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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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39 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

On one of the most controversial leaks--that Jon's real name is "Aegon"--I found the following. I went back and checked the transcripts of the first two episodes of Season 7, and Aegon is mentioned five times. To be fair, Dany is attempting to do the same thing Aegon once did, so it's not all that strange that his name would come up, but five times?

Speaking of possible names for Jon, and particularly in the context of the trustworthiness of Targs, it's too bad that Jon hasn't yet mentioned his friendship with Aemon, who was a Targ but was someone he valued and trusted deeply. Yohn Royce's jab about how Targs can't be trusted seemed like a good place to bring it up. It's also a strike against "Aemon" as a possible name candidate, since I think we'd be hearing a lot about Aemon in Season 7 if Jon's real name were about to be outed as Aemon.

Assuming this is from the books (and this seems like something that would be a book detail), Aegon would have to be a name choice that Lyanna made herself after hearing about the sack of KL and the death of Rhaegar's other son Aegon.

Though in a lot of ways I think the fuss around Jon's birth name is overblown.  It's not like he's going to start going by Aegon, after all.  Jon is his name, for all intents and purposes.

I can believe that Jon's real name is Aegon. It's only fAegon's presence in the books that makes it seem a bit too much; in real life royals got up to all kinds of annulment shenanigans and family trees are full of names being reused after the first child died young. It's believable enough that either Rhaegar changed his mind about which marriage would result in the PWWP being born or Lyanna heard about the baby's death and tried to make the prophecy come true by giving her son the name of the planned savior. And IMO, Aegon sounds better than Aemon and is certainly better than the fantasy cheese of Jaehaerys.

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21 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

I can believe that Jon's real name is Aegon. It's only fAegon's presence in the books that makes it seem a bit too much; in real life royals got up to all kinds of annulment shenanigans and family trees are full of names being reused after the first child died young. It's believable enough that either Rhaegar changed his mind about which marriage would result in the PWWP being born or Lyanna heard about the baby's death and tried to make the prophecy come true by giving her son the name of the planned savior. And IMO, Aegon sounds better than Aemon and is certainly better than the fantasy cheese of Jaehaerys.

Has either Jaehaerys ever been mentioned in the show? I thought the show even changed the Targ family tree to skip Jaehaerys II, so that Aerys was Aegon V's kid, not Jaehaerys II's.

Rhaegar in Dany's vision in the books said about naming baby Aegon "What better name for a king?"

"Aegon" also seems to be the "Henry" equivalent in terms of a popular king's name. Henry Tudor became Henry VII, and in the books, depending on whether Aegon VI is accepted as legitimate, wouldn't Jon be Aegon VII?

Edited by Eyes High
55 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Assuming this is from the books (and this seems like something that would be a book detail), Aegon would have to be a name choice that Lyanna made herself after hearing about the sack of KL and the death of Rhaegar's other son Aegon.

Though in a lot of ways I think the fuss around Jon's birth name is overblown.  It's not like he's going to start going by Aegon, after all.  Jon is his name, for all intents and purposes.

I doubt she'd even know about that. She was for all intents and purposes cut off from the world. Hell, Ned didn't even know about it till she died. 

1 hour ago, Oscirus said:

I doubt she'd even know about that. She was for all intents and purposes cut off from the world. Hell, Ned didn't even know about it till she died. 

Ned absolutely knew about it.  He came to the Tower after the sack of KL, where he personally witnessed the delivery of the kids' bodies to Robert.

The Kingsguard at the Tower also knew, so one imagines Lyanna knew by extension.

2 hours ago, ElizaD said:

I can believe that Jon's real name is Aegon. It's only fAegon's presence in the books that makes it seem a bit too much; in real life royals got up to all kinds of annulment shenanigans and family trees are full of names being reused after the first child died young. It's believable enough that either Rhaegar changed his mind about which marriage would result in the PWWP being born or Lyanna heard about the baby's death and tried to make the prophecy come true by giving her son the name of the planned savior. And IMO, Aegon sounds better than Aemon and is certainly better than the fantasy cheese of Jaehaerys.

Agree! Also if Rhaegar had his marriage annulled in the books as well, his kids with Elia would be illegitimate. It would mean that there would be no other Targaryen named Aegon, only an Aegon Waters or whatever, with no claim to the throne. So not need for Lyanna to know about what happened to the other kids.

1 hour ago, doram said:

Someone came up with some very good clues why Aemon would be Jon's name. I can't remember them all but they included his friendship with Maester Aemon, his father, Prince Rhaegar's friendship with Aemon and his discussions with him about the Prophecy, Jon's own memories of pretending to be Aemon Dragonknight as a child, and thinking "I'm not Aemon Dragonknight" when he was planning to desert the Night's Watch after he heard that Ned had been murdered. 


It really made sense, wish I could remember so I could quote it to the extent that I'll be disappointed if that's not the case.



But he had not left the Wall for that; he had left because he was after all his father's son, and Robb's brother. The gift of a sword, even a sword as fine as Longclaw, did not make him a Mormont. Nor was he Aemon Targaryen. (AGOT, Jon IX)

They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne." (ASOS, Jon XII)


These two quotes always stood out to me, especially the first one. I have a spreadsheet 198 pages long with quotes.

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1 hour ago, Edith said:

Agree! Also if Rhaegar had his marriage annulled in the books as well, his kids with Elia would be illegitimate. It would mean that there would be no other Targaryen named Aegon, only an Aegon Waters or whatever, with no claim to the throne. So not need for Lyanna to know about what happened to the other kids.

There's no way the marriage annulment is something from the books.  GRRM has forthrightly stated what you need to get an annulment; if Rhaegar could get one despite having had children with Elia, then all the stuff about Sansa needing to show she's a virgin in order to get an annulment of her marriage with Tyrion would be meaningless.  Moreover, in the books Rhaegar was shown to be fixated on the notion of the dragon having three heads, and wanting a third child as a result; Jon was supposed to be the third head of the dragon alongside Rhaenys and Aegon.  

The books point to Rhaegar having taken Lyanna as a second wife, if Jon is legitimate at all.

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, SeanC said:


A Freefolk poster translating FrikiDoctor's latest video about episode 7 says that Theon and some Ironborn save Yara in that episode, so if true, I guess she's not left hanging for Season 8 to resolve.


That is great news! I know not everyone I like will make it to the end, but I'm still rooting for the gal who did everything right, only to be passed over for lacking the right genitalia.

  • Love 4

I like Jon's real name being Aemon. I liked the character a lot. However, I have to admit, I have always thought that his real name is likely Aegon.


26 minutes ago, SeanC said:

A Freefolk poster translating FrikiDoctor's latest video about episode 7 says that Theon and some Ironborn save Yara in that episode, so if true, I guess she's not left hanging for Season 8 to resolve.

This makes me so happy! I have been so worried about Yara since I saw Euron pulling her through the streets of King's Landing.

Edited by SimoneS
26 minutes ago, SeanC said:

A Freefolk poster translating FrikiDoctor's latest video about episode 7 says that Theon and some Ironborn save Yara in that episode, so if true, I guess she's not left hanging for Season 8 to resolve.

So we'll essentially get a parallel to season whatever number when Yara went to rescue Theon. If it's true, then it's a relief. Whoever in this thread it was who posted about Yara having a somewhat similar fate to Falia Flowers, thanks for that. 

I hope she ambushes Euron and does him in.

Edited by YaddaYadda

Ok episode 7 by friki. I'm not going to translate all of it because is long but I give you guys a preview before the freefolk post

The episode starts in dragonpit. We will see dothraki and unsullied outside kings landing. Dany doesn't trust Cersei and wants to be prepared just in case. Jaime and Bronn will be there and see all of the troops.

By sea we have the rest of the party. Reunion Hound/Brienne talks about Arya. Tyrion/Pod. Dany arrives with her dragons. Just like lads said.

Faceoff between Hound and Mountain. They look each at each other. Friki says that the hound will tell his brother that  someone is going to take you out eventually. He thinks Cleganebowl is happening in season 8  

Cersei after seeing the wight, declares that she's going to help and that after the NK is defeated she's going to continue to be queen and jon wotn. Jon bend the knee to dany an declares that she's the queen. This piss of Cersei and she leave. Tyrion goes behind to talk to her to convince her. Jaime/Brienne reunion and brienne trying to convince Jaime to come and fight. 

Theon is there and finds out that Yara is alive. Cersei comes back and agrees to fight along side the rest. 

Golden company confirmed. 


Winterfell: Littlefinger is telling Sansa to judge Arya for treason before she shows the letter to the nothern lords.

Back to Dragonstone: conversation between jon and Dany about the dragons are the only chindren she'll ever have. Jorah plans the attack against WW.

Jon/Theon conversation. Theon decides to save Yara. Fight in the beach with the ironborn.  No Yara in this episode. That would be part of Theon storyline for season 8 

Sansa call for a metting and bran is beside her. She call for Arya, who doesn't understand what is going on, and Sansa says is time to start a trial  for the treasons that someone had committed against the north. Then she mentions Lord Baelish, who is shocked by this. Crimes against Littlefinger: lysa, jon arry, the dagger, ned, sansa sold to the boltons. He's going to ask for help to Royce or anyone but no one move and then Arya comes and kill him.


Boatsex begins (no dialogue), Tyrion is going to notices boatsex. Sam arrives to Winterfell and ask for Jon. Bran also wants to talk to Jon and tell him that he is the bastard son of R/L but Sam tells him what he found in oldtown. Bran has vision of the marriage. Boatsex and L/R scenes are parallel to each other. Then bran has the vision with Jon's name, is Aegon.

Then we have sansa/arya scene. Back to bran who send a crow or is watching what is going on in the wall. Tormund and Beric are both there. The dragon breaks the spells of the wall. Tormund and company start to run.  The army cross. The end


Apologies for any grammar mistake. I have little time to check

Edited by Edith

Wow, episode 7 sounds amazing! So much happening. I love it all. Daenerys and Jon having sex. Jon bending his knee to Daenerys. Yara being saved. Littlefinger getting what he deserves. All the reunions and confrontations. Finally, the Night King making his move.

Oh, how did Daenerys rescue the Unsullied from Casterly Rock? Or are only some of their troops trapped there.


15 minutes ago, Edith said:

Boatsex stars, Sam arrives to Winterfell and ask for Jon. Bran also wants to talk to Jon and tell him that he is the bastard son of R/L but Sam tells him what he found in oldtown. Bran has vision of the marriage. Boatsex and L/R scenesare parallel to each other. The bran has the vision with Jon's name, is Aegon.

I am bracing myself for the reaction that Jon's real name is Aegon. When I pointed out based on everything that we know that Aegon was most likely Jon's real name, some people got so angry. We'll see what how it plays out on screen.

Edited by SimoneS
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6 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Wow, episode 7 sounds amazing! So much happening. I love it all.


I am bracing myself for the reaction that Jon's real name is Aegon. When I pointed out based on everything that we know that Aegon was most likely Jon's real name, some people got so angry. We'll see what how it plays out on screen.

So far not many happy fans on Reddit.

For some reason, it doesn't bother me at all; though personally I wanted Aemon or Jahareys.

27 minutes ago, Edith said:

Winterfell: Littlefinger is telling Sansa to judge Arya for treason before she shows the letter to the nothern lords.

Goddamn, this plot is so stupid.

That letter was delivered to Winterfell and read by Robb, Catelyn, Maester Luwin, and Theon, and one imagines it would have been discussed more broadly as a source of information as they rallied the banners.  It's not a secret, and not incriminating at all.

  • Love 3
Just now, Eyes High said:

Tyrion listening to Jon/Dany have sex is so ewwwwwww, but I guess there's going to be a Tyrion/Dany/Jon triangle of sorts judging by Peter Dinklage's comments about Tyrion being smitten with Dany (even if I don't see any signs of it in 7x01 or 7x02), so it makes sense.

Jorah will be in the cabin next door, a single perfect tear rolling down his cheek as he listens to the sounds of the hot action.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Goddamn, this plot is so stupid.

That letter was delivered to Winterfell and read by Robb, Catelyn, Maester Luwin, and Theon, and one imagines it would have been discussed more broadly as a source of information as they rallied the banners.  It's not a secret, and not incriminating at all.

Is the leak correct, the letter is given to LF, by the Maester?

Did LF forge a different letter ?

How can Sansa's letter be treason when she's 11? 13 in show.


Oh I forgot! Cersei is pregnant. Tyrion will notice because she's not drinking wine. He also ask Cersei why doesn't she orders the Mountain to kill him. 

Also, Bran tells Littlefinger: you told my father to never trust you. This freaks him out. 

Bran says that Jon is the legitimate heir of the iron throne 

When Jaime is leaving, we will see snow falling in kingslanding.

Jon is impressed with Kingslanding and ask tyrion how many people lives there.

Edited by Edith

Crap, the last thing we need is a pregnant Cersei.

Guess TV Guide isn't going to be happy about boatsex

Well, they also describe Dany/Drogo as the "epic love story" so maybe they aren't the most reliable in taste (we all liked Khal Drogo and all, but epic love story it was not).

I don't want a Dany/Tyrion/Jon triangle. Whatever Tyrion feels about Dany, he likes Jon and probably would see the logic in a marriage/alliance with the north. Though what he will think when he finds out they're related is anyone's guess.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Crap, the last thing we need is a pregnant Cersei.

Guess TV Guide isn't going to be happy about boatsex

Well, they also describe Dany/Drogo as the "epic love story" so maybe they aren't the most reliable in taste (we all liked Khal Drogo and all, but epic love story it was not).

If the spoilers are correct, she miscarries so she won't be pregnant for long.


I just read that Daenerys tells Jon that she is barren. They are so having a kid. Ha.


27 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Does Dany have a magic vagina? Why the hell do D and D insist upon making everybody fall in love with Dany?

Daenerys may very well have a magic vagina, but I am sure that the men who fall in love with her do so because she is an amazing woman. After all she has been through, she could be vile and casually cruel like Cersei, but she chooses not to be. She is a survivor and determined to serve the best interest of the people she rules.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I just read that Daenerys tells Jon that she is barren. They are so having a kid. Ha.


Daenerys may very well have a magic vagina, but I am sure that the men who fall in love with her do so because she is an amazing woman. After all she has been through, she could be vile and casually cruel like Cersei, but she chooses not to be. She is a survivor and determined to serve the best interest of the people she rules.

You could say that for Sansa, Missandei and to a point, Arya as well yet you don't see men falling all over themselves for any of them. It just comes off as a needless source for drama going into season 8

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

You could say that for Sansa, Missandei and to a point, Arya as well yet you don't see men falling all over themselves for any of them. It just comes off as a needless source for drama going into season 8

True, but Daenerys is the lead. She is amazing and plus she is the only one with magic and dragons. 

It seems to me that Jon and Daenerys falling in love is pivotal to bring the story to a conclusion so it isn't a needless source of drama. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

True, but Daenerys is the lead. She is amazing and plus she is the only one with magic and dragons. 

It seems to me that Jon and Daenerys falling in love is pivotal to bring the story to a conclusion so it isn't a needless source of drama. 

The Jon and Dany coupling is fine. It's the Tyrion as a third wheel portion that I have a problem with. It's now all but guaranteed that he's going to do something really stupid in season 8 because of it.

  • Love 1

I actually think Jon/Dany's love scene being undercut with Rhaegar/Lyanna's wedding spells major trouble for those two and how that dynamic will end up in S8, tbh. I've never believed the series was building towards a happily ever after endgame for those two and those spoilers just confirmed that for me.

And I do agree that it is more than a bit ridiculous that every straight able-bodied man who comes into contact with Dany falls in love with her. 

The Winterfell plot sounds so convoluted and contrived like most of this season. But at least LF is dealt with. I'm not sure what Jon accomplishes this season other than accidentally banging his aunt and pissing off Cersei. 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, stormborn said:

I actually think Jon/Dany's love scene being undercut with Rhaegar/Lyanna's wedding spells major trouble for those two and how that dynamic will end up in S8, tbh. I've never believed the series was building towards a happily ever after endgame for those two and those spoilers just confirmed that for me.

And I do agree that it is more than a bit ridiculous that every straight able-bodied man who comes into contact with Dany falls in love with her. 

The Winterfell plot sounds so convoluted and contrived like most of this season. But at least LF is dealt with. I'm not sure what Jon accomplishes this season other than accidentally banging his aunt and pissing off Cersei. 

And bringing down the wall! ;)

That's the big and more important one

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Edith said:

And bringing down the wall! ;)

That's the big and more important one

Well that does seem to be more symbolic than anything else. But in a roundabout way if Jon hadn't done the wight hunt then he wouldn't have needed rescuing by Dany and therefore Viserion wouldn't have been killed and resurrected as a zombie ice dragon so yeah lol it kinda is his fault. 

  • Love 2
Just now, stormborn said:

Well that does seem to be more symbolic than anything else. But in a roundabout way if Jon hadn't done the wight hunt then he wouldn't have needed rescuing by Dany and therefore Viserion wouldn't have been killed and resurrected as a zombie ice dragon so yeah lol it kinda is his fault. 

Starks will be starks.


Speaking of which,  what was Littlefinger's end game? Did he legit think he was suave enough to convince Sansa to punish her own long lost sister? I mean it's known Starks are stupid but they aren't that stupid.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Starks will be starks.


Speaking of which,  what was Littlefinger's end game? Did he legit think he was suave enough to convince Sansa to punish her own long lost sister? I mean it's known Starks are stupid but they aren't that stupid.

TBH, there's not a lot about this season that makes cohesive sense to me. It seems as though D&D are barreling towards the end here as fast as they can taking very little into account in the way of character motivations. Littlefinger's downfall should theoretically be much more intricate than this? He's the one behind all of this chaos in the first place.

 It just seems like this entire season he's naught more than a plot point. 

Edited by stormborn
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Starks will be starks.


Speaking of which,  what was Littlefinger's end game? Did he legit think he was suave enough to convince Sansa to punish her own long lost sister? I mean it's known Starks are stupid but they aren't that stupid.

Quoting Jon words in episode 3: he's not a Stark.

Well it worked quite well with the Tully sisters. So I guess he thought he could do it again. 

Edited by Edith
33 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Speaking of which,  what was Littlefinger's end game? Did he legit think he was suave enough to convince Sansa to punish her own long lost sister? I mean it's known Starks are stupid but they aren't that stupid.

He doesn't have one? That dream of him being on the Iron Throne is further now that Dany has shown up with her dragons. I guess he wants to make Sansa the QitN, marry her and rule next to her. Better the north than nothing?

Honestly, at this point with LF, I just want him off my screen. He has done nothing since shoving Lysa out the moon door. His story changed when Sansa's story changed and they've been spinning their wheels with him ever since.

I hope his death is painful.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, stormborn said:

The Winterfell plot sounds so convoluted and contrived like most of this season. But at least LF is dealt with. I'm not sure what Jon accomplishes this season other than accidentally banging his aunt and pissing off Cersei. 

What does anyone accomplish? From the look of things, Sansa could have got rid of LF way back in episode one. But she leaves him hanging around for 7 episodes causing trouble and playing games with Arya. Then she acts as if she is going to convict Arya for some strange reason and then reads out LF's crimes and has him killed - again, something that could have been done much earlier. Then Arya praises Sansa as the bestest despite Sansa being an idiot for 7 episodes and letting LF play games with Arya. Arya for some reason thinks that Sansa's letter is treason and is unable to see through LF.  Bran's only story this season seems to be letting Sansa in on LF's crimes (He gets more done than Sansa at least) and discovering Jon's history.

At least Jon now has now got the support of Dany's army, dragons, dragon glass, Tyrion, Jorah, Jaime, Brienne (Their Valyrian swords) and the brotherhood without banners to fight the WW. Considering he starts out the season with even his family and the Northern houses failing to understand the urgency of the situation, I would say that's quite the achievement. They now have the weapons and the people to fight the great war.

1 hour ago, Oscirus said:

You could say that for Sansa, Missandei and to a point, Arya as well yet you don't see men falling all over themselves for any of them. It just comes off as a needless source for drama going into season 8

Sansa is alive and in charge of Winterfell because of all the men who fell in love with her. The Hound loved her and helped her in WF. Tyrion loved her but she did not want anything to do with him. LF loves her and brought her a freaking Vale army. Missandei is not a main character, but she has Grey Worm and Arya has been disguised for much of her story. But hey, Hot Pie called her pretty last episode, so there's hope!

Dany is a beautiful woman who freaking rides dragons! Her time with Jon shows her as being vulnerable and sensible.  Of course characters are going to fall in love with her.


Edited by anamika
  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, anamika said:

What does anyone accomplish? From the look of things, Sansa could have got rid of LF way back in episode one. But she leaves him hanging around for 7 episodes causing trouble and playing games with Arya. Then she acts as if she is going to convict Arya for some strange reason and then reads out LF's crimes and has him killed - again, something that could have been done much earlier. Then Arya praises Sansa as the bestest despite Sansa being an idiot for 7 episodes and letting LF play games with Ary. Bran's only story this season seems to be letting Sansa in on LF's crimes (He gets more done than Sansa at least) and discovering Jon's history.

Well, that's not quite true, in that Bran seems to be (for whatever reason) regarded as a reliable source of evidence by everybody, so his word is enough to convict Littlefinger.  In that, at least, she gains an asset midway through the year that she didn't have at the beginning.  According to Luka Nieto, Sansa's the one who instigates Bran's investigation, for whatever reason.

  • Love 1

I don't get why anyone cares that Jon ticks off Cersei. The woman is delusional and can never be reasoned with or trusted. At this stage, Cersei, Euron, and Littlefinger are plot devices. There is absolutely no reason for any of them to still be alive causing trouble.

If Euron is hiring The Golden Company (even though he and Cersei are broke), I think that Daario and the Seven Sons will be back in season 8, at least I hope so.

I had forgotten about all the men in love with Sansa too. None of this takes away from these women's strength and will to survive.


34 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Evidently it's not that Yara is rescued, it's that the season ends with Theon vowing to do so, which is what a lot of us originally thought.

I am crushed again. 

Edited by SimoneS
10 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Well, that's not quite true, in that Bran seems to be (for whatever reason) regarded as a reliable source of evidence by everybody, so his word is enough to convict Littlefinger.  In that, at least, she gains an asset midway through the year that she didn't have at the beginning.  According to Luka Nieto, Sansa's the one who instigates Bran's investigation, for whatever reason.

What is there to investigate? She already knows everything LF has done. If Sansa needs Bran evidence, all she needs to do is ask him to see what LF did, then Bran sees and tells her. Also, this could have been done in episode 5 after Bran tells her about her wedding night. I don't recall if there is a scene where Sansa tells the Vale Lords that Bran is now all seeing and hence should be taken as evidence. Besides, the things she convicts him of - Lysa's murder, selling her to the Boltons - she was there for all of that. The Vale Lords won't take her word for it, but will accept weird Bran's word for it?

She also plays games with Arya for some reason. Why not bring Arya to Bran and have her hear the truth about LF. Instead of making everyone think that she is convicting Arya and then convict LF.

Edited by anamika
1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

I just read that Daenerys tells Jon that she is barren. They are so having a kid. Ha.

Great, magical infertility babies *eyeroll*

Well, if true, that's terrible writing directly from the infertility bingo board. 

Anything to do with Dany's fertility (she's barren and useless! she's infertile and now pregnant!) is gross and should be dropped from the show.

Jon kneeling really disturbs me for some reason and I haven't quite figured out why.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, SimoneS said:

I do like that Littlefinger's death is public in front of the North and the Vale. I knew no one would come to his rescue. Why would they risk themselves to save him?

Yohn Royce should be cheering from the sidelines. 


15 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

If Euron is hiring The Golden Company (even though he and Cersei are broke), I think that Daario and the Seven Sons will be back in season 8, at least I hope so.

This sounds like them ticking something from their list with the Golden Company. As far as Meereen goes, Dany told Mel that the red priests helped bring and keep the peace there. I guess Daario will be free to come to Westeros if he wants to. 

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