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Meet The Putmans - General Discussion

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55 minutes ago, JennaMSN said:

Our society is so far removed from what we used to be, multi generational family living together, caring for each other especially in times of need. What is wrong with that??? These women are blessed to be able to stay home with their kids & their kids are lucky to have what kids in this country are missing! 

What used to be for many people "in the good old days" wasn't what you envisioned. Sure, multi generations lived together, but it wasn't all fun & roses.  Many times it sucked, but they had to do it for economical reasons.  Many times that didn't result in one big happy loving family.

What do their kids have that is missing in this country?

Edited by ariel
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On 10/21/2017 at 8:57 PM, b2H said:

I assume, since we never see the sons’ wives going to work outside the home, that they are stay at home moms.  The kids do not appear to be home-schooled, so for at least eight months of the year, there is a possible quiet period.  

The wives run the household and run the family business from the home.  That's how I recall that it was explained.  

On 11/11/2017 at 9:32 PM, JennaMSN said:

Our society is so far removed from what we used to be, multi generational family living together, caring for each other especially in times of need. What is wrong with that??? These women are blessed to be able to stay home with their kids & their kids are lucky to have what kids in this country are missing! Why are so many lunatics shooting every one and treating others with horrible behavior? We've lost human kindness & that starts from home... I love most of what they are doing & admire the husbands for being loving of their wives & sister. Again what the heck is "creepy" about loving your sister?

I appreciate your viewpoints, I do, and I must say that multi generational living is a great idea if everyone is on board, healthy boundaries are established and all parties agree to the parameters.  None of those things are visible with this family.  No one can go anywhere without "permission", no one dares take a vacation without the whole crew and adult children are guilted over seemingly innocent things and not to harmless things:  Having a baby is suddenly a team event?  A grown daughter cries over moving a short distance.....with her husband??

The grand poopah leader cajoles and guilts and manipulates his offspring and their spouses into that HE wants, not what they want and what is good for them.  

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When my family was living with many generations it was always parents, kids, maybe grandmother and grandfather along with the weird uncle. That's it. Children moved along, they were in no way invited nor expected to stay with their parents after marriage and kids. That always struck me as just plain weird about this nutty family. My family all lived within walking distance growing up so I knew all my cousins and saw them weekly. 

Mostly the fact that the grandfather put his grandchildren's father at risk for driving while exhausted put me over the edge. His feelings took precedence over common sense and safety.

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On 10/16/2017 at 10:09 PM, mythoughtis said:

Watching this on the fly- Jamie and Blair won’t make it. She isn’t an adult. Jamie looks so angry in the talking head, I don’t know how he stands it.  Meanwhile, everyone else is guilt  tripping them without even knowing their plans.

why are they building a house without having all the rooms planned? 

Just fyi - my siblings and parents don’t get to decide if I’m having a mastectomy or reconstructive surgery. That’s my call and my doctors. 

I saw this show on demand looking for something,to watch. I watched the first episode then to skipped to episodes five and six. I don’t understand why that woman is having a mastectomy?  She doesn’t have cancer or the gene that causes cancer but she’s having them removed?

and the grandfather thinks he has a right to telll his son in law whether he can do a residency?  Creepy as fuck. 

Did grandpa pay for everything so is guilting them out?  

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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 0:38 AM, Lemons said:

I saw this show on demand looking for something,to watch. I watched the first episode then to skipped to episodes five and six. I don’t understand why that woman is having a mastectomy?  She doesn’t have cancer or the gene that causes cancer but she’s having them removed?

and the grandfather thinks he has a right to telll his son in law whether he can do a residency?  Creepy as fuck. 

Did grandpa pay for everything so is guilting them out?  

I do believe her mom died of breast cancer at a really young age, as did others in her family. Just because she wasn't  BRACA positive doesn't mean there isn't something genetic,  I would do the same thing, this is coming from someone who had what was thought of as "early" breast cancer that has now spread else where, if I knew would have taken them earlier...

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Best wishes for your health @keetmommy

These are personal decisions and since the father doesn't have breasts (yes, I am aware that men can get breast cancer as I have seen it) how does he get the right to judge them and a woman's choice on how to handle such a scary situation? Ah yes, in this family he is judge and jury. 

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Just watching the local news and Brandon Putman's picture popped up with his big reality show family. He's been charged with gun crimes. He was in Federal Court yesterday, accused of trying to convert AR-15 rifles into automatic machine guns. If convicted, he could spend several decades in prison. He's due in court next month.

The local station's call letters are WNEM, see for yourselves...

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He picked the absolute wrong time to try to modify his guns.  He’s fucked.  Wonder if they will cover this on the show.  I can already imagine his control freak of a father crying hysterically in court.

It seems like he was in possession of the illegal conversion piece and brought it to a gunsmith to get 10 copies made. 

Edited by CofCinci
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I saw that Papa Putman had a massive heart attack. Does anyone know if he had bypass surgery? I'm going to assume that he did. The man never looked healthy to me. I don't want to sound mean, but I don't think he's going to live a long life. And I do wonder how the rest of the family will survive without him, they all seem pretty dependent on him. The brothers will probably take over, and now I wonder if the one is going to end up going to jail. Maybe TLC will pull the plug before it even airs the second season. 

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So if he was going to pay $100 for each part, for a total of $1,000, and they are normally $40,000 each, was he going to resell them? Who would need 10 of them? I read somewhere else he didn’t even have a gun registered to him. If that is true, then why did he need the parts? Federal crimes are no joke. The Feds have a high conviction rate and they rarely lose. My guess is a plea deal, with prison time, is in his future. 

I am thinking this show may not be back now. Having a gun charge will bring a lot of heat to TLC, especially wanting to convert a gun into a machine gun.

I do wonder about the finances of this family. How successful is Papa Putnam’s construction business? My guess is they are looking forward to the doctor son’s salary since he finished his residency and my guess is he will carry the financial load. 

Jamie seems over it and I wouldn’t be surprised if that marriage ends because Blair seems to put daddy first. 

Good timing, Brandon...you just gave TLC the perfect out it needed to not give the show a second season.

If TLC does renew then it has to answer why it with the recent Parkland shooting did TLC Programming think it was wise to stand with this family.

Positive Papa and all the adults of the family knew of the gun part biz...they haven't taken a dump... much less a financial move without Papa's permission...

Jamie is a paycheck, a weakling who bought into the Putmans' lunacy and a baby daddy who is eager to raise his kids in chaos.

Hopefully, he sees that with the gun parts case and Papa's declining health he will have to be under the thumb of the oldest son, Billy.

Grow a pair, Jamie and escape now, your wife will not be going with you.

Billy, Jr. thinks when Papa dies the others will fall in line and transfer the power to him.

Think the families will bolt when Papa is 6 feet under.

The spell will be broken.

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Think the families will bolt when Papa is 6 feet under.

The spell will be broken.

I bet they have a plan & it includes Billy, unfortunately. I wonder if Brandon's wife, who will now pretty much be a single mom with 5 kids, even has any other option once he's gone & FIL is dead. She might be leaning on the others even more.

1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Positive Papa and all the adults of the family knew of the gun part biz...they haven't taken a dump... much less a financial move without Papa's permission...

Yeah & I wonder if Brandon is not going to be the only one to go down given their situation.

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I hope Jamie continues with his work plan. Hopefully Brandon’s legal issues won’t derail a placement for Jamie.  Jamie is probably the least knowledgeable about Brandon’s activities since he works long days as a resident, lives off site and has only been married to Blair for a certain number of years. He also seems closer to normal than the biological Putmans. 

I think Katie will have it rough if she leaves the compound. She ‘works’ in the family business doing office type work, has 5 children, no real education that I know of.    Dad Putman isn’t going to financially help out if she isn’t living there, or if she attempts to divorce Brandon to get out from under his legal issues. Dad Putman might not pay the legal bills as it is. Brandon has no money outside of working for the family business. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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That is why this is so dysfunctional...making the siblings and spouses financially tied to each other... common pot of money.

No way Brandon would be given that much money unless there was family vote.

He is just taking the rap for the crime.

 In Godfather terms, he's thinks he is Sonny....but his felonious actions points more to Fredo...I'M Smart!!!

Edited by humbleopinion
Additional stuff
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From the Detroit Free Press 3/15/18

Putman was charged in February with illegal possession of a machine gun. A grand jury indicted him on the newer charge.

Defense attorney Brian Lennon entered a not guilty plea on Putman's behalf. Putman's trial is set to start May 1.

He remains free on bond.

TLC time to cancel the show...do not condone his act of stupidity.

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The not insane part of this family(if there are any) need to distance themselves. Get their own place. Separate their finances, get a job that doesn’t involve the family business. I see everyone but possibly Blake, his spouse, Blair and Jamie losing just about everything they have. due to lawyer fees and their own possible illegal activities. 

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I couldn’t tell if Papa was charged with converting weapons, if he was being charged with possessing one that Brandon had given him, if he was being charged with possessing a weapon owned by Brandon, or if he was just being charged with failure to report he owned this particular gun. 

However, it makes sense that several of them would also be interested in these types of weapons- they do everything as if they were a Borg collective. 

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I just caught this series on Discovery +.  

I've shaken my head so hard that I've probably loosened something.

If anyone missed this horror show lovely family show when it initially aired, now's your chance if you have Discovery +.  

Just a random observation.  I think they're all nuts, and that includes Jamie.  That dickwaffle legally changed his last name to Putman to blend in with the other nutters.  

That is not the act of a normal, rational human being.  Just because he might be a hair less crazy than the biological Putman men doesn't make him sane.  

I wouldn't let either of these "doctors" near me.  Fucking weirdos.  😳

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