CrazyInAlabama July 26, 2019 Share July 26, 2019 5 p.m. episodes- Rerun- Dirty Politics in a Union Election-Two plaintiffs /claim that AFGE union for nurses candidates for officers sent out fliers that defamed them. The three defendants were elected, and one woman is organizer and past officer. Eight hundred fliers were sent out to members, and only a few people have the membership list, or so the plaintiffs claim, but the mailing list would be accessible to any past or current officer, or anyone who sent out mailers. Plaintiffs are husband and wife, and you get a bonus for recruiting members, and wife authorized many checks for husband for recruiting. Flyers give qualifications of candidates, and claim that there are financial irregularities in checks issued. The two plaintiffs, and witness all received $1200 each for recruiting 12 new members each (the number sounds fishy to me). I really wonder how any of these people, on either side, can work together after this election, and this case? This local union is separate from the union the woman plaintiff was a member of during the recruits the payments cover. How can plaintiff wife work at one location, and belong to the local that she doesn't work at? I suspect that the defendants are right, but will never be able to prove it. The former president never should have been able to approve payments to his wife, that's simply a bad business practice. Rerun- Clueless Young Bookkeeper-Plaintiff and mentor bought an accounting business and is suing client for non-payment for her services. Defendant claims accountant/defendant received money from him, but didn't pay the bills they were supposed to pay. Plaintiff is an enrolled agent, does not have an accounting background, or experience. Previous accountant firm owner recommended the plaintiff, and her witness/partner to defendant. Defendant claims plaintiffs were out of town for three months, and didn't cash his check or pay his bills for months. Bills were sent out in previous accountant's name, and letterhead, and checks were being cashed, by the accountant. Previous accountant sold business to plaintiff, and is back in business. Defendant also alleges tax payments were not made to the IRS, and business license was not renewed. Defendant has switched accountants. Cases dismissed. Mother's Ashes Traded for Car-Plaintiffs (adult stepdaughters) suing defendant/step father for car that late mother had. The women will get the car back, but have to pay the almost $6,000. However, defendant keeps talking about benefit that raised money that was received by plaintiffs. Case dismissed, plaintiffs get car back, and then defendant gets his wife's ashes back. He also can pick up the bed from step daughter's at the same time. 4 Link to comment
AngelaHunter July 27, 2019 Share July 27, 2019 3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: After the couple broke up, they occasionally talked, and met a few times. We know what "talk" means on this show - bumping uglies, booty calls and FWB. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Plaintiffs (adult stepdaughters) Good lord, what a messed up gang from MN. The rough-looking Bucci sisters vs creepy uber-weirdo stepdaddy Tommy(who looks the same age as the sisters), and Tommy's spunky little mouthpiece, Christopher. Tommy didn't even pay for his wife's funeral but wants his bed back. Why, sure, Tommy! It's all yours when you give back the car for which you paid nothing. Times is tough, Tommy. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Clueless Young Bookkeeper I liked this, even though the parties didn't agree about anything, and I had no clue what the hell they were talking about. At least they all acted like civilized human beings and we really don't see too much of that here. 1 5 Link to comment
AZChristian July 27, 2019 Share July 27, 2019 I was surprised at how JJ turned a 180 on the union lawsuit. At first, she seemed very antagonistic to the plaintiffs. Then - after the break so people could gather evidence - she seemed to come back with guns blazing against the defendants. And I felt like the accounting fiasco was due to misunderstandings on all parts . . . complicated by the former accountant coming back from a stroke, and billings still going out from her name, which defendant thought were going to the new accountant - which they apparently weren't. A welcome break from cell phones and security deposits. 6 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama July 29, 2019 Share July 29, 2019 3 p.m., both reruns, usually from 2015- First episode- Mean Girl Ninjas-Plaintiff claims when she stopped being friends with the defendants, that they dressed as Ninjas, and vandalized her car. Plaintiff's witness was never mentioned on police reports, and is plaintiff's son's girlfriend. Defendant was underage, drunk, and plaintiff drove her home. Then plaintiff cut off the three underage drinkers, and partiers. Defendant underage drunk claims plaintiff was drunk too, and drove home drunk. Defendants claim plaintiff used an app to spoof her cell phone number, and prank the other defendant. The license plate number belongs to the aunt of the defendant. Plaintiff car was keyed. $750 to the plaintiffs My Co-Worker is a Slob-Plaintiff rented room to co-worker in cottage at her house, and she claims he moved out owing a month's rent. She had to have cottage cleaned beyond normal filth, and he suing for property left behind, that he wants to be paid for. Defendant claims he left valuables behind, and claims plaintiff told other co-workers he was a slob and owed her money. $400 to plaintiff for back rent, and cleaning fees, nothing to defendant for property, and defamation. Second episode- Crazy Crash Caught on Tape-Plaintiff suing defendant for hitting her parked car (and two others), and then fleeing the scene. Defendant was speeding, almost hit a woman walking in the parking lot, and then fled the scene. There is video, and a weak explanation for speeding, hit and run, and being a jerk. Plaintiff has a video of the parking lot collision, and a witness. Defendant claims he swerved to avoid plaintiff, and claims he talked to her after the accident. Plaintiff gets $3200 , since defendant, as usual, had no insurance. Drunk Video Confession-Plaintiffs suing man's cousin for stealing her cell phone. Plaintiff claims they met defendant / cousin at bar, there was a fight, and her cell phone ended up with defendant. Phone Find Me GPS showed it at defendant's house. Defendant looks virtually asleep. Phone was $336, and that's what plaintiff receives. Boy Band Payback-Plaintiff wants the money for boy band tickets. Arrangement was $50 a week for four weeks. Plaintiff was owed $200 for tickets, and received nothing. $200 to plaintiff. 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama July 29, 2019 Share July 29, 2019 (edited) 5 p.m. episodes- Rerun #1- Alimony Hell-Plaintiff suing ex-husband for over payment of alimony (8 1/2 years, at $1400 a month), and apparently an autopay for his cell phone plan was included on her bank account. The litigants go outside to see what the divorce decree says. $3,337 for cell phone bill, was auto pay on ex-wife's account, and plaintiff gets that money. Police Witness Vandalism-Plaintiff man admits he slashed his ex-girlfriend's tires in front of police officers. Plaintiff suing ex for the SUV back she has now. SUV was retitled in current wife's name, instead of plaintiff, and instead of ex-girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend claims she used her financial aid to get his SUV out of the repair shop, but plaintiff claims his friend paid for the car repairs. Car was titled in ex-girlfriend's name, and the plaintiff man, when it came out of the shop, because plaintiff's license was suspended. Defendant was "and" on the title, but she sold the car anyway. Case dismissed, and woman keeps money for selling the car, but she already sold it. Rerun #2- Stop Laughing! Your Dog is Dead!- (JJ can't understand why plaintiff keeps laughing about her dog being dead, that she blames on defendant). Plaintiff suing defendant for accidentally killing her dog, and wants vet bills paid. Plaintiff claims she warned man not to step on her dog (bunch of bull), and claims the man stepped on her dog anyway when it ran under his feet. Dog died at almost 13 years old. JJ doesn't believe the plaintiff, and I don't either. Plaintiff claims the man was drunk when he showed up, but he denies that. Case dismissed. Man Jumps on One Foot for the Judge-Plaintiff had two minibikes, invited defendant to come over and ride, defendant crashed. Plaintiff wants the minibike money from defendant. Defendant claims plaintiff knew he couldn't ride a minibike. JJ tells defendant to jump on one foot, and he does it-qualifying for this week Fool of the Week title, and it's only Monday. Case dismissed. "It was fun before I crashed", says defendant. Defendant gets the old mini bike, and plaintiff gets $1089 to buy new bike. Edited July 30, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 1 2 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word July 29, 2019 Share July 29, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Alimony Hell-Plaintiff suing ex-husband for over payment of alimony (8 years, at $1400 a month). Ug, this deadbeat loser again. $3,000 in monthly income. $1,400 from the plaintiff ex and $1,600 from Byrd, you and me. Go back to the hole you crawled out of and don’t come back until you have a job. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Police Witness Vandalism-Plaintiff man admits he slashed his ex-girlfriend's tires in front of police officers. Another case with so much lying on both sides of the aisle I lost all interest. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Stop Laughing! Your Dog is Dead!- (JJ can't understand why plaintiff keeps laughing about her dog being dead, that she blames on defendant). Or Booty Call Gone Bad. It’s all fun and games until she loses her case and then has her grand mal hissy in halterview. Clearly it’s about her pride and hurt feelings and not about a deceased pet. And she sent the defendant/friend with benefits video of the dog screaming in pain? What kind of person does that? A psycho. That’s who. Edited July 30, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 5 Link to comment
AngelaHunter July 29, 2019 Share July 29, 2019 29 minutes ago, Byrd is the Word said: Ug, this deadbeat loser again. $3,000 in monthly income. $1,400 from the plaintiff ex and $1,600 from Byrd, you and me. Go can to the hole you crawled out of and don’t come back until you have a job. Utterly grotesque in every way possible, but the plaintiff wanted him, wanted to marry him! I couldn't help thinking she could do a hell of a lot better but she must hate herself. I wish we could have found out what his "disability" is. Somehow I think his back hurts, something that cannot be disproven. Must be nice to do absolutely nothing but sit on your well-padded ass, stuff your face , watch Judge Judy and get 3K rolling in every month. 34 minutes ago, Byrd is the Word said: Another case with so much lying on both sides of the aisle I lost all interest. I turned it off as well. SHE uses her financial aid to buy a POS 13-year old Infiniti for her married lover boy, Sir Galahad. HE has a suspended license for a DUI, or something, gets "incarcerated" whenever - no big deal I guess - puts the POS in his name and the name of his weirdly dread-locked girlfriend, who then takes the car because he can't have it due to no license, and I guess his loving wife, who obviously feels he's worth all this dumb, stupid bullshit, has none either. He goes to girlfriend's house, can't get the car, so "takes the tires to flat" in FRONT OF THE COPS. Brilliant. Just an awesome display of intelligence. I could take no more. 4 1 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama July 30, 2019 Share July 30, 2019 3 pm reruns, both from about 2015- Texas Hot Eviction-Plaintiff was tenant of the Wicked Witch of Texas landlady. There is nothing minor about loss of air conditioning in the summer in Texas for over a month. I hope Section 8 bans the mother and daughter from ever leasing to anyone on public assistance. Landlady also claims tenant moved her mother and grandmother in, but tenant says they were there for her graduation. Plaintiff moves in under Section 8, and air conditioning fails a few days later. The landlady couldn't even get anyone to look at the AC for almost a week, and there was no AC, except finally one window unit. After a complaint to Section 8, the daughter (who managed the property) evicted the tenant. $2150 to plaintiff, and applause from the audience. Teen Robbed by Mother-Plaintiff found her mother stole her identity for a utility account when the girl was a teen with two kids of her own, and full time jobs. Mother basically (sorry JJ for using that word) excuses everything because she was a Sainted SIngle Mother of Two (SSMOT), and had two foster children for years. Mother of the year says it was either steal the identity, or work the streets. SSMOT didn't pay the bill either. JJ puts in a little ad for birth control until you are established. When daughter found out about the utility bill, and the delayed payment, then found out there were other utility accounts owing from the mother. $1600 to daughter. Second episode- Booty Call or Dog Nap Call-Plaintiff is suing ex-girlfriend for stealing his dog, and for vet bills. However, defendant claims she can prove she bought the dog, and he said she could only see the dog if she slept with him. So she agreed, came over, and when he was out of the room, she grabbed the dog and ran. Plaintiff gets $1,000, for the dog, but no legal fees. Defendant keeps the dog. 3 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama July 30, 2019 Share July 30, 2019 (edited) 5 p.m. episodes, reruns, from 2019 probably- First- Arrested for Mysterious Thigh-Kick-Plaintiff ex-boyfriend, and defendant ex-girlfriend live in the same place, it's a multi-family apartment house (she has 8 children, 4 with plaintiff). SHe lives upstairs, he lives downstairs, and there is a tenant between them who actually pays $900 a month. Woman has lived there for 22 years, and paid no rent. Defendant claims the house is hers, but she's never paid a penny on it. Her job is 5 p.m. to midnight, she works in "sports events". Plaintiff is a driver for a company, and he owns the house. Defendant has assigned parking, and tenant of middle unit has the driveway exclusively for his use. Defendant parked in driveway, blocking tenant out of his driveway, and had her useless fanny inside the car, and was studying. Tenant was obviously ticked about her blocking the driveway, and he started taking his property inside the house, and kept moving past her. Then when she wanted to leave, he had her blocked inside the driveway, and he refused to move. When she got mad, and demanded that the tenant move his truck, he told her that he would leave when he got good and ready. When plaintiff came home, he saw where she parked, and started videoing her, and caught her making a false police report. Later that night police officers showed at his house, and said defendant claimed he kicked her on the thigh. Defendant claims plaintiff won't let her move out, abuses her, accuses her of kidnapping the children, and it's all lies. I hope the plaintiff had her evicted after this. When plaintiff was arrested he had to post a $50k bond, and it cost him $5k, and JJ gives him $5k. Second- Smiley Face Vandalism Fuels 13 Year Feud- Plaintiffs, a man and his middle aged daughter, go after their neighbor for 911 call about mental instability, trespassing and a false police report. The daughter is the biggest issue in this case, and I'm sure many of us remember this nutty case. The fence was on defendant's property, by quite a few feet, and when plaintiff daughter got angry, defendant painted a big Smiley face on their side of his fence. The two neighbors have been having issues for 13 years, not for the first 4 years. When they saw the smiley face, the plaintiff daughter went to defendant's door, (it's on video), pounding on the door, and threatening the neighbor. Plaintiffs think the entire threatening is hysterically funny. There is a 911 tape of defendant's call about daughter's threats, trespassing, and other bizarre behavior. I agree the plaintiff daughter is totally unstable. She's complaining about defendant putting a stake to hold his fence up by barely being on their property, and in her case she's at the defendant's door making threats. Daughter's next step was putting boom box outside, and was so loud that both plaintiff's received tickets, and defendant made 8 other complaints since. The boom box was so loud that officer had to come inside house to hear the defendant's complaint about noise. Ticket was $500 each. Good luck ever selling the defendant's house to anyone. $1 to plaintiff's for trespassing, $3,000 to defendants. Spoiler Somebody got caught being naughty in May. Not shocking at all to see who allegedly did this. However, it's shocking to see anyone is wild enough to date her. Edited July 31, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 3 Link to comment
AZChristian July 31, 2019 Share July 31, 2019 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Smiley Face Vandalism Fuels 13 Year Feud- Plaintiffs, a man and his middle aged daughter . . . My favorite part was on the video - the daughter, after threatening the defendant, said, "I'm just a young girl. How old are you?" As though her age and innocence would go to her benefit if the defendant had called the police and charged her with a threat. Honestly, anyone who spoke to her for more than 5 minutes (during the FIRST police visit to her home) would know that she was cuckoo. 2 6 Link to comment
DoctorK July 31, 2019 Share July 31, 2019 (edited) 52 minutes ago, AZChristian said: she was cuckoo Yeah, from the first viewing, she was a shit stirrer. I think the old geezers could probably have beeen able to get along without her toxic input. Edited July 31, 2019 by DoctorK 6 Link to comment
AngelaHunter July 31, 2019 Share July 31, 2019 11 hours ago, AZChristian said: the daughter, after threatening the defendant, said, "I'm just a young girl. How old are you?" I remember her. Yes, she declared herself a "young girl" but IIRC, wasn't she 41? Of course, if you live with the 'rents, you remain a child even if you're 50+. We had repeats of the Wicked Witch Landlady and the Crazy Young Girl - two of my faves - and I missed them due to a storm that knocked out our power for 11 hours. 😬 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama July 31, 2019 Share July 31, 2019 3 p.m. reruns, mostly from 2015- FIrst- Ex-Girlfriend vs. the Truck-Plaintiff truck owner suing ex-girlfriend for truck damage when she borrowed his truck to move. Plaintiff finally lets woman borrow truck, and there is damage on both sides of his truck that evening. He thinks she jackknifed and hit the trailer with his truck. He trespasses in her back yard to photograph the trailer. Defendant claims she's the only one who drove the truck, and didn't hit anything. I hate to break it to JJ, a truck should last for many years, and a ten year old truck is not old in truck years. I absolutely believe motor mouth defendant did this, and her brain also seems to be going very fast here in court. $2600 to plaintiff. Nightmare Tenant-Plaintiff suing former roommate for illegal eviction, lost work, and property damages. Defendant says room renter was a nightmare tenant. Plaintiff left his dog alone in his room for over two days. Defendant is the named leaser of the apartment. Plaintiff moved in with dog and cat. Something is very off with the plaintiff. He claims he now lives in his car, and can't live with his sister who is in court. Defendant claims plaintiff left his animals alone for three days one time, and would leave his animals alone often. Plaintiff gets his security deposit $525. Second- Shock Collar Ambush-Plaintiff pit bull owner claims other dog owner wouldn't pay her for vet bills, and should have used his shock collar his dog had on to break up a dog fight. However, there is no clarification if the collar is a shock collar, or an Invisible Fence sensor, and her dog was the aggressor. Months later she saw him at a dog park, and parked behind him to block him in. She also put up flyers, and did online postings saying he had a vicious dog. Plaintiff also claims defendant filed a false police report about false imprisonment. Defendant's story is totally different from plaintiff. His dog is an English Mastiff, and she has a Pit Bull, and another big dog. Defendant claims pit bull was the aggressor. Also, it was an invisible fence collar, and did he even have the beeper control with him? Plaintiff has no case for vet bills. Eight months later defendant went to the dog park, and when he put his dog in the car, the woman blocked him into his parking space and refused to move. Even more interesting, plaintiff claims her dog is so innocent, but defendant says he knows of four more incidents with her pit bull. I absolutely believe the defendant, though I'm sure JJ will give him nothing. Too bad the man didn't have the other four dog owners in court as witnesses. Nothing for anyone, and JJ tells the man to put the last few minutes of her decision on his phone to show people that he's innocent. Case dismissed. 1 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama July 31, 2019 Share July 31, 2019 (edited) 5 p.m., both 2019 reruns- First- Kidnapping and Assault-Plaintiff is having the world's longest U.S. divorce since 2012, from estranged husband, two kids are his, one is a step kid to him (initial divorce in 2012, but plaintiff left Texas, and couldn't file there). Plaintiff left kids at grandmother, mother of estranged husband. Defendant wanted them picked up Saturday morning, and plaintiff refused. (Plaintiff is wearing a very cheap ugly wig, is there a wig store right outside the courtroom?). Plaintiff never picked the kids up on Saturday, and left children with grandma until the next Thursday. As usual, plaintiff's call log is unavailable, but grandma has 21 calls to plaintiff to pick up her kids, but she never answered. Plaintiff wants what she left at grandma's when the police fetched her children. Plaintiff also decided she wanted her kids now, so she broke down the door at the grandmother's. Plaintiff left no money with the grandmother to take care of her kids for a week. $425 to defendant to replace door. Define Restitution, Your Honor-Plaintiff suing former friend and roommate defendant kept in the garage for plaintiff during plaintiff's incarceration. Plaintiff thinks Nolo Contendre isn't a guilty plea. (I'm a graduate of the Law & Order, LA Law school of law, and it is pleading guilty), for stealing from defendant, and plaintiff didn't pay the restitution. Then plaintiff's witness starts chiming in, and gets the Byrd boot. Defendant counter suing for unpaid rent. Case dismissed, since plaintiff is suing victim of her crime, and not paying restitution. Second- Nine Phones, One Deadbeat Ex-Lover-Defendant cheated on his lover, they broke up, but claims only four of his phones contributed to her $4800 bill. Plaintiff claims lying ex ordered nine phones on her cell bill. He still owes for an ipad, watch, four phones, laptop, and who knows what else. He broke one phone sent it back to the company for a new phone, and then service was cancelled after a message between plaintiff, and new girlfriend. Verizon bill for his phones is $4800. Girlfriends overlapped from July to October. JJ says give her the laptop, and galaxy watch, or walk back to West Virginia. Plaintiff gets $1100 for the one phone that they can prove was received by him, and her laptop back or he can walk back to West Virginia. Unlicensed Teen Coming in Hot-Plaintiff suing defendant for car damages from plaintiff's daughter hitting his car in a parking lot. Daughter was unlicensed, not covered by insurance, but unlicensed driver reimbursed plaintiff for damages. However, plaintiff is out for $2,000 for rental car not covered by insurance. The way police found defendant was the bumper was left behind in the parking lot. Daughter was tracked down by police, and hauled back to scene of crime. Her idiot father believes everything she says too. Teen claims she came back after she went to get her boyfriend. $1934 to plaintiff. Father claims daughter wasn't at fault, and he's an idiot. Help Me and My Five Kids-Defendant/Woman with five kids moved in with a former friend for almost a month. She can't afford her own apartment, but she can afford badly microbladed eyebrows? PLaintiff claims defendant assaulted her, defendant claims the same but it was thrown out by the judge. Case dismissed. Edited July 31, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 4 Link to comment
AngelaHunter July 31, 2019 Share July 31, 2019 53 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Nine Phones, One Deadbeat Ex-Lover I just started watching this and had to stop. It seems that not only is Stacy Parsons desperate, but her parents are also desperate to get her off their hands since they allowed the scuzzy Wilbert Sparrow to move into their home as their darling daughter's intended. So Stacy and Wilbert (or was it Dilbert?) go shack up in some cheap hotel. They are homeless but the iPads, laptops, video games and expensive phones (or "phunes" if you're Wilbert) abound! The absolute necessities of life for millennials. I mean, how could anyone survive if they can't access FB or Twitter? Wilbert thinks he's uber-cute, giving JJ his most adorable grin, and why should he not? Stacy was willing to get him whatever he wanted and now his new Instagram hookup is probably doing the same. He may be a dead-beat, low-life, amoral, bloated dumbass (kinda young for that big belly, Dilbert) who can't buy his own crap, but he has a pulse, which is sufficient for too many women. Stacy obviously hates herself and needs to maybe get some counselling to get her life in order before she pays for another scumbag. Or has Mommy and Daddy buy her another beau, or whatever. 2 7 Link to comment
Florinaldo August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Father claims daughter wasn't at fault, and he's an idiot. He claimed she had "the right of way". I would say that the fact she was an unlicensed driver means this notion does not apply and that the only right she has is to pay for the damages (well, the show pays for the award, but at least the plaintiff gets something for the trouble this little grinning numbskull caused him). Edited August 1, 2019 by Florinaldo 8 Link to comment
AngelaHunter August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: She can't afford her own apartment, but she can afford badly microbladed eyebrows? Heh, I was coming here to say exactly that. Ms. Escabedo is a primo breeder, squirting out five kids and ending up homeless. Plaintiff let her stay with her for "less than a month" because everyone should take care of her and her kids. Where is the baby daddy(s)? Why was she homeless? But yeah, enough money for huge fake lashes, the overdone brows and an outfit to showcase her breasts here. Even couples making excellent salaries can't afford 5 kids. That little twerp here with her clueless, indulgent, discount "Barney Fyfe" daddy, defending his little darling just pissed me off. She's 17, has no license yet decided to drive a car and crashed into the plaintiff's car. The girl is dumb as a brick and is another one who can't answer a simple question that requires a two-word answer without 'like." "Liiiiike... eight o'clock...? Duh..." She thought this case was amusing since she doesn't have to pay for all the aggravation and damage she caused to the plaintiff. She can't get a job because, like, she's busy with school and like, activities. Daddy says he punished his baby, but in the hall says, "It wasn't my daughter's fault. She had the right of way (and no license and didn't know how to drive) in the parking lot." He's clairvoyant and knows this for a fact even though he was nowhere nearby. Even dumb girl admits it was her fault in the hall. What does she care? It's no skin off her little ass. 8 Link to comment
Brattinella August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 43 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: They are homeless but the iPads, laptops, video games and expensive phones (or "phunes" if you're Wilbert) abound! PHUNES? As in Clouseau phunes? 2 1 Link to comment
zillabreeze August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 5 hours ago, AngelaHunter said: Why was she homeless? But yeah, enough money for huge fake lashes, the overdone brows and an outfit to showcase her breasts here Well, AH, you kinda outta touch with the job market... She can't just tweeze her own eyebrows! "Weird Alien Eyebrows" is always listed right there in the Desired Skills of most legit job descriptions. She can't just wrangle her boobage into a normal shirt! In this climate, most reputable companies really prefer the giant hooters flopping around the reception desk. First and foremost, titty tats also need to be maintained and ever increasing. Your best employers are always looking for fresh ink! 5 1 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 (edited) 12 hours ago, Florinaldo said: I would say that the fact she was an unlicensed driver means this notion does not apply and that the only right she has is to pay for the damages (well, the show pays for the award, but at least the plaintiff gets something for the trouble this little grinning numbskull caused him). Amen. Even if she did have the right of way (and who REALLY has the right of way in a parking lot. Those things are like the Wild West these days.) it’s a stupid argument to make anywhere, particularly in court, when your daughter had absolutely no right to be anywhere in that lot behind the wheel. Never mind the fact that the only intelligent thing the daughter said all day was that the accident was indeed her fault. 13 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Defendant cheated on his lover, they broke up, but claims only four of his phones contributed to her $4800 bill. This turd thinks his smile and West Virginia charm 🙄 will deflect JJ’s attention from the fact that he’s a lying, thieving scumbag. It didn’t work on her. It didn’t work on me either. I’m not sure if he thought or cared whether his phone swap scam was intended to screw Verizon or Miss Dumbass and I doubt he gave a damn. We should all be grateful that they were arguing about phones and video game consoles and not children and their support. PS, few things make me roll my eyes harder and project my contempt than a 300 pound litigant suing over a PlayStation or XBox. Just once I’d like to see one sue for the return of a treadmill or a elliptical trainer. Even a pair of walking shoes. Edited August 1, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 5 3 Link to comment
zillabreeze August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 1 hour ago, Byrd is the Word said: Never mind the fact that the only intelligent thing the daughter said all day was that the accident was indeed her fault. And dotting dad, that wasn't anywhere close, disagreed? Hmm? Snowflake is struggling to own up and Dad ain't having it. WTF? My Dad would have knocked me into next week 4 Link to comment
AngelaHunter August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 21 minutes ago, zillabreeze said: My Dad would have knocked me into next week That's what I was thinking while watching. If I told my father, when I was 17, that I was driving and crashed into someone's car, he'd have told me, "You better get more babysitting jobs." I started sitting when I was 13 so I'd have some money and did have quite a stash saved up by then so that and future earnings for quite some time would have been seized. 😄 2 hours ago, Byrd is the Word said: PS, few things make me roll my eyes harder and project my contempt than a 300 pound litigant suing over a PlayStation or XBox. Amen. Especially someone so young and already morbidly obese. 🙁 Wilbert is just lucky there are so many desperate women willing to degrade themselves and subsidize the likes of him and other losers just like him. Sad. 5 Link to comment
funky-rat August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 13 hours ago, AngelaHunter said: Plaintiff let her stay with her for "less than a month" because everyone should take care of her and her kids. Where is the baby daddy(s)? Probably Jail. 2 6 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 3 p.m. episodes, both reruns probably from 2015- First- The Judge Talks Roofing-Plaintiffs suing former roofer for bad work, in re-roofing, and building a garage on their house, allowing water damage to happen. Defendant roofer claims re-roof didn't include removing old roofing materials, before re-roofing. Roofer claims plaintiffs, and a former employee of his that plaintiffs hired did the roof removal themselves, and water leaks were their problem. I'm so glad the places I've lived in for the past 20 years don't allow two layers of roofing. Roofer claims tearing off old roof, is called tear off, then putting new shingles on. Roofer just sassed JJ, and I'm hoping Byrd chases him out of the court with the Fly Swatter of Death. Re-roof vs tear off is not in the contract, and the additional $2800 for more work was not in a written contract. Roofing job went on for weeks, and never got finished, and there were multiple water leaks and damage to the house. Witness for plaintiff's is the ex-employee of the roofer. $5,000 to plaintiff. Second- Dreadlocks Discrimination-Plaintiff filmmaker, and his girlfriend accuse former landlord of discrimination, and deny charges of a party fire burning the property. Plaintiffs stopped paying rent, never paid the electric bill, but claim they couldn't find anywhere to move to with their children. Plaintiffs claim landlady stole their electricity, no I'm not kidding about that. Apartment was rented through housing program, and plaintiffs claim they always paid the rent, and plaintiffs want their half of the rent back. Discrimination charge is man claiming landlady was prejudiced against him, but yet she rented to him after she met him. Harassment charge is that their two kids were the focus of complaints to CPS. Plaintiffs have two kids with them, another on the way, he has one with the child's mother, she has a kid with some other relative. Stolen electricity charge from plaintiffs (yes, I know it's a pun, but I don't care) is because there was bad wiring between plaintiff's rear unit, and the garage (used by landlady as storage). Previous electric bill was over $500, and monthly electric bill was not big at all. However, since plaintiff's never paid the electric bill it eventually was $800+. Plaintiff woman claims they had to wait for city to find them other housing to move. Rent was $1400 a month, and charity paid a majority of the rent for them. Current apartment rent is $1400, and plaintiffs claim they pay the rent themselves. Landlady says there was another full time tenant, that was an illegal sublease. Plaintiff man claims that was his brother who was babysitting. Why does every deadbeat tenant make big holes in the wall? Landlady says a fire set by the tenants in the back yard set the garage on fire, but plaintiffs claim landlady did it. Landlady gets nothing for the garage, because garage was already in bad shape, and needed work. Cases dismissed. Nothing for the plaintiffs. 3 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 1, 2019 Share August 1, 2019 (edited) 5 p.m., both reruns, and from 2018-2019 season- First- Mother's Mortgage Mishap-Plaintiff was tenant of defendant's condo, owned by his mother. Son took the condo over, and rented the room to the tenant. Condo was in foreclosure before owner moved to Florida, leaving son in condo. Son was supposed to take care of mortgage, but didn't. There was a foreclosure settlement, after tenant moved in, when defendant used tenant's money to pay.. Plaintiff gets $3100, but could have sued for $4226. Company and Fish Start to Stink-Plaintiff suing former friend for cost to reupholster couch, after defendant's son slashed her couch with a knife. Plaintiff stayed at defendant's house for six months rent free. Couch and other furniture was stored in defendant's garage, and when deadbeat finally moved out she found the damage to the couch, and blamed the little boy. Cases dismissed. Woman Assaults Father of Her Child-Plaintiff suing defendant (father of her child) for totaling her Toyota Yaris. Woman moved from California to Florida, and left car in Florida. Defendant was driving, had an accident, and the car was totaled. Plaintiff had the car shipped to California, and wants the car repaired. Car is only worth $1800, but plaintiff wants $4,000 for car. Case dismissed, plaintiff gets zero. Second- What Are You NOT Suing Me For?-Plaintiff suing old bat defendant/neighbor for fence costs, false report to health department, etc. Fence was replaced five years ago, this year plaintiff extended the fence further forward to the property line, and then fence was mysteriously ripped down, and defendant (works at Health Department), made a report that plaintiff had rats on her property. Defendant never was notified about the fence being built, and claims it damaged her existing electric fence. The electric fence is an Invisible Fence, for the Jack Russell Terrier. Plaintiff's case dismissed without prejudice, so she can get evidence, and sue locally over fence removal. Defendant is also whining about her gate falling off. Defendant's case also dismissed without prejudice. When Smog Comes Between Friends-Plaintiff suing former friend/defendant for unpaid car payments. Defendant paid $200 down, leaving $700 owed, and since car wouldn't smog, it costs way more than $700 to fix the car, so defendant wants the car title. Defendant has no proof she paid anything to fix the car, so plaintiff gets car back. Mother/Daughter Eviction and Child Endangerment-Plaintiff mother moved in with daughter, and was evicted. Mother gets her property back if she picks it up in the next five days. Daughter/defendant gets nothing for harassment from mother, and mother calling CPS. Daughter also gets nothing for mother putting satellite dish on the roof, putting up some shed, and holes in walls. No money for either side. (In some states, a family member can get paid as a caregiver for their relative, paid for by Byrd of course). Edited August 2, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 2 Link to comment
AngelaHunter August 2, 2019 Share August 2, 2019 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: What Are You NOT Suing Me For?-Plaintiff suing old bat defendant/neighbor for fence costs, false report to health department, etc. God, those two horse-faced harridans were unbearable. 1", 2" oh go away. Plaintiff in the hall, "I was six months pregnant (the choir sings!) and now I have a bunch of babies..."? WTF? What is she, a freakin' rabbit? Octomom? Whose fault is that she has a bunch of babies? And who does she think gives a rat's ass? 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: When Smog Comes Between Friends Def had such a smug, snarky smirk on her smug little face I just wanted to smack her, really hard. Did she think her cuteness would excuse her lack of any kind of proof? I really think she did. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Mother/Daughter Eviction and Child Endangerment This one had my head spinning. Momma, who seemed to be a little out there, forgot to change out of her housecoat before coming here. Her husband gets paid by Byrd to look after her. Paid to look after his own wife? Sweet racket, that. Daughter, who seems to be running some kind of boarding house or whatever, has a bunch of kids living there (did she say some of them were adopted?) in addition to Mom and her hubby, or not, wanted to display as much of her skin as possible here and stuck out her chest proudly. If I evicted my mother I really don't think I'd find anything amusing about it, as daughter seemed to. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Woman Assaults Father of Her Child-Plaintiff suing defendant (father of her child) for totaling her Toyota Yaris. I didn't see this, but I don't blame her. I had a Yaris before I got the car I have now, and it was a sweet thing and so reliable. If my baby daddy totaled it, I'd no doubt assault him because I've found that's the best way to settle disputes. I get it. 3 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 2, 2019 Share August 2, 2019 3 p.m. reruns-(Unless the HD and regular channel feed clears up, you only get the TV guide summary. We had severe thunderstorms for the last two nights, and their antenna, and broadcast facility seems to have issues after that for a day or so. ) Roaches, Maggots and Clutter-Homeless plaintiff suing ex-landlord for moving costs. after skipping out on the rent, and having her unlicensed car violate city codes. (channel still useless, but that's the summary). Teenage Car Slam-Plaintiff teen accuses his uninsured former friend of crashing into his parked car, and ramming two other vehicles after. Prison Minister Fights for Sick Mother-Prison minister fighting with stoke victim's family over a business, health care, and accusations of abuse. Fast Girls, Late Rent-A man and his former stepson fight over furniture, and skipping out on the rent. TV didn't clear up until after the episodes ended. I really wanted to see JJ yell at the first litigant. Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 2, 2019 Share August 2, 2019 (edited) 5 p.m. episodes, 2018-2019 season, both reruns-(I'm really looking forward to the fence kerfuffle on the second episode). First- Grieving Sisters Try to Keep It Friendly-Plaintiff and defendant are half sisters, and after the death of their mother are fighting over the car mother left. Plaintiff took the 1999 car her sister was driving, and was supposed to pay insurance, and didn't register the car. Defendant took the mother's car. Defendant took car back when plaintiffs were pulled over by the police, and caught a possession charge. Two sisters, and plaintiff son were living together, and then police were called when they had a huge fight. After a cruise, defendant and her witness came back to see both vehicles wrecked, and that's the possession charge too. Escort was sold by defendant, and the Impala (mother's car). $1,000 to plaintiff. Vanishing Carpenter-Plaintiff suing defendant/carpenter for return of fee to fix leaking back door. Carpenter blames leak on lack of canopy, and custom lock set that owner wanted. (Without a storm door or some other shield the door won't stop leaking. Plus, doors need be sealed around the outside trim, or it will leak). Plaintiff says carpenter never came back, and carpenter swears he came back twice with helpers. Door was $900, but carpenter says it was defective. Defendant received $2400 total, including fixing flooring from water damage to floor before door was replaced. Plaintiff gets $2000 to replace door. Second- Sentimental Fence Feud-I remember this one from the first time. The replacement fence was lovely, very expensive, and a great improvement. The wire fence that came down was 40 years old, and looked rusty, and failing to me. I guess the plaintiffs were expecting the nasty wire fence to stay there forever, because the woman's late husband put it up 40 years ago. Plaintiff woman, and her adult grand daughter are suing defendant neighbors for a wire fence that was 40 years old, and failed when the defendants put up a replacement fence. There was a scuffle, and defendant wife claims the bully plaintiff grand daughter pushed her down, and I believe it. There is a video of the fight, but pushing is off camera. Plaintiff is also upset at the plants the woman planted on her side of the fence on her own property. Defendants put up new fence on their side, and repaired the nasty, deteriorating wire fence. Defendant grand daughter claims she was assaulted by the wife, then the husband. No photos or police report prove anything the grand daughter says, because it didn't happen. Grand daughter was the obvious bully in this, and the instigator. $100 to defendant. Juice-Bar Owner Fail-Plaintiff suing former business landlord over her former juice-bar. However, plaintiff was using parking and other space that wasn't hers to use, and not included in her lease. Defendant claims plaintiff was illegally serving alcohol, didn't pay her rent, and property of plaintiff is still in the space. Defendant claims plaintiff used the parking lot without permission. Actually, if defendant thinks plaintiff is illegally serving liquor, then call the liquor license people, and they will send undercover people in to find out, and the woman will be in serious trouble. Plaintiff receives $0, defendant is told to go to housing court. Edited August 2, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 3 Link to comment
Brattinella August 3, 2019 Share August 3, 2019 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Vanishing Carpenter-Plaintiff suing defendant/carpenter for return of fee to fix leaking back door. Carpenter blames leak on lack of canopy, and custom lock set that owner wanted. (Without a storm door or some other shield the door won't stop leaking. Plus, doors need be sealed around the outside trim, or it will leak). Plaintiff says carpenter never came back, and carpenter swears he came back twice with helpers. Door was $900, but carpenter says it was defective. Defendant received $2400 total, including fixing flooring from water damage to floor before door was replaced. Plaintiff gets $2000 to replace door. Whatever happened to JJ's "A workman is worth his hire" code? He actually DID do some work! 2 Link to comment
zillabreeze August 3, 2019 Share August 3, 2019 10 minutes ago, Brattinella said: Whatever happened to JJ's "A workman is worth his hire" code? He actually DID do some work! She's all over the map with the working trades because she has no clue what she's talking about. So damned inconsistent! I was only half listening. Did plaintiff even submit an estimate to make corrections? Where the defendant screwed up IMHO, , was not having the plaintiff sign waivers. One for acknowledging that cutting extra/different holes for special hardware would void the mfr. warranty. Another stating that no roof or awning may allow water to blow in. There needs to an agreement that these type cases go over to TPC. JM savvys so much better. 1 2 Link to comment
AngelaHunter August 3, 2019 Share August 3, 2019 15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Plaintiff woman, and her adult grand daughter are suing defendant neighbors for a wire fence that was 40 years old I did remember that one. Plaintiff's granddaughter is so ginormous, po-faced and scary I can't imagine anyone would be foolish enough to try and assault her. Grandma, who looked to be in her eighties or older, wants to spend her remaining time above ground fighting, shrieking and bitching over an ancient chickenwire fence. Her husband put it up so it has great sentimental value although it makes the property look like Dogpatch. Granddaughter planted Morning Glories on it! There's some major undertaking. You have to buy a packet of seeds, tear open the packet and throw the seeds on the ground. If I were one of the people in that video, I would die of shame. 1 4 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 3, 2019 Share August 3, 2019 I think in the fence case, the plaintiff was whining because the defendant planted morning glories on her side of the fence. The are a very fast growing, and hard to get rid of plant, but they were on in the defendant's yard. I think the plaintiff was one of those people that think she can control her neighbors, and everything they do. I bet the previous owner of the defendant's house moved to get away from her. 1 3 Link to comment
Brattinella August 3, 2019 Share August 3, 2019 We had Morning Glories in our garden and had to keep them cut back to the ground. They are creeping vines and will strangle and kill all other plants nearby. Pretty, though. 1 3 Link to comment
AngelaHunter August 3, 2019 Share August 3, 2019 20 hours ago, zillabreeze said: She's all over the map with the working trades because she has no clue what she's talking about. So damned inconsistent! Usually, people getting paid for work they do should be automatic. Here, we had someone whose door was letting rain in. He hires the def. to fix it. 2000$ later, the rain is coming in just as it did before. I don't think he should be paid since he fixed nothing. All he did was take the plaintiff's money. The people he sent to correct the mess fixed nothing, therefore, their work deserves nothing. The def trying to claim that drilling a hole to put in a door handle caused the problem is outrageous. Most new doors (and I've bought a few) do not come pre-drilled for handles (unless you pay more) and do not include the handles. Doors need handles/locks to be installed. I would expect a contractor to know this. His claim that anyone who doesn't want rainwater pouring in their doors must install a canopy was beyond ludicrous. The plaintiff, as annoying as he was, ended up in the same position he was before the door was installed, with water coming in, but now is just 2000$ poorer. I have 27-year-old French patio doors and never have they let rain in, and I don't even have a canopy AND I changed the handle. Def is a crook and arrogant on top of that. JMO. On 8/1/2019 at 7:34 PM, CrazyInAlabama said: Woman Assaults Father of Her Child Finally watched this. If I were ever arrested(!!) I think I would be ashamed, appalled and traumatized for the rest of my life. I love how litigants casually mention the fact that they were arrested as though it's not something that's a big deal. If I had a young child who witnessed whatever act I committed in order to be arrested - in this case, a physical assault on my baby daddy - I really don't know how I could ever get over it. This plaintiff talks about it as though she had gotten a parking ticket or something equally minor. Wow. Sisters fighting over two old cars: That's some primo genes there. None of them could even speak English properly. I did enjoy the new landlady, yelling at JJ as she left the bench: "Even if she paid the insurance?" as though it were any of her beeswax. LOL. Cute. 5 Link to comment
zillabreeze August 4, 2019 Share August 4, 2019 5 hours ago, AngelaHunter said: Def is a crook and arrogant on top of that. JMO. You may be right... I may be crazy. 🎶🎵🎶 I just didn't get the "crook" vibe. Too defensive? Definitely. Way in over his head? Oh Yeah, certainly! My fairly educated and best "Betcha a good bottle of wine" guess? Something else was going on...roof pitch, siding issues, flashing trouble...whatev. Defendant, however, was going down fighting, blaming and grasping at straws! Even making shit up. Spinning, capitulating, hem-hawing. Everything he could think of, EXCEPT he wouldn't do that ONE awful thing.... He wouldn't just Nut Up, look the customer in the eye and speak the words that strike fear in the hearts of many men... "I'm sorry, I don't know how to fix it." ymmv 😉 3 Link to comment
DoctorK August 4, 2019 Share August 4, 2019 10 hours ago, zillabreeze said: My fairly educated and best "Betcha a good bottle of wine" guess? Something else was going on...roof pitch, siding issues, flashing trouble...whatev. Good point. Did the plaintiff say why he was replacing the door? Maybe he thought that would fix the problem? It did look to me like the water was entering the house just above the door, I would love to know if the drywall above the door was damp or even wet. 2 Link to comment
AngelaHunter August 4, 2019 Share August 4, 2019 10 hours ago, zillabreeze said: I just didn't get the "crook" vibe. Too defensive? I just meant "crook" in the strict sense of the word that he took money he didn't earn but kept it, and was so cavalier and smug about it as he spouted nonsense to rationalize the fact he and his crew were incapable of doing a job my handyman could do blindfolded, and then told plaintiff, "Oh, well. Tough luck". 10 hours ago, zillabreeze said: You may be right... I may be crazy. 🎶🎵🎶 I was only having fun Wasn't hurting anyone! Aaand - thanks for the earworm!🤣 1 Link to comment
zillabreeze August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 On 8/1/2019 at 5:59 AM, Byrd is the Word said: PS, few things make me roll my eyes harder and project my contempt than a 300 pound litigant suing over a PlayStation or XBox. Just once I’d like to see one sue for the return of a treadmill or a elliptical trainer. Even a pair of walking shoes. Seriously. I disturbed my dogs with my LOL. Perhaps because I will sue my next dating site scam artist over the big TV. The high-end weight station in the garage? pffft 3 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 3 p.m. reruns, usually from 2015- Crystal Meth and Disability-Plaintiff former tenant, suing former landlords for wrongful eviction, and property they kept. Defendants suing for unpaid rent. Plaintiff was a plumber, then had a disability payment ($19k), Roommate of plaintiff was landlords son, and plaintiff claims they did meth together, and that's why he was checked out. Plaintiff was evicted for non-payment of rent. After first quit notice, plaintiff paid up, but stopped paying after that. Plaintiff also claims the defendants threatened to turn him in as a fraud to disability. Property was left behind after plaintiff took his stuff out and put in storage. Plaintiff owes $2k in back rent, and HOA fine for parking. $2k to defendants, nothing to plaintiff. Plaintiff claims you can't evict someone on disability. Deceased Dad's Trailer Drama-Plaintiff suing stepdaughter for unpaid loan to fix up late father's trailer. Back property taxes were $570, utility bills, and construction loan totaling $5k. Litigants were going to fix up trailer (he's a handyman), and when it sold she would get 65%, and he would get 35%. Trailer was sold for $28000, but his $5k was never repaid, he received $9+, and $2500 more. Defendant claims $5k wasn't a loan. It's actually written "repay loan to Steve" on the trailer paperwork. Mother is witness for defendant. $3125 or so to plaintiff. (plaintiff has been told to leave the stepfather's house twice by police, and won't let mother to see the grandchildren after this) Second- Floating Wedding Gift-Plaintiffs suing former friends fighting over payment for a boat, and trailer. Boat was a wedding gift to the plaintiffs, and they only used the boat once. Defendants agreed to $2,000 payment, with $1,000 down. Defendants bought boat, didn't even see if it floated, and now don't want to pay for it. Defendants took boat out a month later, and it didn't start. Then defendant checked the boat out with a mechanic. Defendants actually paid another $300 after they knew the boat needed work, and wasn't sea worthy. I do not believe anyone who says "altercation" instead of argument or fight, the way defendant did. $700 to plaintiffs, title to defendants. Illegal Lockout-Plaintiff woman admits to changing locks because ex-boyfriend was sneaking in after being kicked out. Plaintiff wants lock changing fees, and unpaid rent. They only lasted a month together. Woman lived in apartment for the rest of the year, and only sued after lease period ended. She claims ex would let himself in, and hang out in the apartment all day, while she was out. Plaintiff never notified defendant of rent owing. Case dismissed. 3 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 5, 2019 Share August 5, 2019 (edited) 5 p.m., 2018-2019 reruns- FIrst- Volatile Mother/Daughter Feud-Plaintiff mother and daughter were so volatile that neighbors constantly complained. Defendant says they were nightmare tenants, and were evicted. Mother and daughter fought constantly, neighbors complained, and then there was a huge fight, and mother moved out the same day. Mother claims landlord threatened the police were coming, and mother voluntarily moved. Mother claims all of her property was moved to storage the next day. Daughter moved out a month before, and never picked up her stuff. Then it gets juicy, mother and daughter start fighting right at the plaintiff's table. Mother didn't pay rent in August and September. Case dismissed. Artist Van Rental Stupidity-Plaintiff suing defendant for damages to his 30 year old Chevy van he rented to her. Defendant's counterclaim dismissed, because if she wanted a commercial van rental, she should have gone to commercial rental company. Case dismissed. Second- Fight Over Boy Equals Baseball Bat Vandalism-Plaintiff (Tiara Hooker) suing defendant sociopath (Rose Mendez ) over woman terrifying the neighborhood by vandalizing her home, and neighboring houses. There are multiple assailants, including the defendant and the rest of her group of psychos coming after dark to plaintiff's house, and breaking windows, and rampaging through the neighborhood. Plaintiff's witness was not listed on police report, and never admitted seeing anything to the police. Plaintiff's other witness is incarcerated. There were no witnesses listed on the police report. but the neighbor's video shows defendant and her actions. Plaintiff also has a protective order against defendant for three years, resulting from the vandalism rampage. Plaintiff receives $905. Married Military Teen Sues Cousin-Plaintiff is 17 year old military wife who was financing the apartment for herself (payed first month and security), until her husband graduated boot camp, and was stationed permanently. Cousin and boyfriend moved in to share the rent, in a two bedroom, then mother and sister moved in to the apartment. When plaintiff husband came home on leave, there were six people living in that small apartment. Plaintiff objected to multiple deadbeats moving into the apartment on her money, and moved and broke the lease. $1,055 to plaintiff. Edited August 5, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 4 Link to comment
iwasish August 6, 2019 Share August 6, 2019 Anyone else see Lisa Minnelli and Geraldo Rivera on JJ tonight? She was a plaintiff and he was a witness for the defendant. 2 Link to comment
Steph J August 6, 2019 Share August 6, 2019 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Married Military Teen Sues Cousin-Plaintiff is 17 year old military wife who was financing the apartment for herself (payed first month and security), until her husband graduated boot camp, and was stationed permanently. Cousin and boyfriend moved in to share the rent, in a two bedroom, then mother and sister moved in to the apartment. When plaintiff husband came home on leave, there were six people living in that small apartment. Plaintiff objected to multiple deadbeats moving into the apartment on her money, and moved and broke the lease. $1,055 to plaintiff. Good lord, the entitlement of the defendant in this case. Sure, just move a bunch of other people into the apartment that the Plaintiff is solely paying for after the Plaintiff has already told you that you need to leave to make room for her husband and their soon to be born child. If your mother and your sister need a place to live then find another place and move in with them there. There are at least 3 adults in that scenario (defendant, her husband, her mother). Figure it out. 7 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 6, 2019 Share August 6, 2019 (edited) 3 pm reruns, probably 2015 or so- First- Case of the Missing Angel Statue-Plaintiff hired painter to paint mirror frames, claims she was paying $165. However, defendant/painter says the paint cost over $165. Plaintiff wants an angel statue back, but never paid the defendant. Mirror was finished by artist, and would costs. However, plaintiff had another estimate to paint two mirrors for $1800. Defendant actually painted five mirrors for the plaintiff. Defendant was given an angel statue by plaintiff, and she sold it. Case dismissed, since plaintiff gave the angel statue in lieu of paying her bills, and defendant accepted the statue, and resold it. Storage Battles-Plaintiffs and defendants were going into business together to buy storage units, and resell in a small store. Defendants were to work in the store, but man alleges that plaintiff was rotten to him. Defendant swears money wasn't a loan from plaintiff, but an advance to buy stock for the store. Plaintiff and defendant worked at the flea market selling, but stopped. $1k to plaintiff, since they never paid defendant for his work. Jealousy-Fueled Breakup-Plaintiff woman suing ex-boyfriend for vandalism, stolen property, and a bunch of stuff. They moved in together, both signed the lease, and then fought and he moved out. (Why do all people who move in together have more TVs in one apartment than I've owned in my entire life?). Plaintiff says a neighbor said some woman was in her apartment with Love Muffin, resulting fight was when he moved out, with his clothes and two TVs. Plaintiff gets $700 for two TVs, but nothing for car damage because her phone dissolved or something. Second- Pregnant Dog Bashing-Plaintiffs were fostering Min. Pinscher, dog got out to neighbors yard, and defendant William Fish's pit attacked and slammed the little dog. Plaintiff man alleges Fish assaulted him about the first dog incident. Then a second attack was when the pit ran onto plaintiff's property, and was attacking a smaller, much older dog, and plaintiff wife drove pit away with kicking and hitting to save the little dog. Fish's much younger roommate of several years claims all kinds of garbage about how the plaintiffs attacked the dog and Fish, and some stoner friend of Fish claims she saw all kinds of things, and that the Pit is a very nice dog, that was actually attacked by plaintiff wife. Plaintiff woman feels very badly about attacking pit, but as JJ said, if a dog was savaging my dog, I'd do anything to get it away from my dog. Plaintiffs say in hall-terview that defendants were actually squatters, and were evicted finally. Plaintiffs get almost $800 in vet bills. Monte Carlo Hijinks-Plaintiff sold ex tenant a car for $1,000, but defendant only paid $500, and paid nothing else. Plaintiff also alleges that defendant pried open door, and damaged it, $500 to plaintiff for car, and money for door damages. Edited August 6, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 6, 2019 Share August 6, 2019 5 p.m. both reruns- First- Foster Cat Fail-Defendant wanted plaintiff to foster her cat, and left the cat with plaintiff. After five and a half months of having the cat, plaintiff refuses to give the cat up. Defendant offered $100 a month to foster cat, and never paid plaintiff a penny after an initial $100, never visited the cat. Contract was for months, but no contact after the first month. Plaintiff sent demand letter for money for the cat, but defendant would like to keep the cat. When plaintiff and defendant exchanged texts, defendant said she would dump cat at humane society. Plaintiff gets money, and keeps the cat. 40th High School Reunion Disaster-Plaintiff suing former high school girlfriend for loan to attend 40th reunion, and pay her rent. It's all over the $100 left over. As plaintiff says, it's the principal of the thing, not the money. A ll of this happened two years ago. This is the one where defendant gets Valentine's Day wrong. Plaintiff gets $100. Stolen Child Support-Plaintiff suing defendant (child's father), for stealing her child's support money. Plaintiff wants $4,200. Plaintiff wants the money even though child support was reduced by court. Defendant put child support on some kind of bank card, and plaintiff wants more money added. This has already been litigated in Family Court, and she's suing in Small Claims because she didn't go to court before. Case dismissed. Second- High on Meth Home Invasion-Defendant was plaintiff on Meth when he tried to break into the plaintiff's house, terrifying their grand daughter. He was running amok in the neighborhood. This was not defendant's first drug arrest, but multiple arrests. Defendant is in rehab, and claims to be sober. ( I never saw the defendant's last name before, Wayne Moyher). Defendant smashed door of other neighbor's house, and plaintiffs had to pay to get their own door fixed. The door was a big slider, and screen that man destroyed, and plaintiff's receive $3,000. Music Collaboration Battle-Plaintiff suing defendant over unpaid rent on a music studio, and rights to music that defendant took. Defendant titled music in both litigant's names, and copyright will be changed to co-authors. I really can't stand the plaintiff, and hope the defendant never helps him with his song ever. No money to anyone. 4 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer August 7, 2019 Share August 7, 2019 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: High on Meth Home Invasion-Defendant was plaintiff on Meth when he tried to break into the plaintiff's house, terrifying their grand daughter. He was running amok in the neighborhood. In his underwear. This was not defendant's first drug arrest, but multiple arrests. Defendant is in rehab, and claims to be sober. ( I never saw the defendant's last name before, Wayne Moyher). Defendant smashed door of other neighbor's house, and plaintiffs had to pay to get their own door fixed. The door was a big slider, and screen that man destroyed, and plaintiff's receive $3,000. Don't leave out the best part! 😛 3 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama August 7, 2019 Share August 7, 2019 (edited) From testimony from enraged plaintiff, the underwear was Joe Boxer. The Meth fueled home invasion could have ended very differently for the defendant, and he's lucky he lived long enough to go to rehab. I really hope he does maintain his sobriety, but his casual attitude in the hall-terview does not give me a lot of hope. Living in the deep South where I do, I doubt that the police would be tackling that man, and taking him to rehab here. I think he would have been a lot easier to handle after a few of the neighborhood men here finished helping him leave the neighbor's property, and kicked his fanny into the street. He would have been turned into a blue tarp burrito, for easier carrying by the po-po. Edited August 7, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 8 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word August 7, 2019 Share August 7, 2019 9 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: I think he would have been a lot easier to handle after a few of the neighborhood men here finished helping him leave the neighbor's property, and kicked his fanny into the street. Without the slightest bit of humor or hyperbole, if a half naked drug addled bleeding man stood on my porch and destroyed my door while attempting to gain entry to my family home, beating him senseless with a Louisville Slugger would be the least I would do. 10 Link to comment
AngelaHunter August 7, 2019 Share August 7, 2019 12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: I really hope he does maintain his sobriety, but his casual attitude in the hall-terview does not give me a lot of hope. Even sober, he's a stupid smart-alec dweeb with poor grammar and not one bit of remorse for what he did. During the case the plaintiffs said he left blood on their carpet. JJ says she can't see the blood, and stupid snarks, "Try a magnifying glass." The miracle is that he happened to smash into the house of someone without a gun, or he'd be dead dead dead. Of course the moron never thinks of that. I've never touched a gun, but if I had one and Mr. Underpants (having to look at that pallid cuck in his tighty whiteys is horror enough) came crashing through my patio doors, I'm pretty sure I'd shoot him. He has a girlfriend. Quote Moyher reportedly told the officer that multiple men were in his home, holding him and his girlfriend hostage at gunpoint, forcing him to do drugs, and that he'd escaped and broken into his neighbors' to hide. Quote The (girlfriend) told police that she'd found a stash of heroin, methamphetamine, suboxone and melatonin she believed belonged to Moyher and that she flushed the drugs down the toilet. 2 How lucky she just happened to discover all that at such an opportune moment. Can someone get high from melatonin?? 5 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word August 7, 2019 Share August 7, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said: JJ says she can't see the blood, and stupid snarks, "Try a magnifying glass." The simple fact that anyone would even bother to hear the defense of a junkie and his ridiculous attempt to recall the events of a psychotic episode chaps my ass. Either pay for the damage you caused or run away like the skeevy turd you are. Nothing else makes any sense at all. Edited August 7, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 6 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer August 7, 2019 Share August 7, 2019 16 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: How lucky she just happened to discover all that at such an opportune moment. Can someone get high from melatonin?? As per this article, if you take too much of it, it can cause rebound insomnia, but there's a lot of factors involved in what proper dosage is. It's considered a dietary supplement, so there's fewer regulations on it, but you can't OD. Someone should be informed that one of the side effects is stripping down to your underpants and committing vandalism. 1 4 Link to comment
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