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S10.E19: I'm Winning

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Cristina is nominated for a prestigious award and remains calm amid all of the excitement. Meanwhile, Bailey tries to help a boy who doesn't have an immune system; Derek and Callie use a machine that recognizes emotions; and Richard delivers a pep talk.


Sneak Peak #1


Sneak Peak #2


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Actually, I really enjoyed this episode. I was on board for all of the stories, and I appreciated the competing research/job opportunities/medical innovations that are infusing the show with the spirit that it used to have back in the glory days of the original fab five -- when they were scratching and biting for surgeries. Bailey felt in character tonight, and I thought Wilson hit all the right notes. There was plenty of Meredith (always a good thing), and the build-up to Cristina's exit seems well-plotted (so far). However, I'm sick of the '80s covers, think the child actors were annoying (I'm not suckered in by cute faces), and don't buy that Callie & Arizona have already overcome all of their issues. But, as a whole, this stands as a much stronger episode than what we've been getting these past few months, and I was invested for the entire hour. 

Edited by upperco
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Best episode in a while.

I like the 80's covers. Surprisingly didn't hate the child actors, liked that Callie and Arizona are cautiously getting back in sync, loved Bailey and Meredith's realistic jealousy, and thought Derek was McDreamy for the first time in a long time!

Also, I enjoyed the return of the heat blaster vent thingy for Cristina and Owen.

Edited by Erratic
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Hey, look at that!  Our doctors were being doctors!

I really didn't understand the deal with the laundry.  If you have a washer and dryer in your house, it doesn't really take any more time to do it yourself than it does to send it out, does it?  I mean, I did my laundry tonight while I was watching Grey's.  It's not like I was scrubbing it on a rock.

Seriously, Arizona, I want to like you.  I really, REALLY do.  But your wife says "you're going to be mad at me," and your mind goes right to, "you cheated on me!"  What!!?!?!

If they want me to truly stop shipping Crowen, they need to stop giving them awesome scenes together.  I love SO and KMK's chemistry.

The interns were back to being annoying as hell tonight. When Stephanie made Shane switch, I was all "you go, girl!", but then it just went WAY too far, IMO. I was hoping Bailey and Webber would tell them to grow the fuck up.

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Sister Christian! This episode wins the year for that cover alone. I totally agree that the various and competing trials and innovations are giving the whole show a refreshed energy. I realized that the newbies don't bother me anymore. I kind of love Jo and Callie as Team Ortho, and now that she's not pining over Jackson, Stephanie is kind of spunky.

I don't think we are supposed to see Callie and Arizona as past all their issues already , they were still bickering, after all.

  • Love 3


Seriously, Arizona, I want to like you.  I really, REALLY do.  But your wife says "you're going to be mad at me," and your mind goes right to, "you cheated on me!"  What!!?!?!

At first I thought it was a call back to season 6 when Callie wanted to talk about having children in the future and said we need to talk. Arizona then asked if she was sleeping with Mark. I really wish they would give Callie/Arizona a break. I feel like if one of them does get pregnant and anything goes wrong with the pregnancy it will break both of them.

I thought this episode was out of character for Jackson. I do not remember him ever bringing up his money before.  I am talking about not eating leftover food and not doing his laundry. I mean if he was so rich why was he living with Meredith? Also, wasnt the reason Alex/April/Jackson moved in together was so they could afford the bigger apartment in season 8?

Edited by choclatechip45
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Callie: Don't be mad...

Arizona: Did you cheat on me?

Callie: No, I want to have another baby!

Arizona: Me too!

Callie: Then I don't care if your first thought was to accuse me of being unfaithful despite the fact that you are the one who cheated on me recently! Yay, babies!

When your partner's first instinct is that you cheated, you should DEFINITELY have another baby!

I am going to be super annoyed if this Jackson/April money thing turns into that lame "OMG you are so rich and I am but a lowly pauper" crap from 50 Shades of Grey conversation. If Jackson wants to buy coffee instead of making it himself, what's the big deal? She doesn't need to guilt him into making his own coffee. If April doesn't want to spend money on extraneous things, that's her choice but she shouldn't be so judgmental about what Jackson spends money on. It's not like they're living paycheck to paycheck and his coffee expenditure is going to mean they get thrown out of their house.

I also don't see why April can't manage to do laundry. Throw your crap in the washing machine as soon as you get home. Make dinner. Eat dinner. Now go put your laundry in the dryer. The end. It's not rocket science. It doesn't take massive scheduling or time management skills.

I loved how supportive Meredith was in the morning with her pep talk to Cristina while the phone was ringing. And I love that they had a sleepover at Alex's house so they would be together at 5am when the phone call came. But I also liked seeing Meredith and Bailey being jealous. That seemed realistic to me. Heh and I loved all the interns drooling over Cristina and saying, "We know her!" and then Cristina telling Meredith to turn off the intercom.

I HATE that the synposis for this episode says that Derek and Callie were using a machine that recognizes emotions. That's not what MEG does. It just shows you which areas of the brain are activated which is not the same thing as recognizing emotion.

One reason I can't wait for this season to end: no more 80s covers next year. Right? RIGHT?!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I also don't see why April can't manage to do laundry. Throw your crap in the washing machine as soon as you get home. Make dinner. Eat dinner. Now go put your laundry in the dryer. The end. It's not rocket science. It doesn't take massive scheduling or time management skills.

Total agreement, although to be fair to April, in the Grey's world, it apparently does take massive scheduling, since Jackson and Jo both implied that they couldn't get it done themselves, either. Wasn't laundry also a bone of contention for Meredith and Derek at the beginning of the season, as well? When Baby Bailey wasn't sleeping?

I have such a hard time with Jolex. I want to like them so much, because I want Alex to have happiness. But I just can't believe in them for some reason. I don't buy that they're really in love. To me, they've always given off a vibe of "I don't have time to get out and meet new people, and you're hot and available, so you'll do for now." Kind of the way I always saw Jackson and Stephanie, to be honest. So every time Jo starts nagging him or acting like his future plans affect her, I have a visceral reaction of, "how is this your business?"

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I wasn't too chafed about the laundry issue, since I know a handful of people who work erratic schedules and therefore use laundry service. I work standard hours, and I am still notorious for my laundry piling up and having to do an emergency quick load of clean underwear because I am in danger of going commando if I don't (if the kids need to take showers or the dishwasher needs to be run, I have to hold off on doing laundry because there isn't enough hot water to do it all at once, then it gets to be late enough that I wouldn't be able to finish both washing and drying before I go to sleep, and if I leave the clothes in the dryer, the shirts and khakis get wrinkled and I don't want to haul out the ironing board in order to get dressed for work...) I was more irritated at April insisting upon Jackson making his own latte. Those frother things are a pain to clean and having someone else make your coffee drink is a reasonable indulgence. There is no way these habits of his are news to her- even the people who work down the hall from me know that I like foofy coffee and that I splurge a few times a week stopping at Starbucks on the way in. Seattle is a hotbed of coffee shops; Jackson is just trying to stimulate the local economy.

As the wife of a kidney donor, I was pissed at the wishy-washy donor in this episode. My husband had to jump through so many hoops (medical and psychological tests) to verify his willingness and suitability for donation; to just change his mind at the final moment was just...I don't know. He was acting as though the idea that there were risks for the donor was a new concept; I've spoken to enough people who've donated organs that I had a hard time swallowing that. Even *I* knew the risk level involved wtih being a donor, and I only went through the first round of testing (blood draw to test type and antigens).

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It's crazy to me that Arizona jumped to the conclusion that Callie cheated on her, but I guess that's the worst-case scenario and the one thing Arizona would want to kill Callie for. In any case, I choose to embrace any and every step forward they take in the healing of their marriage, They are bound to have hiccups along the way, even of the hypocritical nature. 

The leftovers argument aside (because I agree with April on that), Jackson's finances are nothing knew. April and Jackson were supposedly such good friends before they even first hooked up, some of these things shouldn't be that much of a shock to her.

Bailey was on point tonight! And I liked her moment with Cristina at the end. MAGIC are her babies, after all.

It's crazy to me that Arizona jumped to the conclusion that Callie cheated on her, but I guess that's the worst-case scenario and the one thing Arizona would want to kill Callie for.

I wasn't the least bit surprised, because that is how Arizona's brain thinks.  She knows that she would cheat, so she expects Callie to be a cheater, too.

I'm just mad that Shonda has gotten me to a place where I'm wishing Callie would cheat, or at least meet someone else and decide she is tired of Arizona's cheating ass and dumps her.

  • Love 4
One reason I can't wait for this season to end: no more 80s covers next year. Right? RIGHT?!

God, I hope so!  WHY is there a Hall and Oats song in every episode?  This one had 2!  Can they at least be creative?  Lets hear "Rock Me, Amadeus" or "One Night in Bangkok" as the emo background to making out or character angst!

Edited by Deanie87
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What I don't get is that a huge number of Seattle-Grace/Mercy-West/Sloan Grey doctors thinking they could possibly EVER be in the echelon to be nominated for the Harper Avery award. I'll buy that Cristina would be in the running, but Meredith? Leah? Give me a break. First of all, the family of Averys is a shareholder at Sloan Grey, which could raise conflict of interest accusations in the medical community, creating a sense of nepotism and undue influence in order to boost their reputation. Secondly, Leah??? Not. Third, are there no other hospitals/doctors also worthy? I've never bought into the "world class" reputation of SG/MW-SG hospital, particularly in view of all the hookups going on. If anyone other than Cristina wins it, I would feel as if the award had been diluted. And if Jackson ever won it? It's worthless.

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I've never bought into the "world class" reputation of SG/MW-SG hospital, particularly in view of all the hookups going on.

I don't buy it as well. Not to mention all of the dramatic accidents or events that center around that hospital, the lawsuits, the continual reorganizations. I don't buy it as a hospital that would attract the leading doctors either. The award should be called what it is: Shonda's attempt to make these doctors appear special.
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I swear I just watch Grey's now to hate watch it and to see it through since I've been watching it for so long.  I basically just laugh and mock it for most of the hour.  

I do get the laundry thing though...since people who tend to work those kind of intense shifts can easily let the basic things go.  It's not like they have the normal 9-5 job where they can come home, make dinner, clean the kitchen, do the laundry and then watch late night tv in bed.  I also don't mind Kepner not wanting to pay for certain things.  It's not about how much money she has now, it's about how she was raised and what she knows.  I could win a million dollars tomorrow and I am still going to be what many would call cheap...aka...fiscally thrifty.  It's part of who I am and I see that in Kepner.  

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Did the blonde girl running through the hospital remind anyone else of the Eloise books/movie, only in a hospital instead of the Plaza Hotel?  I noticed the 80s covers too, and for me to notice them they must have been very blatant. As for the laundry wars, I think it's just an expression of the different ways that Jackson and April were raised: well-off doctor family vs. farm family.

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