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Split (2016)

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I didn't see one for this, so here we go. Yes, it's M.Night. I know. I just got back from seeing it, and I had to post. James McAvoy is outstanding in this, worth the price of admission just to watch him work. It's a shame he probably won't get a glimmer of a mention during awards season, because he's just that good. The movie itself isn't scary so much as it is creepy and suspenseful. Think kinda Silence of the Lambs in terms of tone, sort of. I had to go to the bathroom halfway through and I held it because I was afraid to miss something. Literally on the edge of my seat at some parts, no "jump" moments though, it really is more psychological suspense. No spoilers, just go see it if you like that kind of movie or just want to see McAvoy give what will probably be one of the most compelling performances of the year.

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Split is a sequel to Unbreakable, set in the same universe, where, as Mr. Glass in Unbreakable says, a supervillain makes a superhero arise.  The Beast is the supervillain and the girl becomes the superhero.  This is a universe where people who are badly injured, such as Glass and Willis's characters, and Kevin and the girl in Split, develop super powers.

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Silver Raven -


I think MNS might consider Split  a sequel to Unbreakable, but I think "in the same universe" is more apt. Like, the characters are connected the way characters in Marvel or DC comics are connected, but one installment is not necessarily a "sequel" to another. In fact, it's buzzing right now that M.Night is writing the sequel to "Unbreakable", but there's also talks about a sequel to "Split". I have no idea if both  will be merged into one movie. I was slightly spoiled in that I knew Bruce Willis would have a cameo, and I'd never seen Unbreakable, so no, I didn't get it at the time of the first viewing, either.

I actually watched this a second time. McAvoy's performance is wonderful, probably one of the best we'll get this year. I'm assuming he's eligible for an Oscar nom, or at least, a Golden Globe. The movie itself, without him, wouldn't be as good, but that's true of many movies in any genre. Even without that ending, it's still a decent movie, well worth watching at least once. I normally hate "horror" movies and refuse to watch them.  Because of that description, I almost didn't bother. This isn't really a horror movie, don't know why it's tagged that way. There's almost no blood, and what there is, isn't focused upon. There's very little "violence," in fact, until maybe the last twenty minutes.

 It definitely is a thriller/suspense though, and I love those. I've been waiting for a  good movie in that genre to come out, and this one is it. Kind of Hitchcockian in tone, so if you like that sort of thing, recommended.



I KNEW it would have some stupid twist. 


I don't know if I would call this ending a "twist", so much as an "Easter egg". MNS actually plants little hints throughout the movie, if you pay attention, so that the ending really isn't unexpected or "out of nowhere". One big hint is in the last twenty minutes, when the viewer learns


Kevin's full name. Apparently(again, I've never seen Unbreakable)-Kevin Wendell Crumb is a character in Unbreakable, though a very minor one. I don't know if he's just mentioned in the first movie and not seen, or if he has a minor role. But I have read some reviews mention that he is a "minor villain" in that first movie. Someone who has seen it recently could probably clear that up, I know it replayed on HBO last week sometime. Likely not coincidentally, I would think.

 Besides, I like twists, and these kinds of movies are better with twists and surprises in them. I normally snort at the ratings on IMDB(9.1 for Sherlock? AHHAHAHAHA), but the rating of 7.6 is pretty fair for "Split", I think. Above average, but flawed, as all movies are.

I forgot to add-many people are praising McAvoy's performance, but are saying he plays 24 personalities, which isn't entirely true. Yes, it is said that Kevin has that many alters, but by my count, we only see about nine of them.



Barry, Dennis, Jade, Patricia, and Hedwig are the main ones-Kevin only comes  out briefly-so that's six. There's also Dennis pretending to be Barry for the benefit of Dr.Fletcher, but that doesn't count. Then of course, there's the "beast". There are two or three others whose names I don't remember, that we get very brief glimpses of, either in person or through Kevin's videotaped journals

. But no, we don't see all 24, not at all. I think that's deliberate-first of all, it would have been too confusing to the audience and talk about a break down waiting to happen, for the actor. Also, not seeing them all this time means new ones could be introduced in a possible sequel, to keep the audience on their toes as they wouldn't know what to expect from alters they hadn't previously seen.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I saw this last night with my husband. I liked it but didn't love it. James McAvoy was absolutely amazing but the rest of the cast was utterly forgettable. I never saw Unbreakable, so the plot twist at the end was completely lost on me. 

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The two other girls were clearly there all along as cannon fodder for the Final Girl, and it kind of bothered me how obvious that was. Anya Taylor Joy does make a great Final Girl, though.

I haven't seen Unbreakable since the time I watched it at a theater in late 2000/early 2001 and the twist totally went over my head. I wondered why we were lingering on this guy that I didn't even really recognize as Bruce Willis.

The audience reception I was with seemed pretty negative but I liked it.

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On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 3:01 PM, johntfs said:

I liked the movie more than I expected to.  I'd be fine with a sequel but the situation almost works better without one.

Yeah, that was my thought. On the one hand, one more movie where Bruce and James face off would be okay, if done well, but it isn't really needed. They would definitely have to bring forth some of the other personalities to keep it fresh.

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8 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Yeah, that was my thought. On the one hand, one more movie where Bruce and James face off would be okay, if done well, but it isn't really needed. They would definitely have to bring forth some of the other personalities to keep it fresh.

At this point it'd be more of a parlor trick than anything else.  The Horde won.  They control the Kevin entity with The Beast.  The other personalities are permanently shut out of the "light."  The final scene with The Horde was the classic supervillain "I am invincible.  Nothing can stop me now!" speech.  At which point the movie cut to Willis as Dunn, who has had 15 years of experience to hone his powers and deal with various threats.  It's like "Ha!  I have the strength of 20 men, the power to walk on walls and the toughness to resist bullets.  I cannot be beaten!"  And then Superman shows up and no, not even a little bit compared to that.

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I didn't like it.  I thought James McAvoy did great work, but I didn't like the plot really at all.  It just seemed way too implausible while watching it.  I also was expecting something a bit more mind-blowing since I'd heard there was a "twist".  I even told my 19 year old daughter who watched with me there was one, so the whole movie we were trying to figure out what it would be.  While I immediately recognized Mr. Glass, I hadn't seen Unbreakable since it came out and my daughter had never seen it so she didn't get it at all and was quite disappointed.

I get now that it wouldn't have mattered, but there were many time when action should've been taken and wasn't that I just didn't buy.  Casey's major hesitation when he got in the car and the girls' inaction when Casey was talking to Hedwig and he had his back to them, just to name two. 

James McAvoy was great and I thought Anya Taylor-Joy did a really good job too, but I thought the actress who played the therapist was pretty terrible. 

This movie did nothing to redeem MNS for me.

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On 2/2/2017 at 9:31 AM, johntfs said:

At this point it'd be more of a parlor trick than anything else.  The Horde won.  They control the Kevin entity with The Beast.  The other personalities are permanently shut out of the "light." 

Are they, though? We don't know that for sure. Dennis said "I'm in charge" but the other personalities were still present. Patricia only refers to Kevin as "asleep". I do think MNS will get a sequel greenlit- Unbreakable is popular and Split is gaining on making $200 world wide on a ten million dollar budget. I just hope it's good. I think it will be.

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Okay when I heard there was a twist ending M. Night's latest I was guessing what it would be all through the movie. Made all kinds of predictions through until that final moment with Bruce Willis' character David Dunn from Unbreakable and was just floored! It doesn't change the movie like The Sixth Sense but it does recontextualize it as a supervillain origin story.

Checking Twitter for posts since it's release, while there were a lot of people like me who instantly knew what the final scene meant, there were also a lot who were completely perplexed at seeing Bruce Willis show up at the end for about two seconds and were like "WTF?"

So what is the sequel going to be called? Split 2? Unbreakable 2?

ETA: I read online that Kevin's dad died in the same trainwreck Bruce's character David Dunn was in at the start of Unbreakable, hence him leaving flowers at the platform. I don't know if that's canon or just a theory, but that's pretty cool.

Edited by VCRTracking
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I never saw Unbreakable-- but I was aware of it-- so I new Willis showing up was big deal, I just didn't know what it meant. I thought the 'twist' was that she fought to escape-- but ended up in a different horror scenario (back with the abusive uncle).

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While James Macavoy was incredible in this (I rarely am impressed with actors' acting as most just play versions of themselves- I'm looking at you Denzel and Brad, and I could go on and on forever! ), I was let down with the movie. The credits rolled and I asked the cats if that was it. I enjoyed Unbreakable, but it's been so long I only remember Bruce Willis enveloping superpowers in it. The ending went right over my head. I had to Google Mr. Glass. Hint to MNS-- don't wait almost 20 years and expect your audience to catch on. 

I thought the twist was going to be Dr. Fletcher using Kevin to create DID in victims in order to promote her interests and beliefs in the subject. 

I find it interesting that it's part of a trilogy as it had the feeling of kind of stopping in the middle. 

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On 2/6/2017 at 8:10 AM, GenL said:

Casey's major hesitation when he got in the car and the girls' inaction when Casey was talking to Hedwig and he had his back to them, just to name two. 

These bothered me as well.   I think a lot of Casey's hesitation can be attributed to her being abused by her uncle - when something unknown happens, she freezes and assesses.  Her survival instinct is observe with your head down, not to be aggressive; like when they were first taken and one of the girls wanted the three of them to jump him together, Casey was against that.    McAvoy is not a large guy and the character was unarmed; the three of them, beating on him with one of the cots should have been able to get it done.   When the one girl pulled the grate out of the ceiling, THEN the other two should have let Hedwig in and beaten him with the grate!  That really bugged me, as well as how weakly he was hit with a chair later on in the kitchen when he was Patricia.  

I was trying to peg the therapist as someone so in love with her theory that she was ignoring the obvious warning flags - not just the e-mails, but when Dennis asks her in her office if anyone's listening, if anyone else is there, I expected him to attack her.  I know they had a long history and he (Kevin) made great progress and was doing well, but her going alone to the zoo AND opening the locked door after feeling wary in the kitchen was so horror movie stupid I found it hard to feel badly for her when she was killed.  At least she wrote down his name for Casey to use on him later.

Even with these annoyances, I ended up liking it.  McAvoy was fantastic and the movie did a great job of ramping up the tension.  I really kept expecting him to attack his therapist in her office, especially since she kept pushing him, telling him she knew she wasn't talking to Barry.  I liked how Casey's past gradually unfolded so that to me, her action/inaction made sense.  I actually thought that at least one of the other girls would make it out alive.

The zoo reveal was a good one (tigers in cages walking over the heads of people though?  is that really a good idea?) and I was totally unspoiled for Bruce Willis!  Unbreakable is one of the few movies I own so I knew right away who he was and who Mr. Glass is.   I might actually see the third movie in the theater, esp since they're bringing everyone back.

I thought Casey told the female police officer at the end about her uncle.  There's a long pause and she's looking at the woman so intently when she's told that her uncle is here, and the cop's expression slowly changes.  That's what I got out of it anyway.

I didn't realize Anya Taylor-Joy also played the girl in The Witch - I highly recommend that movie if you like horror.

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On 5/15/2017 at 5:39 PM, bubbls said:

 The ending went right over my head. I had to Google Mr. Glass. Hint to MNS-- don't wait almost 20 years and expect your audience to catch on. 


I saw this in a theater filled with late-teens and Millenials and practically every one of them was saying "I don't get it?" as they were walking out the exits. I agree it's kind of pointless to do a big reveal/twist 20 years after the fact. It was a huge letdown.

Edited by BitterApple
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Yeah-that is one thing about it-there should have been a scrapbook, or talk about the case years ago-since Kevin's dad died(probably on the same train) it would have been appropriate to fit in some mention of the prior movie. Still, no matter what MNS would have done, that "surprise" ending in and of itself, is clunky. I don't know why they couldn't simply have shown Bruce Willis as a character throughout the movie, but saved exactly WHO he was, until the end. Like David knows Kevin, but doesn't know what Kevin did, and Kevin knows David, but doesn't know his secret. Kevin knows about the trainwreck and Mr.Glass, and talks about it with the therapist. We see David having flashbacks of Mr.Glass. The cliffhanger ending isn't that David is David Dunn. We learn this halfway through the movie, and the suspense ramps up as we wonder if David is going to find the girls in time. David doesn't, for whatever reason. What he finds is Casey's uncle, dead-and the last scene is a  news report that Kevin is a fugitive, and Casey is nowhere to be found.  Roll credits.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Well as someone who did watch Unbreakable and think it's underrated I loved the ending and wouldn't change it. If people already liked the movie it's fine if they didn't understand the final scene.  They'll know when the third movie comes out.

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On ‎2017‎-‎05‎-‎20 at 3:47 PM, raven said:

I thought Casey told the female police officer at the end about her uncle.  There's a long pause and she's looking at the woman so intently when she's told that her uncle is here, and the cop's expression slowly changes.  That's what I got out of it anyway.

I thought this exact thing.

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Dr. Fletcher made me so mad. I kept thinking that she didn't know where he lived and that's why she hadn't done some sort of action with the police yet. That she was working with him and keeping his trust to find out more. Or worse, like others mentioned she was so enamored of her own theory she wasn't ready to turn him in.

THEN! She went to his creepy house alone in a freaking cab. She knew were he lived the whole time and she suspected that he had the girls and when she was at his house the girls were easy to find!

She was so irresponsible.

I never saw Unbreakable so that surprise meant nothing to me.

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On 5/22/2017 at 1:42 PM, VCRTracking said:

Well as someone who did watch Unbreakable and think it's underrated I loved the ending and wouldn't change it. If people already liked the movie it's fine if they didn't understand the final scene.  They'll know when the third movie comes out.

I just watched Split today.  I really liked the ending, and I saw Unbreakable when it came out.  I kinda remembered Mr. Glass, but had to ask about it to confirm.  It still made sense to me.  The whole scene set up the film as not only a trilogy, but a superhero/villain film.  From the time they say Kevin is "unstoppable" to when they kinda officially give him his villain name, The Horde to then mentioning Mr Glass.  And then the pan to Bruce Willis.  It was imo giving you your hero/villain.  Also, the subtleties of Casey not being able to shoot her uncle, but being able to shoot The Beast tells you they she has changed in some way.  That's what I got out of it, anyway

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15 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Also, the subtleties of Casey not being able to shoot her uncle, but being able to shoot The Beast tells you they she has changed in some way.  That's what I got out of it, anyway

It was basically "she ain't gonna take your crap anymore". She was symbolically hurting everyone who had ever hurt her when she shot Kevin/The Beast.  It's why I think her uncle being dead at the end, with the semi cliffhanger of "did Casey snap and do it, did Kevin track her down and do it, did he take her, etc?  would have been a better ending.

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2 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

It was basically "she ain't gonna take your crap anymore". She was symbolically hurting everyone who had ever hurt her when she shot Kevin/The Beast.  It's why I think her uncle being dead at the end, with the semi cliffhanger of "did Casey snap and do it, did Kevin track her down and do it, did he take her, etc?  would have been a better ending.

I can't get over that the actor plays Piscatella on OITNB.  He plays a good jerk, but looks like he'd be so nice.   Anyway, I think they're setting it up for her to be the hero with Bruce Willis next movie.  I hope Samuel L Jackson comes back because any twist with him is kinda expected tbh.

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So my path to this was so weird and random. I rewatched UNBREAKABLE earlier this weekend for the first time after many years. It' s one of my all-time favorite films, and one that I feel is incredibly prescient. And I loved that it was just as good as I remembered (even more so, honestly). The presentation of a superhero origin story as reality film was so well done, and it remains to me Shyamalan's best, far more than THE SIXTH SENSE. I thought everyone involved was superb, most especially Willis, Jackson, Wright, and Clark.

So after I watched it, Amazon was like, "WATCH SPLIT!" So I remembered curiosity about it, had heard decent things, and as a fellow Shyamalan project I was like, "Okay, sure." So I watched it. And found it slightly silly, but also clever and scary and very well-done.

I had zero knowledge that it was tied to the UNBREAKABLE universe, so the ending was a lot of fun, and when that gorgeous theme by James Newton Howard started up I got serious, actual goosebumps. It remains one of my favorite all-time movie scores.

On 1/19/2017 at 9:00 PM, IWantCandy71 said:

James McAvoy is outstanding in this, worth the price of admission just to watch him work. It's a shame he probably won't get a glimmer of a mention during awards season, because he's just that good. The movie itself isn't scary so much as it is creepy and suspenseful. Think kinda Silence of the Lambs in terms of tone, sort of. I had to go to the bathroom halfway through and I held it because I was afraid to miss something. Literally on the edge of my seat at some parts, no "jump" moments though, it really is more psychological suspense. No spoilers, just go see it if you like that kind of movie or just want to see McAvoy give what will probably be one of the most compelling performances of the year.

There is a scene perfectly midway through the film that is a therapy session between Dr. Fletcher (the wonderful Betty Buckley) and McAvoy's character that is absolutely gorgeous to watch. It's an exercise in both tension and sympathy; it's both subtly scary and yet also intensely beautiful as Dr. Fletcher begins to understand a new wrinkle to her patient's awareness. She is careful, compassionate, slightly scared, but also committed to supporting her patient. She is open and warm, caring and strong yet fragile. It evolves into a series of counterpoints -- shots between her and McAvoy tighter and tighter in focus.

And McAvoy spends much of it in very long shots that are wholly dependent on his acting ability. Both he and Buckley end the scene in tears, and it's just gorgeously done, because we spend whole seconds watching their expressions change in these minute ways. Nobody's tears are glycerin. Betty is incredible, and McAvoy is absolutely superb.

And that's what he does throughout the film -- it would be far less disturbing if we didn't see that McAvoy's character has these splintered identities that are sweet, lovable, kind and which are wounded and lonely for contact just like Casey is. 

On 1/23/2017 at 6:51 AM, IWantCandy71 said:

I actually watched this a second time. McAvoy's performance is wonderful, probably one of the best we'll get this year. I'm assuming he's eligible for an Oscar nom, or at least, a Golden Globe. 

I don't know if I would call this ending a "twist", so much as an "Easter egg". MNS actually plants little hints throughout the movie, if you pay attention, so that the ending really isn't unexpected or "out of nowhere".


Agreed. McAvoy is tremendous, and was seriously underappreciated here.

On 1/26/2017 at 11:40 PM, methodwriter85 said:

The two other girls were clearly there all along as cannon fodder for the Final Girl, and it kind of bothered me how obvious that was. Anya Taylor Joy does make a great Final Girl, though.

I haven't seen Unbreakable since the time I watched it at a theater in late 2000/early 2001 and the twist totally went over my head. I wondered why we were lingering on this guy that I didn't even really recognize as Bruce Willis.

The audience reception I was with seemed pretty negative but I liked it.

I disagree. I thought all three girls were touchingly real and believable, and I loved that they were all good people. I especially loved that Haley Lu Richardson as Claire Benoit was a seriously decent girl. She was empathetic and kind in inviting Casey to her party, and she was repeatedly strong, unwilling to be a victim, and incredibly brave. I loved the heartbreaking final sequence where she was trying to talk Marcia through her escape in spite of the odds, and hated that she died. I never felt like she was a token sacrifice or female to be fridged. I cared about her and Marcia, as well as Casey.

On 4/22/2017 at 10:18 PM, VCRTracking said:

I read online that Kevin's dad died in the same trainwreck Bruce's character David Dunn was in at the start of Unbreakable, hence him leaving flowers at the platform. I don't know if that's canon or just a theory, but that's pretty cool.


That appears to be canon now, so there are three direct ties to UNBREAKABLE: The loss of Kevin's Dad in train wreck 177, and in the child-abusing woman (Kevin's Mom) that David Dunn encounters about halfway through the movie. And then the final realization that an older David Dunn is watching all this and is obviously going to act to go after the "Beast" (or "Horde").

On 4/26/2017 at 10:08 AM, VCRTracking said:

Well looks like I got my answer! The sequel will be called Glass.

It's Official: M. Night Shyamalan's making an Unbreakable sequel. 

I'm so excited. Shooting is finished and it's in post-production now, and everyone is pretty much back, with the exception of Wright as David's wife. I'm so excited! I had a fit at the first image of Jackson in purple and in that iconic wheelchair.

On 4/26/2017 at 3:17 PM, methodwriter85 said:

I wonder if Spencer Treat Clark will come back. I watched him on Animal Kingdom and he's not bad to look at.

He's confirmed back, and I'm so pleased, since David's relationship with his son was easily one of the most poignant aspects of UNBREAKABLE for me. Also, Clark and Willis were just wonderful together. I'm looking forward to his son returning to the story with him.

On 5/15/2017 at 5:39 PM, bubbls said:

While James Macavoy was incredible in this (I rarely am impressed with actors' acting as most just play versions of themselves- I'm looking at you Denzel and Brad, and I could go on and on forever! ), I was let down with the movie. The credits rolled and I asked the cats if that was it. I enjoyed Unbreakable, but it's been so long I only remember Bruce Willis enveloping superpowers in it. The ending went right over my head. I had to Google Mr. Glass. Hint to MNS-- don't wait almost 20 years and expect your audience to catch on. 

I thought the twist was going to be Dr. Fletcher using Kevin to create DID in victims in order to promote her interests and beliefs in the subject. 

What moved me ultimately was that while Dr. Fletcher seemed at first to be a DID fan who was maybe a little too zealous, it broke my heart to realize by the end that she was, in fact, a deeply compassionate therapist who had thought she was helping Dennis and the personalities, and who was broken to realize that she had been enabling their worst personas. I thought she was brave and generous in the end, and I thought Betty Buckley was absolutely fantastic in the role. It was also a reminder for me of how much I wished we saw older actresses in these kinds of roles. She's known as a musical performer (and justifiably) but she was absolutely fantastic here.

On 5/20/2017 at 2:47 PM, raven said:

I think a lot of Casey's hesitation can be attributed to her being abused by her uncle - when something unknown happens, she freezes and assesses.  Her survival instinct is observe with your head down, not to be aggressive; like when they were first taken and one of the girls wanted the three of them to jump him together, Casey was against that. 

This was very much how I saw her as well. And I loved that it's ambiguous in the beginning -- is Casey in on it? Passive? Colluding? But no. She's just victimized, abused, and used to reacting to violence in a specific way. It was very well acted and written, and I loved that.

On 5/21/2017 at 4:00 PM, BitterApple said:

I saw this in a theater filled with late-teens and Millenials and practically every one of them was saying "I don't get it?" as they were walking out the exits. I agree it's kind of pointless to do a big reveal/twist 20 years after the fact. It was a huge letdown.


Sure. For some, maybe. For me, UNBREAKABLE is easily one of my favorite films; it's also my pick for Shyamalan's best (yes, above SIXTH SENSE), and so when I realized this film took place in that universe, and that gorgeous melancholy musical cue by James Newton Howart started up, I seriously got tears in my eyes. I can't wait for GLASS.

On 5/22/2017 at 11:42 AM, VCRTracking said:

Well as someone who did watch Unbreakable and think it's underrated I loved the ending and wouldn't change it. If people already liked the movie it's fine if they didn't understand the final scene.  They'll know when the third movie comes out.

UNBREAKABLE is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I think it was really prescient -- far, far ahead of the trend to turn superhero origin stories into reality-based dramas. (For those who don't get the scene, they need to go back and watch UNBREAKABLE, man. It's awesome. Easy solution.)

In terms of GLASS, it's currently in post-production, with almost all main characters returning, including Willis, Jackson, Clark, and Woodard from UNBREAKABLE, plus James McAvoy and Taylor-Joy from SPLIT. Really interested to see where this goes! I just hope it's worthy of the characters and stories.

But yeah: I'm ridiculously excited for GLASS, and to see so many incredible actors teamed up. I just hope it does justice to David and brings closure (in some kind of compassionate way) to Mr. Glass. (I know he's evil but he's also broken, like Dennis and the DID personalities in McAvoy's character).

"The broken are the more evolved." It's a fantastic and poignant idea for a superhero/supervillain universe. I liked the movie a lot and watched it twice. Can't wait for GLASS.

Edited by paramitch
forgot something
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Yes, the trailer yesterday before MI Fallout was the best part of the whole experience. I was GIDDY.  :) It looks like it will be good, and I'm glad they are showing more of Kevin's alters rather than only referring to ones we've seen before.  But the whole alter thing can get old-so hopefully there's a good enough story to keep it together. I do LOVE that it seems that Kasey is the only one who can calm the beast. That said, I think Kevin should have a tragic end. This is not the kind of movie where he's going to be whole before the credits roll. Kevin asked Kasey to kill him before-I think he'll do it again, and this time, she will. Excited for this !

ETA I do think the doctor is a little too "Selina Kyle"-ish for me. She's a baddie, and I hope that's not the "twist", if there is one. It's too obvious. I'll be surprised if she doesn't end up helping Glass escape.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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