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Wynonna Earp - General Discussion

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9 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I thought that witch caused a landslide that trapped her sister, her husband and Bobo underground. Yet in the next scene her sister and Bobo are free. Did I just imagine that is what happened? Is her husband running around as well?

She did trap them but I guess the magic wasn't strong enough to keep them there. The husband is loose.

First of all, I love the title of the episode, I found it very appropriate. Its not only a song about the hopes of a parent/family member for their young child, its also rather wistful, as Wynonna and Doc will probably never actually get to know their daughter, and can probably only guess what she will be like, and hope she will have a happier life than they did. I think this was a good way to deal with the baby, even if its a sad way. At least the baby survived and is (seemingly) a normal human, and will presumably have a good life. It was nice to bring back Wynonna's old friend who made it big, I thought that was clever. The show really couldn't sustain a baby, at least without fundamentally changing the nature of the show, so I think this is the best choice for the show. Its sad for the characters though. Jeremy was so ready to babysit!

Speaking of, I was super confused by that comment that Jeremy made about how he was in a car accident, and that's how he got recruited into Black Badge. The EW interview mentioned it, so it wasn't just me who caught something, but what that about? Did he end up getting psychic powers? We know he's really good with tech and can do some minor magic spells, but does he have full on super powers? Now I want to watch his scenes again and see if I notice him knowing things he shouldn't or couldn't know, or if there's anything else weird about him. Is this show set in the Marvel Universe*? I guess we will explore that next season.

22 hours ago, Cranberry said:

My one big issue with her is that she tries to lean way too far toward showing and not telling.

I totally agree, and its probably the biggest flaw of the show now. The other issues I had (some clunky dialogue, flat characters) in the first season have all been fixed (mostly), but this is still an issue. I'm fine with not drowning in exposition, but we need to know what's going on. I was mystified as to why Haught and Dolls sent each other a weird look, I honestly thought I had missed a scene where they had a fight or something at first. There is so much mythology and the characters have so many mysteries behind them, that some actual explanations would be very helpful.

Damn it Rosita, I was rooting for you! I can understand why she did what she did (she felt betrayed by Wynonna and felt that she would eventually kill her) but that was still an awful thing to do. I do hope she can come back and have a shot at some redemption, I've liked having her around. Although, I'm pretty sure her and Doc are all kinds of over. Trying to steal your boyfriends baby and sell it to demons might possibly be a deal breaker.

I still really love Doc and Dolls and their weird friendship, and how amused they seemed to be by the fact that they killed each other and than came back. "We have GOT to talk about your Adele obsession, man." Although, that does make the love triangle with Wynonna even more of a pain to deal with in the future. They both deeply care for Wynonna (love her?) and she deeply cares about both of them (loves in some way?), and they both try to pretend they aren't basically best friends, but they know they totally are, so who knows where this goes next?

This season went by way too fast, I'm already ready for the next season! Looks like some big stuff is coming, and I cant wait. This was a really good season, I'm excited to see where we go from here.

*I would actually love it if this show somehow took place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, because that means we can have a possible meeting between Wynonna and her spiritual sister from the other side of the country, Jessica Jones! They would be the BEST snarky drinking buddies!

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On 8/26/2017 at 2:53 PM, Cranberry said:

Lost Girl (where she was a consulting, then executive producer) was much, much worse for this than Wynonna Earp is; I actually had to stop watching Lost Girl in season five because I literally could not understand what was happening in some of the episodes, and I'm not a clueless or inattentive TV viewer by any means.

"Lost Girl" lost some of its allure with me when Bo broke up with Lauren and then Tamsin tried to take her place in Bo's bed. However, "Lost Girl" pissed me off when Kenzie left. I loved their relationship but I also understood that the actress who played Kenzie (Ksenia Solo), moved on to "Orphan Black" and it wasn't the show's fault that Kenzie left the show. Things DID convoluted towards the end, when her father finally made his appearance.

As far as "Wynonna  Earp", this show has its moments and some things work, while others don't. I liked the resolution of the fate of Alice Michelle (no last name??) and I, as a viewer, actually felt her loss, right along with Wynonna and Doc's sadness. While I was a Wynonna/Dolls shipper, I will admit that Wynonna/Doc make a good team. Doc may be miserable without his immortality ring, but I get the feeling that he would give up the ring in a heartbeat, if it meant that his daughter and Wynonna would be safe.

Some things were less clear in this episode. When Bobo flung the boulder at Wynonna and Waverley, how the "hells" did they end up in some pasture? Dolls drove Doc's car while Doc used some shortcut and ran to Wynonna when Waverley used their code name for the delivery? The Order killed Wynonna's doctor? Why? Just because she knew of the existence of the new Heir? WTF?? The Order is useless and I don't understand why they were even written in. Brendan Fehr's role was just a total waste.

I was totally disgusted when Rosita turned traitor and unlike unicorn23, I cannot forgive her for that. She claimed she was collateral damage and an innocent, when she became a Revenant, but she sure showed a Revenant's heart when she vowed to take the innocent baby and barter for her freedom. Someone mentioned Peacemaker had turned blue before, but I don't remember that occurrence.

Dolls and Nicole's secret mission was odd, but I think Wynonna trusted them to be able to transport the baby to Aunt Gus without Waverley's sole help. Waves may have been too emotionally weak to let the baby go, not to mention that she had to leave the Ghost River Triangle and there was a fair chance that she couldn't cross that boundary. I am confused about Aunt Gus. I thought she fell out with Wynonna.

Lot of cussing going on in the episode and every bit was funny. Wynonna sure likes to use variations of Vagina a lot and "Shit Strumpet" will be added to my lexicon. I'm glad the show was renewed and we get to meet the Earp's mother.

Now, I'll go on ahead and read the various articles and perhaps I'll learn what Emily Andras was REALLY trying to convey by this finale.

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8 hours ago, Cranberry said:

Peacemaker turned blue when Wynonna shot Willa.

I wonder what the blue glow signifies? A mercy kill? Willa was sent back to Hell, I think, but Rosita just got winged. Perhaps it's a question of intent, or perhaps it was a shot made by a surrogate and not the heir herself.  Question: Didn't Doc say he went to Hell when he died again? Why Hell and not Heaven? What evil has Doc done besides kill bad guys? Is killing just plain bad in this interpretation? Is this Emily Andras' belief that ALL killing is bad, regardless if it's an eye-for-an-eye? Is this a stand against the Death Penalty or am I just reading too much into it? The Order killed the doctor under the guise of being "good guys" or perhaps the "Greater Good". Why do they consider themselves the good guys when they kill people just like the bad guys?

18 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

Maybe Doc went to hell because he failed to come to help Wyatt Earp when he was asked? And I think the Order is no longer in existence - Dolls going all Dracarys on them

Welll, that's a poor reason to be sent to Hell, IMO. ? I don't think it's been established yet that the Order is dead. Dolls killed a couple of guys but I don't think the whole crew died at Doll's hands.

Just discovered this show and binged both seasons while wrapping gifts and baking cookies. I love the buffy vibe it has.


What evil has Doc done besides kill bad guys?

Well, at one point Dolls points out to Wynonna that you can't go to the good guys to get immortality, you have to go to the other guys for that. The deal he made may have damned his soul. Maybe it requires more than giving up the ring to save it.

From Syfy WireZoie Palmer (The Android in Dark Matter, Dr. Lauren Lewis in Lost Girl) will be a guest star in season three. The article has her character's name and a description of the character, but does not confirm whether this a one-off appearance or recurring.


Also, this video was at the bottom of the article: An official supercut of "WayHaught Kisses"


WYNONNA EARP | Supercut Saturdays - WayHaught Kisses | SYFY

Literally 134 seconds of WayHaught making out. You're welcome.

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On 12/24/2017 at 12:34 AM, venturestar said:

What evil has Doc done besides kill bad guys?

Something bugs me every time I re-watch the episode with the barber guy who shows up in mirrors is that Doc seems to say that he (Doc) was the one who put his body (the barber's) in the lake. It doesn't really make sense to me based on what we know of Doc (or what he told the team earlier in the episode) but it would help explain why Doc became a revenant.

Just finished this season.  Wow, so many plot holes.  How did Wynnona not see Doc Holliday at the bottom of that dry well?  Really, he was just hanging out down there for a century?  And still didn't get why the stone witch cured Doc with immortality in the first place.

The whole switching back and forth amongst heirs.  Why Black Badge is even there in the first place, seemed like the revenants kept a fairly low profile, or at least nothing worse than just being probably criminals.  There didn't really seem to be all too much 'supernatural' stuff going on, until Wynnona showed up with the gun.  Sure, some missing people, 'animal attack' bodies, but didn't seem like anything worth a "Black badge".   Wynnona just letting the Black Badge truck leave when she should have heard about tomahawk missles coming.  How Wynnona caught up to the truck to kill Bobo.

  Was that creature that attacked Willa when she left town with peacemaker because she was mad at her family?  

A lot of "this would be cool" and "how about this twist" without much real story writing that makes sense.  But a fine fantasy don't think too hard about it show.

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Does anyone know if Season 2 will come out on Netflix or Amazon Prime, or if Syfy will do a marathon of S2 before S3 starts?  I got into the show late, so I watched S1 on Netflix, S2 was already over.  I'd watch S3 on Syfy if I could catch up via the actual shows (as opposed to just a "photo recap" that Syfy apparently is offering).

A bit confusing on the timeline. Dolls was just taken by Black Badge and told he'd be carted of in a day, yet BB already found and caught one of the demons just released by Willa last season.  And Dolls seems to go in and out of whatever transformation he sometimes starts, but never finishes.

I'm curious as to what happens if they break the contract.

How did the bar get trashed so quickly?  And since it was Waverly's until the aunt sold it, but wasn't Wav supposed to 'always have a job there'?  But I guess it makes more sense for Doc to have it.  I do wonder what he's trying to make.  Unless he kept back some of Doll's serum, how would he know what it is?

I liike Mercedes.  Its great for Wynonna to have a female friend.  How did she fight off the spiders long enough for Wyn to get there?

Ugh wonder what the black widows are going to encourage with Tucker.  obviously, the worst.

Love that Waverly fought the black goo, but yeah, not sure Wynnona will fight as much, and she's already predisposed to "having fun" more than work.

Glad to see Dolls sortof back to help, and maybe they can let him get his dragon on now and again.


I was a bit confused.  I thought the hockey team always lost until the players made that deal, and the demon came out of the trophy, but how did the team get the trophy in the first place if they always lost?

I wonder about this every time I watch this episode. But I'm easily distracted by the rest of the episode and immediately forget.

On 6/19/2018 at 9:58 AM, Hanahope said:

And since it was Waverly's until the aunt sold it, but wasn't Wav supposed to 'always have a job there'?

I'm pretty sure Gus and Shorty owned the bar (I don't think the show ever explained). Gus gave the money from the sale to Waverly so her niece would have options and could leave Purgatory if she wanted to. Bobo bought it legally (somehow) but the city took possession after a certain amount of time without taxes being paid. I'm not sure why Nedley was involved but Doc was able to take over by paying the back taxes.

(I think)

How convenient that the tentacle killing firemen were in Purgatory.  And I guess the tentacle spread to people outside the triangle prior to Willa letting it in Purgatory?  What will the firemen do now, if tentacle beast is dead?

Didn't quite get why Lucado exploded.  I had presumed she had some non-possession tattoo, like Sam and Dean do,  and it caused the explosion.

So will Wynnona stop drinking for a few months?

On 8/16/2017 at 12:35 AM, SherriAnt said:

I may be in the minority, but I prefer Wynonna with Doc way more than with Dolls. The actors just have so much realistic chemistry. 

She's better with Dolls, but they're relationship is kinda repressed so he hasn't really had a fighting chance. For god's sake Her and Doc have had sex and had a kid and everything. Meanwhile Dolls has just recently been able to let his feelings out.

Edited by mommalib

From TVLine Matt Webb Mitovich:

Any scoop on the upcoming season of Wynonna Earp — specifically WayHaught or the Christmas episode? Serena
I choose Curtain No. 1! When Season 3 of the Syfy favorite arrives on Friday, July 20, “WayHaught are about a year into their adorable courtship, so the honeymoon period is over — though lord knows their chemistry isn’t!” showrunner Emily Andras tells Inside Line. “They’re at a very genuine, honest, trusting place with one another, but they also feel more ‘real.’ They’ll need each other more than ever this season as Waverly circles ever closer to the identity of her real father — and Nicole’s disturbing past becomes present.”

Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on Lucifer, Wynonna Earp, Black Lightning, NCIS: New Orleans, Riverdale and More

I had assumed that Wynonna's birth control worked until she "officially" became the heir on her 27th birthday.  Once she's able to officially wield Peacemaker, the curse takes over and ensures that there will be another heir.  Ok, thinking back, how was Wynnona able to wield Peacemaker as a child when she accidently shot her dad instead of a demon, since she wasn't the heir at that point, or was that just a regular gun she used, but she still decided to dump Peacemaker at the bottom of a well?

Anyway, seemed to me that more time must have passed for her pregnancy to grow that much.  She went from being around 3 months preggers (she had to take a pregnancy test to confirm - so couldn't have been much more than 3) to 6. 

And another issue of how Tucker, who'd been shot, could get to the salt flats, kill Clootie, and then get back.

We are definitely unclear on Waverly's parentage.  Presumably she sent in DNA from Dad (from what though?  I doubt there'd still be hair, blood or spit around), but did she include her Mom?  Or did she just send in something from Wynnona?   And if the DNA test indicated a sister relationship, could it be clear with half-sister and if so, which parent?  Or did the test say no relationship at all?  And yeah, Nicole, that was a bad idea to not only hide the envelope from Wave (and badly at that), but to open it as well.

Wynonna remembers her parents bringing Wave home, but does she remember her mom being pregnant?

So are all the Revs risen?  Is Wyn going to have to rekill the 7 and the others she killed in S1?  Or why would only Bobo come back?  Its not like he's the last one she killed, that was the other possible baby daddy.  That said, I'm looking forward to see how Wyn reacts around Bobo, knowing what she knows now.  I think Wave told her that she had saved her from the ice because she didn't want to admit it was Bobo.  But I'm guessing Wyn figured it out because she didn't recall saving Wave, and one would think she'd remember something like that.

So the BB existed back in the late 1800s and held on to the widows since then?

For spending all that time down in a well, seems like Doc got to know all the revenants really fast.  its one thing to have known Rosita back in the old days and maybe she tended bar.  But not only was he able to find her, in what is apparently a fairly large area, but he already knew she had two PhDs, including biology?

I also wish that there was more done with creepy painting/doll. 

Wasn't that Jim Beaver from SN in the antique shop?  And also holding a doll!  lol

I too was pretty surprised Wave didn't smack down Tucker, given we saw her sparing with Wyn.

Really annoyed with Waverly.  All she had to do was trust wynnona and wait a very little bit more.   Instead, she screws the pooch by giving the third ring to Beth and now Wynnona and Doc disappeared.  Way to go!

Oh, and telling Wynnona about Rosita to boot!

It occurred to me though, if Wave is half revenant, wouldn't that mean she couldn't stay at the homestead because of that anti-revenant metal?

And yeah, the Order is useless. Why can't they help with the demon sisters?  Oh, and the demon that sold Doc the painting and so many other demons.  Get off your asses and do something.

2 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Really annoyed with Waverly.  All she had to do was trust wynnona and wait a very little bit more.   Instead, she screws the pooch by giving the third ring to Beth and now Wynnona and Doc disappeared.  Way to go!

Oh, and telling Wynnona about Rosita to boot!

It occurred to me though, if Wave is half revenant, wouldn't that mean she couldn't stay at the homestead because of that anti-revenant metal?

And yeah, the Order is useless. Why can't they help with the demon sisters?  Oh, and the demon that sold Doc the painting and so many other demons.  Get off your asses and do something.

This is a very creative and exciting part of the arc. Wynonna's and Doc's disappearance calls for close examination of events that transpire. a lot is revealed about history of the characters especially Doc.  It's difficult to discuss the episode without revealing spoilers.

Not surprised that Doc went bad without Wynnona.  Good thing he touched the trophy so he retained his memories and was able to work on the others to get Wynnona back.

Nicole and Wave still had an attraction, but gotta wonder how Wave got together with Perry instead of Chad.

Doc and Dolls killing each other, I could see that happening in all timelines.

So still wondering about Wave's parentage.  And who's DNA did she send for the testing?

On 9/2/2017 at 2:26 AM, Jacks-Son said:

I wonder what the blue glow signifies? A mercy kill? Willa was sent back to Hell, I think, but Rosita just got winged. Perhaps it's a question of intent, or perhaps it was a shot made by a surrogate and not the heir herself.  

I think that's exactly it, a surrogate.  When Wynonna used it to kill Willa, Willa was technically the heir.  She couldn't use it, so she asked the gun to let Wynonna use it to kill her.  And in this episode, the heir, Wynonna, couldn't use it, so she asked the gun to let Wave use it against Rosita.

At least there's confirmation that Wave and the baby are not part demon/revenant.  I had already presumed that for Wave, since she was able to live on the homestead, but even if the metal only applied to full revs and not halfs, at least the GRT border definitely applies to half as well.  So now we need to figure out what her parentage is.  Some kin of Bobo.  but is she related at all to Wynonna or not?  They said "not pure", so does that mean not a direct descendant, but a branch?  Is the mother partially Earp too?  Maybe we'll find out next season.

I guess Beth and Bobo got Clootie/Burbash? out, but he still must be weak.  Guess he'll be the big bad next season.

Also disappointed in Rosita, but I presume she felt betrayed by both Wyn and Wave, and knew Doc didn't care for her like Wyn.  I guess she doesn't need Doc's protection anymore?

Agreed that the Order was a big waste of script space.


Done in time for S3!!

Edited by Hanahope

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