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Dance Moms in the Media


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gimi - don't feel like that. Unfortunately, whether it's today or 100 years ago, attention and scrutiny is placed on anyone that puts themselves into the public eye - whether it be the President, an actress, a singer or someone seeking their 15 minutes of fame. It's just worse nowadays because of the addition of social media.  Unlike someone like Princess Diana, these kids and their parents have the choice to withdraw from the public eye - but they don't. They obviously feel the benefits outweigh the negative. Plus managers have forever had the adage that any kind of publicity - good or bad means someone is still interested.


In a way - Christi and Kelly are the smart ones. No the kids haven't reaped the benefits the ones still on the show have but both Paige and Brooke can enjoy the rest of their childhood without too much invasion of privacy. Chloe can concentrate on dance, her teenage years and has control pretty much over her social media exposure.

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Newest little commercial with Mac and Maddie. Although Maddie was wonderful - I kind of thought Mac looked out of place and wondered who they're targeting as I can't really see older teens and young adults getting their fashion tips from this.



Newest little commercial with Mac and Maddie. Although Maddie was wonderful - I kind of thought Mac looked out of place and wondered who they're targeting as I can't really see older teens and young adults getting their fashion tips from this.


Not out of place so much - her dancing was on par with Maddie's - it's just that they used her as basically a clothes rack and for a touch of silliness, which was weird.


I'm not who they're trying to appeal to either. Do tweens even read Glamour??? And what tween is going to wear that tweed pencil skirt that went down past her knees? The clothes are for a very much older audience.

 The other girls just seem so repressed at times.



The other girls are a little more reserved.  I wouldn't call any of them repressed.  Just all have their own unique personalities. 

Don't you have any concern for Jojo when the fame goes away?  She is home schooled and seeking fame as much as the other ones.

Maddie is the most successful and well known, but that doesn't mean that the other ones aren't at risk for problems if it doesn't work out for them.

Hey Cynthia - thanks for the video - it was really cute!


Lemons - I know you get upset when people talk about Maddie - but it's nothing against her but the situation that she's been put in. Do I think Jojo is at risk for problems? Any child is at risk for problems - it's how well the parents handle the situation, what requirements or restrictions they access. Personally, I think Jesslyn has raised a pretty great kid and I wasn't always a fan of Jojo's - but both Jesslyn and even Kira - seem to be putting what's in their children's best interest first and foremost. I can't say the same for Melissa as far as Maddie is concerned.

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Hey Cynthia - thanks for the video - it was really cute!


Lemons - I know you get upset when people talk about Maddie - but it's nothing against her but the situation that she's been


I don't get upset, it actually fascinates me how people can take the same situations and make it tragic for Maddie but great for the others.  These kids are all in the same boat.  All of these stage moms have walked away from their families for fame.  They have all walked away from "normal" lives. 


There's a silly little throw away video of Maddie and someone comments about it can't last.  There's a silly youtube video with Jojo and someones says how wonderful.  I just don't get it, that's all. 

But it's really not the same situation. JoJo's little video was with a boy known for singing on YouTube. Maddie's little video was for Glamour magazine - significantly more high profile. 


They may all be seeking fame, but its really only Maddie who has gotten there, at least to some extent. For me, the concern for her comes from Abby and Melissa who are continually telling her that's she's just the best ever. I worry for her that when/if the fame drops away she won't have the support she needs to get through it in a healthy fashion. Maddie is also very driven and very much a perfectionist - two things that can make you successful, but that can also make it very difficult if things don't go the way you'd hoped. I'm happy for her that she's living out her dreams right now, I just hope that she has somebody standing by her if that changes.


As far as the girls go, I think Nia is the most grounded, followed by JoJo and Kalani. I would worry too about Kendall in the same situation because Jill's a nut and a blamer. I'm always concerned for Mackenzie. I'd adopt her if I could :)

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The only time Mac really got recognition is when the first video cam out. We've heard nothing about her since as far as singing and there have been many more videos released that she's done on youtube. Melissa stated how bad she felt for Maddie when Mac beat her a few episodes ago - the moms called her out on that one. The latest video I posted - Maddie again front and center - Mac is more a prop. And we really didn't hear much about her being on the Nickelodeon show except that she'd be gone a few days.


I also worry for Maddie as that kid has one hectic schedule. It's like they're trying to make the most of her time on top - but the kid needs rest. I felt really bad for her when her aunt was with her while doing the second Sia video - sorry but Melissa should have been by her side.

I also worry for Maddie as that kid has one hectic schedule. It's like they're trying to make the most of her time on top - but the kid needs rest. I felt really bad for her when her aunt was with her while doing the second Sia video - sorry but Melissa should have been by her side.


That was yet another time I felt for Mackenzie too. Melissa SHOULD have been with Maddie during the video shoot, but she had obligations with Dance Moms. But the way she said that she had to be back in P'burgh with Mac was horrible - like she'd have preferred to be anywhere else in the world than with her youngest child. And Mac isn't a baby anymore, can we please drop the cartwheel circle???

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It's not just young kids that don't realize or recognize the real danger that social media can be. My friend has a 20 year old daughter has a Twitter account that she refuses to protect her tweets on because she says other people can't retweet her if it's protected. One day a couple of months ago some 49 year old creeper who looked like a serial killer started following her. My friend saw it probably 5 hours afterwards when she got up in the morning and was absolutely horrified. The girl was still asleep and my friend called her and read her the riot act and she immediately blocked him but still wouldn't set her account so that you couldn't see it unless she approved it. Of course she lives in a big city, but there were tweets about where she worked etc, and even though there are several locations her mom is still worried about this guy tracking her down and she's thinks her mom is being ridiculous.

Edited by missbonnie
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As far as the Candy Apples goes, will it be Jeanette's studio from here on out?  The girls that are dancing for her are mostly older as I recall as well.  There aren't many hints on Dance Moms Wiki - but it sounds like taping is slated to begin in October - right around Kira's due date.

Edited by NextIteration
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But it's really not the same situation. JoJo's little video was with a boy known for singing on YouTube. Maddie's little video was for Glamour magazine - significantly more high profile. 


n. Maddie is also very driven and very much a perfectionist - two things that can make you successful, but that can also make it very difficult if things don't go the way you'd hoped. I'm happy for her that she's living out her dreams right now, I just hope that she has somebody standing by her if that changes.


As far as the girls go, I think Nia is the most grounded, followed by JoJo and Kalani. I would worry too about Kendall in the same situation because Jill's a nut and a blamer. I'm always concerned for Mackenzie. I'd adopt her if I could :)

people who are driven and have perfectionist personalities usually do well at many things. If something doesn't work out, they move on. Has anyone been a student at a top ballet school full time? The places are loaded with kids who are perfectionists. The ones who don't make it end up doing something else they love.

I think Mackenzie has it easier because there are no great expectations on her and she seems satisfied with where she stands in the scheme of things.

Your post made me think, @Lemons, and...

Maddie is a perfectionist, yes, but, regarding Mackenzie, I really think she's more talented than Maddie, but as Maddie is the "Golden Child" and has always been considered as the "Golden Child", Mack didn't even try to be better than her sister and use her real potential... Too complicated, regarding the family dynamics...

The situation made her a kind of "lazy", because always considered by her mother as the second one and... She gave up !

That's sad.

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Diane - I think you're right - Maddie is still the best in dance I think - but Mac is great at gymnastics, she sings better than Maddie and her acting ability is much better than Maddie's. What we've seen throughout tho is a lack of confidence in MacKenzie - and I truely think she just wants to be a kid. She is not high strung nor devoted to dance the way Maddie is and that's OK.

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Melissa said that Mack is smarter than Maddie but I don't believe that educational achievement ranks highly in her family, unfortunately. Melissa has said that Maddie is "the baby." She's the youngest, and the smallest, and I agree with the above posts that she is expected to stay in her place and not out-perform the star in the family in her domain (entertainment/performing).

You mean Mackenzie, right ? Edited by Diane Mars

Your post made me think, @Lemons, and...

Maddie is a perfectionist, yes, but, regarding Mackenzie, I really think she's more talented than Maddie,


It takes a lot more than talent to be successful.  A person also needs to be relentless and have the drive to succeed.  We don't know these kids but Mackenzie seems like she has a laid back personality and Maddie seems to be more intense and driven.  There were times when Abbie asked Mackenzie to do something out of her comfort zone and she hesitated and held back, afraid of failure or being made fun of.  Maddie never held back on anything, even when ridiculed over the "Maddie" face.  Those are just small examples of why one succeeds when another doesn't. 


We really can't change the basic personality of our children, we can only help them with their weaknesses and strengths.  We can't blame mothers for everything.

Mack is arguably better at Maddie than singing but we haven't really heard Maddie sing so who knows. IMO Mack is only passable as a singer. In the little clip of her on Nickelodeon she was more of a natural than Maddie but she doesn't draw your attention as anything other than an extra/background performer. I think that lack of the "it factor" more than anything in the end is why Melissa should just allow Mack to step out of the spotlight. Not every child that goes into acting/dancing/singing has to be followed into it by a younger sibling. If Maddie has the drive and desire to do all of these things, she should do them. But Mackenzie should not be forced into it just because she's Maddie's sister. I think that if Melissa just allowed Mack to dance recreationally (honestly she's not good enough for most competition teams pass the mini level; she noticeably struggles to keep up) and enrolled her in gymnastics, the kid would be happy. Instead I think she's likely channeled her frustration from being in Maddie's shadow and forced into show business into brattiness. 


When i've taken my niece to meet and greets and/or competitions, Mack is easily the snottiest of the kids. That JoJo video in Ireland showed her in a really terrible light (even in comparison to the rest of the girls who were not angels). She's made many smart ass remarks on the show that would have gotten another kid berated but she gets away with it because she's the "baby" of the team. I think that if Melissa doesn't wise up soon she's going to have a bad situation on her hand. 


On another note, Maddie walked in the Polo Kids runway show for Ralph Lauren recently and of course Mackenzie tagged along (I say tagged along because she only walked once with Maddie rather than alone). 

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There were times when Abbie asked Mackenzie to do something out of her comfort zone and she hesitated and held back, afraid of failure or being made fun of.  


Except that Abby excoriates and makes fun of Mackenzie when she fails - it would seem only natural for her to have some fear there. Maddie is pretty self-motivated and pushes herself, but she also doesn't face the verbal taunts and teasing when she fails at something. She fears Abby too, all you have to do is watch the scene after she forgot her dance in one of the earlier seasons - that was pure torture for me to watch and she got absolutely no support from Melissa in that moment - Abby though was all forgiving in the end.

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It takes a lot more than talent to be successful...

Sure, but that's also the illustration that we're the product of our education too... And when you grow as always being considered as the less talented, the #2, etc... you believe what your mother says and, most of all, you do your best to please your parents... and NO to desappoint them... So you'll stay #2...

(FYI, I was a gymnast AND and a synchro swimmer, so I really know what it involves in matter of implication and work :) No offense here, just to give a little background)

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We could all wish nothing but rose petals and success for Maddie until the end of days - but the look on her face when she fell out her turn badly at the Astras spoke louder than anything.  And then there was her behavior when Mack beat her...  it's a problem.  Production can edit things of course, but they can't force Maddie's behavior and facial expressions, they can only record them.  She needs a few semesters at the school of hard knocks, methinks.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 7

  She needs a few semesters at the school of hard knocks, methinks.


Now that she has a real agent who's sending her out on auditions, she'll see more than her share of failure.  She'll also realize how silly and stupid these dance competitions are and how being number 1 at a "national" competition doesn't mean anything in the real world of dance or entertainment that she wants to pursue.


I know more than a few Maddies and although they aren't always likable, they typically do alright. 

It takes a lot more than talent to be successful.  A person also needs to be relentless and have the drive to succeed.  We don't know these kids but Mackenzie seems like she has a laid back personality and Maddie seems to be more intense and driven.  There were times when Abbie asked Mackenzie to do something out of her comfort zone and she hesitated and held back, afraid of failure or being made fun of.  Maddie never held back on anything, even when ridiculed over the "Maddie" face.  Those are just small examples of why one succeeds when another doesn't. 


We really can't change the basic personality of our children, we can only help them with their weaknesses and strengths.  We can't blame mothers for everything.


I'll go out on a limb here and say Mackenzie is just as OCD as Maddie is about what she does, but unlike Maddie who hasn't been taught to fail or accept it when she does (must be the judges error...etc), Mackenzie hasn't had that shield. When she fails, no one cares and she's just had to go along with it.


My OCD child is a Mackenzie---she is smarter than most people she meets IQ point for IQ point---but if she thinks she can't or she thinks; for even a split second, that she'll mess up; she'll shut down and walk away. She taught herself to read at 18 months old, by 3 she was reading multi-chapter books, yet today at 5 when presented with a list of sight words she said the ones she's known forever and went mute for the rest. Does she know all 110 that the state wants her to know? Yes, and she knows far beyond that 110---but that split second of questioning is like a ripple effect. 


These characteristics can be environmentally born, but often have a genetic link to them as well. The difference in the sister's is drive---Maddie found something to drive her, Mackenzie hasn't...when she does, I guarantee that perfectionist nature we see in Maddie, will emerge in Mackenzie. And sadly, Melissa is too much of a dingbat to get either help or support. 

My OCD child is a Mackenzie---she is smarter than most people she meets IQ point for IQ point---but if she thinks she can't or she thinks; for even a split second, that she'll mess up; she'll shut down and walk away. She taught herself to read at 18 months old, by 3 she was reading multi-chapter books, yet today at 5 when presented with a list of sight words she said the ones she's known forever and went mute for the rest. Does she know all 110 that the state wants her to know? Yes, and she knows far beyond that 110---but that split second of questioning is like a ripple effect. 


That's so common and so frustrating.  Have you gotten advice on how to help her?  And while your child sounds like she's gifted, I think you're giving Mackenzie too much credit.

Maddie needs to spend time with kids her own age instead of th adults around her who are a bunch of Mama Rose clones. Whether or not you are a "fan" of hers, it is clear that it is not healthy to grow up on a reality show set.

And there are plenty of Maddie fan sites out there, just saying.


I'm sorry, if there are Maddie fan sites out there, is this a Maddie hate site?  Am I supposed to have the same opinion as everyone else?


All of the kids are growing up on a reality show set. Why just mention Maddie?

  Production can edit things of course, but they can't force Maddie's behavior and facial expressions, they can only record them.  She needs a few semesters at the school of hard knocks, methinks.

Or maybe an actual public school with kids from all walks of life who couldn't give a tinker's damn about the great Maddie Zeigler, dance competitions or Dance Moms.  Maddie (and Kenzie) are being sheltered from the real world.  That may not be helpful as they get older.

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My OCD child is a Mackenzie---she is smarter than most people she meets IQ point for IQ point---but if she thinks she can't or she thinks; for even a split second, that she'll mess up; she'll shut down and walk away.


This is serious perfectionism, please find a way to help her so she isn't frozen forever.  My son can be a lot like this, if it's not going to be perfect, why try.  Luckily my daughter has an ambitious and competitive streak a mile wide that pushes her past that.  Hugs. ♥

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I'm sorry, if there are Maddie fan sites out there, is this a Maddie hate site?  Am I supposed to have the same opinion as everyone else?


All of the kids are growing up on a reality show set. Why just mention Maddie?


I have rarely seen anyone go after Maddie in a malicious way on PTV.  Not very often is she even called a brat - I see a lot of concern for her well being and consternation at Melissa's parenting (to the perceived detriment of both Maddie and Mack).  If you deem that as a hate site, I guess it is?


There has been a lot of discussion in past seasons about Christy allowing Chloe to continue receiving Abby's nastiness, about Kelly allowing it with Paige and Brooke and dissertations written trying to figure out why Holly threw away a career that she worked hard for only to have Nia harped at constantly and treated in a way with a butt load of implied bias with all of those ethnic roles.


If Maddie gets discussed the most, it's because the show has made her the central figure.

Edited by NextIteration
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I think the problem with saying that Maddie will come to bad things based solely on what we see on Dance Moms is that it ignores everything that happens to her in the real word. Maddie does not always win at the real competitions she attends. She placed 4th at the TDA and was very gracious in defeat. She's similarly placed 2nd or 3rd at other top events and I have never seen her meltdown (as mentioned before my niece dances at an East coast studio and we often see ALDC). I think that Maddie knows how to lose just as well as anyone else, she simply isn't shown to be expecting it on the show because it's all scripted lol. 


As far as her brattiness etc., I don't think that Maddie is worse than any of the other girls her age. It's simply that we are shown her reactions when a particular narrative needs to be fulfilled. I don't believe any of these kids are angels or demons, they all have good and bad things about them. Having met them in person many times I can say that the only one of the kids that really gives out a brattier than your normal kid vibe is Mackenzie, she always has this little diva attitude. Kendall seems a little aloof but not mean, Jojo is a complete extrovert and really bubbly, Nia is really poised and extremely gracious, Maddie & Kalani are really charismatic, they light the area around them up.

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After seeing the Melissa/Mack special this week I've rescinded my offer to adopt the child. She really did come off as a brat - acted more like she was 15 instead of 10. Her Mom didn't help too much either, she really has Mackenzie in a box and has decided things for her that Mack pretty clearly didn't want. Based on the looks, you can really see what her daughter thinks of her and it ain't much. She thinks she has her hands full now with Maddie the perfectionist (Melissa's words, not mine), but she's going to be in for it when this show ends and Mackenzie gets a bit older.

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That's so common and so frustrating.  Have you gotten advice on how to help her?  And while your child sounds like she's gifted, I think you're giving Mackenzie too much credit.



This is serious perfectionism, please find a way to help her so she isn't frozen forever.  My son can be a lot like this, if it's not going to be perfect, why try.  Luckily my daughter has an ambitious and competitive streak a mile wide that pushes her past that.  Hugs. ♥

Oh trust me, I was begging for an autistic evaluation from the time she turned 2. Finally got one when she was 3 and while she's not autistic (She would have qualified for Asperger's under the DSM-IV, but is that tricky 5% that doesn't qualify for it under the DSM-5), she did walk away with an official OCD diagnosis. By that point she was already accepted into a special needs preschool and has services coming to her this year for school along with outside therapy. It's not something I'm in denial about at all. 


As for Mackenzie, she isn't gifted (or maybe she is, but we never see the academic side of her so it's entirely possible) like I know my daughter is. However, I do think she'll eventually find something to excel at in life and it may take her time to burst out of the family mold to do it. However, I think when she does, she is gonna have a very hard time handling the imperfection of trying to be perfect. 

Edited by Loves2Dance
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After seeing the Melissa/Mack special this week I've rescinded my offer to adopt the child. She really did come off as a brat - acted more like she was 15 instead of 10. Her Mom didn't help too much either, she really has Mackenzie in a box and has decided things for her that Mack pretty clearly didn't want. Based on the looks, you can really see what her daughter thinks of her and it ain't much. She thinks she has her hands full now with Maddie the perfectionist (Melissa's words, not mine), but she's going to be in for it when this show ends and Mackenzie gets a bit older.


The only DM anything I watched this week was maybe 15-20 minutes of the Melissa/Mack special.  I don't know if it's brattiness or not, but she looked totally disengaged, and Melissa's attempts to engage her, like you would a young child, were cringeworthy.  The poor kid needs to just be a normal kid, or have a different activity to excel in.  Maddie's got "best dancer in the family" on lock-down, Mack needs something of her own.  She did light up a little bit when talking about her singing stint, and that she beats Maddie in that dept.    

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And my comment was because getting personally offended and snippy whenever someone talks about Maddie makes it hard for to us to discuss the show without prefacing our posts with some kind of disclaimer. That is not fair to other posters.



I don't get "personally" offended.  To get personally offended, I would have to be personally involved with these people and I'm not.  I just have a different view of the majority who think that Maddie is going to fail miserably and other predictions.  I don't agree, but none of us really know.

I hope it's OK to give an opposite opinion.

Melissa is like Kris Jenner except stupid. Melissa isn't very bright. All she sees is the celeb life. That's why do many child stars don't do well in their teen and adult yyears. whats going to happen when the show goes off. Having millions of social media followers isn't nothing to brag about. Melissa is more of an ass kisser and friend than a parent to her kids. I fear the most for Maddie and Mackenzie

  • Love 2

Melissa is like Kris Jenner except stupid. Melissa isn't very bright. All she sees is the celeb life. That's why do many child stars don't do well in their teen and adult yyears. whats going to happen when the show goes off. Having millions of social media followers isn't nothing to brag about. Melissa is more of an ass kisser and friend than a parent to her kids. I fear the most for Maddie and Mackenzie


Melissa is a complete moron.  But I fear the future of kids with mothers like Kris Jenner more.  It amazes me that she was able to turn all of her girls into fame whores with no talent except social media.  They are all identical.  Asia's mother reminds me of a Kris Jenner. 

I am over the moon happy for Chloe! She has grown so much since leaving DM's and I hope this serves as a wake-up call to the likes of Jill who thinks that show is gonna get Kendall anywhere---Kira and Kalani too. 


I'm sure Abby is screaming for a recount, and Maddie likely shed a few tears; but frankly, I don't care because I love Chloe and am very happy she won. 

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And it's just a worthless award. It's not worth anything. So who cares who won. I just hope Melissa, Abby and Christie keep their damn mouth shut

I wouldn't necessarily say it's Worthless. To Chloe, I bet it means the world---like a physical representation of everything she has given since she started DM despite being knocked down every two minutes. 


Fans are fans; they're gonna be nasty---most are young and sound like they did back in my days when it was *N Sync versus Backstreet Boys. Those are easily ignored. I doubt Melissa and Abby will give a comment on this one; I guarantee both are made and believe Maddie was robbed, and while I see Christi celebrating Chloe (which she's done via social media), I don't see her stepping into the ring of fire either. 


The fans had the chance to nominate who they wanted; so they did. Then they got to vote for who they wanted; and they did. 


While it's not an Oscar or a Grammy, to either of those girl's it would have meant something huge. To any of the professional dancers, I think it would have been more 'worthless'. 


Chloe's Speech! Take that Abby!

Wow!  Chloe looks gorgeous and her public speaking has really notched up.  The last part of her speech was a direct shot at Abby and her years of psychologically abusing her.  Good for Chloe.  I would say that in the Game of Life, the one that really counts, Chloe is a big winner.


I'm sure that Abby and Melissa will be crying "foul, we wuz robbed" to anyone who will listen.  We must have a video of their reactions.  Does anyone know if they were in the audience. 

Edited by cali1981

I wouldn't necessarily say it's Worthless. To Chloe, I bet it means the world---like a physical representation of everything she has given since she started DM despite being knocked down every two minutes.

Fans are fans; they're gonna be nasty---most are young and sound like they did back in my days when it was *N Sync versus Backstreet Boys. Those are easily ignored. I doubt Melissa and Abby will give a comment on this one; I guarantee both are made and believe Maddie was robbed, and while I see Christi celebrating Chloe (which she's done via social media), I don't see her stepping into the ring of fire either.

The fans had the chance to nominate who they wanted; so they did. Then they got to vote for who they wanted; and they did.

While it's not an Oscar or a Grammy, to either of those girl's it would have meant something huge. To any of the professional dancers, I think it would have been more 'worthless'.

Well the award is still worthless. Makes no sense fans would attack each other. It's not like these girls actually had to work hard to get nominated. Their fans nominated them, so I don't get the whole attacking each other.

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