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Season 7 First Looks etc.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Oh crap next week we are back to Rinna trying to be a victim and the center of attention:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/videos/lisa-rinna-calls-dorit-a-pussy-with-a-capital-p  No one ever called her an addict. 

Well, looks like Rinna's instincts are right. Dorit has been very casually advancing the story that Lisar has a lot of pills. And she did ask if she was "induced". 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, she did say "induced" but she didn't say "valium" or "high" as Rinna is claiming and Eden is agreeing to.

True, but what would she mean if she was "induced"? Wouldn't she be asking if she was high, or drunk, or on something? How else would she be using that word in the context of their conversation? I think she was chosing her words carefully, but is there some doubt that she was asking whether or not Lisar was "on" something? Remember even LVP scolding Dorit when she casually threw out that Lisar had a "huge bag of pills"? LVP told her that the way she was saying it made it sound somewhat nefarious. Then she said it again to the group of gals over dinner that first night in Mexico. I know that folks hate Lisar like she is poison, but is there some question as to whether or not Dorit has been making comments about her pills? People can think that Lisar shouldn't care that she is making comments, but surely there is agreement that Dorit has been doing it. Just imagine that Dorit was saying the exact same thing about LVP. Would it be the same, or would people be freaking out about it? 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

True, but what would she mean if she was "induced"? Wouldn't she be asking if she was high, or drunk, or on something? How else would she be using that word in the context of their conversation? I think she was chosing her words carefully, but is there some doubt that she was asking whether or not Lisar was "on" something? Remember even LVP scolding Dorit when she casually threw out that Lisar had a "huge bag of pills"? LVP told her that the way she was saying it made it sound somewhat nefarious. Then she said it again to the group of gals over dinner that first night in Mexico. I know that folks hate Lisar like she is poison, but is there some question as to whether or not Dorit has been making comments about her pills? People can think that Lisar shouldn't care that she is making comments, but surely there is agreement that Dorit has been doing it. Just imagine that Dorit was saying the exact same thing about LVP. Would it be the same, or would people be freaking out about it? 

I think she was referring to Rinna's own words of mixing antianxiety meds into her smoothies, so yes, she did mean that Rinna's state of mind could have been altered when she told Eden all those lies about Kim/Kyle, but she based it on Rinna's own words/statement. She can't blame Dorit for that, she can only blame herself. LOL Oh, and Eden was the one that told Rinna that Dorit used the word "Valium", so Eden is playing a game to get back into Rinna's good graces by throwing Dorit unfed the HW bus and Rinna going to willingly drive that bus over Dorit to make herself look like the "victim" now. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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19 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

True, but what would she mean if she was "induced"? Wouldn't she be asking if she was high, or drunk, or on something? How else would she be using that word in the context of their conversation? I think she was chosing her words carefully, but is there some doubt that she was asking whether or not Lisar was "on" something? Remember even LVP scolding Dorit when she casually threw out that Lisar had a "huge bag of pills"? LVP told her that the way she was saying it made it sound somewhat nefarious. Then she said it again to the group of gals over dinner that first night in Mexico. I know that folks hate Lisar like she is poison, but is there some question as to whether or not Dorit has been making comments about her pills? People can think that Lisar shouldn't care that she is making comments, but surely there is agreement that Dorit has been doing it. Just imagine that Dorit was saying the exact same thing about LVP. Would it be the same, or would people be freaking out about it? 

Of all people to bring up something somebody else is carrying to others and opining on-it should not be Lisa Rinna.  How many times has she been asked to stop talking about Kim, Yolanda, LVP?

I have no idea what Dorit meant by induced as it is not  synonymous with addict .  The only thing I can think of is like induced labor where you are given a drug to make you go into labor.  Would she mean that Rinna took a drug before her conversation(s) with Eden and it caused her not to remember something or to may be a little more vociferous than the conversation called for?  Dorit needs to mean what she says and say what she means.  She isn't exactly Elliot Mintz.

I don't hate Rinna like poison but I do think she tries to hijack the show with her various comments and I often times find her hypocritical and phony.  The top of the list being all she ever wanted to do was help Kim. 

Both Rinna and Dorit need to use the correct words to convey their feelings or in the case of Rinna stand by her rather strong words and not try and backtrack and question the tense or all the other nonsense she employs.  I also don't believe Rinna had a feeling Dorit was saying such a thing and can respect the fact Rinna can't exactly say one of the producers told her, or household help in Mexico.  Or maybe even Erika.

To me, LVP is smart enough not to go into touchy territory like abuse of alcohol and use of drugs.  It is fairly common sense if you are in the public eye not to get impaired while filming or talk about drugs.  Something Brandi took great offense to LVP suggesting.  You raise an excellent point though, how would Eden feel if perhaps the "wife swapping" or "whose husband would you do" conversations were relayed in a serious fashion instead of what it was a joke? 

I am ultra-sensitive to people accusing another of abusing or being an addict because my cousin's asshole little son, who is a oxy-heroin addict, went into my bathroom and found a bottle of Oxycodone, I had been prescribed after an orthopedic injury, and announced at a family gathering much later I was taking  Oxy.  The prescription was six months old had half a dozen pills left in it.  The little asshole left out the part that he stole the contents.  Since rehab he has repeated the allegation.  Me taking Oxycodone as prescribed does not make me an addict or abuser.  In fact I never even took anywhere close to the maximum daily prescribed amount which is why I still had a fifth of the prescription left over six months later.

  • Love 8

Remember even LVP scolding Dorit when she casually threw out that Lisar had a "huge bag of pills"? LVP told her that the way she was saying it made it sound somewhat nefarious

Sadly, Dorit didn't pick up the hint from Sensei. Foolish Grasshopper! Both Eden and Kyle were basically "No thanks" when Dorit tried selling them the shit she was trying to stir with regards to Rinna's pill bag.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 7
20 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I think she was referring to Rinna's own words of mixing antianxiety meds into her smoothies, so yes, she did mean that Rinna's state of mind could have been altered when she told Eden all those lies about Kim/Kyle, but she based it on Rinna's own words/statement. She can't blame Dorit for that, she can only blame herself. LOL Oh, and Eden was the one that told Rinna that Dorit used the word "Valium", so Eden is playing a game to get back into Rinna's good graces by throwing Dorit unfed the HW bus and Rinna going to willingly drive that bus over Dorit to make herself look like the "victim" now. LOL

I am expecting there will be a scene from the Dorit/Eden conversation that we haven't seen in a flashback.

Actually Rinna has used the word valium in the past.  As in "need to take a valium".  Maybe Eden really watched the show.  BTW I didn't take it that Rinna was hooked on valium I took as it was a stressful situation and a joke.

I think Dorit makes huge mistakes in her interpretation of what people are saying.  When faced with trying to explain herself she never gets the full thought out. She really doesn't know these women that well, if at all and maybe thinks she does.  She is not the only one with that quality.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I am expecting there will be a scene from the Dorit/Eden conversation that we haven't seen in a flashback.

Actually Rinna has used the word valium in the past.  As in "need to take a valium".  Maybe Eden really watched the show.  BTW I didn't take it that Rinna was hooked on valium I took as it was a stressful situation and a joke.

I think Dorit makes huge mistakes in her interpretation of what people are saying.  When faced with trying to explain herself she never gets the full thought out. She really doesn't know these women that well, if at all and maybe thinks she does.  She is not the only one with that quality.

I hope so, because that discussion looked like Rinna trying to place the blame on someone else, after throwing Eden under the bus. Now Dorit is the bad guy?  I took "induced" to mean under the influence. She never called Rinna an addict.  Now, Dorit's implication could have been nefarious, but I can understand that she would be confused as to why Rinna had absolutely no memory of a very pointed conversation she had ON CAMERA with Eden. This doesn't compare to Dorit's confusion when confronted by Eileen.  Kyle repeated the conversation almost verbatim and Rinna claimed amnesia.  

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I am putting this here because Kyle is talking about the Reunion (which is filming today) and what to expect from her.  A little present, a little future and some past.  http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/tv/kyle-richards-exclusive-interview-real-housewives-beverly-hills-season-seven-1041544.html

I really like Kyle but: With Kim, she’s someone who comes on the show and always says something funny.

Yeah, no. 

  • Love 8

Here is Eden's Frist Look: 

Her tweet:  #RHOBH REUNIONREADY. . .the #EdenSassoon no one has listened to is going to be heard. . .#Beauty@AmberleeBeauty #longhair@memicornhair

I don't know what Eden wants to say or why she thinks anyone cares.  Is there some special wisdom, or does she just want to continue to knock her mom and talk about her dead sister? 

I think Eden looks pretty plastic here.

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is Eden's Frist Look: 

Her tweet:  #RHOBH REUNIONREADY. . .the #EdenSassoon no one has listened to is going to be heard. . .#Beauty@AmberleeBeauty #longhair@memicornhair

I don't know what Eden wants to say or why she thinks anyone cares.  Is there some special wisdom, or does she just want to continue to knock her mom and talk about her dead sister? 

I think Eden looks pretty plastic here.

Not a good look.  I can't believe she posted that selfie.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Is it me or is the 'header' on the Bravo site so large you can't see the whole video screen.  Scroll up.  Scroll down.  Kinda center it.  Very annoying and I'm viewing on an about 24" widescreen monitor. 

First - I avoid Bravo (and every other site besides PTV) like the plague.  Second - I am totally envious of your "about" 24 inch widescreen "monitor".  :-)

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Thanks for the link.  Eileen looks stunning.  I love everything about her look. I think Eden looks good as well. Cannot wait to see the rest of them. I am hoping and praying that my gal Kyle covers up them breasts. 

  • Love 5
On Thursday, March 09, 2017 at 5:16 PM, zoeysmom said:

I am putting this here because Kyle is talking about the Reunion (which is filming today) and what to expect from her.  A little present, a little future and some past.  http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/tv/kyle-richards-exclusive-interview-real-housewives-beverly-hills-season-seven-1041544.html

She's sometimes awful, but overall I really like Kyle. She's doing well in her own accomplishments. She's not living vicariously through her children (Kathy). She's not wallowing in her glory days (Kim). She supports her husband and her children. She's encouraging her kids to be pragmatic and go to and finish college. And I love that she thinks it's admirable that Dorit acknowledges that she has nannies because I don't think Kyle thinks there is anything wrong with admitting that you need help.

Cough, cough...Eileen, who has clearly been using a stylist this season, but won't show it on camera.

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Thanks for the link.  Eileen looks stunning.  I love everything about her look. I think Eden looks good as well. Cannot wait to see the rest of them. I am hoping and praying that my gal Kyle covers up them breasts. 

You have to wear something that looks good when seated and that means no cleavage for Kyle, because boobs push up in this position.  Surely they have stylists that know this.  BUT how could a stylist allow Kyle to have worn the strapless dress?  You just cannot have back fat and pull off strapless anything.  I am not criticizing that figure detail, you just have to know your body, embrace it, love it and be aware of where it shines and what to avoid.   I adore Kyle but she does not dress well for her height often enough.  

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't think Kyle thinks there is anything wrong with admitting that you need help.

Cough, cough...Eileen, who has clearly been using a stylist this season, but won't show it on camera.

But in all honesty, why would she show that on camera? Having a stylist doesn't exactly make for a story line. We generally don't see them get their hair dyed either, but I'm not sure I'd say they "won't" show their colorists.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

But in all honesty, why would she show that on camera? Having a stylist doesn't exactly make for a story line. We generally don't see them get their hair dyed either, but I'm not sure I'd say they "won't" show their colorists.

It's not so much a storyline, but Eileen does seem to love this millionaire next door image that she's cultivated, that she's a regular gal who doesn't get these Hollywood folks. Furthermore, we've witnessed her talking to her therapist and family about her mother's death. On another show, I'd find this compelling. Here, I find it tedious. Eileen isn't particularly candid with her cast mates, so there aren't really any stakes when she isn't confiding in them.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 7

I read that Kim has not completed her community service obligations and could face jail if she doesn't. I understand her not wanting to show everything publicly in her sobriety journey, but....she does not seem like she is making amends or cleaning up her toxic behavior at all. 

This might sound cruel but, I'm not sure I would trust her alone with a new baby-it appears she looks after the kid every Friday. 

  • Love 2
On 3/11/2017 at 0:51 PM, motorcitymom65 said:

Thanks for the link.  Eileen looks stunning.  I love everything about her look. I think Eden looks good as well. Cannot wait to see the rest of them. I am hoping and praying that my gal Kyle covers up them breasts. 

Seriously. Exposing her cleave doesn't make her look sexy, just really pudgy.

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Looks like tonight's fight kicks off because Erika calls out Dorit's shit-stirring re: Lisa Rinna's Xanax use.

From that clip, it looks like Erika was intent on going after Dorit no matter what! Erika says "important" stuff and Dorit "BS" stuff? Really? She certainly is full of herself isn't she! LOL

And I have to laugh, every time Dorit counters Erika by asking if she actually said something or if the conversation was about whatever Erika said it was, Erika then changes tactics  and tries to claim something else because Dorit was correct and Erika was wrong. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

From that clip, it looks like Erika was intent on going after Dorit no matter what! Erika says "important" stuff and Dorit "BS" stuff? Really? She certainly is full of herself isn't she! LOL

I still firmly believe Rinna threw out the Xanax smoothie and whipped out the bag of pills as a possible future plotline.  By then she realized she had gone after Kim and needed someone to make some assertion about her possible use.  Kind of reminds me of throwing out Harry has been three years sober.  Next year there is Harry drinking a beer. 

Not unlike Rinna describing Ericka Jayne as raunchy and sexual and then Eileen calling Rinna out for having posed twice for Playboy.  Rinna is a hypocrite.  Erika was a Yolanda defender back then.

I am getting tired of people thinking it is okay to shut Dorit down.  No one seems to tell Rinna she talks too much and she runs circles around Dorit.  Erika, Rinna and Eileen ask her about something she said and then interrupt her or don't let her finish the answer. 

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Probably because the Bravo editors are feeling what many of the viewers might be feeling...ie, shut up, Dorit, geez.

Nahhh, Rinna makes Dorit look like some shy, backward HW. If the producers were going to call someone out for talking nonstop about everyone/everything, it would be Rinna, not Dorit. LOL

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Probably because the Bravo editors are feeling what many of the viewers might be feeling...ie, shut up, Dorit, geez.

It has been my experience and Rinna claims the same,  people who are not allowed to complete their thoughts, feel shut down and spend so much time trying to find the right words (and in Dorit's case the right accent) they can't complete their thought and feel shut down.  There is also a fair amount of if you don't agree with me, stop talking on this franchise.    It is as frustrating to the listener as it is the speaker.  A great example of Dorit getting it is after Eileen went into way too much detail, Dorit summed it up fairly succinctly what Eileen's issue was regarding Rinna's text about Dorit's dinner party conversation.

Whether one pretends to fall asleep and starts snoring or tells someone they talk too much, it is rude.  Same goes for RH that keep going down the same road, at some point it must dawn on them the topic has been covered.  I guess they are all guilty of expecting a different result.

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Rinna keeps the drama going, at least. To the producers/editors, there is some entertainment value in that. Dorit is just pretentious bullshit. Seriously, Dorit, shut up already.

The drama is always at someone else's expense, that is what bugs me about Rinna or one of her stupid fake confessions about a conversation she had with someone.  To me, Dorit drives me nuts with all the Boy George references.  As you say the producers must like it, Andy had Dorit and Boy George on together. 

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Andy has all the HWs on at some point, that is just marketing the show. The trick is to see who he keeps bringing back once the HW has left the show.

My point is I found Dorit mentioning Boy George way too much.  Then Andy turns around and has the two of them on together-Boy George was second chair but clearly the star that night.  BTW I think this ridiculous gift of a scene on The Young & The Restless has been overworked as well as Erika's new songRinna coming back for a third time way too much.  I get they are promoting and I love the fact so far no Eden on WWHL.

I would love to see more Eileen and Vinnie and I think he would be a particularly good guest on WWHL.  He has this really cool paddleboard game:  https://www.instagram.com/p/2_fCBrIeVi/?tagged=vincevanpatten  I wish we would see more VInce and his sports and less grieving.

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