Chilton.  "What?" "Nothing. I just didn't know the rodeo was in town." ..... "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them." "A very good thought." "And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." "And on that note, I have to get to work. I'll see you later." "Dinner, Friday night. No spurs, please." ..... "What?" "That's how you dress to take Rory to Chilton? I mean, that's a fancy school." ..... "Hey, Patty." "Isn't today Rory's first day at Chilton?" "Oh, yeah, she's there right now. I just got through dropping her off." "Is that what you wore?"  (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

26.  Zach and Mrs. Kim bond over Lane's glasses.  "It’s just – your glasses. I liked your glasses. You should wear them. I’m just saying." "She should wear them. She should always wear them." "I’ve said it before, but it’s true. They made you look smart." "Of course they made her look smart. She’s a smart girl. Glasses fit her." "Totally." "Zach –" "You always looked good in them. Glasses suit her face." "The black frames, especially with her hair –" "She wore them in the first grade. She first girl in her class." "And I bet she looked great." "I have pictures in a photo book. I could show you."  (Come Home)

27.  Lorelai is shocked to read Rory's review of the ballet.  "There's something about seeing it in print. People don't write as mean as they talk, except you." "I wrote what I felt."  " 'The roll around the bra strap'?" "That was your line!" "It was? I'm awful." "And it's not even critical of the ballerina's skills. It's critical of the costumer's skills." "I know, but it sounds like she couldn't fit into a standard leotard." "She couldn't! But again, the costumer should have put her in a larger leotard." "Do I see the word 'hippo' coming up?!"  (Die, Jerk)

28.  Lorelai accidentally buys Rachel's old sweatshirt out of the garage sale donations.  "Now that is not yours, take it off." "But I’ll have hat hair." "I’m talking about the sweatshirt." "Luke, calm down." "That is not yours." "No, I found it in the bags of stuff for the sale." "Oh, so you just find something and then you take it, is that it?" "No, I paid for it." "Oh, so that makes it alright." "It makes it legal. What is the matter with you?"  (Concert Interruptus)

29.  Luke explains about his Dark Day.  "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer."  (We've Got Magic To Do)

30.  Jackson shows Sookie the kilt he's expected to wear on their wedding day.  "He wore it on his wedding day, my grandfather wore it on his wedding day. Apparently, there’s a long-standing tradition where the men in my family get very airy on the big day." "Well, honey, if it means that much to him." "Are you crazy?" "Well, he’s your father." "You won’t let me wear shorts in public and you’re gonna let me get married in this?"  (I Can't Get Started)

6 - I don't like Emily trying to date, either. Not for a minute do I believe either one of them would have let it be public knowledge that they were separated.

10 - I pretty much hate everything about this episode, from what I remember.

21 - Completely agree about Miss Celine.  Way too OTT (of course, saying AB is OTT is like saying water is wet, but....) and rarely funny.

Favorite scenes where a character comments on someone's appearance and/or clothing

1.  Paris comes over to have Rory help her decide what to wear for her date with Tristan. She ends up borrowing Lorelai's clothes. "You look great. And I wouldn’t tell you you did if you didn’t." "Ok, well if you think it looks ok." "I believe the word ‘amazing’ was used." (The Third Lorelai)

2.  Lorelai helps Rory pack for Spring Break.  "Aha! Bathing suit. Now we just have to find the wimple that goes with it."  (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

3.  Richard and Emily make sure everything is ready for Rory's birthday party. Emily warns Richard about turning the party into an excuse to talk business. "If I ever heard you keep your shop talk down to five minutes, I'd drop dead." "Emily." "In fact I could drop dead and you wouldn't stop talking business. You'd just step right over my body to get to the speakerphone." "Emily." "What?" "You look very nice tonight." (Rory's Birthday Parties)

4.  The elder Gilmores come to the Bracebridge Dinner.  "Lorelai, this is just beautiful. It's like something out of Architectural Digest. You should be very proud." "Thanks, Dad." "Your dress needs pressing." "Thanks, Mom." (Bracebridge Dinner)

5.  Emily stops by the crap shack unexpectedly to cancel Richard's launch party.  "You have the word 'juicy' on your rear end." "Uh, well, if I had known you were coming over, I would have changed." "Into what, a brassiere with the word 'tasty' on it?" (An Affair to Remember)

7.  Logan leaves a ball gown in Rory's tent for the LaDB event.  "I got your 'event integrity' right here, mister." "Yep. I got an eye for dress sizes. We go this way." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

8.  Lorelai offers to continue discussion of expanding the Inn over FND.  "Don't be late and don't wear jeans." "When have I ever worn jeans to dinner?" "Well I don’t know, it could very well be Rory who enforces the dress code. I’m just saying I don't think that jeans are appropriate." "Fine, spandex and a tube top it is." (Bon Voyage)

9. Jess sees Luke trying on his wedding suit.  "Wow, where's Right Said Fred when you need him?" "Guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don't know what the hell to do with it." "It's a pocket square. Do the math."  (The Revival, Fall)

11.  Lorelai is surprised at how well Luke 'cleans up' for a meeting with the bank.  "Behold the healing powers of a bath."  (The Pilot)

12.  Lorelai spots Rory in her Donna Reed outfit.  "Well, okay, you're sixteen. You have a whole house to yourself for the evening. I expect that you're going to have your boyfriend over. But what is with the apron?" "It's a long story." "Did it involve a sharp blow to the head?" (That Damn Donna Reed)

13.  Lorelai is figuring out what to wear for her first back-together-date with Luke.  "Well?" "It’s too sparkly." "It’s not too sparkly." "I look like a chandelier." "What shoes are you wearing?" "The pink pumps." "I like those." "Are they a little too ‘Come and get it’?" "Don’t you want him to come and get it?" "Uh, yes, but I want it to be his idea to come and get it. It’s not the same if the shoes tell him to ‘Come and get it’." "I really, really want to stop saying ‘Come and get it’." (Pulp Friction)

14.  Lorelai comes downstairs in her not-wedding dress.  "Well?" "It's...you're perfect." "Really? Have you seen the back? I think the train's a little weird, and I can take it back if you don't think..." "It's perfect." "Are you sure? Okay. It's not bad luck if it's under five minutes." (The Perfect Dress)

15.  Luke gestures for Lorelai to come over to the counter so they can talk about their first date.  "Those jeans are really working for you." "Yeah?" "They're working for me, too." "You're flirting with me." "Something like that."  (Written in the Stars)

16.  Lorelai meets up with Luke before Liz's wedding.  "Greetings, my lord. Your lady hath arrived to be escorted forthwith." "That's pretty good. I didn't know you spoke Renaissance." "Oh, yeah. I'm quite fluent in Renaissance. You look nice. I'm loving the tie." "Thanks. You look beautiful." "Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend."  (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

17.  Lorelai helps Sookie get ready for her first date with Jackson.  "Tonight is a good thing. Whether you find out that you’re madly in love you or you’re not meant for each other, it’s still a good thing. And I’ll be right there. And have I done a gorgeous job on your face or what?"  (Double Date)

18.  Lorelai buys Luke some clothes after she picks out something for Rachel's birthday.  "Come on Luke, just try something on. How about this sweater?" "No!" "Okay, how about the pants? Pretty pants!" "I'm not trying anything on." "Hey, it's not like the lumberjack look will ever go out, it won't. But just once wouldn't it be nice not to be dressed like an extra from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers?" "Take it back." "Come on. Just the jacket. Just once, be too sexy for your shirt and do a little dance on the catwalk." "Get away from me you mental patient!" (P.S. I Lo...)

19.  Rachel compliments Lorelai. Luke is uncomfortable.  "Do you wear contacts?" "Me? No." "G-d, you've got amazing eyes. Doesn't she?" "Oh, yeah. Sure, I guess. . . I mean, they're, you know, placed good. . . . symmetrical. I'm gonna get some more coffee."  (Emily in Wonderland)

20.  Emily walks Luke and Lorelai out after FND.  "Oh, no! Some workman has left his filthy truck in our clean driveway! Richard must have sent for him." "Oh, that's mine, actually." "Oh. Well, it's nice. Rustic. I like the color." "Thank you." "And I like this coat of yours, there's something nice about simple cloth."  (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

22.  TJ is very excited about his tights for the Renaissance wedding.  "These tights, I'm telling you -- the best. I'm happy, my boys are happy, and they don't ride up.  Hey...still dry. Thanks, buddy." "You dried his armpits?" "I don't want to talk about it." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

23.  Liz tells Luke she's getting married.  "Oh, wait till you see this wedding. Oh, my G-d. It's unbelievable. I'm wearing a white dress..." "That is unbelievable!" "Oh, stop it. It's about a zillion years old with flowing sleeves. I'm like Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot. Seriously, I love myself in this dress."  (Luke Can See Her Face)

24.  Paris talks Rory into running with her for Student Council President/Vice-President.  "They hate me, okay?" "Who hates you?" "Everyone. Everyone in the whole school hates me. Oh, yeah, they think I’m the best for the job, but they don’t want to go to the mall with me so they won’t vote for me and that means I’m going to lose." "Well, how is my running with you gonna change anything?" "Because people think you’re nice. You’re quiet, you say excuse me, you look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning. People don’t fear you." "Hey, I haven’t been dressed by a bird since I was two."  (I Can't Get Started)

25.  Lorelai doesn't get up in time to pick up her clothes from the dry cleaner before taking Rory to her first day at Chilton.  "What?" "Nothing. I just didn't know the rodeo was in town." ..... "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them." "A very good thought." "And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." "And on that note, I have to get to work. I'll see you later." "Dinner, Friday night. No spurs, please." ..... "What?" "That's how you dress to take Rory to Chilton? I mean, that's a fancy school." ..... "Hey, Patty." "Isn't today Rory's first day at Chilton?" "Oh, yeah, she's there right now. I just got through dropping her off." "Is that what you wore?"  (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

26.  Zach and Mrs. Kim bond over Lane's glasses.  "It’s just – your glasses. I liked your glasses. You should wear them. I’m just saying." "She should wear them. She should always wear them." "I’ve said it before, but it’s true. They made you look smart." "Of course they made her look smart. She’s a smart girl. Glasses fit her." "Totally." "Zach –" "You always looked good in them. Glasses suit her face." "The black frames, especially with her hair –" "She wore them in the first grade. She first girl in her class." "And I bet she looked great." "I have pictures in a photo book. I could show you."  (Come Home)

27.  Lorelai is shocked to read Rory's review of the ballet.  "There's something about seeing it in print. People don't write as mean as they talk, except you." "I wrote what I felt."  " 'The roll around the bra strap'?" "That was your line!" "It was? I'm awful." "And it's not even critical of the ballerina's skills. It's critical of the costumer's skills." "I know, but it sounds like she couldn't fit into a standard leotard." "She couldn't! But again, the costumer should have put her in a larger leotard." "Do I see the word 'hippo' coming up?!"  (Die, Jerk)

28.  Lorelai accidentally buys Rachel's old sweatshirt out of the garage sale donations.  "Now that is not yours, take it off." "But I’ll have hat hair." "I’m talking about the sweatshirt." "Luke, calm down." "That is not yours." "No, I found it in the bags of stuff for the sale." "Oh, so you just find something and then you take it, is that it?" "No, I paid for it." "Oh, so that makes it alright." "It makes it legal. What is the matter with you?"  (Concert Interruptus)

29.  Luke explains about his Dark Day.  "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer."  (We've Got Magic To Do)

30.  Jackson shows Sookie the kilt he's expected to wear on their wedding day.  "He wore it on his wedding day, my grandfather wore it on his wedding day. Apparently, there’s a long-standing tradition where the men in my family get very airy on the big day." "Well, honey, if it means that much to him." "Are you crazy?" "Well, he’s your father." "You won’t let me wear shorts in public and you’re gonna let me get married in this?"  (I Can't Get Started)

7 - Meh. I guess the 'eye for dress sizes' doesn't bother me that much. It's not like he bought her a bra with perfect cup sizes LOL. But the scene is nothing special either.

27 - Rory's an idiot for not realizing the ballerina would be upset at the review, which didn't even focus on her performance, Rory, geez. I do like that Lorelai calls her out on it though.

28 - So many things 'off' with this one. Luke would have been the one getting the donation together, right? So he should have already dealt with his feelings over the sweatshirt instead of exploding all over whomever he saw wearing it. Also, no way in hell did Rachel ever wear that tacky thing LOL.

Still voting against three!

Favorite scenes where a character comments on someone's appearance and/or clothing

1.  Paris comes over to have Rory help her decide what to wear for her date with Tristan. She ends up borrowing Lorelai's clothes. "You look great. And I wouldn’t tell you you did if you didn’t." "Ok, well if you think it looks ok." "I believe the word ‘amazing’ was used." (The Third Lorelai)

2.  Lorelai helps Rory pack for Spring Break.  "Aha! Bathing suit. Now we just have to find the wimple that goes with it."  (Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist)

3.  Richard and Emily make sure everything is ready for Rory's birthday party. Emily warns Richard about turning the party into an excuse to talk business. "If I ever heard you keep your shop talk down to five minutes, I'd drop dead." "Emily." "In fact I could drop dead and you wouldn't stop talking business. You'd just step right over my body to get to the speakerphone." "Emily." "What?" "You look very nice tonight." (Rory's Birthday Parties)

4.  The elder Gilmores come to the Bracebridge Dinner.  "Lorelai, this is just beautiful. It's like something out of Architectural Digest. You should be very proud." "Thanks, Dad." "Your dress needs pressing." "Thanks, Mom." (Bracebridge Dinner)

5.  Emily stops by the crap shack unexpectedly to cancel Richard's launch party.  "You have the word 'juicy' on your rear end." "Uh, well, if I had known you were coming over, I would have changed." "Into what, a brassiere with the word 'tasty' on it?" (An Affair to Remember)

8.  Lorelai offers to continue discussion of expanding the Inn over FND.  "Don't be late and don't wear jeans." "When have I ever worn jeans to dinner?" "Well I don’t know, it could very well be Rory who enforces the dress code. I’m just saying I don't think that jeans are appropriate." "Fine, spandex and a tube top it is." (Bon Voyage)

9. Jess sees Luke trying on his wedding suit.  "Wow, where's Right Said Fred when you need him?" "Guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don't know what the hell to do with it." "It's a pocket square. Do the math."  (The Revival, Fall)

11.  Lorelai is surprised at how well Luke 'cleans up' for a meeting with the bank.  "Behold the healing powers of a bath."  (The Pilot)

12.  Lorelai spots Rory in her Donna Reed outfit.  "Well, okay, you're sixteen. You have a whole house to yourself for the evening. I expect that you're going to have your boyfriend over. But what is with the apron?" "It's a long story." "Did it involve a sharp blow to the head?" (That Damn Donna Reed)

13.  Lorelai is figuring out what to wear for her first back-together-date with Luke.  "Well?" "It’s too sparkly." "It’s not too sparkly." "I look like a chandelier." "What shoes are you wearing?" "The pink pumps." "I like those." "Are they a little too ‘Come and get it’?" "Don’t you want him to come and get it?" "Uh, yes, but I want it to be his idea to come and get it. It’s not the same if the shoes tell him to ‘Come and get it’." "I really, really want to stop saying ‘Come and get it’." (Pulp Friction)

14.  Lorelai comes downstairs in her not-wedding dress.  "Well?" "It's...you're perfect." "Really? Have you seen the back? I think the train's a little weird, and I can take it back if you don't think..." "It's perfect." "Are you sure? Okay. It's not bad luck if it's under five minutes." (The Perfect Dress)

15.  Luke gestures for Lorelai to come over to the counter so they can talk about their first date.  "Those jeans are really working for you." "Yeah?" "They're working for me, too." "You're flirting with me." "Something like that."  (Written in the Stars)

16.  Lorelai meets up with Luke before Liz's wedding.  "Greetings, my lord. Your lady hath arrived to be escorted forthwith." "That's pretty good. I didn't know you spoke Renaissance." "Oh, yeah. I'm quite fluent in Renaissance. You look nice. I'm loving the tie." "Thanks. You look beautiful." "Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend."  (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

17.  Lorelai helps Sookie get ready for her first date with Jackson.  "Tonight is a good thing. Whether you find out that you’re madly in love you or you’re not meant for each other, it’s still a good thing. And I’ll be right there. And have I done a gorgeous job on your face or what?"  (Double Date)

18.  Lorelai buys Luke some clothes after she picks out something for Rachel's birthday.  "Come on Luke, just try something on. How about this sweater?" "No!" "Okay, how about the pants? Pretty pants!" "I'm not trying anything on." "Hey, it's not like the lumberjack look will ever go out, it won't. But just once wouldn't it be nice not to be dressed like an extra from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers?" "Take it back." "Come on. Just the jacket. Just once, be too sexy for your shirt and do a little dance on the catwalk." "Get away from me you mental patient!" (P.S. I Lo...)

19.  Rachel compliments Lorelai. Luke is uncomfortable.  "Do you wear contacts?" "Me? No." "G-d, you've got amazing eyes. Doesn't she?" "Oh, yeah. Sure, I guess. . . I mean, they're, you know, placed good. . . . symmetrical. I'm gonna get some more coffee."  (Emily in Wonderland)

20.  Emily walks Luke and Lorelai out after FND.  "Oh, no! Some workman has left his filthy truck in our clean driveway! Richard must have sent for him." "Oh, that's mine, actually." "Oh. Well, it's nice. Rustic. I like the color." "Thank you." "And I like this coat of yours, there's something nice about simple cloth."  (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

22.  TJ is very excited about his tights for the Renaissance wedding.  "These tights, I'm telling you -- the best. I'm happy, my boys are happy, and they don't ride up.  Hey...still dry. Thanks, buddy." "You dried his armpits?" "I don't want to talk about it." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

23.  Liz tells Luke she's getting married.  "Oh, wait till you see this wedding. Oh, my G-d. It's unbelievable. I'm wearing a white dress..." "That is unbelievable!" "Oh, stop it. It's about a zillion years old with flowing sleeves. I'm like Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot. Seriously, I love myself in this dress."  (Luke Can See Her Face)

24.  Paris talks Rory into running with her for Student Council President/Vice-President.  "They hate me, okay?" "Who hates you?" "Everyone. Everyone in the whole school hates me. Oh, yeah, they think I’m the best for the job, but they don’t want to go to the mall with me so they won’t vote for me and that means I’m going to lose." "Well, how is my running with you gonna change anything?" "Because people think you’re nice. You’re quiet, you say excuse me, you look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning. People don’t fear you." "Hey, I haven’t been dressed by a bird since I was two."  (I Can't Get Started)

25.  Lorelai doesn't get up in time to pick up her clothes from the dry cleaner before taking Rory to her first day at Chilton.  "What?" "Nothing. I just didn't know the rodeo was in town." ..... "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them." "A very good thought." "And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." "And on that note, I have to get to work. I'll see you later." "Dinner, Friday night. No spurs, please." ..... "What?" "That's how you dress to take Rory to Chilton? I mean, that's a fancy school." ..... "Hey, Patty." "Isn't today Rory's first day at Chilton?" "Oh, yeah, she's there right now. I just got through dropping her off." "Is that what you wore?"  (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

26.  Zach and Mrs. Kim bond over Lane's glasses.  "It’s just – your glasses. I liked your glasses. You should wear them. I’m just saying." "She should wear them. She should always wear them." "I’ve said it before, but it’s true. They made you look smart." "Of course they made her look smart. She’s a smart girl. Glasses fit her." "Totally." "Zach –" "You always looked good in them. Glasses suit her face." "The black frames, especially with her hair –" "She wore them in the first grade. She first girl in her class." "And I bet she looked great." "I have pictures in a photo book. I could show you."  (Come Home)

29.  Luke explains about his Dark Day.  "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer."  (We've Got Magic To Do)

30.  Jackson shows Sookie the kilt he's expected to wear on their wedding day.  "He wore it on his wedding day, my grandfather wore it on his wedding day. Apparently, there’s a long-standing tradition where the men in my family get very airy on the big day." "Well, honey, if it means that much to him." "Are you crazy?" "Well, he’s your father." "You won’t let me wear shorts in public and you’re gonna let me get married in this?"  (I Can't Get Started)

2 - meh.

3 - aw, I liked the times we got to see how physically attracted to each other E/R were. It was sweet.

24 - meh.

Still three!

Favorite scenes where a character comments on someone's appearance and/or clothing

1.  Paris comes over to have Rory help her decide what to wear for her date with Tristan. She ends up borrowing Lorelai's clothes. "You look great. And I wouldn’t tell you you did if you didn’t." "Ok, well if you think it looks ok." "I believe the word ‘amazing’ was used." (The Third Lorelai)

4.  The elder Gilmores come to the Bracebridge Dinner.  "Lorelai, this is just beautiful. It's like something out of Architectural Digest. You should be very proud." "Thanks, Dad." "Your dress needs pressing." "Thanks, Mom." (Bracebridge Dinner)

5.  Emily stops by the crap shack unexpectedly to cancel Richard's launch party.  "You have the word 'juicy' on your rear end." "Uh, well, if I had known you were coming over, I would have changed." "Into what, a brassiere with the word 'tasty' on it?" (An Affair to Remember)

8.  Lorelai offers to continue discussion of expanding the Inn over FND.  "Don't be late and don't wear jeans." "When have I ever worn jeans to dinner?" "Well I don’t know, it could very well be Rory who enforces the dress code. I’m just saying I don't think that jeans are appropriate." "Fine, spandex and a tube top it is." (Bon Voyage)

9. Jess sees Luke trying on his wedding suit.  "Wow, where's Right Said Fred when you need him?" "Guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don't know what the hell to do with it." "It's a pocket square. Do the math."  (The Revival, Fall)

11.  Lorelai is surprised at how well Luke 'cleans up' for a meeting with the bank.  "Behold the healing powers of a bath."  (The Pilot)

12.  Lorelai spots Rory in her Donna Reed outfit.  "Well, okay, you're sixteen. You have a whole house to yourself for the evening. I expect that you're going to have your boyfriend over. But what is with the apron?" "It's a long story." "Did it involve a sharp blow to the head?" (That Damn Donna Reed)

13.  Lorelai is figuring out what to wear for her first back-together-date with Luke.  "Well?" "It’s too sparkly." "It’s not too sparkly." "I look like a chandelier." "What shoes are you wearing?" "The pink pumps." "I like those." "Are they a little too ‘Come and get it’?" "Don’t you want him to come and get it?" "Uh, yes, but I want it to be his idea to come and get it. It’s not the same if the shoes tell him to ‘Come and get it’." "I really, really want to stop saying ‘Come and get it’." (Pulp Friction)

14.  Lorelai comes downstairs in her not-wedding dress.  "Well?" "It's...you're perfect." "Really? Have you seen the back? I think the train's a little weird, and I can take it back if you don't think..." "It's perfect." "Are you sure? Okay. It's not bad luck if it's under five minutes." (The Perfect Dress)

15.  Luke gestures for Lorelai to come over to the counter so they can talk about their first date.  "Those jeans are really working for you." "Yeah?" "They're working for me, too." "You're flirting with me." "Something like that."  (Written in the Stars)

16.  Lorelai meets up with Luke before Liz's wedding.  "Greetings, my lord. Your lady hath arrived to be escorted forthwith." "That's pretty good. I didn't know you spoke Renaissance." "Oh, yeah. I'm quite fluent in Renaissance. You look nice. I'm loving the tie." "Thanks. You look beautiful." "Flattery will get you everywhere, my friend."  (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

17.  Lorelai helps Sookie get ready for her first date with Jackson.  "Tonight is a good thing. Whether you find out that you’re madly in love you or you’re not meant for each other, it’s still a good thing. And I’ll be right there. And have I done a gorgeous job on your face or what?"  (Double Date)

18.  Lorelai buys Luke some clothes after she picks out something for Rachel's birthday.  "Come on Luke, just try something on. How about this sweater?" "No!" "Okay, how about the pants? Pretty pants!" "I'm not trying anything on." "Hey, it's not like the lumberjack look will ever go out, it won't. But just once wouldn't it be nice not to be dressed like an extra from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers?" "Take it back." "Come on. Just the jacket. Just once, be too sexy for your shirt and do a little dance on the catwalk." "Get away from me you mental patient!" (P.S. I Lo...)

19.  Rachel compliments Lorelai. Luke is uncomfortable.  "Do you wear contacts?" "Me? No." "G-d, you've got amazing eyes. Doesn't she?" "Oh, yeah. Sure, I guess. . . I mean, they're, you know, placed good. . . . symmetrical. I'm gonna get some more coffee."  (Emily in Wonderland)

20.  Emily walks Luke and Lorelai out after FND.  "Oh, no! Some workman has left his filthy truck in our clean driveway! Richard must have sent for him." "Oh, that's mine, actually." "Oh. Well, it's nice. Rustic. I like the color." "Thank you." "And I like this coat of yours, there's something nice about simple cloth."  (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

22.  TJ is very excited about his tights for the Renaissance wedding.  "These tights, I'm telling you -- the best. I'm happy, my boys are happy, and they don't ride up.  Hey...still dry. Thanks, buddy." "You dried his armpits?" "I don't want to talk about it." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

23.  Liz tells Luke she's getting married.  "Oh, wait till you see this wedding. Oh, my G-d. It's unbelievable. I'm wearing a white dress..." "That is unbelievable!" "Oh, stop it. It's about a zillion years old with flowing sleeves. I'm like Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot. Seriously, I love myself in this dress."  (Luke Can See Her Face)

25.  Lorelai doesn't get up in time to pick up her clothes from the dry cleaner before taking Rory to her first day at Chilton.  "What?" "Nothing. I just didn't know the rodeo was in town." ..... "I just thought it was important for this school to know they had a Gilmore amongst them." "A very good thought." "And that some of the Gilmores actually own clothing." "And on that note, I have to get to work. I'll see you later." "Dinner, Friday night. No spurs, please." ..... "What?" "That's how you dress to take Rory to Chilton? I mean, that's a fancy school." ..... "Hey, Patty." "Isn't today Rory's first day at Chilton?" "Oh, yeah, she's there right now. I just got through dropping her off." "Is that what you wore?"  (The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton)

26.  Zach and Mrs. Kim bond over Lane's glasses.  "It’s just – your glasses. I liked your glasses. You should wear them. I’m just saying." "She should wear them. She should always wear them." "I’ve said it before, but it’s true. They made you look smart." "Of course they made her look smart. She’s a smart girl. Glasses fit her." "Totally." "Zach –" "You always looked good in them. Glasses suit her face." "The black frames, especially with her hair –" "She wore them in the first grade. She first girl in her class." "And I bet she looked great." "I have pictures in a photo book. I could show you."  (Come Home)

29.  Luke explains about his Dark Day.  "You have a dark day." "Yeah, I have a dark day. I thought I should tell you this because we're in relationship and I thought you might wonder why I suddenly don't answer the phone or I'm not around. Why you can't flip your hair and con me into going to Miss Patty's crazy anniversary party." "The hair flip is that effective, huh?" "Combine that with your black dress and you could probably get me to be your backup dancer."  (We've Got Magic To Do)

30.  Jackson shows Sookie the kilt he's expected to wear on their wedding day.  "He wore it on his wedding day, my grandfather wore it on his wedding day. Apparently, there’s a long-standing tradition where the men in my family get very airy on the big day." "Well, honey, if it means that much to him." "Are you crazy?" "Well, he’s your father." "You won’t let me wear shorts in public and you’re gonna let me get married in this?"  (I Can't Get Started)

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