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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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michelle stafford ‏@TheRealStafford 1h1 hour ago

Started following people who seem 2 like to spread rumors about me... Let's C if they still do it if I can actually c what they're sayin❤️❤️

I guess Stafford wasn't happy about the blind items, heh.


Good for her, though. People are making a big deal that she basically said her and RoHo don't really talk outside of their scenes. Not all actors are real-life besties with their co-stars. They do their job and go home. And that's OK.

Maybe it's just me, but she kinda comes across as a bully about it.

It's one thing if she followed Jamie himself. But she didn't. She followed 2 random people who were just speculating, much like we are here. And then to announce it. It's like she wants her followers to be poised for an attack.

  • Love 6

Maybe it's just me, but she kinda comes across as a bully about it.

It's one thing if she followed Jamie himself. But she didn't. She followed 2 random people who were just speculating, much like we are here. And then to announce it. It's like she wants her followers to be poised for an attack.

I think there's a difference between speccing and talking like it's fact. And a lot of people, not all, were acting like they KNOW for a fact that RoHo and MS are at odds.

  • Love 1

The thing is that Stafford is out for Stafford and she lives out loud, to put it kindly. She made it very public that her style did not mesh with RH's recently and that their onscreen pairing was headed for trouble. For her that's a calculated act. I didn't get a sense prior that Howarth hated working with her outright, but the suppositions made by a lot of people on that BI seem to pan out. Stafford is used to all sorts of social media antics and offscreen lovefests with her male costars (Y&R, where she even got mad at Josh Morrow for saying he loved being re-paired with Sharon Case), whereas Howarth comes in, does the job and keeps his private life private. It doesn't surprise me they'd be oil and water.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 12

I think there's a difference between speccing and talking like it's fact. And a lot of people, not all, were acting like they KNOW for a fact that RoHo and MS are at odds.

Yes, HeatLifer, perhaps some, even a lot, of people were. But the two people that Michelle Stafford followed on Twitter today were merely speculating. Unless Michelle is claiming that Margaret Cho is gossiping about her stint on GH. Because that is the third to last person that Michelle followed.

Let me be crystal clear, I went to their timelines, and read their comments. Neither of them "acted like they knew for a fact" that Roger Howarth and Michelle Stafford were or are at odds. That is why I said what I said in my post.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 2

Yes, HeatLifer, perhaps some, even a lot, of people were. But the two people that Michelle Stafford followed on Twitter today were merely speculating. Unless Michelle is claiming that Margaret Cho is gossiping about her stint on GH. Because that is the third to last person that Michelle followed.

Let me be crystal clear, I went to their timelines, and read their comments. Neither of them "acted like they knew for a fact" that Roger Howarth and Michelle Stafford were or are at odds. That is why I said what I said in my post.

We're just gonna have to agree to disagree. I didn't think one of the accts was just speccing, but that's just MO. It's all good.

  • Love 1

Lol. Well at least it's not a consistent thing, not a consistent thing, not a consistent thing. It's not something that he does every scene every scene every scene. And considering his acting has gotten better away from Ron's writing, I think it's either the alleged directions Ron wrote in the scripts or Roger is trying to get in a reel. I'm not faulting him for one shit storyline when every actor has a couple.

Yesterday was apparently the 30th anniversary of Lynn Herring's debut on "General Hospital" as Lucy Coe:




There were also sweet tweets from Kin Shriner, Jackie Zeman, and former writer Michele Val Jean.

Edited by TeeVee329

That's deep shit man. Who said Ron was all camp?



Soap Superstar Roger Howarth can't act himself (on this show) so there's no need for him to criticize anyone else's acting choices. 



I want to have a Robin Mattson thought bubble contest.  The easy entry:

This guy has a contract? This guy?

  • Love 5

I think RH seems like a lovely guy IRL who's quiet, soft-spoken and pretty humble, at least these days. He's pretty internal and seems like the opposite of Stafford, who is often playing herself. And I think when the writing and/or the character are there he can do good work, but while he's talented he is also limited. His speeds these days are Todd, Todd Lite and Todd Ridiculous. His Franco is just a wildly inappropriate version of all three and is basically unwatchable. Even when he's clearly trying to do or even is doing good work it's unwatchable because of the character context. There's nothing that is ever going to make it work. So all he has left here is a very old bag of tricks.


But there's a segment of the audience that doesn't care what he does or who he is so long as he is being funny or making the weepy eyes and soft voice, and that's what the show and the writing play to. Liz is Franco's only friend, his saving grace, only she understands him and he's great with kids! I've been hearing a variation on this line for over 20 years. He's got to go.

  • Love 13

But there's a segment of the audience that doesn't care what he does or who he is so long as he is being funny or making the weepy eyes and soft voice, and that's what the show and the writing play to. Liz is Franco's only friend, his saving grace, only she understands him and he's great with kids! I've been hearing a variation on this line for over 20 years. He's got to go.


I want to dip this in bronze.

  • Love 5

Good for her, though. People are making a big deal that she basically said her and RoHo don't really talk outside of their scenes. Not all actors are real-life besties with their co-stars. They do their job and go home. And that's OK.


Why? I thought it was very well known that RoHo is pretty private and comes in to work and that's pretty much it. I know, in the past, there have been those that want him to be having wild affairs with the co-star of their choice but, as far as I know, he's just never been that way. He's never been the life of the party, center of attention, the world is my best friend guy.


So why would she be getting heat for this?

  • Love 2

To me the issue is that the way Stafford seemed to couch it at the time was as a negative. As in, he doesn't like her spontaneous method of working, he's not a backstage bestie and she's sure Franco and Nina are doomed.


I'm not trying to demonize her but Stafford has a history of being a tad extra offscreen WRT her story, her costars and so forth - it's her ride and she likes people who go along with her big personality. If someone's not on the Stafford Train she loses interest. I think anyone could've told her Roger Howarth was not going to be another Joshua Morrow.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

That's a good point... I do remember her working to sell their dynamic early on. That interview where she tells the story of holding back and Roger says 'Give me ALL of Michelle!' jumps immediately to mind. I don't know a lot about her BTS antics although her name is one that comes up from Y&R stories on the regular.


Maybe she is gunning to get out of the pairing? 

  • Love 2

That's a good point... I do remember her working to sell their dynamic early on. That interview where she tells the story of holding back and Roger says 'Give me ALL of Michelle!' jumps immediately to mind. I don't know a lot about her BTS antics although her name is one that comes up from Y&R stories on the regular.


Maybe she is gunning to get out of the pairing? 


I'm actually trying not to laugh out loud remembering that. There's probably no chance he actually said that, right? I haven't followed Roger and his (non) antics like some of you have, but my impression from him himself and from what you guys have said, pretty much no chance, yes?

  • Love 5

Oh, I'm sure she is looking to get out. She would never have said that otherwise. Stafford always looks out for herself. There's nothing wrong with that per se, she's far from the only woman in daytime to do so, they all have to. It's just that her methods are pretty blatant and not always graceful. (Peter Bergman was especially stung at Y&R, and as mentioned above Stafford did not react well to Josh Morrow publicly praising his onscreen reunion with Sharon Case.) And she's just... there do not seem to be many layers removed from her vs. the characters.

I'm actually trying not to laugh out loud remembering that. There's probably no chance he actually said that, right? I haven't followed Roger and his (non) antics like some of you have, but my impression from him himself and from what you guys have said, pretty much no chance, yes?


I think he may well have said something like that, but I don't think it was an invitation for "don't rehearse, let's have you repeat your lines multiple times and just wing it as I stand here and take in the full force of your crazy sexy cool personality."


Which, I mean, could be called a male/female double standard in some ways because it's not like Howarth is known for totally sticking to the script himself and some of his improvisations in the last decade-plus are truly painful (I'm pretty sure he made up a really bad line at ATWT about throwing up on someone's shoes, and I've never forgotten it). But he at least plays the script. With Stafford I just - I can't. It's like everyone is a bystander.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

Ad-libbing is tricky and it's hard. What's more, not all screen partners can handle it. More than that, it's pretty shitty to pull it out on people without warning or playing with it a bit in rehearsal. I recall Tuc Watkins talking about that very thing in some interview. RoHo was well known for ad-libs at OLTL but he was also using them with co-stars who could handle it and give it back to him... Erika Slezak, Robin Strasser, Robert S Woods, Tuc Watkins, Kassie DePaiva... all of them can take it and run with it, they're all pretty damn quick on their feet.


Some people think they're good at ad-libs... but they're not. (It sounds like Stafford might fall under this category?) And you still can't veer off the script so much that the dialog makes no sense. Given the status of writing on soaps these days... who knows if that would help or harm?


As for his 'give me ALL of Michelle' -- I don't know. I don't know the guy but if he did say something along those lines I imagine it would be intended to encourage her to just come at him as an actor. He can take it (or can he? I don't know how their dynamic plays out save for what's said here and that not really glowing.) Maybe he said it in a sort of dry humor kind of way... everyone talks about how hilarious he is, after all.


Maybe it's not an unusual thing to say... I know that Kassie DePaiva encouraged both Heather Tom on OLTL and Missy Reeves on DAYS to come at her with everything they had during some cat-fighting scenes. I think that was mainly because KDP is well versed in stage cat-fighting and HT and MR were both admittedly less seasoned in it and both said they were nervous about it. I know in those situations it was a matter of putting scene partners at ease with how far they could go and KDP is a well known team player (who has come out of many a scene with bruises and such, she leaves it all out there) who will go above and beyond. I would imagine it's all about working with your scene partner and figuring out how to get the best work on very limited time.


"Give me ALL of Michelle" sounds so cheesy though. I don't know... maybe he is that much of a dork?

  • Love 5
I would've been fine with a Todd Manningesque character in PC - but Franco is/was a nonstarter


I will NEVER understand why Franco was the character Ron decided needed to be return. It was a vanity project of the worst sort from the get-go, but there was some entertainment value along the way. But now? Franco was A SERIAL KILLER. You can ignore his terrible graffiti art; it's a lot harder to ignore that he killed people as a creative endeavor.


I'll be really curious to see what happens when the next round of contracts expires. A paycheck is a paycheck, but is a terrible job worth it? BTS doesn't seem very jolly either, knitting circle aside.

  • Love 5

They had options. Tom Hardy was supposedly, allegedly on the table, which could've worked in a pinch. They thought Franco was an 'edgier' and more Todd-like character.


But the truth is that the show has no need for Roger Howarth, especially not since 2013 and especially without Todd - unless the role is perfect he is just an albatross. And the role is a disaster.

  • Love 6

there have been those that want him to be having wild affairs with the co-star of their choice 



There were rumors about a decade ago that he and his ATWT co star Marie Wilson were having an affair. They showed up at the Emmys together in 2008 with his young daughter (but not their spouses), and were seen dancing at an after party a BIT too closely for two people in other relationships (I've never seen those pictures, so grain of salt and all that),


But who knows. 

Yeah, I know all about those rumors and I've seen the pictures but... meh... I don't know how much stock I actually put into them. I've done any number of things on the dance floor with someone that some might construe as inappropriate but it really is just about having fun. Plus, I often wonder... if you're getting mostly naked with someone and simulating sex as part of your job... is a dance that gets a bit dirty really crossing a line? It's a strange business.


And also, the online soap community has made a career out of speculating about Roger Howarth's personal life for decades now. I recall someone going into extremely graphic detail about the alleged affair with Marie Wilson... and there's always some story that someone can post about running into him on a subway in New York or seeing him having an 'intimate dinner' at whatever restaurant their friend works at who dished all the dirt about it! He's so ridiculously private and played a character people fixated on for so long it's not hard to find someone with a story.


But, you know, he's still with his wife. Hell, a couple of months ago a video surfaced from the woman who apparently cuts the hair of the whole family. It was at their house, the kids were there... it was a nice little domestic scene (at one point Roger and his wife argue about whether or not people's ears and nose continue to grow all their life -- Roger said they did, the wife disagreed) and 'I'll Melt with You' was kind of an on-going thing. Ever see Roger do a full on 80s dance like you see in all those teen movies? Yeah, he does that for a few moments in this vid.


The point is that what the fans want from their stars and favorite on-screen partners fuels a lot of rumor and whispering and fantasizing out loud about what they really really would like them to be doing... but that's all it is. 

  • Love 7
Some people think they're good at ad-libs... but they're not. (It sounds like Stafford might fall under this category?)



When watching one of her scenes, you can indeed literally hear how she is not good at ad-libbing. She either repeat-screams or whispers 75% of her lines.



"What do you [nervously chew on finger ]mean I'm not good at ad-libbing?


[voice rising]


What .... do ... you .... [makes aggressive lunging movement toward co-star]  MEAN ..... I'm not good at ad-libbing?!


[Crawl over furniture to get into the face of co-star]





Edited by Francie
  • Love 6

In fairness, those ATWT fans grew to really hate Paul and Meg.


It certainly seemed that way, although I know there was a lukewarm fan war between the Paul/Meg fans and the Paul/Emily fans as the show lumbered towards its end. Although Paul and Meg really did seem to eat up a significant chunk of the show for a few years. And unless there is stellar writing and chemistry going on (which is rare these days) the audience is going to get sick of a pairing that takes up so much space.

oooh, SID Richard getting feisty/hilarious


@valentinifrank @nathanvarni @soapsindepthabc @PFossil Why is there still no acknowledgment from you that #Liason made EOnline Top Couple.


Soaps In Depth ABC ‎@soapsindepthabc
Acknowledgement? What do you want, a congratulations? A postcard? Ten dollars?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14



@valentinifrank @nathanvarni @soapsindepthabc @PFossil Why is there still no acknowledgment from you that #Liason made EOnline Top Couple.



Translation: Be grateful we act like you guys still exist, irrelevant fuckers. 


ETA: Was that E! that sent that tweet? That's what I had thought. 

Edited by UYI

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