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Discontinuities: I Think We Made a Mistake

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Thanks for creating this, @BizBuzz!

I just took a pain killer, so only have time to state this before I conk out (and it falls under my major pet peeve of incorrect grammar):

The number of times Toby, Tobysaid "I could care less" when it should be "I couldn't care less," because the former implies Toby cared a little, which was false, because he didn't give a damn.  AND the show had Sam and Bartlet say "I couldn't care less!"

Oh one continuity gaffe-and I wouldn't have noticed it had I not stopped watching season five, to go back and watch season one again.  That would be the name of Debbie Fidurer. It was said that she was fired because she sent Charlie to be the President's aide instead of David Dwink, who was the nephew of some White House staffer or something. BUT, in the third episode, I think it was Josh who said someone named "Mrs. Delaguardia" sent him. Not sure of the spelling, but I DO remember it wasn't Fidurer!?

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Josh does refer to her as "Miss DiLaguardia" in the pilot when he is talking to Charlie.  When Charlie goes to see her in "Posse Comitatus", her calls her Mrs. DiLaguardia, and she replies "I'm not married to Mr. DiLaguardia anymore. My name is Debbie Fiderer."

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1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

Josh does refer to her as "Miss DiLaguardia" in the pilot when he is talking to Charlie.  When Charlie goes to see her in "Posse Comitatus", her calls her Mrs. DiLaguardia, and she replies "I'm not married to Mr. DiLaguardia anymore. My name is Debbie Fiderer."

D'OH! I totally forgot that until I read it! That's one of the pitfalls of marathon watching-some details become a blur.


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really hope I won't be "talking" to myself here...

Here's one I should have posted first because it was so ridiculous and unless D.C. was in Alaska, it would NEVER, has NEVER happened. And that is bright sunlight streaming through the windows at 5:30 a.m.!

That was the time stated as Sam was leaving Laurie. And it was Fall, and the sunrise wouldn't happen for another two hours.  Maybe an hour and a half.

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What was up with Annie Westin's age. I remember Bartlet saying she was 12 in the first season and later on(I think Camp David accords-ish) she was mentioned again by Bartlet about how she was just starting High school. Am I not remembering that correctly?

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No, she was 12 in the beginning, and 14 or 15 5 years later.   The writers were in a jamb though because it made no sense that she'd be as old as they'd written her based on the age of her parents.   


My own desk palm is Haverhill MA, which borders NH, is pronounced Hay-ver-ill, not Have-err-hill.

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12 hours ago, LegalParrot81 said:

The day in the life episode of CJ, Toby says he found her in New York working for a PR firm.

One of the best scenes ever was when Toby went to CJ's home in California to offer her the job and she fell into the pool.

I love that pool scene, but had quit watching (or at least quit watching regularly and committing to memory) by the time of the documentary episode when we got the origin of C.J. meeting Toby, so I may be missing something obvious, but how is the pool scene in L.A. inconsistent with the later revelation of Toby having first met her in NY?  At the time he comes to recruit her to Bartlet's campaign, they obviously know each other based on prior history, so if there is something that makes the "we met on a NY campaign" story inconsistent, it's not that flashback episode.

On 12/8/2016 at 10:03 AM, oceanblue said:

My own desk palm is Haverhill MA, which borders NH, is pronounced Hay-ver-ill, not Have-err-hill.

Interesting; the college roommate I had who'd grown up in a small NH town less than half an hour north of the MA border pronounced it the latter way when we traveled in that area. 

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9 hours ago, Bastet said:

so I may be missing something obvious, but how is the pool scene in L.A. inconsistent with the later revelation of Toby having first met her in NY? 

I was simply basing my observation on what the audience had been told and had seen of Toby's recruiting CJ to the campaign.  I probably misunderstood the whole thing.  LOL

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It's two different things: the flashback in L.A. is when Toby recruited her to the Bartlet campaign (at which point they already knew each other), and the story he tells about NY in the documentary is about when he originally met her.  So, not inconsistent; the L.A. flashback tells us they have history together, and the NY story fills a little bit of that in.

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On 3/15/2017 at 4:18 PM, Bastet said:

It's two different things: the flashback in L.A. is when Toby recruited her to the Bartlet campaign (at which point they already knew each other), and the story he tells about NY in the documentary is about when he originally met her.  So, not inconsistent; the L.A. flashback tells us they have history together, and the NY story fills a little bit of that in.

HE mentions her workwith  Emily's List which is based on the East Coast.

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This has annoyed me forever: at the end of the series when Abbie asked Jed whose bright idea it was to hold the inauguration on January 20th, he says it was the Founding Fathers. Inauguration Day wasn't set at January 20th until 1937, with the 20th Amendment. Jed would so know that. It used to be in March.

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Have just completed "Tomorrow", and not for the first time either, and it certainly won't be the last!

However, the very final scene has the president and Abbey flying off into the sunset via a huge expanse of water! I don't know if this a geographical goof or not, given that I don't live in the US. But if they're heading home (presumably Manchester, New Hampshire) from Washington DC, what river/ocean are they flying over in this particular scene?

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While I am not a pilot, I would assume that the body of water is supposed to be the Atlantic Ocean since DC is not far from there and many flights along the eastern seaboard go over the Atlantic to avoid flying over all the major metro areas that are between DC and New Hampshire. In reality, who knows what they used!

FYI-Washington DC is on the Potomac River and you get a great view of if when you fly into Reagan International airport, but I doubt that plane went in and out of Reagan on Inauguration Day.

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While it is at that point no longer Air Force One, that plane would probably still have priority over all other air traffic  And the northeast corridor is crammed with air traffic.  So flying out over the ocean simplifies the logistics.

Also for symbolism that lets them bank westerly for final approach, into the sun but still over water, which is the visual end of the series.  "Tomorrow."

AF1 is based at Andrews AFB.  It takes off and lands from any direction it wants but usually not over the District (on 9/11, when there was no other traffic to worry about, it made a straight approach from the west, right over my apartment building, the only time in my life that the sound of an airplane overhead made me duck).  It never uses National - I don't think the wide body planes do.  To land/takeoff from National the pilots have to stay over the Potomac, which most of them enjoy (most days) - it's kind of a slalom.   I've had dinner at a penthouse restaurant in Arlington, where the river bends, and you can watch planes on final approach coming straight at you until they bank left to follow the river.

If you book a flight in or out of that airport, for departure try for a starboard window seat, and for arrival a port-side window seat.  If it is landing from the North, or taking off to the North, you get a magnificent view of DC.

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Thanks for the useful replies :)

I did have a peek on Google Maps for a flight between Manchester, NH and DC. But its mostly inland. So I guess the rationale of flying over the Eastern seaboard to avoid cities and busy air-traffic, is a logical; and I guess we can forgive a few liberties for the sake of a good closure to a great show!

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They were probably flying into Pease Air National Guard Base in Portsmouth, NH on the Atlantic coast.  Landing to the northwest, you will fly over the Atlantic as you approach the field.  It's the former Pease Air Force Base, an old SAC base, with an 11 thousand + foot runway - I used most of that runway taking off in a very heavy weight KC-135 in a prior life.  Pease is less than an hour by car to Manchester, even less if they used a helicopter.

Edited by Moose135
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3 hours ago, SingleMaltBlonde said:

Isn't it odd the Congressman/President Santos was a Marine pilot but attended the Air Force academy?  Shouldn't he have gone to Annapolis?

Technically, you can choose a difference service after graduation, but he did go to Annapolis.

From "The Mommy Problem" in Season 7

LOU: "Why'd you even leave active duty? You went to Annapolis for free. The taxpayers were supporting your military career."

Also from Season 7, "The Debate:

SANTOS:  You know, you've seen the stories: in newspapers all over the world, people are asking is America ready for a Latino President. I have never asked that question. I never asked if Annapolis was ready for a Latino midshipman. I never asked if the Marines was ready for a Latino fighter pilot. I didn't have to ask. I just had to prove that I was ready, that I could get the job done

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17 hours ago, Moose135 said:

Technically, you can choose a difference service after graduation, but he did go to Annapolis.

From "The Mommy Problem" in Season 7

LOU: "Why'd you even leave active duty? You went to Annapolis for free. The taxpayers were supporting your military career."

Also from Season 7, "The Debate:

SANTOS:  You know, you've seen the stories: in newspapers all over the world, people are asking is America ready for a Latino President. I have never asked that question. I never asked if Annapolis was ready for a Latino midshipman. I never asked if the Marines was ready for a Latino fighter pilot. I didn't have to ask. I just had to prove that I was ready, that I could get the job done

Well then there is a bigger issue....from 2,162 Votes...the introduction to his nominating speech:

"...decorated fighter pilot, a Marine and a proud graduate of America's Air Force Academy. A man who will keep us strong. And the former mayor of Houston. A man who built bridges across different races and religions."

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My pet peeve comes from Bartlet's Third State of the Union.  In a debate about the Second Amendment,, Toby refers to the first clause as the first sentence.  That one really, really, really, really bugs me.

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Total Access "airing" following the end of Bartlett's terms saying CJ Gregg served as Press Secretary for the whole time.


I've long suspected that with the temporary nature of Toby, then Will during that last year or so that they doing it was more "filling in" due to other duties, but CJ literally refers back to the episode in the finale by telling Will to write HIS, not HERS, backpack letter.

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Zoey is kidnapped the night of her graduation, which is May 7.  The next episode is set on July 4, but Zoey still has bruises and a sling, and they still have no VP.

And they got the commandment "Honour thy mother and father" wrong: it's the 5th commandment, not the 1st or the 3rd--in either the Catholic, Jewish, or Protestant Bible.

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