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S01.E11: R-O--ROAD T-R--TRIP


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The family goes on an annual impromptu family road trip, but Ray has something in store, which angers Maya when she finds out what it is.  But Maya’s relentlessness proves to be helpful when she takes control of an emergency situation involving Ray’s appendix. Meanwhile, Jimmy attempts to continue his tradition of spending no money on vacation while Dylan becomes anxious after visiting a fortune teller.  Back at home, Kenneth has trouble fitting in at school while JJ is away.

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I love this show. It's so nice seeing the family come together for Ray and it was nice seeing Ray get a win planning his road trip. And I think it's quite amazing that this show has only been around since the fall and I care so much about these characters and their relationships. 

I'm heartbroken for the principal.

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Aww..I felt bad for the principal too! 

And "Snowflake Society" bwahahahaha!   Sorry to tell them, but they are not the first with that "club".  I live in California, and there are plenty of those "societies " around!

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vibeology, while I was waiting to get to this forum on my phone I thought, "I just love this show." I love how the family seems organic; once you accept the premise of them, they all act in a way that makes sense. They're a real family. 

My heart even broke for the principal, a secondary character. Great writing and acting. 

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I really love this show so much! I just love the characters and their relationships, just this quickly in. Especially Ray in the hospital and everyone's reactions to it, especially Jimmy saying that he isn't allowed to get sick. 

The poor principle! I really hope Kenneth makes it up to her later, and explains what happened. 

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I adored Jimmy's "You're not allowed to get sick."   And I LOVED Maya bringing a bit of Ray's vacation plans to him in the hospital.

Poor principal…I really hope Kenneth takes the time to explain that the Dimeos had an emergency and she gives him a second chance.

But the best part, for me, was Ray realizing he's just like his mom--with her organization on the important stuff.

I just love this show.

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This episode may be my favorite!

Jimmy's "You're not allowed to get sick" really struck a chord with me.  I told my youngest when he was born that was the rule, and every so often I remind him that we made a deal (when he needs eyeglasses, braces, etc.).  He always chuckles and says, "I was just a baby.  I didn't know!"

I loved that Ray and Maya are so much alike and that she is organized and serious for the important stuff.  I also loved devious Ray.

I like the principal and hope Kenneth remembers to call her soon.

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I had a legit laugh out loud moment when that a quick cut to the kids talking just because of the hair. It was really hard watching  any scene she was in because of the hair.

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Something I've been enjoying about this show the last couple of eps: the actors seem to be enjoying working together. You can really believe they're a family. I haven't liked Minnie Driver in ages, but this ep has really made me change my mind. I'm actually enjoying her now.

Edited by kat165
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1 hour ago, kat165 said:

Something I've been enjoying about this show the last couple of eps: the actors seem to be enjoying working together. You can really believe they're a family. I haven't liked Minnie Driver in ages, but this ep has really made me change my mind. I'm actually enjoying her now.

I agree. I've never seen or heard of John Ross Bowie before, but he really balances out Minnie very well. And the family scenes are great! Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy Kenneth. But, I've found that I would really enjoy the show just as well without him there. Though it did help that they sort of gave him a "life of his own" with his scenes with the principal. 

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2 hours ago, neuromom said:

I agree. I've never seen or heard of John Ross Bowie before, but he really balances out Minnie very well. And the family scenes are great! Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy Kenneth. But, I've found that I would really enjoy the show just as well without him there. Though it did help that they sort of gave him a "life of his own" with his scenes with the principal. 

They also showed that the other students are very respectful - when Kenneth was talking to them, they said "Is this JJ asking, or Kenneth asking?" - so when they hear Kenneth talk, they would automatically assume it is JJ, so he seamlessly integrates into the school environment, so Kenneth is working very well as his aide.

I'm pretty sure that made like no sense, but whatever, I am posting it.

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9 hours ago, bros402 said:

They also showed that the other students are very respectful - when Kenneth was talking to them, they said "Is this JJ asking, or Kenneth asking?" - so when they hear Kenneth talk, they would automatically assume it is JJ, so he seamlessly integrates into the school environment, so Kenneth is working very well as his aide.

I'm pretty sure that made like no sense, but whatever, I am posting it.

To be honest, I believe the scene with the kids is one that I missed. I SAW it, but couldn't HEAR it. My special kid decided that it would be a good time to bounce around and be very very loud. I need to go back and rewatch ...I missed some of the hospital dialogue too.

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14 hours ago, neuromom said:

To be honest, I believe the scene with the kids is one that I missed. I SAW it, but couldn't HEAR it. My special kid decided that it would be a good time to bounce around and be very very loud. I need to go back and rewatch ...I missed some of the hospital dialogue too.

Ooh, definitely rewatch, there was some good stuff

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On 1/5/2017 at 11:30 PM, Crs97 said:

This episode may be my favorite!

I agree. This is one of my favorite eps of the season. It was funny without being too sit-commish. And there were some tender moments, too.

I think I liked it most because Ray finally won. Even though he ended up getting an appendectomy, he was successful in planning a fun vacation day for the family. 

And I loved that the dad and JJ sold a bunch of stuff that the family actually needed. Hilarious. 

And yeah, I was heartbroken when the principal was standing alone with the two coffees. I'm sure Kenneth will explain (off camera).  I was also heartbroken that Kenneth couldn't find anyplace to eat lunch until he ran into the principal. It's interesting that the adults (the teachers and other staff members) were the ones who were mean to him, not the high school students. 

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I only watched this show at first because of the actor who plays the father (who also plays a character on The Big Bang Theory), and I kept watching for Ray. I find it oddly appealing and endearing how the actor is so young yet looks so tired. I don't (or didn't) like Minnie Driver at all. But the cast had really come together so well and now I even enjoy Minnie.:)

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On 1/18/2017 at 0:05 PM, kat165 said:

I only watched this show at first because of the actor who plays the father (who also plays a character on The Big Bang Theory), and I kept watching for Ray. I find it oddly appealing and endearing how the actor is so young yet looks so tired.

I love their chemistry on this show, and I think they even look like they could really be related. :)

The Jimmy/Ray dynamic is particularly fascinating to me -- how Jimmy may sometimes make little jokes at his son's expense, but it's like he still instinctively knows whether the kid is really hurtin' (like feeling neglected and unheard by his mom in the pilot, grappling with an unrequited crush in "Halloween," or scared about going into surgery in this ep) or just freaking out over seemingly nothing (like making a big deal of the trash-collecting and the accidentally stolen furniture in "Bonfire," the "practice runs" in "Ray-cation," or the moon project in "Sick Day"), and he treats each situation with the amount of care he honestly feels it needs.  

P.S.: Count me in among those here who actually felt bad for Principal Sea Slug. :( (I know, the point of that plot was ultimately about how Kenneth missed the family and he feels like he's a part of them now, but I hope she at least got an explanation from him later...)

P.P.S: Loved the cold open with Maya and Jimmy's little "Born to be Wild" parody! I had hoped both Minnie and John would do some singing on the show since very early in the season (after reading that both had been musicians since before they got into acting); I was not disappointed, and I kinda hope they get to do more.

Edited by GRChereck
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Just watched the rerun of this one -- so many funny parts...

"You don't know that I object every year!" "Come on, man, you know you do." 

"Unlimited refills for life. Thank you, Breakfast Barn." "How's it taste?" "[Sighs] Free." 

"Follow that thing" / "Eat that th--follow that thing!"

"SING FOR MEEEEE! ... Sorry, triumphant moment." (Love Ray's adorable mischievous grins... :) )

"Ray's gonna die!" "Wait! What?!" "Different Ray! [Laughs nervously] You're good."

"JJ, when you're in the hospital, what does Dad tell you to make you feel better?" [Jimmy reads JJ's board:] "Ray could not handle this." "I can see how that would help."

"I'm so sorry I was such a crappy sister. I'm gonna miss you so much! " "Why did she have to go last?!" :D

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