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S08.E13: Hot Water

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Wow! Are we seriously going to have to wait 2 weeks to find out what happens?!

I really think Granger is going to die. There's something about how Miguel is playing it that makes me think he's *not* acting and that these are real-life health problems. Which I hope he is able to resolve but I'm really starting to think he's retiring and Granger is going out in a blaze of glory.

Kensi is back in the field and at her previous level of competency. If this doesn't improve her mental state by about a 1000% then she has must deeper issues. And she's pulling her favorite move, the groin attack!

I'm getting the feeling that Deeks and Kensi are going to elope, rather than have a long engagement and more traditional wedding. Spouses cannot be compelled to testify against each other and if IA is threatening to subpoena Kensi then getting married will legally circumvent that. We shouldn't forget that Deeks really did kill that dirty cop all those years ago. Just because IA is being used to get to him now doesn't this can't resurface later. 

For one heart stopping moment I thought Eric really was the mole when he pulled off that ski mask and before Nell spoke to him on comms.

Good call-backs to previous characters (Talia) and plotlines (the trap door in the boatshed). Even Duggan was slightly less dick-ish. I do have to think though that Director Vance should be on the ground in LA if things have gone this far to hell. This is his agency and he needs to be on scene.

I am very intrigued to find out what happens next!

Edited by anna0852
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Wow, that episode ticked all of my boxes, for sure!  Even reading every spoiler I could get my hands on, I was still shocked by some of the twists!  I, too, had a moment of horror when Eric pulled off his mask.  And Duggan getting sniped right after Hettie turned him into an asset was not something I saw coming in any way. 

On a sad note, it looks like Granger is history, one way or another, because Miguel Ferrer is really sick.  I don't think it's a coincidence that he didn't utter a word the entire episode.  I feel terrible for the actor, and sad to lose a character whom I've really come to love.  His deadpan humor and delivery will be sorely missed.

I can't believe we have to wait two weeks for the next installment, and that it won't be wrapped up until another week after that.  I honestly have no idea what's going to happen next, or how the team is going to get themselves out of this mess.  Deeks' dilemma is particular worrisome because, unlike the others, he actually did the crime he's accused of, and Tiffany is actually a witness who can finger him.  I can't wait to see how this all unravels!

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4 hours ago, mtmjr said:

On a sad note, it looks like Granger is history, one way or another, because Miguel Ferrer is really sick.  I don't think it's a coincidence that he didn't utter a word the entire episode.  I feel terrible for the actor, and sad to lose a character whom I've really come to love.  His deadpan humor and delivery will be sorely missed.

I can't believe we have to wait two weeks for the next installment, and that it won't be wrapped up until another week after that.  I honestly have no idea what's going to happen next, or how the team is going to get themselves out of this mess.  Deeks' dilemma is particular worrisome because, unlike the others, he actually did the crime he's accused of, and Tiffany is actually a witness who can finger him.  I can't wait to see how this all unravels!

I agree completely about Miguel Ferrer. My mom, who watches every episode but doesn't follow anything on the internet, said last night, "I think they're going to kill Granger. He really hasn't looked good." It seems like they had originally set up a plan of having something neurological be diagnosed in-show, but I wonder if his condition deteriorated to the point that even that set up wouldn't have sufficed. I agree that him having zero lines is a pretty bad sign. I love the actor and character and feel saddened by the whole thing.

I thought this episode was great. Over the top, sure, but this show often drifts the other way of being a bit underwhelming, so this felt like a good way to make it exciting. It did seem a bit silly that none of the government agencies seemed to care that the team was clearly set up, but one stabbing and a sniper shooting later, hopefully they'll figure it out. 

I thought ECO was particularly great--his reaction, facing away from Whiting, to hearing her mention Tiffany was very well done, as was the way his expression hardened when Whiting threatened to subpoena Kensi. And I guess now we know what Hetty should do the next time Callen goes AWOL--send a dog after him! 

It seems to me like killing Duggan is a pretty big deal--he was an Undersecretary, not just a federal agent. Surely someone in Washington is going to get involved in this now. The CIA thing confused me a bit--are we supposed to think the whole CIA is corrupt? Clearly some of the LAPD guys are in on it also. It made me think of The Mentalist, where the bad guy had a huge legion of followers who were embedded in pretty much every government agency. 

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12 hours ago, anna0852 said:

For one heart stopping moment I thought Eric really was the mole when he pulled off that ski mask and before Nell spoke to him on comms.

ME TOO!!!!

When Granger got stabbed - I had an absolute visceral reaction. God what a vicious shanking - it was like I could hear his organs being punctured. 

Have we seen the ATF guy before? Or is he just a HITG? 

I was wondering how Kensi was going to be able to support Heather on that long swim - I was surprised they left her behind. 

God bless Mrs. Ramirez.

I got to say, the meerkats have done an outstanding job of stepping up to the plate. Until now Barrett and Renee have mainly spent their time on the main set and really haven't had to put in the physicality that the other actors have. But between MF getting sick, Linda apparently reducing her time and Dani needing maternity leave, both the actors and characters have had to cover more and are doing a great job.

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15 hours ago, Samantha84 said:

? How so? 

The big evil with all encompassing power ie influence over multiple agencies. Also I don't see that many hints if any as to the mole is other than the women who gave Granger a mickey-CIA. The CIA guy who was with Kensi in Afghanistan? Kensi's ex?

For the mole with that much knowledge of the team they would have to be really good at planting bugs or it's a character we know. Can't have too shipper story lines going at once so I'm guessing Eric or Nell. Although has Christopher Lambert been on the show lately?

As far as Granger's/actors health he didn't look too good a few years ago either. My guess was cancer/chemo unless they had a drug/alcohol problem. The speech thing might point to brain cancer or stroke. I think his character is done too.

 Miguel really is sick? I've been scouring the internet all season and haven't seen any substantiated reports. If it's true, I'm very sad. granger wasn't my favorite character at first but I've warmed up to him. And I've always liked Miguel.

as for the episode, I thought it was excellent. I don't think this show has consistently held my attention in years, but it did last night. Kudos to the writers but I can't believe I have to wait TWO weeks for the conclusion.

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5 hours ago, anna0852 said:

I got to say, the meerkats have done an outstanding job of stepping up to the plate.

Awe, the meerkats. Granger came up with that moniker back in Season 5.  Can't tell you how much I'll miss him if this is really his swan song.  An example of casting a terrific veteran character actor as a recurring mostly-villain, and then seeing that he could add a lot to the show, and evolving his character to really enhance the team dynamic.

Oh, and I too agree that Eric and Nell have both shone this season.  I don't mind the Super-Nell moments, because I really like the actress, and I like that the character stays true to her nerdy, hyper-efficient persona.  "That was a textbook choke hold, where did you learn that?"  Rolls eyes "From a textbook."  That sort of thing makes me love her.

16 hours ago, pally said:

I spent the entire show wondering what in the hell Vance was doing while the entire government seems to be after his agency

You weren't the only one.

I just can't feature Vance sitting around while some nameless, faceless force conspires to essentially delete his entire West Coast operation. He doesn't seem the type to just sit idly by while the LA branch gets taken down so thoroughly.

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To me, the more I think about it, the lack of Vance is really the only huge, gaping plot hole in what is turning out to be a rather densely woven plot. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I can think of others if I try hard enough. But this is really standing out. Not only that Vance isn't there but that there has been no mention of notifying him or SecNav. Not only have several of his employees been arrested but one of his Assistant Directors has been attacked and looks to be critically injured.  Vance should be all over this. As in: get on a plane and bring back-up if needed. I'm sure Gibbs wouldn't mind snarling at a few folks.

I'm thinking the guys will out of custody pretty quickly when the next episode starts. The sniper hitting Duggan is probably going to be the lynch pin that convinces ATF and DEA at least that this really is a set up and someone is using them for their own ends. That wasn't just a murder, that was an assassination and in front of the FBI to boot. I can't imagine these agencies will be pleased to find out their being used either. This might just turn into a large inter-agency task force. LAPD will actually be trickier giving Whiting's history with Deeks and the fact he really is guilty of that particular crime. I don't think Tiffany will turn on him but you never know. 

Edited by anna0852

Wow.  What an episode!  No shortage of twists, that's for sure...  I, too, had a horrible moment thinking Eric was the mole, that shanking was so shocking, but then Duggan not being the bad guy then getting shot at the end totally topped the shanking for shock value.  Two weeks!?!  Gah...


I also have to admit I giggled at the improbable Ninja!Hetty move where she startled Kensi.  

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9 hours ago, betsyboo said:

Have we seen the ATF guy before? Or is he just a HITG? 

I racked my brain where I've seen him before - definitely another crime procedural with a female lead. He's got some very specific poses (man, I sound like Eliot Spencer). Finally gave in and checked IMDB - duh, that's Corey Reynolds from the Closer.

Once I realized they were going to pick up the team one by one (i.e. when Sam got arrested) I got bored and annoyed because neither Kensi nor Hetty nor the meerkats seemed to realize that they need to close shop and haul a**. And I was a little bit disappointed Eric did not bring a grenade to add some flair to the supposed 'hit'.

As for the CIA: this is pretty much standard NCIS flavor, the CIA are always the bad guys (s. Kort, Trent and Cruz, Ray on the mothership). Or it might be a very good red herring. Vance will figure it out or maybe not if the show continues to blithely ignore his existence. We'll see in two weeks.

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I got to say, the meerkats have done an outstanding job of stepping up to the plate.

And if Callen, Sam and Deeks don't get out of jail soon, Eric, Nell and Kensi are about the only bodies left standing to rescue the gang out of this mess.  Should be good.

I wonder just how deep this "mole" operation really is.  TPTB have always just referred to "the mole" but there must be a whole gang of them.  (Is there a special name for a herd of moles?)  One person could easily make the necessary phone tips to the alphabet agencies, but it takes muscle and fancy timing to get dead bodies delivered to Callen's house and Sam's car without those two highly trained agents being any the wiser.  Heather may have been part of the plot to get Granger, but someone had to be involved to put the beating on her, even if she was complicit.  And when Granger got shanked while in police custody, that either required dirty cops in LAPD or at least two killers who could dress up and infiltrate LAPD jail and then just walk out. 

Is it procedure for the FBI to send a fully armed and armored SWAT team to crash into another Federal Agency office?  Seems like there should be some protocol involved there.  And I wonder how long it takes those SWAT guys to stare at that trap door over the water before someone rushes outside to find two women swimming in the surf?

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The team behind the mothership has always had creative issues with NCIS:LA. Why you probably won't be seeing a crossover anytime soon. So yes Vance and Gibbs should be woven into this arc but won't be - through no fault of the LA writing team. 

ETA: This episode was written by Anastasia Kousakis. She's the daughter of EP and director John Peter Kousakis. This was her first and she did a great job! ?? 

Edited by Samantha84
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It seemed to me in the last episode Kensi was still not ready to come back but here she was fully recovered with no explanation or acknowledgment that she was back full time.  Oh, well . . .  I will suspend disbelief.  I liked the episode and look forward to finding out what happens.  Sorry to see Granger so sick.  He must be ill in real life.

Oh wow... just wow.  I finally got to watch tonight and this has to be the best episode yet.  I haven't been watching this season because I keep forgetting it's on Sundays and it's futile to set it up to TiVo with football and all, but I've watched the last 2 episodes before this one.  

I am so glad that I've been watching again.  I love this show and all of the cast.  I'm a nervous wreck now and we have to wait 2 weeks!!!  Grrrrrrr.  Do we know Dugan is dead?  I hope Granger is ok.  So many questions..no answers.

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I found it a revelation that the 'mole'(s) is/are really after Duggan.  Trust Hetty to figure that one out.

Now I'm hoping he's not dead.

With MF's death the other day, it appears this is the end for Granger.  LL hinted in an interview earlier this season that the team would be losing one of their own, and it was more & more obvious that it was going to be Granger.  Though I wish it was that the character was being written out,  not that the actor was seriously ill.

Damn football!

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I thought they were setting up Granger's illness earlier in the season with a possibility for the actor to exit for treatment, but leaving the door open for a return. It seems that once his prognosis was terminal that maybe they decided to go all out and let the character and his (presumed) death be more integral to the story. I was not prepared for the shanking in police custody, but all those other agencies (as well as LAPD IA person) ought to have ample evidence that they are being used now that both Duggan and Granger have been taken out.

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