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S03.E03: Eternal Darkness

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Finally got to see the last two contestants. So, with the appearance of Dan, the trapper man, and Carleigh, Alaskan carpenter small towner, everyone has had some screen time.

First up tonight was Callie, our skinny dipping herbalist. Still like her as she builds what she hopes is a home in Patagonia. Like her shelter, insulated walls and stone hearth. My guess is maybe leaves/debris on top of the tarp to keep in heat, maybe? Anyway, so far she's the most entertaining, with her attitude and showing she's enjoying it. Anyway, she's my current favorite. Definitely the best shelter we've seen and great attitude - just plain entertaining.

Next to appear tonight was Britt, also having fun in the woods with a dance. He's figured out how to catch fish, and is experimenting in how to store them. Have to see how his running water storage system works. Theory sounds okay, but I just about guarantee he'd just end up feeding raccoons here in Oklahoma.  I once had coons pull my minnow bucket in and easy my bait that I left on a line while camping. Don't know what kind of scavenger camp robbers they have down south, but I imagine a hog could sniff them out. We'll see, I thought for sure Mike was going to lose those buried fish last season, but he didn't.

Next up was Megan, the British Columbian forester/biologist. Most of her time was spent dealing with a visit from porky ? during the night and then building a boma type wall around her camp. She was almost a no show tonight. 

Dan the trapper man shows up. Hmmm, says he's a lazy survivalist, plans to expend as little energy as possible to last the longest. Sort of what Alan did first season, but Alan was always fun to watch - Dan, not so much. Next scene has him chopping down a tree - not sure why, maybe for his shelter which we haven't seen or heard much about. We saw him fishing, but not sure if I wouldn't try to find an area with fewer deadfalls in the water, as he talks about spending a lot of the untangling his lines. Course, he mentions he wasn't having much luck fishing at first, so maybe he figures he has to put up with fish hiding in underwater structure to catch anything. For sure, though, as winter hits he won't keep going in and swimming for his catch. Not too impressed with his start, actually seems haggard in some shots, and he was my pick to win.

Next up was Fowler. His site is more and more a repeat of Larry's first spot. On the side of a steep hill where it's a major undertaking to get from his future camp to the shore to fish. Larry spent time putting in steps last season and we see Fowler building a waddle fence and doing some excavation (with his handy shovel) to make the path a little easier. To top it off he notices the hill behind him casts a permanent shadow on his beach. Remember how happy old cussing Larry was when he moved to an area with more light?

Finally, Carleigh makes her screen debut. First she is happy and has big plans for a double wall debris shelter/ wickiup/wigwam, but major downer when the roof cave in and she gets homesick. Hmmm, maybe another case of diet change making her over react to the collapse. I know it's kind of mean of me, but I had to chuckle when the carpenter's roof caves in right after she says "Home sweet home" and then they bleep her out and she says she can't believe it. Ah well, as long as she treats it as a lesson learned and bounces back it's nothing big. I liked her theory, and she has already done a big part of the work gathering materials, so a few more rafters and she'll be back in business. Maybe she needs to weave her roof as well as the walls to add some stability - remember they may get some snow, so better to collapse now and redesign then later on. One thing I noticed - unlike the others she hasn't located bamboo so far.

Soooo what is that? We saw six tonight. Two tap outs so far and two no shows tonight... Greg and Dave. Well, we see Greg trying to trap pigs ? next week. Next week Fowler seems to get a duck with his slingshot, Britt talks about losing weight, and it looks like a boat coming to pick someone up as we hear someone complain about being alone and someone else wondering how much longer they can keep going... Course, if I've learned anything the two past seasons it's to take those previews with a grain of salt. How many times did we see Jose capsize in previews before he actually did? I'm still waiting for that charging wolf.

Edited by SRTouch
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I'm just hoping Fowler doesn't trip and impale himself on his fence.  What were those things they put in the pits in Vietnam?  Bungee sticks or something?  It's all I could envision when I saw his fence.  Hey, someone should dig a pit trap for the pigs.  Maybe leave out the bungee sticks though.  I can just see someone out wandering around to take a pee or something and falling in the pit.  I liked Callie's fire hearth though.  I couldn't tell, did she build a whole wall at the end of the shelter, or not?  I would have a whole wall there I think, and then fill in the top with bamboo so there was only one way in and out of the shelter.  Maybe a door as well.  I would also like a half wall at the front of the shelter, just to impede the hogs.  They don't have the best eyesight, and aren't really made for climbing things, so I think it would help a fair bit for security.

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9 hours ago, muffkins said:

 What were those things they put in the pits in Vietnam?  Bungee sticks or something? 

Close, actually punji (giant toothpicks) not bungee (stretchy cords) ?

Edited by SRTouch
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My dislike of Dan was justified tonight.  Seems lazy and already whining about missing the wife and child and I thought that he might have a really good shot at winning with his trapping skills. He is only there for the money. I personally don't like the contestants that make it overtly and only about the extrinsic (i.e., money). I think that they need a few other reasons to stay to the end. Dan also had a specific # of days in his head regarding what would be good. We have seen other contestants do the same thing. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I felt for Fowler and I hope this is only a small bump in the road for him. Britt also has a good attitude. Doing his son's dance was cute. I know how he feels. There are things that my kid used to do, that can still make me laugh out loud too. 

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I loved Callie's ninja booty dance.  I'm going to do that every morning when I get up.  I want to go to a dance party with her and Britt.

3 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Callie's shelter is awesome. Yes, the best in the entire series. The hearth was fabulous.

It looks so cozy, and the hangers are a great idea!  Her bed looked so warm and snug next to that hearth.  All it needs is some insulation on the walls and she'll have a bona fide house. 

I was really hoping Dan would be the next tap out (don't like him) and worried that it could be the lovable Fowler.  He really looks like he's suffering without his sunlight.  Whiny Dan was snotting about other people making stuff but it's going to get cold and windy soon and he's going to wish he had Callie's shelter before too long.

Carleigh was on the right track with her hut but those walls didn't look very sturdy (and they weren't).  I thought she was going to fall through climbing around on them.  

Edited by GreyBunny
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I'm chiming in on the Callie shelter love, as well as the Britt dance love.  I'll be laughing all week at him.  But yes, Callie will need to add some insolation to her roof at some point.  And I'm sure Carleigh can figure out how to re-make her hut stronger and better.  I'm willing to give the whiners a pass, as it's still early in the game and they're probably still trying to find their footing, so to speak.  At this point last season I was expecting David to tap out, and we know how that ended.  I'm hoping to be surprised.

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I like Callie's tiki lounge.  One of the better hearths we've seen on the show in 3 seasons.  It looks like most of the folks have access to nice size rocks like that, so using them for a hearth is a great idea.  Maybe even use them for a short base section of shelter walls if wild boar are a problem in the area.  It looked like she left half of her tarp roof uncovered, and I assumed that was so it would have better light inside during the day. Perhaps she is going to rig a roof piece that she can put on at night and in bad weather and remove during the day.  I try not to snark about these contestants unless they do something obviously stupid, but does anyone else think Calllie looks pretty rough for 26? As in, I mistook her for 40-something Megan until her info came up on the screen.

Not crazy about Dan. If your strategy is to just hunker down in the easiest, most calorie-efficient way you can and just out-survive the others, fine, but there's no need to bad mouth people who used their minds to make things that made daily life easier or more endurable. He's one of the guys that makes me wish the show would model itself after American Ninja Warrior: the goal is to stay out six months (or a year) on your own. If no one makes it that long, then no one wins the money. Period. It makes for a whole different mindset. I think it might even make it easier for some people, because the constant wondering of how long it's going to be before everyone else taps out has to cause at least a little anxiety in people.

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Wait a second!  Isn't Fowler a BOAT BUILDER by profession?  While he was standing by the lake whingeing about the lack of sunlight, I expected a cartoon light bulb to appear over his head telling him to fabricate a boat to go to the "sunny" side of the lake.

But noooooo.  He wastes time and energy climbing up the hill to get some fragmented sunshine.

Didn't he watch any previous seasons?

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1 hour ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Not crazy about Dan. If your strategy is to just hunker down in the easiest, most calorie-efficient way you can and just out-survive the others, fine, but there's no need to bad mouth people who used their minds to make things that made daily life easier or more endurable.

No kidding. I don't care that he's just there for the money, I would be too. I don't need to find myself, I already know where I am. Half a mil would be my motivation. But putting others down for making the effort to make it possible to survive a harsh winter in the elements makes him even more of an asshat. They'll be warm and conserving energy in the wind and rain and snow while he's wasting calories shivering his ass off all day and all night wishing he had a hearth and a decent bed.

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Like most of you guys I'm loving Callie, I hope she wins and even when they come to get her she stays and just keeps on building. I hope she is able to keep her spirits and energy high so we can see some amazing additions to her home. 

Megan needs to build a better shelter, the one she has looks raggedy and like she has made liitle effort with it. Her reinforcing it against predators was kind of pathetic, yea the boar would make lots of noise charging at her if it somehow decided it wanted something in there, but it wasn’t going to stop it if it was motivated. Maybe I'm wrong there and her sticks and brush were sufficient. 

We saw Carleigh for the first time. I laughed out loud when that roof caved in! Unexpected.

Dan mentioned the money. He might win. I agree with others that he is unlikeable and he will be boring to watch. 

13 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

He [Dan] is only there for the money. I personally don't like the contestants that make it overtly and only about the extrinsic (i.e., money). I think that they need a few other reasons to stay to the end.

I disagree, Alan may not have mentioned the money during the show but we learned when he won he was greatly motivated by it (to help his son iirc). Dave was all about the damn money, it's the only reason he won. Mentioning the money doesn't mean an automatic win but it's a powerful motivator that beats wanting to prove something to others or testing your skills. Once you have decided you have conquered your demons or demonstrated you can survive out there or whatever it's easy to tap out and go home.

Edited by jvr
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Carleigh... do not slurp your runny boogers on camera. Use the back of your hand. Yuck.

Dan...poorest first impression in the history (pun intended) of Alone.

Britt...why not smoke the fish in strips or split and hang high over your fire for smoke preservation?

Those fish won't be swimming for long and then the flesh will deteriorate and wash away.

Callie...her shelter is too big to heat when winter starts to blow gales inside her home. Your ladies group is not coming to visit so downsize to make it easier to heat.

Fowler...build a boat...leaves, dugout, canoe, sail, dinghy, raft to get to the sunny side of life, dude.

Crying over a ray of sunshine means you have  the beginnings of Seasonal Affective Disorder, time to relocate.

Megan...Repeat...Hey Boar...Hey Boar...Hey Boar (paying homage to Tracy's Hey Bear)

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1 hour ago, jvr said:


Dan mentioned the money. He might win. I agree with others that he is unlikeable and he will be boring to watch. 

I disagree, Alan may not have mentioned the money during the show but we learned when he won he was greatly motivated by it (to help his son iirc). Dave was all about the damn money, it's the only reason he won. Mentioning the money doesn't mean an automatic win but it's a powerful motivator that beats wanting to prove something to others or testing your skills. Once you have decided you have conquered your demons or demonstrated you can survive out there or whatever it's easy to tap out and go home.

I should have clarified. It is how he talked about the money. It was almost as if life owed him. I never got the sense from Alan or Dave that the money was only for them. Sure it woukld help them too, but it wasn't ONLY for them. I felt that with Dan.  Dave talked about making his children's lives better, same with Alan. Alan said that he wanted to help his son's medical issue and maybe pay off his dad's mortgage. They seem to put other's first. When Dan talked about it, it came across as more for him because of all the opportunities that he missed out on because he had no $$$. For myself, when I do something for my child, I am much more committed then when I do something just for me. I have given up and done things for my kid (like work extra long and oppressive hours at work) to be able to afford something needed, as opposed to what I would do for myself. Maybe it is just me, but I found Dan to be a turnoff and maybe I only settled on that as the "reason". lol

OT: Is ANYONE in the world watching The Selection?  Last night was unbelievable and made me fugly cry-and I want to talk about it!! 

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3 hours ago, Tracer34 said:

Wait a second!  Isn't Fowler a BOAT BUILDER by profession?  While he was standing by the lake whingeing about the lack of sunlight, I expected a cartoon light bulb to appear over his head telling him to fabricate a boat to go to the "sunny" side of the lake.

But noooooo.  He wastes time and energy climbing up the hill to get some fragmented sunshine.

Didn't he watch any previous seasons?

I forgot he was a boat builder. Hey, don't go Jose on us, just a simple raft like Mitch from season one. Nothing fancy, just enough to relocate into the sun. Let's see, season one had Lucas and Mitch and season two Mike and Jose... all built water craft of some sort. Sure hope we don't find out that he's failed to scout in all directions like Larry. Poor cussing Larry moved twice before finally scouting and finding a good location, and if it hadn't been for the evil mousie ? he might have never finished scouting.

Speaking of scouting, wonder if Carleigh and Dan have scouted adequately. Seems Carleigh hasn't found bamboo. From my rudimentary survival training many moons again in the Army, bamboo is a major find in survival situations. Not only building material, but tools, knifes, fishing poles, traps, spears, food, tea, rafts, cooking container or just canteen - geez too many uses to count and a major inequality if some contestants have bamboo and others don't. Then, Dan appears to be fishing in a sunken brush pile. I'll be really disappointed in trapper man if there's a good fishing hole a hundred yards along the shore. But, maybe that would be too many paces for our lazy survivalist (ok, getting a little snarky here ?)

Edited by SRTouch
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2 hours ago, GreyBunny said:

No kidding. I don't care that he's just there for the money, I would be too. I don't need to find myself, I already know where I am. Half a mil would be my motivation. But putting others down for making the effort to make it possible to survive a harsh winter in the elements makes him even more of an asshat. They'll be warm and conserving energy in the wind and rain and snow while he's wasting calories shivering his ass off all day and all night wishing he had a hearth and a decent bed.

Yep, first season nobody mentioned money as a big motivator. Sam and Alan just talked about being competing and refusing to quit - though I'm sure money was in their unspoken thoughts. But season two and now three it's out in the open. I agree, at first I wanted competition for the sake of competition and refusal to call it quits. Now I've come around to accepting that's it is a powerful motivator for a goodly portion of the contestants. Season two it was the prime motivator for Larry and Dave, and even Jose admitted he wanted that money to contribute to his family as he had a hard time working in Canada as a foreign national.

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@riverheightsnancy Ok, I get you, that makes more sense. Yea, Alan (medical issues, debt) and Dave (kids missed out because he was always broke) wanted that money so bad to help others. Dan just seemed like a jerk. I think we all dislike (or don't prefer) him in here, too bad he will win! hehe Most us didn't really like Dave either till the end that I recall.

I haven't been watching The Selection but I want to. I'll probably watch the few eps that have aired this weekend.

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I just looked and didn't see a forum for The Selection (correct me if wrong?). You can request one easily here: New Show Forum Requests, they request you make up names for topics which I hate doing, the guideline has good instructions on making a request. I got one made for a horror show I was sure no one else was watching but people showed up and talked about it. :) I might watch this show tonight and then I'll want somewhere to talk about it too. lol

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I love Callie. I would love to hang out with her in the wilderness. She's got mad skills and I think she'll be there a long time. Unless she hurts herself. I hope she doesn't because I can't wait to see what she makes next.

Carliegh, already crying...and slurping boogers. She won't last long.

Dan the Trapper Man. Goes swimming in ice cold water for one fish, yet hasn't yet made a trap. Like Fowler hasn't built a raft or something to get to the other side. Is the fresh air in a foreign land making them all lose their minds?

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11 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Crying over a ray of sunshine means you have  the beginnings of Seasonal Affective Disorder, time to relocate.

I'm all, c'mon, Fowler, you're a paleface from the north like me, we don't need a lot of sun!  With the mountains and the trees and winter on the horizon, if he does have SAD he's going to run into trouble real fast if he doesn't relocate.  The way he was crying he needs more than short visits to a sunbeam.

10 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

OT: Is ANYONE in the world watching The Selection?  Last night was unbelievable and made me fugly cry-and I want to talk about it!! 

MEMEME! #11 had me crying like a baby! He can call me inspector anytime he wants.  I hope a new topic for it starts soon, I really want to talk about that show.

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OK, you bunch of whiners, I submitted a new forum request for The Selection. If you've got suggestions for thread titles, go over there and add your comments.  The mod in charge of new shows, SilverStormm, has a pinned post that she'll be off until December 29th, so you have some time to consider things.

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Thanks @Quilt Fairy.

From one of those survivor message boards Fowler's last post was interesting to me:


everyone was given to 9 by 9 tarps and they sucked so cheap they'd rip if you looked at them sideways. Callie had a custom 10 by 10 or was it 12by 12 made for one of her 10 items. 

I had a bout 600 feet of shore front and then back a few miles up and up. We are digitally fenced in and have to stay in our 6 to 10 square miles.

That explains why people pick tarp as one of their 10 items (besides just wanting another one) even though they get two from production. And I don't know if we knew before how far they were limited in travel from their original drop off spot, I don't read many interviews of contestants after the show, so these little details are interesting to me. It's obvious you can't wander all the way to another contestants locations, it felt like Fucking Larry traveled a great distance last season.

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12 hours ago, jvr said:

Thanks @Quilt Fairy.

From one of those survivor message boards Fowler's last post was interesting to me:

That explains why people pick tarp as one of their 10 items (besides just wanting another one) even though they get two from production. And I don't know if we knew before how far they were limited in travel from their original drop off spot, I don't read many interviews of contestants after the show, so these little details are interesting to me. It's obvious you can't wander all the way to another contestants locations, it felt like Fucking Larry traveled a great distance last season.

Hmmm only 600 ft of shoreline? I suppose that might explain Dan fishing where he is and always getting tangled in underwater brush. Could also explain why Fowler hasn't/doesn't move. That sunny shore across the way could be out of bounds. With as hard as it is to walk through that underbrush, I can see why staying put might be the logical choice. I mean, why fight through the woods when your water and, at least so far, food source is the lake in front of you. Sounds like they, or at least Fowler, had a lot of woods behind him, but unless there were other water sources and a way to walk around without fighting through underbrush, best to stay put. Now, if there are paths/game trails through the brush, that's different, and again no way to know without scouting.

To tell the truth, I really don't see that brush is so thick that they can't scout and find game trails... course when they scout they better not get lost - Gary. Nah, I bet he wishes he hadn't filmed that segment. Probably just turned around and obviously found his way back without a real problem, but for evermore his pals are going to be poking fun at him - course if he wins he may have a bunch of new best beer drinking buddies. Anyway, those guys with the bow and arrows need to find the game trails if they're going to hunt, and everyone needs to if they plan to trap. Hmmph, could be everyone has scouted and we just didn't see it. That's a part that they usually cut - well, except for poor Desmond. Poor guy, editing made him look a fool, running around in the woods panicked over bear scat. Guess, later on he talked about actually encountering bear, but what we saw was "Oh, NO - BEAR POO, I GOTTA GO HOME!!!" Then him sitting on the beach as far as he could get away from the woods.

Guess there's no way to give everyone a 100% level playing field. But still, I wonder if the folks scouting locations left some things off the criteria list which should have been considered. It sucks that Fowler is stuck in the shade. A bigger discrepancy, at least in my mind, would be if some folks have bamboo while others don't. Course, historically the sites have never been equal. Heck, just remember Nicole and her salmon stream while others were having a tough time getting fish. Both David and Larry, who were there at the end, had relatively terrible sites.

Slightly different topic. When I checked before the season started, they had the individual gear choices up but not the list of gear everybody gets that everybody gets and doesn't count against their 10 choices. Well that list is up now at http://www.history.com/shows/alone/articles/gear-list no surprises for those for have looked in past seasons. Did answer what Zach did with at least some of the bamboo he collected. They have a picture of him sitting in his shelter drinking from his pot. Looks like he lined the floor of his shelter.

12 hours ago, jvr said:

It's obvious you can't wander all the way to another contestants locations, it felt like Fucking Larry traveled a great distance last season.

Just thought, sure did seem a long distance traveled when Jose made it to that salmon stream - late. Maybe they just had more territory up north.

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The flimsy tarps given by production is to protect the cameras and other electronics, not for shelters.

Dan, did you miss/forget that part of the orientation?

Guessing the sunny shores across his beach is within his boundaries and is one of his options to improve his camp if he chooses to do the work of making a boat and getting over yonder.

Maybe walking is not within his boundaries but as the crow flies the distance is open to him.

We will see...

Edited by humbleopinion
more nonsense
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Am I wrong to think that production purposefully put Fowler at this drop off so he would give the show another boat building story line?

However, if Fowler takes as long as Jose, the audience will lose patience...and interest.

Seems Fowler is committing to his shady side since he built that waddle fence, which he could disassemble and build a functional raft.

Should take about a day with his magic shovel.

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when britt was holding his night time catch up to the camera there was a light on the trees in the background that appeared and disappeared suddenly as if someone shined a flashlight on them then took it away... i wonder what that was

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sometimes light acts like that, you are more familiar with that when you drive,  - a quick moment when the sun shines in your eyes and then it is gone. 

aren't there also cameras set up by the crew with night lights that just record incase something happens outside their camp, or do the participants set that up to run all the time. 

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"My walls are strong, strong enough to climb on. Home sweet home." Then BAM, the roof collapse LOL!

I was screaming at my screen "MOVE!! OR BUILD A FREAKIN BOAT!!" when Fowler cried about not getting sunlight. Is he seriously gonna climb up the hill everyday just to get sunlight? I'm pretty sure he burnt some serious calories by climbing up and down the hill from his shelter to the lake and now he's climbing up higher to get sun? Seems like he got a duck from the preview for next week. That can be a great booster especially if he can find a way to preserve it. not just calorie booster but also his overall mood and attitude.

Britt and Callie so far seems to have a good attitude. The editors and producers must be enjoying Callie's reels with the skinny dipping and booty dance lol.

This is the first time they showed Dan and I'm already dreading it. Is he recruited? In Making The Cut episode he talked about questioning why he do the survival stuffs and he said "I have this opportunity to go and prove myself in Patagonia...." The way he said it sounds to me like he was recruited.

On 12/23/2016 at 1:54 PM, humbleopinion said:

Carleigh... do not slurp your runny boogers on camera. Use the back of your hand. Yuck.

That was seriously a cringy moment. Another cringy moment was in ep 1 or 2 when Dave was eating fish and he licked his dirty and black fingers. 

On 12/24/2016 at 9:32 AM, jvr said:

Thanks @Quilt Fairy.

From one of those survivor message boards Fowler's last post was interesting to me:

That explains why people pick tarp as one of their 10 items (besides just wanting another one) even though they get two from production. And I don't know if we knew before how far they were limited in travel from their original drop off spot, I don't read many interviews of contestants after the show, so these little details are interesting to me. It's obvious you can't wander all the way to another contestants locations, it felt like Fucking Larry traveled a great distance last season.

So that explains why he didn't move. Too bad for him though. I don't know how long will he last climbing up and down the hill and not getting enough sunlight. 

On 12/24/2016 at 11:39 AM, SRTouch said:

well, except for poor Desmond. Poor guy, editing made him look a fool, running around in the woods panicked over bear scat. Guess, later on he talked about actually encountering bear, but what we saw was "Oh, NO - BEAR POO, I GOTTA GO HOME!!!" Then him sitting on the beach as far as he could get away from the woods.

Both David and Larry, who were there at the end, had relatively terrible sites.

What a difference between Desmond and Britt. Desmond is a big guy with military background, bragging about bear encounter but ended up tapping out at the sight of bear scat vs Britt - a smaller guy (compared to Desmond), an accountant, humble and good attitude, heard sound in the middle of the night and went to check it out.

I don't think David got a bad site. It's just that he was unlucky with the gill net got tangled up with the logs. But once he started fishing using his line, he caught plenty of fish and crabs.

On 12/25/2016 at 2:20 PM, holly4755 said:

aren't there also cameras set up by the crew with night lights that just record incase something happens outside their camp, or do the participants set that up to run all the time. 

Yeap, it's a game camera. The guys have to set up all the camera themselves.

Off-topic question. Fowler and Callie live off-grid, right? I don't know much about it but when I hear off-grid living, I imagine they completely unplugged - have their own water supply and electricity, hunt and grow their own food. This probably sound dumb but how do they go on the internet? Do they go to town and use public wifi or something? I presume they online only to promote the show, otherwise, wouldn't that beat the purpose of living off-grid? To be independent (not relying on city water and electric) and get away from the electronic stuffs (social media, etc) and 9-5 job.  

Edited by Joan Z
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On 12/25/2016 at 0:20 PM, holly4755 said:

sometimes light acts like that, you are more familiar with that when you drive,  - a quick moment when the sun shines in your eyes and then it is gone. 

aren't there also cameras set up by the crew with night lights that just record incase something happens outside their camp, or do the participants set that up to run all the time. 

that'd explain it although i've gone back and watched that lil bit a few times and it really looks like the light source is moving, looks alot like headlights... maybe britts near some kind of road

Edited by creamytuna
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Can someone explain to me what happened to the guy who got lost in the woods during one of the previous episodes?  I missed 2 weeks of this, watched episodes 3 and 4 but still didn't follow what happened.

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1 hour ago, Jipijapa said:

Can someone explain to me what happened to the guy who got lost in the woods during one of the previous episodes?  I missed 2 weeks of this, watched episodes 3 and 4 but still didn't follow what happened.

Turned into a non event not even mentioned again. He obviously found his way back, because the "Outfoxed" episode is about a fox repeatedly stealing his bait, until he concedes defeat... yeah, go Foxy!

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