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United Shades Of America

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I really enjoyed the Sikh episode. I learned :

That I've been producing Sikh incorrectly.

 That they're not Muslim (not that there's anything wrong with being Muslim.)

 I was also fascinated by the almond tree shaking machine (and had no idea so many Sikhs were into farming.)

  Also, as the mom of an Army daughter, I was surprised and happy to see that a law got passed to allow people in the military to wear articles of their religion, such as beards and turbans. :)

Edited by ChiCricket
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I also thought the Sikh episode was really good. Sometimes I worry this show is kind of boring to people who already know everything they are talking about, and of no interest to those who don't. But I learned stuff this time, and they managed to do it without leaving behind the kind of middle of the road mild mannered accessible gee whiz friendly tone they've been trying to strike so as not to be too threatening.

I kind of want to move to Yuma, now. I wonder if the publicity will cause them problems, or just attract more friendly attention. If they have a  tourism board, they must be ecstatic.

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On 5/14/2018 at 9:02 AM, IvySpice said:

I said to my husband: so is there affordable real estate in Yuba City? 

I spent a week in Yuba City earlier this year.  The only thing I knew about it was Juan Corona, the serial killer whose victims were migrant farm workers.

I wouldn't be surprised if the real estate is affordable because it's a small city with not a whole lot going on.  For example, it doesn't have a university.  Chico, which is nearby, has Chico State and it's a much more vibrant town.  Yuba City is trying, and its downtown has something other than antique stores, which is always a good sign.  But it's nowhere I'd pick out to live.

The episode about the Sikhs was interesting because I'd noticed them walking around in numbers that told me it wasn't just random, plus some stores that obviously catered to them.  I figured they were recent immigrants because so many of them were walking instead of driving...in California.  Or maybe I just didn't see the ones who were driving, now that I think about it.  Anyway, they were a definite presence, and the show told me I was probably wrong about their being recent immigrants.

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I really enjoyed last night's episode (like all his episodes). I have been to a mega church once--Hillsong in Sydney Australia--and was so amazed at how big and well organised that it was. I'm glad that he didn't turn it into a show that would bash people's faith, but focused more on "how the message was delivered" (if I paraphrase his pastor).

I just started watching the latest episode a bit ago and had to pause it to do some ranting on what I've seen so far....

This first megachurch has peeved me off due to the fact that the people who go to there give so much of their own money and then give their time doing jobs they should be getting paid for when a place like that is making so much money along with not paying income tax or property taxes. Then they don't even have to make their accounting public when they get so many massive tax breaks and are supposed to be places that serve their community. 

Seeing so many people working actual jobs for free under the guise of "volunteering" in the first church doing things like barista-ing in the coffee shop that looks like a mini Starbucks, working behind the scenes doing jobs in production/direction/camerawork/etc. so the services can be broadcast on TV along with wherever else the feed goes and other jobs that help the place make money is kinda making me mad. Especially knowing that so many of these pastors are being paid so much of the $$$$ these supposed charitable organizations are bringing in which allows them to live in huge homes (multiple at times), own fancy cars, have private jets and whatever kinds of things rich people amass. I know some of them claim it's due to things they do outside of the church like writing books, giving speeches and whatnot. It still makes me give them all major side-eye and affirms that I'd never want to step into one of those places unless I was getting good money to do so.

Instead of accepting all that money to live lavishly think of how much good they could do to help "their fellow man" like they espouse that others should do. 

Don't even get me started on the discussion Kamau had with the woman in the bookstore who had to quit going to the prominently white megachurch she had been attending the day after the current president was elected. Then the footage they showed of that pastor using manipulation through his sermons, pamphlets and whatever else they could probably think of to steer the votes of the congregation the way the church wanted them to go. 


I felt so bad for the woman who was molested and had to be further victimized by her parents when they made her apologize to her abuser. I'm glad she's felt free enough to name the person who did that her and that she's found an outlet to release what were probably pent up feelings and emotions over the whole situation.

Oh and that church lawyer guy who Kumau briefly spoke to more near the start of the episode creeped me the F out. 

I was glad the episode focused on some churches that appear to do more for their attendees and the community near the end. It brought my blood pressure down a bit after having watched what came before it.

Here's an article on CNN's site that Kamau wrote that includes a clip of him speaking to atheists that I guess didn't get to air in the episode. I'm not sure if it's from an earlier episode since I've never been able to watch this show regularly even though I'd like to. I either forget or realize to late to catch the episodes I wanted to see.

This response didn't surprise me in the least. His wife who's the real boss probably told him to walk back his agreeing to appear. Those two are like a younger slicker version of the Bakkers except I don't see either one of them feeling bad for what they did later on like Tammy Faye did.

Edited by Jaded
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I don’t watch this show, but watched the “Real D.C.” episode on demand. I appreciated the interviews with Henry Rollins, Big Tony, and the ladies at Lee’s, but outside of that, I wasn’t feeling it for several reasons. The main one being, how are you going to do a show on “the real D.C.” and you only interview people in one quadrant? Shaw and Columbia Heights have been gentrified beyond measure. That little girl and her mother live in VIRGINIA. How about interview kids who live in Anacostia or Edgewood? Yeah she spoke at the March. So did Zion Kelly, who actually lives in D.C. and lost his twin brother to gun violence. I appreciate W. Kamau bringing attention to the difference in D.C. and federal Washington for people who still don’t know the difference, but if the premise of your episode is to show real Washingtonians, you’re going to have to go beyond the chick who gives you the hook up on tea or your producer’s homegirl who happens to be a principal at a school in NW. 

LGBTQ community is an interest8ng angle on SLC but not sure there’s enough in an hour show to sustain interest for general viewers.

The show are just disparate stories of whomever they could line up to be on the show.

CNN probably required them to be an hour show, probably a black host version of Parts Unknown.

But Bourdain is a better writer for the narration and he ties it together into 9ne or two themes.

Kamau just shows you different interviews, different people’s stories.  

But it might work better as a 30 min show.  Or have 2 or 3 segments which don’t have to be related to one theme.

CNN has been promoting the new season a lot.  Kamau is doing a lot of appearances on different  CNN shows.

Maybe fortuitous that it’s premiering after the Floyd murder and protests.  Seems like he’d have touched on things like reparations, the discrimination that he talks about with his mother and other racial issues, just because it’s an election year and some of these issues were already being raised, at least during the primary season.

But did they film anything after the start of the pandemic?  Doesn’t sound like it because he talked about some of the episodes and didn’t mention it.

Certainly the race dimension of the pandemic is something to explore, how it’s disproportionately killed black and Latino people, because of the types of jobs they have and limited access to health care, among the reasons why they’ve been hit so hard.

He’s noticeably grayer than the last season.  He was never mistaken for an angry activist or the stereotypical angry black man, because he has such a disarming manner and tone.

It’s great that the show has lasted.


Season 5, episode 1: Where do we even start with white supremacy?

White supremacy in America, explained How our new war collided with an old fight -- and put Black Americans on the frontlines. We're living in a perfect storm for extremist recruitment. Five questions on America's racial reckoning. The one word that Tree of Life's rabbi refuses to say.

Aired on CNN on Sunday, July 19, 2020.

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First episode was good but in general this show seems to feature activists, who tend to have stronger positions.  They are articulate and passionate so they’re good guests to have on TV.

But not too different from the pundit battles they always have on CNN and other cable channels.

The Defund the Police slogan comes months or almost a year later — this was filmed late summer or fall.

We know from exit polling that Defund the Police hurt some Democrats.  Whatever merits the proponents had, like having social services people do much of the work that cops do, the slogan they chose didn’t attract support but did the opposite in many cases.

Kamau may have really believed in it but would he quite make the same episode after the election as he did before?

On 5/5/2021 at 11:58 PM, aghst said:

We know from exit polling that Defund the Police hurt some Democrats

Exit polls were not that useful, if they ever were, because so many people voted early or by mail and much of that data was not borne out by other data. For what it’s worth Kamau still has the same opinion about “defend the police as he argued on this show. 

Finally catching up on the show and thought the first episode was outstanding but that might have to do with the fact that I haven’t been across the Bay in over a year! 

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3 hours ago, DanaK said:

Interesting first episode on looking at “Woke” and what it means and how it’s currently used

Agree but it's such a long lead time for these episodes.

Nobody is talking up CRT as much as they used to because inflation and war are now used for political attacks.

Maybe the last couple of months before election they will use CRT again but for now it seems pretty much dead.  Maybe some politicians still rail against woke-ism but not hearing as much lately.

THe episode would have been more timely 6 months ago.  Maybe that's when they filmed in AZ for this episode but by the time they finish post-production and put it on the air, it's no longer as timely.

Last Week Tonight is more timely but they only devote like 5-10 minutes to events of the past week and then do their deep dives which probably took weeks or even months to produce.

3 hours ago, possibilities said:

I think there are still a lot of people who have no idea what CRT is, and this episode tried to explain that. But of course it's likely the people who need to hear it aren't watching.

The issues for those folks against CRT, at least to me, is that many don’t really understand what it is or at what education level it’s taught and most of their objections seem to suggest they don’t want to talk about racism or discrimination at all. Though I do think the quote from that historical person on there only being racist or anti racist was perhaps a little too provocative and I think it was a good idea to remove it from that school district’s writeup. I did have to give several side eyes to that person on the street Kamau interviewed who suggested you have to listen to both sides on things like the Holocaust. How he didn’t push back hard on them is beyond me

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Hawaii episode is interesting.  Kamau talks to a loT of locals.

Some would like tourism gone.  Some want US military bases gone.  Still some others, such as hotel workers, want their jobs back because hotels charge full price and don’t offer a lot of services such as housekeeping due to the pandemic.

Hawaii has to import 80% or more of the food and fuel consumed.

some think they can go back to the early 19th century, grow crops and fish and live like the Polynesians did for centuries.

The resentment is obvious, tourist come with deep pockets or people migrate and drive up housing prices.

None of this will happen of course.  Tourism may not pay enough but it along with US bases provide jobs.  It’s doubtful all native Hawaiians want to become farmers or fishermen.

they got no room to grow crops for domestic use as well as export because they have to trade something for fuel if they don’t have tourism money.

Plus, a lot of property is owned by outsiders.  A lot probably were stolen from native Hawaiians but many of these properties have millions in improvements to generate tourist income.

White Lotus kind of hinted at these dynamics and history.

It’s interesting to hear these voices and the show staff finding them but I suspect their POVs are not that representative of Hawaii-born people.  They may not love the problems brought about by tourism but they’re not demanding that it be reduced or eliminated.

6 hours ago, possibilities said:

The Hawaii episode was the season finale already? I feel like they aren't doing very many episodes, but I honestly didn't keep close track of how many it actually was.

Seven episodes this season, which is one less than most of the previous seasons

The finale shows exactly what happens when places become popular tourist destinations and that’s their main income. And the insane prices also shows what happens when rich outsiders come in and buy up housing (similar to places like San Francisco). So the lower class native workers have to both contend with tourists traipsing in to play in too large numbers and unaffordable housing. I think the state needs to try to fix the housing situation but I don’t see them wanting to give up the money from tourists and the military to placate a small number of natives. It’s a tough situation, but pretty similar to a lot of places that become tourist destinations

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