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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 7 (11/09/2016 - 11/15/2016)


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While I would thoroughly enjoy Kryssie OTB as AN, part of me secretly hopes that BB will get rid of AN for the remainder of the season.  What made the DE so dramatic was that the LNJ finally had to start turning on each other.  If there is an AN, the two sides will likely keep to themselves until after the veto comp.  But if there is only 2 noms, it will force the LNJ to start wheeling and dealing with Shelby and Morgan a lot sooner.

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Hope Dani/Jason are remembering that they had the perfect opportunity to make a deal yesterday, and they chose not to do it.  Justin is completely silent.  Granted, he was just sleeping, but I think he thinks he's toast.  I don't think it would occur to either him or Kryssie to actually try to talk to Shelby.  

@peachmangosteen - at least with Morgan as AN, both she and Shelby will be playing for veto and if either won wins, she comes down and can't be a replacement.

Edited by leocadia
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Danielle fans are furious about the "rigging" of the CP/HoH for Longshot, and I can only assume they'll be moreso, now.

But meantime, here's why they want Kryssie gone:


Kryssie is such a snake-ass bitch. Around 5:30 AM BBT after this mess of an HOH comp and alone in the Tokyo, she lied to Justin "confirming" that Danielle actually wanted a unanimous vote to evict Justin during DE but he was "saved" because her and Jason begged, cried, and refused to vote him out, forcing Danielle to break the tie. She confided in him that she and Jason have his back, when in fact Jason wants Justin out sooner rather than later. Considering how Danielle could have easily sent Justin home even with a tie, it's sadly stupid yet unsurprising how Justin's dumb ass would believe this, being that he's still pressed that Dani chose Shane over him. 

In actuality, Danielle was the one who argued to Jason, after initially offering Justin to Shelby and Morgan, that they should actually keep him. Kryssie didn't say shit, much less try do anything to save Justin while all the game talk was going on and only asked Jason and Danielle who she should vote out for DE. She then fake-cried to Justin and Whitney as if she suspected Justin was leaving. In hindsight, I see she only did that so she could later make Danielle look bad to Justin.

She completely tried to demolish all the trust and appreciation Justin regained for Dani (that he never really should have lost) for keeping him over Whitney. I get that her ideal F3 is herself, Jason, and Justin, but her annoying, gassy ass hasn't done shit to even be worthy of coming in third place. She's barely been present in the game in the last 2-3 weeks. And what makes this all that much worse is the fact that Danielle actually trusts her and wants Kryssie in her ideal F3. Meanwhile, this deflating balloon of a bitch, who could've easily been evicted first had Dani and Neeley not put in work Week 1, is continuously plotting on her. 

Yay for Kryssie for playing the game!  I mean, I would rather she had voted to evict Justin and worked with the girls but HypoKryssie has to stay "loyal" to her allies on the votes.  She just doesn't mind lying to and manipulating them before that, apparently.

And of course she'll get exposed if Justin ever thinks to ask Jason about this.  Which, I grant you, is only like a 0.2% chance of happening, but still.

Edited by DAngelus
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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


Did Shelby's mirror break after Jason's time last night? That's what Twitter is claiming. I didn't actually watch.


According to @DAngelus post from the comp, Shelby's mirror broke at 7:23 when she had the mirrors in the correct position.  Jason's time was 8:41.

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3 minutes ago, leocadia said:

According to @DAngelus post from the comp, Shelby's mirror broke at 7:23 when she had the mirrors in the correct position.  Jason's time was 8:41.

That actually wasn't my in-comp post (I noticed her slowing down around then, but didn't know what exactly was wrong).  The specific time citation was on a card from BB that Danielle read when she was giving the other times to the house.

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Yeah, "America" is totally going to nominate Morgan. And unfortunately, Shelby and Morgan won't know until after she makes the noms. The best noms if Morgan isn't AN are Jason and Danielle, because they win comps. The best noms if Morgan is AN are Justin and Jason, because they would remain on the block if Shelby/Morgan manage to win veto, so at least ONE goes home. Which is what Shelby wanted last week.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, DAngelus said:


It was a normal Veto; it's just that having it awarded before nominations gave it more power than the Veto normally does.  The Veto, post -S3, has always protected the holder from being placed on the block.  It's just that having the Veto awarded pre-noms takes away HoH's opportunity to nominate the holder, at all.

The CP message pointed out that the CP is always delivered before nominations (both this season and in BB 18), so they were merely keeping with precedent.  Not BB's fault that nobody here (including myself) spotted how this would increase the power of the Veto.


I realized that announcing who would win Veto before nominees were selected could be a problem (and Big Brother likely did too, since they so carefully pointed out the why of the timing of the Veto award). But there was nothing in the CP restricting the HoH from nominating the CP winner.

This "Veto" was different. Normally, the Veto does not protect its winner from being placed on the block with the initial nominations, like this one did for TWO hamsters.

The primary function of the Veto is to REMOVE a nominee from the block. It's secondary function protects the user of the Veto from bring the replacement nominee, but the Veto has to be USED for this function to come into play..

What if Shelby and Morgan had been nominated? If this were truly a "normal" Veto, only one of them could have come off the block.

6 minutes ago, ZSweetJane said:

But there was nothing in the CP restricting the HoH from nominating the CP winner.

Not so.  Several CPs (Alex's "safety servant", the 2 co-HoH awards) have prevented the HoH from even nominating the CP recipient, and if Justin/Danielle complete next week's "advance to F4" challenge successfully, that one will as well.

9 minutes ago, ZSweetJane said:

Normally, the Veto does not protect its winner from being placed on the block with the initial nominations, like this one did for TWO hamsters.

Well, it didn't protect Shelby from the noms, it just made nominating her relatively pointless.  And, as noted, there is a precedent for Veto being awarded before nominations.  Not only the F6 veto in S4, as I discussed upthread, but also remember that in the F8 of BB14 (the week of "Dan's Funeral"), there was a second veto in play, and Ian won that before Frank made his nominations.  Indeed, it was the fact that the Quack Pack had the possibility of protecting all five members (if Shane or Britney had won regular Veto, they and Ian could have rescued both Dan and Danielle from the block, and even if Frank had used the last remaining QPer as a renom, they had the votes to save him/her and evict Joe or Jenn instead) that led to the paranoia about whether they would really work all together and the various refusals to protect each other (Shane blatantly throwing it, Dan not throwing it to Britney, Danielle taking points from Dan) made credible Dan's "turning" on Danielle/the QP during the funeral speech.  The extra power of Ian's extra veto impacted that [awesome] week considerably.

So the CP was awarded at the regular time (pre-nom) and the Veto gained extra power because of that, but that's happened to Vetos before.

19 minutes ago, ZSweetJane said:

What if Shelby and Morgan had been nominated? If this were truly a "normal" Veto, only one of them could have come off the block.

Yes, and this would have made the CP less valuable than the previous CP (Jason's co-HoH) had been, and thus thrown off the sequence.  This is more logical, IMO, and using the placement of the CP award in the week to amplify the Veto's power without having to create anything special was quite clever, I thought.  But JMO.

7 hours ago, DAngelus said:
7 hours ago, DAngelus said:
7 hours ago, DAngelus said:

Several CPs (Alex's "safety servant", the 2 co-HoH awards) have prevented the HoH from even nominating the CP recipient,

Actually, in BBOTT only 2 of the 7 CPs guarantee its winners safety for the week: Safety Servant and Co-HoH. At least according to the original descriptions. I noted immediately that CBS did not list the prize as "The Golden Power" and wondered how they planned to screw us, the voters. :)

Shelby and Morgan need to target either Danielle or Justin (the only two people eligible for the final CP) and then work with the remaining person to get their target out (ensuring that the remaining person will receive the final CP).

Maybe their best move is to work with Danielle to get out Justin (since she is the better comp player)?  

7 hours ago, DAngelus said:


Well, it didn't protect Shelby from the noms, it just made nominating her relatively pointless. 

And yet, knowing who is going to win Veto can help an HoH. Put the Veto holder on the block and create a backdoor, for example, or put the winner's allies up and force her to choose. It WAS pointless, but it didn't have to be.

The whole double eviction was such a mess and a disappointment. If they can do DE in an hour when it's live TV, why can't they keep it tight online? I thought the reason Veto was the care package was so that they could get the show done in a timely manner.

And shouldn't an endurance HOH follow double eviction?

I liked the DE too. Sure, it took more time than a normal DE, but with voting in the middle of it for an hour, I expected that. But I also loved the CP. Any other type of veto and we just would have watched the LNC vote out Shelby. Ho-hum. Instead, we actually saw some people strategizing and being forced to turn on each other.

I personally think if they had been planning for it to just be a normal veto, then they should have announced it AFTER the Safety Ceremony as a surprise once the noms were already made, but since it said before we voted that it would be revealed before noms, that never made sense. Then the veto holder would just be nominated only to be taken down, and the HOH would basically hold all the power for every decision with no one else having a chance. This way, the veto holder also held power, and it gave everyone else two people to try and make deals with. It's the not BBs fault that Whitney and Justin didn't think to even try to make a deal with Danielle and Morgan.

I mean I'm sure if you're an LNC fan, it sucked and you hated the whole thing, but IMO it was totally a win for Team Good Feeds.

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Oh.  My . Lanta.  I'm so lost  I don't even know where to begin. I've missed so much. Don'tknow how you guys keep up. You must all work from home. I understand there's some kind of controversy with the HOH comp.  Not sure what. So many different stories. I do know Shelby is HOH and Jason's supposed to be immune from nomination because of some problem with the comp. Do any of you have time stamps? Twitter is lit up about nominating Morgan. My heart was breaking when she and Shelby were crying. 

Julie told the HGs about Trump.  I did get to see that part on flashback.  I got a lot of catching up to do.

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People suck.

So Jason and Danielle are trying to make a deal with Shelby/Morgan.  It's a bullshit deal, everyone knows it, I mean come ON, why would they believe anything out of Jason/Danielle's mouth after the veto stunt?  It's interesting though that Jason says it's pairs now, and the pairs are him/Danielle, Kryssie/Justin and Morgan/Shelby.  Which is true.  However, unfortunately for him Shelby/Morgan are much better off targeting the pair of him/Danielle over Kryssie/Justin.  Unfortunately for the girls, Justin/Kryssie would probably not even entertain any kind of deal.

Right now they want Danielle gone.  Unfortunately, I'm almost sure Morgan will be "America's" nom.  One of them will have to win veto.

I wonder if they will try to work with Justin/Kryssie, by telling them about this "deal" of Jason/Danielle's.   That might be fun!

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Poor Alex.

She's back on Twitter and the comments toward her are BRUTAL and awful. I fucking hate Misfits fans. They're being horrible to Alex right now and I can only imagine how she's feeling by reading the coments toward her. They are not holding back. 

She has two choices:

Ignore the haters or get off Twitter for a very long time.  

It is indeed pitiful that she has to make such a choice.  

4 hours ago, J.D. said:

Jason's supposed to be immune from nomination because of some problem with the comp

Wait, what?  I haven't seen anything about this…is this just wishful thinking from Twitter people, or what?  

Off to check Reddit, I suppose.

ETA:  Nope.  Apparently Shelby just made a deal with Justin to put up Jason/Dani in exchange for Justin's not using the Veto, if he wins it.  And they're not exactly hiding it…they're being very friendly in the kitchen while Jason/Dani are watching from the bathroom, worried.  I'll have to go back and watch, if I get time.

From Reddit:


If Jason and Danielle lose this game because they chose to be cruel for zero reason, this entire season of shit talk will be so worth it.


I just want Danielle and Jason to leave one after another because of a stupid prank they pulled last week. It'll be soooooo freaking great. 

Julie interview (hypothetically):  "Looking back on it, Jason, do you think that making a fake alliance for no purpose other than to embarrass the other house guests might not have been the best idea?

Edited by DAngelus
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The Danielle thread I've been monitoring has largely dried up, amongst cries of "rigged!", but their newfound hatred of Kryin' Kryssie still warms my heart:


I didn't trust her ever since she threw dani utb week 2 for nothing and when she did not want to use her cp on the one who actually saved her week 1. I knew she would be a problem then.

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Yep, Kryssie's definitely here to play, now.  I still hate her, but I love this.  From Reddit:


Kryssie did kind of throw Dani under the bus by saying she didn't need the money and confirmed that Jason and Danielle made the fake F5 to be assholes. 


Kryssie lied to Jason saying that Justin was Shelby's target and Shelby was gonna pawn Kryssie.

Later on when Dani and Jason were outside, the other 4 went up to HOH solidify the deal and name the alliance the Jambalaya Gang.

Well, I don't know that I'll use that name so much, as I don't have much interest in those four being allies so much as I'm dying to see Jason and Danielle go, but definitely a good sign, so far.

Edited by DAngelus
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Haha, Jason's DRs in the Weekday Recap showed that he actually was sincere about being willing to work with Longshot, as opposed to last week when he didn't want to join a F5 and have him and Danielle be outnumbered by 3 BSers.  

Unfortunately for him, Shelby now completely refuses to believe The Stockboy Who Cried "Alliance", for good and obvious reasons.  That's what you get for being a dick, dick.  Maybe next time you'll think twice about burning bridges that you don't have to.

Also, he claimed in the HoH that Kryssie was the reason they had to keep Justin the DE, that she cried and refused to cut him loose.  When, in point of fact, Kryssie was the last person that Longshot talked to before the second eviction vote, and she was clearly not crying and claimed to be considering whether to keep Whitney, because Whitney had sworn never to vote against her.  And while Kryssie ended up deciding to keep Justin, it has to be pretty clear to Shelby and Morgan that Jason is lying here, again, some more.  Nice try, kid, but no sale.

Edited by DAngelus
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Is it just me or are the live diary sessions looking more and more like hostage videos?

Oh, Kryssie.  Every time you do a live diary, you make me wonder how in the hell you are still there.  She is excruciating to watch.  So Alex talked to you for three days and then stopped?  Ever think it was because she DID get to know you?

She is now claiming that failing at comps, looking like crap and being generally useless has been her strategy the entire time.  She didn't want anyone to think she was a threat so they would take her to the end.  If that were the truth, she should have mentioned it a little sooner, since she's certainly convinced America that she's useless and undeserving.  The sad part is her delusional ass probably believes her own retcon.  What a moron.  Go HOME!

Edited by leocadia
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6 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Is it just me or are the live diary sessions looking more and more like hostage videos?

Oh, Kryssie.  Every time you do a live diary, you make me wonder how in the hell you are still there.  She is excruciating to watch.  So Alex talked to you for three days and then stopped?  Ever think it was because she DID get to know you?

Seriously! Alex listened to you for 5 minutes and said, "Girl, bye!". I sincerely hope that Kryssie is the 3rd nom (I guess it's between her & Morgan, right?) so she will freak out a little. She is so delusional. She said she's been playing the game since day one. Whatever. LOL!!!

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I also particularly loved how Kryssie once again complained that "Alex even backdoored me one week." NO. She didn't. Please learn how this game is played.

But wow, I cannot stand Kryssie. I don't love the other three at all, but Kryssie is the worst to me. She comes off so sanctimonious about everything.

"Everyone wants to take me to the end." Well, yes, because everyone knows they can beat you. But your delusional ass has yet to figure that out.

Please be America's nom. Anything to wipe that smug grin off her face.

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12 minutes ago, leocadia said:

[Kryssie] is now claiming that failing at comps, looking like crap and being generally useless has been her strategy the entire time.

Except that we've seen her berating herself for failing at comps when she's alone, on multiple occasions.  What did she say this time? I had at least three quotes from her in the liveblog of the comp…let me go find them…


KRYSSIE (to herself and no one else): Kiss yet another HoH good-bye.


KRYSSIE (again, monologuing): Well, I don't deserve the fuck to be here any more.


KRYSSIE (after finally solving the puzzle):  I'm so stupid.

Yeah, you're totally throwing these!  If I could facepalm as hard as I feel like doing, my hand would go out the back of my head.

And she beat herself up just as badly when she was sucking in the back yard during the morph comp; the sobbing in the HoH room after the comp could have been strategy (it wasn't but it could have been) but we see you, you tattooed buffoon!  We know that you're trying…you just suck.

In so, so many different ways.  Failure, thy name is HypoKryssie.

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31 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

What did she say this time?

If you can, flashback and watch her DR, it's ridiculous.  I checked Jokers, but no one posted a word for word transcript.  She literally said that she came in as the "pin-up" and "power-lifter" so she has done everything she can to defuse those labels including failing at comps and not fixing herself up.  She also said that she tells everyone she has a bum knee, but she's exaggerating so they won't be afraid of her competition threat.  

On a side note , she also called Alex out for calling her side Hypocridiots, when that applies to her the most out of everyone.

Honestly, I haven't been watching the feeds much until the last couple nights (too stressful) so I kind of forgot how horrible she is.

Edited by leocadia
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Oh, I intend to view her DR, I've got them on pause right now.  I'm almost done with my other stuff and I'll post all the highlights.  I was just rhetorically asking about the self-hating comments she made during the laser HoH, which I then posted, not what she said in the DR.   But I'm sure there are some gems there, too.

("Pin-up"?  "PIN-UP"?? If I had a picture of Kryssie pinned above my bed, it would have to be ironically.  Or possibly for use as a dartboard.)

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Okay, let's do this!  Danielle is up first.

Q1 is about Alex's eviction.  Dani says it was her alliance's plan, except for the AN putting Alex on the block, but Jason won the Veto, so that made it moot.

Q2 asks what was the hardest part of the DE for her, personally.  She say it was having to decide whether to evict Justin, but at the end of the day™, she just couldn't do it, and besides, she wasn't sure that Whitney would stay loyal.

[Of course, Ditzi Dani doesn't know that "loyal" Justin has now made an alliance against her and plans to get rid of her this week.  Oops!]

Q3 is what was the best part of the DE.  She says winning HoH, obviously.  And also meeting Rachel, who is her favorite female HG.  

[Well, points for that.]

Q4 is how the HG feels about Whitney's eviction.  She says it's sad because Whitney is sweet (eh) and because she's a fan of the show (true) unlike some people (she says with venom) and then classifies only Jason and herself as such fans.  

[I don't know about that…Morgan may not be as devoted as her sister and Scott were, but she at least seems to have a decent history as a viewer.]  

She reiterates that she had a gut feeling that it was right to keep Justin.  


Q5 is about the result of the HoH.  She says that she was disappointed Shelby won, but that she thinks she can cut a deal with her.

[This would be the third deal, after you broke the first two.  And after you wouldn't take Shelby up on her offer of semi-alliance during your first HoH.  Ditz!]

She then veers off into a tangent about how she's here to help "my son" and "my child" [yep, she definitely can't say his name…release issues] and says how much it would suck to leave with nothing after being away from him for so long. [Fairly obvious attempt to get votes to win if she makes it to the end.]

Q6 is about strategy to reach the F3.  Danielle says her key problem is getting through this week, as she wasn't eligible to play HoH, but thinks that being open to working with Shelby and Morgan will help her.

[Excuse me for a second here…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Geee, maybe then you should have stuck to the deal where Shelby and Morgan had guaranteed you safety if you would get rid of Justin!  Instead of going back on your word yet again and making yourself target #1!  There's not enough "Ditz!" in the world for Ditzi Dani!  I've seen better strategy from Jace!]

Q7 is about the election news.  She says it's surprising to get reminded that things are happening outside.  She's glad they got the news before the end of the season.

Q8 is only for the HoH

Q9 is about noms.  Danielle says she's offered Shelby a deal and thinks that Justin is the target.

Q10 is about her strategy to avoid the block, she's running short on time, so she just reiterates what she said before.

Q11 is the catchall.  Danielle begs not to be the AN and shouts out to her son, again.

And that's that.  Such a lack of self-awareness that she can't even second-guess the mistakes that have put her in a very bad position.  It's like "well NOW I'll offer a real deal and they have to take it, right?"  Er, no.

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Justin.  Shirtless, wearing the douchey hat, and…glasses?  First time I've seen him with those.

He claims "Alex had it coming" and cites her being the AN, so it's all America's fault.  He also talks about Whitney, but that's getting ahead of things.  The hardest part was being up against Whitney, but he's glad that he survived.  Losing Whitney hurts his game because she was loyal and trustworthy, but he's staying focused.

He completely bombed the HoH and he's upset about it.  Says he had "a great strategy" but "overthought it".  Huh?   He does say nice things about Shelby winning because she had her HoH messed up last week.

He says a lot of gibberish about going farther in the game, without mentioning "The Jambalaya Gang".   He claims he "had a feeling" Trump would win, which is different from what he said when Julie polled the HGs.  He describes Trump as being "off the chain" which…isn't entirely the strangest thing I've heard someone say about the election.  

He mentions the JG now, talking about noms, and thinks Shelby will put up Dani/Jason because of the Fake 5 "alliance". He says at least the Asshole Prank isn't hurting his game.  Which…rather sucks, but so it is. He's not terribly committed to the JG, but says he never trusted Dani (still mad she liked Shane better, huh?) and won't mind her leaving this week.

He closes with just general rambling "positive" messages, and shout-outs to New Orleans.

Well, I haven't been missing much in his DRs, huh?

Morgan, looking lovely in an olive-green top.  She immediately thanks America for the CP and says she wants to give us a hug and a kiss.  :)  She reassures her parents that she's okay, even though she cried a lot when Alex left.  She says she's ready to fight, says that Alex is probably with their parents, and says hi, asking Alex to run her social media for her, as "Mom doesn't know what a hashtag is".  Heh.

She asks Alex to start planning the BS post-show trip to Vegas (I guess Whitney's still de-invited from that, right?) and starts talking about "a certain someone" who we can assume didn't sign a release, so we get fish.

She says that Alex leaving was the hardest thing so far [obviously], that you don't appreciate family until you're trapped with strangers and that they got "so close".  Aww.

Alex leaving was also the most difficult part of the DE for Morgan, because she knows how much of a dream this was for Alex.  She knew it was her responsibility to carry on for Alex, and so it also sucked when she lost the DE HoH on the tiebreaker.  Apparently, she accidentally wrote down "$9.99" for the crab necklace, when it was really $39.99 and that's why her final total was so low.  [If she'd put the proper number down, her adjusted guess of $95.99 would have won her the HoH, as would have her first instinct to simply guess "$100".]  And then she thought she was going home but then they got the CP and that saved her day.

As for high points of the night, not just getting the CP and keeping her and Shelby safe, but as much as she didn't want to see Whitney go, it did prove what she [Morgan] had said in her eviction speech earlier, that as the last to join the LNJ, Whit would be the first one the would cut.  Nailed it, Bikini Girl! [And I completely didn't notice that, so thanks for pointing it out.]  She's also a bit starstruck that Julie called her speech "epic". 

She says Whitney's leaving has turned out to be surprisingly good, as it left Justin looking for new partners and thus the JG F4 alliance.

She's excited for Shelby's HoH, both because it should help them move forward and that, if things do go sideways, it makes Shelby the bigger threat and probably a target ahead of "me, Bikini Girl".

Her plans for moving forward include:

• resurrecting her social game (after she threw it out the window to tear into everyone with that "lit" eviction speech)

• working towards not just the "Jambalaya Gang" F4 with Justin and Kryssie and Shelby, but a F3 of herself/Shelby/Kryssie, which K has already approached her about, although Morgan realizes that some trust still needs to be rebuilt over her choosing to evict Neeley instead of Scott during Kryssie's HoH back in Week 4.

• getting Justin/Kryssie to throw the next HoH to her (!) so that she can get the "blood on her hands" by evicting Jason.  [This would not only help J/K with Jason's fans in the final voting, but obviously make it easier for Morgan to protect Shelby, who can't play for HoH.]

• win some comps.  She's hoping for physical comps instead of puzzles, given her poor performance in the latter.

[nicely detailed!  Woo-hoo, strategic Morgan!  Who knew?]

When she sees the Trump question, her immediate reaction is "Oh, God"  even though the rest of the answer is generic.

She anticipates Dani/Jason noms, which is payback for the Fake 5 alliance. She finds it offensive that Dani/Jason think Longshot would fall for their promises yet again.  [The irony being that this time, J/D are sincere.  But fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, you're not getting a chance to fool me a third time, obviously.]

As for staying off the block, she thinks she's safe from Shelby and she hopes she's safe from America, since she got the CP.  But she promises to fight for the Veto, regardless.

Wow, that was really good.  She was not nearly so nervous and rambling as she used to be in these (didn't come close to running out of time, even though she talked a lot) and her natural camera-ready publicist poise shined through.  This must be what her audition tape looked like.

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Jason.  He burps.  Must be spending too much time around Kryssie.  Seems a bit rote.

He claims he respect Alex for her gameplay, but then defaults to insults.  "I didn't get to know her as a person because I only saw her as a shell of a gamer."  Oh, eff off, dbag.

The worst part of the DE was having to choose between Justin and Whitney, the best part was Dani winning the DE HoH, because he knew he was probably safe, then.

He thinks that Whitney leaving is somewhat good, because America likes her and she'd be a threat in the F3, and also that Kryssie/Justin are less likely to stray without Whitney to be a third for them.  [Heh-heh…] He regrets that he had to pass on eliminating Justin though, because "I did not come here to lose just because I love these people too much.  I basically did that in BB17, and it got me nowhere but back home and poor." [Fair enough.]

He's very disappointed that he blew the HoH rematch, because he put in a lot of time studying possible configurations/solutions, and he just choked and forgot about the possibility of a loop, even though he'd talked about it earlier.  He says Shelby deserves it.  He knows he has to play defense this week.

His F3 strategy is that he needs to win a comp in the F4, since he still doesn't think anyone will take him.  He doesn't know who to take, because it's not like regular Jury management strategy, since he doesn't know what "America" is thinking, whereas you normally know how your fellow HGs think.

He's confused by Trump's election (and worried, since he's gay), but he's glad of any news and he's old enough to realize that Presidential promises don't usually get 100% fulfilled.

He thinks that Shelby will nominate Justin/Kryssie, but realizes that the Prank may have hurt him with the girls.  He just hopes that Shelby thinks he's a better ally than enemy.

He thinks that the Prank Alliance may have hurt him with some of "America", but thanks them for the CP, since he clearly sucks at comps. [Well, he did win a Veto just this past Monday.] He really wants to get to the end, because the game means so much to him.


JASON:  A lot of these people don't care about Big Brother where I eat, sleep, breathe…I've spent decades of my life dedicated to the science and the history of this, so I just hope that the real superfans and the feedsters out there see that I am as passionate as they are.  Even if I'm not always making the best decisions or the smartest decisions or rolling with your favorite character or the person you really like, I hope that you see that I am just trying to play and progress myself forward, by any means.

Oh, Stockboy.  You make my heart hurt.  I really love your passion for the game, but…it's not that I mind you being on the "other" side of the house from my faves, it's that you're such a fucking jackass while you do it, for no earthly reason.  The Asshole Prank served no other purpose than your own petty amusement, and now that it's quite rightly biting you in the butt, I really can't care so much about your being such a fan of the game.  Sorry, kid.

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Kwotable Kryssie (maybe).  She thinks there's "a lot" of questions (nope, a fairly standard 11) so dives right in.


KRYSSIE (smirking):  Alex. Oh, Alex.  Your speech was terrible and your friends are terrible and you are terrible.  I'm really, really glad to see you gone, because you tried to make an effort the first three days to get to know me [voice deepens, menacing] and then you ignored me the rest of the time we were here.  Only to backdoor me one time, when you broke a promise to me. I'm glad Alex is gone and good riddance; I hope you get to come back sometime and play another game of Big Brother [but] I'm glad you're not in my face any more. I'm really disappointed with how things went with you and I had higher hopes for you as a strategist and…sorry-not-sorry.

Wow.  What a [insert epithet here]

A few quick points:

• Are you sure she's 31, not 13?

• I'm not sure I would have put in more than three hours' effort to "get to know" Kryspy Kreme.  Props to Alex for lasting as long as she did.

• For someone who doesn't "play personal", she's sure found a way to justify her disdain for those on the other side of the house.

• Gee, sorry that Alex couldn't live up to your "hopes" as a strategist.  She successfully concealed her real #1 alliance for the entire time she was in the house and gained two other people (Shelby, Scott) who would have taken her to F2 in a real season.  All you've done is trail to the back of the popular crowd, a lesser target because you obviously suck so badly (even though you are trying to win comps) and have only started manipulating people this week.

• Alex might have spent more time around you if you'd stopped burping in her face while Alex was trying to eat, you gross sack of gas.  JFC.

[And only 9 more questions to go!  Sigh.]

Hey, let's have a screencap.  Remember, ugly is as ugly does…

Screen Shot 2016-11-11 at 11.41.17 PM.png

Moving on…the worst part of the DE was having to choose between Justin and Whitney (standard LNJ answer), she loves them both so much!  Barf.

The best part of the DE was…oh, for fuck's sake…


ASSHOLE (er, "KRYSSIE") (sighing):  I know this sounds petty, but Alex fumbling her speech.  It was poetic justice.  Don't call people out when you know nothing about them.  Don't call us HypocrIdiots when you have no idea who we are as human beings because you never, ever, EVER [almost in tears, I swear] made the effort to get to know us on a personal level!  You just decided who you were going to roll with and you rolled, and the rest of us were just left out there to die.

Sorry to interrupt here, but JFC, what a baby.  Danielle actually got beat up by the bullies in her school and she doesn't whine about not being in the popular crowd as much as you, you dumb sack of shit.  "To die"??  Be more dramatic, crazy lady.

And now I have to skip the rest of this, because I only have eight minutes until my feeds reset and I would MUCH rather see Shelby.  Sorry-not-sorry, big baby.

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Gah, not only did I only get to see Shelby for two questions, I lost my first try at this post.  Okay, then.

Shelby was "devastated" to see Alex go, because she felt she let her down by making the mistake in the Veto (running back before locking in her balls) and failed to protect her.  And also because she started cracking up when Alex was messing up her eviction speech and that made Alex mess up even more.

The hardest part of the DE was when Morgan lost the tiebreak in the DE HoH, because Shelby figured that Morgan was going to be evicted (since Morgan was still CP-eligible and Shelby wasn't) and she really didn't want to spend a week alone with the LNJ.  Who are loud and annoying and indulge in "middle school" behavior like…



(wait for it)


Oh, for fuck's sake.  You disgusting sacks of shit.  I hope they all decompose into the literal slime they are.

Gee, I wonder why Alex didn't try to get to know Kryssie "as a person", huh?  I mean I'm sure there's some fascinating story of heartache and angst that would explain a 31-year-old woman acting like such a juvenile twat, but in my heart of hearts, I don't give a tenth of shit what it is.  You skidmark on the saggy panties of life.

At least this week, Shelby can keep the HoH locked, and hopefully disinfected.

And Kryssie, in case you really are too stupid to grasp the concept (which seems a good bet, I admit), THAT IS WHY SHE CALLED YOU A "HYPOCRIDIOT".  Because you revile Alex for not reaching out to you as "a human being" while at the same time you act like a spiteful brat that nobody with a shred of self-respect would want to spend any time around.  You disgusting pig, and I mean that on at least three levels.  Fuck off, and I hope that someone, someday gets the opportunity to say something like that to your face.  Gah.

And I hate that I missed most of Shelby's DR.  Next time, just skip Justin.  On general principles, if nothing else…

Edited by DAngelus
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The Misfits are gross. But what I learned just now from Reddit that Jason's an even worse piece of shit than I thought. So, apparently Justin actually had a daughter who was stillborn and he's apparently mentioned it a few times. And guess what? The only people to care were the Ballsmashers (Whitney included). Jason/Danielle/Kryssie dismissed the few times he tried to talk about it, and last night, he dismissed Justin's dead daughter as just a "one-liner sob story". He equated it to Justin getting his heart broken and being broke or whatever.

You know, for someone who does take his sexual abuse seriously, you'd think he would have more compassion. And now I want him evicted this week. I want Danielle to win veto and I want them to evict Jason. I know it'll be difficult, but I want it to happen. 

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