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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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13 minutes ago, TimWil said:

An "earthquake advisory" has been issued for parts of Southern California, including LA. Has the BB house ever experienced any significant earth tremors before?



I'm likely going to hell for this but an earthquake would really shake things up.

  • Love 8

I kind of love this HOH. It's different, it's fun and it makes me want to continue to watch the feeds, even during that whole 'first week, everyone getting to know each other' bullshit which we usually miss. Hoping Jason goes up and out, so I can get back to hating newbies instead of re-hating previous newbies. 

Edited: Jason just gave it to Whitney. Dumbass. Monte is totally going to be HOH, and I think his HOHitis will be ridiculous!

Edited: Yep, Monte is HOH. So....worst case scenario. Welcome to Big Brother!

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, TimWil said:

Has the BB house ever experienced any significant earth tremors before?

I remember one time in BB10. Memphis ran outside to get Jerry and I found it really endearing.

13 minutes ago, bbaddict said:

Am I wrong here. Isn't America that votes who goes home? If so these houseguests don't know that yet.

America gets one vote, but each eligible HG also gets one vote like usual.

1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

Yep, Monte is HOH. So....worst case scenario. Welcome to Big Brother!

I don't know why I even hope for different outcomes anymore!

I'm not mad at Jason probably being the first boot. I never liked him and I'd rather watch newbies anyway.

Edited by peachmangosteen
33 minutes ago, bbaddict said:

Am I wrong here. Isn't America that votes who goes home? If so these houseguests don't know that yet.


20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

America gets one vote, but each eligible HG also gets one vote like usual.


Now i'm all confused!  I thought we evicted them too? Now I'm ready we get to nominate someone also??

4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Now i'm all confused!  I thought we evicted them too? Now I'm ready we get to nominate someone also??

The HOH will nominate 2 people and then America will vote and whomever gets the most votes will be the 3rd nominee. And then, I guess after the veto ceremony, America will vote again on who they want evicted of the 3 noms and whoever has the most votes will get 1 eviction vote and all the HGs will also vote to evict one of the 3 noms.

Alliance chart:


Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

We get to vote on one to put up, but we also vote on someone to evict. But we get one eviction vote, as the other houseguests can't just sit around, playing just for America and not getting any say in anything.

Although it would be nice, because America would put up Shane and evict him. 

Well, I'm pretty sure the nominees will be Jason, Kryssie, and Shane. Shane wants Kryssie up, and Monte will put her up for his bro. America doesn't want the boys running the house, so I'm 90% positive now that Monte can't go up that Shane will. They want to split up those boys, or at least make them scared enough. 

I knew Monte would win; it was pretty much written in the cards last night. If Jason or Kryssie come down, I'm not quite sure who would go up. Maybe Neeley? Maybe Danielle? If Shane comes down, it might be Cornbread, Whitney, or Morgan who go up. I'm not really sure who America likes less out of the White Bland Group. 

But either Jason or Kryssie will definitely be gone. Jason if he stays on the block, but it could also be Kryssie. 

So....there's no nomination ceremony. I don't understand the logistics of it, but something about BB telling the HOH twice to name the number of people safe, and two people won't be?

I am very, very, very confused. 

But Julie didn't expose the third nominee, so that's good. 

ETA: I understand now. So there's two safety ceremonies. In the first one, Monte will name certain names to be safe, leaving everyone else not safe. In the second one, he'll name the remaining people who are safe, leaving the last two as the nominees.

Monte's already thinking about what will happen if he names Shane/Alex/Whitney/Cornbread in the first group and they end up being Have Nots. 

Good. Spread the paranoia. 

Edited by Lady Calypso

The way I understood it was at 7p House Time on Saturday and Sunday (at least according to the little chart I have), the HOH will get to reveal who is safe instead of revealing who is nominated. So the two people not safe are the nominees.

I kind of like the idea. It's more like when there were keys and sometimes who you saved first and who you saved last could be super telling. So this way they have to decide who to name as safe the first ceremony and then who to name as safe the second. Not sure if they'll just name them or if there will be a fancy away to do it, but I like that they are mixing things up a bit.

  • Love 2

Thanks for the alliance chart @peachmangosteen. Reading the posts here, I've thought Kryssie was Shelby and vice versa ever since I've had any idea who either was. [Pointless aside: It bugs me that Kryssie introduced herself as "Kryssie with a K" when there are like 4 or 5 other letters in her name that she needs to explain.]

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

The way I understood it was at 7p House Time on Saturday and Sunday (at least according to the little chart I have), the HOH will get to reveal who is safe instead of revealing who is nominated. So the two people not safe are the nominees.

I kind of like the idea. It's more like when there were keys and sometimes who you saved first and who you saved last could be super telling. So this way they have to decide who to name as safe the first ceremony and then who to name as safe the second. Not sure if they'll just name them or if there will be a fancy away to do it, but I like that they are mixing things up a bit.

I love the idea. I actually like a lot of the twists this season. We've been asking for twists and changes for years. We've wanted America to have more say because we KNOW these houseguests are dumb and don't see everything that we do, so they get played harder. Some of it may not be done in an ideal way, and it sucks that these houseguests don't get jury, but this season does provide something fresh and potentially exciting. 

In other news, I think I love Justin. His stories, his cooking abilities, and his overall fun personality is definitely making me want him to stay around for a while. He just helped Monte, Kryssie, and Shelby use a manual can opener. 

Monte's unfortunately being trusted by Alex/Whitney. When Shane goes up, I think they might take that as a sign that they're right and that Shane should go. They won't know until next week how much Monte shouldn't be trusted, if then. But...with Alex/Whitney not trusting Shane, I have to wonder if they might consider flipping to evict Shane instead...

So, we have another Shanielle relationship blossoming. 

Apparently, I might be turning into Monte 2.0 and I might be too confident in Shane going up. For all we know, it could be someone completely different! 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

In other news, I think I love Justin. His stories, his cooking abilities, and his overall fun personality is definitely making me want him to stay around for a while. He just helped Monte, Kryssie, and Shelby use a manual can opener. 

I... really? It's that hard to use a can opener? So many jokes, so little time.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 2

Hmm, so Shelby/Morgan are talking about how Jason shouldn't be the first out. Shelby's also caught on to Monte/Shane's boys club.

THANK YOU, SHELBY. Now you're on my favourites list. Shelby also sees Alex/Whitney getting closer and wants a girls alliance with them and Morgan. I....I would actually love this. If they can bring Danielle in, I'd be thrilled. 

  • Love 1

I'm getting to watch very little feeds and know next to nothing, but I'm really liking the Shelby/Morgan talk. Shelby especially, she doesn't want a "Brigade" boys thing, no 2 guys at the end. They want it to be girls at the end. I hope this goes somewhere for once. Neither of them can stand Danielle. I haven't seen Danielle yet on the feeds, but she sounds annoying.

So I'm assuming no one knows yet about the sisters. I haven't even been able to see all of night one's entrances, specifically when Alex "met" Morgan. Flashback is not working for me.

Edited by diana
  • Love 1

I like that Shelby is keeping an open mind about Monte/Shane being a thing. Hopefully they can do something about it. What's good is that neither want Kryssie or Jason to go this week (the opposite of Shane/Monte) so it'll be interesting to see what they do when Shane gets put up by America. If they can convince Alex/Whitney to get rid of Shane, even without knowing about America's Vote, that would be 4 votes for Shane. It could be a good idea for them to nip the two boys' bromance in the butt now, as Monte's ineligible for HOH and they don't know about Cornbread yet. 

But the issue lies with convincing Alex/Whitney to go for it. Alex seems quite fond of Monte, and I'm not sure about Whitney's opinion. But it all depends on who's up on the block, I guess. I imagine it'll be Jason, Kryssie, and Shane. 

It's not even that I hate Shane, but it would be funny to see the bromance broken up before it really starts. 

But I fear that people will be too chicken to make a move like this, along with them not seeing the dangers of Shane/Monte. 

I know it's too hopeful for a Shane eviction, but there's a small possibility with the knowledge that Monte only has Cornbread, Shane, Alex, and Whitney for sure. 

I don't have many opinions about who I like/don't like yet, but I really expected to hate this Poor Man's Big Brother. So far, my biggest gripe is Julie telling them America votes for the winner because it increases the HGs being careful about how they're perceived. Although I guess it'd be cruel to surprise them with them going straight home once they get evicted? And I generally never love the America Votes aspect since I usually disagree with the majority.

Interesting HOH competition - got game talk and relationships forming right away, and it required more strategy than many of the straight up competitions. I have much higher hopes of what the rest of the competitions could be, especially since I was just expecting sadder versions of the usual ones. I hope they're all strategic social games within the game.

Also like the "safety ceremonies" since it leaves some extra scurrying paranoia. 

Definitely not our usual Big Brother season, but maybe it's not necessarily a bad thing.

ETA: Everytime I hear Shelby, I think the Liz/Julia have returned!

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2

Shelby/Justin/Jason were made for TV. Shelby knows her shit, but she working the whole "dumb" angle perfectly right now. She kept her alliance safe, decreasing the target on Jason, and getting the girls to see her as an ally.

Justin is great entertainment and I did like that when he saw that Scott was eating alone, he made sure Scott wasn't alone.

2 hours ago, CheetaraThunder said:

Shelby/Justin/Jason were made for TV. Shelby knows her shit, but she working the whole "dumb" angle perfectly right now. She kept her alliance safe, decreasing the target on Jason, and getting the girls to see her as an ally.

Justin is great entertainment and I did like that when he saw that Scott was eating alone, he made sure Scott wasn't alone.

I like Justin. He was so cute flirting with Danielle (I think that's her name). However, he must never wear that stupid hipster hat ever again.  I haven't had time to watch much. I like Shelby but can't seem to stand her voice. Maybe I will try to get over that.

I'm so ok with Jason going. I'd be fine with a double elim of Jason and Kryssie (with a K).

Do we know yet what the deal is with the sisters? Does somebody get a reward for figuring it out?

Whitney chews with her mouth open. That's all.

Edited by zibnchy

I think it's just a thing they're doing. Between the viewer-voting and the unusual HOH format and the sisters and the daily episodes, it feels very much like the show is trying to attempt a BBUK-format season while knowing that the concept is tainted to a US audience because of how bad the first season was (and The Glass House, Opposite Worlds, et al were). The general concept behind the HOH has been used a couple of times on the UK version, where the first person/people are safe and they keep picking others to award immunity to until only the nominees are left (notably, for BB Canada viewers, Nikki Grahame's original BBUK season had it in its first week).

4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Apparently, I might be turning into Monte 2.0 and I might be too confident in Shane going up. For all we know, it could be someone completely different! 

I've seen a push elsewhere for Cornbread to be America's nom. Which is fine by me.

2 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Do the houseguests know that America will be able to watch these diary rooms?  I kinda hope they don't know.  

They know about the live DRs.

I read about that Shelby/Morgan convo elsewhere and they had such a different reaction to it than you guys. They were saying the two of them were making fun of girls alliances and just being very 'mean girls.'

ETA: I just read that the live DRs don't start until next week. Boo!

Edited by peachmangosteen
10 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Damn.  Though it would be cool if at some point BB allowed viewers to send in questions for these live diary room sessions.

I was thinking about that, too. I think it's a good idea so I hope they do it.

These one-on-one convos Monte is having are so annoying. I can't stand him. And he really thinks he's hot shit, too. I'm so mad we can't nom him so he can see America hates him lol.

ETA: I'm super annoyed by them waiting until like 10 minutes 'til 10 to say the live DRs start next week. Very rude. Also, I wish they didn't show the daily recap on all 4 feeds. That's just stupid.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I've seen a push elsewhere for Cornbread to be America's nom. Which is fine by me.

Yeah, I've been seeing that too. While it wouldn't be the worst thing ever, I want the BromanceBosses, or whatever the hell they call themselves, to know that they're actually not that popular. People dislike them quite a bit. I like Shane, but I dislike Monte and if Shane going up means that it sends a strong message about him and Monte and if splits up the Dudebros before they can run the house past this week, then I am all for it. 

But seeing as Cornbread is their second man in command, I'd be fine with him too. 

Apparently, I hear that DR Live Sessions start next week. 

5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I read about that Shelby/Morgan elsewhere and they had such a different reaction to it than you guys. They were saying the two of them were making fun of girls alliances and just being very 'mean girls.'

I watched the two talking, one of the only conversations I've sat through for more than a couple of minutes. It could veer into Mean Girl territory, but mostly it's the fact that the two girls are suspicious of Danielle and don't like Danielle that is the main issue. People apparently love Danielle (I like her enough, I guess) so anyone talking bad about her is guaranteed to be crucified to some. Also, Shelby's the one who really wants the girls to stick together, but she doesn't trust Danielle. Shelby said that she's going to try again with Danielle, but she isn't sure at the moment and some things that Danielle has said have rubbed her the wrong way. 

But then again, I've been noticing the fandom pattern of people immediately being drawn to the loud personalities and the black girl(s) and immediately hating on anyone (mostly the white folk) who say anything negative. I just really think it's too early to this shit. We're all still getting to know the houseguests, and the houseguests have known each other for 48 hours. I'm giving them a week to adjust and get to know each other. We're so used to jumping in around day 6-8, when they've already formed bonds. People need more than a day to really become somewhat friends or allies. 

I also have been hearing a lot of people maintaining a friendly aura, with them saying that "I'm sure this houseguest is nice and I still need to get to know them, but...". Trust me; I needed more than a few days to know if I was going to be close friends with my roommates or any of my friends. Add a game mixture to it and it does change things up a lot.

Now, if Shelby/Morgan start bashing Danielle for whatever reason that's rude and not game related, then I'll judge them accordingly. But for now, I want to watch them get to know each other more. And they do have a right to be worried about this Shane/Danielle relationship forming. That's another concern of Shelby's. 

In another note, I do think Monte's playing his cards too openly. Him going to talk to each houseguest individually, him just blurting out his trust with Shane, then Cornbread/Scott, THEN Alex/Whitney...to Alex! I think his game could blow up sooner rather than later. I might turn on the feeds to watch other people's reactions to him. 

  • Love 2

Monte was telling Alex that Morgan is a wild card and he can't get a good read on her. LOL. Alex told him that Morgan wants to work with her/Whitney so Monte said maybe they should bring her (Morgan) into the alliance. And then Alex brought up how all the southerners happen to be aligning.

ETA: Monte telling Alex he's a 'naturally leader.' Ugh. 

He's also asking her if she'd evict Jason. She said she would and that probably 3/4 of the house would. I hate Jason, but idk I think I want him to win veto just so Monte doesn't get what he wants.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Yeah, Shelby's distrust with Dani is game related. she honestly thinks that Danielle will chose the guys and it doesn't help that Danielle made the comment of wanting a guy to make the decisions for her. Shelby is all about breaking up the guys and wants the girls to stick together. She knows they have the advantage, they just need to use it.

  • Love 2

Monte is basically Caleb but without the funny stories that sorta made Caleb endearing sometimes.

I love how threatened Monte is by Jason. It's just so hilarious because Jason is such a shitty player.

ETA: They must have told them that Nicole won because Alex just said, "A vet won last year."

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Well, Alex just said 'type thing.' It's starting! Save me!

ETA: Scott is talking to the feeders. He really loves Jason and doesn't want him to go. He'd rather Justin go before Jason, but he wants a girl to go first. He seems to be pandering to America since he told Monte to put Jason up.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Honestly, if people could just think logically here, Shane should be the only option to go up. Sure Cornbread's not a bad second choice, but Shane's close with Monte. People hate Monte. You want to send a message to the houseguests? Put up Shane, who's already not trusted. Shelby/Morgan are already thinking that he's a wildcard and that he's too close with Monte. If Morgan can get Alex on board with getting Shane out instead (it'll be difficult, but not impossible), then Alex can convince Whitney, and then they can get Neeley. Add in America's vote, and that's plenty right there.

However, it'll be hard to convince Alex or Whitney. 

Basically, don't vote Cornbread, because I don't think anyone's voting out Cornbread. Shane, however, might get at least close to being evicted. 

6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Do we have any idea when the voting for America's nominee will start? I wonder if maybe they're not doing that until next week, too. Because the Safety Ceremony starts tomorrow.

I thought voting was already under way. I don't have All Access, so I don't know. I assume they'll have it this week because it would be a waste of announcing twists if you don't start until the following week. They're already keeping it a surprise; maybe they'll talk to them after Jason/Kryssie are officially on the block and say something like "In Big Brother OTT, expect the unexpected. Most of you may feel safe....but in fact, one of you is not. One of you will be joining Kryssie and Jason up on the block with America's Nominee Vote...". 

But I haven't seen them announce anything on Twitter on when voting starts. I just assumed the nominee will be announced after the second Safety Ceremony. 

8 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Looks like voting for America's Nominee does not open up until Sunday at 11pm ET (http://www.cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/releases/view?id=46127)

Ok, so if voting doesn't open until Sunday night, does that mean that voting isn't going to close until Thursday, after the HOH comp? Or will voting be a quick thing and close just before veto so that the third nominee can be put up on the block and compete to get themselves off? It makes sense as to why they're doing the vote Sunday at 11pm. They need to know who's safe for sure so that people can vote for the other safe houseguests. Plus, they really do seem to be quick with the voting, especially with a much smaller audience this time. 

Yeah, I think I'm right. Voting will close probably at 10am PST on Monday, the third nominee will be announced shortly after, and then the veto will be that afternoon.

Jason is the target. Whitney sounds like so many people in my small home town in Texas, I'm having flashbacks to highschool. Not in a bad way, but good lord, y'all. That is some accent! (And this is coming from someone who loves the word y'all so much, she'll even type it here).

Oh, and Monte is totally doing this for the house. OK, dude.  

  • Love 3

Monte/Jason are talking now. Monte has been going on and on to people about his plans and repeating the same stuff. With Jason, he's basically doing the same thing and Jason's defense to keep himself in the game is...talking about his previous season. He's trying desperately to get Monte to keep him based on him being a big target as a vet. He also wants to play with Monte/Shane.

You know, Monte is pretty much an idiot at this game (he didn't believe Whitney completely when she said he does, in fact, play in veto) so he could believe this and switch targets. Or he could buckle down and get Jason out. Either way, it's Idiot Player against Idiot Player in the HOH room. Unfortunately, both are not very good and they talk way too much. 

  • Love 1

And so it begins.

ETA: Here's the video.

Also, apparently Monte said Justin was chill and goofy, but he thinks Justin is the type of guy who will snap and go crazy. I mean.
ETAA: Sorry to keep editing, but I just need to post all the ways Monte is horrible lol. 
Monte on being HOH: "I don't want a girl to have do all this, they can't handle it as well. I will be a man and do this. I got it."
Also, unrelated to all of this, but I guess we don't get to vote for HNs this week. Rude!
Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

Admittedly, I haven't been watching the live feeds but I hear Jason is a target.  I hope he manages to stay since he's my favorite.  

Monte doesn't bother me from what little I've seen of him.  I'm not sure why people dislike him.

Shane drives me crazy.  He's nasty.  If nothing else I cannot stand him because of the picking his nose comment. 

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