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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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Ok, on second look...While I do still think MOST of the pics are beautiful there are a couple where I'm like...HOW and WHY did they choose that!? Just really unflattering to the girl. And then there is one of Melissa that isn't even an attractive one and you can see a huge run in her stocking! Like, why??? I have seen better pictures on IG by freelance photographers of these girls...was disappointed there weren't more of Erica.  She is one of the most photogenic.  

Edited by LaurenBrook

I think I actually picked the Jenna one - she's cute and it's a good action shot. Some of them are sweaty with stingy hair, which was disappointing. Real life, but still. Get the pics for the calendar first quarter. I was surprised there weren't many of Erica...tons of jinelle, holly and Kat.

Jinelle is just a doll, too. Love her.

I think this is the best photo I've ever seen of Kat. Not the best of the bunch, but the best of her.



I don't understand these two. Poor photo quality and not flattering to Jenna and Jinelle at all. The other photos of them are much better.



Those are not good pics. Jenna looks like she's about to pop some veins and Jinelle has terrible shadows under her eyes. Those are what they chose? Both are pretty, photogenic girls, but sheesh.

the one of kat is cute.

Lots of pics of rookie holly and Jinelle in that list to vote on - too many IMO. I really like the pics of Caila, and that backward facing one of Jenna. Robin has some good shots as well, as does Kashara.

Agreed. I kind of wondered if they were stacking the deck. Why so many pictures of Holly? It was way out of portion to any other DCC, even Jinelle, though she was second most.  I mean, seriously?


I put in my votes. Don't know how you guys get pictures, as it won't copy/paste for me. Anyway:

#33 Lacey (Thx BSG)        #26 Jessica                        #39 Melissa

#13 Elizabeth                     #23 Jennifer                       #48 Stephanie

#11 Danielle                       #24 Claire

#5 Caila                              #22 Jenna


I didn't like that pic of Kat, though. She looks like some sort of odd gumby. Sorry, JMO!

Edited by Kaedee

Lacey is #33  Kelsey is not trying out again. The one picture of Jenna makes her look plastic because of the over tanning, and the one of Jinelle makes her hair on top look gray and purple. I mean there is tanning and then there is over tanning. These girls are cute in their own way. I do not understand the need for big over processed  hair, over tanning, and a lot of make up. What happen to the All-American Girl Next Door look Kelli and Judy talk about.

Wow there are a ton of Rookie Holly! She is really photogenic, I have to say.

Their Facebook page is so gross, all just comments from creepy guys. I always see the same two or three guys commenting on every single picture on Instagram a DCC posts. Mothers basement much?

...and to stay on topic, Simone is gorgeous but more an athletic build.

OMG YES. There is legit 2 guys that creep me out because they comment and repost these girls pictures to their own instagram. I'd be so scared they'd stalk me if I was a DCC.

LOL Kind of funny how everyone has different opinions on who looks the best and who looks bad! I think that just goes to show how subjective beauty is and even how people view the quality of a picture. 


And yes to those two guys who comment on EVERY picture of the girls...I could sort of understand the DCC ones but even ones where the girls are like "love my friend so and so!" and they are the FIRST to comment and say stuff like "what a great friend so and so is to you!" I think they are harmless but it would take a lot of getting used to. Kind of makes sense why some of the girls, like Jennifer, rarely post or just simply stay private. All part of the job! lol

Personally, time constraints could be a reason for Loren retiring. She's head (and teacher) of a high school dance program, plus she's married. Teaching and marriage are big time commitments. Add in DCC, and that's a lot of time between the three.  Maybe she needed to devote more time to the school and her marriage, so DCC got let go. Also, she's married - maybe she found out she was pregnant or something. Coming months will tell...!

Edited by Kaedee

Yeah makes sense ... seemed so out of blue (the picture gram that Paige posted didn't have Loren as a retiring veteran).  I wish her well ... I really liked her too


Personally, time constraints could be a reason for Loren retiring. She's head (and teacher) of a high school dance program, plus she's married. Teaching and marriage are big time commitments. Add in DCC, and that's a lot of time between the three.  Maybe she needed to devote more time to the school and her marriage, so DCC got let go. Also, she's married - maybe she found out she was pregnant or something. Coming months will tell...!

OMG YES. There is legit 2 guys that creep me out because they comment and repost these girls pictures to their own instagram. I'd be so scared they'd stalk me if I was a DCC.


I've noticed that Brittney Schram has one of these. I think his name is Gerald something. He comments on probably 85%-90% of her Instagram photos to tell her how beautiful/cute/stunning/gorgeous/etc. she is. I think he does it to some of the other girls too. He's probably harmless, but it makes me wonder about the thought process that leads someone to do that constantly. At this point, she knows he thinks she's attractive. Is there a need to tell her so every other day? Is he afraid if he doesn't she'll think he doesn't care anymore? Or that she's losing her looks? I mean, what is it? And if he's doing it for multiple girls, where does he find the time?


And the sad thing is, for all of that devotion, she probably doesn't spend two seconds of her life thinking about him. As far as I could tell, she never responds.


I'm sure all the girls have their own Gerald and maybe that's why some aren't as active on social media.


The guys who beg the DCC to follow them are the worst, in my opinion.

I guess she is technically almost 'former DCC' now, but was looking through some of holly arielle's IG and saw this throwback pic from when she won ROTY.  I didn't realize she had short hair! Wonder if most of her length now is extensions lol  She's so beautiful though...augh, going to miss her on the squad!! 



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So not fair ... why are so many of these girls beautiful lol.  I wonder if they are naturally gorgeous or if we just think so because they're so put together with the make-up, hair and body?


I guess she is technically almost 'former DCC' now, but was looking through some of holly arielle's IG and saw this throwback pic from when she won ROTY.  I didn't realize she had short hair! Wonder if most of her length now is extensions lol  She's so beautiful though...augh, going to miss her on the squad!! 



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Haha right? 


I think it's a bit of both to be honest...a lot of them have posted throwback pictures from highschool where they are a lot more 'every girl' looking...Holly, Lauren Williams, Makenzi (Swicegood/Duawe from early on MTT), Jennifer...they are all girls I can think of off the top of my head who have shown pictures where they were less than "perfect."  


It would be so stressful to have to look polished ALL the time though...I mean, it really is a part of their JOB description. 

Well, the Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine Twitter page has an updated picture now of the retiring vets, this time including Loren. :(  I really think she was totally planning to come back until just a couple of weeks ago.  I am hoping it's for a nice reason like she's pregnant or got a promotion at work and not something super stressful in her life. 

Will she go back to blonde? That is the REAL question LOL


Wow they included Paige... I thought she was persona non grata??


Well, the Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine Twitter page has an updated picture now of the retiring vets, this time including Loren. :(  I really think she was totally planning to come back until just a couple of weeks ago.  I am hoping it's for a nice reason like she's pregnant or got a promotion at work and not something super stressful in her life. 

Will she go back to blonde? That is the REAL question LOL


Haha they probably figure it draws less attention to her by including her as 'retiring' rather than leaving her off and having people ask questions.  


She is being VERY open about dating the Cowboys player though! Pics of their vacation right on IG. None of her DCC sisters seem mad about it either, most seem really happy for her.  It really might not have been a huge issue since she kept it under wraps until she officially left team. 

@sleepyjean Jerry is another one, I think he mostly goes after Holly P, Caila and Erica.


You know what would be crazy if Jerry and Gerald were posting here all the time and we didn't know it. Mwahahahahha....


Will she go back to blonde? That is the REAL question LOL

What's her natural color? I bet the red is really hard to maintain.


Wow they included Paige... I thought she was persona non grata??


Speaking of Paige, she's really busting out of the closet on her relationship!


For absolutely no logical reason whatsoever, I find all the pictures and postings of her cowboy super annoying.  I'm not looking or checking out her instagram but just seeing what is posted here.  Obviously totally doesn't matter squat what I think lol.


You know what would be crazy if Jerry and Gerald were posting here all the time and we didn't know it. Mwahahahahha....


What's her natural color? I bet the red is really hard to maintain.



Speaking of Paige, she's really busting out of the closet on her relationship!


Haha they probably figure it draws less attention to her by including her as 'retiring' rather than leaving her off and having people ask questions.

She is being VERY open about dating the Cowboys player though! Pics of their vacation right on IG. None of her DCC sisters seem mad about it either, most seem really happy for her. It really might not have been a huge issue since she kept it under wraps until she officially left team.

This is why I am not buying it was this huge horrible secret everyone was too dumb to know about and that Paige betrayed the DCC or whatever. No on involved is that dumb -- I am sure the rule exists so the DCC can dump girls as they see fit, just like the audition weight rule that does not apply to everyone.

She was clearly discrete. I imagine when the season was over, and she wasn't coming back, keeping up the level of discretion the DCC wanted seemed unnecessary. She wanted to travel with her boyfriend in his off season. So everyone parted ways.

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This is why I am not buying it was this huge horrible secret everyone was too dumb to know about and that Paige betrayed the DCC or whatever. No on involved is that dumb -- I am sure the rule exists so the DCC can dump girls as they see fit, just like the audition weight rule that does not apply to everyone.

She was clearly discrete. I imagine when the season was over, and she wasn't coming back, keeping up the level of discretion the DCC wanted seemed unnecessary. She wanted to travel with her boyfriend in his off season. So everyone parted ways.

Also lol I just saw on his Instagram, which is not private, Danielle commented "#thirdwheel" of course everyone knew.

Got to disagree that Kelli and Judy knew about Paige and let her slide. We all suspected - in fact, knew - that some DCCs knew Paige was dating a player. That's a given, though I don't remotely think Paige was dating this guy since 2014. No way there are people in the know and that doesn't slip in over a year.


While I think Paige could have been dating him for 2-4 months on the way down low, there's no way it could have been too much longer and NO ONE in a position of authority find out. Kelli isn't stupid. And there has to be checks in place to ensure players and cheerleaders aren't dating.  The longer the pair are dating, the probability of leaks go way up. In this overly chatty generation, that secret is getting out and pretty fast.


I imagine as soon as Kelli found out, she investigated some, scouted the web for confirmation or evidence before confronting Paige. I don't think Paige would have lied; probably admit she'd casually seen him a couple times (no point in sinking completely). Kelly would have to release her from camp.

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