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Expedition Unknown - General Discussion

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On 2/22/2017 at 6:59 PM, Ananayel said:

A place to talk about the episodes. I'll start us off.

My least favorite: True Cross

My most favorite: Robin Hood

Best moment: When he gets the satellite phone call that he's going to be a dad, and cries happy tears. I'm a sap.

I also like the DB Cooper episode, and the mammoth hunt.

Those are all my favorites too, including Roanoke,  the greece ep, the extended alien hunt, and the NASA visits were quite cool.  The extended Yeti hunt.....wow i could on.  I do enjoy the global game shows for a light ep

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17 hours ago, Steff said:

Just saw an ad for new episodes/new season on Discovery channel starting Tuesday at 10 pm.

Yeah Discovery is running a big marathan beforehand.  My theory on Legendary Locations.  This isnt the first time theyve run. I recall the first couple eps aired some time ago and then they stopped.  Now there is renewed interest.  Im interested.  But basically all it is, is a clip show.

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1 hour ago, rmontro said:

I'm confused.  I thought they ran new episodes on the Travel Channel now.  Did they move it back to Discovery?

Yep, theyre playing the syndication march game.  Contracts are up, Discovery must have made a great offer and $BAM$ we get a network change.  I just wonder if Travel Chan will have rights to repeats, and i hope Discovery budgeted for new shows. I miss the new shows.   Josh started out on SCI-FI first i believe, was on MTV for different eps,  then was with Travel for a long time.  I hope Discovery is good to them, and they will be good for Discovery.

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On 5/26/2018 at 10:01 PM, Tammee said:

I do enjoy the global game shows for a light ep

I don't really like the game shows because they're just glorified reruns.  The only interesting parts are the game show segments.  Most of the questions are pretty easy, but sometimes the only reason I know the answers is because I've seen the Expedition Unknown episodes in question.  Which is something the contestants don't have the benefit of, I gather.

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13 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

My DVR didn't pick up a new episode. Was it a new episode, or was it one new to the Discovery channel? The only big discovery I can think of was the Spanish shipwreck treasure; was it a repeat of that one? 

It was a new one.  They found an undiscovered Mayan pyramid & an previously unknown causeway/road. 

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2 hours ago, Steff said:

It was a new one.  They found an undiscovered Mayan pyramid & an previously unknown causeway/road. 

Okay, that’s amusing— when I saw the ads (biggest discovery!), I figured they’d come across something physically large but not particularly important, like a giant sand dune.  

I guess I was half correct ... pyramids are usually large ...

2 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Oh crap. My season pass is not picking up the DC shows even though I have it set for any channel as long as it is a first run. I will look for the repeat. Thanks! 

Yes, it was a 2 parter, second part is tonight.  The legend of the mayan snake king.  Was pretty interesting.  So wild to think we are sitting atop so much history

2 hours ago, Tammee said:

Yes, it was a 2 parter, second part is tonight.  The legend of the mayan snake king.  Was pretty interesting.  So wild to think we are sitting atop so much history

Thank you so much! I set up the repeat of both parts to be recorded Saturday. I was going to be mad if they finally found something & I missed it! 

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On 6/8/2018 at 7:58 PM, pezgirl7 said:

Is it just me, or are the recent global game show questions really easy? Like they shouldn't even be multiple choice. 

Yeah i dont think it was like that in the beginning.  Not as much fun when people walk away stumped and empty handed hah.  I just wonder when Ill be in the right place at the rignt time for a stab at it

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On 6/8/2018 at 9:58 PM, pezgirl7 said:

Is it just me, or are the recent global game show questions really easy? Like they shouldn't even be multiple choice. 

Most of them are, but they throw a hard one in once in a while.  Especially if you aren't familiar with the subject matter.  And I saw an episode a few weeks back where they dropped the multiple choice after the first round.

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1 hour ago, roamyn said:

Next episode is on 7/10, which is a Tuesday.  And it’s a new one - that I’m aware of - because it’s the search for a stolen pair of Dorothy’s ruby slippers.

My guide says the "Nazis in Argentina" episodes airs Saturday 7/7, followed by the ruby slippers on the 10th (Tuesday).  Both are new episodes as far as I can see.  An odd schedule if accurate. 

Both episodes look pretty good.  I'm curious to compare Josh's show with the "Hunting Hitler" series.  And I think the ruby slippers is a great idea for Expedition Unknown, it seems so unlike their usual fare. 

On 7/1/2018 at 12:58 PM, badhaggis said:

The Nazi's in Argentina is a repeat. It aired June 12th.

Oh.  Well that clears that up.  My bad, sorry.  I've been looking forward to seeing that one, not sure how I missed it.  It's listed as new on my guide, it's the only one that doesn't say it's a "repeat" for the marathon.  When I looked it up "On Demand", it wasn't with the season 4 episodes, it was under something called "Additional Episodes", not sure why.  It's the only one under that heading.  Odd.

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The Ruby slippers episode was fantastic! That lady did NOT put on Judy Garlands ruby slippers and clomp about in them! I am scandalized!! First of all, have you seen the size of her feet? Judy was tiny, no way that cow of a woman fit into her shoes.  I really hope no one tossed them into a river, they would be ruined. On the other hand, whomever sent a ransom request is an idiot. They would have been scott free since the statute of limitations has run out, but they had to get greedy. So know, the sending of a ransom note is probably against the law, so they have a charge again. They are never going to get any money for these stolen shoes, so they should just mail them back to the police and be done with it.

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I’ll bet they’re in a private collection, having been gotten on the black market.  I hope the real owner got an insurance payout for them.

There were actually five or six pair of shoes.  Debbie Reynolds got the rejected Saudi Arabian style.  There was also another pair that were strictly used for promos - they have no felt on the bottom.

ETA:  Luke Skywalker’s light saber was probably the coolest thing I’ve seen on this show.

Edited by roamyn
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12 hours ago, Arynm said:

The Ruby slippers episode was fantastic! That lady did NOT put on Judy Garlands ruby slippers and clomp about in them! I am scandalized!! First of all, have you seen the size of her feet? Judy was tiny, no way that cow of a woman fit into her shoes. 

That was pretty much what I was thinking, she was stretching her credibility by saying that.  However, the shoes had been stolen 10 years prior, so I guess it's possible that the woman had gained a lot of weight in the meantime.  Even so, it's still hard to imagine.  But I agree, great episode.

I also enjoyed the Nazis in Argentina episode.  I was amazed that Josh was the first one to get filming access to the Inalco House.  Digging up a Nazi coin on the site was also impressive.  It could have been associated with other Nazis aside from HItler, but there's no definitive proof of what happened to Hitler, so while I don't necessarily believe he lived there, it could be possible.

That house was impressive.  I don't understand why anyone would have let it fall to such a state of disrepair.  Unless it's just too far away from the city to be practical.  Whoever owned it would also obviously have to have a chunk of money.

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OMGosh, I’d never seen The Secret before!  Never heard of it either.  What an interesting, fantastic show!  Was kinda bummed the Cleveland one was already solved.  I had images of knowing all these clues.  Apparently the artist suggested the Greek Gardens in Cleveland.

Hubby & I were wondering where any new finders would send their keys, and I thought either a publisher who had the rights, or a bank Trustee.  It is actually a small publishing house in NY who bought Bryan’s business after he died, and said they would continue to honor the hunt.

Also, not all the pictures have been definitely answered regarding location.  #1 is definitely San Francisco and one is NY.  Milwaukee, Roanoke Island, and St. Augustine seem to be consensus cities, but the others have multiple guesses - possibly New Orleans, Boston, Montreal, Houston, Charlotte, and San Antonio.

Edited by roamyn
  • Love 2

I thought Josh actually found something this time, darnit!  I thought for sure that bucket had those slippers in it!   Probably Josh did too.  Oh well...

I also loved The Secret!  I live here in IL and I am surprised I had never heard of it.  It's amazing those boys found that one so quickly, yet so many other puzzles still remain to be solved to this very day.   I think as time goes by though, it will be so difficult to solve though.  So many changes to these places have happened over the years. 

Still, it would be great to hear about other puzzles in other cities being solved.  I really hope if they are solved, EU will have updates on this. 

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On 7/9/2018 at 10:19 PM, Toothbrush said:

The Ruby slippers did not show as new on my guide so was not in the recording queue. So glad you mentioned it @roamyn

And because you mentioned it not showing up as new, I checked and found that we’d missed something like half the episodes this season. So thank you!

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On 7/12/2018 at 12:52 AM, roamyn said:

OMGosh, I’d never seen The Secret before!  Never heard of it either.  What an interesting, fantastic show!  Was kinda bummed the Cleveland one was already solved.  I had images of knowing all these clues.  Apparently the artist suggested the Greek Gardens in Cleveland.

I wonder how many people have gotten into trouble in different cities for digging up various spots where they thought might be treasure.

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9 hours ago, Tammee said:

The Secret is my new fav ep too.  Just makes me wonder, with all the stories of legend, why Ive never heard of it before.  Same with the ruby slippers, but my question is why would anyone put rocks in a paint can and throw it in the lake?  Thats just dumb. Otherwise great ep.  

My first thought was that it was a homemade anchor, but there wasn't a rope attached.  I suppose it could have came loose, which is why they weren't able to pull it up. I really liked the episode, but I didn't like how they faked the whole interrogation.  I'm sure that was filmed earlier and then they just pretended that it happened while Josh was there. But I guess they fake stuff like that all the time to make things more interesting. And i agree that it's doubtful that woman was able to clomp around in the shoes, even if she weighed less at the time. My favorite part of the episode was Josh and the other guy dancing down the yellow brick road. :)

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I didn't even think about the private collector, but that's likely where they are. There is no way - no way - someone would have dumped something that valuable into a paint can and tossed it into a lake. That might have been a decoy operation to throw people off. I hope we get some followup somehow on those photos. I know it made for a dramatic episode, but poor Josh having to go into that water!

I like Joe Maddalena, and really enjoyed his show. I used to be on the mailing list to get emails of his auction catalogs, maybe I should check on that, since I haven't seen one in a while.

On 7/14/2018 at 11:39 PM, pezgirl7 said:

My favorite part of the episode was Josh and the other guy dancing down the yellow brick road. :)

My favorite part as well!  The story about the red slippers was interesting, but what keeps me watching are all the little bits in between.  I especially like all the bits where they sample the local flavors and culture.  Josh is a very funny guy.  I like the way he always calls random guys on the street "sir".

The boat anchor theory is a good one.  Or maybe something was tied to it and the string rotted away.   Could you set up something like a trout line with a paint can full of rocks?

I remember Joe Maddalena from his Hollywood Treasure TV show he used to have.

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1 hour ago, Arynm said:

OMG!!! I was just coming here to say that they found the slippers!!! I am so excited. This is the best news ever and I wonder if Josh had anything to do with it (wishful thinking most likely).

They did.  Or actually Joe Maddelena did.  I was just watching (I think it was 'Today') and Michael Shaw - the original owner , Joe Maddelana who was on the episode with Josh, and Josh himself were on.  They showed the pictures that Joe showed Josh and said that whomever sent the pictures tried to extort money from Mr. Shaw and the Museum.  The FBI either was recruited to get involved, or they stepped in, once they heard about the extortion attempt.

The shoes were apparently found in Minneapolis during a raid a few weeks ago, but needed to be verified.  However, whomever stole them originally has still not been identified.

Mr. Shaw actually got teary eyed. 

It appears the insurance company owns the slippers, but Mr. Shaw gets the right to buy them back, first.

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I love every bit of this! I am like a proud momma, one of my favorite "treasure" shows has actually found a treasure. They are rerunning the Ruby slipper episode with new content On Wednesday at 8pm so set your DVRs people!! I can't wait to see what he says.



I hope they let Mr. Shaw buy them back for the same price as the insurance payout, but I am not sure how that works.

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Little disappointed though they didn't get more in depth on how they tracked down the shoes, who the person was that was in possession of them, and how they were stolen in the first place.

I thought they would have a panel discussion of some sort, along with more footage.  But they only had like a 10 minute or so followup after that episode was aired.  Oh well, it was still great to see that guy's joy when Josh told him they recovered the slippers.

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1 hour ago, brgjoe said:

Little disappointed though they didn't get more in depth on how they tracked down the shoes, who the person was that was in possession of them, and how they were stolen in the first place.

I thought they would have a panel discussion of some sort, along with more footage.  But they only had like a 10 minute or so followup after that episode was aired.  Oh well, it was still great to see that guy's joy when Josh told him they recovered the slippers.

Yeah, we could’ve  even spared the stupid interrogation and dive, but they did say on the ‘Today’ show that the person attempting to extort $ for their whereabouts could be prosecuted for that, fraud, and several other charges.  So they might not have been able to divulge a lot of that information,because of the ongoing investigation.  The FBI did say (in the full announcement) that the slippers were retrieved several weeks ago during a raid on a Minneapolis warehouse, so yeah, I imagine that person’s going down.

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I was surprised to find that I got a little teary-eyed myself when Josh gave Mr. Shaw the news, since I’m not a huge fan of the movie and I found the original episode to be one of the less-interesting EU episodes. But the slippers were clearly meaningful to him, and I can understand that, at least. 

I feel like we might get a more detailed follow-up episode once the FBI finishes up their work — the story is only halfway over, really. 

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On 9/6/2018 at 1:15 AM, jennblevins said:

I was surprised to find that I got a little teary-eyed myself when Josh gave Mr. Shaw the news, since I’m not a huge fan of the movie and I found the original episode to be one of the less-interesting EU episodes. But the slippers were clearly meaningful to him, and I can understand that, at least. 

I feel like we might get a more detailed follow-up episode once the FBI finishes up their work — the story is only halfway over, really. 

Same here!  I was so happy for him!  Spot On Josh!  Good Job!

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I think the Ruby Slippers episode was my all time favorite episode.  "The Wizard of Oz" is my all time favorite movie. I even have a pair of Ruby Slippers, of course mine are from Payless lol

I loved the part when Josh and Joe skipped down the Yellow Brick Road. Josh's sense of humor is a huge part of why I love this and his other shows.

I can't wait to hear more about how the slippers were found!

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On 9/11/2018 at 5:47 PM, Emerald City said:

I think the Ruby Slippers episode was my all time favorite episode.  "The Wizard of Oz" is my all time favorite movie.

Never would have guessed that, looking at your username. ;)

My favorite episode was The Secret. I'd never heard of that book, but it's a cool idea. And I liked that one of the treasures was in my city. Had no idea that Josh was here filming.

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I'm not sure what my favorite episode was.  The Ruby Slippers and The Secret were definitely two of the better ones. 

I also liked the Nazis in Argentina because of the rare opportunity to see inside the Inalco House, and the City of Gold, where they find some previously undiscovered Mayan ruins.

Also Jesse James Gold, Shangri-La Found, and Finding Fenn's Fortune.

For some reason, a lot of the better episodes have something to do with hidden treasure.

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