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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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That quote is from the article, yes. I appreciate the soap cheerleading, but get real. If TG retiring didn't sink it, losing BH sure won't. (No disrespect to BH; I love her. But I have a realistic view of her and the soap.) GH will be around only until something cheaper and better rated can be found.


I agree, but at this point I do think BH is a bigger draw than TG. Or more like, her loss would be worse for the show for the show than TG's was. I think if they actually advertised an actual Luke and Laura storyline, that would be a huge draw for the show. But I think before Tony Geary left, if you polled the audience, that more fans were hanging on for BH than TG. And that doesn't go for just BH, I think a lot of people are hanging on more for other characters/actors than they were for Luke/TG.

Edited by ulkis
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Eh, the "Becky wants out of Liason" narrative was never based in any type of reality. It's in the same false narrative that Billy and Becky hate each other. It's all part of an agenda. The Liason story ended the way it was always going to. That's what Ron intended by putting the entire lie on Liz.

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I never bought that Becky never cared for Billy Miller or vice versa. I recall interviews where Billy Miller spoke very highly of her when he first started GH. She seems like a person who's really hard to dislike. The woman's been on the show for almost 20 years. I'm sure she can get along with anyone. Almost two decades on GH and she still has gorgeous hair and skin? Yeah. She's the master of getting along with people.

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That Richard Simmons story is desperately sad. The black magic angle is bananas, but it's clear something shady is going on. I wonder if senior services can get involved. I remember reading that Simmons had been depressed since his knee injury, and it sounds as if it's gotten worse.



I recall interviews where Billy Miller spoke very highly of her when he first started GH.

Yep. Back when people claimed he didn't compliment KeMo enough and hated her. #NeverForget


And speaking of bananas.... Fan bases, man. Some of them are completely NUTS.




Even if BH said she wanted out of Jiz what does that have to do with the kid playing DNAJ being fired/leaving?


I think the idea is that if DNAJ is gone, Liz won't have much story. She's never the main character in any story that involves her, so I don't think it makes a difference one way or the other.

Edited by dubbel zout
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And speaking of bananas.... Fan bases, man. Some of them are completely NUTS.

What truly gets me is when they latch on to real life relationships and friendships. It's one thing to be a bit OTT about their faves, but to claim X and T actors hate each other or don't get along or are having issues to make your ship shine? Odd.

Someone needs to wake me up from this nightmare. Although on a shallow note, mostly everyone looks really pretty.


Wait....that promo thing was for him!?!?! OMG. Edited by HeatLifer
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Someone needs to wake me up from this nightmare. Although on a shallow note, mostly everyone looks really pretty.





Oy, this show.


P.S. and yes, everyone looks beautiful.* Great hair. Great make up. Great lighting. Who the f*** did they bring in to do that?!!


*With the exception of Easton, himself, or at least his hair. And WdV's hair.

Edited by Francie
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Wait....that promo thing was for him!?!?! OMG.


Right?! Ugh, I guess I can't be surprised after that ridiculous grocery store thing but still...


EDIT: OMG, the best part is SOD saying ex-Silas et al

Edited by tvgoddess
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Right?! Ugh, I guess I can't be surprised after that ridiculous grocery store thing but still...

EDIT: OMG, the best part is SOD saying ex-Silas et al.

Frank basically paid for a promo showcasing his favoritism.

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Oy, this show.


P.S. and yes, everyone looks beautiful.* Great hair. Great make up. Great lighting. Who the f*** did they bring in to do that?!!


*With the exception of Easton, himself, or at least his hair. And WdV's hair.


They themselves looked good . . . the promo itself . . . . so much second hand embarrassment. so much. I want to go back and screencap Michael Easton holding his arm out but I don't know if I can bear to watch that again.


ETA: ABC capped it for me, it's a banner. hooray! in a way.

Edited by ulkis
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Personally, I think it's kind of sexist to imply that a stay at home father is somehow not manly enough or a child.  You never see a stay at home mother referred to as her husband's extra child.  There's been zero indication or even rumors that MS isn't pulling his weight as a parent while Becky works.  And taking care of three kids, with school, activities, homework, etc, that's a lot.  I think it's great if they can afford for one parent to be home and present for all of that instead of hiring outside help to do it (not that there's anything wrong with hiring childcare if you have to, you do what works for your family).  


Does Frank really think we were all sitting around just withering away for lack of Michael Easton on our screens?  I know he has his fans, and I have nothing against the guy, but in terms of GH, he's not even a blip on the radar.  If he wants to talk people who the audience is in need of seeing on our screens, let's talk Lucky.  And if anything goes, in terms of the "seriously, you're trying to pull this off?" stuff, then, by all means, go ahead and revive AJ again (I don't think SK is long for B&B at this point).  Those are the kind of people we're in need of, not another vanity piece for Frank's love of ME.  

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The thing is with that promo, those of us online are just laughing at him because we know this is all about Frank's weird ego showing off that he got ME back. Off-liners are probably like, "what the fuck, didn't that guy get stabbed in the back? If he's coming back shouldn't it be a more dramatic promo? Why are they having a party like they're just welcoming him back from winning a gold medal?" 

What truly gets me is when they latch on to real life relationships and friendships. It's one thing to be a bit OTT about their faves, but to claim X and T actors hate each other or don't get along or are having issues to make your ship shine? Odd.


Oh my God, sometimes there are twitters I go and hate-read and they still act like Dom betrayed Julie by not stomping off the set when they recast Lulu. It makes me want to cringe yet I can't turn away. (But for some reason, they aren't mad at Kirsten for being best friends with Emme . . . I guess only friendships where you play a romantic relationship with that person on-screen count as betrayal.) Same person accused Emme of bragging that she was playing around on company time when she spoke about her knitting group.

Edited by ulkis
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If he wants to talk people who the audience is in need of seeing on our screens, let's talk Lucky.


Let it be said, if they bring back Lucky and pair him with Liz, I might not ever say another bad word about Liz again. And that's not a shipper thing, or a stay away from Jason or anything like that. It's just that Liz and Lucky work and really should be each other's true love and I would support that, no matter who plays Lucky. There's a strong history there, even though they tried to ruin it with Niz. Obviously, I haven't seen the full Liz/Lucky story (saw a little with the 50th anniversary clips), but just hearing about it makes me want to root for them to eventually be endgame.


One drink does wonders for my generosity. #lightweight

Edited by tvgoddess
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I can just picture someone who hasn't watched in a while going "wait, who's that?  And that?  And that?"  Hell, I watch the show, and I had a "who's that" moment when Ensign Mayo showed up.  He's just so damn generic.  

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I didn't recognize Dillion [sic] for a minute there. I thought it was a little kid. Granted, I haven't watched in months. I will definitely check out some clips of whatever mess Laura currently has going on, and the ME shitshow. But not legally.

Edited by jsbt
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Oh my God, sometimes there are twitters I go and hate-read and they still act like Dom betrayed Julie by not stomping off the set when they recast Lulu. It makes me want to cringe yet I can't turn away. (But for some reason, they aren't mad at Kirsten for being best friends with Emme . . . I guess only friendships where you play a romantic relationship with that person on-screen count as betrayal.) Same person accused Emme of bragging that she was playing around on company time when she spoke about her knitting group.

I will never understand the Julie stuff. She wanted to leave, y'all!

Oh, and, yeah, it always only applies to romantic couples. My favorite made-up rumor right now is KeMo hates Michael Easton and he makes her uncomfortable.

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I will never understand the Julie stuff. She wanted to leave, y'all!

Oh, and, yeah, it always only applies to romantic couples. My favorite made-up rumor right now is KeMo hates Michael Easton and he makes her uncomfortable.


Let me guess - JaSam shippers who don't want to even entertain the idea that ME Part IV will come between them? 


In other news, I noticed that Frank ('s intern) tweeted that the Nurses' Ball will be back.  I wonder if he took a break from his slobbering all over Michael Easton to give Lynn Herring a call.


Frank: Who? 

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I will never understand the Julie stuff. She wanted to leave, y'all!

Oh, and, yeah, it always only applies to romantic couples. My favorite made-up rumor right now is KeMo hates Michael Easton and he makes her uncomfortable.


I think at first it seemed like Emme was Frank and Ron's Lulu cause she got a lot of screentime, but at this point, it's clear that she's not particularly favored and if Julie wanted to come back they'd probably welcome her back with open arms but she's not coming back because she's actually free and has other jobs people!! Stop wishing her back to this mess!!


In other news, I noticed that Frank ('s intern) tweeted that the Nurses' Ball will be back.  I wonder if he took a break from his slobbering all over Michael Easton to give Lynn Herring a call.


Maybe, but I wouldn't be surprised if she refused. Good God . . . they wouldn't try to have O. host the Nurses Ball, would they?

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Back to the shallow for a minute, I'm not wild about Chad's hair in that promo, but I guess that's par for the course with the men these days.


And why are they reminding us of the horror that was Cranco FFS?

Edited by tvgoddess
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but she's not coming back because she's actually free and has other jobs people!! Stop wishing her back to this mess!!

Uh, yes. Leave her be. So happy I'm not watching her play Lulu right now, especially.

Let me guess - JaSam shippers who don't want to even entertain the idea that ME Part IV will come between them?

I get not wanting certain couples together. Completely. But this need to make it personal with the actors is just not cool.

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Uh, yes. Leave her be. So happy I'm not watching her play Lulu right now, especially.

I get not wanting certain couples together. Completely. But this need to make it personal with the actors is just not cool.


Agreed.  I don't get people who take their dislike of certain characters or couples out on the actors.  They need to join the rest of us in reality. 

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Uh, yes. Leave her be. So happy I'm not watching her play Lulu right now, especially.

I remember when JJ left GH the first time there were quotes from a couple of the actors and Billy Warlock's was something like "I told him he better get the hell out of here" and of course Kim McC told JT his first contract that he had better leave after that. If Julie came back Dominic and Kirsten probably would have been like "What the hell are you doing here!"

I don't really care why they were doing it. I am just happy we got amazing pictures of Kelly and the rest of the cast. I mean...


The screencaps are much more fun to look at than the actual promo.

Although Brydog's hair. Yeesh. And yes, I know DZ's is one step behind. But his hair can be fixed. Poor BC, I think it's gonna be stuck that way.

Edited by ulkis
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this is hilarious


Veronica @Veronica139
@VanessaMarcilM we need you to come back again.  Sonny needs a Brenda fix


Vanessa Marcil ‏@VanessaMarcilM  
Sonny can #GFH


aka Sonny can go fuck himself

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I remember when JJ left GH the first time there were quotes from a couple of the actors and Billy Warlock's was something like "I told him he better get the hell out of here" and of course Kim McC told JT his first contract that he had better leave after that. If Julie came back Dominic and Kirsten probably would have been like "WE are

Dom is leaving if his hair has anything to say about it.

Also, that reminded me of JT's exit interview where he basically said him and Kim talked extensively about what he should do. And I remember thinking, "She told his ass to RUN." LMAO.

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Lol. I came here for the snark on that promo. I had to rewatch it because even I was like wtf. It's not AJ Quartermaine returning. That's a fucking hallelujah. ME is pretty and all, but I want to see him scowl. I'm legit kinda... well.. it's Micheal Easton. It's not John McBain.

With my freaking luck, he is an AJ recast and Frank's been planting these doctor role stories. I will lose my collective shit. He cannot AJ. No. That won't happen. He's just a doctor.

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What a bizarre promo. I'm glad to see ME back (go ahead and mock me, I DON'T CARE), but that thing makes no sense. TFGH.


Hasn't Lynn Herring said she won't come back just to say a few lines and leave? I know the NB is a bit more than that, but I can't see her agreeing to return only to end up in her underwear yet again. I'm sure Sabrina will make the perfect substitute host.

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My main takeaway from the promo is that BM looks like he's about to commit suicide. The rest of them are pretty good at pretending like they're having a good time/are actually having a good time, but BM looks like he wants the sweet release of death. And ME just looks bored, like always.
The best thing about that promo is how hot Curtis looks.

And why are they reminding us of the horror that was Cranco FFS?

Is that who RoHo was dipping? I couldn't tell. LOL I can't believe they had that. 

With my freaking luck, he is an AJ recast and Frank's been planting these doctor role stories. I will lose my collective shit. He cannot AJ. No. That won't happen. He's just a doctor.

Oh man I hope ME is an AJ recast. I would laugh for like 3 days straight.

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So, given all the rather odd pairings that pop up during that video (Hayden and Julian? Cranco?), is this supposed to be the whole cast celebrating the return of ME, versus anything remotely about the characters?  How weird.  

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I definitely think it was supposed to be the actors in that promo vs. the characters, otherwise why the odd pairings? I mean you have some of the stuff that makes sense - Lante, Julexis, Corinthii (vomit). But aside from the ME factor, it sort of reminded me of those old WB promos where they would get the casts from multiple shows and throw them together in various ways.

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it sort of reminded me of those old WB promos where they would get the casts from multiple shows and throw them together in various ways.

The WB used to be lit. Angel, Buffy, Charmed, Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Roswell, Popular....

Edited by HeatLifer
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But aside from the ME factor, it sort of reminded me of those old WB promos where they would get the casts from multiple shows and throw them together in various ways.


That's probably why I like it; I loved those WB promos. Memories!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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