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Dance Moms in the Media


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Wow - is all I have to say - the woman is more delusional than ever. I doubt Lifetime has not paid her, I know she does not choreograph all those routines, we know that the studio is doing well because of the show - so maybe she did lose a few reg students but she more than made up for it with the new ones - she left 2 girls to do the books and everything - I call cow poop on that - I am sure they have someone handling all the finances - as even if Abby was there - she did not do that by herself.


The majority of comments I've seen, have suggested Abby leave and producers just have the girls and moms on. And she wants to talk creative - we know Gianna has choreographed many of those numbers. Another poster elsewhere said that other choreographers have also done some of the routines and have spoken out because Abby takes all the credit for everything. Sorry Abby - you should be paying Lifetime for giving you a chance.

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I take everything Abby says with a grain of salt. I'm sure the staff would rather be in LA as that is where friends and family are for most of them - but not everything is filmed in LA and they know that that goes with the job - relocation for what ever amt of time it takes to film the episodes. I also think Abby has said previously that she wanted to open a studio in LA. She knows that both she and the girls will get more exposure being out there where things are happening rather then in Pittsburgh.


As far as the network not giving her any money for the studio - she herself has a manager - so any fault she has with the Network as far as money - she has to take responsibility for as her manager didn't negotiate that in the contract. It amazes me that a woman on the verge of bankruptcy, can sit and complain about all she's lost and given up, instead of being grateful for what opportunities she's received. She's had 3 shows now, can afford Prada, and has traveled to places - I can only dream about. She has no right talking about humbleness as she doesn't know what the word means.

  • Love 3

@Absolom your insider insight is always appreciated.  I thought that Kendall and Maddie looked very nice on that red carpet, not so much for anyone else, but Jill takes the prize for the worst dressed.  No shock there, though I did like her soft white top and tan khakis at the competition on this week's episode.  But, seriously Jill, eyeliner wings are for the kids on stage, not you!

  • Love 2

That wasn't much of an insider tip as it was on TV.  :)  It shocked me a little to look up and see her.  It will be interesting to see if she can make the studio a go after a year or two and the novelty wears off.  I don't know too many people who would drive across LA to go to a class with her.  Actually I know no one who would do that when there are so many other better choices.  That's why I suggested the valley.  There would be lower real estate prices and a lot more victims available for her to try to pull in.  That doesn't fit her "star" image though and I think is going to be a big contributing factor to another rapid failure.  It would be easier for me to go see the studio if she were more inland also.  I have a grandchild I could take and say we're considering dance lessons.  We actually are, but it won't be with her. 


Oh and BTW, I was repeating what she said not necessarily what I believe. 

Edited by Absolom

 I have a grandchild I could take and say we're considering dance lessons.  We actually are, but it won't be with her.  


Rats about missed opportunities!


Conceptually, I just don't understand what niche she thinks she can fill where she is.  Now, allow that I don't know my way around LA at all, but with academies like Debby Allen's and Debbie Reynold's, and studios like the Edge and Millennium - who does she think she'll serve demographically?  It makes no sense to me.  All of the highly competitive studios are in OC.  It's just weird to me.


From the interview:

Did you ever think that Dance Moms would become what it has?

Never. I dreamed, but I never thought it would actually happen. Think of how many children dance because of our show. How many kids have gone to their local dance studio and signed up for lessons because they want to be like the kids on TV. That, to me, is worth all the drama in the world.


Sorry Abby, that'a been happening for a long time from DwTS and SYTYCD.  She really does have a high opinion of herself, doesn't she?

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 2

Apparently that only represents top celebs. How can anyone take a person on a scripted out of control dance show seriously? Sia got her connected.

The funny thing is, any agency who was truly invested in Maddie, would be trying to pull the kid from the Dance Mom's trainwreck. Not to sound mean towards a 12 year old again, but this show isn't good for her, it isn't good for her imagine, her reputation...any of it. Exposure, yes? But more episodes like this last one and she'll go from being type casted as someone who can only act mentally ill to a difficult to work with, 'brat'. That does nothing for her and while the audience has seen iffy moments with Maddie since season 1, I don't think this will be the last of the Maddie blow-ups for Season 5. 

  • Love 4

Hi everyone I am new to this board and I was reading and I have a few questions

1) I keep seeing people say things are scripted so some of the things that we see on dance moms are fake?

2) I saw something about nia being the target this season, do they pick a target for the season or something?

3) Does anybody know what studio Chloe is at now?

Thanks in advance

Fake is a little strong, producer driven is probably more correct.  The whole battle between Kelly and Abby was a result of a bunch of producer shenanigans, the producers set things in motion and step back and watch the sparks fly.


I think what happened is that the Chloe as underdog story lne was so successful, they decided to create a new underdog for everyone to root for, against Abby once Chloe left.


Chloe's new studio is Studio 19 which is the studio that Kendall and her older sister Ryleigh(?) came from.

Okay, I'm just a little alarmed that I could rattle that off, blush.

  • Love 2

Correct - all these reality shows are heavily edited and producer driven. Producers suggest things or put ideas in the contestants or participants heads and then sit back and see what happens. On Survivor and Dance Moms - there's the talking heads moments where cast and crew converse, on Big Brother - you have the diary room. A while back one reality show cast member killed another one and it was brought out in court about these shows being producer driven and how producers sometimes manipulate things for situations to occur.

  • Love 1

All of the talk of Holly going out and hiring people was a lie.  Holly hired no one.  Production did all the contracting.  When they told the other mothers was up to production for effect.  Many of the competitions aren't regular competitions.  They are put on solely to film Dance Moms episodes so that editing can produce any result that they want for that episode.

Honestly? If Mack became the bigger star I can see Melissa immediately switching over to the Mack train. 


And, man do I hate the Nickelodeon/Disney style of acting. I think of the shows I watched as a kid, and it really seems like this is a newish (at least since 2000 or so) style, but it's in every live action show. They did a parody of it on SNL, I think when Miley hosted, which was pretty spot on.

I think Mac definitely did better than Maddie up to this point, she is definitely more comfortable and her voice isn't as monotone. I think that is where Maddie's acting is weak; her face emotes, her voice does not. Mackenzie's face emotes and so does her voice.


Also, if Mack ever surpassed her sister, I don't think Melissa would be okay with it; I think she'll do what she can to keep them equal or Mack below. 

I was just on Facebook and someone had a link to this article. For some reason - I thought the girls and moms would be making more per episode - 2: the article is a month old and look - no comments - maybe the show is phasing out!





Maddie's bit on Pretty Little Liars - can't say I'm a fan because she's already being typecast due to the Sia videos. She'll be following the path of Jaime Lee Curtis and doing horror films where she doesn't have to speak. As far as the dance ?, role whatever you want to call it - she did look creepy - she was supposed to represent a dream or suppressed memory that one of the girls had. I wouldn't call it acting tho.

  • Love 2



Maddie's bit on Pretty Little Liars - can't say I'm a fan because she's already being typecast due to the Sia videos. She'll be following the path of Jaime Lee Curtis and doing horror films where she doesn't have to speak. As far as the dance ?, role whatever you want to call it - she did look creepy - she was supposed to represent a dream or suppressed memory that one of the girls had. I wouldn't call it acting tho.


I thought she performed well, but I was confused about the dancing. It was definitely a performance, not acting. Don't watch PLL, does it make sense for the character? She could have done the same creepy scene without it and it would have been fine - the dancing didn't really makes sense to me. Felt like a Sia interlude.

  • Love 1

I thought she performed well, but I was confused about the dancing. It was definitely a performance, not acting. Don't watch PLL, does it make sense for the character? She could have done the same creepy scene without it and it would have been fine - the dancing didn't really makes sense to me. Felt like a Sia interlude.

Oh I agree she did perform well but the part probably didn't require dancing. I've never watched the show myself. Her performance just so reminded me of the 3rd Sia video she was in

  • Love 1

I noticed that too. Not only is it tacky, it's wholly inappropriate for a child. Nice values they're instilling.

I don't think any of these families were hurting before the show and I do know they make a lot at the meet and greats. Jeez, some of the prices charged for a 30 minute class with the girls and Abby was more than a front row seat at the hottest show on Broadway. The only one I see that needed the money was Melissa because her ex and her declared bankruptcy a couple of times and in the beginning she was dating Greg but had not moved in with him yet.

I thought she performed well, but I was confused about the dancing. It was definitely a performance, not acting. Don't watch PLL, does it make sense for the character? She could have done the same creepy scene without it and it would have been fine - the dancing didn't really makes sense to me. Felt like a Sia interlude.


I watch PLL and it didn't really make sense. It was a dream that made Spencer (the character having the dream) think she somehow killed/hurt a girl while she was recently kidnapped and held captive. Having Maddie show up and look creepy and run away from Spencer would have been enough, but having her dance was distracting and took you out of the scene.  


The character having the dream also just started eating pot brownies, so maybe that does make sense.

Oh I agree she did perform well but the part probably didn't require dancing. I've never watched the show myself. Her performance just so reminded me of the 3rd Sia video she was in

It actually did require a dancer.  A kid without a dance background couldn't have pulled it off.  I know nothing about that show or that episode, but she did a good job.  The other mother's would have done anything to get their kid that part.

I watch PLL and it didn't really make sense. It was a dream that made Spencer (the character having the dream) think she somehow killed/hurt a girl while she was recently kidnapped and held captive. Having Maddie show up and look creepy and run away from Spencer would have been enough, but having her dance was distracting and took you out of the scene.

The character having the dream also just started eating pot brownies, so maybe that does make sense.

I watch pll like a religion and I thought the maddie part could have been played by anyone with a creepy face, it was a filler for the show and nothing more. I actually fast forwarded through her part after the first 30 seconds
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It actually did require a dancer.  A kid without a dance background couldn't have pulled it off.  I know nothing about that show or that episode, but she did a good job.  The other mother's would have done anything to get their kid that part.

Honestly, the average kid working in Hollywood right now has some form of dance training; any of them could have done that part with the right face and make-up. 

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I think the part was written especially for Maddie. The whole sequence of grabbing her face, her contortions and abstract dance were all parts she's done before in the Sia videos. I don't watch PLL so I don't know if it's ever before contained dance or musical portions. I always thought it was a drama like most shows out there these days. If it is the usual drama - then that sequence was really out of sync with the vibe of the show.


I've had pot brownies in my younger days - and I never experienced something so abstract - it looked more like the girl was on a hallucinogen. I know that it was supposed to be a suppressed memory but all pot ever did for me was make me mellow, sleepy and hungry. But Maddie portrayed it well and has another notch on her belt. I would have her continue with her dance classes because I believe this type of work will be brief. The girls supposedly take singing lessons and yet we've never heard of Maddie singing so I'm guessing that isn't her forte and we know she isn't a natural at acting - so she should continue to take classes and concentrate on dance.

  • Love 1

It actually did require a dancer.  A kid without a dance background couldn't have pulled it off.  I know nothing about that show or that episode, but she did a good job.  The other mother's would have done anything to get their kid that part.


Except the part itself didn't require dancing, I think they just put it in because they were using Maddie.  If they hired a kid with no dance background they could have just left the dance moves out and still get the point of the scene across.

  • Love 7

Thanks for the ibtimes link - my gosh the comments after the article are hilarious. Gianna's a sweet girl, get rid of all the moms but Melissa, Nia has big feet get rid of her. I think a good majority, ( those with no dance experience ) think Abby is a normal dance teacher as far as how she trains them and believes this is real reality TV. In this technology advanced world - it seems a majority of people have no common sense and are gullible beyond belief.

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Maddie did a great job in the dance scene in PLL.  But it was basically a filler scene that was stuck in there because somebody wanted to write a part for her.  Not because it really had anything to do with anything.  So as a stand alone, it's great.  But I don't think it particularly made much sense for the show either stylistically or even in terms of the plot.

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