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The Pop Game - General Discussion

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Haha...I didn't want to be the first one to comment, but the females seemed to be incredibly lacking in self awareness when it came to them realizing the limits of their vocal talents. Plus, I was a bit disappointed but not surprised that most of these self-involved kids disregarded Timbaland's rule to help set up for the party. That was obviously a "test" of some sort, and only Grant took it seriously. 

Edited by gardendiva
Need better words for clarity
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I can't believe out of all the kids on youtube - they came up with these 5. Vocally - I think Madison is the best of the girls - neither Cravetay (I agree about her name - cringeworthy! ) and the other are pretty girls but too pitchy. I like Ian but he seems more of a folk singer and can't at this time see him as a pop star - whereas Grant - with some work has the looks and voice for a pop star.

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Yay I'm not alone here! I've been watching The Rap Game and wanted to see how this would measure up.


I can't believe out of all the kids on youtube - they came up with these 5. Vocally - I think Madison is the best of the girls - neither Cravetay (I agree about her name - cringeworthy! ) and the other are pretty girls but too pitchy. I like Ian but he seems more of a folk singer and can't at this time see him as a pop star - whereas Grant - with some work has the looks and voice for a pop star.

I co-sign all of this.  The girls just seem really weak to me. Cravetay's opinion of her gifts does not match the level of talent she actually showed us. She seems way more focused on her image than her voice. Ashlund is trying way too hard to do the affected sexy-Britney thing with her voice. All three of them had major pitch issues. I'm trying to figure out what Timbaland thinks he can do with Ian. Ian just doesn't seem like a good fit for the label.

I got the impression Timbaland is doing this for the exposure, and not really to unearth a diamond in the rough. He's acting for the cameras and not doing a very good job of it, based on his reactions to the performances. Maybe he was trying to start off as a nice guy, but his praise was out of proportion to the performances.

Cravetay's real name is Taylor. I guess because she thinks everyone CRAVEs TAYlor's talent? I don't know. I just really hate that name. The way I hated it when some people were trying to make "ZA" new way of referring to pizza. The same way I hate that Katy Perry pronounces it uncondish-SHUN-ul in that song of hers.  It just doesn't work.

And finally, there definitely should have been some consequences for not helping to set up for the party. Four of them blew it off, and ...nothing? Really?

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It seems like Timbaland really likes Cravetay and is willing to overlook her obvious pitch issues and weak voice because he is somehow smitten with her diva attitude. It grates on my last nerve. Her mom's trash talking is also  pretty annoying.

I thought Madysyn and Grant really brought it this week, and they each deserved to win a notch better than they got.

Ian totally deserved the smackdown he got. He might have a unique voice, but he is still just a punk kid amongst titans in the business and needed to learn a lesson in humility.

As for that skinny brunette, her days are numbered. Her nasally affectations might have been fine with her YouTube fans, but she is not ready for the big leagues.

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I brought my post over from the Rap Game topic:


Timbaland keeps saying that he likes Cravetay (what a horrible stage name) because she has so much swag and attitude, even though she constantly hits wrong notes and has a very inconsistent voice overall.

The best singer is the blond girl, and I like her, but she has absolutely no stage presence. That is something that can be taught, IMO. But honestly, she sounds like every other young female singer out there (Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Zendaya, the girls from 5th Harmony--I could go on and on).  

I like Timbaland as a producer, and I'm sure he knows talent when he sees it.  I'm just wondering how he selected these particular kids. Was it just based on YouTube hits?  There are more talented kids singing at churches on Sundays. I would have hoped there had been some sort of audition process before he picked these five. Maybe he's convinced that autotune can fix everything. 

I was just looking up the singer Jamia Simone Nash, whose voice has blown me away since she was a little girl. I can't believe she's 20 years old! She'll be 21 in August. I guess she's too old for the show. And she's sung on other people's projects and been on a Lifetime movie, though she's never had a CD of her own. So she's not totally "new" to the music scene. I still think Timbaland should scrap this show and sign her. 

--I wanted to like this show because I like Timbaland as a producer, but after two episodes, it hasn't grabbed me yet. The talent is marginal, especially amongst the girls.  And while I don't like fake drama, none of the kids' personalities make me interested in them as people. Maybe Ashlund, but only because I wonder why a mother would go to such great lengths to sexualize her 13-year-old-daughter. Still, I'd be really impressed if Timbaland got someone big to show up, like Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, or Beyonce. 

--My kids and I have been saying, "Is this the swag game or the pop game?" like one of the mothers. Yeah, the parents/managers are quite annoying so far--really, just the mothers of Cravetay (*shudder*) and Madysyn (WTF is up with that spelling?). 

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I haven't watched the Voice in a while - but there are contestants there who are young and way better than what Timbaland picked. In Ian's defense - I have to give the kid kudos for sticking up for his principles. He wants to connect with a song which to me shows a real depth in his love for music. It's more than just getting a record deal and being famous. He's more like Taylor Hicks from Idol - his joy was singing and pleasing people.

Because of that and his singing style - he is not a good contender for this show even tho I think he is good ... but none of them are great and what the heck with autotune? There are people out there with fabulous voices that don't need autotune. Cripe we could all become stars using autotune - they may have to tune a lot more for me - but yeah - I could do it too!

I don't like the Diva complex with Cravetay - a person's personality - morals - ethics and behavior in public speaks a lot about that person and that's who I feel deserves that shot when it comes to something like this.

I agree that Grant, being the only one to set up, should have had some type of reward or extra help.

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Oh Ian. You poor, clueless schmuck. "As an artist, I have to be honest." Yeah. And as a human being, you have to be gracious, humble, thankful for the work other professionals have done and the time they invest in you. Notice how when that "honesty" was turned on him, he didn't like it one bit.  I hope he thinks about how defensive he felt in that moment the next time he has something to say about someone else's work. Especially when that someone is a successful professional in the field he aspires to.

This competition is a totally wrong for him. Let's be honest. Timbaland is not looking for an slightly offbeat singer/songwriter who is all about being his authentic self. He's looking to manufacture a pop star who has the right look, the right confidence, and will follow directions.

I dislike Cravetay more and more with each episode. She's so smug. She's got it all figured out. Except for the singing, part that is. Her voice is weak, breathy, and frequently off key. At times she sings in a little girl voice. All of these kids need vocal lessons. That's the first thing that should've happened after their first performance. Cravetay and Ashlund don't seem to recognize how severe their pitch problems are. They're not just off key, they're in several different keys. They're all over the place. Ian is a mushmouth.

Overall, this show is disappointing. I feel like on the rap game, those kids have way more talent. On this show, it's not really about talent. All of the kids are good, but none of them are great, and I was looking for great talent. It just goes to show that youtube, where you can shoot and reshoot, edit, and re-edit, is a great way to present a facade that isn't backed up by skill. Timbaland and crew have said a number of times that they can "fix" the voice. I feel like I'm watching them put together an elaborate construct of smoke and mirrors to convince teen girls that these kids are amazing, but it's a false front. Maybe it will work, but I doubt whoever wins this will be launched into instant celebrity.

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 I watched the first episode and I don't think I can do it again. The girls are all terrible. The boys are ok. I guess Timbaland found some kids that got millions of views on YouTube and thought he'd find another Bieber. Now he's stuck finishing a season with a bunch of girls who cannot sing. The only interesting part is watching him cringe when the singers are off key, pitchy, flat or whatever and then trying to explain it away. I think he said once that attitude and stage presence is more important than if they can stay on key lol. What an embarrassment of a show for Timbaland. I dare say, he will be holding better auditions if he gets another season of this crapfest.

Just because you got views on YouTube doesn't mean you can sing. The Pop Game is proof of that. 

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I brought this and the previous post from The Rap Game







I agree. Timbaland keeps saying that he likes Cravetay (what a horrible stage name) because she has so much swag and attitude, even though she constantly hits wrong notes and has a very inconsistent voice overall.

The best singer is the blond girl, and I like her, but she has absolutely no stage presence. That is something that can be taught, IMO. But honestly, she sounds like every other young female singer out there (Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Zendaya, the girls from 5th Harmony--I could go on and on).  

I like Timbaland as a producer, and I'm sure he knows talent when he sees it.  I'm just wondering how he selected these particular kids. Was it just based on YouTube hits?  There are more talented kids singing at churches on Sundays. I would have hoped there had been some sort of audition process before he picked these five. Maybe he's convinced that autotune can fix everything. 



The blonde sounds like the other singers you mentioned but she's nowhere near as good or consistent.

Cravetay is a brat and nowhere close to being as good as Rihanna. Timbaland picked a Rihanna song for her to perform because he knows she's well practiced in singing those songs and she would seem better than the other girls. It worked for the most part but even as she was singing a song by her idol that she's probably practiced since she was a baby, she still didn't nail it. 

They keep saying he picked them off YouTube. I hope he's smarter than that. The producers will have to do a hard edit to make these kids look and sound worthy of a record deal. They are not good. Period. 

The one kid that plays the uke has a nice voice. He has his own style and he's a little different than what is already out. He's the only choice I can see Timbaland having as a protégé because he's already good, he's kind of original, and he's itching to be molded into anything. But I have a feeling Tim is set on Cravetay. And we will know her record will be fake as hell. No way that girl can tour. Unless she wants things thrown at her.

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I think I could walk into any high school choir and find better singers. And far more than that if I went to any of the three fine and performing arts magnet programs in the city. 


I have been avoiding posting because it seems like Lifetime had appended the first episode to every single on-demand show they have, so I wasn't sure when it was actually coming on for real.

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I think I could walk into any high school choir and find better singers.

The only way I could justify trolling youtube and choosing the kids he did is he must've figured they'd bring their collective millions of viewers to the show, and ratings = more $$. On the one hand, I can't believe they would cast these five without somebody auditioning them in person first. But on the other hand, if they had auditioned, how on earth did any of the girls get chosen? Was it slim pickings because so few had a parent who could take time off to be on the show? Does Timbaland have delusions of grandeur, thinking he can make anyone a star?


Side note: Is Ian sharing a room with his manager? That's...odd. I feel bad for her though. That poor woman died a little when Ian started nattering on about honesty and truth and how his songwriting is so much more relevant than anything written by someone else.

On 3/2/2017 at 5:51 AM, topanga said:

Maybe Ashlund, but only because I wonder why a mother would go to such great lengths to sexualize her 13-year-old-daughter. 

That really skeeved me out too. I think there should be an age limit of at least 15 or 16. If these kids really are that great <snerk> then there's plenty of time for them to develop--no need to push.

18 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Side note: Is Ian sharing a room with his manager? That's...odd. I feel bad for her though. That poor woman died a little when Ian started nattering on about honesty and truth and how his songwriting is so much more relevant than anything written by someone else.

Yeah, I wondered about that. I'm, in general, not too fond of this format where the parents/managers are so front-and-center on the show, probably because it just reminds me of how some parents are willing to sell their kids' souls for 15 minutes of fame. I mean, Ian even said that he was missing out on his brothers' and sisters' lives because he felt he had to move away from the family to LA. What's the rush when you're 15?! Work on your craft and enjoy the last precious few years of your childhood and then head out when you're 18. There'll still be plenty of time, especially if you're good.

Not sure I'm going to make it with this show. Only the boys are semi-decent and the excess enthusiasm by Timbaland is making me kind of crazy. Does he think that the audience is so stupid that if he goes on about how great someone is, then we won't notice that they can't sing?

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Just caught the first 2 episodes of this.  Wow, that Ashland girl is awful!  She cannot sing at all.  And how do you choose a Britney song, which are not challenging at all, and still can't sing it?  The blonde has the best voice, but no stage presence.  Time will tell if that will improve over the series....but at least she can sing on key/pitch.

I can see what Timbaland sees in Cravetay(?).  She doesn't have that strong a voice, but she has a certain vibe going for her.  Her session in the studio was heads above the other kids and the track sounded fantastic (prior to any production).  The right team could really make her a star.

The guys both have great voices, but they're just so white bread to me.  But then again, I'm not in their demographic, but I know they're definitely the type the young girls would eat them up. 

This show reminds me a little bit of Platinum Hits from Bravo a few years back, which featured songwriters creating and producing pop songs and it was hosted/judged by Jewell and Kara Dioguardi.  I loved that show and even bought some of the music, and was so sad it didn't come back for a second season. 

On 3/2/2017 at 8:57 AM, sleepyjean said:

Oh Ian. You poor, clueless schmuck. "As an artist, I have to be honest."

The one point I'm willing to give the kid is that it probably was a crappy song - I can't really say for sure though, since I couldn't understand a word of what he was singing.  But yeah - if they felt these songs had anything going for them, they wouldn't be wasting them on a 4th tier reality show.

Having said that, he was brought here to sing, not play music critic.  His "art," as it relates to this show, is to take someone else's words and find a way to convey their meaning through his performance.  If they happen to involve something he's actually experienced, then great.  If not, then it's his responsibility to find a way to connect those lyrics to something that he does relate to.  Or - and here's a novel idea - use his imagination!


Side note: Is Ian sharing a room with his manager? That's...odd.

Yeah - their whole... arrangement? is pretty weird.  On the one hand, it's probably a good thing that his parents aren't trying to manage his business dealings on their own - although I have to wonder what this lady has actually been doing for him, if this really is his first time performing in front of people.  But on the other hand, sending him off this way seems like an awfully calculating thing to do to a child.  As a rule, I try not to psychoanalyze people based off their reality TV personas - but man, Ian does not look like he wants to be there.  At.  All.  I see a kid who - I hope - really does enjoy writing songs and playing music - but it feels like he misses his family a hell of a lot more than he wants to be famous or on TV.  

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I'm really getting into the show - not so much Cravetay ad her mom though! Each week they irritate me even more and from Timbaland's injection's during her song - I think we already know the winner.

Hey - this is these kids dream and I give them kudos for sacrificing for it. We have kids who want to be dancers, gymnasts, pianists, Olympians ect.. all moving from home to places that can achieve their dream - many sacrifice all of their childhood and teen years for these dreams and who are we to say it's wrong. I kind of envy them that they've had the opportunities to achieve their dream - I wish I had both the opportunity presented to me and the strength to leave my family to take that chance.

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This show continues to underwhelm.

Another "you have to work hard and be willing to do anything" challenge that goes nowhere. No payoff and no consequences either. First it was setting up for the party. Now it was making breakfast that Timbaland didn't even notice. What's the point?

Breakfast and the wax museum. That was the whole week?  They're a month or more into this thing, and it seems like they haven't done much of anything. Do they have to be tutored during the day or something? Because they must be doing something else with their time.

Ashlund was a lot better this week, but it still feels like Britney karaoke.

Maddy still has a good voice but is a boring performer who can't stop playing with her hair when she's nervous. She also needs a new bra. The ones she's been wearing are so super-dooper padded, they're giving her an oddly round, stiff looking bustline.

Cravetay is an interesting performer but she and her mom are snide, arrogant, and generally unpleasant. That ego thing plays a lot better in the rap game than in the pop scene. I don't know if tween girls will go for that, and I don't think teen boys will be interested. Vocally, she doesn't have the goods, so it's just irritating listening to her critique others. If she's ever had anything nice to say about anyone else, I don't recall it. She's already skilled in the art of the big smile and twinkly eyes toward people that "matter", and nothing but shade to people who don't. The only thing that comforts me is knowing that sooner or later, she'll learn that the toes you step on today are connected to the ass you'll have to kiss tomorrow.

Grant is still the closest to the total package. If he'd open his damn eyes.

Ian did really well. Also needs to open his eyes.

At the end, Timbaland said he's done giving constructive criticism. If that's true, I don't understand how the rest of this show will go. The kids will perform, he'll say...nothing? And the only feedback he'll give is the rank on the hit list? That doesn't bode well for this group of kids who are still struggling, even WITH constructive the notes he's been giving them.

Was Timbaland's advice to one of the moms really telling her that she needs to "confuse" her kid? Whaaaaaat?

In short, I really don't understand what the deal is with this show. It's boring. The kids aren't even sort of amazing. They're nowhere near ready to be professional musicians. They all need a lot more time and a lot more vocal lessons, neither of which they're going to get here.  On the whole, I've got maybe one more episode in me before I move along.

Edited by sleepyjean
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Really impressed with Ian and how he handled his "diva moment" from last week and learned from it. He took that song that he had difficulties with and really nailed it. He and Grant have great attitudes.

Cravetay is insufferable. Whether it was making the fresh squeezed orange juice or following the costume challenge rules, or letting the experts style her hair (she ain't no Beyoncé and she doesn't get to throw a diva fit) she always had the attitude that the rules don't apply to her. So glad Timbaland did not reward her bad behavior by giving her a spot on The Pop Chart this week.

8 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Oh the irony of Cringetay's rudeness and disrespect to the hairstylist, after all she had to say about Ian disrespecting the songwriter the previous week.

She has zero self awareness. She is so quick to point out faults in others, and she does the same stuff. Remember when she was mocking Ashlund for forgetting her lyrics, and when it was her turn she did the same thing?

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On 3/11/2017 at 10:48 PM, gardendiva said:

Cravetay is insufferable. Whether it was making the fresh squeezed orange juice or following the costume challenge rules, or letting the experts style her hair (she ain't no Beyoncé and she doesn't get to throw a diva fit) she always had the attitude that the rules don't apply to her. So glad Timbaland did not reward her bad behavior by giving her a spot on The Pop Chart this week.

Yes, Cravetay is a pain in the butt. But I have to say, though, as a black woman, it's frustrating as hell when someone doesn't understand the texture of your hair and can't style it well. She could have handled it better and maybe worked with the hairstylist to improve her bun. I have to say, she has a good weave. I honestly thought it was her hair (maybe I wouldn't if I saw her in person). But Cravetay looks part East Indian or part Native American, so her style fits her well. 


Grant is becoming my favorite in the competition, but honestly, he's really generic. None of these kids wow me at all. 

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I thought she might have East Indian roots as well. Her last name is Ahmed, which seems neither East Indian nor Native American.  Interestingly, in my googling, I came across her mom's arrest for DUI a few years ago. Then we have Brittni Ahmed's arrest for shoplifting. She's a relative of some sort. It starts to paint a picture of a family whose members feel entitled to do whatever they want, and who don't think much about the consequences. I'm starting to see where Cravetay gets her world view.

It's a shame because what she needs is a manager who will help her learn perspective and understand the consequences of her actions. Instead, she has a mother who encourages and reinforces her attitude. Her mom clearly isn't teaching her how to handle herself in a professional setting. Cravetay could have said "I don't care how bad my hair looks, I'm going rock it and still be fierce." We would've all been on her side.  Instead, she showed Timbaland that when she thinks she knows better than the professionals and the people in authority, she's going to do what she wants. Which is fine, so long as she understands that that could very well cost her this opportunity, just like it cost her a spot on the charts this week. Timbaland is going to be investing time and money in the winner of his contest and he's looking for someone who can make money for him. If Cravetay is going to be defiant and turn potential fans off like she did this week, he's not going to pick her. She and her mom can continue to comfort themselves that they lost on "a technicality." They can continue to be defensive and point out what everyone else is doing wrong. But they'll be doing it on the couch at home, while the winner is taking the prize.

Edited by sleepyjean
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I'm so glad to see that others are noticing Timbaland's bias toward Cravetay!  She is the pitchiest one out there, yet he never calls her out on it, like he does the other two girls.  Notice how, when everyone was supposed to look the same in a grey tee shirt and their hair back in a ponytail, she differentiated herself by tying and cropping her tee shirt and used a bunch of other hair ties (not provided to the other competitors) to give herself two fancy, custom looking ponytails?  Was she called out on that?  Hell no!  She is a snotty little thing and her mother is a rude pig!  I personally feel she will win the whole thing because she is Timbaland's "plant" on the show.  She has been in the top too many times already and it is undeserved.  Ian deserved the top spot in this latest episode - in fact, I think he is the most talented one on the show!  He had to play 2nd fiddle to this little twit with less talent and a bad attitude.  She is connected to Timbaland somehow ... I just KNOW it!!'

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Ian has a bad ass voice, and is the only one who seems like a real artist / musician - the rest are serviceable pop vocalists.  Cravetay is highly overrated, will be autotune-dependent, and is really unlikeable.  She's already put herself behind the 8 ball with that name...just dreadful - cloying, clunky and sooo try-hard.  Anyhow, it's a shame that strong vocals seem to be an afterthought for today's vocalists.  

  • Love 4

First off I would like to say that Madysyn and Ian are AMAZING! If Mady can understand how talented she really is and gain some more confidence, she would blow the judges away. Secondly, literally nobody else on the show has a chance because Timberland adores Cravetay! I didn't know this was the popularity game. Her pitch is always all over the place, her attitude sucks and most importantly she is a bully. I don't care how well she dresses, she is not a singer! As I watch the show each week I already know that Cravetay will win whatever challenge it is. Timberland really needs to give the other children a chance. But we all know who is going to win SMH

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Sure - Cravetay (ugh...) is a world class PITA, and so is her mom.  But to me, the other mommies are just as annoying - with their petty rule-mongering over the stupid (and ultimately meaningless) costume challenge last week, and Madysyn's (ugh...) mom's complete overreaction to eargate this week.  Frankly, I think the vitriol towards Cravetay has less to do with what she says or does, and more that she is the only girl with any degree of "pop star" charisma.  The other two come across more like teen models than performers, and I think their moms are starting to see that.

But at this point, no one from this show is winning parent of the year - I'm pretty sure that every one of these adults has said something crappy about someone else's kid (well, Ian's dad just got here, so let's give him a week...), and it feels like they are all using their kids to live out their own failed dreams.  Plus, they all seem to be suffering from the delusion that their kids' "talent" makes them special.  In reality, teens who can sing are a dime a dozen - for example, there are far more talented kids than this group on The Voice right now.

To be successful, these kids need to realize how lucky they are to have opportunities like this, and they need to be prepared to capitalize on those chances when they happen.  At this point I don't think any of them are worth signing, although we're surprisingly only at the halfway point. (which, I can't believe we have another 1/2 season to go - it feels like they've been at this forever already)  I guess it's possible a star will emerge - I have my doubts though.

I made the mistake of watching the Voice just before this last episode. I'm just about done too. I'm going to dvr the rest of the season. If someone besides cravetay wins, then maybe I'll watch it. I enjoy watching nasty people get their comeuppance. But if she wins, I'll delete the series and pray that there's no season 2. I couldn't stomach the idea of Cray parading around as the winner and lording it over the season 2 cast.

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On 3/20/2017 at 5:48 PM, Chyromaniac said:

Frankly, I think the vitriol towards Cravetay has less to do with what she says or does, and more that she is the only girl with any degree of "pop star" charisma.  

I don't see charisma. She's a decent reality TV villain, but to me there's nothing attractive about her. My vitriol stems from my reaction to her ego relative to her talent. And to be as dismissive towards Timbaland as she and and mother were tonight...not cool. 

This show isn't working for me. Especially back to back with the rap game, the negativity is too much. As is the amount of auto tune. 

  • Love 3

Yeah, all these kids have severe issues that makes signing any of them seem like a babysitter taking home one of their charges at the end of the night. And that's taking the total lack of actual talent here as an absolute given, of course. 

Ian: Total douche. He reminds of one of those kids from O-Town (I'm old!) who was constantly bitching about being an artist and being too good for this cheesy pop shit. I saw a 'where are they now' on him and he's exactly nowhere, still strumming his guitar in his living room and saying nobody recognizes his brilliance. Having your kid live on his own in LA at fifteen is not the way for anything good to happen. Trust. 

And even artists of that type who do make it have short shelf-lives. Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, Ryan Cabrera, all those AI winners...you don't hear much from them anymore.

Cravetay and Deneen: Trash. Look forward to a future of endless baby-mama drama with third-tier rappers and being pimped out for tracks to alleged producers by mom. 

Grant: Maybe they should go country with him? He doesn't seem pretty/marketable enough to sell the pop thing. Dull. The blonde highlights are ghastly on him.

Madisyn Or however she spells it: On the Rebecca Black/Dance Mom-spawn level. Nothing special; nothing to see here. Been made so insecure by Mom she's personality-free.

Ashlund: Girl, please. Sounds like pure dogshit even with auto tune, a feat I wasn't sure possible before now. Maybe try acting with her?


And please. These lifetime showbiz kids like Timberlake and Beyoncé have the education of North Koreans and aren't writing shit for themselves. Pharrell said point blank in the Blurred Lines lawsuit the artist gets a writing credit for doing nothing if you want them to perform it. 

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On 3/18/2017 at 5:51 AM, lyric said:

Ian has a bad ass voice, and is the only one who seems like a real artist / musician - the rest are serviceable pop vocalists.  Cravetay is highly overrated, will be autotune-dependent, and is really unlikeable.  She's already put herself behind the 8 ball with that name...just dreadful - cloying, clunky and sooo try-hard.  Anyhow, it's a shame that strong vocals seem to be an afterthought for today's vocalists.  


I agree. Ian  has a great voice. Frankly, I was shocked that a 15-year old boy could sound like that, lol! Cravetay, just ugh. Sweetheart, your voice is just not unique enough, and dare I say....you're just not that cute. I won't even get into the stank attitude, either.

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My thought is that Timbaland has created a 'monster' in Cravetay. It's so completely OBVIOUS that he favors her above all the rest and now she believes she can do no wrong in his eyes. It's his fault...he shouldn't have done this. He singled her out as this amazing performer when clearly she's not even average at best! We all know her singing and performance abilities are just 'MEH'. I guess he thinks we're all stupid. And he's a terrible host/mentor. JD on The Rap Game is soooo much better as he is natural, knows how to critique, and never plays favorites. I was hoping to like this show, but Timbaland's show sucks a**.

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So. I thought I was going to stay away from this show but I am addicted to finding the outcome now. I am finding some contestants that I thought didn't have a chance are able to do really well, and others that normally don't struggle were having a hard time of it. It is keeping things interesting.

Also, the team building exercise did help somewhat to defuse the most volatile of the tensions in the house, which made things easier to watch. 

It will be interesting to see who can step up and who crumbles under the pressure.

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On 4/1/2017 at 11:05 PM, gardendiva said:

So. I thought I was going to stay away from this show but I am addicted to finding the outcome now. I am finding some contestants that I thought didn't have a chance are able to do really well, and others that normally don't struggle were having a hard time of it. It is keeping things interesting.

Also, the team building exercise did help somewhat to defuse the most volatile of the tensions in the house, which made things easier to watch. 

It will be interesting to see who can step up and who crumbles under the pressure.

Yes, this week's challenge was good. I liked seeing the three girls work together. Glad to see Madysun (sp?) step up. 

My biggest problem with Cravety and her mother is that they refuse to accept Timbaland's constructive criticism. Even when he tells Cravety very nicely, that she's hitting the wrongs notes and losing her breath when she sings, the two of them minimize those comments by saying that a) everyone sounds breathy (no they don't) or b) everyone was feeding off Cravetay's energy. Okay...even if that were true, what does that have to do with Cravety sounding like trash? I wish Timbaland would admit to those two, and maybe to himself, that no amount of autotune can make her voice sound good. 

Ashlund did a great job these past two weeks, but her voice is still just okay. And she can drop the "I'm only 13" excuse. Brandy, Monica, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Jackie Evancho, Aaliyah, and Whitney Houston were all singing professionally at around that same age. 

Grant is really cute. If this competition were based on looks alone, he or Ashlund would win, hands down. 

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