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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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From my understanding, the apostrophe represents the missing diacritical mark, a long accent that goes over the "O" before Irish names were Anglicized.  While the "O" represented that someone was a descendant of, the apostrophe does not represent missing letters, it's just a modern way of spelling a name that formerly had an accent.  That all goes to my point that when it comes to names, people have made all sorts of changes throughout history.  I'm just not seeing why the name "C'Andre" deserves scorn just because it isn't traditional, run-of-the-mill or typical.  For a lot of American names with apostrophes like his, the apostrophe denotes that it's not pronounced "can-drey" and that the "c" is pronounced just like someone decided the "O" in "O'Donnell" means descendant of and when it was anglicized that the apostrophe was replaced by the accent mark.


The key word is Anglicized, meaning the spelling was changed to reflect the rules of the English language or to make it sound more "anglo". For example, the family name "Durocher" is anglicized from the French "du Rocher". Contrast that with the Italian family name "D'Agostino" which was not Anglicized to "Dagostino".


The name C'Andre tries to mimic O'Donnell or D'Agostino.  And the girl in the video, I don't know what language she's talking about where the an apostrophe or an accent mark at the end of the word will make a 'j ' sound like a 'y' and an 'e' like an 'i'.


(tGrowing up, I never liked being named after a region in Italy, but I'm happy my parents named me Emilia and not M'ilyah because the former is easier to spell than the latter.)

Edited by Milz
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We were visiting some of Mr. Khyber's relatives a few weeks ago. Our nephew and his wife gave the eldest daughter what we consider a made up name.  We were having a conversation about names and the 12 year old just piped up "I don't like my name." So maybe when she is 18 she can change it to Mary or Barbara, etc.  My name can be spelled about 3 or 4 different ways and on the rare occasions when anyone asks how to spell it, I just say "the simplest way possible" and they immediately know how to spell it correctly. There are two older actresses who spell my name with unusual "alternate" spellings, but I have never encountered anyone who used those spellings.  Its funny, in that branch of the family there are 4 kids and the 3 girls all have the invented names that I have never heard of and the boy got a "normal" name. 

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Could be. Remember "Justin Case"? He ended up in court, as did "Crystal Methvin."

My husband saw hundreds of driver's licenses with lots of interesting names when he worked in the traffic unit of the local police department.  His favorite was "Abcd"-pronounced "Ah-besity"!  Which, when you think about it, is just the way it's spelled.

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My husband saw hundreds of driver's licenses with lots of interesting names when he worked in the traffic unit of the local police department.  His favorite was "Abcd"-pronounced "Ah-besity"!  Which, when you think about it, is just the way it's spelled.


i'm sure someone out there is called O'bct.....


Anyhow the JJ repeats have been good: the summons serving "babysitter" is always entertaining.

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I had a student named Abcd in one of my classes!  Not exactly a pretty name.  I don't get making life difficult for your kids at the get-go.,  I always wished for an easy name. 


Happy New Year all!

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Is it just me, or is the current crop of JJ reruns occurring just too soon after the original airings? I mean, it seems to me like the babysitter-serving-papers episode was originally on just a month or two ago. If they must resort to reruns, I'd much prefer years-old cases, not ones that are months old.

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My family says I am on a 3 second delay but the last sentence in parenthesis really stumped me for about 9 seconds. When I finally had my eureka Ohhhh! moment, it felt good, haha. My name is a normal name yet was not popular when I was born in 1966. I never knew anyone with my name growing up. It is spelled the normal way yet NO ONE can spell it. There is a city named after me (haha), and also a famous character in an old book, many princesses (including a very famous popular newbie one, almost my whole name yet, if I had two extra ones added to my first and middle names), someone who wants to think of themselves as American royalty named their baby after me. And on tv it has become very popular to have my name. And yet, no one can spell my name when I give it.

Back a few episodes, repeat one: I really did not like the lady who was soooooooo sweet, a kind old lady who used "a teacher's trick" to get the little boy to confess to damaging her garage doors. For some reason I don't trust those ladies who wrap it all up in a syrup bottle.

Hi, Charlotte!

My name is the most common in all of history, but very few parents today give it to their children.

(And I don't trust those tricky old ladies, either!)

Edited by Intocats
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Hi, Charlotte!


Ooh, you're sharp! I should have caught on from this:



also a famous character in an old book


I love "Charlotte's Web"!


My name is the most common in all of history


Gotta be "Mary". I am right? Am I, huh??

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Ooh, you're sharp! I should have caught on from this:


I love "Charlotte's Web"!


Gotta be "Mary". I am right? Am I, huh??


When I was younger I thought my name was boring and wished my parents had been more "creative", but now I love it. But believe it or not, when I get coffee at Starbucks, it will occasionally be spelled "creatively" on my cup. :)

Wishing all of my fellow JJ snarkers a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2016!!

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Its funny, in that branch of the family there are 4 kids and the 3 girls all have the invented names that I have never heard of and the boy got a "normal" name.



Take a look at my high school yearbook, class of '79.  You'll see that all the boys had traditional names (Thomas, James, Joseph, Francis, Eugene, Steven, etc.) while about half the girls had trendy names (such as Cheryl, Donna, Kimberly, etc.).  I have a trad name, and my sister has a trendy name.  Fathers wouldn't allow trendy names for their sons back then, probably because they believed it would cause their sons to be "pansies" (yes, that was the word, and it didn't always mean gay).

Edited by Sarcastico
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I'll play.

I was named after a popular song in the 1950's, which says, "All day, all night _____________.  Down by the seaside sifting sand.  Even little children love __________. Down by the seaside sifting sand"


Ok, let's deconstruct this:

1.  Being born in the 50's I can no longer go "All day, all night" in any fashion imaginable

2.  Never liked kids, never babysat, (Have 1 accidental daughter though who is great)

3.  Ok I adore the ocean, my favorite place to be so there's something!

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I'll play.

I was named after a popular song in the 1950's, which says, "All day, all night _____________.  Down by the seaside sifting sand.  Even little children love __________. Down by the seaside sifting sand"

That's simple, Marianne.  But then, I'm an old geez so I know that song.  Okay here are the clues to mine...

 My spelling  is simple

Next spelling you double a consonant

2 older actresses spell my name very inventively, one actress is white and one is black.

You can also put a different vowel on the end of my name and get a royal variation.

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Way too easy, WhineandCheez. I like a more recent variation on that song:


"All day, all night Marianne. Who the hell do you think I am - Superman??"


khyber - is it "Ann/Anne?"


ETA: Never mind me. "Consonant" is nothing like "Vowel!" Duh.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Unable to play because my user name gives it away.


Am I the only one who wished the boyfriend/employer of the custody paper serving "babysitter" had been in the courtroom a so that JJ could get her teeth into him?

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Am I the only one who wished the boyfriend/employer of the custody paper serving "babysitter" had been in the courtroom a so that JJ could get her teeth into him?


I bet he would be the typical loser too.



Am I the only one who wished the boyfriend/employer of the custody paper serving "babysitter" had been in the courtroom a so that JJ could get her teeth into him?


I bet he would be the typical loser too.

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I like this name game. My first name isn't heard much anymore. Goober (from Andy Griffith show) said my name three times while doing his Cary Grant imitation. Growing up I had many people do the same imitation to me even though Cary Grantnever actually said my name three times.

I have always preferred my middle name as my family and friends all call me by it. It's probably one of the top three middle names. Not Ann or Marie.

Back on topic. I loved the weekend rerun of the woman suing for tripping over the tent fort her roommate built in the living room. JJ wasn't having it. Goodbye.

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"Judy, Judy, Judy!"


Ding ding ding. Sorry kyber it's Lynn.

I always feel bad when JJ is interrupted for felons/weather for my fellow boardies. My local channel never breaks in but last week I had the same episodes three of the five days with messed up sound and video all five days. I yelled at the tv and scared my daughters's dogs that I was taking care of. Here's hoping they've got it together. I missed most of the beginning of this season.

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I'm Patricia Bean...and you're all SLUTS!


Patricia! Still doing the Lord's work, I see?


Someone was determined to rerun some of the most hateful litigants ever. I had to skip a few of them who were even worse on second viewing, but just have to say: A Marilyn Monroe picture cannot be an antique, you stupid, idiotic dumbbitch. Whatever meds you're taking, you better start doubling up the dosage.


Oh, and also - Shiraaz? It was so generous of you to inform JJ of what is legal and what is not, you clueless little twerp. But this is what happens when you buy cars for spoiled children. They don't take good care of their toys.


What I learned? Texts are not "viable" evidence.

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Marilyn Monroe so I assume that's what she was referring to

That's my thought as well. Plus, she was super vague about this item other than it was a Marilyn Monroe picture in a frame. It had "sentimental value" to her because it was given to her by a former boyfriend. In all likelihood, it was probably purchased at Spencer Gifts.

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That's my thought as well. Plus, she was super vague about this item other than it was a Marilyn Monroe picture in a frame. It had "sentimental value" to her because it was given to her by a former boyfriend. In all likelihood, it was probably purchased at Spencer Gifts.

All I could think of were those framed pictures one could win at a cheesy carnival - usually Marilyn Monroe or some big haired Bon-Jovi-ish 80s hair band. Maybe a kitten with really big eyes. Sitting next to a gigantic Scooby Doo on her daybed. 


I'm Patricia Bean...and you're all SLUTS!

I'm honored and humbled to share my given formal  first name with the queen of Church Ladies. All hail  Patricia Bean!!!!

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All hail  Patricia Bean!!!!


Amen to that! Her episode is the only one I've saved on my DVR. I just can't let go of it, not just because of the charming Patricia herself, but hearing JJ reading her answer and saying, "She's just a slut" will never get old.

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Amen to that! Her episode is the only one I've saved on my DVR. I just can't let go of it, not just because of the charming Patricia herself, but hearing JJ reading her answer and saying, "She's just a slut" will never get old.

I'm waiting for the rerun - I so regret deleting it from my dvr!!

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I don't know why they're withholding the Patricia Bean rerun.

One of my reruns today featured crazy pants homeowner Torye May who evicts roommates faster than I can change the channel when Duck Dynasty comes on. Her FB page is full of anti-vaccine nuttery. Not just for children, but for her dress-up dog, too. Oh and she claims her job is "stay-at-home mommy to her dog." Why, oh why, didn't the JJ caption writers use THAT?

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One of my reruns today featured crazy pants homeowner Torye May who evicts roommates faster than I can change the channel when Duck Dynasty comes on. Her FB page is full of anti-vaccine nuttery. Not just for children, but for her dress-up dog, too. Oh and she claims her job is "stay-at-home mommy to her dog." Why, oh why, didn't the JJ caption writers use THAT?


The poor doggie.....I didn't throw out the garbage until I watched that case. She had "Rules"--too bad she didn't have her roommates sign a copy of the Rules. Second case was the New Year's Eve backed up jacked up bumper. Her children  were in the backseat of said car on New Year's Ever because she had went to the "grocery store".


And the first repeat episode was the  Detroit car towing scam and the Canadian RN.

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Oh man, screw the Dianes, the Judys, the Mariannes.  Fuck all the apostrophe names.  Because today we saw L E O P O L D I N E

Leopoldine, second cousin to Bertha, Mildred and Brunhilde.  Leopoldine, with the hair colored with tart cherry juice. Leopoldine who should have been wearing a caftan.  Leopoldine who pepper sprayed the neighbor, his son and his dog because they looked at her menacingly and stepped toward her from 25 feet away.  Judy did not believe Leopoldine.  So who is the big loser in this case?  Not Leopoldine, but MR.  Leopoldine, who has to sleep every night with Leopoldine.

(total Leopoldine count= 10)

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but hearing JJ reading her answer and saying, "She's just a slut" will never get old.

Agreed! One of the best lines in JJ history!

Oh man, screw the Dianes, the Judys, the Mariannes.  Fuck all the apostrophe names.  Because today we saw L E O P O L D I N E

Leopoldine, second cousin to Bertha, Mildred and Brunhilde.  Leopoldine, with the hair colored with tart cherry juice. Leopoldine who should have been wearing a caftan.  Leopoldine who pepper sprayed the neighbor, his son and his dog because they looked at her menacingly and stepped toward her from 25 feet away.  Judy did not believe Leopoldine.  So who is the big loser in this case?  Not Leopoldine, but MR.  Leopoldine, who has to sleep every night with Leopoldine.

(total Leopoldine count= 10)

All hail L E O P O L D I N E !!

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Amen to that! Her episode is the only one I've saved on my DVR. I just can't let go of it, not just because of the charming Patricia herself, but hearing JJ reading her answer and saying, "She's just a slut" will never get old.

Kindred spirit here. . . I'm saving Patricia Bean's episode for a really, REALLY bad day at work where only boring reruns are on. . . Just knowing I have that episode on my DVR just gives me a little tickle. Yes, I have no life lol. 

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I don't know why they're withholding the Patricia Bean rerun.

One of my reruns today featured crazy pants homeowner Torye May who evicts roommates faster than I can change the channel when Duck Dynasty comes on. Her FB page is full of anti-vaccine nuttery. Not just for children, but for her dress-up dog, too. Oh and she claims her job is "stay-at-home mommy to her dog." Why, oh why, didn't the JJ caption writers use THAT?

I couldn't resist checking out FB and it reads "Mommy at stay-at-home parent to my fur baby's"!! Oh, my. As JJ would say, "STAY IN SCHOOL!"

Now, if that is her job, who is paying for her "fur baby's" hairdo, pearls and tutu???

BYRD, that's who!!!!!!!!

Edited by Intocats
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Leopoldine, with the hair colored with tart cherry juice. Leopoldine who should have been wearing a caftan.  Leopoldine who pepper sprayed the neighbor, his son and his dog because they looked at her menacingly and stepped toward her from 25 feet away.  Judy did not believe Leopoldine.  So who is the big loser in this case?  Not Leopoldine, but MR.  Leopoldine, who has to sleep every night with Leopoldine.


Okay, so I'm also saving the Leopoldine ep and THIS Leopoldine post, because it's all just that good!

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My favorite part of Leopoldone was if she felt threatened and attacked she was standing her ground, but them actually being attacked and responding was vigilante justice.

Edited by califred
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I haven't had any new JJs taping since before Christmas--boo!


I'm still shocked that people struggled with spelling the name Charlotte. How do people try to spell it?





(Happy New Year everyone. May our 2016 JJ episodes be the best yet!)

Edited by Milz
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