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One Mississippi - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, Milburn Stone said:

Thanks, @possibilities. A good 3 weeks elapsed between when I viewed the pilot and when I viewed Episode 2 (although I'm now hooked), so if these arrangements were alluded to in the pilot, that explains why I forgot them in the interim.

Oh, definitely stay hooked and follow it through to the end! It's SO good!

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7 hours ago, auntiemel said:

Oh, definitely stay hooked and follow it through to the end! It's SO good!

I've now watched Eps 3 and 4, and enjoyed them. But I'm back to being confused about the WKKU radio gig that comes to an end in Ep 3. 

It made sense that Tig could end up on the radio so fast after arriving in town if the story was that she was remotely continuing her LA radio gig from a satellite studio (as per the input above). But in Ep 3 that rationale is exploded, when it becomes clear that her WKKU gig is totally dependent on local (MS) advertisers, who are unhappy with her. So I'm back to thinking it quite strange that she could end up with her own show on local MS radio within, what, a few days, a couple weeks, of her arrival?

I think I might just have to let that go. But not without commenting that it's very peculiar.

Also, I'm somewhat confused about where the action of this show is supposed to take place. I assumed Mississippi. But so much seems to take place in New Orleans and environs--the scene at Tipitina's, the dialogue about finding an apartment in the Marigny, the existence of a major radio syndicator like Weiss-Acre, etc. I understand that the MS state line is only about 40-50 miles from New Orleans, so that a commute is pretty feasible. But so many aspects of the story seem to take place in Nola's orbit. Is it true that parts of Mississippi are essentially considered IRL part of the New Orleans metropolitan area?

Edited by Milburn Stone

I honestly have no idea about the relationship between MS and Nola, but Tig did grow up in MS, so my guess is that there's something to the geography. Maybe Nola is "the big city" to wherever she lives in MS, the way a lot of people in small towns or rural areas commute to the nearest hub for work and major events?

Where I live, we drive more than half an hour to get groceries. People from elsewhere can't fathom it, but to me, anywhere within half an hour is actually "close" and most people commute farther than that for work, shopping, pretty much anything.

And where I live doesn't even feel remote to me. I have neighbors close by on small lots, closer than what Tig's step dad's house has. But the way the area is developed, there's just no commerce here. We don't even have a post office in our "town". So I didn't even question it when Tig is going wherever to do whatever. I think that's just how it is some places.

I don't know about the radio show. I feel like I should go back and watch the first episode. Maybe she quit her old show and sold a new one to the locals and we all forgot?? I'm just going with it because I love her step dad and I find the family dynamics and Tig's interactions with the townfolk very compelling. I'm also not sure how much time has elapsed. I think it's much more than a few days. But it's been a long time since I watched the beginning, so I might be wrong. I just remember I didn't find it confusing. So it's possible I was handwaving the nonsense, or else I'm forgetting the explanation?

As I recall, that drive isn't too bad, even from further away. It's a fairly straight shot on the freeway. New Orleans is the BIG city around there, and where you would go for the culture and food.  San Francisco is about the same distance from where I used to live in the South Bay, and we were up their frequently.

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OMG! My apologies. In conversation with a friend today who is a fan of the show, it became clear that after watching the pilot, I'd watched Eps 2, 3, and 4 of Season Two! (And not Season One, as I thought.) This accounts for all the things that didn't make sense to me. 

I have a feeling that if, instead, I watch Eps 2, 3, and 4 of Season One, I'll find far fewer discontinuities with the pilot. :)

I'm gonna blame this on the Prime portal on Apple TV. I've never made a mistake like this with Apple TV's Netflix or iTunes Store interfaces. There's something about the Prime interface on Apple TV that makes a mistake like this really easy to make. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Edited by Milburn Stone
1 hour ago, Milburn Stone said:

OMG! My apologies. In conversation with a friend today who is a fan of the show, it became clear that after watching the pilot, I'd watched Eps 2, 3, and 4 of Season Two! (And not Season One, as I thought.) This accounts for all the things that didn't make sense to me. 

I have a feeling that if, instead, I watch Eps 2, 3, and 4 of Season One, I'll find far fewer discontinuities with the pilot. :)

I'm gonna blame this on the Prime portal on Apple TV. I've never made a mistake like this with Apple TV's Netflix or iTunes Store interfaces. There's something about the Prime interface on Apple TV that makes a mistake like this really easy to make. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Nothing against Amazon, I love them...they pay my paycheck. :) But, yeah. The Prime Video portal on pretty much every device is the worst out of the Big 3 streaming (Prime, Netflix, Hulu). Not to mention, on the computer, there's no simple address. Like, for the music service, I just type in music.amazon.com. There's nothing like that for video.

Not to mention what you ran into - the fact that each show doesn't have one main portal page where you just click to pick up where you left off is problematic. Every show has a portal which requires you to use the dropdown to navigate to a season. Clearly, it can cause confusion!

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2 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

OMG! My apologies. In conversation with a friend today who is a fan of the show, it became clear that after watching the pilot, I'd watched Eps 2, 3, and 4 of Season Two! (And not Season One, as I thought.) This accounts for all the things that didn't make sense to me. 

I have a feeling that if, instead, I watch Eps 2, 3, and 4 of Season One, I'll find far fewer discontinuities with the pilot. :)

I'm gonna blame this on the Prime portal on Apple TV. I've never made a mistake like this with Apple TV's Netflix or iTunes Store interfaces. There's something about the Prime interface on Apple TV that makes a mistake like this really easy to make. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I almost asked you if you might have been watching Season 2. Sorry I didn't. Yes, there will be a lot fewer discontinuities. 

I wish all shows would have episode titles, myself. I watch at least three shows that simply have numbers, and sometimes I have to scroll through comments to figure out which show is being discussed.

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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

I almost asked you if you might have been watching Season 2. Sorry I didn't. Yes, there will be a lot fewer discontinuities.

Your intuition was correct.

Watched the proper Episodes 2 and 3 tonight, and loved them. (And love the arc of the show.) Turns out not watching the completely wrong season makes a rather large difference.

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In my opinion, she's immensely talented, so I don't think it was luck that the show was made. Mileage varies, etc. She has had a ROUGH several years, and for her to have persevered and continued creating her work is inspiring.

I very much enjoy that she not-so-subtly took down Louis C.K.

Other shows were cancelled, including I Love Dick, which starred Kathryn Hahn and Kevin Bacon. I couldn't get through it.

The Tick was renewed because there just aren't enough superhero shows on right now.

From the Deadline article I read late last night after hearing about the cancellation:


“This is part of a move towards bigger, wider-audience series,” an Amazon insider told Deadline.

I think that's a mistake, but I'm no programming executive. I think we need more niche programming to include minorities and disenfranchised groups. One Mississippi's protagonist is a lesbian but the show appealed to a lot of people.

Edited by bilgistic
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4 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I think that's a mistake, but I'm no programming executive. I think we need more niche programming to include minorities and disenfranchised groups. One Mississippi's protagonist is a lesbian but the show appealed to a lot of people.


I echo this sentiment 100%. No matter what "box" we fit into, the stories we live are remarkably similar and having programs like this show that we are SO much more the same than we are different. 
I'm curious where Amazon goes next with their programming. I think they, along with Netflix, are getting to an interesting growing pains stage of development. They aren't the scrappy underdogs anymore who are more willing to take chances and they are real programming forces. Do they fall into the traditional path of the networks or continue to forge a unique path ahead. Time will tell. 

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57 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Here's a Vulture article about the rash of recent cancellations.

Why Did Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu Kill a Bunch of Alternative Comedies?

From the linked article: 


The art-house, critic-friendly fare championed by disgraced former Amazon Studios chief Roy Price (and TV head Joe Lewis) will be replaced by content designed to appeal to the masses

OH GREAT! It's as if this market isn't already over served. Jesus. 

And I don't understand why a network wouldn't pick up something like One Mississippi. It's not like we're living in an age anymore of running for the fainting coach when *gasp* a lesbian appears on TV. I don't think there was anything overtly racy on this show that would cause it to be overly censored and, at its heart, was just a lovely, sweet comedy about a lovely but somewhat dysfunctional family. 

Fuck Amazon. This really sucks. 

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed. If I didn't order a shitton of stuff from Amazon, including my cats' food, I might cancel my Prime membership. The "free" shipping alone saves me at least $50 a year. I also have an Amazon Visa card, so I get "cash back" credit toward purchases--sometimes as much as $30 a month. I'm ashamed at how much of a whore I am for Amazon.

And I'm waiting for the final season of Orphan Black to be free w/my membership. I'm the worst.

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59 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed. If I didn't order a shitton of stuff from Amazon, including my cats' food, I might cancel my Prime membership. 

Right there with ya. I have Prime through Mr Misfit and he uses it for business. So, can't cancel and can't do much to take any business away. But gosh golly, I'm sure gonna look forward to their upcoming "mass-market-friendly" programming. /eyeroll

3 hours ago, wendyg said:

I wanted to see what happened to Bill and Felicia...and Remi... Notaro's character, I think we can guess from what happens to her in real life.

I'm very disappointed also. Re Tig, we rewatched the movie In a World last night, and she and Stephanie share some scenes. I think I remember reading (but could be wrong) that their relationship began when they started shooting One Mississippi, but they were obviously aware of each other's existence at least as far back as 2013.

They got together shortly after In a World, where they met. They were married in October 2015, before One Mississippi and had twins via surrogate in June 2016. The first season of OM aired in September 2016 (test pilot aired November 2015).

I have been looking for In a World (for "free" via a streaming service I already pay for) because it's about the only thing of Tig's I haven't seen. I finally found it on Hulu. Thanks for the reminder!

I highly recommend all of her standup on HBO and Netflix! I just love her; can you tell?

On 1/21/2018 at 2:30 PM, bilgistic said:

I have been looking for In a World (for "free" via a streaming service I already pay for) because it's about the only thing of Tig's I haven't seen. I finally found it on Hulu. Thanks for the reminder!

I think you'll enjoy it. Stephanie stands out more in the movie than Tig (nothing at all wrong with Tig's performance, the character just isn't that distinctive) but regardless, it's a darned good movie.

This popped up as a recommendation on Prime, and I thought it meant Tig had a new stand-up special out; I had no idea she'd had a show practically ten years ago at this point.  I watched the whole thing this weekend.  I didn't think season two was as good as season one (all the focus on romantic pairings dragged the show down, especially in the case of the awful relationship between Remy and that moron he moved into the house five minutes after he started dating her), but really wish it had gone another season.  I almost bailed after everyone's appalling non-reaction to the cat going missing, but am glad I stuck with it.

I'd never seen Stephanie as an actor before, just as herself in Tig's documentary, and she wasn't striking me as very good in this, but then came the scene where the producer masturbated during Kate's meeting with him, and she really sold the dawning realization, confusion, discomfort, and get the fuck out reaction.

I had to come here and see what audience response was at the time, and I'm glad to see it beloved, yet irritated even in retrospect at that not meaning anything.  This is supposed to be one of the benefits of streaming as opposed to a broadcast schedule with finite slots and advertiser constraints -- room to tell different stories, by and about different people, that don't fit the tired, outdated "mass appeal" guidelines.

Edited by Bastet
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