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Season 5


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You are all so nice...and to think I’ve been holding back😁

So here’s another one...I want to like Emily. I do. I see her as the product of being a woman of a rigid era and a social stratum that gave her few choices, if any. Then her pompous husband lies to her about Pennilyn Lott, never stands up to Trix being shitty to Emily (other than getting marriage inspite of her), puts his pension on the line and hatches that weird scheme with Digger Senior to go back into business with him and screw over Lorelai’s boyfriend, all without telling Emily. The HELL? I was really hoping for a rousing and lengthy GoFuckYourselfDick moment for her.

Then her tears after her first date? I FELT for her. She was grieving. She was HUMAN.

Then what happens??? Thirty seconds later she proceeds to pimp out Rory to a roomful of Rich BoySnots, barge in on Christopher Asshat, treat Gigi* like something she’d stepped in, and then set Asshat up to break up Luke and Lorelai because apparently Asshat sucks (okay so she’s correct there), and so does Lorelai, but in Emilyland apparently now Christopher sucks less than Luke. 

The whiplash!! I am telling you!!! I WAS ROOTING FOR HER (insert Tyra Banks voice here)!!!

Bah humbug.

*Is there a world in which GiGi is a real nickname for Georgia or were they just planning ahead for her pole dancing career?

Edited by Oldernowiser
Because when I rant I am occasionally unclear. This is not a surprise to me.
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4 hours ago, cleo said:

Olderniwiser I appreciate the fresh rage of new viewers lol. I'm actually watching Wedding Bell Blues today. With time and rewatches, I now mostly feel nausea and bitterness.

Christopher you asshat. Emily tells you to YOUR FACE you are weak and easily led, and you hop to and do exactly she wants. She also referred to your daughter as 'this'.

Yep, sorry I don't care who you are or how much you want to bone your ex. IF anyone called my child "a this" I be: "Get out your bitch!" Of course not Chris as long as everyone gave him the launch codes, he just be all for it. Children? Nah, sleep with Lorelai because I have good genes, like a race horse. 

Edited by readster
Deleted a sentence.
  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, readster said:

Yep, sorry I don't care who you are or how much you want to bone your ex. IF anyone called my child "a this" I be: "Get out your bitch!" Of course not Chris as long as everyone gave him the launch codes, he just be all for it. Children? Nah, sleep with Lorelai because I have good genes, like a race horse. 

Born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

That's true. I shouldn't try to project normal human decency onto any of these people.

No kidding. I had wished, especially after Emily was sued by one of her former maids. Where the Gilmore House couldn't get ANY help for weeks on end. Have it where you had Emily having to do work as no maid would work for her. Even after Richard's butler left, have it where: "Word travels, we might pay good, by everyone is worried they are going to cough and we are going to kick them out." I mean Emily fired a maid for daring to TALK to Rory. As in the maid is so low scum, she can't say anything outside of: "I need to take my break Mrs. Gilmore." Then again, you had one episode where Emily talks about wasting water by not filling a dish washer up completely. The next she doesn't know how to turn it on. Oh Stop!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, readster said:

I had wished, especially after Emily was sued by one of her former maids. Where the Gilmore House couldn't get ANY help for weeks on end. Have it where you had Emily having to do work as no maid would work for her.

Lorelai's "Maybe Mom has finally run out of adults who will work for her" when the little girl answers the door in Lorelai's First Cotillion kills me! So true! LOL

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I’ve been out of town plus there have been Other Distractions so it took me a while to get back to Stars Hollow...

1) Poor Marty. Dumb Rory. Logan is going to mess with her head just because he can and because he’s a bored rich boy. Humans are just a giant ant farm for him to play with.*

2) Kirk needs to stop being in every other damned scene. He stopped being amusing a season ago.

3) JFC, who staged the L/L reconciliation scene? Judy singing, Rory has taken off chasing her inevitable heartbreak, Lorelai’s lonely evening...all good. Perfect setup. Then Luke knocks on the door, Lorelai opens it...do we get a moment? Locked eyes, full of longing and understanding? Hell, even a closeup? Nope. From the distant vantage point of possibly Babette’s front porch, all we see is Luke lunging at Lorelai with all the tenderness and emotion of an unneutered Great Dane that won’t stop humping the couch. And I LIKE Luke. 


* Who was that blonde girl at the Chinese restaurant who never ate anything? I swear I’ve seen her in something, but I can’t figure out what...

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

3) JFC, who staged the L/L reconciliation scene? Judy singing, Rory has taken off chasing her inevitable heartbreak, Lorelai’s lonely evening...all good. Perfect setup. Then Luke knocks on the door, Lorelai opens it...do we get a moment? Locked eyes, full of longing and understanding? Hell, even a closeup? Nope. From the distant vantage point of possibly Babette’s front porch, all we see is Luke lunging at Lorelai with all the tenderness and emotion of an unneutered Great Dane that won’t stop humping the couch. And I LIKE Luke. 

Bahahahahaha I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like that scene! I always think Luke looks like a caveman or Neanderthal or something. It's just so wrong.


1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

* Who was that blonde girl at the Chinese restaurant who never ate anything? I swear I’ve seen her in something, but I can’t figure out what...

Looks like she's one of those actors who's had a ton of small roles.


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It's a miracle they didn't have SP and LG acting against a green screen at this point like the two actresses in the Good Wife.

I like Kirk.

Just watched Pulp Fiction ep....I really get a kick out of how baffled Emily and Richard are that Luke didn't follow up on the franchising. I also get a kick out of Richard being so earnest and serious about it, it's cute. I know it's bc he didn't think Luke was respectable or successful but he would have actually helped him if Luke had said yes.

Edited by cleo
  • Love 2

Having Lorelai finally tell Emily to STFU is one of the two best things that happened this week. Bravo!

3 hours ago, cleo said:

...I really get a kick out of how baffled Emily and Richard are that Luke didn't follow up on the franchising.

They have zero capacity for understanding any kind of life other than their own. They don’t seem to ever entertain the idea that a life that’s rich in other ways than money and status might be satisfying and rewarding.

I have rewound Lorelai telling Emily to shut up, oh, maybe a dozen times. It was so satisfying that I am going to ignore the overused trope of Rory calling Logan’s “no strings” bluff...ummm hmmm. We’ll see. Logan just doesn’t share well with others...

But hooray, Lorelai! Finally!

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 7

So season 5 really ends with a string of bad eps. 

To Live and Let Diorama. I hated this when it first aired and I still don't like it. Dean is such an asshole. Dean Lorelai already chose Stars Hollow so fuck off.

It was also too much with Kirk in this ep. Although Paris was awesome as always 

But I'm a Gilmore- Sookie being so irresponsible is irritating and not funny.

So I guess the last high point of the series for me is L and L getting back together and even that was anti-climactic.

Three more to go, kind of a slog 

  • Love 4

I am about where you are in Season 5 and I fear the cliff approaches. But I will say there have been several plot twists I didn’t see coming and that always gets my attention: Kirk competing for the house, Huntsberger’s review of Rory’s performance, Lorelai’s pregnancy scare. We’ll see...

When did Paris become pre-med, of all things? If ever a girl was born to be a journalist, it’s her. She’s fearless, smart, ballsy and takes shit from no one, at least not for long. I would have enjoyed her being an intern at Huntsberger’s newspaper...she’d have kicked doors in and more than once.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

I am about where you are in Season 5 and I fear the cliff approaches. But I will say there have been several plot twists I didn’t see coming and that always gets my attention: Kirk competing for the house, Huntsberger’s review of Rory’s performance, Lorelai’s pregnancy scare. We’ll see...

When did Paris become premed, of all things? If ever a girl was born to be a journalist, it’s her. She’s fearless, smart, ballsy and takes shit from no one, at least not for long. I would have enjoyed her being an intern at Huntsberger’s newspaper...she’d have kicked doors in and more than once.

Oh, that would have been sublime! She would have been kicking ass and taking names. She's exactly the type Huntsberger was hoping Rory would be.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, cleo said:

I feel like Paris would be the kind of doctor that would be a researcher. And having worked with some researchers- a lot are completely obnoxious and don't give a shit if their studies are worthless if they get a journal article out of it 

Sorry I'm bitter lol. I was an ethics approver and man I hated that job.

Or she would have to be a surgeon. They usually have the kind of ego that Paris exhibits.

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Thanks. It was crazy stressful. The amount of pressure to approve research come what may is intense. Or at least it was where I worked.

Okay I finally finished Season 5. The last couple eps were ok, bearing in mind I skip a lot of the Rory parts.

In terms of Rory- absolutely everything else aside, I don't think it's the end of the world for her to take a yr off school. I think it's normal for some kids to freak out at some point in college or university about what they're doing and whether they want it. It happened to me, it happened to some kids I knew. She is exactly the kind of kid it would happen to- obsessively focused on a goal, sacrificing everything to it- and then that moment where it just breaks and you don't know if it's right anymore, but you don't have the ability to think beyond it and everything falls apart. I think it's realistic.

Otherwise the good- L and L in the limo, also it was nice to see Luke so excited about Lorelai's magazine story and success. 

Also good- the proposal scene with Lorelai.

Kirk trying to take the house- kind of a jerk after all the ways Luke has helped him.

Kind of heartbreaking how Lorelai went to her parents for help and they betrayed her. I don't even really dispute their decision but they could have included her in the conversation and not just cut her out entirely until it was a done deal.

As always I will take a break before season 6, and not sure how much of it I will watch. Probably nothing post April. One rage blackout over a TV show is enough lol.

Oldernowwiser are you going to watch season 6? Your review will help me decide what to watch! 🙂

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, cleo said:

Oldernowwiser are you going to watch season 6? Your review will help me decide what to watch! 🙂

Probably. Pretty sure. I think so?

I use these episodes as distraction while I’m forcing my aging joints to run on the treadmill. So even the episodes where I end up screaming “Noooooo you idiot!!!!” at the screen still serve that purpose.

But I suspect that Star Hollow’s role in my life as my Happy Place may be nearing an end. Dammit.


  • Love 3
On 11/17/2020 at 12:19 PM, Oldernowiser said:

I am about where you are in Season 5 and I fear the cliff approaches. But I will say there have been several plot twists I didn’t see coming and that always gets my attention: Kirk competing for the house, Huntsberger’s review of Rory’s performance, Lorelai’s pregnancy scare. We’ll see...

When did Paris become pre-med, of all things? If ever a girl was born to be a journalist, it’s her. She’s fearless, smart, ballsy and takes shit from no one, at least not for long. I would have enjoyed her being an intern at Huntsberger’s newspaper...she’d have kicked doors in and more than once.

This bothered me too. I just watched the one episode where Doyle is sick, and Paris is like I don't like sick people. Which is consistent with the character (as she has acted that way in the past). So why would she go into medicine. It makes no sense. If journalism didn't work for her, law school would have made way more sense. 

I think it was the same episode. But the whole Kirk needs a place to stay was annoying in it's self. But the way that Loriali acted in the episode was mildy offensive. Kirk who is an adult, has the right to make his own decisions (as long as they aren't harming anyone). Kirk may have a disability (while it never says on the show, I always took it that he was on the Autism Spectrum). Which is fine and kind of ahead of it's time. But when they were eating breakfast and Kirk decides he didn't want to eat and went to turn the TV back on, Loreali told him to turn it off and told him he can't go the museum without a coat. Kirk is an adult, who can make his own decisions. And neither of these were putting him any danger. Clearly based on a later scene it was nice out and Kirk can decide if and when to eat. I know I'm reading way to much into this but it bothered me lol. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, blueray said:

This bothered me too. I just watched the one episode where Doyle is sick, and Paris is like I don't like sick people. Which is consistent with the character (as she has acted that way in the past). So why would she go into medicine. It makes no sense. If journalism didn't work for her, law school would have made way more sense. 

I think it was the same episode. But the whole Kirk needs a place to stay was annoying in it's self. But the way that Loriali acted in the episode was mildy offensive. Kirk who is an adult, has the right to make his own decisions (as long as they aren't harming anyone). Kirk may have a disability (while it never says on the show, I always took it that he was on the Autism Spectrum). Which is fine and kind of ahead of it's time. But when they were eating breakfast and Kirk decides he didn't want to eat and went to turn the TV back on, Loreali told him to turn it off and told him he can't go the museum without a coat. Kirk is an adult, who can make his own decisions. And neither of these were putting him any danger. Clearly based on a later scene it was nice out and Kirk can decide if and when to eat. I know I'm reading way to much into this but it bothered me lol. 

He was staying there for free. I don't think Lorelai was out of line at all. If he's so damn grown up he can go to a hotel or get a room at the inn.

  • Love 3

I’ve pretty much been over the ever-present Kirk for about a season, but now that I know that he had a quarter of a million saved up his “poor little homeless me” crap just seems like part of his ongoing shameless grift. Fortunately (or not), TJ and Liz* just showed up again and now, relatively speaking, Kirk bugs me less.

I need much more Paris and Michel...am willing to trade Kirk, Taylor, Emily’s stylist who’s supposed to be a hundred years old but is obviously more like thirty, the new maid du jour every Friday dinner, and what the hell, I’ll throw in Rory about now. Any takers?

* Oh, no. The reappearance of TJ and Liz is like drawing a pentagram on the floor...Jess is going to slither up any second, isn’t he? 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

I’ve pretty much been over the ever-present Kirk for about a season, but now that I know that he had a quarter of a million saved up his “poor little homeless me” crap just seems like part of his ongoing shameless grift. Fortunately (or not), TJ and Liz* just showed up again and now, relatively speaking, Kirk bugs me less.

I need much more Paris and Michel...am willing to trade Kirk, Taylor, Emily’s stylist who’s supposed to be a hundred years old but is obviously more like thirty, the new maid du jour every Friday dinner, and what the hell, I’ll throw in Rory about now. Any takers?

* Oh, no. The reappearance of TJ and Liz is like drawing a pentagram on the floor...Jess is going to slither up any second, isn’t he? 

Yeah, I always saw Kirk has basically "sheltered" his mother pretty much instilled on him he was incapable of being self sufficient, but he sadly was enabled by Taylor and later Lulu. I still wanted to pick him up and smack him during the entire Fiddler on the Roof situation with Lulu's school. It didn't come off as funny, it came off as disturbing and then he is raising his hand for permission to use the bathroom? He's a damn adult!

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, blueray said:

Good point. Why didn't he stay in the dragon fly, we find out later he has money.

Right and hell Lorelai probably would have given Kirk a discount if anything or with all Kirk's "odd jobs" he could have just been a cleaner for the rooms. We all know he would have quit for some stupid reason by the following week. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, blueray said:

Good point. Why didn't he stay in the dragon fly, we find out later he has money.

Because that is how he ended up with all that money. Like he said, he had 11,000 jobs. He lived at home in the bomb shelter at his mother's home. He argued with Luke over a $0.10 increase in the price of toast. He looked like an idiot doofus but he clearly had an agenda. And it ended up with him having a quarter of a million dollars in the bank.

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Here I am...after a week or so of binge watching starting Season 5!

First episode (Say goodbye to Daisy Miller) was meh... Rory being a brat and making me like Lorelai and actually admiring how she's handling things.  

I'm so glad she left with Emily.. who knows how the summer would have went if she was there with Dean.

Damn Luke and Lorelai could have had all that time alone if he didn't have to go work the Red Faire

Episode 2 - Just a Messenger.  Dean finally cut that mop of hair and looks a lot better.  Luke returns after 7 freaking weeks.  Rory and Emily return from Europe.  Lorelai gets yelled out in the Town Square for giving Dean a letter from Rory.  Lane has officially became a pain in the ass and now thinks she loves Zach.

Boring episode.

Is it me or has Lorelai calmed down and is not making a joke about everything?  I like it much better.  Rory however is a different story.  I used to like her.

Episode 3 Written in the Stars - Emily is once again annoying and Richard is in the pool house.  Luke and Lorelai finally go on a date.  (My son walked in to tell me I told you so about Lorelai and Luke getting together).  Woo Hoo..they slept together.

So Asher kicked the bucket and Paris is being overly dramatic.  I like the new guy that Rory debated with in the hallway.  I see a little chemistry.

I'm guessing Jason is gone forever?  Or does he come back like everybody else does in this show?

LOL at the town meeting regarding the "relationship".

And then we have Rory going to Dean's house yet again....ugh


Edited by NYGirl
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Question:  From Season 1, Episode 1, it was obvious to me that the endgame was Lorelai and Luke together.  I just wonder why they put them together so soon in the series.  I mean them being together is kind of boring.  He's too grouchy for Lorelai even though he's got a good heart but she needs someone more outgoing.  I want to say like Max...I kind of liked their repartee.

I'm glad Rory and Dean part deux broke up.  And while we're at it Rory is so boring this year.  I'm not much of a fan of the Yale stories..too much annoying Paris.  But I like Logan and his friends for some reason.  They liven up the episodes.

Rory was not very nice to Christopher even though I kind of agree with her on the effect he has on her mom.  She was being ridiculous when he showed up at her school.

And while we're at it it was stupid to make Jackson the whatever it is in the town.  Taylor is a dick most times but he kept everything running.

I hope he ends up as the town guy again and I hope Emily and Richard get back together.

Also...how come Norman Mailler was there and Rory didn't want to interview him for the paper???



Edited by NYGirl
1 hour ago, NYGirl said:

I just wonder why they put them together so soon in the series.  I mean them being together is kind of boring.

*quietly munches popcorn*

1 hour ago, NYGirl said:

And while we're at it it was stupid to make Jackson the whatever it is in the town.  Taylor is a dick most times but he kept everything running.

I agree. Taylor was way too OTT on some issues, but let's face it, a lot of that was ASP's ridiculous need for OTT characters doing really OTT things. IRL Taylor would have been strict but not neurotic.

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I spoke too soon in my prior posts.

So some drama came along and broke up Luke and Lorelai.  I'm curious as to how long this split is going to last.

Edited to add:  Well that didn't take long.

I'm happy for Richard and Emily but she was out of line talking to Chis about Lorelai and Luke.

Rory...Rory... what can I say about this turn around.  I'm not liking her at all this season.  I'm not crazy about Logan either.  I feel sorry for Marty. 

I miss the town hall meetings!

Edited by NYGirl
  • Love 2
13 hours ago, NYGirl said:

I spoke too soon in my prior posts.

So some drama came along and broke up Luke and Lorelai.  I'm curious as to how long this split is going to last.

Edited to add:  Well that didn't take long.

I'm happy for Richard and Emily but she was out of line talking to Chis about Lorelai and Luke.

Rory...Rory... what can I say about this turn around.  I'm not liking her at all this season.  I'm not crazy about Logan either.  I feel sorry for Marty. 

I miss the town hall meetings!

Rory changes a lot over this timeframe (well not really changes, I guess you could say her real personality comes out, lol).  There are times ahead that you will not like her at all, and a few that she is kind of like the old Rory.  I usually tried to focus on the surrounding characters in the time that someone was having a bad run.  Luckily with this show there is always something good happening somewhere with someone to liven things up.  

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, NYGirl said:

Question:  From Season 1, Episode 1, it was obvious to me that the endgame was Lorelai and Luke together.  I just wonder why they put them together so soon in the series.  I mean them being together is kind of boring.  He's too grouchy for Lorelai even though he's got a good heart but she needs someone more outgoing.  I want to say like Max...I kind of liked their repartee.

Rory was not very nice to Christopher even though I kind of agree with her on the effect he has on her mom.  She was being ridiculous when he showed up at her school.




I never really liked Max.  I always thought that relationship seemed forced.  I always liked Luke and Lorelai because there are so many little moments in their history that show how much they care about each other.  Again, the little scenes that add up for me and make the difference.  As for getting them together, there is much more to come, but I liked that there was a chance to see them spend time together in a relationship without waiting until the last episode of the last season like many shows do.  

As for Christopher, I was all for Rory's speech.  Christopher becomes an annoyance so many times and ruins so many situations in the full run of this show, I can never feel badly for him.  

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, alexa said:

I never really liked Max.  I always thought that relationship seemed forced.

Agreed. Lorelai's relationship with Max was every bit as immature as her relationship with Chris, and that's saying a lot.


46 minutes ago, alexa said:

I always liked Luke and Lorelai because there are so many little moments in their history that show how much they care about each other.  Again, the little scenes that add up for me and make the difference.  As for getting them together, there is much more to come, but I liked that there was a chance to see them spend time together in a relationship without waiting until the last episode of the last season like many shows do.  

Again, totally agree. Luke and Lorelai worked because (for the most part) they brought out the best in each other. Or, at least, the better in each other. He grounded her and brought real stability to her world, while she taught him to loosen up and have some fun every once in a while. Theirs was a mature relationship rather than one where they quipped at each other all day long and then tore each other's clothes off.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Taryn74 said:

Agreed. Lorelai's relationship with Max was every bit as immature as her relationship with Chris, and that's saying a lot.


Again, totally agree. Luke and Lorelai worked because (for the most part) they brought out the best in each other. Or, at least, the better in each other. He grounded her and brought real stability to her world, while she taught him to loosen up and have some fun every once in a while. Theirs was a mature relationship rather than one where they quipped at each other all day long and then tore each other's clothes off.

Yes, this!  I love their relationship and how they can sway back and forth from the pre-relationship banter to also really caring about each other.  And before getting together it was so sweet those little moments that Luke showed how much he cared without Lorelai even catching it.

  • Love 3

So Taylor is back in charge despite no explanation.  oooookay.

Once again Sookie is annoying as hell when Luke does the cooking at the inn while she's bedridden.

Wow..Richard and Emily's "wedding". What the heck is wrong with Rory?  Is she this naive throughout???  

Emily really nasty to Luke while telling him it's ok to date Lorelai however calling him a dirty diner owner to Richard.  (I felt bad)

Lorelai ...I started to like her..I really did..(I know some of you don't believe me) here she is giving an interview and of course bad mouths her mother.  Is she that stupid?

Not even touching on Luke buying the house out from under Kirk who definitely would be the most stable choice for the house.  (If this was normal). I can't believe he has that kind of money ..Kirk.

The Huntzberger family was right.  Rory didn't have the upbringing to be Logan's wife.  They want someone like Emily.

The Huntzberger father could really read Rory right couldn't he?  And Lorelai telling her he's just a guy with a parking spot.  

Not to mention Rory making Logan steal a boat and then getting arrested.

So I finished the season.  I'm shocked at Rory quitting Yale and even more shocked that the Gilmores were okay with it.  They really want to have Rory with them to make up for not having Lorelai.  Sad...really.

What???? Lorelai!!!???!!! proposing!!!

I can't with this show sometimes.   I find myself not paying much attention like I did.  

Edited by NYGirl
  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

Lorelai ...I started to like her..I really did..(I know some of you don't believe me) here she is giving an interview and of course bad mouths her mother.  Is she that stupid?

Yes. LOL.


53 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

The Huntzberger father could really read Rory right couldn't he?



54 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

So I finished the season.  I'm shocked at Rory quitting Yale and even more shocked that the Gilmores were okay with it.

It was shocking for sure. I really wish Lorelai had given Rory some time to cool off and re-evaluate, though, instead of going all scorched earth with her. She's a helluva more like her parents than she would ever want to admit, that's for sure.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

So I know I should write this in Season 6 but...wow!  Luke has a kid????

Is this some kind of thing they used to do in those days...introduce a younger kid when the other kid is too old?  Like Rory is 21 so this kid is there to replace her.

I.e.  Cosby Show, Growing Pains, Brady Bunch, etc.

Buckle up. No, not needing a younger kid. His daughter is introduced so the Palladinos could set up a stupid plot line.

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