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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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Da'Vonne is gonna kill her (rightfully so). Way to "keep cool" and "lay low"!

I can imagine how frustrating it is working with her considering how frustrated I am watching her.

Screen Shot 2016-07-15 at 7.50.32 PM.png

Edited by mooses
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Tiffany is killing this convo with Zak right now it's amazing! She's actually being very Vanessa, like cocky alpha Vanessa, which I hated, but it's awesome right now.

ETA: Zak still trying to act like the showmance alliance isn't a thing. Girl everybody knows just accept it!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Just now, Ceeg said:

Tiff to Z: "The beast is unleashed"

I'm dead

They're all gonna be so Good Riddance when she goes this week, but I love the hilarity and how mad they are right now.

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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

They're all gonna be so Good Riddance when she goes this week

Oh they'll still talk about her every damn day even when she's gone.

Zak: "I really haven't thought too deep into anything." Yea, we know!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

No matter what Tiff says to these people it doesn't matter. They are still voting her out so I'm glad she's at least fighting back now.

This is so much better than the usual "Let Death Take You" approach to eviction!

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In my heart of hearts, I really want Tiffany to win Veto and then win next week's HoH comp because the hilarity and unpredictability should never end. Besides, could you just imagine what the world's most awkward HoH room reveal would be like? 

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

In my heart of hearts, I really want Tiffany to win Veto and then win next week's HoH comp because the hilarity and unpredictability should never end. Besides, could you just imagine what the world's most awkward HoH room reveal would be like? 

That would be glorious. If Corey leaves, though, that means that Nicole would be safe if teams are still a thing next week. But I guess that means Tiffany can go after Paulie. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

That would be glorious. If Corey leaves, though, that means that Nicole would be safe if teams are still a thing next week. But I guess that means Tiffany can go after Paulie. 

Not necessarily. Teams might be over next week. It'll be the fifth eviction and that's typically when shitty twists die.

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Actually, Michelle, The Brigade had four people plus Britney, the outsider. They got rid of Matt halfway through and then they dumped Britney in final four, when she had no chance. The Quack Pack was just a whole different story. Goddamn, Michelle, you're going to be the Britney in this situation. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Actually, Michelle, The Brigade had four people plus Britney, the outsider. They got rid of Matt halfway through and then they dumped Britney in final four, when she had no chance. The Quack Pack was just a whole different story. Goddamn, Michelle, you're going to be the Britney in this situation. 

Michelle has said, "If I'm 5th or 6th, so be it." She just wants to be a part of the cool kids. And I think she loved Nicole and Cody in their season, so, yeah. She doesn't care. She just wants to be involved.

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While the nom is presumably going on, can we appreciate the fact that this has only been the last 48 or so hours and the house has been the craziest it's been, even with the Messiah and the Latin Lover? Tiffany's going down swinging and I couldn't be more proud. She may not make it through this week, but she could win her way back and hopefully charge with a vengeance (as long as Grodner gives the pre-juror immunity for the week that they return). 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Honestly Tiffany getting evicted and then coming right back after winning the Battle Back might actually be the best case scenario. Everyone would melt down the feeds would be SO fun!

Tiffany winning the Buy Back with a Frank HOH would ensure mass chaos in the house. Nicole's whining would be at an 11.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Honestly Tiffany getting evicted and then coming right back after winning the Battle Back might actually be the best case scenario. Everyone would melt down the feeds would be SO fun!

If that happens, is it too much to hope for to have Tiffany do an entrance like Rachel's? "Ha ha ha, I'm back, bitches!"

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Just now, SiobhanJW said:


Oh Cody Jr. You are scared of her & obsessed with her. It's all you talk about. 


Besides Derrick, Cody, and how hot his sister is.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

(as long as Grodner gives the pre-juror immunity for the week that they return). 

I can't remember do buy back winners usually get immunity? I feel like they don't.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can't remember do buy back winners usually get immunity? I feel like they don't.

Not in the six years that I've watched, which is why I threw that in brackets, because I figure she won't but throwing it out to the universe might make it happen. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Calling it now: next season with the Calafiore sister and the third Rousso sister. BB19: Sibling Grudge Match!

LOL....maybe Liz and Julia have a triplet.

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Frank trying to reel James in, just like he told Tiff he would do.

James talking to Tiff.  It would be hilarious if he told her "I think you're playiing too hard."

I could just imagine Van's head exploding hearing that again.

Edited by urusai
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I can't believe these people are so hateful towards Tiff saying she's crazy, she's out of her mind, she's not loyal, she's playing both sides, she's wanting to 'throw everything out there' and blow up their game -- when they've done nothing but ignore her and all get real quiet and so obviously get up and walk out of the room whenever she enters.  She owes them nothing, IMO.

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So, Natalie's apparently crying and feeling very alone, with Day consoling her. I really cannot believe that I'm rooting for Tiffany to bring in the numbers and keep Frank/Bridgette safe. I guess that's how much I dislike Paulie's alliance. 

They're just so petty, you know? Shit talking and making fun of people, which is what I dislike about houseguests. That's my one deal breaker. You start shit talking people constantly for reasons other than gameplay, and I stop liking you. It's one thing to say that Tiffany is using strategies to get herself further. It's another to say she's her sister and she needs to go because she's her sister. 

Tiffany is spilling everything to Frank and Bridgette and I'm so here for all of this. 

Zakiyah also keeps calling Tiffany a bitch, and that's just annoying. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can't remember do buy back winners usually get immunity? I feel like they don't.

They haven't in awhile. But I guess it depends on when they play the HOH comp. Are they doing it during the Live show on Thursday? Because if they are then that is before the Battle Back is played. Therefore my guess is they would have to have immunity because they wouldn't of had a chance to play HOH to guarantee their safety. And the way Julie worded it on Thursday's episode is that the winning HG will walk back into the house and surprise them. So i'm guessing they still won't be privy to what is going on until they walk back in. 

No way they are doing these comps in the Backyard, especially if they don't want the HG to know until they walk back into the house. I'm assuming they are being done somewhere else on the lot. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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First off, sorry for the double post, but there's a lot of good happening right now. 

I'm hoping that James is on Tiffany's side. I actually hope James is the same player as he was last season. I will never forget his HOH last season, when he actually put Clay and Shelli up, despite their scare tactics. He was ruthless and not into giving into anyone else's demands, which made me think of him as a good player. Tiffany seems to be playing that way, so I'm hoping James appreciates that. It would be so nice if James dropped the Showmance Alliance and convinced Michelle to as well. Just convince her that she can be with the true cool kids who are probably being loved by America, because they're underdogs. 

But Tiffany spilling all of the truth to James could work, since it is the truth. I hope he believes her.

I also feel like Tiffany needs to win veto, so Day can go up. I feel like Michelle would save Day over Corey. I need Frank/Bridgette to be the ones playing in the comp, though. I know there's a slim chance of either of them playing, but it would ensure better odds of Tiffany coming down. 

LOL, Corey cannot believe that Tiffany would win Roadkill and beat them all. Yes Corey, a girl beat you at Roadkill. Also, Paulie/Corey trust James. I hope James proves them wrong. Paulie is the one that said earlier that he trusts everyone and people like him. 

Frank also is planning to lie and say that he'll use veto on Corey if he wins. Seeing as Paulie/Corey think Frank won RK, we'll see how that conversation goes. I kind of hope he lies and says that he did win in order to backdoor Day. Then I hope he goes to Day and tells her the plan. 

Basically, I want Blindside 2.0, if only for Nicole and Paulie's epic meltdowns. Nicole wouldn't be able to control herself on live TV, and Paulie wouldn't be able to play for HOH so he'd be a sitting duck as he sits to think about how he doesn't have the numbers. 

Also, BB Jokers on Twitter is even fed up with Paulie's obsession with Vanessa. 

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I am so, so, SO disappointed in Zak this season. She's obviously taking the approach of "Whatever you guys want to do, just tell me and I'll do it," which I'm totally fine with. But to then be catty and also absolutely useless beyond being a number is so disappointing. You got to bring a LITTLE something to the game, Zak! I mean, she's gorgeous, so she's easy on the eyes, but that's not enough. I don't watch BB to see hot chicks (despite Grodner thinking that's what everyone wants from BB - male and female models). 

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I hope Natalie sees right through this group o' Mean Girls or James talks her down. 

And every season it seems like the HGs act as if the soon-to-be evictee is a murderer or is going to hurt them some way (I'm looking at you, the not paranoid Showmance Alliance). What is that?!

Edited by mooses
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What Tiffany & Frank should want to guarantee 5 votes is hope that Day wins POV and pulls of Tiffany and then Paulie's head would explode. But then he might put up James. So then they are back to 4 people to get Corey out. Hmm. 

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10 minutes ago, mooses said:


And every season it seems like the HGs act as if the soon-to-be evictee is a murderer or is going to hurt them some way (I'm looking at you, the not paranoid Showmance Alliance). What is that?!

You would think Nicole would remember when she got the Lord of the Flies treatment in her season.


 Pleaaaassseee let Tiff win veto. Also Corey is dumber than dirt thinking no way Tiff won rk 

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9 minutes ago, njbarmaid said:

You would think Nicole would remember when she got the Lord of the Flies treatment in her season.


 Pleaaaassseee let Tiff win veto. Also Corey is dumber than dirt thinking no way Tiff won rk 

The best thing is that she was moaning about how she was treated both times she was on the block and felt shunned and they put her on slop just a few days ago. So she literally has NO excuse for her behavior. They all have no self awareness at all. 

Also, what happens if Tiffany gets out of this and does end up on the Jury. I know you should vote based on game, but how they treated her is part of the game. I would imagine if any of them are sitting next to someone that didn't treat her like crap she'll give her vote to them. Same goes for Bridgette. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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