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Mother, May I Sleep With Danger? (2016 Lifetime) - General Discussion

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The first one was entertaining enough, but this.looks.AWFUL. It doesn't help that I kind of can't stand James Franco.

That being said, I have an embarrassing addiction to Lifetime movies and so will probably end up watching this at some point. I'm prepared to hate it, but maybe it will surprise me and turn out to be so-bad-it's-good. (Doubtful, but you never know...)

Yeah, I wish the vampire angle had been removed. Vampires are so overplayed at this point (I'm sure in a few years, like the cycle that is pop culture they will come back again, they always seem to, but let's rest it for a little). Don't get me wrong; I didn't want a play by play of the same movie only a decade later, but why bring in this angle? 

I'm not up on the Franco hate but I get it. Tori looked really good but her acting was bad and not in a campy good way. It took a second scene for me to pick up on the teacher being the abuser from the first film. Do'h. All that said, I like the idea of re-doing some of the Lifetime classics but this one was a watch once and done whereas I've seen the original several times.

I read the synopsis and thought, that is nothing like the original! I watched the original again yesterday afternoon and it was quite terrifying but it wasn't so campy. It actually made sense, crazy dude falls in love with normal girl.

I'm not planning on watching it now since it had nothing to do with the original at all! Just remake it.

And it's a shame James Franco is so weird because I just finished watching 11.22.63 on hulu (excellent and would recommend!) and I thought he was good in in (not great but very good). 

12 hours ago, PreviouslyTV said:

The actor/director/troll's latest work is a lot of things, but one thing it's not is a remake of the one with Tori Spelling.

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My favorite line of the review: "It's a reimagining in the way Game Of Thrones is a reimagining of Flowers In The Attic: both feature humping siblings, but that's about all they have in common."

That was...terrible. And not fun terrible like Flowers in the Attic. I think, though I can't be sure because it was so boring and poorly done, that it was meant to be a parody maybe? Was it supposed to have some deep social commentary? I feel like the classroom scenes were meant to make us read a deeper meaning into it all, but again, so poorly done I couldn't be buggered trying to think about it all. I feel like the blatent lesbian visuals meant something, like, why did main girl who wanted to play Machbeth have that one vampire chick (who she didn't yet know was a vampire) basically molesting her while she gave her monolog? Was it supposed to stimulate Franco's director so much he would hire her for the job just because Little Franco gave them a standing ovation?

I spent most of the movie 1) trying to decide if the teacher was the boyfriend from the first movie. Once I did I focused on 2) where I had seen Pearl before (I figured it out, My Soul to Take) then 3) I was fascinated by the fact that Tori Spellings nose looks like a chuck of it was shaved off of one side. So I didn't really hear a word she said the whole time. That is one odd looking human being.

I think the show should have made either Tori or Ivan's character the character from the original movie, just to, you know, make the two movies have ANYTHING in common. Because really the original was about a possessive guy who kills people while this one was about a vampire trying to find true love before killing her. Oh, wait, was this Franco trying to subvert the trope? FAIL!

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You know, it's not like I expected a cinematic masterpiece, but something that made sense--even in the "so bad that its awesome" way--would have been nice! Not that I couldn't follow (because what kind of fool would I be?!) but feel like things were left or cut out. Like this Bob, for instance--he knows the chick well enough to have her MOM'S cell phone number, but not well enough to know she's in a relationship? And did "The Craft 2016" actually go to that school?

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