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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 7 (11/09/2016 - 11/15/2016)


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If Dani wins Veto, the AN most likely goes home.  Which isn't so great, especially if it's Morgan.

Morgan AN: Kryssie is the renom, Justin keeps his word and votes against Jason (maybe) but Dani and "America" vote Morgan out.

Kryssie AN:  Justin is the renom, Morgan votes out Jason, and it would be nice if Dani votes Justin and America votes Kryssie and Shelby can break the tie to evict Jason…but most likely Dani plays it safe and votes out Kryssie.

So while I definitely want Jason gone sooner rather than later, it seems a bit impractical at the moment.  Next week for him, I hope.

Shelby's not seriously thinking of pawning Morgan, is she?  What would be the point?

ETA:  I mean, I sort of get the "if Morgan is AN and Dani or Jason wins Veto, then they + America could vote Morgan out" concept whereas, in theory, if Kryssie is the AN and Morgan gets stuck on the block, Justin could take down Kryssie with the Veto and then vote Danielle out…but this assumes that

1) Jason can't manipulate Justin, as he's done so many times before 

2) Justin isn't just flat-out lying to begin with

3) Jason doesn't win the Veto, pull down Danielle, force Justin up and then he and Dani could vote out Morgan…although I guess they might get rid of Justin to lock up the CP for Danielle, but in that situation (Kryssie/Justin/Morgan on the block), I bet they default to self-righteous talk about "loyalty" and "it doesn't matter which of us gets the CP, let's get rid of the Soulless Monster" and kick Morgan out.

It just seems so much simpler to put Jason/Danielle on the block, roll the dice on Kryssie being the AN, and trust that Justin/Kryssie will take Morgan down as part of the deal if she should end up as the AN and j or K wins Veto.

Good news is that I checked Reddit (I won't be able to do Flashback until about 9 PM BBT) and apparently Shelby never really considered the pawn option, she's just stringing Jason/Dani along.  They're already melting down big time.

Danielle "I've been bullied my whole life!" Lickey said she was going to make Shelby's life a living hell.

And THAT'S why we call them HypoKridiots, yet again.

Edited by DAngelus
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Yeah, Justin's just as two-faced as Kryssie, I'm afraid.  Caught a convo in the kitchen at about 3.30 PM (Cam 1) between Shelby/Morgan/Justin, and Morgan was saying that even Jason winning Veto wouldn't be terrible, because Justin might be able to convince him to vote out Danielle.  

(Yeah, I think if Morgan is the AN and Jason wins Veto, then with Danielle/Kryssie/Morgan on the block, Jason would vote with America to evict Morgan and he might even pull Justin to make it unanimous.  If Kryssie is AN and it's Danielle/Justin/Kryssie, then Jason probably uses America to ditch Kryssie, although maybe Justin could persuade him to cut Danielle instead.)

But the more important thing is that immediately after that, Justin went to Kryssie to Tokyo, and spun that as saying that Longshot had said Jason winning the Veto was their preference, and then he said that Jason and Kryssie were his top two, and they laughed at the "Jambalaya Gang" name.  So it looks as though Justin/Kryssie are planning to throw the Veto to Jason.

Following that (c. 3.45 PM BBT), Justin met with Jason when he was folding laundry in the bathroom, and again spun it as everybody wants Jason to win Veto and that Jason and Kryssie are his F3.  He'd already talked to Jason about this earlier today, so Jason trusts him, but doesn't trust Kryssie since she hadn't reported to him (Jason) the things that Justin is.   So Jason's claiming to only be loyal to Justin (although he might still actually prefer Danielle to stay), but Justin is still wanting a J/J/K F3.  Justin definitely wants Danielle out first (if he has to win Veto, he plans on taking down the AN [be it Kryssie or Morgan] to lock the noms and shock and evict Dani), but after that he wants one of Longshot out of here at F5.

And if Jason gets that Veto, and Morgan is already on the block and Jason votes her home…I don't really think that Justin will be too upset.  He'll just blame Jason and float from girl to girl to girl, telling each of them that they're his #1.  Sigh.

Edited by DAngelus
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Into the Safety Ceremony fallout now, and Jason and Kryssie are definitely shining Danielle on, hypothesizing that perhaps Jason is the target, or maybe Shelby wants to "backdoor" Justin (although at F6, there really isn't any such thing).  It's a bit disappointing that Dani's meltdown is just an angry whisper-fest in Tokyo, but there's still plenty of venom being spewed.

Danielle had assumed that Shelby was going to nominate the "popular" Justin and Kryssie to increase the chance of her or Jason being the AN.  (In actuality, Jason even now remains far more popular than Kryssie, but such were Dani's delusions.)  So now she's raging at Shelby for being "stupid" and risking Morgan being the AN, she claims.  Of course, she really just didn't want to be nominated, plain and simple…


DANIELLE (angry whisper):  If America noms Morgan and I pray one of us wins the Veto and comes down, she's gonna fucking put up Kryssie and Morgan goes home.  She's fucking stupid, because now she has to…like, she can't send both of us home. (??) And now she just shot herself in the foot, because she can't even fucking play in HoH.  She's fucking stupid.  She'd better pray to God that I leave.  

She better pay to God. She walked down, she's like "Is that a Bible?"  "Yep." "I don't own one." Bitch, you better go buy one after this is over and ask Him, "Why, God?"

She's all "Oh, I don't own one." Well, after this you should look into it, because I'm about to make your life a living Hell and you're gonna need it! 

So I guess Danielle's Republicanism is religion-based, after all?  Huh, I didn't see that one coming.

She and Jason note that they were on the block against each other in Week One, which makes Shelby "the new Monte" and look what happened to him.  I believe that's that causal fallacy again.  Post hoc ergo propter hoc and all that.

Danielle is also pretty furious at Justin since he hasn't done anything except "win one Veto by default" and he's talked all this shit about Shelby and he's the first one safe…she says she offered Shelby "everything", control over the Veto and her vote this week, and safety via the care package next week.  Except that she's not offering safety for Morgan next week, so Shelby would have to go to the F4 facing Danielle/Kryssie/Jason on her own.  Plus the part where Danielle keeps lying to her…I think that might be a reason for Shelby to look Dani's gift horses in the mouth, no?

I also disagree that Shelby should keep the "unpopular" LNJ players off the block.  It behooves her to keep only one LNJ block candidate safe alongside Morgan, so that the anti-LNJ votes aren't split.  Since all the anti-Morgan votes are just going to Morgan, we have to "concentrate our fire" on Kryssie, not risk a three-way split.

Edited by DAngelus
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Oh. My. Lanta.  This is boring as hell.  BB -- give them something to do.  I haven't watched the feeds all weekend because every time I do turn it on, they're sleeping.  YAWN.  I hate when it gets to this point in the season.  They should do away with a Final 2 or Final 3 and replace it with something like a Final 6 or Final 7.  That would make them all turn on each other sooner in the season AND it would make the ending so much more dramatic.  This laying around waiting to get clipped is sucking the life right out of me.  

Rant over.

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6 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Oh. My. Lanta.  This is boring as hell.  BB -- give them something to do.  I haven't watched the feeds all weekend because every time I do turn it on, they're sleeping.  YAWN.  I hate when it gets to this point in the season.  They should do away with a Final 2 or Final 3 and replace it with something like a Final 6 or Final 7.  That would make them all turn on each other sooner in the season AND it would make the ending so much more dramatic.  This laying around waiting to get clipped is sucking the life right out of me.  

Rant over.

All they need to do is cut down the weeks from a full week to have eviction to three days. Because there's less people and because sides will be most likely clear cut at this stage, there's no point in waiting. Noms and veto could have already happened and eviction could be tomorrow instead of Wednesday. It would shorten the season by two or three weeks, at least. 

Guys, I think we may have a shot at getting Kryssie to be AN.  Not only is she leading in the Joker's poll (no surprise there), she is also leading in Taran Armstrong's poll on Twitter (albeit by a narrow margin).  If the Twitterverse is leaning Kryssie's way, we have a shot.

If you haven't voted yet, you still have until 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific to vote.  And remember, a vote for Kryssie is a vote for good feeds.  Team Good Feeds thanks you in advance.

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I've new to the forum (hello!) and I had to chime in! I've been watching BB since season 2 and I've never voted before, but I just cast my 20 votes for Kryssie! I can't stand that hypocridiot! Her lack of self awareness is stunning. I adore Shelby and her delightfully weird sense of humor. Thanks to all the posters for making it easier for me to keep up with the feeds!

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO I accidentally gave one vote to Morgan this morning. Dammit!

I do think Morgan will be the nom, but I'm holding out hope it'll be Kryssie. The feeds would be SO fun if Kryssie is AN.

If Morgan's put up instead of Kryssie because of two extra votes, I'm blaming you!! :)

After the last two weeks of being convinced that Kryssie was going up because she was leading polls and then being absolutely wrong, I'm convinced that Kryssie is just never going to be put up and it'll be Morgan. All I want is Kryssie up so Morgan has only a 5% chance of being evicted, and that's only if Justin wins veto and takes down Jason, which is a slim chance since he wants Danielle out.

And if Kryssie goes up, I hope that Danielle wins veto. Morgan won't go up and one of Kryssie/Jason will go for sure. Justin's pretty safe, which is fine by me. The last two days has had him play the game for the first time in 45 days or however long it's been, so that's better than Kryssie. Plus, as much as I don't like Danielle, I think she's been playing the best game out of the Misfits and am fine with her winning over the other three. Actually, I'd prefer she would win over Kryssie, Justin, or Jason. But I know a lot of people would prefer Justin or even Kryssie because of Danielle/Jason's stupidity and awful behaviour. I stand by my opnion! 

Plus, Danielle winning veto increases Jason's chances of leaving this week and that's all I want. 

Ugh, what do Shelby and Morgan have to do to catch a freaking break? This America's nominee twist is really breaking the game for me now, especially with so few people left. They should have ended it weeks ago.

I know I wouldn't be complaining if it was going the way I wanted it to, but it's just so lopsided, and now Morgan and Shelby have to pull out yet another absolute longshot to stay in the game...

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Well, congratulations Jason on winning Big Brother Over The Top!

Because I'm now convinced that Kryssie's staying off the block as AN because she's protecting Jason. 

Unless I see proof in numbers otherwise, this is what I feel is going to happen, since nobody is going to vote out Jason.

And this is the last AN. We couldn't even get Kryssie up as AN. Now she'll slide into F3.

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50 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, congratulations Jason on winning Big Brother Over The Top!

Because I'm now convinced that Kryssie's staying off the block as AN because she's protecting Jason. 

Unless I see proof in numbers otherwise, this is what I feel is going to happen, since nobody is going to vote out Jason.

And this is the last AN. We couldn't even get Kryssie up as AN. Now she'll slide into F3.

So, Jason, Kryssie & Danni in the Final 3, right? At least, that's what I resigned myself to believe. So depressing!

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Apparently, he already has one question wrong, since there's a wrong path or something. I couldn't tell you what the answers are to these questions. 

People are saying that Jason isn't doing well. He's ten minutes in. It'll take a while to reset the dominos if he's wrong.

ETA: Attempt #1: He knocked down five of the dominos before he had to reset.

Attempt #2: He knocked them all down and I guess he did get them right.

12:05 is apparently his time. 

Shelby's next.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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He's having trouble, because there's only a certain amount of dominoes, and he didn't do the spacing right and ran out.  Y'all, this veto is going to take a WHILE.

Edited: and just as I said that, he finished, in just under 12 minutes, according to chat.

Edited by Katesus7
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It looks like Justin's going Shelby's path, also going with Perfect Shott instead of Veto for Sale, which is the answer Jason picked. But Justin also just picked Paul instead of Jeff, so if that's the right answer, he's going to lose some time.

The camera just zoomed in twice of Perfect Shott. Now, I don't know whether that means he's right or not, but if he is, then Shelby just beat Jason at the very least. 

ETA: And Justin lost because his dominos didn't all fall properly so he has to reset, but that means that he didn't win veto. Now it's just waiting for him to reset the fallen dominos and finish the comp.

Edited by Lady Calypso

Justin just finished. 11 minutes+3 minutes for a wrong answer (possibly two).

The question people are trying to figure out is which veto had more attempts: Veto Fore Sale (the Jeff hosted one) or Perfect Shott (Paul's)? People think it was Perfect Shott with 88 attempts, while Veto Fore Sale would have been 13 rounds, six people, so 78 plus 5 for the rest of the players that weren't Shane.

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