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S08.E05: Saab Story

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I do understand not wanting to settle. But it's hard for me to wrap my head around the "only" option being the one that means you have to relo your family and leave the people who would help care for your 4 children while you're in incredibly demanding med school. They're not writing the story well enough for me to understand and root for this decision. It's such a weird storyline.

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10 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

I do not understand why it has to be now.  Why would you want to start med school with a newborn?  Would waiting a year be so bad?

A surprising number of women in my MBA program had babies during school. They believed classes -- while demanding -- would accommodate a newborn compared to the work world. I've also heard of med students planning babies ASAP so the kids will be older / school age by the time residency hits. But neither of those would seem to apply here. 

I could see a character having such a strong calling that she doesn't want to waste another day getting to her dream. But that's not how it's written. She s willing to wait for Johns Hopkins. 

It's good the show is ending. I've watched it for the fluff, but it barely makes sense anymore.

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Out of my entire medical school class, zero people had babies. Married, yes but no babies. And out of 46 in residency, one had a kid then got pregnant twice in residency (she was insane). Mostly everyone else waited until after residency since it was so demanding. I can't imagine Divya doing all of this with two kids and two step kids in an area where there are no friends and family to help out. But she's super Divya, best PA ever!, so who knows. All of her storylines have been ridiculous. The only one I was interested in, seeing her marry Raj, happened offscreen. 

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Do we think the Saab sputtered and died because of the large anvil it was carrying around the whole episode? That continued to grow as the episode went on? Mentor aging: check. Mentor having a crisis and Hank becoming the "parent": check. Mentor reminding him he wanted a family 8 years ago: check. Best friend having a baby and starting a new adventure: check. College rival has medical crisis and decides to uproot life because he likes Hank's solitary life, complete with a monologue about how *great* it must be: check. Reminder that he has lived for years in a guesthouse: check. Group scene reminding Hank everyone has moved on and grown up: check.

Did they film these last summer when Reshma was actually pg? Or is that a fantastic baby bump?

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Is Hankmed even profitable? Seems like whenever there are episodes that involve the business it's because they're broke or running on a dime or Evan is trying some new scheme to keep them out of the red.

I can't remember the status of the guest house and whether or not Hank's still living there for free, but it's still pretty cushy. I wouldn't be looking to move if I didn't have to.

But hell, after eight years I'm still not sure what any of them do during the winter.

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On 6/15/2016 at 9:37 PM, snarktini said:

I do understand not wanting to settle. But it's hard for me to wrap my head around the "only" option being the one that means you have to relo your family and leave the people who would help care for your 4 children while you're in incredibly demanding med school. They're not writing the story well enough for me to understand and root for this decision. It's such a weird storyline.

Not to mention ridiculously unrealistic, and it's making Divya come off as arrogant to me. Stonybrook is an excellent university. (I interviewed there.) And it's in your backyard. Divya isn't single and unattached. You have other responsibilities and you can't just up and leave and ask your husband to leave. It's not like she's hanging on to Johns Hopkins or has to go to the University of Phoenix. You're talking choosing between 1 and 1a. What a ridiculously stupid decision. 

I'm glad Barney Miller brought up that Divya is *very pregnant*, and making decisions about med school is problematic. And that Hank is just bringing up his mentor now instead of when she was applying, so she could talk to him then? Also, thanks for calling ahead to facilitate the meeting Hank.

I like the IVF plot, but I think I would have liked them trying to adopt better. 

I think I'm ready for the series to end.

Edited by ganesh
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1 hour ago, ganesh said:

And that Hank is just bringing up his mentor now instead of when she was applying, so she could talk to him then? Also, thanks for calling ahead to facilitate the meeting Hank.

Hank said he didn't want to influence her decision, but since it's looking more and more likely that she might have to "settle" for Stonybrook, he wanted to show her what an awesome choice it was. And I could be wrong, but I did think Hank phoned ahead, because Divya definitely had an appointment, but his mentor was being cranky (and forgetful) about it.

I think it's so insane that she's acting juggling a new baby and medical school will be just a slight hiccup, when they all keep reiterating how hard it is already is dealing with three tiny kids. Also, does Raj have a job? Is the mother of his first two kids still in the picture? Because aside from him describing her to Evan during that dinner with Paige and Divya, she never comes up (and I'm pretty sure the twins referred to Divya as "Mommy" in that video, wtf?). 

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I don't get what the deal would be to influence her decision. So what? Hank is clearly successful so I would think his advice is credible. Isn't that what a mentor does?

I just don't like this plot because it too ridiculous even for this show. But the fact that we're talking about Raj's role in all this and the show is just not makes me think it's really a dumb plot and just not my own peeve. 

The (seeming) arrogance just galls me. You're going to do just as well with an MD from Stonybrook as Johns Hopkins. Ok, Hopkins might open a few more doors. A few. But, you just wait till next year, Divya. You're only what? 22, 23? You can afford to let that year slip away. 

On June 16, 2016 at 8:37 AM, tvaddict44 said:

No comment on seeing Hal Linden on TV again?  I just hope that was makeup because he was  playing a sick person, and not a real condition, as I haave fond memories of everyone on Barney Miller...

I totally thought he was dead, and just an actor that LOOKED like Hal Linden... so it actually being Hal Linden- he looked great for a dead man!  heh.  

On June 16, 2016 at 10:54 PM, betsyboo said:

Do we think the Saab sputtered and died because of the large anvil it was carrying around the whole episode?

Aaaand... it sputtered and died in front of a house for sale on Henry Street?  *of course*.  That elicited a great big eye roll on my end, anyway.  Even for summer fluff that was just too ridiculous for words.  

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Zowie, that was quite the lush mane of artificial hair on Hal Linden.  I had a relative whose toups grew fuller as he shrank beneath them, into his nineties.  There's a niche market out there if some wigmaker ever wants to do a line that's a little thinner and more realistic for seniors.


Keller??  Who cares about that donkey's butt?


I knew that was a Steif bear.  My little (four-inch) Teddy still waves at me every morning from a shelf in my medicine cabinet.  He only has the one arm, but he does okay.


Why is Hank getting all nesty about that big house right before he goes sprinting off after Jill?  I always thought the guesthouse was fabu.

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