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S12.E14: Collision Course

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Looking forward to Jeanean Goosen as Fiona Duncan (Reid's lawyer). This looks like it'll be first "big role"- previously she was in The Vow and was the only good part about the Pilot episode of The Following.

Edited by Danielg342
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purely my speculation but

 I had this terrible thought that has kept me up for most of the night.

He's gonna plead guilty. And here's my reasoning:

If he pleads not guilty and it goes to trial, the Hankel/dilaudid thing is gonna come up, one way or the other. Whether he's found guilty or innocent, he's done as an FBI agent. Because he wouldn't want to lie under oath about being on the drugs. Or, because they find out that he was on drugs (and for some time, too, not just the duration of Hankel) and he's done. Or, because of the ensuing cover up of his drug addiction. 

And even worse, in his eyes, either way, the others would be implicated as well. Prentiss and JJ for sure, Garcia if it's applicable (not sure if she'd be considered as part of the cover up, but let's just say she is) All three of them (I'm not sure Rossi would fall on this sword because it happened before he was back with the unit) would end up either having to lie on the stand as well either about him being on the drugs, or be implicated in the cover up (Or lie about that as well)

He won't want to see the careers of JJ and Prentiss be ruined. The unit would be ruined.

If he pleads guilty, he serves (some) time, while the unblemished unit can continue to try and clear him. And the dilaudid/Hankel thing doesn't need to come up. 

not sure I've thought out all the possibilities here, but this just wouldn't let me sleep.

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Riff, in your scenario, it would implicate notch, too, and might even endanger his and Jack's protected status. I hope you're wrong. He was protesting mutely to his lawyer about his innocence. We shall see. How's your bear holding up?

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I doubt Reid pleading not guilty would implicate Prentiss, JJ or Garcia. They'd have to be questioned, for sure, but they would escape trouble because none of them knew Reid was using drugs. Same thing with Hotch, who may have fled the U.S. and away from anywhere that he could be found.

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Many of you are bringing up very interesting scenarios how this episode and Spencer's arc will play out in the long run, which I am going to let marinate in my brain for a spell. How apt this episode title is, not just for the unsub case, but for Spencer, too. I don't expect this entire situation will go smoothly in a linear line. Like a collision course, it will have its zigs and its zags, and will not be completely wrapped up in a tidy bow in one single episode, including this one.

Ideally, Spencer will triumph over what seems like the biggest tribulation one soul can go through in life. It will change him. One a positive note, I hope it leads to a place where Spencer remembers to extend his empathy to one very important person-himself.

The powers that be at CM would be remiss not to realize and understand that Spencer is a touchstone for many CM fans. If he is killed off or turned out into a completely unrecognizable and mostly negative character, it will piss off a great deal of CM's viewership. And if you think No Hotch, No Watch is Bad, wait until you deal with, "No Reid, I'm Going to Curl Up in the Corner in the Fetal Position, Eat My Weight In Chip Mint Ice Cream, Cry the Ugly Cry, and Then Cut a Bitch" crowd.

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LOL...... I was gonna call the group 'No Spence, no sense' but I like yours better....substituting 'rocky road' for chip mint though.


There's been a few more sneak peeks and previews come across my twitter feed this morning. Alas, I suck at moving those links on my phone so if you wanna see them, one was at tvguide, another at tvline.  sorry i can't be more helpful.

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"Pitchforks For Reid!"


"Spencer's Pitchfork"

I can't see the writers destroying Reid...Matthew Gray Gubler is well liked on set as I understand.

So if Reid has to exit the FBI, I imagine he'd become a consultant...which may work better for the character.

Edited by Danielg342
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7 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

"Pitchforks For Reid!"


"Spencer's Pitchfork"

I can't see the writers destroying Reid...Matthew Gray Gubler is well liked on set as I understand.

So if Reid has to exit the FBI, I imagine he'd become a consultant...which may work better for the character.

I agree with you. Matthew seems to be beloved by the cast and crew, so I don't think he'd be ruined or killed off. And I see him as a consultant, too, considering not only when it concerns his arc but his situation with is mother. He can safely place her in a topnotch facility close to home, which he can visit as often as he wants, and work from home as a consultant without a lot of distractions (other than my fan fic lady character).

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This could have been a really good episode, but the awful Garcia angle ruined it entirely. It will only be watched again in fast forward.

Having said that, I'm glad Spencer didn't take the plea deal, but, hoo boy, it don't look good for him next week.

Edited by normasm
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So the UnSub is a video game nerd who was rejected by women who takes out his frustrations by killing those women with remote control cars.

In other words, this episode was Anita Sarkeesian's dream plot.

Or nightmare. You never know with GamerGate's favourite target.

All I know is that even though Sarkeesian didn't actually write this, you could have fooled me into thinking she did.

What a bore it was. I won't get into all the nits because, well, it doesn't deserve it.

Except to say that I think the dude who played the UnSub was kind of funny.

...and utterly predictable as soon as the team said "remote controlled cars".

I also wished there would have been one guy who drove into someone else, wanting to fake that his car was hijacked...just for a fakeout.

Oh, and I still could watch "Garcialvez" all day. Scrap the rest of the guys, just give me those two.

As for Reid...tearjerker at the end. You're doing yourself no favours, kid...grow a brain, genius.

Nice to know the writers default to stupidity for their plots. It always works!


Episode Grade: F. Did I just write an entire review filled with one-liners? I think I did. The show's hit a new low.

Edited by Danielg342
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I have to admit I found myself thinking  "who cares!, get back to the Reid story" throughout. I found it impossible to focus on the case at all, when my primary concern was Wonder Boy. That opening scene showing his desk just set the tone to destroy me all the way through the episode.

But Matthew, wow, well, Matthew was magnificent. The range of emotions he conveyed, I was breathless. The man can cry on cue, for pete's sakes. Just an awesome, awesome job.

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I must be one of the minority here that has been enjoying this season.  Every episode has been solid except for Seek and Destroy because that one was the UnSub show.  This episode is no exception.  It was a nice mix of case and Reid's troubles.  I thought it was well balanced.  I will admit at times Garcia is over the top, but it was fun to see her out of her element (i.e. her office) and her banter with Alvez.  Even though she acts like she doesn't like him, she does and he was the one lending her comfort at the end.  

The B story line with Reid was well done.  I like his lawyer laying it all out for him, that she expects him and every other client of hers to be honest with her.  I knew he was going to plead not guilty and that bail would be denied.  Now we can see how he handles jail until his trial in 3 to 4 months.  I am a little surprised that he will be in with the general population and not protective custody since he is law enforcement  and he's going to get the crap beat out of him.  

I am so glad they are still doing cases while this is going on with Reid.  I don't think I could take episode after episode of nothing but Reid.  I'm already looking forward to next weeks.  I'll give this episode a solid B.

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Watched this one to see what happened to Reid. Poor baby. But I'm ready to strangle Garcia. I have had enough of her and I've only watched a couple of episodes this season. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! And dress like a grown up. 

I couldn't care less about the case. Unbelievable, as usual. But I am interested in seeing where they're going with Reid. It  was a smart move to have several episodes focus on him. 

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This whole Garcia+Alvez thing just seriously irks me.  This is just my own opinion, but its like watching a pair of people experiencing nearly full-on UST situations, when all it really is only just them being work buddies that are a little awkwardly strained around each other at times.  That whole little thing where Garcia's comments about the "Amorous (Connection?)" site was just awkward for everybody, because of its inferred connotations that were in fact not there at all.

I believe it says something about the writing when I sit here begging for the UnSubCaseoftheWeek scenes to go away so I can watch more from Reid's situation.  And c'mon, it took them that long to put together that 98.2 WUKO was on the radio in all the hacked cars (4 at that point, at least), but never thought about using that to try and find a connection to the hacker's own vehicle or location before the end of the case?  Shouldn't that have been an easy thing for Garcia to have thought about and done, even without being prompted??  Trying to highlight the absence of Reid on the team and what he brings to the table???  Meh, case was boring no matter what.

That judge seemed very predisposed against Reid.  She had one course of action in mind, and never even tried to waver.  Scratch acolyte or being coerced into doing his bidding?  I would say the same for the prosecutor, but its in their job description to be dicks [at least in the courtroom]. 

I don't know why, but I'm just not sure that I can totally believe this DA friend of Prentiss' is totally genuine.  Maybe its the way she pushed Reid into getting emotional in telling her that he couldn't remember much, then her "I believe you".   Maybe I'm just being suspicious where I don't have any reason to be, but I feel like there's something just a bit off with her.

There was one area that this episode was firing on all cylinders, and that was the Reid & Prentiss scenes; they really resonated.  Easy to see what they mean to each other as friends & teammates, and the total gravity of the situation surrounding the scenes.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I'm lazy so I'm just pasting what I wrote elsewhere.

The unsub plot-- soooo much to nitpick.

The computer can only control so much on a car. It can make a car brake but to my knowledge, it can't stop a car from braking if a person manually pushes the brakes (if it did lock them, the brake pedal wouldn't have moved). Likewise with the steering wheel. They wouldn't be able to turn the wheel and have it ignore their commands. I also doubt that the computer could control the acceleration.

And really, a person could probably shift to Neutral to make it so it could no longer accelerate, pull the emergency brake, and then shift in to park. Might wreck the transmission, but better than being out of control. Granted, the drivers in this case were probably too panicked to think of that. At least one driver had the brains to honk his horn.

Even more sketchy than the method was the reason behind it. So, some girl ignored his "pings" on a dating site and he decided to murder people? And that escalated to kidnapping and attempted suicide? WTF? Also, I'm so tired of the same old trope about the lonely computer gamer who goes all unsub because he gets rejected. Yeah, there are the young gamers who lose their shit when they get rejected-- but they usually lash out on social media and / or limit it to just online stalking and harassment. They don't go and kill people over it.

The stuff with Reid was pretty good, but I wonder why Reid didn't mention that he remembered the knife falling and he grabbed it.

Also, regardless of conviction, if Reid got indicted and was going to spend 3 months in prison, they would likely just straight up fire him from the FBI before he even made it to trial.
I do think it was stupid that they equated Reid taking personal trips to Mexico without telling the FBI first meant he was a flight risk. Hell, they could put him under house arrest and put a tracker on his ankle.

I got the impression that the judge was in a bad mood. She kind of reminded me of "Judge" Judy with that attitude. I really didn't see why not telling the FBI he was going was such a big deal. I think they are making a mountain out of a molehill.

The stuff with Garcia going along with Alvez was just absolutely stupid. She has no business being out in the field like that and it was just so fake. And I know Garcia tried to cover up some of the jokes as her way of trying to deal with things, but it just came off wrong. Also, at some points I could really see Kirsten "acting" rather than believing that the character was naturally behaving that way.

Walker's weird drawl still annoys me somewhat.

I like Alvez, but they need to keep him away from Garcia unless they are going to stop with the awkward crap. Just have Garcia treat him like a regular team member and not act like a flustered teenager around him. I get that Kirsten and Adam get along in real life, but the chemistry doesn't read on screen.

I liked the cognitive interview with Tara. The sound effects of what the woman heard instead of showing it actually worked rather well for me.

JJ's concern for Reid was believable.

I liked that Prentiss gave Reid a hug and I thought the attorney was ok.

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The reason the judge didn't want to listen to Reid's character references?  She took one look at that idiot Garcia wearing kitten ears in her hair and thought, "a bunch of nutjobs".  Poor Spencer can't get out on bail because Penelope has to dress like a five year-old.  Good job, bitch.

And why was Garcia involved in giving the profile?  They already have more than enough team members to do that.  Put her back in her computer room where she belongs.

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This was one of those episodes that produced two VERY different reactions to the A story and B story. 

I am not sure if the B story was Reid's but let's say it was. For the most part, I enjoyed it (though I think if Reid was actually in jail, he would NOT be allowed to keep his own clothes- even though he did look very huggable in that sweater/shirt combo). I did like the Reid/Emily interaction all episode as their friendship has been consistent over the years. Of course it helps that Matthew and Paget are friends in real life. I can't say that I am surprised Reid was remanded to federal prison under the circumstances. I am very curious how the show will deal with Diana off screen. I mean, if I was that care nurse, I would be deeply concerned about being paid and would not want to be solely responsible for a schizophrenic woman with Alzheimers, since that is NOT her job. 

BUT the A story was laughable, and I mean that literally. I kept laughing at all the ridiculousness. It really started to feel like a parody of a crime thriller. There were the crazy car crashes. There was the stupid, over the top unsub who was quoting Fatal Attraction. There was Penelope who I LONGED for someone to yell at her to shut up. Plus those RIDICULOUS high heels she tottered around crime scenes and those stupid fuzzy whatever in her hair. The sooner I scrub the actual crime story from my brain, the better off I'll be. 

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Agreed with the above few folks. I'm of a couple minds (wow, does that make me unsub material?) about this.....

Garcia is comic relief. Perhaps they upped the amount of comic relief in this episode to temper the seriousness of what's going down with Spencer?


this case, as well as the one last week, were just meh. forgettable. insignificant. relatively inconsequential compared to some we've had in the past. And again, I wonder if it was intentional on the part of the producers/writers. They'll know that the actual CM fanbase will be waaaaaaaay more interested in what's happening with the longtime character of Reid than we are about some negligible criminal case.

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The whole bit of the computer remotely taking over the car was so far-fetched to me. I could buy that they could make a car stop-- OnStar and stuff can do that. I know there are some things that can make a car stop if it senses imminent impact. But I don't know enough about modern car tech to know if it could take over steering, speed the car up, or stop the brakes from working.

I kept wishing one of the people would shift to Neutral (which would stop accelerator from working), yank the emergency brake to try to slow it down, and then shift to park. It would probably wreck the transmission, but better than crashing. I think that if the brakes had been locked up remotely, the pedal wouldn't have moved when the people pushed on it. Maybe I'm wrong, but my gut tells me that the total control thing was BS.

The unsub wasn't even all that good of an actor. He was completely underwhelming and we really didn't get enough of a sense of why he would want to ruin other people's lives to get at women who rejected him (or were some of them just women who reminded him of the one who rejected him)? If she had laughed in his face or stood him up for a date where he actually went to meet her and he felt humiliated, I could see him being a little more upset-- but just ignoring his "pings"? Guys who get angry over things like that are usually the type to just send a bunch of harassing messages and maybe post pics of the girl and spread the word that she's a "bitch" or something.

They only found him based on Garcia's "magic" computer to begin with and we got very little insight into his mind.

The fact that he was trying to commit suicide and take out the girl with him was just so odd. It made no sense whatsoever. I don't like seeing a lot of the unsub, but it would have been nice to have him interact a little more and at least give insight in to why he felt so hurt instead of just the maniacal "keep your eyes on the road" stuff.

Also, about Garcia: People stare at Reid oddly when he makes comments, but Garcia shows up at a crime scene dressed like *that* and nobody bats an eye?

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Here's the thing. If the show wants to go and do a full on arc about Spencer, why not go all the way? I mean, they are so convinced that Peter Lewis is behind the Reid setup, but what have they actually done to investigate or prove it? How exactly do they think they will stop this man? And if this man was that brilliant and capable, you would think he would have better things to do with his time, like hacking into something that would get him buttloads of cash or something, not engaging in a petty war with the BAU. If this show wants to delve into true serialized storytelling, why not ditch the procedural aspect for the course of the story and focus on one thing? 

I get the impression that the writers think they are doing a good job with these laughable crime stories, and nothing could be further from the truth. You are seeing more and more fans complain about the writing. Putting in a low quality case (regardless if it is deliberate or not) just shows how crappy the writing really is. 

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8 minutes ago, MMC said:

Well the so-called Facebook crowd sure have been unhappy with this season including unfortunately Reid's storyline.

I just wasted  spent about half an hour reading through the CBS CM FB page... they seem to be unhappy with the prospect of Reid being in prison for any length of time, and not being part of the crime solving team anymore and/or it's an exit story line for Matthew.

 I can't help thinking all the negativity could have been avoided had CBS/the CM producers made clear that Matthew isn't leaving. I mean, I'm pretty sure he's staying, but that doesn't seem to be the case with a lot of the FB crowd. And I keep telling myself this multi-episode arc is an opportunity for Matthew to show us just how good an actor he is.

But a lot of the FBers are "Bring back Morgan!" and "Bring back Hotch!" 

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Considering that there is a large and loud contingent of SVU fans on Facebook who are STILL clamoring for Stabler's return, nearly six years after he left, I don't think anything will get the Morgan and Hotch fans to accept they aren't likely coming back (at least Hotch isn't). 

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There was Penelope who I LONGED for someone to yell at her to shut up. Plus those RIDICULOUS high heels she tottered around crime scenes and those stupid fuzzy whatever in her hair.

I get it that Penelope loves COLOR, but those stupid shoes are just over the top!   I keep hoping that one week she'll come hobbling into the office on crutches and sporting a huge cast on her leg, and when asked what happened, she has to admit that "I fell off of my shoes."

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34 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

Here's the thing. If the show wants to go and do a full on arc about Spencer, why not go all the way? I mean, they are so convinced that Peter Lewis is behind the Reid setup, but what have they actually done to investigate or prove it? How exactly do they think they will stop this man? And if this man was that brilliant and capable, you would think he would have better things to do with his time, like hacking into something that would get him buttloads of cash or something, not engaging in a petty war with the BAU. If this show wants to delve into true serialized storytelling, why not ditch the procedural aspect for the course of the story and focus on one thing? 

I get the impression that the writers think they are doing a good job with these laughable crime stories, and nothing could be further from the truth. You are seeing more and more fans complain about the writing. Putting in a low quality case (regardless if it is deliberate or not) just shows how crappy the writing really is. 

I completely agree with you 100%. Heck, make it 500%. We're in S12...there's no need to establish the show as a procedural or a serial...we already know it's a procedural so we can take a four or five episode arc. I'm pretty sure at this stage all anyone cares about is "what will happen to Reid?" (I know I am). Besides, I think it's just better for the storywriting to focus on one thing and forget trying to "pad" the episode with something else.

As for Peter Lewis- again, A+. What has the team done to investigate him? If he's so good and he's so dangerous for the team, I'm not sure it makes sense that the team would allow other cases to distract them. They saw what he did to Hotch. They saw what he did to Tara. They saw what he's doing to Reid.

Seriously...it should be all hands on deck right now. Screw the other cases. If Scratch destroys the BAU, there is no team to hunt serial killers (at least not until they can repair the BAU, if they ever could. People of the BAU's calibre don't grow on trees).

I just don't get the thought process of these writers.

With regards to Lewis' motivations, ForeverAlone, you know I agree with you on that. Only thing I'll add is that it would only make sense if the FBI or the BAU screwed over Lewis in some way, but even then...I think if we're going to have a "cat and mouse" situation with an UnSub and the BAU, I'd rather have someone that uses mind tricks and does things to deliberately mess with their profiles than some guy that just sprays drugs that get people to do his bidding.

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2 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

Here's the thing. If the show wants to go and do a full on arc about Spencer, why not go all the way? I mean, they are so convinced that Peter Lewis is behind the Reid setup, but what have they actually done to investigate or prove it? How exactly do they think they will stop this man? And if this man was that brilliant and capable, you would think he would have better things to do with his time, like hacking into something that would get him buttloads of cash or something, not engaging in a petty war with the BAU. If this show wants to delve into true serialized storytelling, why not ditch the procedural aspect for the course of the story and focus on one thing? 

I get the impression that the writers think they are doing a good job with these laughable crime stories, and nothing could be further from the truth. You are seeing more and more fans complain about the writing. Putting in a low quality case (regardless if it is deliberate or not) just shows how crappy the writing really is. 


1 hour ago, Danielg342 said:

I completely agree with you 100%. Heck, make it 500%. We're in S12...there's no need to establish the show as a procedural or a serial...we already know it's a procedural so we can take a four or five episode arc. I'm pretty sure at this stage all anyone cares about is "what will happen to Reid?" (I know I am). Besides, I think it's just better for the storywriting to focus on one thing and forget trying to "pad" the episode with something else.

As for Peter Lewis- again, A+. What has the team done to investigate him? If he's so good and he's so dangerous for the team, I'm not sure it makes sense that the team would allow other cases to distract them. They saw what he did to Hotch. They saw what he did to Tara. They saw what he's doing to Reid.

Seriously...it should be all hands on deck right now. Screw the other cases. If Scratch destroys the BAU, there is no team to hunt serial killers (at least not until they can repair the BAU, if they ever could. People of the BAU's calibre don't grow on trees).

I just don't get the thought process of these writers.

With regards to Lewis' motivations, ForeverAlone, you know I agree with you on that. Only thing I'll add is that it would only make sense if the FBI or the BAU screwed over Lewis in some way, but even then...I think if we're going to have a "cat and mouse" situation with an UnSub and the BAU, I'd rather have someone that uses mind tricks and does things to deliberately mess with their profiles than some guy that just sprays drugs that get people to do his bidding.

I would like to chime in and say you've, both @ForeverAlone & @Danielg342, explained what and how I think the writers and showrunners have failed both in capitalizing on 'Mr. Scratch's potential as a "mega villain" and also the failure of forcing two different plots in these episodes when only the main one [Reid] is necessary.  I wanted to post this type of stuff myself, but feared some backlash about how "the show is called Criminal Minds, there has to be an UnSub-CotW!"

These lame and boring US-CotW's do absolutely nothing for me but detract from Reid and his current story arc.  IF the whole team needs to be in on every episode on this arc, why not be researching/profiling/analyzing Lewis/Scratch and trying to figure out how to capture him and exonerate Reid??

I don't follow all casting news and character bios, but am I wrong or do I remember correctly seeing/hearing that Gupton's Walker character was initially introduced as to help but also be the team's main individual focus on Lewis/Scratch?  Why isn't he being asked about how his work on finding Lewis is going?  Or if he's even spent a second trying to do just that??

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Wow the Reid storyline is pretty intense and Matthew is so great in it. Also for the first time this season Paget played Emily in a believable way, maybe because of her close relationship with Matthew.

The case itself was poor and Garcia is way,way,way beyond a joke now. Just shameful.

I wish they would concentrate on the Reid story more and stop rushing through these sub standard cases as well. If they are going to continue in this vein for the rest of the season it's going to be tough watching.

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I dislike the very idea of 'bagging' on Garcia since she's been around since the beginning, but I have to echo the comments about the writing and per-episode ridiculousness she's being forced to put on display this season, especially when Alvez is her scene partner.

That "omg, don't fall or break a heel, or my own neck from tripping!" run she did... not even remotely humorous.  She literally imitated a really young girl trying to run after her brother, wearing footwear that had no business being tried to run in.  Nobody thought to offer an opinion that if speed turned necessary, she might want a pair of more traditional shoes to wear instead?  That and all the garish colors and kitten ears (yes, neither of these are new accessories, but really stands out when being out in the field like in this eppy).

I just wish they would really tone it down with her - it has been 12+ years, now, it might be time to start considering it.  Garcia is being made to look like a childish fool who hasn't the slightest bit of practical awareness.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I wanted to shout to Reid's female attorney:  Shut up!  or Slow down!  Could her delivery be any more mystifying?  Why was she in such a hurry?

Garcia's a profiler now?  She stands with the team to deliver the profile?  WTH??

Reid's position on not taking the plea:  Yes!  He's honest - he doesn't remember.  Doesn't anyone realize the effect that an unwanted dose of narcotics does to the brain?

Unsub - Poor baby - rejected by women?  Maybe change your dating profile to actually reflect that you do something besides sit in your mother's basement and play video games!!

God, what an awful episode.  I've been such a faithful CM fan.  I watch reruns and recently have been enjoying (for the umpteenth time) Season 5.  I fear it's just too late to return this series to the golden days of yore, so put us all out of our misery and take this dreck off the air.

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18 minutes ago, Lostinthehouse said:

Doesn't anyone realize the effect that an unwanted dose of narcotics does to the brain?

Precisely. I'm no lawyer but I know to prove a murder charge you have to prove the assailant had the mental capacity to do so...and Reid was drugged. We know that, the prosecution knows that, all the investigators know that. Prosecutors also have no motive or narrative to believe that Reid is capable of murder, let alone capable of murdering Rosa.

At worst, Reid is simply guilty of manslaughter, as there can be no conclusive way to prove that he intended to murder Rosa, or that he even knew it happened.

I get why the writers wanted Reid to face a murder charge- it's more dramatic- but they clearly didn't think it through. Furthermore, Reid facing a manslaughter charge would still pack a dramatic punch- after all, as Reid admitted, his career would be over with a conviction, even if he could return to life after two years.

In fact, I wish Reid would have taken the plea because it would have been more realistic- and give the team more time to clear him, as we know they will.

...but, "drama" I guess...

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Up until this episode, I was able to tolerate Garcia in small doses.  But now…..now, she needs to go.  Be gone. Disappear.  Sleep with the fishes.  I don’t want to see her on my screen ever again.  Don’t want to hear her voice, nor the clacking of her heels.   Go.  CMBB needs you.  Send Monty over. 

Dispensing with the ‘case’ first.  It’s unfortunate they wasted the idea on this episode.  The growing possibility of hacking into a car’s computer has been in the news for years now, and it’s probably only a matter of time before there are real life case reports.  As a stand-alone episode, it would have benefited from a growing suspicion on the part of the media about what was actually happening, and the expected reaction from the public, both putting pressure on the team, at the same time that the team’s vehicles might have become targeted.  That could have been highly suspenseful.  But, as it is, it was only the ‘non-Reid portion of tonight’s episode’, marred by the ridiculous appearance and behavior of someone they should have left behind.

So, the main reason for watching:  the Reid story.  MGG did great, only falling into ‘little boy lost’ mode once (his whole life is in the FBI).  His scenes with his attorney were interesting to me, mostly because he immediately broke eye contact with her when she said she couldn’t have a client who lied to her.  Reid/Matthew doesn’t do that unless there’s something going on. So now I’m intrigued that maybe he is holding something back, or maybe he’s repressing, and his subconscious is guiding his eyes.  But I think something is up about the murder scene. 

My favorite Reid scene of the night was the phone call with his mother.  Just heartbreaking.  He doesn’t show weakness with her, because he knows how much she needs him.  So, when he breaks down with her, it’s because he is truly overwhelmed.

Emily’s back!!!  I felt like PB delivered her first really believable scenes of the season throughout the episode, and especially in that scene where she told Reid she was frightened for him.  So glad to see that.

I was disappointed not to be able to have a Rossi/Reid and/or JJ/Reid interaction as well.  Felt cheated by both.

The lawyer delivered her lines way too quickly.  It was off-putting.

I thought they were bringing Reid to a federal jail, but it looks like he’s in the Metro PD facility.  Wonder if Will has been visiting.

I’m not surprised Reid was not given bail.  That judge was not about to put her career on the line for an agent involved in a murder in another country, especially when he wasn’t traveling on government business.  

I’m surprised not to see them actively working on Scratch, even if it had to fit around their other casework.  Thinking back to ‘Penelope’ (the episode), Hotch took them off everything else to work that case.  Granted, an FBI agent had been shot, so there was probably Bureau support for that, in a way that there would not be when an agent it accused of murder.  But Scratch’s attack on Reid should be considered more evidence toward their profile, or even just toward an investigation, and I thought it was ridiculous that they weren’t all working on that.  Especially Garcia, who should have been searching for a record of travel to and within Mexico, etc.  And Rossi should have tried to get a message to Hotch somehow. 

Not sure what to make of next week, and the time going forward.  It seems like the prison episodes may have been filmed as a package, which may mean that there is not a lot of Reid/team direct interaction.  If that's the case, I hope we'll get at least a few phone calls.  But, please, none with Garcia.

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9 minutes ago, bkathi said:

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I am officially shipping Garcia and Alvez.  Love how calm and patient he is with her, and how he held her after they took Reid away. 

I'm all for Garcialvez too! In fact, their interactions have been almost all I've actually enjoyed this season...they should have a show all to themselves.

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a pause from the screencapping......

I took one of his desk, then tried enlarging the books. Some of the titles on his desk include:


Maternity Nursing

Physiology of Death

Current Therapy in Emergency Medicine


I thought the range was kinda interesting :)

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The following is long, and if you don't care to read, I'm not insulted. Anyway...

Well, what a mixed bag!

BADBADBAD - I don't mind the logic of carrying on "cases" while Reid's angst plays out, but the case they went off on, all 27 of them (it seems), was one the BAU would definitely not have lead on. Yet, though they were consulting with the NTSB to suss out who could be behind the crimes, it took the whole crew plus Garcia?! Garcia's computer skills were not needed until the very end, and i would wager that the NTSB would have their own computer expert who knows everything there is to know about hacking cars, etc., and that person would be on scene. Garcia would have been just as effective from DC. And we wouldn't have had the ridiculousness of her teetering around, squealing, speaking inappropriately, wearing hair and clothes fit for a clown, and generally acting the fool as the face the BAU presents to the world. Oh, and having her give part of the profile is unforgivable breach of professionalism and writing; she is not (and better not be any time soon) a profiler.

GOOD - Rossi is firmly and calmly in charge when Prentiss is on "Reid-duty." 

ALSO GOOD - Tara doing the cognitive interview with the traumatized driver of one of the first cars. She was, again, calm, focused, compassionate, and was able to get a piece of the puzzle they didn't have before, and which was key to the profile. Good work, Tara! And well-written and succinct.

MEH - The lawyer. I liked that she put Reid through a rapid-fire inquisition to trip him up and expose lies if he were lying. I particularly liked when she said the whole statement (of which they only gave us a misleading snippet in the preview), "If you murdered her, I can work with that. What I can't work with is a client who lies to me, because any lie will come back to bite you in the butt." And, not to be superficial, but her mole is distracting. Still, as long as they don't force her and Reid together (at least not this season), I'm OK with her. Just OK.

GOOD - Prentiss. Her determination to stick by Reid through the whole thing, her fears for him, her wanting him to be as sure as possible before turning down the deals he might wish he had, her promise to never give up even if the worst happens. All this was well written and beautifully acted.

BEST - Reid, of course. All of the scenes others have mentioned. Especially the scene on the phone with his mother, trying to reassure her. And with Emily, trying to reassure her, as well as himself. I'm so glad he gets this opportunity to show how far he's come as an actor.

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