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I can't be the only person who plays...


Guilty as charged. (And if anyone else is in the Boston area, feel free to contact me; alwasy looknig to meet fellow gamers!)


I'll likely pick up the 5E Starter set; $20 is a resonable entry fee. But unless my current groups are blown away and intends to switch systems (we play both Pathjfinder and Basic Fantasy currently), I think I'll pass on the $150 fee for the new PHB/DMG/MM. (A 3-book entry fee is a steep entry for a game, both in terms of money and investment in reading a college-sized textbook.)


Have been playing 4e for the last couple years - I actually like the tactical nature of the edition, though I downloaded a 2nd Edition book the other day and was surprised at how much more rich the storytelling potential was in that edition.

The joy of 2E was, for me, more in settings than the rulesets.  Ravenloft, Spelljammer, Planescape, Dark Sun, Al Qadim.. They're all spectacular in their own right


Anyone playing Numenera?


I picked upt he bundle of holding (can't beat $10 for a CoreRulebook!), but haven't had a chance to read/play yet.

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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I'll likely pick up the 5E Starter set; $20 is a resonable entry fee.

There's an even more reasonable entry fee for the upcoming 5E.  $0.  Wizards is going to be releasing Basic D&D at the same time as the Starter set, as a free PDF download from their site


The first version will allow players to make a character from the 4 core classes (Fighter, Mage, Cleric, Rogue) in the 4 starting races (human, dwarf, elf, halfling) at any level from 1 to 20.  After the PHB gets released, the Basic edition will get updated with some monsters, treasure, and rules for DMs.


One could assume that they might be able to combine the last play-test release of Next (if they have it) to Basic D&D to infer character creation for the expanded classes and races.

and update it with at least the release of the PHB.

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I've played D&D forever (and, full disclosure, used to work for Wizards of the Coast). Now that Wizards released the little-white-book edition of D&D, I have every version and I'm working on a concept for a game that starts in Original D&D and then a series of cataclysmic events propels the characters forward through time and through different editions so they have to deal with arriving in a world where Half-Orcs are suddenly common (or whatever).

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Well, since this topic was started, there's been a LOT of "breaking news".  :)


My group and I decided we'd give 5E a 'Limited Run", see what people think of it. (The new "Tryanny of Dragons" series sounds pretty interesting to me, as well.)


Actually, my current game, we are working with Pathfinder.  Anyone used that?

We're using PF in our Saturday game. It's going pretty well; the group is conversant with the rules, so combat isn't TOO draggy. But PF is a very crunchy rule-set, perhaps more than I care for, honestly.


One of these days I'll work up to GM but until then, I'm a player.


Good luck! I think everyone should try DM'ing at least once. It may (or may not) be your cup of tea, but it's a very rewarding excperience either way!! I alwasy remind myslef when I DM that it's more about the story and the characters than the ruleset. (The latter exists to serve the former, after all!)

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I've been playing for 12 years now. I currently play 3.5 weekly. I hated fourth something awful.

I've playtested 5th (or Next) a couple of times and it's not bad, but I don't see any reason to switch. Especially not for $50 a book. Pathfinder puts out great stuff that we can incorporate into our campaign easily.

I'll try it out once more at Gen Con, but so far I'm not feeling it.

On 11/13/2018 at 8:58 AM, Joe said:

So I don't play D&D, but I have a nephew who has recently discovered it. I'm thinking of getting him a new adventure for Christmas, but I'm not sure which one. He's 13 and pretty bright, but still very innocent, for want of a better word. I'm not going to be the one to destroy that. So nothing too grim or serious, like Ravenloft. Any suggestions?

Hmm, does he play or DM? An adventure may not be the best for him, unless he is the one who runs them. Still, three suggestions:

1. The latest adventure is Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. I know there was a little consternation when people realised that the title was a poor choice, as it's not a heist adventure, but that's been the only thing I've heard against it.

2. If he's mainly a player in someone else's campaign, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. This book is a year old, so he may already have it. But it is the main expansion of material for players.

3. Does he play Magic: The Gathering? There's a new book that crosses the two over, the Guildmasters' Guide Ravnica.

2 hours ago, Unusual Suspect said:

Hmm, does he play or DM? An adventure may not be the best for him, unless he is the one who runs them. Still, three suggestions:

1. The latest adventure is Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. I know there was a little consternation when people realised that the title was a poor choice, as it's not a heist adventure, but that's been the only thing I've heard against it.

2. If he's mainly a player in someone else's campaign, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. This book is a year old, so he may already have it. But it is the main expansion of material for players.

3. Does he play Magic: The Gathering? There's a new book that crosses the two over, the Guildmasters' Guide Ravnica.

He DMs.

And why the hell would anyone release an adventure called heist if it isn't a heist? Maybe it's an Elder Scrolls Arena situation. The game changed only after marketing material had rolled out.

While I don't have any specific recommendations, I do have a place for you to look:  Adventure Lookup.  It's a community-driven archive of tons of adventures.  And there's all sorts of filters and keywords for searching, so you can look for specific types of creatures to fight, or environments to fit into a setting, or even particular magic items.  And it will usually have a link to where the adventure is available.

Usually, if the adventure is for sale, it'll be on The DM's Guild.  That's an online store full of adventures and supplements created by the DnD community, including official adventures from WOTC, and old adventures from previous editions.  Everything is in PDF format, and there's usually a preview of file available before purchase so you can get a glimpse of the contents.  Some files there are available for free or "Pay What You Want" prices, so it can be a really affordable source for a teen DM.

Adventures not for sale on DM's Guild will probably available via The Homebrewery.  That's a site that allows users to make their homebrew ideas look like the published ones.  Again, PDF format, but fully readable and downloadable for free.

I would also recommend trying to find a Friendly Local Gaming Store (or Comic Shop) if you want to buy a physical product of any kind; book/adventures, dice, figures, etc.  FLGSs are usually small businesses, so they can use the help.  Plus, if you find a good one, it'll be an invaluable resource.  Not just for the product, but for the fellow hobbyists as well.  Some will be the stereotypes people think DnD players are, but the recent pop cultural resurgence (due in no small part to Critical Role) has brought a lot of new blood into the hobby, and the face of the game is changing for the better.

46 minutes ago, SVNBob said:

While I don't have any specific recommendations, I do have a place for you to look:  Adventure Lookup.  It's a community-driven archive of tons of adventures.  And there's all sorts of filters and keywords for searching, so you can look for specific types of creatures to fight, or environments to fit into a setting, or even particular magic items.  And it will usually have a link to where the adventure is available.

Usually, if the adventure is for sale, it'll be on The DM's Guild.  That's an online store full of adventures and supplements created by the DnD community, including official adventures from WOTC, and old adventures from previous editions.  Everything is in PDF format, and there's usually a preview of file available before purchase so you can get a glimpse of the contents.  Some files there are available for free or "Pay What You Want" prices, so it can be a really affordable source for a teen DM.

Adventures not for sale on DM's Guild will probably available via The Homebrewery.  That's a site that allows users to make their homebrew ideas look like the published ones.  Again, PDF format, but fully readable and downloadable for free.

I would also recommend trying to find a Friendly Local Gaming Store (or Comic Shop) if you want to buy a physical product of any kind; book/adventures, dice, figures, etc.  FLGSs are usually small businesses, so they can use the help.  Plus, if you find a good one, it'll be an invaluable resource.  Not just for the product, but for the fellow hobbyists as well.  Some will be the stereotypes people think DnD players are, but the recent pop cultural resurgence (due in no small part to Critical Role) has brought a lot of new blood into the hobby, and the face of the game is changing for the better.

Don't worry, I know my LGS. I've been going there for 25 years. Right now, it's on my work commute, about 3 minutes walk. :)

But thanks for the rest of it!

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On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2014 at 10:49 AM, Biosynth said:

Actually, my current game, we are working with Pathfinder.  Anyone used that? 

THIS is what 4th edition D&D should have been! LOVE it! our group played it for a few years until or characters were switched to ShadowRun, and more recently, we switched to 5e. I like how it's simpler than 3.X edition and PF, but in a lot of ways, it's TOO simplified and arcane spellcasters have been nerfed.

Did not even know this topic was here...

I started playing D&D just before the original AD&D came out (nearly 40 years now...crazy), and currently run a weekly group for the blind and visually impaired (although we do have a couple of fully-sighted members now) on Discord. The group has been active for nearly 20 years now -- we started out with Basic, then moved on to 2E after our first few adventures. We tried to switch to 3E, but it never stuck, so we still use 2nd, albeit with tons of house rules.

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All my life, I've sort of tinkered around the edges of D&D - Hero Quest and Space Crusade as a kid, which segued into Warhammer as a teenager, and various RPG videogames. I just never actually played D&D.

But the thing that really got me intrigued by the possibility was UpUpDownDown, the Youtube channel run by WWE wrestler Xavier Woods. He and a bunch of his geekier wrestler buddies have played a couple of D&D campaigns on the channel, and they're a stupid amount of fun.

There are some D&D groups near where I live, but my job means I'd never be able to commit to turning up regularly. It's a shame, really.

I have a friend who used to be really into DnD when she was younger (she's in her 50s? 60s? now) and would like to start again. I've read there's a lot of groups online now which would probably be preferable (not a lot of diversity in our area and she's very excited about not being the only woman in the group for once). Is there a good place to start looking for something like that?

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Three places jump to my mind.  And they're all for gamers on both sides of the DM's screen:  GMs advertise that they're looking for players, players say that they're looking to play, and sometimes, a group posts about seeking a DM to run for them.


One is the Reddit subreddit r/lfg (Looking For Group).  That's the entire purpose it exists for. 

Second is the similarly named section of the official D&D Beyond forums.

Third is the D&D Beyond Discord.  In addition to the looking for group spaces, I think there are some actual play sessions there.


There's probably others that aren't coming to my mind.  I might also suggest your friend contact their FLGS as they may have more information about local groups that have moved online in the last year or so.

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Does anyone watch Critical Role?  

For me, Campaign 2 floundered towards the end.  I felt like it had a strange mix of being rushed and slowed down at the same time.  It was like they were donwith it, but had a certain amount of episodes they had to fill, so they phoned it in.  They killed Big Bad Lucien and resurrected Mollymauk, a fan favorite who died early on.  But Mollymauk says he has no idea of who they are, or any of his past life.  But thanks them and wanders off to to start over.  Then DM Matt gives the viewers a synopsis of what happens to all the other characters, but it sounded like "Tell the people what they want to hear and get this over with".

They had a new 8 episode run, apparently intended to keep the fans occupied until the new campaign started.  They had a guest DM and new characters, some of which were played by a few of the CR cast.  I couldn't get interested in the characters or the plot and bailed after the third or fourth episode.

Now Critical Role has started their third campaign, but for me, it's problamatic.  I feel the cast is trying too hard to show their support of the LGBTQ community, to the point of them being patronizing.

There are two woman who are close friends, maybe more than that, we'll find out later.  Their goal is to get the academically inclined one accepted to a local school of higher learning, but that place is rather exclusive and won't accept an unknown woman with no references who only wants access to their library so she can do independant study.  There are also one, maybe two, characters who identify themselves as 'they', 'their', or 'themself'.  There are some characters that were introduced in the placeholder episodes.  I didn't care about them then and I don't care about them now.  Oh, and there's a robot.

The new set hasn't been impressive like it was supposed to be, but maybe there will be more surprises later on.  

The ads that Sam Riegel makes for their sponsers seem to get longer and more ridiculous.   He's really good at writing music.  The score and lyrics he wrote for the opening of the second campaign are awsome, but his OTT ads are annoying.  Their ads for the CR store, made by Laura are also tedious.  I mute them both and come back in 10 minutes to see if they're ready to start the game yet.

All in all, I'm leaning towards quitting Critical Roll and focusing entirely on High Rollers.  Their game only has two characters that sometimes annoy me and they are better at keeping the plot moving.

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